Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker believes that many Christian faiths have been corrupted by social media. They believe that women should be spoken to in order to be examples to their children. They discuss the topic of the ideal woman, emphasizing that an ideal woman is different from a girl and has valuable characters and attitudes. They reference Proverbs 31, which describes the virtues of a woman, including being trustworthy, hardworking, and generous. They highlight the importance of women being industrious and entrepreneurial. Overall, the speaker encourages women to strive to be virtuous and set a positive example. I think once or twice that God is not against it. So I seek as a need that we should speak to our women. Social media has corrupted so many Christian faiths and people are not practicing social media Christianity. So if they will not come to church there will be at home plugging and watching. Is that what Jesus is saying? He is not promoting laziness towards spiritual things. Hallelujah! So this morning we will be talking to our women and I believe that the message that was given to me by them will do a great work in our lives. The first thing I want to let you know is that it is only few women that take the Bible as their model. If I ask you who is your model Some of us are Hollywood celebrity stars, they are our model. Social media bloggers, they are our model. It is only few people that will mention Ruth in the Bible. It is only few people that will mention Sarah in the Bible. It is only few people that will mention Mary in the Bible. Because they don't want to be like the Bible and they don't want their children to be like the Bible. Somebody wrote to me yesterday He said, sir this one you are saying even our big pastors are victims of the things you are saying. What should we do about it? I say stay on the word of God. They may call it old fashioned. They may call it old kind of Christianity. That the old wine is always sweet. So many women today are already getting ready for divorce in marriage. I was interviewing a young lady Who is now in the age of marriage. And I told her that what about if you get married and there is a problem in your marriage. She said, Brother Peterson, if my husband does anything, I just carry my load and leave. I never like to leave. So people are entering into marriage with the idea that if it doesn't work out, I will leave. So we need to talk to our women So that they can become an example to their children. And this is why we are talking about the topic The ideal woman. The ideal woman. An exemplary woman. Hallelujah. And the reason we mention woman Is because there is a difference between a woman and a girl. Just the way the Bible says he that findeth a wife It didn't say he that findeth a girl. Because a girl is not yet ready to settle down. It is his wife that is ready to settle down. A girl is still moving up and down. But it is his wife that is ready to settle down. A woman, number one, is somebody that has come of age. From my own perspective, I see a woman as someone from 25 years ago. And that doesn't relate to the issue of marriage. Even though marriage can make you a woman. Now we talk about an ideal woman. Praise the Lord. Last week a young lady who is now a woman made a post on social media. She did a wedding. And then she posted that my nakedness was not discovered in my wedding. And I saw her bloggers, everybody began to attack her. And just only a few bloggers were commenting her. In the age of immorality and nudity. That only her has the boldness to come up and say my nakedness is not discovered. We cannot talk about an ideal woman. If our mindset of a woman is a woman that exposes her nakedness. You don't know that anything we have as a mindset we say to our children. So we are going to look at the Bible. Check the Bible and study who is an ideal woman. Because the ideal woman cannot be defined with a singular word. We cannot say the woman is an ideal woman. Because she comes to church every Sunday. That is not enough to make her an ideal woman. We are not going to say she is an ideal woman. Because she has money. That does not make her an ideal woman. So we cannot use a single word to define who is an ideal woman. Because an ideal woman has a composition of valuable characters. And attitude. And we are going to show you the characters and the attitude that make a woman an ideal woman. So whenever we speak of an ideal woman. We speak of a woman that has several valuable attitudes. That has valuable lifestyles. That has valuable characters. Let us check number one in the book of Proverbs 31. Proverbs 31. Proverbs 31. I read from verse 10. Are we there? Women if you are there shout Amen. Some people are not there yet. I am waiting for them. Proverbs 30. From verse 31. From verse 10 I beg your pardon. Verse 10. Verse 10 says. Who can find a virtuous woman? That is verse 10. Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above we obese. Now the Bible is asking a question. Who can find a virtuous woman? Who can find an ideal woman? A woman of excellence. A woman of distinction. A woman that does not copy others. A woman that is a standard for other women to copy. She tries to become a model. Who can find such a woman? Because you can't find them easily. They are not everywhere. So the Bible puts a recommendation. Who can find a virtuous woman? He says her price is more costly than the costliest tool. She is more valuable than gold. Just as it takes you time for you to find gold. So it takes time to find a decent woman. He says who can find that ideal woman? Verse 11. He says the heart of a horseman dwells safely to us in her. So that he shall have no need of spoils. That is anytime a horseman sees her. There is a trust in the horseman's heart. The horseman trusts in her. The horseman does not suspect her. The horseman trusts she cannot go out. She cannot mingle with other men. She is not a gossip that will bring problems to her. She is not a gossip that will bring problems to the horseman. So the first person that trusts her is the horseman. And not just ordinary trust, it is a safe trust. A trust that will make the horseman not to have high blood pressure. A trust that will protect the horseman against war. Verse 12. She will do him good. And not evil. All the days of her life. She is not a chameleon. Because some women are chameleons. They appear nice in the morning. And appear as evil in the evening. But this one doeth a horseman good. For all the days of her life. That means for she to do good, she was a good person. Verse 13. She is thick as wool. And flax. And walks willingly with her hands. She is not lazy. She is not idle. She is not indolent. She is not stubborn. She finds something to do with her hands. You will not see her in Mama Belinda's shop. You will not see her in Papa Belinda's environment. Gossiping with other women. She is too busy to gossip. Because she is pursuing a business. She uses her hands to make business. Because when we are talking about an idle woman. The Bible remains a standard of judgment. That a virtuous woman. Is not easily found. Verse 14. She is like the Martian sheep. She bringeth her food from afar. She rises also. While it is yet night. And giveth meat to her assholes. A portion to her maidens. That means before the breaking of the day. She has woken up. To prepare some things. And even her ass care. The Bible mention a maidens there. She is not allowed the ass care to walk and walk and walk. Sometimes she will wake up early in the morning. And prepare food. And even allow the maidens to eat from that food. That is why her type is scarce. And we can become like this virtuous woman. Because the qualities of this virtuous woman is spelled out in the Bible. Verse 16. She considered a seed. And biet it. With the fruit of her hand. She planted a vineyard. So she is not dependent. She is not the type that accept. Usman bring money. That is when she can do something. She is not the type that accept her father send her money. Before she will do something. She was industrial. She could think. And even buy land. And before the Usman wake up. He said dear I want to give you something. I said what is the surprise? I just bought a land. What? My wife you bought a land? And the Usman will be like wow. She could think that land is important. She will not use land money to go and buy cosmetic and clothes. So she has power with it. Cosmetic and clothes can come later. But we need. We need to build our own house. Instead of been paying rent every time. African tradition. Teaches our women. That the man should only do those things. But biblical tradition. Teaches women. That sometimes they can even be more richer than their husband. A woman can be richer than her husband. If that woman has the mindset of entrepreneurship. So she was industrial. She was fast thinking. She was wise. And that is why among all the women in the bible. This one was not a jew. The bible picked this one out and said. Who is this? Hallelujah. Verse 17. Verse 17. She guided her loins. With strength. And strengthened her arms. Verse 18. She perceived that her merchandise is good. Her candle was not as benign. She laid her hands to the spindle. And her hands owed the disturb. She stretched her hand to the poor. Oh she is not a selfish person. She said there are poor people in the church. I have poor neighbours in my barroom. She collects some money. She collects some foodstuff. She goes to the poor. And she gives the poor. She is not self-centred. She is not selfish. She is not thinking about herself and her family. That is why the poor people love him so much. That is why even if she is working the night. The vigilante. All the vigilante are ready to protect her. Because anytime she is passing where vigilante are gathering. She will cook food and give to them. If she is passing them sometimes. She will collect some money and give to them. And say thank you for washing over this corner. If she is passing through a corner. And she sees a woman struggling with her children. And they have not eaten. She will go back home and cook food. Not fish head. She will put good fish head. She will go and give to people. She was good. She was a mother to her. The people said. Who can find such a woman? They are very scared. We don't know. Maybe her husband was a poor man. Maybe her husband was ill. Maybe her husband was irresponsible. We never saw that she fought with her husband. And say you must bring money or you leave this house. Maybe her husband lost a job. This period maybe the husband was jobless. Because the Bible was silent much about the husband. But you never saw this woman changing words with the husband. You never saw this woman insulting the husband. You never saw this woman pouring spit on the husband. And say you useless man. Never. And the Bible said. Who can find such a woman? Many of these women may not even be on the altar. This woman may not be an evangelist. This woman may not be a gospel preacher. This woman may not even be a gospel singer. She can just be an ordinary member of the church. Who comes to church alone. And begin to look to her. Who can find such a woman? They are very scared. And that is why we are putting the model. That every woman should go and read that verse of the Bible. And say I want to be like this woman. Go and take away that celebrity you put in your mind. You will not be like Nollywood celebrity. You will not be like Bollywood celebrity. You will not be like Bollywood celebrity. You will read the Bible. Teach your wife dance. Teach yourself dance. Teach your children dance. And say this woman. This is the model. This is the pattern. This is what me and you my daughter should become. And every day you are reading about the quality of this woman. Because you see. When the Bible is not our standard today. More marriages will be broken. And therefore. Nollywood and all those stars. They stay in marriage for one year and the next they leave. When your model forgets you. We have model in the Bible. Who can find a virtuous woman. Verse 21. She is not afraid of the snow for her household. For all her household are clothed with scarlet. She make herself covering of 10 persons. Her clothing is silk and purple. Her husband is known in the gates. When he is seated among the elders of the land. There are some irresponsible men. That marry the responsible women. And because of the honor of the women. Those men will be on her side. It is the way you carry your husband. That your children will carry your husband. It is the way you carry your husband. That the neighbors will carry your husband. It is the way you carry your husband. It is the way you carry your husband. It is the way you carry your husband. 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It is the way you carry your husband. It is the way you carry your husband. It is the way you carry your husband. It is the way you carry your husband. This woman is a woman made by God.