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Andrew Daum 2-10-24 Present Truth "Why be a Seventh-Day Adventist?"

Andrew Daum 2-10-24 Present Truth "Why be a Seventh-Day Adventist?"


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The speaker shares a personal story about why they are still a Seventh-day Adventist. They explain that they joined the church in the 1970s but became disillusioned with the lack of excitement and spiritual connection they found among other church members. They stopped attending for seven years but eventually found a sense of purpose and fellowship when they moved to Connecticut and started working with other families. The speaker emphasizes the importance of "present truth," which they define as the current message from God that his people need to embrace. They explain that God has used present truth to guide his people throughout history, and provide examples from biblical stories. The speaker concludes by highlighting the consequences of embracing or rejecting present truth. So the scripture reading, if you'd like to turn in your Bibles to 2 Peter 1, verses 12-13. It's 2 Peter 1, verses 12-13, and it reads as follows. Wherefore, I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them and be established in the present truth. Yea, I think it meet as long as I am in this tabernacle to stir you up by putting you in remembrance. Amen. Thank you, Sister. Good morning, Saints. It's a privilege for me to be here. It's a privilege that God would dare let me speak to his people. But here we are. This morning, the topic is, why be a Seventh-day Adventist? And I'm going to share this with you in the light of why I'm still a Seventh-day Adventist. There's a short story that brought this to my mind. It was a few years ago. I was at a man's house who was selling his house, and he was downsizing and moving to another place. And he was selling some tools, and I was there to buy tools. And he was talking about Jesus, and he and his wife were excited to be Christians and really dedicating their life to him in their retirement. They'd get up every morning and pray, God, what do you want us to do today? And then they would go do it. But then he turned to me, and we had a conversation going. He turned to me and he says, you know, I get the Christianity thing. He says, I'm all in. But why in the world would you become a Seventh-day Adventist? I don't know what kind of baggage he had, but that was what he asked me. And the Holy Spirit gave me an answer. And it's not something I hadn't thought about, but it really brought it to focus at that moment. I said, well, the reason I'm a Seventh-day Adventist is because of present truth. And that was kind of a new thought to him. God has a message for his people generation by generation or time by time, season by season. And the message that God has for planet Earth and us today is found in the Adventist message. And that's why. And he goes, OK. And that was that. I ended up giving him a great controversy, and he said he would read it and went on our way. But the reason I had had time to think about that is that my wife and I joined the church in 1974. And by 1977, we were kind of out. In other words, we we got excited about what we were learning because we came in off the street, so to speak. And and when we would go to church, we didn't find people who were excited. We didn't find people who wanted to talk about spiritual things. Yes, we lived in Adventist ghettos. You got to understand that. But still, people weren't real. They weren't on fire. And it's not that we were on fire all that much, but we were. That's what we were there for. We had been in the world and we were moving on. And so what that precipitated is that for seven years, my wife and I didn't go to church. Had a little girls. We we just were looking for fellowship and we didn't find it at church and we didn't find it much of any place else either. But anyway, we we ended up, you know, writing letters to have our names removed from the books of the Adventist church, but could never mail those letters. You know, we we just we were stuck between a rock and a hard place. You know, when when the disciples were leaving Jesus, he turned to his other disciples and said, will you leave me, too? And Peter says, well, where would we go? You know, you have the words of life, you know, where where could we go? And so there Linda and I were we we couldn't get in. We couldn't get out. And after seven years, the Lord worked some miracles to move us to New England to start a work in Connecticut where there wasn't a church at all. And there were some other families who were interested in taking the word seriously. So it seemed to us, you know, not that the regular church members don't take it seriously. It's just somehow we didn't connect and we did connect here. And so we moved to Connecticut and and started working with some other families. And that's, you know, started us back going to church because we had something to do and we were needed. And that's all great anyway. So we had that time to think about why be a Seventh-day Adventist. And that's why I had an answer for that man who was asked a question. And as we proceed with me sharing with you what I've understood is present truth and why it's important, let's bow our heads one more time. Father God, we just ask that you would speak through your word. And that no matter what I say, it will be your spirit that will bring bring light and strength and hope. And we we pray that you would help us to understand what motivates us and how to how to walk with you in the present truth. So Peter reminds us that he would not put his negligent. He would be negligent not to put us in prison in remembrance of the present truth. And so here I am. It's not that you're not established in these things, but we're going to review them a bit and and see where it leads us. And what God's mind is for us at this time in history. Let's see how well this goes. There you go. There is our scripture reading. Therefore, I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though you know them and be established in the present truth. So here Peter is talking, says his audience was established in the present truth. And what was the present truth that Peter was talking about in his day? Was there a present truth in Peter's day? Obviously. Yes, ma'am. And he rose on the third day, according to the scriptures. That was a big deal. And you're exactly right. That was the present truth for that day. And and that truth, you know, his audience was the church and that truth had bound them together. That's that's why we're together today, you know, and that's what held them together in those days was was that that truth that set them apart. You know, I was trying to figure this out. And so I came up with a with my own definition because I couldn't find a definition for present truth. You know, it's not in Webster's dictionary. So I came up with this definition that present truth is the current message from God, is the truth that God's people need to embrace to meet his need at the present time. You know, it's kind of like saying it's today's mail. What's God saying today? How is he leading his people today? God has used present truth to move his people along at every successive age in history, in the history of his people. And then sometime later, I I found this in Christ's object lessons. And this is as good a definition as there is, because this one's inspired. In every age, there is a new development of truth, a message of a message of God to the people of that generation. The old truths are all essential. New truth is not independent of the old, but an unfolding of it. It is only as the old truths are understood that we can comprehend the new. When Christ desired to open to his disciples the truth of his resurrection, he began at Moses and all the prophets and expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. But it is the light which shines in the fresh unfolding of truth that glorifies the old. He who rejects or neglects the new does not really possess the old. For him, it loses its vital power and becomes but a lifeless form. You know, God's leading his church through the march of time. He leads by revealing the truth for that time. You know, the truth comes to us from his word. He highlights something to the reformers. And through his word and through his prophets, he leads us through. You know, and so I want to take a minute to look at some sacred history so we can see how this works and and what it means to us today. So in the Garden of Eden, the present truth was don't eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Present truth for that day. In Noah's day, it was repent and get in the ark. For Moses, there was many points of present truth along the road. Some of these steps were like putting blood on the doorpost, the command to go through the Red Sea, to look at a bronze serpent on a pole when you were bitten by a serpent. In Joshua's day, there was walking around Jericho in silence and don't take any of the spoil of the city. In Joseph's day, it was to store grain. In Gideon, for Gideon, it was to only use those men who lapped the water. In Martin Luther's day, it was the just shall live by faith. Can I have some water, Linda? You know, these are just a few examples of the present truth that God used to move his people along in the journey of sacred history. Thank you. Let's note what happened when the present truth was or was not embraced. When Adam and Eve ate from the tree, eventually they died. Those who didn't repent and get in the ark with Noah, they perished. My first born would have been slain by the angel of God if I had decided to only pray about putting the blood on the doorpost. And, you know, I could talk to Moses about whether it was really necessary or not. You know, maybe that's just works doing that. What would happen to me if I decided it was too risky to walk through the Red Sea and I'll wait on the shore for Pharaoh and his army? And what would have happened? What happened to those who refused to look at the serpent on the pole, thinking it foolishness to look outside of themselves for a remedy for their problem? We should recognize that if you want to, you could call these tests, you know. The walls of Jericho fell down because present truth was obeyed to the letter, even walking in silence so as not to express the unbelief that was in many a heart. And Aiken's whole household was destroyed because they violated an aspect of present truth of that day. God's people suffered also, as shown in the loss of 36 men of war at Ai, because we weren't doing what he asked us to do. And storing grain was essential for Joseph to save the lives of millions of people. And Gideon's lesson demonstrates that God can only use those who are so eager to vindicate him that they sacrifice those their own personal present needs. So these examples of interaction with present truth give us some insights into the nature of present truth. Present truth is God's chosen method. So this is one thought I had. Present truth is God's chosen method of leading his people forward, accomplishing his plan of salvation and the vindication of his character. And to present truth calls for a personal response. And if we decide to not decide. That's a decision. Present truth calls for personal response. And present truth is non-negotiable. To not obey or even just to delay can be deadly. Our response to present truth affects the security of others. That's our influence. And the principles of present truth of all ages are still foundational to our covenant with God today. These are a few examples. Here, women, here is a few examples of what I mean about present truth of the past being fundamental with our covenant with God today. In the Garden of Eden. Our parents were expected to obey. How much. Completely right. And here's a thought I found that I found this recently that. Has been helpful to me. Let's see, I don't have that here. God requires obedience, not for the purpose of showing his authority, but that we may become one with him in character. We will find in God the attributes of character needed to form characters after his likeness. We are to form characters that are in harmony with the deity. Thus, our nature has become spiritualized in every faculty. You know, the people wilderness. Well, I want to let that soak in a minute. It was helpful to me, especially the bold and part there. There's attributes in God's character that. Will cause me, you know, by beholding, we become changed when I see his character. I can become like that. And and by practicing his character. It's his character. Anyway, it's a blessing to me. You know, the people in the wilderness who were bitten by a serpent had to look at the serpent on the pole to live and not die. And today we must look outside of ourselves in order to find the remedy for the sin that's destroying us. You know, one of Satan's deceptions in the world today is that, you know, we're all gods and and there's there's good in all of us. And we just got to develop the good in us. And that's not how it works. Jesus is the savior in Peter's day. It was the present truth that the life and death and resurrection of Jesus and this is fundamental to our faith today. And yet there was a day when that was very much the present truth. Righteousness by faith is a pillar of our faith today. But in Martin Luther's day, it was the present truth of that day. The present truth of all ages past or of the ages past has become what we call today of precious truth. And and the testimony found in Crossed Object Lessons 127, it said, he who rejects or neglects the new does not really possess the old. For him, it loses its vital power and becomes a lifeless form. You know, so as Seventh-day Adventist today, inhabitants of planet Earth, what does God ask us to embrace? What is the present truth of this day for this generation? And using generation kind of a broad term, let's say since 1844. What's the what's the present truth that he's asking us to embrace? And I have I have seven bullet points, so go for it. The sanctuary. So the sanctuary is doing what? It's helping us to understand the nature and the outworking of the atonement. Is there another righteousness by faith that it's it's the blood of Jesus and righteousness by faith isn't new to our generation, but it's a foundation of our faith. Someone else. The three angels messages, those are exposing Satan's false. False systems of worship. And it. And it calls upon us to call people out of his deceptions. Three angels message. Yes, brother. The mark of the beast. That's not on my list. But that's part of the three angels message, isn't it? That's part of the three angels message. Yes, Linda. The state of the dead. So the state of the dead is present truth to us because of Satan's deceptions today. Another one. It's protecting us from spiritualism and the deceptions that come with that. The second coming. And that's where we're going to focus for a bit here. The second coming is is bringing our attention that we need to warn the world. Right. How much do you know that the people on the street don't know? They've never heard. We need to share that Jesus is coming soon. Yes, Jonathan. Give glory to him. Yes. The seventh day Sabbath. The seventh day Sabbath is is bringing attention to the validity of the whole law. And and in that the character of God and the Sabbath is the Lord's been answering my prayer to help me understand how to present the Sabbath to evangelical Christians. And I realize that what it is is the Sabbath is actually a sign celebrating God's creative power in our redemption. That he's the creator. And it's it's it's a sign of righteousness by faith. It's not righteousness by works that they want to put on us. That's why the devil twists everything 180. So it's it's a sign that that it's righteousness by faith. That is God's creative power in the plan of salvation. That's that's redeeming us and it's changing us. So the Sabbath is celebrating God's redemptive work. Yes. Yes. Of Babylon. Exactly. Yeah. And piggybacking onto the idea of that. The part of present truth today is the second coming is is our need of personal preparation for the second coming. Which means our personal need of being prepared to be translated. And this this gets, you know, some people don't like this, but I can't help saying what I find in the word. You know, the word does talk about one hundred and forty four thousand that were virgins. There was no guile find in their mouth, you know, and all through the scriptures, there's allusions and indefinite statements to God having a purified church. And that's just what the high priest is working for and working toward with each one of us is to put us each one in that spot to glorify his name. So, yes. Amen. Amen. And just to help me understand judgment, the Lord showed to me this way is that judgment is simply being held accountable for your choices. OK, and this lady here has a little button on that says, are you ready for Jesus to come? Just bringing that to that judgment factor to prominence and that Jesus is coming again. So I'm sharing with you why I'm a Seventh-day Adventist, and I don't believe there is another church that would put me on the cutting edge of what God is doing on this planet at this time in history. There's no other message out there, you know, and as a people, it seems that we've lost sight of our need for us to cooperate with our high priest so that he can make the personal character adjustments needed so that we would be ready for translation. And that having the people fitted for translation is God's need right now. And that's what he's been working on since 1844. In Revelation 14, there's talks about 144,000 I just mentioned. It says that they're first fruits and the circumstances of the closing events of this world history develop a character in the 144,000 that fully reflects the character of God. What I'm talking about is when COVID struck and I saw in two weeks, all the world was bound together with one agenda, all the politics, all the education, all the industry, all the medical, everything, the whole world. And I just tell people that was a warm up because in Revelation 13, it says that all the world cooperates with the beast. And so now we have a little practice run to see how well that's working and it worked pretty well. And so as those developments began to focus, I got fearful. I thought, oh boy, here we go. Am I ready? Am I ready to be martyred? Am I ready to fully reflect the character of Jesus? And it's these closing events, as we are faced with them, that as we said, we'll find in God attributes, character needed to develop characters like his. He's got to supply that. And he's ready to supply it to this generation. And I would dare to guess that none of us are ready, that it's his intention to get us ready. And it's those closing events, the crucible, the test, the challenge that those closing events are going to bring to us when we can't buy or sell or when we're hunted or whatever, you know, and all earthly support is cut off. We go through all that. It will show if we're, you know, if God is supplying our characters to love our enemies, do good for those who despitefully use you and persecute you. So I had to come to the conclusion that this must be necessary because this is the plan. You know, we didn't make this up. It's there in the book. We are called to prepare to meet our God by preparing for translation. John says it this way in Revelation 19, seven. Let us rejoice. Let us be glad and rejoice and give honor unto him for the marriage of the lamb is come and his wife has made herself ready. For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy, for I have espoused you unto one husband that I may present you as chaste virgins to Christ. You know, without this preparation, God's people are not the living witness he needs to demonstrate who he is and thus bring the world to a decision as to who they will choose the character of God or that of Satan. Whether we're going to live by selfish motives or whether we're going to let God give us unselfish motives and live by them. This is what happened in Noah's day. If you want to turn to Hebrews 11 and verse seven. Hebrews 11 and verse seven reads this way by faith, Noah being warned of God of things not seen and not seen as yet. That's us. Moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house. That's where God wants to take us. By the which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness, which is by faith. Noah demonstrated that God could be trusted in a crisis. And that's the position that we need to be in. The world was brought to a decision that they were held accountable for. That's judgment, because a man proved that God could be trusted and obeyed. This is our present truth position of today. That's where the high priest has been working since 1844, to bring a people to this point that we can demonstrate his righteousness to an unbelieving world. And it's not until then that he can hold the world accountable for rejecting him. And it's not until this happens that he can gather out of the world those that we call out of Babylon. This is his need. These are people that reflect his character. And he's willing to give us every victory. Every one. And if you're around next week, we'll talk about the process by which that happens. It's delineated clearly in the Laodicean message. God needs a people to prove that he can be trusted and that he has the creative power to change us to be like him in character. When Christ was here, he was one total witness to the character of God. And apparently, God needs many total witnesses to close out this sin experiment, vindicate his name, and to secure the universe for eternity. The very image of God is to be reproduced in humanity. The honor of God, the honor of Christ, is involved in the perfection of the character of his people. Not from some obscure reference. This is desire of ages. This is a clear statement of the present truth of today. God's honor is involved in the victories over self that we allow him to give us. And it's him giving it to us. It's his work. For God works in you to will and to do. And here's something that we usually call the finishing of the work. Oops. What did I do? There we go. The gospel of this kingdom. Yeah. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come. This is what I'm talking about. You know, we may have overlooked or misunderstood the word witness in this verse. It's finishing the work, just telling the world of the gospel, or is it showing the world the power of the gospel? You know, Paul says it this way in Romans 1 16. For I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believe it. It would be easy for us to fall into the trap of living as though we just need to wait for all the missionaries to get told and then we can go to heaven. I know I'm pressing this point pretty hard, but is or is not this the present truth for our day? So we have to ask the question. Will there ever be a second coming if there's not people ready for translation? And the next question begs to be asked. Is there anything God is asking of me that I'm holding back on? And the next question begs to be asked. Is there anything God is asking of me that I'm holding back on? Is there anything I'm not willing to let God have? Is there any conviction that I'm trying to ignore? The minister in the desk, is there any duty I'm refusing to do? Am I walking with God? Now this one. The world will be convinced not by what the pulpit teaches, but by what the church lives. The minister in the desk announces the theory of the gospel. The practical piety of the church demonstrates its power. The Jewish nation was looking for a Messiah to come and restore the kingdom. They had all the promises, but they had missed or ignored the conditions the promises were based on. We expect the Lord Jesus to return in the clouds and glory and take us to heaven to live with him forever. But have we missed or ignored the conditions that the promises were built on, are built on? Are we marrying the experience of the first disciples? They eagerly coveted the kingdom of God while they were blind to their own personal, internal need of preparation. Here's a couple basic principles or conditions the promises are built on. John 7, 17. If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself. Jesus is asking, are we willing to do the will of God? Are we willing to do the will of God? And on that thought, we have this thought also from Desire of Ages. We can receive of heaven's light only as we are willing to be emptied of self. We cannot discern the character of God or accept Christ by faith unless we consent to the bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. To all who do this, the Holy Spirit is given without measure. There's conditions, but there's a Holy Spirit without measure. In Christ dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and in him ye are made full. So my question to God in 2009 was, what needs to change to bring about the return of Jesus? How do we make the changes? He answered by directing me to study the Laodicean message. He gave me a little booklet. A day or two after I prayed that, a man gave me a booklet to read on the Laodicean message. I knew that was the answer to start. That was a starting point. I'm still starting. I mean, I'm working on that. But it's given me time to try to understand. And God has unfolded one little step at a time in that message as to what he's saying and how it works. And that's what I hope to share with you next week. It is in the light, it is in that light, this light of the Laodicean message, that we'll focus for a little bit about the present truth of our day. And there's a couple of negative statements coming up, but just stick with me. We can see how this fits together. The Laodicean message applies to the people today. The Laodicean message applies to the people of God who profess to believe present truth. The greater part are lukewarm professors having a name, but no zeal. The message to the Church of the Laodiceans is a startling denunciation and is applicable to the people of God at this present time. So, does it matter how we respond? Looking again at the first four observations that we made about responding to present truth, we noted that present truth is God's chosen method of leading his people forward in accomplishing his plan of salvation, accomplishing the plan of salvation for mankind and the vindication of his character. Present truth always calls for a personal response, and to not decide is a decision in itself. Present truth is non-negotiable. To not obey or even to just delay can be deadly. And our response to present truth affects the security of others. So, God has a message for this church, his church. And he's waiting with longing desire to take his people home, but he delays in mercy. Few have acted on the message that he sent to prepare us to meet the conditions of translation. And there's no alternative route. You know, I've seen other people who have come to the same conclusions that I've come to about the Laodicean message, except they didn't get there through the Laodicean message. They got there through other scriptures and other testimonies, but they come to the same conclusion that the Laodicean message takes us to about cooperating with God, walking with God, and letting God have us. I saw that the testimony of the true witness, that's the Laodicean witness, has not been half-heeded. The solemn testimony upon which the destiny of the church hangs has been lightly esteemed, if not entirely disregarded. This testimony must work deep repentance, and all who truly receive it will obey it and be purified. So, are we noticing what the destiny of the church hangs on? The testimony of the true witness. And what is the end result of the testimony? It's purification. If that is not happening in our lives, then it's because we're not obeying the testimony because we haven't truly received it. And I was in that camp for decades. I would read it and I would go, well, that's somebody else. Or I would say, well, I still feel my need, so I'm okay. And it wasn't until I decided that the way I would receive the testimony is by faith. You know, we're here on Saturday because it's the Sabbath. And the only reason we know that is because of what is written in this book. It's not written in the sky. It's not the scientists that are teaching that. It's this book is teaching us which day is the Sabbath. And this book is teaching me which day, what happens to a man when he dies, or a woman when they die. It's only this book. You know, the near-death experiences, you know, that are on the Internet, that's not teaching us the truth. This book is teaching us the truth. And by faith, we accept that. And we stand on it and we live by it. And by faith, I need to accept the Laodicean message. And, you know, the Laodicean message says that I'm blind and I don't see it. And that's true. I don't see it. I thought I was a pretty nice guy, you know. But it says I'm not walking with God as close as He wants me to walk with Him. And we just accept it because God said it. He says it. I don't see it. I'm blind. And I came up with my own remedy for the blindness, and I'll share that with you in a minute. So we've been examining the present truth of our day. The position God needs His people to occupy. This is the reason that I'm a Seventh-day Adventist, that I'm still a Seventh-day Adventist. And it is my intention to follow God and to allow Him to make the changes in me that He wants to make. And to let Him do it at His own pace. And let Him call the shots. I'm not going to try to figure out what's wrong with me. I'm just going to let Him show me. And He has a method of doing that. A very clear one. This is God's need at this point in history. And I have pointed you to the Laodicean message as a starting point of how God intends to get us there. Because that's where He started me when I was asking Him what needed to change to hasten His return. And in the tidal wave of human suffering that is so horrific at this time. I cannot imagine how anxious God must be. And let me leave you with this positive thought. It says, those who come up to every point and stand every test and overcome, be the price what it may, have heeded the counsel of the true witness. And they will receive the latter rain and thus be fitted for translation. The message of the true witness is the message of Christ our righteousness. It lays the glory of man in the dust and does for him that which he cannot do for himself. It is an outline of how to cooperate with our great high priest in the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary. This means that it's a day of atonement message. All of this is very much part of the present truth of Earth's history today. A present truth for this time in Earth's history. And it is only found in the Seventh-day Adventist message. All this creates the motivation for me to be, to remain, a Seventh-day Adventist. Is there any other place I can go to hear, to know, to be encouraged to live the present truth for our time? Brothers and sisters, God is not asking us to do anything except cooperate with him. And to let him make the changes that will glorify his name. And to let him do it at his own pace. He can and will get us there. If we focus on Revelation 3, 18-20. I don't know if you want to look there with me. Go there with me. Revelation 3, 18-20. If you focus there, it's a starting point. It is the starting point to remedy our blindness. And that will happen if we ask God to show us what is motivating our words and actions. What did I say? I said, it's the starting point. It's the remedy for our blindness. When we ask God to show us what's motivating our words and actions. We don't see it. We don't see it. We don't understand what's motivating us. But the Holy Spirit does. And he knows our works. And he will show us one baby step at a time. And when he shows us, it's not over. We still need to choose. We still got to choose. We get the last word here. Am I going to go with the selfish motive? Or the unselfish motive? And it just absolutely amazes me how subtle self expresses itself in my words and actions. I would never see it. And you don't see it. You know, we don't. Anyway, it's just amazing. So next week, I'll unpack in practical details the High Priest's methodology. It is detailed in the Council of the Faithful and True Witness of Revelation 3 that we just looked at. And I hope that my attempts to share with you the road I've been on will be a blessing to you in some way. Let's sing the closing song, He Lives. It's 3.51? 2.51? I serve a risen Savior. He's in the world today. I know that he is living, whatever men may say.

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