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Sunday Sermon- Reasons you should become a Soul Winner 20.08

Sunday Sermon- Reasons you should become a Soul Winner 20.08




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okay amen so let's welcome him while he brings us the word this morning amen oh can you do it better can you do better hallelujah amen if that was for me can you do a better one unto god i don't know i don't know if i don't know if this qualifies your better but if this is qualifying your better i want to go with what our shepherds said they said that then your amen is suffering from what anemia but can we do a better one unto god for what he has done for you and i in the name of jesus wow wow look to your neighbor and say neighbor no look to the one sitting next to you and say neighbor the way you are looking i can see god already blessing you i can't taking you higher if you believe and give the lord a mighty shout of praise and a mighty clap of praise amen i i i must say that god is going to do something new today in your life and in my life amen hallelujah but even as we are started i want you to help me thank god for the life of the shepherd of this house i mean reverend ron can you thank god for his life i mean the last time i came here on i think last week sunday and he was sitting at the back with me and i was hearing a lot of things he was talking to me and i could tell that this is a man who is having the heart for the youth a heart for the youth can we thank god for his life amen amen some of you are just looking at me and you are just standing there even though i said thank god for his life you are standing there if you what you feel to appreciate what you feel to honor you don't receive can you thank god again for his life amen and also i want you to thank god help me thank god for the life of the father of this church his eminence the archbishop nicolas dr williams i've raised an anointed man a man who has moved generations a man who has moved nations and a man who keeps impacting nations oh thank god for his life we thank god for his life amen amen i want to also thank god for the leadership of the action you church if you're a leader in this church a shepherd i want to say thank you can you also thank god for their lives they're quiet they all share everybody just thank god for their lives amen amen and the last lesson i want to tell i want you to thank god for is yourself amen hallelujah lift up your hands with me lift up your hands with me say father this morning let my heart be open unto your word say father this morning let me not leave here they're saying speak to me speak to me speak to me and transform my life in jesus name amen you may please be seated you may please but you can be playing you can be playing something nice amen hallelujah how many of us were here last week you were in church last week amen yes last week i was here and i was enjoying reasons why you should be a soul winner i was enjoying it as pastor body was taking us through the point who can tell me the first point who can tell me the first point who got them okay yes it is the heartbeat of god and what was the scripture reference look 1910 look 1910 what was the second one he gave us four points yes god will require the blood of sinners from you if you don't win souls god will require the blood of sinners from you that's a very serious one it's like you don't know you don't know and all of a sudden you die and god is asking you where is the blood of your brother because your brother or your friend was a sinner and god is asking where is the blood of chrissy where is the blood of ronald and you are just there you don't know what to see that's a very serious one what was the third point i won't take one from here we have one two three and then four i'll come there for the fourth one what's the number three hey charlie this is no number three they have it no number three aha you have it aha you have it one of them is maybe it's not in order but it is the great command given to us by god given to us by god and what was the last one from this side from this side is when you come to church and you are being taught and you have to write okay what's the last one you are only four you're only four so ah were you in church last week were you in church last week you're in church last week you didn't write anything hey i know you wrote you wrote something yes what did you write what did you write you've forgotten you've forgotten okay the two of you were in church last week you were in church last week you two this is how this has to come on okay tell your neighbor this is how jesus will come you'll not be ready and he'll show up he will show up amen he'll show up so you see when you come to church and you are being taught just try and write something all right just try and write something who can give me the last one for five cd credit who can give me the last one chad the way you've lifted up your answer now okay all right it was luke 15 8 to 10 that was that was the point the last two verses i mean there were other things that he said if anyone who makes god happy god puts in extra effort to make them happy trading by gaining or gaining by training gaining by trading do you understand gaining by trading amen this morning we want to take it a little bit higher and believe god to take us through even as he has prepared our heart for his own word amen amen that's what we are going to do a lot of conversation i'll talk you talk amen because i believe that when it comes to church when it comes to the things of god we need to learn amen so that our lives can also become a life that will impact the lives of others the bible said that in jesus at the age of 12 was always in the temple the synagogue we were learning teaching learning and teaching amen so when we come to church church is not the place where we showcase what we are wearing church is not the place where we come and we showcase our hairstyle it is not the place where we showcase to our friends actually my mother bought me a new phone but it's a place where we come to learn a place where we come for god to impact us a place where we come so that god can speak to us and let us know the next move to take we'll be talking about reasons why you must be a soul winner reasons why you must be a soul winner a lot of times people don't understand when it comes to so winning so winning so because you see what a toy says so what a toy says so what a toy says so and why do we need to become soul winners you see a lot of us i remember when i was in jhs i was not watching pornographic movies but i got into a group of people let's call them friends who their whole morning afternoon evening was watching pornography yeah pornography pornography and you see because i was with them morning afternoon evening i ended up also watching pornography from jhs1 to jhs3 i was watching it and i was happily watching it with vim tell somebody with vim i was watching it not afraid of anything just watching it and i know some of us sitting here that is what we are the phone your mother has bought for you that is what you watch it i've deleted my tiktok app on the phone because why anytime i go on tiktok the only thing i see is bottles you're laughing it's bottles and bread being showcased i don't know emerald that's what is happening today and funny enough some of you here you are you are beginning to like some of these things you are beginning to like it because why you have been told that that gives money that gives money to people so you see the soul of man is a very important part of a man i can say that it is the greatest gift god gave to man the greatest gift god gives to man the greatest gift god gives to man which god himself does not influence the greatest gift because in your soul you have your mind you have your emotions and you have your weapon and god does not influence any of these things as the only part of your body god has no influence is the gift he has given you to make your own choices to decide which way to go whether to go left or right he has given you that ability but you see in genesis chapter one the bible said that in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without forming void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters and god said let there be light now we go to verse 36 then god said let us make man in our own image in our own image in our own image and after god had made man in his own image he created he them male and female then in chapter two the bible said and god formed man out of the dust of the earth and after god had formed man out of the dust of the earth in verse seven the bible said that he breathed the breath of life in man which is so breath of life in man in man he breathed the breath of life and then we have got planting a garden called the garden of edy what am i doing i'm trying to give you a little background why you must become a soul winner why you must become it is not a shoot it's a normative sentence it is a math a command you must you must god planted a garden in the eastward of eden and planted man day put man in that garden and in that same garden was a tree of good and evil the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life and god said to man do not eat of this tree but what did we see man do what did man do man did what he ate from the tree and immediately man ate from the tree god showed up adam where are you adam where are you like some of you when you do the bad things at home and then your father you hear the car the horn you run away you'll be watching some movies the movies that he has told you not to watch you be watching immediately you hear the car the gate being open yeah you change they intentionally put it on news i am i charlie you are you are learning you are you are getting some some current affairs some current affairs hey some current affairs look at the liberty hey character face what is some what some wild movie and god asked adam where are you the guy went into hiding with eve they went into hiding and he said why are you hiding he said we heard your voice and we were naked so we're hiding and that was how sin entered into them that was how sin entered into the world so people have said that what would have what would god have done if adam and eve when god asked where are you they came forward and said god we are sorry forgive us forgive us we did it intentionally the precious of the world what do you think god would have done i believe he would have forgiven them and possibly i mean correct the error and make sure that charlie things are moving the way he wants to you know but even though he was cursing them and telling them what he had to tell them they were still there and listening that's why i said they are strong and they are willing to do anything to help you listening that's why i said they are strong and they are okay with what they did like some of you when you commit an error and you are being advised you see you don't you don't you don't care you don't care when you do things at home and it's not right your mother is talking to you suddenly because why some of you were born in uk and u.s and that in that country children are not beating when it comes to my house the cane is used the cane is used so some of you when you commit an error you do what mommy tells you not to do and mommy is correcting then you are there now grateful you're angry at mommy you're angry at daddy and you're not good i'm not going i'm not going again i'm not going again hey you don't go again recently my son six year old then we went to malcolm then he said he wanted us to use the escalator or whatever i said no we'll not use it today in the mall six years hey who taught you that he was swore up i see i see batman who is going to meet joker the guy was six years look i look like i said hey i gave birth to you oh you don't know will you shut up it has become so bad that even six years they know what anger is and when you are correcting them they don't even want to listen but that is how he came into the world and right from that moment god's plan has been to reconcile with us god's plan has been to reconcile with us to save the world again to save humanity to save humanity to save humanity he tried everything he called moses moses go and bring out my people from from egypt he brought them somewhere along the line this guy said no no no we'll not go back charlie we've been enjoying kukumba in egypt what is manna what is manna what is bread some of you have eaten beggar by the gentleman was given a testimony he was going to buy pizza pizza and i don't remember the last hey how many of you normally eat pizza like every week you eat pizza you are going to lift up your hands and they just teamed it pizza wow but it's nice it's nice i don't remember the last time i intentionally decided charlie let me go and buy pizza and enjoy it i don't remember i think i'm going to buy pizza there's my son who is telling me daddy pizza pizza who am i myself by pizza maybe i'll buy rice so that it's a little bit heavy or pizza the pizza is desserts some people eat it as main meal me i can't that is it moses came and the israelites decided actually they got so angry even at god to a point that god had to wipe them off what are we talking about how sin came into the world and why it is important for you and i to help god win souls win the souls that that have been lost nobody could could achieve that purpose then in john chapter 3 verse 16 the bible said for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believed in him should not perish but have everlasting life so god now had to send his own son to come and die can you imagine a son that you have given birth to and you giving him away for somebody's error somebody has committed a crime the person is going to jail then you say oh no let my son go for him let my son go to jail for him how many of you do that how many of you do that the last time somebody called me that the senior brother is at the hospital and they needed blood how many of you have donated blood before yeah if not i went to the hospital to donate blood and while i was lying down the only question i was asking myself is that so while donating the blood what if i die yeah yeah yeah what if i die where will i find myself while i was sitting while i was lying down on the bed and my blood was being pulled out from me i said myself what if right now i die that means that i am dead and my blood is going to resurrect somebody or revive somebody and i'll be gone and if i go where i am where where am i even going where am i going so it's very critical jesus had to come to die for you and i to be saved interestingly you are here with me you have been saved by jesus can you thank jesus for that can you thank jesus for that can i put your hands together and thank jesus for that you have been saved then he went on to say in john chapter 10 verse 10 that the thief come men but just to steal kill and to destroy but i have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly this is how sin came into the world and this is why you and i must commit ourselves to make sure that people also enjoy the life that we have matthew chapter 9 verse 37 reason number one matthew chapter 9 verse 37 you must be a sore winner because the harvest is plenteous and the liberals are few you must be a sore winner because why the harvest is plenteous and the liberals are few the liberals are few we have about seven billion people in the world seven billion people in the world it's now so over eight billion let's put it over eight billion because today somebody is giving birth somebody's giving birth so over eight billion people in the world i can imagine that god wants to save all the eight billion all the eight billion unfortunately for us we have just a few people who are committed to this work we have just two people three people who are committed to helping god achieve this task can i get 10 people can i get 10 people stand here 10 10 people just come 10 come come come this is a you a you church you come 10 people just come and stand here it's when you come to church and we are calling i want table i want five we have to run and come because it is part of the blessings of god that you are used to illustrate something god wants to illustrate to his people how many are they one two three four five six seven eight two more yes amen this is a seven billion people eight billion people god wants to save they are there they are there god wants to save these people he said that they live that the harvest is truly plenteous but the laborers are few they are there god wants to save these people people he said that they live that the harvest is truly plenteous but the laborers are few they are there over eight billion people don't look at them they are just ten but i'm talking of eight billion so one one is about one billion amen so that eight billion people god to save but how can god save this eight billion some are in africa some are in australia someone some are in america somewhere some are in china somewhere who is in china you you or this one okay she looks like one more some are also in indonesia so many people everywhere in the world and god wants to save this people god wants to save them god wants to save them remember what jesus said when he saw peter james and john he said follow me and i'll make you what and i'll make you what fishes of men fishes of men what do you use to go for fishing either a net or who can lie truth these are eight billion people and god wants to save these people technical thing can i get some wire say a short wire if i can get a just some normal wire i want to demonstrate something to you and for you to understand why you must also be part of this work also winning also winning just some wire you see these are eight billion people god wants to save but how can god save all these people god had to save you god had to save me god had to save reverend ron god has to save your father your mother your friend god had to save them but unfortunately we have relived and we've decided not to be part of this great work of winning souls that's what we end up doing we don't care about anybody we go to school and all we do is that we just eat with our friends and that is it some of them today you know they are in the house they are not they are not in church some of them when you were coming they were sleeping you had to call them and tell them charlie i didn't go come i didn't go come i didn't go come i didn't go come i didn't go come i didn't go come i didn't go come i didn't go come i didn't go come i didn't go come i didn't go come i didn't go come i didn't go come when you were coming they were sleeping you had to call them and tell them charlie i didn't go come i didn't go come yeah bring me that one yeah bring me that one that one is okay yes bring it that's it that's it that's it this is it god wants to save people he wants to save people now god here's what is happening god threw this and he pulled reverend ron he threw it this way and he pulled him along let's go let's go and everyone decided to come now everyone has come and this is it with god in him god wants to save his eight billion people everyone throws it look at me look at me he throws it then you come he has pulled you out now what is going to happen is that we are still trying to save the eight billion people reverend ron alone cannot pull all this he has pulled one he's tired he's tired this eight billion people are still there he has just pulled one he's tired can you imagine this one he said i look i'm not going to do it then he goes back reverend can only pull another one reverend pull another one he pulls another one then he jumps then this one says that oh reverend i was about dying but you know because of what you have done i want to help you because i know that you are then he also with reverend ron supporting him supporting then both of them pulls another one what are we doing we are saving the eight billion people can you imagine if this one says that look me tell me i'm tired i'll not do it again then he goes to sit down this one to say that tell me my mother is calling me we are going to buy uh what what are you going to buy watch it then he also goes to sit down go ahead sit down can reverend pull out all these people can you pull out all these people he can't so we need to be part of the work we need to be part of the way there's always a point in time where you need to join so that all these people can be saved some are in your school some are at the playground where you play some are there they are there they are there some are in the malls where you go and buy your pizza your beggar your toys some are in the game stations where you play your games some are there and god is expecting you to be part of this work so that the harvest the harvest which is plenteous we can have enough laborers for it we can have enough laborers for it this is going to sit down as you fish you okay i'm fishing you amen that is it that is it some of them you see what she said would you fish us would you fish me some people are crying among the eight billion crying and believing god that somebody like you will come to talk to them about jesus christ she said won't you save us am i not part of it am i not also supposed to be saved and they are there you left your frames your next door neighbor you left and you came to church they are at home sleeping some of them their mothers and fathers will take them to go eat tomorrow today sunday and that is it but what is the reason the reason is that you must be part of the laborers why because the harvest is truly plenteous one man cannot do it two people cannot do it cannot do this he cannot do it they cannot do it if they are not part of it he cannot can you imagine right now go to the beach on sunday go there right now the whole place is packed the whole place but look at this look at it look at it just have been started people are not sitting on it just have been arranged nobody's sitting on it and you are happy that you're in church you're happy that you're in church and you are sitting in a church where chairs are all over and there are no human beings sitting on it no no it cannot be it cannot be tell me but it cannot be it cannot be it can't hallelujah somebody said i cannot go and preach christ tell them your testimony tell them your words your testimony the gentleman said that this morning his testimony happened this morning he said that i just gave a handshake to somebody and then i had a cat and while i'm here it's already healing tell somebody it's already healing tell somebody about it that christ has healed me this thing happened just this morning just this morning it's gone so the first point you must be a soul winner because the harvest is plenteous the harvest is what is plenteous point number two you must be a soul winner because god wants to save them that satan wants to sift you must be a soul winner because god wants to save them that satan wants to sift look chapter 22 verse 31 and 32 and the lord said simon simon behold satan had desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat that may sift you as wheat then in verse 32 he says what he said but i have prayed for you that thy faith fail not and when thou art convicted in other words when you have been saved in other words when you have been revived in other words when the hand of god has pulled you out he said strengthen thy brethren in other words go out and also strengthen them that are weak go out satan wants to sift people sat even as we are here some of us sitting here then the devil is talking to us satan is talking to you charlie this this guy i saw in school this guy the bu this guy is very handsome charlie then you see satan is talking to you that charlie accept his proposal he has told you he loves you tell him yes tell him yes tell him yes that's just that's what is going to your mind then you're a gentleman then i also say actually this girl sitting in front of me the girl is nice so i've been looking at the one sitting right in front of you and you are telling yourself that charlie this thing is nice i wish i would tell her i love her you see the enemy is talking to us and don't be amazed because in joke the bible said that when the children of god died satan also was there so if you are here satan is here don't think that you are in the most holy place where there's no satan he's here he's here and he's talking to some of us he wants to do what fits you as we do he wants to take you out he wants to take you out but tell yourself i will not allow this no tell yourself i will not allow this to happen to me even my family i will not allow it and god wants to save these people some of them are drinking some of them are fornicators i mean some of them are just anything you can think of me remember when i was in shs that was when i decided to drink alcohol and to smoke yeah yeah yeah that was when i decided to drink alcohol look alcohol and that was when i decided to break my virginity yeah so shs my life turned around like jehovah turned my life around you see this one the enemy turned my life around in shs i started smoking don't look at me and think i'm just coming from heaven like the way i'm dressed you can look at me and say that pastor james is a saint no i'm not a saint like that i'm still a work in progress god is still working on me amen i've not gotten to 100 percent yeah i'm still charging i'm still i broke my virginity i started drinking alcohol doing all sort of things stealing stealing we'll go to the shop nearby then my friend will take that then i'll tell the woman i'll pay then i'll tell her oh he has put it on his gun but that's him meanwhile he's going on he's going the thing we were stealing if cases at the time was working there by now i should have been dead that is it that is it that is life i was doing everything son everything son everything that was when i started masturbating i'm just being open to you because you see you are not children no some of you what i'm saying some of you started doing it in bits and that was i started masturbating and for and for 12 years i was masturbating yeah yeah now you're counting there 12 years jason 12 years old 12 years 12 years i was 12 years from 2002 to 2014 some of you were not born at the time so it's not a new thing what you are doing it is not a new thing there's nothing you're not excited it's all a new thing why are you going to hide in the room and then you'll be watching the pornography and then you'll be touching yourself you touch yourself then all of a sudden your body starts i don't know like like some snakes some logoligi it is it is not starting today that time but that is what the devil is going to shift you to kill you to destroy you those of you have been watching um um um this geographic national geographic animal kingdom those things you see the lion does not attack the deer when they are in group no they don't attack the deer when they are in group the only attack the deer that is separated from the group that's what the lion does when the antelopes are playing no they don't enter because why when they are together you cannot attack so they just lie cool they lie like down and look at the one that has separated itself a little and that one becomes the target the target some of you have to struggle to come to church yesterday the way it rained and rained throughout the night when i was waking up i was i was i was like no this thing i can't the weather was okay for me satan is trying to separate you waiting for you to be separated small this a little gap the day you decide not to come to church is the day that friend of yours come and visit you and it's that same day that friend of yours will open their phone and say look at this picture and when you look at this picture you don't know what happens to you all of a sudden your system changes it's like a phone that has received a new sim card it changes it changes yeah i went to legon to preach and then there was this lady who said pastor james when i was 10 years a senior cousin came to my house and she gave me a kiss a kiss mouth to mouth kiss and from that day reverend the lady started masturbating yes from that day it was translated that way it was transmitted that way and that's the scripture and the lord said simon simon so if your name is david and the lord said david david the lord says susan susan behold satan has decided to shift you as weak such safety you want to you want to kill you and people are in town your mother is in town of you your father no matter they are not christians you know they don't believe in god because maybe your life is not an example for them to emulate your phrase but this is why you need to become a soul winner to help god to be able to save this evil tell your neighbor i'm going to help god no tell your neighbor i'm going to help god i am going to help god and one of them the the powerful group of people who find this thing difficult to do is instrumentalists instrumentalists are not good soul winners at all they feel that when they play their drum that is it i'm not difficult they are powerful that's why they are playing keyboard for me you see that's i'm preaching they are powerful oh clap for them clap for them you see when people come to church and they are all chairs they are into departments they think that charlie i'm giving my quota to god no it's not that there is more you see the more is in town now last week somebody was saying that you see the gift that god has given it is it is when you go to town to save so some of you that is when your your healing gift will come up some of your prophetic grace will come up some of your evangelistic grace will come up it is in town not here not here hallelujah amen number three you must become a soul winner so that those in darkness can see the light you must become a soul winner so that those in darkness can also see the light so that those in darkness can also see the light so that those in darkness can also see the light so that those in darkness can also see the light so that those in darkness can also see the light so that those in darkness can also see the light so that those in darkness can also see the light so that those in darkness can also see the light so that those in darkness can also see the light so that those in darkness can also see the light so that those in darkness can also see the light so that those in darkness can also see the light so that those in darkness can also see the light so that those in darkness can also see the light so that those in darkness can also see the light all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness all people sank in deep darkness King James Let your light so shine before men Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven Why did Jesus say this? Why did he say this? Go to verse 14 He said that Ye are the light of the world You are the light of the world You are the light Not ECG Not the solar system you have in the house You are the light of the world A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden You are the light Hit your chest and say I am the light No, tell yourself I am the light I will shine and I will shine bright Verse 15 Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel or a bushel depending on the school but on a candle stick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house that are in the house Why are you hiding your Christianity? Why are you hiding your Christianity? Why are you hiding it? Why? Some of us we are ashamed to even tell people that I am going to church because when you look at your life and the things you do with them when you tell them you are going to church Let me just use this word I am going to church I am going to church I am going to church I am going to church That is what they say You too, you go to church You too, you go to church Because of that you are not able to Your light is not showing Your light is not showing because why? The attitude you portray is making it difficult for the light to shine is making it difficult for the light to shine In school you mingle with people who don't go to church they don't believe in Christ and that is what you do What they do, you do the same thing They insult the teacher you also insult the teacher They have boyfriends, you too have a boyfriend They have girlfriends, you too have girlfriends They have girlfriends, you too have girlfriends They want pornography, you are watching pornography and at times you even go to them and tell them, Charlie I got some new one You see this one This one will be new season This one I downloaded yesterday night It is big It is big New one, fresh from the ground Fresh Look at the number of views The number of views every day Charlie So you do it with them At times you even take your phone to them and tell them Charlie I chop their bed I chop their bed I chop them, I tell you I chop them Soccer bed Soccer bed So you are able to let your light shine You cannot tell them that hey Charlie This is who I serve, the God I serve is doing things for me You can't Because when they look at you and you are dressed they are going to church They know that the dress is coming from the soccer bed money So how can you go and tell them that God gave you a testimony How can you go and tell them that this one is a testimony from God God has blessed with money, you can't because they know that this money is from soccer bed They know So our light is not shining Our light is not shining Our light is not shining Our light is not shining But let the Lord help us Let the Lord help us Tell yourself, let God help me God help me What are we talking about Why you must become a sow Point number one was what Because the harvest is truly plenteous And number two God wants to save them that the enemy wants to sift as wheat And number three We are saying what So that those in darkness can also see the light Can also see the light It's difficult Can you imagine I went to a church And the lady who was singing was my girlfriend We have had sex Fornicated And she was there Left her behind Hallelujah And I was just sitting at the back And I was just looking at her This girl Hallelujah baby What hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah And way back I was in the Methodist church And my father was a pastor in the Methodist church So I was in the Methodist church And I was in the choir And you know Yesterday was the Festival for the Gans Normally when it's time for I go for And I come back Sunday morning And I drink alcohol and do whatever I want to do And I come back on Sunday morning And when I come I just brush my teeth and I dress And I go to church And I was in the church choir We wear black and white Nobody understands And I was part of the bass team I sing bass Nobody understands the energy Nobody knows where the energy is coming from But I want you to understand my energy Every Saturday evening I come back To go and drink alcohol And when I come And I'm giving bass The pastor himself knows that This energy Is from another world Not from this earth But it's all the love that we do That's what we do So our light is not really shining Our light is not shining Our light is not shining Let me tell you this Yesterday I was checking On the internet What is the richest religion What is the richest religion In the world Which of the religions Islam Islam But the first The Christian body That is very rich Which overpowers Islam Is the Catholic church And I was asking I was just looking for reasons why Because of the Vatican city They are independent So people come there for tourism So they have money from there And number two That's what researchers say Because Catholic has over a billion People and members worldwide Over a billion Members worldwide So that means Every Sunday And that is why they are rich But my mind Is not on the money It's the over a billion people Over a billion people they have Across the world Because they decided to go out You can check what are the Biggest schools we have Even in our own country How many schools do Catholic church have A lot Roman Catholic Church, St. Thomas Aquinas St. Peter's, St. This, St. That All the saints sent to here 99% are from Catholic St. Monica's Plenty Catholic schools St. Teresa's Plenty schools And all these people are converted And become members of the church Why? Because they decided to let their light shine If you allow your light to shine Next week Sunday this place will be filled You see you are not saying amen Because as I am talking You are looking at yourself and you are thinking This light, if this light will shine It means that this boyfriend I have to go and divorce him Because some of you The boyfriend you have is more like marriage You go and sleep in his house You cook for him You wash for him He has not paid your bride price Everyone is serious Serious But let the Lord help us Amen And the last point I want to talk about You must be a soul winner Because The harvest Will soon pass And the summer will soon be over You must be a soul winner Because the harvest will soon pass And the summer will soon be over Jeremiah chapter 8 Verse 20 Jeremiah chapter 8 verse 20 He said the harvest has passed The summer has ended And we are not saved Can you imagine The harvest has passed The harvester has come He has harvested Like the lady said Would you save us Would you want to save me The harvester has come Saving people Saving people He said that the harvest has passed The summer has ended and we are not saved And we are not saved The summer will soon be ended The harvest will soon be passed And to amaze you That even the person Sitting next to you Would have just been Coming to church And not necessarily be believing in Christ Because when the mother and father are coming to church They bring her because she cannot stay home alone She is not a home alone girl So the father and mother will bring her to church How many of you have watched the movie Home Alone Home Alone So they bring you to church Because mother and father are coming to church So they bring you to church So it will amaze you that even the next person sitting next to you The next guy The next guy The next lady Behind you It will shock you that God will come Christ will come And you will be on your way to heaven And when you turn you will see all of them On their way to hell Because why When God saved you Through his son Jesus Christ You decided to fold your arms And watch people Do what they needed to do Which was the bad things But if you commit yourself To talk to people For them to be saved God is going to bless you Some of us We don't have what we need We don't have what we get We don't get what we actually want Not because of anything But because we are not helping God To fulfill This John 15 verse 16 He said you have not chosen me I have chosen you That you should go out and bring forth fruit And that your fruit will remain And then continue to say That whatsoever ye shall ask the father in my name He may give it to you You want to go to the best schools You want to travel abroad Do what God wants The heartbeat of God The heartbeat of God The heartbeat of God The heartbeat of God This is what God wants Going out He chose you That is why he saved you He would have saved Kojo I decided to save you So that you can go and bring Kojo So that whatever you want He will give it to you He chose you You did not decide to become a christian Not even your mother or father Decided that you should become a christian They have all left home The father prays, he is a leader in church But the sons have left home 19 and 21 years Where are they? He does not know Doing other things in town He does not know So God intentionally chose you To be in the choir He chose you to be an instrumentalist He chose you to be an usher To be part of the technical team He chose you To be a member To win the lost A month or two ago The Lord spoke to me and the Lord declared A state of emergency The Lord declared a state of emergency And he said James People need to be saved Don't fold your arms And just be in a chair Don't just read my word and study my word Go out Go out Go out But how can I go out? What is that? What is going out? Like the prayer we pray in Africa Americans don't pray those prayers We have everything My mother gives me what I want Tomorrow they may not be there They may not have what they are giving you I have everything Why should I go out? I don't care If they die what is next? Help yourself and have your fun But it was said of a man Who was very rich And another man who was Lazarus Who had no money And was sitting at the gate of this man Who was very rich begging him for food Bible says both of them died And when they died Lazarus found himself in heaven And this rich man found himself in hell That is not to say rich men will go to hell But this is just a story There are rich men who have committed themselves to Christ There is a time coming Where God will ask you Where is your friend? Where is your friend? Where is your friend? Where is your friend? I gave you breath I gave you life I gave you all the things you needed What did you do? With them God is going to ask you God is going to ask you That what did you do I gave you And I say this and I end Pastor Badi said the last time Matthew 25 verse 25 The talents When the master gave the talents to his servants He came back and he said Come come The man he gave five went to work with the five Got additional five making ten Two went to work with it got two more making four The one said no I hid it I know you I know the way you behave You take from where you have not sown That's how you are And I put it down But let me tell you Whatever life you have in you is not yours Every day God gives you life For what reason? So that it can impact others Not for you to go to school Not for you to make money Not for you to go to work So that you please yourself God gives you life to please him And I'm trusting him And I'm trusting her That today somebody will be saved And come into the kingdom Don't waste your days Talk to somebody about Christ every day Talk to somebody about Christ Tell somebody about your testimony And God will bless you

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