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Okay, this Sunday, September 17th, 0935, I'm uh, making this audio file from Ukraine, anybody hear this, I hope you understand. I need uh, I need somebody to understand the truth here. I've been under contract over here in Ukraine for a long time and uh, truth be known, uh, people like me define the damn treason as traitors and the criminals that hurt the country. I do this freelance, working for 10 cents on the dollar for recovery of stolen funds. I got into this business when I brought a turnkey hospital over here, project, I was supposed to make 10 cents on the dollar on that if I could get them to build a hospital because I was going to build a factory to build the parts for the R-Type sensor and the SINAP network as part of an advanced technology demonstration project between three countries. My point being this civil court graduate over here trying to fight with criminals that uh, are in our government and the Russian government and the Ukrainian government. I want to talk about dropping down a rabbit hole. I'm 31, class 86, Fort Gordon. Raised my hand when I was 17. I'm 51. We built the United States of America children's charity memorial network perpetuity, codified it into a 49-year international trust with zero debt to stand up a non-mutual-based bank to be used by the families of veterans around the world. The reason I got this in my mind was I had been fighting with so damn many people. I mean, they kidnapped my kid, went with him, paid him bribes. People at the state department. You got to know, I know the old school signal. They tapped these wires illegally at will and it ain't benefiting the Americans anymore. And I don't know what it means when I'm above my pay grade, but not really. Congressional authorities are degraded to contracting. Presidential authorities are degraded to contracting. You got to see where the real problem is. It's in the gatekeepers in these corporate structures inside the United States, the banks. We got lawsuits pending against countries. We got lawsuits pending against banks. And then we understood if you play a stupid legal game, they'll just eat your money. So with that said, under authority of Graham and McCain, we've complied with law. And we're getting ready to turn the switch on for the bank. And I need old school military to listen to me. I'm dying over here. I've been exposed to too much radiation, which is why I don't know a matter about this damn paperwork and travel documents and all this. Y'all know where I'm at. When you're born, they bond you. When you're in the military, they bond you again. And then they break the bond. Man, the word's a bond. We're supposed to defend the Constitution. Well, you can't do that until you get rid of the traitors in the administrative law division. And the truth is, we brought them in. The truth is, it's even more simple. Ain't nothing in the numbers right. Ain't nothing in the history timelines right. And they're all just trying to scramble to keep everybody from killing each other. But truth be told, that road versus way is the most horrible thing we've ever done. If we're a nation of law, we've got to seek truth, forget race, color, creed. As long as you're thinking about that, you don't see what's going on in the real world. There's 253 sovereign sections and 5,000 languages and 184 currencies. And at last count, 75 aircraft carrier loads of paper associated with law. And you need to understand what I just told you, gentlemen. If we printed a law of the world, you could park it on 75 aircraft and it'd probably sink. The volumetric metric, peninsula. And I say peninsula because it's a weird word. And I want you to remember that it's a weird word. I didn't say potential, I said peninsula. Peninsula we fucked up. Why does it matter? I'm earning more money per minute than I know what to do with. The transmitters I've deployed as an independent IT guy, I got four billion radios. I don't know what the hell it means, but I got them. And they're transmitting and receiving. And at 10 cents a minute, the numbers just get stupid. And we make countries mad when we tell them we want to take their money. And they get mad and they steal it. You got to know what's really going on in the upper echelon. The DMZ of democracy is human bullshit. Democracy is designed to fail. United States is not a democracy. It's a republic that's been corrupted by illegal acts against the competition. And that's all I know. And I don't understand why there's so many smart people and leaders in the world. Through the history of the U.S. Army and the United States military and all the other militaries in the world. It's almost like being an ambassador, you know. Imagine a radio-aired soldier of the West will come down, came to Ukraine, got married. Man, the navy of energy don't build them. They go build something. Build for the kids to follow their government's name for all. But we can get better at what we do, paperwork. So we figured out a way to eliminate all the bullshit by asking simple questions. If business is the number one thing that human beings do, there it is. Because business is a simple trade. And that it's the number one thing that we do. Why didn't they tell us it's less objective? Everything that can be bought and sold has already been bought and sold. Everything that can be produced has already been produced. It's already been done. Yet we don't know how to do it without letting people feel proud of us. And the way that we did it was we let some very bad people in other countries break the laws. And then we got cross-border at the time. Sovereigns and mortals. So the summary to all of this is you should get it the damn way back to your children and your bloodline. See the truth. Okay. There's about 13 billion souls on this planet. Okay. There's about at least 13 million years of human history that's been suppressed. And you don't know the place that you live in. You don't know where you come from. And because you don't know that, you don't know where to say you're going. And we just figured we could have a better way for them to know where they were going by projecting all of the known data points in the world through a 3D axis. Which means it elevates people into a visual educational system versus a language-based system. And then if you look at it like a widget, I'm the guy that did stupid things like created the ability to plot layers in the X, Y, and Z axis and codified it into object-oriented files. Programmed Carnivore and RSA Scrap done amazing stuff compared to this third-party black box guy. Black hat, white hat, gray hat, green hat, all because of the holy politician in them. The way you deal with politicians. Look, man, it's real simple. You say it so much. We're going to modify the oath of office today and here's how it works. Under penalty of perjury, forfeiture, and incarceration, I, insert name, comma, insert office, stop, certification, jurisdiction, county, clerk of court, file number, notary seal, and it's their bond. See, they're not being bonded anymore. They're bonded against something else. So the way you stop it is you use the law and you go to the court. If you don't get a bond, you're gone. Okay? And just let it reset itself. As far as the currency goes, well, I made a cross-border payment, which is global for us. We created a thing called GAP, but it belongs to the children of the world. It doesn't belong to the bank. It doesn't belong to the corporation. And we said corporations look out for over 50% charity, 25% electric trading fund, 15% expenses per contract per annual. And then we said to them, here's another way you got to fix it. You got to go in and you got to look at reality. You're entitled to declare your profit and governments do that, but these idiots in this video world don't do it. So we just did, we said, okay, 10% triple net to our profit curve. And when we did that and we started putting it out there and we were getting 1 million percent returns based on 184 currencies in penny stocks. And we just kept watching it. We just kept watching it. We wound up with a $19 billion tax refund account, 1.7 trillion payroll cashflow box with 173 million in cash or billions. I don't know what the hell a thousand triples of money look like, but the truth be known, debt is all in the mind. So I'm just going to say to you, I really want people helping me get my babies back that were kidnapped from me. I really want them people in the U.S. government that has been breaking the law. I want somebody to put them in jail. They tell me I got a PhD in law and business and in physics and all this other kind of stuff. But truth be known, if you read the laws and you use that system, you're an idiot. Because it's just simpler. And we figured out a way that we could pay anybody anything they wanted and they don't have to pay it back for 49 years. And we codified it into a business plan that runs all across 253 nations. And I just need help. I need to spend it on a security team. My EOD guy in Iraq, he's so frustrated. We gave him $800 million. He's scared to death in G4S. And where we are in Michigan, look at the reality of what we did. What is the statistical odds that you're going to see Pentagon General Taylor and he came to the house and all that kind of cool stuff. I mean, the governor of the state, I'm starting my business in the United Nations Secretary, the ambassador, if you will. The boss is my security officer in Mystic Island in Atlantic City is now POTUS. And one of the family members of my founding investors in Michigan is now with Secretary of Education. And old Prince and her bipolar, we don't see any money. All right, the truth, you know, there's people glitching the bank accounts. These big families, they get ripped off. It ain't really a race law. It's just some idiots that run SWIFT, because SWIFT is where the criminals are. And that's what that 253 nation audit that we did to figure out ways to inject automated cross-border payments. So we just looked at what the solution required in all languages. And we came up with a very simple thing, because simplicity is what works in business. So we said, okay, who are you? All right, what are you doing? How long does it take? What does it cost? And why? Write it down and sign it. So we did a math. Who are you? What are you doing? How long does it take? What does it cost and why? That's five variables, but see, it's really only four. So you've got four variables there. And then we went back and said, okay, if you write that stuff down and you told us, then see, it's not about a liability for you, it's a liability for me. So all this ambulance chasing stuff that they got going on out there, sucking on the government money to put you in debt. We showed people a way to not have to do that. And it worked. And of course, we're making waves, because nobody likes to sell them. The point is, at Oak School, S6, and with some of the honors that have been afforded to me at the intended, the guy that cheated on the door, there's some real serious things that need to be done here. The military is being goaded into another conflict that's based on a lie. And the lies are simple. And nobody wants to hear the truth, but I'm going to give it just because I don't know what else to do with my own soul anymore. I'm tired of being quiet about it. Truth be known, and this thing with the religion, it's all distorted. And this stuff about the negative side of London and Washington and the Vatican, it's just not real. It's just not real. It's not. Okay. What it is, is a self-correcting mechanism. And yes, there's some horrible stuff out there in the research realms of what they're doing. And there's really, really bad stuff. And the single most important bad thing is, you've got to understand, we're failing because the 1.5 plus billion human souls that rotaviruses weigh, that's a lot of bad energy, people. And you can get into the esoteric stuff. That's human life, that it's not being allowed to emit itself into this realm. We're degrading our own genetic composition using that law. And until we understand that we've got to stop killing the babies, it ain't going to matter. And I'm talking about all babies of all organic life forms. We've just got to stop killing so much. If you look at how many star vessels of light within the organic spectrum of all life forms, no matter what, okay, we're facing what we're facing because of the negative energy that we're causing to be emitted into the space that we're in. And I'm not going to get into some crazy speculation. I'm just going to keep it simple. If everything isolates in a frequency, and those frequencies are manipulated the wrong way, it affects organic life. And then you take those organic life modifications and you inject them into people trying to interpret knowledge based on language, and you can unscramble it all very quickly. And these people running these things called the internet today under a tiny little civil ban channel, all I'm going to say to them is remember a signal cord with a full spectrum of dominance within the purview of the authority I retain. We need to turn the damn stuff off. And we need to redo the wire. And the way you do that is you go back to what I said before, you make the damn representative play by the rule. And the rules are, motherfucker, you put your pants on the same way we do. Nobody is above the law. And if that be true, and it is, okay, then we just have to do the corrective action. The constitutional reforms, all that type of stuff. I mean, you got to know it's not because of some criminal conspiracy. It's because we just all damn remember. I mean, can you read an aircraft carrier load of paper? Or 75 aircraft? Oh, wait, five. Ask yourself how many written words have there ever been in how many ever languages? And you can run your mouth all you want. If it's in English, it is a single language. Okay? So you only know what you know within the purview of the language that you understand. And if you sit back and say that this infighting bullshit, grow up, you know, a Chinese person, a Russian person, an American person, they all got a right to exist. Because we're all the same. None of us are where we're from. I mean, if you want to get technical, I mean, you know, the world was run by the Romans. How come they're not in charge? You know, so it's all bullshit. You know, the British, the Americans, it's what it is. It's factions of the lesser beings and the children that are emerging because of the damage that's been done to the genetic code that's been further amplified by the misuse of the spectrum that modifies the molecular nature of what be in the existence that the humans perceive. And all this stuff about space and all that stuff, it's all in your damn mind. Okay? And that's all I'm going to say about that. I'm not going to make it political. But you know what? Within it being in your mind, the only way you're ever going to figure it out is to understand. If you want to believe where you live, understand. It's all real. Because if it's not, then why are you listening to things that aren't real? See, when you actually think about it, it has a very perception problem. Anyway, that's my 20-minute screed. I'm going to shout out to my brothers and sisters who took the oath. I really need people to put my stuff on planes in America. And I really need illegitimate lawyers and legitimate bankers in America to step up their plate and do the right thing. Because if not, under the purview of where we're at, it's going to be a war. And it ain't going to be because of nothing I did or anybody's listening to did. It's going to be another damn war based on another damn lie. And you know what? I'll descend it to hell and back. If Uncle Sam says kill everybody, so be it. That was the oath we took, right? No, that's not the oath we took, gentlemen. We're not supposed to destroy civilian infrastructure. There are rules to war that we have forgotten. And to you bastards that call yourselves generals today, and to you bastards that have gutted the damn halls of justice of purview, the traditions of military, I defy you motherfuckers to explain to me how you got a right to unscramble a thousand years of history straight up in your face. Show me, show me where it is okay for Stan and Armony to be inside the United States. Show me where any of the intelligence agencies that have a legal right to exist, or am I challenging the status quo? Absolutely, I'm challenging the status quo. I'm simply saying to the people that read the law, you know what? Get off your lazy ass, go back and read the damn law. Okay? Stop outsourcing everything. Stop making excuses for why you lie, cheat, and steal to people based on how much money they give you or don't give you. We created this mess, which means that we can fix it. You just stand up and say no more. You got people lying, cheating, and stealing out of fear. And if you wore the uniform, you got to see who they're afraid of. They're afraid of you, motherfuckers, just like they're afraid of me. I'm the way to light the law. I'm the way to light the law. You raise your hand, you are the fucking law. So with all the veterans in the world out there, and all the standard so-called military people, and all your infinite motherfucking wisdom, just explain to me how it's okay that we can kill two billion unborn souls and then you got somebody who thinks you're fucking normal. You can run your mouth all day long. Don't care what side of your mouth. Left, right, up, down. It's all bullshit. It's a binary thing, because you're on a binary system. And I'm telling you, the computer spectra, we're about one-thirteenth of what we have the ability to do. And they're suppressing because they're hiding their damn secrets. Well, guess what? G6, S2, S6, that's all I know. And I know that you motherfuckers are listening to me and you're scrounging. So don't scrounge, man. Just stop killing the kids. All you got to do is stop killing the kids. If you're going to go to war, make some rules. Very simple rules. We have them. All this stuff for women in combat. Wow, it'd be a wonderful thing in leadership positions. What was it that just recently hit you in May? I mean, a four-star female. I mean, that's just absolutely, what? It's a return to what was. I mean, come on, look at the Mars. I mean, they had women that were military. But why does it matter? Because they're always going to blame radio. And they're always going to blame guys on guard duty. It's our watch, motherfuckers. And we failed. At 51 years old, I'm telling y'all, you failed. A line of hay can't get off your ass and fix it. The amount of time it takes us to discuss who the fuck broke it can be unfixed. It's a very damn simple thing. There is a plan in place to bury Campbell in the 33rd parallel. 6.5 miles on each side of it. Okay? And systemically, as you're rolling through the construction, you cut all the lines. And then you put in a logical grid. And that's what we got. We got the patent on it. We got the authorization. We got the money. We got everything we're supposed to do. But these motherfuckers at SWIFT and ABA, they so damn wrong, they don't even know they're wrong. Western Union. How did it all happen? It ain't rocket science, gentlemen. You keep slicing and dicing countries, changing the lines on the map, and leave the fucking wires the way they are. And leave the radios the way they are. I mean, do the damn surveys yourself. I mean, we knew from day one. We took the FCC records on transmit-receive signals and just plied them on the motherfucking map. And that shit went straight to the White House. That's what happened. They tried to bury it over there in the Pentagon. And then Toto was like, damn. But see, it wasn't about Toto. 7100 Defense Pentagon. That's where we were. And then to re-enter the laws, got patentability published. And then they start breaking the damn law after the fact. I mean, they didn't pay the damn bill. So we got other countries paying it. And then we said, well, wait a minute, why didn't they pay? And then we started looking. I mean, Congress was saying, well, man, there's all that money over here at the United Nations, drawn interest, and nobody returned it. Well, let me have a mechanism for doing that. So we started looking through the damn records, and there was like billions of damn dollars laying there. They weren't just dollars, it was everything. I mean, just mountains of wealth. And I'm thinking to myself, well, damn, if we just gave away money free one day a year, we could stop the damn poverty. And so that's what we did. Yeah, I mean, you know, how do you do it? 8 billion transmit, receive channels. 10 cents a minute. I'm going to be quiet now. Hope to hear from you.

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