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Slide 6 Present Events

Slide 6 Present Events

Rachel Coates



Slide 6 Present Events


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The speaker, Rachel, introduces the concept of patient centrism in healthcare, where personalized care is based on individual needs. Telecare and telehealth are highlighted as technologies that allow patients to manage their health remotely. Telemedicine, patient portals, and teletriage are also discussed as ways to facilitate communication and treatment. The importance of secure data transfer and patient confidentiality is emphasized, with laws in place to protect patient information. Encrypted storage and blockchain technology are mentioned as methods to ensure secure data transfer. Hi, my name is Rachel, and I will be introducing the next three slides covering present events, the impact of present events, and the effects on current health care delivery. The 21st century of health care transformed into personalized patient care, creating an individualized health care program based on individual needs, goals, and health maintenance. The centralized theme is called patient centrism. The patient is accountable for their participation as technology and their health provides assist them to maintain or promote their overall health and well-being, bridging the divide of containment, community safety, patient evaluation, and treatment modalities, spurring the expansion of telemedicine. Telecare refers to the apps and technological gadgets utilized by consumers to maintain or monitor their health and well-being. This technology can be utilized on a smartphone or requires specialized sensors. Examples of telecare include digital alerts, varying health apps, sensors, or tracking tools. Telehealth allows patients to remotely manage and coordinate their health services. The health care team could include visiting home health, physical therapy, pharmacy, social worker, or case manager. Telemedicine is done through email, telephone, or video conferencing. Multiple team members collaborate to maintain or promote the overall health and well-being of the patient. A digital version of telehealth would be patient portals. These portals allow patients to access their information and secure communication with their health care team. Telemedicine allows patients to remotely manage and communicate with their provider. This allows video or phone dialogue between the patient and provider. This service can minimize office visits, expedite treatment, and allow expertise consultation during an acute change in health. Communication and information is exchanged through email, phone, or video conferencing. In acute settings, specialty consultation for stroke, surgery, or intensive care services can be achieved through telestroke, telesurgery, or tele-ICU. The management of chronic conditions, medication management, or annual primary care services can be done through telephone or visual consultation. Tele-triage is being utilized in outpatient urgent care settings and in the emergency department to expedite the evaluation and treatment of patients. The digitalization of health care information by patients has increased the need for secure data. Ensuring trust and confidentiality is essential in maintaining patient care. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 restricts patient information from being exchanged without consent. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 strengthened and enforced penalties for breaches in this securement of patient data. Secured cloud storage, encrypted data transfer, and blockchain technology are essential to maintain secure patient information. Providing encrypted safe data transfer between patients and varying team members is essential in intertwining technology into patient care management.

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