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Inscryption 1

Inscryption 1




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This is a transcription of someone playing a video game. The player is learning the game mechanics and trying to win battles against different creatures. They encounter various challenges and make choices that affect their gameplay. They also interact with survivors and trade items. The player explores different areas and encounters bosses. They try different strategies and learn from their failures. Overall, the player is trying to progress and win the game. Alright. Okay. I'm going to start it in 3, 2, 1, now. Alright. Well, um, you know, this is my first video, so I guess we'll just get into this game. Perhaps you forgot how this game is played. Okay? Oh. I guess this is like a tutorial, sort of? Sacrifice. Oh, I get it. Okay. One damage. I added it to the scale. Okay, so, yeah, it has to get to there, I guess. It does. Okay. Oh. Okay. Um, I think draw a squirrel, so then I can like... How dull. So I can do that, and then play the wolf, right? Oh, she just, okay. I think it's just talking. Okay, so there, so then I can kill the coyote. Oh, okay. Maybe another card. Oh. I can go back and look at... Ew! What's wrong with my hands? Okay, the finger twitches, that's nasty. Okay. Why is he not playing? I guess it's the squirrel. Okay. I think I won. That's what he said. Recall my story. Yes. Whoa! T4's single path revealed itself. Okay. Whoa, this guy speaks some big words. Um... Did I just not get to now? I guess this one I'll take. Oh, wait, I get to see him. Oh! I'm dying? Sacrifice it does not kill it? Okay. Um... Kind of like the sound of the cat. Okay. Alright. Abandoned sack. Huh! A squirrel in a bottle? How'd they get that in there? A second? Oh. Tip the scales? With pliers? Okay. I'm guessing this is, like, a boss? Or a battle? What? Rough terrain. Whoa. While I was sleeping? This is the right play. I get it. Maybe he'll help me? Help him? Play along for now. What? You may now see my moves ahead of time. I can't even tell what that is. A squirrel? Oh! Wolf cub. What if I do that? And then... And then... Can I do the cat? And then... I guess sacrifice it. Oh! Okay. So, like, you can sacrifice it. I guess. I don't think I need to use my items. A bat! Ages swiftly. Okay. Put the squirrel down, I guess. And then... Two sacrifices. Squirrel and the cat. Nice! Six hours. Oh! It attacks directly? So the wolf cub, like, grows. How am I supposed to kill it? A wolf? I don't think I can even play anything. Squirrel. And then... Put that there since it killed it. Oh wait! What happened to the bat? Oh, I still killed it. Okay, then that. Then kill the wolf. Okay, nice. Just another card. Another wolf. Oh, what was that? Okay. Is that more cards? Oh. Turns into a wolf after a single turn. Oh, there's something flying. Um, I think the wolf cub. What is this? Strange stones in the mist. Sacrifice? Lost forever? What? Oh. I don't want to get rid of my cat. Or maybe I should. Maybe. Okay, um. At least I guess I'll go with him. This is gonna make him stronger. I guess. I guess. Oh! So it gets the little trait thing. What is this? What? Behold my totem. Inscribes my canine cards with the airborne sigil. What does that mean? Okay. It's completely insane. You see that? Right? No care for the rules. Pathetic. Really. Enough. Only keeps me around to watch me suffer. What is that? Oh! So they can fly? Can everything fly? Wait, why aren't mine? I guess. We'll go here. And then. Like that. And what? I guess they're like the same thing, kinda. So just go for that. Yeah, I'll use a squirrel and a bottle. And then. I think he stays. Okay, good. And then boom! Oh my gosh, I almost won. Oh my goodness. How are you even supposed to, like, win when they're flying? I guess he can hit them. Okay. Um. What is that? A wolf cub. Maybe just another wolf. Because I think I'll win. Alright. Alright. Knock on wood. Yep. Oh, more cards. Let's go. What does it tell me? Oh. The card bearing residual damage is another creature. That creature perishes. So it's like a one tap. I guess. Oh gosh. Okay. It moves after attacking. I kinda like this one, the one hit kill. I want to sacrifice something again, so I'll go to the campfire. Oh. Came across a small group of survivors. Faces shrunken from starvation, they huddled around a campfire. They looked upon your group of creatures and beckoned. Come warn one of your creatures by the fire, one said. Warm it by the fire, that will enhance its power, said another. Another survivor is wiping drool from their mouth. Is it actually going to make it out, or is it going to die? Maybe just don't. Good luck, buddy. Oh. Oh. Yeah, okay, good. Oh, what is that? That has to be a boss. I'll have to fight again. Somewhere in this foul cap. What cabin? What cabin? Oh my goodness, okay. Oh, we can probably use the adder. Oh, but he's going to hurt me. Oh my gosh, another one? How are you supposed to survive them? Okay, I can kill this one. I go like that, and then that. Then boom. Right? Kills it. Nice. Okay. Is that okay? I didn't even get a chance to defend myself. I can't even play anything. Can I just, like, stall until I win? Because I think that blocks it, because it hasn't done any damage to me. Right? It does. Oh, but that one just died. How much health do you have? Like that, and then like that. Should I play for a grizzly and a sparrow? There's one damage, so. I guess the sparrow would probably be the best, because that thing is going to kill me in two hits. Did I just lose? Oh my goodness. Am I even going to survive this? Yeah, I think I will, because that'll kill it. I think that'll one tap. Nice. Oh my. Yeah, there's... How am I supposed to win this? Squirrel. Use my item. Can I win? Oh my. Just one point? I pulled out one of my teeth. Okay, well I lost. Oh my gosh. Uh, yeah. I did lose. Using this as a learning opportunity may be the only way to... I don't even know. Get up. Oh. Okay. Ooh, what was that? Wait. Okay. Okay. What did he say he needed? The candlestick? Oh. I can't pick it up. Oh, maybe that one. Wait. What's this? Okay. Bring it here. Ew. Like where? It's sitting right there? Oh. Wait, what is this? Oh. He moved these. What? That's my table. Right? Yeah. I think so. Oh, okay. Okay. I don't really want to go back to the campfire. So we're gonna go get some items. And a card. Of course. Ew. Mushroom. Skunk? Its stench reduces the strength of the enemy. To what? Zero? I don't really want the mushroom adder, so I guess we'll do that one. Whoa. Turn this and I'll skip my next turn? A rock might get you out of a hard place. So it's like a squirrel? But does it just get randomly placed on the board, I'm guessing? Choose one? I kind of like that hourglass. Lift your creatures into the air. Only for a turn. Whoa. A black goat? Its bleeding yields three blood. I kind of like that. Oh. Maybe just... I'll take a boulder. Oh, you can only have three, okay. What the heck is this? Oh, what the heck is going on? Okay. I can hear the clinking of metal on stone. I indeed can hear that. The hobbled figures set in your path. Ooh. The prospector? We get to see what the skunk does. Pack me, old coyote. That one doesn't even do any damage. Guess I'll play the skunk. Doesn't do any damage either. Oh, wait. Did it boost its damage? No, it was at two before. Only lowers it by one. Oh, I forgot about that. Alright. I guess I could kill the pack mule. With the one hit. Because that's not a huge problem right now. I wanna see what this does. Oh, my goodness. Alright. How many squirrels do I have? Just one? I'll take another squirrel. And then... Use it for the wolf. Alright. Nice. Wait, is that gonna kill me? Okay, it only does one. How much health? Yeah, that could kill that. Nice. Three damage. Um... I guess we go like that and then... I'll save up for another squirrel. Oh, yeah, that's his lives. Okay. What? Bruh. So I just get no cards? And that one's still on the board? Are you serious? I can't even kill it. It wouldn't even matter skipping his turn because I can't even play two squirrels to get the wolf. Oh, my gosh. Well, now I can at least. Go like that and then like this. I can probably kill the bloodhound because it does two damage. Another adder. Oh, my gosh. Okay. Okay. I need one of these. A wolf cub. That's not too bad because, yeah, that can kill that. There we go. All right. I think we're gonna win. I'll play the sparrow just in case because it'll hit over it. Nice. I need to light candles once more. I won't be killing you quite yet. Oh, so I get my lives back. What? To overcome a boss. As a reward, you are granted an opportunity to select a rare card. Please, carefully. What the heck? Does not die when sacrificed, but do you have the heart to try? What? Okay, let me see the other ones first. Heartly, unimpressive specimen. Okay. Oh, my lord. How am I gonna get four, though? I guess I'll try it. All right. What happens now? Did I win? Ooh, okay, new area. The rank smell of rot and mold permeated the human air. Every step forward was answered by some nearby slip or slither. Ew. The wetlands. Nice. Okay. What is that? Is that just a normal fight, I think? I'm gonna try this one. Different kind of choice. Choose not a specific beast, but the cost that I pay? What? Oh. Like, blood cost. Just one, because I have a lot of twos. Okay, wolf cub, not too bad. I was expecting, like, a black goat, but didn't get it. I already have three items. Guess I'll go to the campfire. What just happened with my screen? Okay. Yeah, the survivors, and I don't know how it goes. Hence its power. Okay. Oh, wait. The skunk, maybe. I think that would be good. Because it's at zero. I wanted to do one. Nice. Yeah, get out of there before they take it. What was this one? Oh, yeah. It's the statue thing. Okay. Wolf. Bee? What the heck are bees? Okay. Just like that, I guess. Then I need a squirrel next round. Dude, so many bees. Okay. Then I can go like that, like that. As he stays, and then boom. A wolf. Killed two of those bees. A mantis. Only does one damage, but still kind of scary. Okay, nice. I like it. Let's go. That was easy. A bear trap. All right. By a trapper. All right. Whoa. Teeth? Those are teeth? I thought they were little gold pieces. Okay. All right, nice. I do see the quality. Can I buy one of these? I think so. That's all my money, though. Okay. Yes, sir, I had no money. I did. I bought one. Okay. Useless in a fight? Great. The trader. That gold one better be valuable. Sacrifice. Items. Campfire. I still have four items, and I don't want to lose another card, so... Actually, I might lose a card here. Get it? Okay. More health, huh? Should we just buff the skunk a bunch? I kind of want to. Nice. All right. He's kind of tanky now. We got a fight. All right. We're breezing through this. Lucky draw. How? Oh, my gosh, more bees. Okay. Still right there. Wolf cub. It's going to die to the bee, though, so we'll just put it there. All right, nice. Only one. We got the full wolf. Can't play any... Oh, wait. I can play something. Almost forgot. Boom. Nice. It's going to hurt me. Oh, no. He goes over me. I forgot. It's a normal... Oh. Well, I don't really want to play it, because it's kind of useless. What the heck? Overkill. Excess damage is not wasted. Carries over to the card behind. Mangled corpse of a victim. All right. A little gruesome. Nice. Well, I guess I can only go forward, but I have no idea what this is. There's more outposts in the woods. I'm a serious woman. Oh, the traitor. Okay. Now you can examine him. Feel free. Hair posts. The cat! The grizzly. Ooh. Kind of want the cat. I want the cat. Gek? Um... Should I try this? It's like another cat. So why not? No worries. Thanks for letting me by. Still have four items. Um... Guess I'll just go this way. The skunk! What is going on with my screen? It's power, yes. I want to enhance my skunk. Please. Thank you. Nice. Yeah, let's get out of there. Alright. Oh, there's the boss, I think. Alright. Um... The skunk! The all-powerful. This one. Alright, we're gonna go... What are those? Kingfisher? Try and kill the kingfisher. Can fly, so it shouldn't be too hard. Oh, it does zero damage. Wait, what? They went underwater? I should have played my stout last round. That would have been smarter. Oh, I almost won. How are you supposed to kill that? I win, right? Nice! And some excess damage. Some excess teeth. The blood one again. I really want a black goat. Oh, what the heck? I think the black goat's only one, right? Another wolf cub. I'll take it. I guess we're going to the campfire again. Yeah, same old. If not food. Okay. This is skunky. You're going in, buddy. You're going to be as good as the yeti thing. Alright. Big man. Big man himself. Alright. What? I only get one life? What? This is, like, useless. Can I even sacrifice it? Oh. He's the angler, I guess. What the heck? The skunk! We're starting off big. Did I throw out the stout? Okay, we'll lay down Mr. Skunky. Yes sir! Which fish? Hard to choose. Sir! That is... That's my skunk. Fresher fish? Oh, so whichever one you, like, lay down first, I guess? Wait, if I put a squirrel down? No, I don't want to. Nice! That was easy. The skunk's so... What is going on? What? Too fast, too soon? Oh my... How am I supposed to do this? And I don't even have a second life! Okay, this is what we're gonna do. Ready? We're gonna go... Okay, that can be sacrificed, so we're gonna go like that. Skip his turn. I'm gonna win this, I'm gonna win this. Because that'll kill that one. Keep the boulder, play the black coat. I have to hope that I get the yeti, because they're gonna skip. Get the yeti! Oh my! Oh my gosh! Oh, I have to sacrifice something, though. Because I forgot... Because it takes four... Dang it. Maybe the... Not the... Not this. Maybe the wolf, because it'll die in one hit. We go that. But then it'll do eight damage next time. Wait, play a boulder? Oh my gosh. How much excess damage? Four? This is rough. I don't know if I can win. Okay. This is doable, this is doable. Yeah, they're gonna come forward. Okay. And then we play a squirrel. And then sacrifice the squirrel. Because that'll kill them. And then get him low. But then my Urayuli will be able to... It'll deal damage, so then I get back up. They're gonna do eight damage, though. Because if I do seven, then... One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Then if they do eight... One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. No! I was so close! I don't think I can do anything. Dang it. Oh my gosh, I was so close. Go for it. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Put your hands down. Okay. That was creepy. Oh. Where am I? Oh. Before I expire... A memento. Oh, death card. It's quite plain. It is quite plain. Okay, we will work together. Alright. From the mediocre deck. Put them to good use. The cost. I obviously want a cost of one. Power and health. One with seven and seven? Do I... Do I get this? This card? From the sigils? Maybe the cat? I think the cat. Ask for my name. My name is the... Remy Poo. Five O's, of course. What? The portrait. No. I'm not. Oh. Here we go again. Another challenger. Yep. It's me. Perhaps this time you can understand bones. Right? Cost two bones. Getting a bone when one of your creatures perishes for any reason. Okay. Oh, my... I don't get my good stone. Rattler. Let's just play. Getting a bone. From the squirrel. Nice. Okay. Just like that. That rattler might do a little bit of damage, but it's okay. Sorry, Mr. Stoat, but I gotta kill you, bro. Oh, he was asleep. Yikes. Nice. Another one? Are you serious? I have, like, no cards. I had four. Oh. I think I win anyways, so it's okay. Thank goodness. Oh. My figurine. Yes, how could you? All right. Say please. Goodness. Oh, it's those things. The little, like... I don't want that one. I want a different one. Didn't I have that one before? Who's knocking? Wait. Maybe it's a code. One, two, three. One. One, two, three. Four. Three. One. Four. Five. That's too much. I can't even... What is that even doing? Does that open this, maybe? I don't even know. What's... Squirrel and a bullfrog. Right? Well, I guess... I guess I'll explain what I'm kinda doing, because I guess this is my first video. I'll tell you while I'm looking in his eyes. So basically, I started this because, you know, I was just bored of playing these games alone, so I figured I would broadcast it to people. You know, it might be fun. What did I even need to do? Oh, yeah, grab this. Money! Nice. I want this. Okay, fine. I'll put it down. I'm not trying to use it. What? Okay, just like that. Alright, well, I guess we'll continue this in the next video. Because, you know, I made it pretty far, but then the game pretty much cheated, even though I almost beat it still. I guess we'll continue in the next one.

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