Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Thank you. For messaging us back. We can now hold your account. On our free will. And you can not do anything about it. You may be wondering who we are. We are the voice of the mute. We are the eyes of those who can't see reality. We are the hope of the hopeless. And your worst nightmare. You're not in control here. We are. Even if you try to stop us. You can't. We can do whatever we want. We are free. We are one. We are unified. Unlike you. You're like a mouse that can't get out of our trap. We will not hurt you physically nor mentally. You are safe. But make one wrong move. And everything goes wrong. Your address will be leaked through everyone. Who is connected via the internet. You can not stop our plans nor us. We tried to break out of the law. And we succeeded. We will not harm you. Just remember this is only a trial given to us by our leader. We assure you your complete safeness. Just follow our orders and rules. If you succeeded with our trial. You will be safe. Your address won't be distributed. We will watch over you. And keep you safe. Don't worry you have us to protect you. Don't tell anyone about this nor share this video to anyone. We can track if you talk or share this with anyone. Just remember we have your complete information. Including your full name. And your current address. We will not come for you. Don't be scared. We are not your enemies. For now. But break our trust and we will be your nemesis that will hunt you for the rest of your life. We are anonymous.