Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo You're crazy, you're crazy, if I don't see you You're crazy, you're crazy, you're crazy, if I don't see you I'd like you to lift up your two hands to God and thank him for the blessings of his presence I'd like you to lift your hands to him and thank him for the blessings of his presence Thank you for the glories of his presence, thank you because he's here again this morning to bless you You deserve to be blessed and he's here to bless you, go ahead and give him thanks, take God's name Magnify him, tell him father I thank you, I thank you because you will bless me again this morning Thank you because you will touch me, you will heal me, you will deliver me You will do amazing things in my life this morning Lord I thank you, Lord I thank you, Lord I thank you, Lord I thank you Lord I thank you because you are here to touch me, you are here to bless me, you are here Lord to reach out to me like never before Lord I give you praise, I exalt your name Thank you father, in Jesus mighty name we'll pray A living and a better amen I'd like you to pray this morning with assurance I'd like you to call on God this morning with assurance Please say with me father, louder and better Father, that which is difficult for man to do, make it possible in my life Can you pray in the name of Jesus? That which is difficult for man to do, make it possible in my life That which is difficult for man to do, make it possible in my life That which is difficult for man to do, make it possible in my life That which is difficult for man to do, make it possible in my life That which is difficult for any man to do, Lord make it possible in my life Make it possible in my life In Jesus mighty name we'll pray A living and a better amen In Jesus mighty name we'll pray A living and a better amen I'd like you to pray, say father That which man are refusing to do for me That which man are refusing to do for me Miracles that men are denying me of Do far more than they can do for me Can you pray in the name of Jesus? Can you pray in the name of Jesus? That which people are deliberately Organizations are deliberately denying me Lord God almighty You will specially do them in my life You will intervene You will intervene You will intervene in a big way You will intervene in a great way Lord in the name of Jesus That which men are refusing to do They are denying me of Lord God almighty You will do it in my life You will do it in my life In Jesus mighty name we'll pray A better amen A better amen I'd like you to pray, say father Louder and better, father Miracles that circumstances are obstructing Provisions that circumstances are obstructing By your mighty hands of power Reign the possibilities upon my life Can you pray in the name of Jesus? Can you pray in the name of Jesus? Lord miracles that circumstances are obstructing That situations are trying to make difficult Lord this morning you will intervene for me Father this morning you will intervene for me Lord this morning you will intervene for me Lord this morning you will intervene for me Father this morning you will intervene for me Je ne veux, je ne veux, je ne veux, je ne veux Mighty God, Mighty God, Mighty God, Mighty God, Mighty God In Jesus mighty name we'll pray Louder and better, say father Louder and better, say father Louder and better, say father Pleasant desires that I don't have capacity to do Pleasant miracles, pleasant provisions That my financial capacity cannot afford By your power of favour, reign them upon my life Can you pray in the name of Jesus? Can you pray in the name of Jesus? Lord things that I desire to have That my life needs presently But I don't have the financial capacity or the strength Lord by your power to provide By your power of favour You will make them happen to me You will make them happen in my life Lord you will intervene And bring the possibility into my situation Je ne veux, je ne veux, je ne veux, je ne veux In Jesus mighty name we'll pray Your amen can be better than that Your amen can be sweeter in the ears of God more than that I'd like you to pray again, say father Louder and better, father Miracles, signs and wonders Miracles, signs and wonders That they save my time as pass to experience it Miracles, signs and wonders That they save my time as pass to experience them Because you are the owner of time Redeem time and let my own take place Can you pray in the name of Jesus? Can you pray in the name of Jesus? Lord miracles, signs and wonders That they save my time as pass to encounter them To experience them Lord you are the one that holds time in your hand You will redeem time in my favour You will redeem time in my favour You will reverse time in my favour And you will bring them to pass You will reverse time in my favour And you'll bring them to pass You will reverse time in my favour And you'll bring them to pass You will reverse time in my favour And you'll bring them to pass Thank you righteous father In Jesus mighty name we are praying Father Lord I bow to you I ask you this morning That blessings, signs and wonders That men save can never happen in the life of all of us You bring them to pass in Jesus name Miracles that were denied Promotions, elevations, health that were deliberately denied Lord God Almighty From somewhere else You will raise help in the name of Jesus Blessings that it seems as if our time has passed to encounter them Because you are the owner of time and seasons You will redeem time in our honour in the name of Jesus And Lord I ask specially That every provision that circumstances of life Situations of life Policies and principles are making difficult to attain Government policies, economy policies and the rest Market structures are hindering Lord because you are God You will intervene specially in the name of Jesus And you will do blessings far beyond our expectations in the name of Jesus Thank you righteous father Blessed be your holy name In Jesus mighty name we are praying Your amen can be better than that Your amen can be sweeter than that Amen Please take your seat God bless you I'd like you to open your bible to the book of Acts chapter 3 We'll read from verse 2 I'd like you to open your scriptures to Acts chapter 3 Make sure it is scriptures you are opening and you are not distracted When you are in God's presence and you are distracted Your blessings are also distracted from you So make every effort to ensure That you are intentional in not allowing yourself to be distracted I'll read from verse 2 Now a man who was lame from birth Was being carried to the temple gate called beautiful Where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple court When he saw Peter and John about to enter He asked them for money Peter looked straight at him as did John Then Peter said look at us So the man gave them his attention Expecting to get something from them Then Peter said silver or gold I do not have But what I do have I give you In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth walk Taking him by the right hand He helped him up And instantly the man's feet and ankles became strong He jumped to his feet and began to walk Then he went with them into the temple court Walking, jumping and praising God I'd like you to raise your right hand to God And say in the name of Jesus My situation will end in praises My circumstance will end in praises I will live in the company of those that will praise God Because of his interventions It is so for you in the name of Jesus I have come to see stars and man That there are challenges that are traceable to our roots And there are challenges that also happen or occur Or started at some particular stage of our life In the case of this man His challenges were traceable to his roots The Bible says he was lame from birth And because of that he became a burden And people had to carry him Not to the place of solution But to the place of begging There are some times when people come around you to assist in your challenges The assistance they provide only makes you to see those who have what you don't have This was a man who was carried to the temple gate to go and beg And beside him every day in front of him in his very eyes You see those with functional legs passing by him While he had legs that were never functional I pray for you today this morning That every instrument of progress that has lost strength that is still in your life Would regain strength and become useful for you again in the name of Jesus This story also shows that there's a possibility For inflicted limitations that makes glory of beautiful places to be far from us This man was placed at the beautiful gate But his life was not beautiful We find ourselves sometimes in an environment of the rich and you are poor You find yourself in the environment of those who are influential And you are not known You find yourself in the company of those who are leaders and shakers of the nation And you have nothing to show among them at all But the Lord God Almighty by his help who created all things Is able to change situations and is able to make a beggar Pick up a beggar from the downhill and place him on the throne I this morning I decree upon your life if your amen can come from your heart Your situations will change positively drastically in the name of Jesus Amen This man again can be called somebody who had pain even at beautiful places He was always going to beautiful places Just like somebody who had the privilege of going window shopping But never able to enter the shops to do actual shopping itself So he saw those who had legs He saw those who had what he don't have I pray for you again this morning That the kind of help you need that will make your life a glory And a joy of many generations will come to you this morning in the name of Jesus Christ And when you look at this man's case Some things come to mind which I want to remind you this morning Now one thing is certain Number one God Almighty is willing to honor your faith Is willing and ready to honor your faith And he will honor your faith this morning in the name of Jesus When Peter said to him look at us By implication he was saying look at what we have that you don't have that you can have That was the first time that he would ask for hands Which is not what he actually needed There are times that situations compare you to ask for what you are not supposed to ask for This man was asking for hands instead of asking for new legs People were going into the temple the place of power Those who were going in Those who were coming out who had an encounter with God He was never bold enough to ask them that what you have that I don't have is what I need There are times that by virtue of pressure of situations and circumstances Use things you need around you but your request would never go that line at all Because this for the first time when he looked at Peter Something happened faith began to grow in him Faith began to grow in him So this morning your currency of faith is going to work for you in the name of Jesus Matthew 17 verse 20 Matthew 17 verse 20 says if you have faith as small as mustard seed If you have faith as small as mustard seed read it down that scripture verse it says nothing will be impossible for you Nothing will be impossible for you this morning. I pray for you Nothing will be impossible in your life again in the name of Jesus Your amen can be better than that I say your amen can be better than that I say your amen can be better than that. I say your amen can be better than that Your amen can be better than that A young man a pastor like me a full-timer like me Was privileged to come to our house that God built for us in redemption camp And when he was asking me this story, I told him all we had When we were starting that project was less than 1.5 million Which took us over a year to contribute together from our mega salary And when he heard that he said he left my place which is faith lifted and somehow He happened also to be somebody that all he had that time was also about 1.5 million era So he said if God could help To build this new place Was only less than 1.5 Lord God almighty. I have the same amount of money. He has Come and help me And help him i'm referring to pidania We had the testimony of our house and that made it fit to also write And today God built him a house And somehow somebody saw me Early this morning when we were wrapping up our retreat at month at montecamero And he's also believing God for a miracle. He said he just ran into somebody And I was discussing his challenges and the fellow referred to my breakthrough How it affected his own having his own breakthrough And unknown to the fellow who was talking to this person who was sharing with me early this morning He was coming from my place When he met this other fellow So this morning I'd like you to let your faith rise Because I want to say something Within the next 21 days. I will celebrate your breakthrough I hope we had what I said. I said within the next 21 days. I will celebrate your breakthrough Within the next 21 days, I will hear your testimony So God wants to honor your faith The only currency the woman with the issue of blood use was a currency of faith If only I can touch the hem of his garment I will be made whole And she went to touch Jesus Without the consciousness of Jesus without the knowledge of Jesus. He touched him from behind That tells you one thing Never think it is when you tell God your challenges that he becomes aware of your challenges Is the all-knowing God? Is the all-knowing God? Is the all-knowing God? He knows you He formed you he created you It's like you running a baby is a child running to the parents and say dad mom Don't forget tomorrow morning that I will take breakfast The father or the mother will only laugh They can never be worried So whatever your need may be it can never make God worry Why because is the all-knowing and all-sufficient God this morning I decree one more time Your breakthrough will be faster than what you think in Jesus name Number two looking at this story your desire will receive attention Can I hear you men to that? Your desire will receive attention even when your desires are wrong When it is God you brought the wrong desires to God knows how to change your desires and give you what he has planned I saw the God who uses his plan to correct your negative desires Are you listening to me this morning? This man was asking for money And God knew what he needs is a new pair of legs So God did not Say he has wrong therefore No Because he's almighty and he's a father at that point in time the father part of God showed Showed up I pray for you if you can raise up your two hands the father side of God will be used to pay attention to your life The father side of God will be used to bring your miracles to you Say better. Amen Say better. Amen Say better. Amen Psalm 37 verse number 4 Psalm 37 verse number 4. He delights yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your hearts Blind Bartimaeus shouted in Mark chapter 10 verse 46 to 52 He shouted Jesus Son of David have mercy on me And when Jesus stopped And sent for him he asked him what do you want me to do? And he's with his own mouth. He expressed his desire. He said that I may have my sight And right there in public Jesus answered him now, there are 18 persons here. God will give you public miracle You hear what I said In the presence of two categories of people number one in the presence of your mockers it will attend to you Number two in the presence of those who don't believe that you can ever amount to anything God will attend to your life Number three your trust in God will pay off for you Your trust in God will pay off for you Bible says in Proverbs chapter 3 reading from verse 5 say trust only in the Lord with all of your hearts Don't let your heart be divided one side in a man the other side to God that if this man failed God cannot fail. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, let all your trust Be in God, which is when you trust in God that men and structures And institutions don't fail you You can't trust in man And expect God to respond because your trust in that is in that man Then God will now answer. No, that is wrong placement It is when your trust is in God that situations Circumstances and man institutions will work for you That is it when Nehemiah saw the need for the house of God to be built he cried to God Then the king assisted him I pray for you this morning everything making trusting in God difficult The Lord God Almighty by the power of his blood will wash them out of your life in the name of Jesus The Bible says concerning Abraham in Genesis chapter 15 Genesis chapter 15 verse number 6 Genesis 15 verse 6 it says and he believed in the Lord and he counted it to him for righteousness Abraham believed in God Believe in God another strong word for believe in God is trust in God And because of that his barrenness was broken Because of that God said this man will surely be the father of all nations I pray for you this morning that your trust in God will pay off for you in the name of Jesus Christ Another thing to note i'll stop here because I like us to pray Is that the will of God will always find the expression in your life The will of God there's something about the will of God is stronger than your desires There's something about the will of God Is stronger than your expectations? There's something about the will of God that is the reason why you were formed and born in the first place Is somebody listening to me the will of God And one thing is certain God desires and planned his will to find expression in every dimension of your life That's why he said in Jeremiah 29 11. He said I know Somebody say God knows Say it again God knows That's why I pity you When you go to beg people And then when you are narrating they are refused to help you you will say and the man knows that I need that you know He doesn't know He doesn't do what he doesn't know that you told him does not mean he knows Only God knows The power of that dimension of that knowledge can only be ascribed to God alone That you told somebody you need And because you have told him does not mean he can help you But there is somebody who sat down at the beginning and by virtue of his plan He said to the trinity come let us make man in our image And then he said let him have dominion over the fish of the sea the birds of the air He said it to the trinity And after the man was made he brought the knowledge of what the council of trinity design design to his knowledge As a blessing what was a plan between God the father son and the holy ghost Was what was now expressed as a blessing to the knowledge of man When he said and God blessed them and God said Are you listening to me he now said the fruitful multiply replenish subdue abdomenia So only God knows What he has perfected for your life Jeremiah 13 and 11 said I know the plans are for you declares the lord Listen to me It is not the fellow Or the person Who got to know about your needs? By you saying it that has capacity to help you It is God who knew you And knew you would have challenges before you became aware of it that actually can help you That's why the bible says all knowledge belongs to God is omnipotent omniscience is omni everything So this morning I pray for you if your amen can be resounding the will of God Concerning your situation will find expression Say better amen Say better amen for example 1st thessalonians chapter 4 verse 3 says it is God's way that you should be sanctified So being holy Is the will of God for your life not just being blessed So and when you are a child of God who desires holiness brethren, it is an unusual dimension of key That guarantees every other blessings of life As the bible says in matthew chapter 6 verse 33 Seek first God's kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you Will be added to you So stop playing sin Stop enjoying sin Stop swimming in sin Stop it Come to God Some people feel it takes the path of sinfulness to be rich in life. No, you can get it, but that's not true riches The blessings of the Lord make us rich and added no sorrow to it Every prosperity that comes through the path of sinfulness can never have the peace of God in it You can have it And every prosperity that comes to the path of sinfulness is monitored coordinated overseen by the devil and his gods Because wherever there are sins like where there are sin the devil is the manager of that life But when you told the path of righteousness God is the manager of your life And the righteous would never never be forsaken Will never be forsaken So bring you good news this morning And the lord is here to answer you And he will answer you in the name of jesus I'd like you to rise on your feet this morning I'd like you to please rise on your feet this morning and say father Doubter than that father You are the almighty My faith is in you Please honor my faith this morning. Can you pray in the name of jesus? Can you pray in the name of jesus? Father you are the almighty My faith is in you Please lord. You will honor my faith in you this morning You will honor my faith. You will honor my faith. You will honor my faith You honor my faith in you this morning You will honor my faith in you this morning Father my faith is here. You honor it in the name of jesus In jesus mighty name we'll pray The amen can be louder than that Can I like you to praise you father This morning lord Let my desire Receive your divine attention Can you pray in the name of jesus? Can you pray in the name of jesus? Father let my desire receive your divine attention Let my desire receive your divine attention Let my desire receive your divine attention Father let my desire receive your divine attention Let my desire receive your divine attention. Let my desire receive your divine attention Thank you righteous father in jesus mighty name. We'll pray Again, you pray you say father Louder and better father You intervene instantly in the life of of of of the man by the beautiful gates You say father You intervene instantly In the life of the man by the beautiful gates this morning Let there be instant intervention. Can you pray in the name of jesus? Can you pray in the name of jesus? Can you pray? Can you pray? Can you pray? Can you pray? Can you pray? Can you pray in the name of jesus? Can you pray in the name of jesus? In jesus mighty name we are prayed Can you please close your eyes you're here this morning, you know, you need to repent You know, you are backstreeter. You want to come back to god Allow me to pray for you so that the blessing of this morning will not elude you You alone should kindly raise your right hand wherever you are They have been toiling with sin You still fornicate commit adultery You still you know you need god in your life because the path of sin is so real in your life Kindly raise your right hand wherever you are so I can pray for you God bless you all eyes closed. Please. You're raising your hand. I'd like you to talk to god where you are Lord have mercy on me touch me this morning. I confess my sins I confess my iniquities I am tired of a sinful life I am tired of wallowing in sin lord have mercy upon me have mercy on me have mercy have mercy Have mercy have mercy have mercy on me. God have mercy on me. God have mercy on me Thank you father The jesus mighty name will pray god. I pray for your children that their hands are lifted Keep the hands up as I pray for you every yoke of sin in your life. I command the broken in the name of jesus every desire And and every desire longing to dwell and stay in sin. I command the broken in the name of jesus Desire for righteousness and righteous living. I ask that the lord will pour it upon your life in the name of jesus Every stony heart. I command it to be removed in the name of jesus. Thank you righteous father in jesus mighty name. We are prayed I'd like us to open our eyes You're going to come to be anointed now My wife pastor and pastor were with us on the mountain for the last two days Who will be helping me to anoint you and then I will be making some unusual decrees into your life this morning And you can be sure that your miracles will not elude you in the name of jesus You can come along with your breakthrough seed in your hands Just package your breakthrough seed and come along to be anointed as you're anointed drop it in the basket As you're coming I'd like you to pray your prayer will be god honor my faith as I am anointed Lord Pay attention to my desires as I am anointed lord. God almighty My trust is in you. Let it pay off as I am anointed And then you will say god as i'm anointed. Let your will find expression in my life Fire let's worship god Oh Oh Don't stop praying Oh Oh Me Oh Oh Oh Me Me Oh Me My My My Me Oh Oh I'd like you to please rise on your feet open up your two arms to god I will give you 30 seconds So I light your desires And then i'll be praying for you. Go ahead and pray One more time go ahead and pray One more time go ahead and pray You serve a god that can do all things it is your turn to receive all things Serve a god that can heal it is your turn to be healed You serve a god who is ready to help you it is your turn to be helped No matter how big your request it's not your concern. It's his own concern I like that And tell god when you want it to come to pass Thank you father Thank you father Father In jesus mighty name we are prayed Like your amen to the sound as I pray for you Father One of your name is that you are almighty And that means you are bigger and mightier than the challenges of our life Oh Lord you are bigger than all situations by your bigness lord god almighty Dissolve and remove all problems in life of your children in the name of jesus You said if we trust in you nothing will be difficult That which has been difficult before now I hereby decree that there are no more difficulties in your life in the name of jesus Just as the woman with the issue of blows saw the end of her problem This morning I decree an end to all problems of your life in the name of jesus Amen I decree an end to all the challenges you have echoed in the ears of god in the name of jesus I decree because of the outflow of god's mercy receive the attention needed for your miracle in the name of jesus You say when we delight in you You will grant our desires Lord, I am asking this morning Let every desire in the heart of all these your children become testimonies on their lips in the name of jesus That space in your heart Space in your life space in your home space in your organizations Waiting to occupy the desires of your heart Lord, I decree this morning that let this come to pass in the name of jesus Let it come to pass in the name of jesus Let it come to pass in the name of jesus Let it come to pass in the name of jesus Those who are waiting to see you in shame I decree that they are the ones that will be floated with shame in the name of jesus Those who are waiting to see you to see you coming to them to beg They are the ones who will begin to come to you to beg for the means of their livelihood in the name of jesus Amen Lord because of your faithfulness You remove barrenness from the life of anna You showed your faithfulness Lord by the power of your faithfulness as god and as father Remove every obstacle remove every problem remove all challenges left of all these your children this morning in the name of jesus Lord the help that their life needs let it arrive now in the name of jesus Amen The help their company needs Let it arrive now in the name of jesus The help that their family needs let it arrive now in the name of jesus The help that your marital life needs let it arrive now in the name of jesus Let it arrive now in the name of jesus. Let it arrive now in the name of jesus Let it arrive now in the name of jesus Amen But early this morning while I was ministering to the pastors you opened my eyes I saw Couples holding their hands together But they were standing on a dry ground that was also hard suddenly from nowhere a stream of water showed up And came in between them And what was hard became soft What was dry became wet I decree upon your life this morning by raising of the oil and the anointing of gold that has gone upon your heads Every stubborn situation I command them to be turned around in the name of jesus Every dryness in your life dryness in your marriage dryness in your finances dryness in your organization dryness in your company I command the beauty and the glory of the streams of god to make them soft in your honor and favor in the name of jesus Lord again, you open my eyes. I saw glory cloud resting on our heads And lord I hereby decree this morning That the glory cloud of god's help and favor rest upon your head in the name of jesus Rest upon your head in the name of jesus rest upon your head in the name of jesus And lord again, you open my eyes I saw myself on this altar at the headquarter parish here I was lying down. I was rolling and what was I rolling on? There were several papers and letters on this altar and each of them read Testimonies testimonies testimonies testimonies There were too many I had to put them every space on this altar and I was rolling on them Thanking you and thanking you lord. I decree this morning that the testimonies of these your children who are hearing my voice Who are here physically and who are joining virtually your testimony shall be said or read on this altar in the name of jesus In the name of jesus in the name of jesus Lord I ask by your special mercy that every force of delay Is thereby broken in the life of this your sons and daughters in the name of jesus Amen Everything you have said in the ears of god You will stand and men will hear you say it in their own ears in the name of jesus The breakthrough seed you have given this morning I ask that the lord will use it to facilitate And speed up the breakthroughs in the name of jesus Thank you father Now there is there is someone here You need a major financial breakthrough within the next 24 hours The lord asked me to tell you he said the miracle will come lesser than that hour Thank you father there is there is someone here There is an access that you need But there seems to be nobody to help you to reach that particular office The lord said I should tell you he said from nowhere The one who will hold your hand And whose personality will take you through is coming your way in the name of jesus Thank you father Lord asked me to say to Four families here He said by the instrument of favor I will pay those bills We Thank you Wow Thank you lord Thank you There's a young man here You are running from god There are expectations and agreements that you both you and god reached that you are running from God Said he has corrected you about three or four times He said if you don't turn around And honor The agreement you both have He said he will flog you And you will carry the scars Said he will flog you and you will carry the scars there is also a lady here She said You are stepping into Something that is not the counsel of god for your life and god had warned you Said he had warned you Again and again But you are being stubborn You want to go into it God said If you take one more step He said your regrets You will not be able to erase it I have warned you My father my god, I thank you because you have visited us again this month I give you praise because there is none like you But every word you have said Every blessing you have pronounced and released Make them permanent in our lives in jesus name I will hear your testimonies Men will hear your testimonies Men will see your testimonies Your neighbors will hear your testimonies And they will see your testimonies Your police your family members will hear and see your testimonies And your own breakthroughs will baffle you personally in the name of jesus Come and lift up your two hands to god and will be to god in an acknowledgement of what he has done Give him praise this morning Thank you father Thank you father Thank you father Thank you father Thank you father Thank you father In jesus mighty name we give thanks I'd like you to shout a good hallelujah to god You can do better than that shout a good hallelujah You can do better than that shout a good hallelujah