Union Army atrocities as experienced by the people of Missouri!
Union Army atrocities as experienced by the people of Missouri!
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Grant or Hiram Ulysses Grant who was an alcoholic and he certainly wasn't going to stop any atrocities committed by his soldiers and then you had William Tecumseh Sherman who had been in an insane asylum and was brought in as a commander who almost immediately starts preaching kill everybody in a letter to his wife it's not the southern soldiers that bother me no, it is all of the southerners all of them and he advocated the murder of all the people of the South now here's a question that I just can't seem to get people to answer for me why are they honored as heroes today? Lincoln who allowed this to happen Lincoln who put these Marxists into battlefield positions knowing full well, of course when they committed atrocities he didn't care and as a matter of fact I'll get into that later in this podcast but not only did Lincoln not care in the case of Colonel Turchin which wasn't his real name Colonel Turchin in Athens, Alabama after he sacked most of the city and raped the women and was court-martialed by General Rosecrans Lincoln not only brought him back into the military but promoted him to General now if you want to look at one significant point to really hang your hat on that has to be it because Lincoln did not care one iota about innocent people being killed innocent women being raped both black and white and goods stolen graves which were dug up because these Union soldiers thought they might have hidden their especially if it was a fresh grave that they might have hidden their valuables in there so they dug it up threw the corpse on the ground and just left it these were madmen these were maniacs in the army and if you go to the War of the Rebellion the complete records you will find example after example after example at first I thought for many years that this had occurred because of the Emancipation Proclamation then things got really strange and then things began to happen but until I got into this War of the Rebellion records I didn't realize that especially like in Missouri as I mentioned before that especially there that this was from the very beginning these Germans mostly Germans Marxist Germans in St. Louis when the war began Lincoln sends them into Missouri and many of them couldn't even speak English and so they started committing atrocities and then the thing that really bothers me is that you've got to do revisionist history the people who win write the history and so then the bad people in Missouri according to modern history are William Quantrell and you know he committed such atrocities and then of course there's bloody Bill Anderson you know Jesse James and the group oh they were terrible look at the atrocities they committed but they don't mention that the atrocities that had already been committed by these wonderful Marxists that Lincoln had placed into the army of the Union and that is the thing that I think that I want to do with this podcast is to show the origin of some of these people as compared with the origin of the people of our beloved Confederacy of the Southern States well I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed but folks we live in a strange world today in this country and that is clearly shown by the fact that people who publish or put on Facebook or YouTube or something else blatant lies about the so called Civil War that there is usually no question whatsoever it's just accepted but in a podcast or in a written essay or anything like that challenge the government's position on something and immediately people start asking where is a link where is your proof where is a link so it shows without a doubt and of course that link would be to a government approved website with government approved material on it but that is the delusion that so many people in this country are suffering under today that if it is an acceptable narrative from the U.S. government then it's okay it must be true you know yes it's a total defiance of science but we got to trust the science don't forget but if you publish some of these things or put it out and people go oh where did you hear that that can't be true well it can't be true because the government said it because the U.S. government said it and that is the thing that is really perplexing in my mind and I want to bring as many source documents into this discussion as I possibly can so let's take a look at some of these documents that I have here and let's take a look at some of these documents that I have here and let's take a look at some of these documents that I have here and let's take a look at some of 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