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The Victory is Yours

The Victory is Yours

Robin AndersonRobin Anderson



The Full armor of God is available for the believer to live a Victorious Lifestyle, Music -Expressions of Praise

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The speaker encourages listeners to put on the full armor of God for protection against the enemy. They emphasize that the enemy is out to deceive and distract, but with God's protection, believers can be confident and strong. The speaker acknowledges the challenges believers face, such as fear and despair, but reminds them of God's love and power. They urge listeners to share the good news, be ready for service, and use faith and Scripture as weapons against the enemy. The importance of prayer and fasting is emphasized, along with the need to stay vigilant and stand firm in faith. The speaker concludes with a prayer for encouragement and victory. my sister, put on the full armor of God. And we all know that armor is used for protection. The enemy of our soul is out to kill, steal, and destroy. The enemy is the author of confusion and the Bible says that he's the father of lies. If any part of your spiritual man is not protected, the enemy will target that area. So with the fullness of God, you can be confident in knowing he is with you. Know that he loves you and will not withhold any good thing from you. Our struggle as believers is not against other people's family, children, husband, wife, or neighbor. It is the trick of the enemy to distract us from the reality that is a spiritual matter, straight from the pit of hell. We are in true spiritual warfare, my brother and sister, but we can be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. There has to be an awareness of who we are and who the enemy is. Sometimes we fight within ourselves. We have low self-esteem, we're depressed, sometimes we feel tormented, and sometimes there's self-hatred, God forbid. But God has not given us the spirit of fear, says the Word of God, but of love, power, and a sound mind. That's found in 2 Corinthians 10 and 4. Yes, there is power in the name of Jesus. Have a mindset that God is with you and he will fight your battle. You are already victorious because of his might. It's true, the day of evil is upon us and we are living in the last days. There's troubled times and our faith as believers is being tested. The spirit of fear is gripping our world. There are sleepless nights, anxiety, stress, relational crises, financial crises, violence, mass shootings, health crises, mental crises, despair, and a sense of hopelessness. But in spite of it all, God cares and loves us. So put on the spiritual protective clothing. It's not bulky or cumbersome, nor is it restrictive. You will be able to stand your ground. It is easy to wear and it's light. You can stand your ground on a firm foundation. The Bible says you can run and not be wearied, walk and not faint. You can go through the fire and not be burned. You can go through the flood and not drown. You can run through spiritual troops and leap over walls even if the enemy tries to hold you back. Stand firm on the rock of your salvation. Stand firm in your faith. Hold on to God's unchanging hand. Do not give up or give in, my brother and sister. Stand unmovable with the belt of truth around your waist. Truth is confidence and knowing who we are and who God is. Knowing the promises are true, it gives us blessed assurance. In the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. The spiritual protection of God surrounds us like a breastplate. It protects and guards the heart and mind of the inner man. Yes, God is with us. Your feet have to be fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. God prepares each of us. He calls us by name. He desires that we will come to Him and know Him in a very, very real way. We are reminded the importance of sharing the good news wherever and whenever we have the opportunity to do so. The world and people on our jobs, even family members, need to hear the good news of salvation and peace with God. So be ready and look for opportunities to share the good news. We are all fitted for service in the kingdom. Be reminded you are commissioned to go. So be ready to encourage others, witness, and do the work of the ministry. The soldier has to be skillful when using a shield. The shield of faith can protect the whole man or any part that is vulnerable to attack. It is movable. With faith, all things are possible. It operates in the supernatural. Yes, heal in his mind because God says I'm healed. When the enemy comes in like a flood, and we've talked about this many times in previous podcasts, the Lord will lift up a standard. The helmet of salvation is what you allow to go into your mind. Whatever a man thinks, so is he. The sword of the Spirit is our first defense weapon. We cannot sit down with the enemy and we cannot negotiate a reason with him. We cannot tiptoe around the enemy. And we cannot ignore what he's doing in our children, families and community. The enemy will twist the truth, tell you lies, but you have to come at him with the sword of the Spirit, which is God's Word. It is so important to study, meditate, and emerge yourself in the truth of God's Word. And then we have to have a heart of thanksgiving and praise because we know that the enemy bleeds when we worship in the Spirit and in truth. There is power. Thank you, Jesus. There's power in our worship and praise. There is power and authority in the name of Jesus. According to Philippians 2 and 9, Lord will keep us in perfect peace if we keep our mind on him. So we must pray and we must fast. According to Isaiah 58 and 6, it's not this, the fast that I have chosen, to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo heavy burdens, and that you break every yoke. Just pray and fast until change happens in the name of Jesus. Matthew 17 and 21 says, this kind does not go out except by passing in prayer. Ephesians 3, 16. We pray that God will strengthen us through his Spirit. James 5 and 16 says, pray for one another that you may be healed. We know that the power of a righteous person is powerful and effective. First Corinthians 16 and 13 says, be on guard, be alert, be watchful, stand firm in the faith, be courageous and be strong. We know that the helmet protects the head when we are in Christ. The Bible says that we are a new creation. All things are passed away. Behold, all things are new. And my desire is, Lord, give me the mind of Christ. And the way that that happens is by reading the Word of God and meditating on it and praying until our image is changed into his image. Praise the Lord. The sword of the Spirit is our weapon of defense. It is the Word of God. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. The Word of God is our authority. Demons have to submit to God's Word. The Word of God is a lamp to our path. You have to have selective hearing to know and recognize and respond to the voice of God. And you are going to hear different voices. You are going to hear the voice of the enemy. Sometimes he uses people. He uses songs. He uses speakers and leaders to speak false doctrine. But we have to know and recognize the voice of our God. Continue to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. First Chronicles 1611 says, Seek the Lord continuously. We thank you, dear God, that we could be victorious. We thank you, dear God, all those who listen to this podcast. Lord, we ask you to encourage their hearts. Help them to know who they are in you. And help them, Lord, to stand on the solid rock. Lord of our salvation. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Praise you. We lift you up. We know that the demons tremble. They have to flee when they hear the worship and praise to our God. And we thank you, Lord. We thank you, dear God. We thank you for blessing us, Lord, to be the men and women that you called us to be in this generation. Amen. This is Robin from New Generation Christian Family Matters. If you need prayer, please contact us. If you have something to say, I promise we will listen. Amen.

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