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The subconscious mind is responsible for decision-making in dreams. It represents our true beliefs and views of the world. Lucid dreaming can be an exciting experience, allowing us to manipulate objects and explore different realms. However, it can also become boring after a while. Meditating during a dream can lead to a surreal experience where everything dissolves into nothingness. In this new realm, sculptures created by imagination can be found, but our creations may not always be impressive. Overall, exploring lucid dreaming can be an interesting and surprising journey. And yeah, this one's kind of a lot to handle for some people. So who makes the decisions for you when you're in a dream? Is it really you, because it seems like you're asleep, but there's something that's acting like it's you. What is that? Well, it's the subconscious mind that is active while you're sleeping, and that's the true expression of who you are, of your true spirit, the unaltered, unabridged version of you. And that's a lot to handle for some people because their dreams might be disturbing or they might do things in their dreams that they're not particularly proud of, and they just say, oh, well, that's not me, that's something else. Well, it actually is you. It's your true beliefs about yourself and about the world and how the world works, how you view the world. It's everything. And so I think the first step here is just not lying to yourself and saying, oh, yeah, that's me, and I have some work to do now. And that's where the journey starts. So this is surreal right here. I once took Joe Rogan's alpha brain and was in a lucid dream for so long, and then I got bored. And that's probably not typical for most people. I had been meditating and practicing lucid dreaming for a while at that point in my life. I was weird. And I got pretty good at it. I was able to morph objects into other objects, spin on a ball of air like the avatar, and even imagine a door and then what would be on the other side of it when I opened it so I could go anywhere I wanted. And it was dope. But and it was pretty fun. But I got bored of it after like hours and hours of being able to do this. And I just started meditating. And that's where things got really crazy. Because the whole dream just dissolved and everything I thought was real, it just turned to nothing. It was like, like, not even darkness, just like nothing. And I awoke in a new realm. It was like Minecraft on flat mode, completely flat, infinitely many directions. And in a checkerboard like pattern dotted around this like courtyard of sorts were sculptures that had been created just by imagination. People just thought of something like beautiful and it was like a sculpture, right? And so you could create your like little, little signature on this landscape. And so I'm trying to create mine and it's just a blob of crap, looks terrible compared to all the other beautiful sculptures and this thing shoots over the horizon, it was like a minotaur like thing. It just blows smoke out of its nostrils on me, looks and looks at me in disgust at this terrible creation that I'm making and then just jets off into the infinite, and then just jets off into infinity like behind me. And so if you're looking for a crazy experience, try Joe Rogan's Alpha Brain and Lucid Dreaming and you'll be surprised. So Joe Rogan's Alpha Brain, the original, not the new kind. So this is surreal right here. I once took Joe Rogan's Alpha Brain and was in a lucid dream for so long that I got bored. So I've been meditating and lucid dreaming, practicing lucid dreaming for a while at that point. So I was pretty good at it, I know. So this is surreal right here. I once took Joe Rogan's Alpha Brain and was in a lucid dream for so long that I got bored. This probably isn't typical for most people, I've been meditating and lucid dreaming for a while, practicing lucid dreaming for a while at that point, I know, I'm weird. And I got pretty good at it, good enough to be able to morph objects into other objects, imagine a door and then what would be on the other side of it when I opened it so I could go anywhere I wanted. I could even spin on a ball of air like the avatar, it was pretty awesome. But I did this for so long that I got bored and started meditating and that's where things got crazy. Everything I thought was real just dissolved into nothingness, the whole dream collapsed. I awoke in a realm that was like Minecraft on flat mode, just completely flat in infinitely many directions and dotted around this landscape were sculptures created by the imaginations of the people who had been there. You could imagine something beautiful and then it would just be a concrete sculpture as like your fingerprint on this landscape. And so I'm trying to make mine and it looks terrible, it looks so bad and this thing just like a minotaur, and this minotaur like thing shoots, and this minotaur like thing just appears out of nowhere like it just, and this minotaur like thing shoots over the horizon towards me and looks at my terrible creation, blows some smoke out of its nostrils at me like in disgust and then just leaves, and then just jets off into the horizon behind me and was gone.