Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
James has made changes to his diet, cutting out bread and sugars. Despite their differences, the love for God keeps the relationship strong. Michael was born after a difficult delivery and was named after a message from God. He has always had a tender heart and a spiritual nature. Matthew had a special bond with Agnes and showed early signs of being prophetic. Rachel was busy but had moments of spiritual connection. Isaac also had prophetic abilities, but they were dismissed by his grandfather. Jamie's mother is nice but lacks an open heart for God. Jamie's father passed away, and there were custody issues with Michael. Diane homeschooled the children and gained confidence through God's help. So, tell me about James. When you were at summer camp and you saw him with his little bag of raisin bread, does he still like raisin bread like you do? Yeah. But he stopped eating bread products. Oh, really? Yeah. He stopped eating grains. Yeah. Just for physical, he wasn't physically feeling body changes and he went on the liver, you know, because he used to consume a lot of sugars. So, he doesn't eat sugars anymore. Wow. And he doesn't eat grains and he's changed his diet, which is a big breakthrough. I'm surprised he doesn't eat raisin bread now. He does eat it, but he doesn't eat bread often now. That's good. So, when you saw Jamie when you were at summer camp, did you feel attracted to him at all? You know what I was attracted to? The love that he had for God. Right. He had such a purity of the love and he would just sit and play his guitar. He just had such a love. That's what drew me to him, was the love that he had for Jesus. And, you know, remember that he would be sitting on one side of Agnes and I would be on the other side of Agnes and we'd be sitting there. I thought that we would be getting married, you know. Right. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. That's the glue. The glue is the love for Christ. Right. That even through we're very different, very, very different, but it's the love of God that keeps us. Wow. So, tell me about Michael. What's something special that happened when Michael was born? When Michael was born, I remember Jamie was working on the wheat because they had to unload all those crates, those trains. Yes. And I remember we were cleaning Agnes' room. They were and I was watching the children and I went to the bathroom and the blood show and I ended up going to the hospital and having Michael. But after, Jerry actually was there when Michael was born. Really? Yeah. I won't go into details because there's some situations there you don't want to know. So, it was kind of a difficult thing. But anyways, after I delivered Michael and they reeled me out of them, then he used to go into an operating room. And you know what room was it? Oh, the Lord spoke to Jamie. So, before he was born. Uh-huh. And said, Michael, call him Michael. Okay. Like an archangel. And he had that type of personality, you know, that warrior in him. And so, when he was born, they reeled me out of the room and the Spirit of God hit me. And the Spirit of the Lord said to me, you will have one more. Wow. Because we were, we thought this is enough. Right, right. And the Lord said, you will have one more. Right, right. And I remember that. Wow. Yeah. So, what was special about Michael when he was little? He always had a tender heart. Yeah, he did. And he was very sweet. Uh-huh. He just has a very, and he still today has a tender heart. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. So, then, uh, so then you have Michael. And Michael's about two years old. And then you get Matthew, or how does that work? Well, Matthew, Michael's 35 and I think Matthew's 32 or 33. Okay. So, he was really small then by the time, he was still pretty small when, um, when Matthew was born. Uh-huh. So, tell me about Matthew. How did that, how did, like, was there, what was special about his, him when he was born? Well, he was Agnes's favorite, one of his, one of her favorites. Uh-huh. And he would sleep with her. Uh-huh. And he would eat out of her candy buckets. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah. And he, he just, um, you could feel there was a definitely, he was spiritual because he would just sing and you would feel powers roll back. Really? Yeah. Really? And he, um, he was just very, you know, he would sit with Agnes and he received a lot of deposits of her. And when she would preach, he would be right there on her side and he would eat with her and they just had a special bond. Uh-huh. And you could see the impartation. Uh-huh. There was just, I remember, like, he, he would always have to confess something if it wasn't right. He couldn't live. Hiding things. Hiding things. Yeah. Wow. Wow. That's neat. Yeah. That's neat. He, he started to read at four years old. Uh-huh. And he would read the King James. And he can read a book like this very quickly and he understands it. Wow. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. So, Rachel, how did Rachel feel about it all? Did she even notice? I think she noticed and she really wanted a baby, a sister, but that didn't happen. She was just a busy bee, remember? She touched everything and, but you know, I remember times where she would really rise up in the Spirit, you know, and pray. What did she say about that man? Did she think that she was just mimicking him or did she already know? You know, it's almost when they're lost, they're just lost and they don't know. They just don't remember it. It's like they don't remember it. They intentionally don't remember it. Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. For me, I have pictures, photographs of some of these things and so it helps me to remember it fast. Otherwise, I don't know if I would have lived there. It was a long time ago. It was a long time ago. It was, you know, 40 years ago. And Isaac was pretty prophetic. Uh-huh. I remember he would give us advice. He would see things in the... Really? Really? Yeah. And it would come to pass. Really? But then, you know, that's when his grandfather said, this is your imagination. Uh-huh. Oh, we don't want to go into that. So, I'm just a little curious. So, a lot of the humanism and stuff came from... Jamie's parents. Jamie's parents. Jamie's grandfather or both parents. Um... Both parents. How's she doing now that Jamie's gone? She's very precious, but she's void of God. She doesn't have an open heart anymore. Yeah. Yeah. But she's very nice. She's nicer with me than she was. Uh-huh. Yeah. I don't feel so put down, you know. And Jamie's father passed away. Uh-huh. He didn't know. Well, you know, I really felt God intervened. Really? Yeah. Because, um... I, even before he passed away, I just felt I wanted to approach him. If I had done anything to offend him, I wanted to ask forgiveness. Uh-huh. I wanted to clear myself. At the time, Jamie and him weren't talking because he had already... Michael had come to visit. And then he wanted to, you know, take us to court. Michael was still underage to get custody. You know, he just had an evil spirit. So he wanted custody of Michael? Uh-huh. Like, would take us to court and stuff. You know, that we were the terrible parents. Oh. And, um... How old was Michael at the time? He was 17. So at 17 years old, he was going to take you to court? He was at his last year in school. And he and I didn't feel good about it, but he wanted to go. I think we remember that, yeah. Visit his... His father. His grandfather. Yeah. So he went. And then they didn't want to release him. So was he in, was he homeschooled? No, he was in a King's Christian. Yeah. That Christian school. Yeah. And I actually... Well, there was two. There was one Christian school that they didn't even charge us tuition. We had our five in there. It was the Riverdale Academy. Yeah. And then we were driving them a half hour every day back and forth, plus practices, plus events, and it was a lot. So then I was at a women... I don't know if I was a speaker or something, but I had a good feel about King's Christian. And then the secretary, I guess, was there, and I felt to go in. We went and talked, and they said that they had a burden, that they felt they needed to take our children. So then I did the study hall. They gave me substitute, and sometimes when teachers were out, and it was a pretty big school. It was pretty big. It was closer to you guys. Yeah. They went up to 12th grade. So I did study hall there for, I think, six years. I'm not sure. Uh-huh. So the study hall means you sit, and the kids study, and you just make sure... And you grade them. Oh, and you grade them. Okay, okay. Wow. Wow. Yes. So Diane, you used to homeschool your kids. Yeah. So tell me, like, how in the world did you do that? How did the Lord do that? Because you didn't... Did you graduate from high school? No. Okay, so there was something about that. Tell me about that. AC is pretty good curriculum, too. Some of it is self-teaching. But we also had teachers. Okay, okay, okay. We had teachers and principal there, too. And we had people that, you know... And what I could do, I did. And how did you feel when you were... Like, did you... So sometimes there's a word, stigma, where people feel... Where people feel bad about themselves because, you know, maybe you didn't finish school. Were you able to get a GED or anything like that? No, I couldn't. Okay, so sometimes people feel as much as you've taught school, you should have a high school diploma. You know what I mean? If you taught school so much, you should have been doing it. But how did you deal with that? Like, when you went back into the school system, education system, helping in different areas, did you feel in yourself, like, not confident? Or did the Lord come and give you that confidence? I think the Lord did give me that confidence. I talked to Gordon a little bit how I had to go to the A.C. school so we could even open the school up. Right. And then I was sharing with the desk. You got supervisor training then? Yeah. Okay, cool. And I was at the...taking the test. Mm-hmm. And I just ran to the bathroom and I started crying. Sure. And I said, God, you know that I can't do this. And then he just came in my body. He filled me. Mm-hmm. And he said, I'm going to take your hand and I'm going to do the test. Right. And then he said, later I'll give you the revelation of what you did. Mm-hmm. And he did. And he passed the test. Uh-huh. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. That's what I was wondering because I knew I just, like, I remember. Because how could I have done that on my own? Right. I couldn't. So the Lord, I remember he just took my hand and he did the test. That's awesome. Then he gave me the revelation. He said, I'm going to give you the revelation of what you did. What you did. What you learned. Yeah. I was in a meeting and there was a gentleman that he would sing prophetically. Mm-hmm. And he said, you know what? The Lord told me you have a nursing degree in the spirit. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And just in the spiritual things, I feel like I base more of my education on in the spiritual things because he deposits it and then he brings it by revelation. Mm-hmm. So what I feel about it is. Exactly. I understand. And this is why I'm going to say it's not necessarily going to be on the tape now. But the way I feel about it is this. God has made you such an incredible woman. And the spirit of wisdom that rests upon you. I mean, like, you remind me of, like, the Statue of Liberty. There's just, like, something so strong that God has put on you and you stand for truth. That surpasses a college degree. Because I know so many college students that are not able to do, like, one-third of what God uses you to do. And I'm talking about in the natural. Mm-hmm. I'm talking about in the natural things that they should. They wouldn't be able to open a school. I mean, who can open a school even though you're challenged? You know what I mean? That is, like, such a powerful testimony of God using anybody that he creates. Who can do that? These kids have college education and they can't even open a school. Mm-hmm. You know what I'm saying? They can't even put it together. They can't even get their kids. You got your kids all the way through school. Mm-hmm. You know, that was you that did that. You have five kids that you got all the way through school. You got them where they, that's right, private teachers. That's where they needed to be. And yet, with the challenges that you had, to me, that speaks, what they say, it speaks volumes. That is just, like, such a powerful testimony. And so, I can see the beautiful person that you are, the intelligent person that you are, the wisdom that you have. I mean, people that have college education come and ask you for advice. You see what I'm saying? It's like, and that isn't just the spiritual, it's also in the natural they ask you for advice. Mm-hmm. And that is the spirit of wisdom that rests on you. Just rests on you. Doesn't leave you. And that is, like, to me, so incredible. But I was just wondering if you, because usually when a person's like that, they don't realize that they're like that. But I was just wondering how you, you know, transitioned. And I hope that you never feel less than or pushed down. Because this, again, is just a powerful testimony.