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Over 70 times the word Rhema is used in the New Testament. We can gain a much fuller understanding when we see the original meaning of these verses. It is not our intention to dig deep into the greek but to receive the revelation of the power of a Rhema word from God. We discuss the difference between Logos, Graphe and Rhema. Very inspiring.

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In this Bible study, the speaker discusses the Greek words used to refer to the scriptures: logos, graphe, and rhema. Graphe refers to the written word of God, while logos encompasses any spoken word or truth. However, the speaker emphasizes that simply knowing the scriptures is not enough; one must find Jesus within the scriptures to truly find life and understanding. The scriptures come alive and have meaning when Jesus reveals them to us. It is important to study and search the scriptures, but it is the combination of the written word and faith that brings life to our hearts. Let's pray, Father we thank you for this great wonderful moment you've made us reach. We thank you for our Papa who has organized this Bible study. Pray for your Holy Spirit, we pray for your power, we pray for joy, peace as we are going into this session King of Glory. We pray that let your blood be with us, your Holy Spirit lead us through this King of Glory and all those who are going to join us King of Kings, give them strength and courage to be with us King of Glory and whatever we are going to discuss Lord, let it be of the benefit to all of us King of Glory and to the whole world King of Kings. We thank you that you made this program for us King of Glory as we are going to start we pray for your hope in Jesus' name through all that we are going to speak. We pray for your wisdom King of Glory, we pray and believe that everything is going to be well in Jesus' name, Amen. I hope you like the image that I put up. I'm always looking for something catching and something that also speaks the truth of the subject that we'll talk about today is a lion with fire coming from his mouth and that represents this word rhema, r-h-e-m-a, it's not an English word but it's rather a word in Greek and much of the New Testament was first and mostly translated into Greek and so most of the versions of the New Testament we have they come from the Greek translations. So this word rhema, there's three words actually used in the New Testament, three Greek words and usually logos is translated word, w-o-r-d and rhema is usually translated word of God and there's a third one so we have logos, l-o-g-o-s and it's any spoken word, any spoken word, it's not a written word, it's a spoken word or a truth. The one which is a written word is graphe, g-r-a-p-h-e, we're not going to just have a dry boring study of Greek and English but I believe there's real life as we see deeper into the scriptures that we read and we understand what it is that God is saying to us in a deeper level, it begins to bring life to us. It's very practical on everyday use to understand the meanings of these things. So first let's just quickly look at this word graphe. Can anybody, too bad Lawrence wasn't here right now, LA knows very well what graphics are but this word graphe is where we get this word that we use called graphics and a graphic is something you can see. So graphe talks about the scriptures, the written Old Testament and surprising not only Old Testament but also Paul's writings. Peter refers to Paul's writings as graphe or scripture, scripture. So let's just take a few verses which use this word Matthew 26 54 and let's just have two or three guys reading. It's time to grab Matthew 26 verse 54 to 56. All right if you can remember that and then Emmanuel Mark 12 verse 10, Mark 12 verse 10 and favor if you would read Mark 12 verse 24. Let's hear all of those scriptures and then we'll have a discussion. Matthew 26 54 through 56. But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled that thus it must be. In the same hour said Jesus to the multitude. I come out against the teeth with saws and space but protect me. I sat there with you teaching in the temple and you laid no hold on me. But all this was done that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples forstook him and fled. All right scriptures, scriptures that's graphe, graphe that's the word written scriptures could be fulfilled. Already on Mark 12 verse 10 please. Praise God. Emmanuel. Mark 12 verse 10. And have you not read this scripture. The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner. Verse 11. This was the last day and it is marvelous in our eyes. Have you not read this graphe the written scripture. Did you not read it. All right. So again this is the word graphe which is something you can see. Favor Mark 12 24. Go ahead. Mark 12 24. Jesus answered and said to them. Are you not there for me speaking. Because you do not know the scriptures nor the power of God. Yes sir. You don't know the graphe the written scriptures the Old Testament writings. You don't know them. That's what he said to them. That's how you make your mistake. You're in error because you don't know these things and you don't know the power of God. All right. So there's three examples. And I just wanted to put in two more scriptures because we need the Holy Spirit to give us understanding so that the scriptures the graphe could become life to us and alive. So we're going to read two more scriptures please. Luke 24 and 45. Brother David welcome. I hope that you can hear us and you have a good network. Welcome David. How's your mommy. All right. He'll open his mic when he gets there. Hey David. I'm fine. Mommy's fine. She's recovering well. That's wonderful. So she's at home now. No she's still in the hospital. OK. They're taking good care of her. I'm glad that the Lord is people to help. All right. Well let's turn around again to Cassandra. Luke 24. Luke 24 45. Emanuel John 2 22. Luke 24 45. Yes. Open heed their understanding that they might understand the scriptures. Jesus opened their understanding so they could understand. Guess which word is used. The graphe. The written word of God. All right. So not always will the written word of God profit. Oh we're going to get to that. The written word of God is is valuable. It's important. God preserved it. It's the graphe. Oh but Jesus had to open their understanding graphe before it would profit them. All right John 2 22. Emanuel John 2 22. When therefore he was choosing from the dead his disciples remember that he had said unto them and they believed the scripture and the word which Jesus had said. Praise God. Amen. So when they saw Jesus then they believe the scripture and that word which is logos which was spoken to them. The word which was spoken unto them was logos. The scripture which they had been told and they had known they came to believe graphe and the word or the logos Jesus had spoken to them. All right. So now we're seeing how these different words are used. I think we're going to find some life in them. Brother David could you read John chapter 5 verse 39. You see there it's important that we understand these these principles. Otherwise we can be led away by teachers that want to exaggerate things and make a point where the scripture doesn't make that point. So here in John 5 and 39. David do you have that. Yes. John chapter 5 verse 39. You search the scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life. It is these that testify about me. Yes. Verse 40. Are you unwilling to come to me so that you may have life. Praise God. He says you're always searching the graphe and you think you're going to find life in graphe. But Jesus says you're not going to find life until you find me. Brother David am I saying that correctly or am I exaggerating this verse. No you're saying it correctly. Is it possible. Is it possible to take the next step saying a person can know the graphe and not know Jesus. David what do you think. It is not possible that you will know the scriptures without knowing Jesus. But the Pharisees knew the scriptures and they searched the scriptures diligently but they refused to know Jesus. They searched the scriptures they read it as mere words. It has no meaning to them. And this is the meaning of the word graphe. The scriptures have no meaning to them. Why did it have no meaning. Because they don't have Jesus. Aha. So in Luke 24 we saw that Jesus had to open their understanding to graphe before they could even really believe it and see it. And in John 5 39 it says you always are searching these scriptures. You think you're going to find what you want there but you're not going to find it until you find me. Aha. You know Jesus is in these scriptures from the beginning to the end. Jesus is everywhere in these scriptures. Remember this verse where Jesus stopped and he explained to them from the scriptures. Remember they're on the road to a man. And Jesus explained himself to them through the scriptures. And he said from the beginning to the end Jesus was explaining where the Messiah must come. He must suffer and he must be raised again. And I would have loved to hear that teaching. I think it would be excellent. Amen. So when we say scripture we have a holy reverence. We have a respect. We have a love for that scripture because we know the word Jesus the one that became flesh. And he dwells among us. He showed us the But the scriptures it's important that we study them. But unless we find Jesus we are going to just only have words. As you said very well David you only have words. Aha. So Ezra what are you thinking about as we're talking about these things? Do you have anything you'd like to share? Brother Ezra. I'm still praying for that revelation. Okay. Yeah. Do you understand then simply the point is that graphe is the Greek word that's translated scripture. Yeah. Okay. So whenever you see the word scriptures and there's other words that are used that's when you know that it's the written word. The Old Testament. Okay. Okay. And so Jesus explained those scriptures to the disciples on the road to Emmaus and those scriptures came alive and had meaning as Jesus revealed them. So first we have the scriptures the graphe but then we have the revelation of God and that brings us to an understanding. It brings life to us. It's not just the scripture but it is when it is mixed with faith that people believe it and something happens in their hearts that's when the word comes alive. Amen. The word mixed with faith in those who believe it. You know the scripture is always there. Those written words are just a book sometimes that can just sit there. This here is graphe. This is precious. This is wonderful beautiful book. I love to read the graphe. I love to search the scriptures. I love to study the scriptures because I'm looking for the life that is in it. I'm looking for God to speak to me. Okay. Let's go on to look at Matthew 4 verse 4. Brother Faber would you read that one Matthew 4 verse 4. Okay sir. Matthew 4 verse 4. But he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Now Brother Faber there's something interesting. This when it has this word but every word. Do you know that that is not graphe or logos. That's a different word. Yeah. And that's the word. So how would you go ahead and explain that verse Faber. I'd appreciate it. Okay. Just like you said the scriptures refer to the graphe. And the person can read the scriptures but they don't know Christ. They wouldn't know Christ. They just have an understanding of the scriptures. The Pharisees and the religious persons and the lawyers they know the scriptures but it's not being revealed because the spirit behind the scriptures the Holy Spirit hasn't revealed the scriptures to their understanding. Their understanding hasn't been opened so the scriptures haven't yet come alive. And now the Lord speaking to the enemy in Matthew 4 he says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. So man shall not live by bread alone but by the revealed word of God. The revealed word of God. The word of God that has been revealed that has come alive to you. That has come alive to me. And that's what we live by. And that tells us that tells each and every one of us that the word of God is man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. The word of God can be revealed to everybody so we can all have a personal relationship with the word. A personal relationship with the revealed word. So we can read a verse of scripture but what the Holy Spirit reveals to me from that verse of scripture may be entirely different from what he reveals to my brothers from that verse of scripture. Because he is bringing the revealed. It's a personal relationship. It's a personal experience by which we are to live. So just like I need to eat food in order for me to stay alive I don't have to say well a reverend has eaten and he ate for me and him. A reverend has eaten and he ate for the people who know. I have to eat for myself. My wife has to eat for herself. My child has to eat for herself. So everybody has to have their own personal experience with that food in order for them to stay alive. That's the same way it is with the revealed word of God. Everybody has to have a personal experience with that word that has been revealed in order for us to stay alive. And that is what keeps us alive spiritually and by spiritually I'm referring to mentally, emotionally and the soul. Because most of the things that happen to a human life or to humans that cripple us is not often the physical disease. But I think more pressure, more sickness come in the mind, come in the emotion and the soul. And so this is why the law says we shall not live by bread alone but by every word, by the revealed word which means I have to press on. I have to ask the Holy Spirit. I have to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit in order for him to reveal the word unto me because that's what I need in order for me to live spiritually. Amen, Favor. Excellent. By the Cassandra, John 5.38. John 5.38. So this leads us actually to a third word which is Logos. And the Logos is any spoken word. And it's even more than any spoken word. It's like this, you know Favor, I heard that you said this truth. That's also a Logos. That you said this and it was a truth that you said or something that you said and so that's also Logos. And Rhema is not what Favor said some time ago and no, it's only reserved in the Bible for when God himself speaks to a person, to a group or a situation. That's when it's Rhema. The living God spoke a living word individually. Now he could take that graphic and make it alive to you and then it's Rhema. But Logos is, well Peter said a word to his mother-in-law. Okay, that's Logos and that's fine. But also Logos can be very powerful because in scripture as we study it, scripture Logos is powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. Wow. Logos, you see, the spoken word of God can be when Favor is preaching. That can be Logos. When Ezra is sharing his testimony to somebody in need, that's the powerful sharing of scripture because now it's being spoken. It's no longer a graphic, it's spoken when you preach it, when you read it aloud. Alright, so this is the power of Logos as well. And when it's revealed to someone as you're preaching, the revealed word comes and I go, oh Jesus, yes, I get it. Then it becomes life in me. It becomes living word that God himself spoke it to me. I mean, Favor can preach all day long. He's a great preacher. But if I don't get, aha, in my spirit, quickening and revelation, then it's simply Logos. But when it becomes alive in me, it becomes that Raymond word that gives me life. Ready, Cassandra, John 5.38. John 5.38, see, And ye have not his word abiding in you, for whom he hath sent him ye believe not. Why was this one, you have not his Logos abiding in you? Because why? Because he didn't believe in Jesus. Okay, so before we comment, let's read also Hebrews 4.2, and I think it's Emmanuel's time to read. Hebrews 4.2, it's a very well-known. Hebrews 4.2, For unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them, but the word preached did not profit them, not being met with faith in them that had it. Praise God. All right, so Favor was preaching the Logos, the word of God, the word that God gave. But because it wasn't mixed with faith in them, it didn't come alive and become living word in them. And they didn't abide in that. This word abide means we can live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. It gives us life. But only when it's mixed with faith in them that believe it. That's our part. Say, God, I see this in your words. I've never experienced it. I've never seen anybody live that way. But God, I'm choosing to believe what doth sayeth the Lord. And when we say, I choose to believe it, that spoken word of God begins to have power. It begins to have power when we believe. All right. Ezra, are you following? Is it beginning to come alive for you, Ezra? Yes, I'm following, God. Are you understanding, Ezra? Yes, I'm getting something. Okay. By the end, you will be shouting Hallelujah. Amen. Okay. Then we go to Hebrews chapter 4, verse 12. I think we're back to, are we back to Caspian Davis? Am I correct? Yeah, go ahead. Hebrews 4, verse 12. For the word of God is rich and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a dishonor of the thoughts and intentions of the heart. So, what word, Cassander, do you think Greek word is used for here? The word of God is quick and powerful. In this case, it's logos. The logos, the spoken word of God is quick. It's powerful. It's sharp. You know, when God speaks to you and when God speaks through the scriptures to you, it's powerful. It's quick. It's sharp. It begins to work inside of you. I believe God wants his word to become flesh, just like with Jesus. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God, and the word became flesh and dwelt among us. I believe that God wants for us to allow the word, and we hear it, and we believe it, and it becomes flesh, that it becomes real in our life. It's not just, you're supposed to be obedient to God. You're supposed to not look at the wrong things. You're supposed to have a different way of speaking. You're supposed to, that's a message of condemnation. When God begins to speak to us, and we say, yes, Lord, I want your word to come alive in me. Then that word, the logos word of God that we receive and believe, it becomes alive in us, and the word becomes flesh. Not the graphic becomes flesh. That when God speaks to you, it comes alive. Many people simply know the scriptures, but they don't know the word, and when we come to know the word, he explains the scriptures, and they come alive, and it's so beautiful. It's so powerful. From a child, I read the word, but there were passages that became so real to me. My understanding was open, and other times, I'm older, and then I have a struggle. I go to God, and I go to the scriptures, and I say, God, speak to me. When a scripture comes alive to me, for my situation, it's God giving me an answer and a direction, a courage, and faith. I say, yes, Lord. I believe it, and I receive it. Then that word becomes flesh. It comes alive. Amen. The logos in the beginning was the logo, and the logos was with God, and the logos was God. Very simple. The spoken word of God. His name was the word, and then he became flesh, and he became Jesus and lived amongst us. Any questions, anyone? Is it helping anyone? Is your understanding being opened? Is this something important to you? Are you seeing the value of it? Somebody talk to me. Brother Emmanuel. I am getting a lot of meat at the same time, processing the teaching and the contribution. Yes. Thank you. Good answer. Brother Cassander, where are you at? I never did understand why Jesus, in verse 39, of that place where it says John chapter 5, verse 38, I never did understand why he would say, Jesus is with us. So, I was wondering, doesn't scripture help? Why is Jesus saying they will not find eternal life in what they are touching in the scripture, but then I see it was because there was no rhema, no life, and they had rejected the Lord Jesus. So, even though they touched scripture, there was no eternal life. So, I understand that now by the explanations of the logos, the rhema, the graphic. Okay. So, I see where you're at. Ezra, can you read Luke chapter 8, verse 11? Luke chapter 8, you might know, is the parable of the sower and the seed, and Jesus explains the meaning of the parable. We'll just read this one verse only. Luke 8, verse 11. Now the meaning of the parable is this. The seed is the word of God. And that's enough. Okay. The seed in this parable, the story Jesus was telling, which had a meaning, one of the important keys to understand the meaning of this story is that the seed is the word of God. Now, what word, Greek word, do you think is here that's translated, the seed is the word of God? I think that seed, do you know? I think it's the rhema. Okay. You would be close, but the problem is, it's not rhema, because it's like preaching. Preaching is the word of God. Taking the scriptures and preaching the word of God. But it doesn't become rhema until somebody receives it. Like the seed in the inside of you. Yes, it can be a seed, but until you receive it as this is from God for me, then it becomes rhema. So you can see the logos is being preached everywhere. People are, remember the word logos means spoken, or somebody had spoken it or it is spoken. This word of God is being scattered in people's hearts. Sometimes the heart is hard. Sometimes the heart is just way too busy and gets choked. Sometimes this heart is divided and wants to go after pleasures and after the word and it doesn't work. But sometimes the heart is open and the logo sprouts and becomes life. That's when the word is mixed with faith in a good heart. A heart that can receive. It doesn't get too busy. The devil doesn't just snatch it away. This is the explanation of that spoken logos, word of God. All right. Is that clear? Is that clear Emmanuel? Yeah. I had to learn these things by reading and thinking, okay, now this is logos. Why does it say logos and not rhema? Because it's not the spoken word of God to an individual that they receive and it's alive. Okay, okay. I understand better now. Okay, good. All right. I think we're ready to go to rhema and look at some scriptures where you might be surprised when you understand the scripture that will read with the understanding of the meaning. Because all of a sudden the scripture has so much more depth. Now let's read Luke 4 verse 4. I think we're back to you Faber. Can you read Luke 4 verse 4? Okay Reverend. Luke 4 verse 4. Now we are only reading verses that have rhema in it. So I don't need to ask. We shall live by every rhema of God. Not by bread alone. Every revealed word of God brings life to us. And this is how we shall live. We'll come alive. There's many who are going to churches and they are studying the graphic and they are getting ahead intellectual knowledge. They haven't yet found Jesus. And the word has not yet become alive in them. It's still that word which is knowledge without the Holy Spirit understanding. Oh Jesus. How about John 6 and 63? All right Ezra can you read John 6 verse 63? John 6 verse 63. It is the Spirit who gives life. The flesh conveys no benefit whatever the words that I have been speaking to you are spirit and life. The words that Jesus spoke they came with spirit. They imparted life. They conveyed benefit. You know Faber there's such a difference when someone is speaking out of their mind and their intellect, their great experience. And there's a different thing when the Spirit of God begins to speak through somebody. The Spirit of God begins to move and there is life given and imparted. And if someone will just receive as that ministry is going on and saying yes Lord be it unto me according to your word. There's power to fulfill the words being spoken. It comes with spirit and life. And Jesus said the rhema that I speak to you. The rhema that I speak to you they are spirit and they are life. Can you see the difference in these words? This life-giving word from God to you individually. Oh they are spirit. They're spiritually understood, spiritually received, spiritually revealed and they bring you into being a spiritual man. The logo sometimes and the graphene sometimes just brings us into being a pretty good Christian. But it's often by our own efforts that we continue that. But when we receive the beautiful words of God then they bring spirit and they bring life. Welcome Brother Xavier. Cassandre, John 6, 68. John 6, 68. Then Simon Peter answered them, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of the Son of Man. You alone have the rhema. The rhema that imparts eternal life. Now you see how much more meaning these verses start to have when we understand that Jesus is not just only saying for you alone have the understanding of the scriptures. That's good. We were instructed to search and to understand the graphic. We were told to understand the Old Testament and to search it and to seek it. But without Jesus giving us understanding. And they said where else can we go? No one else has rhema. No one else when they speak, you know, the Pharisees marveled. This one speaks with authority. That authority was the moving of God's spirit. That authority was the truth being witnessed by the Holy Ghost. And they produce conviction in people. They produce fruit in people who would receive it. Oh, what a difference. We don't have the ministry of condemnation. Paul said in 1 Corinthians like the third and fourth chapters. But we have the ministry of life, reconciling men back to God, restoring relationships with God. This is life giving. Oh, somebody's got to be saying amen and hallelujah. All right. Let's talk about rhema and prayer. Rhema and prayer. John 15 verse 7. Brother Emmanuel. John 15 verse 7. Then favor if you find John 17, 8. John 15 verse 7. Yes, sir. If you abide in me and my word abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you. Restore. So I would love to tell you what I am inspired by this verse, but Brother Emmanuel, I'd love for you to discover that if my words abide in you, you can ask whatever you will and it shall be done. And knowing that this is rhema, when my rhema abides in you, Brother Emmanuel, how does this change your understanding of this verse? That's a very interesting one. It's a very interesting presentation. It presents to me as saying that from the abiding rhema, you will be able to act in accordance to God's will and to have an understanding of the time and the season as he's taking you. And it will help you that it will cause his word to be fruitful in you. Yes. It will cause his word to be fruitful. You will see the fruitfulness of his word that is in you. If I should put it that way, sir. Amen. So you are then praying back to God what he has already revealed to you. What he's already spoken to you and you're going to just ask him for it because it becomes alive in you. You've already received it from God in your spirit. And then you could ask whatever your heart's desire is because already you've received a word from God, a rhema. See, this changes everything. How many are teaching today that if my scripture, if my Bible is in you, you can have whatever you will. How many are teaching that? It's not graphic and it's not logos, which is powerful. It's rhema. When my rhema is in you, then you ask. Come on, brother Faber. Come on, rejoice with me because revelation is happening and people are catching the moving of God's spirit. Hallelujah. Go ahead. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. John 17, 8. I love this. And as I was looking through this, just the scripture you said, I should read my scripture. And inside just loomed from that scripture to me. I believe it to be a blessing. John 17, 8. For I have given to them the words which you have given me. And they have received them and have known surely that I came forth from you and they have believed that you sent me. So the words here that the Holy Spirit is just staring my heart by are the words received. And just like you talked about, a rhema word is only a reviewed word when you receive it. Or you read the graphic. When you receive it, it becomes a reviewed word. But here's a progression that I love. And I haven't seen this before, all this while reading from that scripture. It says, for I have given to them the words which you have given me. So I shared the logos with them. I preached to them. And then it was a rhema to me. But as I released it to them, it was a logos to them. But when they received it, it says, and they have received them and have known. So after, I love this, they have received them and have known. Which means after they received them, an understanding came to them, an insight came to them. They have received them and have known. They came to have a knowledge that is beyond written words. They came to have a knowledge that is beyond empirical knowledge. Empirical knowledge of what I see, what I feel, what I touch. It was a knowledge that they know, we say this sometimes, you know that you know. Like you have this knowledge, you may not find the words to explain it, but you know beyond reasonable doubt. This is what happens. This is what happens when we receive the word of God. And this is why we can exercise faith, a strong, immovable faith. When we have received that word, when it's a rhema word, then we have come to know. You see somebody will say, I know God will come to me. I know God will change the situation. And nobody sent him a message telling him, okay, things are going to turn around. Nobody made him a promise. The government didn't change the economic policies of the country. But he just knows. There's this deep knowing that comes when the word of God becomes a revealed word. So he says, they have received them and have known surely that I came forth from you. And they have believed that you sent me. So they heard all these things, but when the word was revealed, when the word was revealed, they began to have a personal relationship with the word made flesh. Amen. That knowing, that word know, I don't know the exact Greek word, but I know it means knowing absolutely. Being fully convinced, being fully convinced. Hallelujah. Amen. Full of faith. Bless the Lord. All right, Romans 10, verse 17 now. Let's see, who's ready to read that? Romans 10, 17. I've lost track. Romans 10, 17. So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Now, with our new understanding of this word of God, faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the Rhema word of God. Brother Kasandu, can you explain that to me? I would love to, but I'm going to leave it for you. All right, we'll turn to Brother Emmanuel. Emmanuel, take your opportunity to look at this, Romans 10, 17. And with the understanding of this word Rhema, tell me, what is the meaning of this verse? I'm making you all work tonight, but I love it. It's okay, sir. It's okay. Well, the meaning I receive in myself as I'm looking at the scripture, so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. I think what is said here is the written word. Hearing the written words grows or helps to stir up your faith. I stand to be corrected if I'm wrong. It stirs up your faith and then positions you for the Rhema. And that's the way I see it. Hearing the written one, the paragraph there, it positions you, not just you, for the Rhema. And the Rhema now causes you to be faithful. That is what I see from the presentation of that scripture. Right. So here in this verse, like all the verses we're reading right now, hearing comes by the Rhema of God. Or it could be said faith comes when we hear and receive a Rhema word of God. Yes. Faith comes when we hear not just the logos being preached or someone sharing with you or like that, but faith is mixed with and we receive faith together with a Rhema word from God. You can read the word. You can speak the word, logos. Then it comes alive and it comes alive in you and faith comes with that word. You know, Emmanuel, there's times where you read that scripture over and over and you're trying to build up your faith because this is how it's normally taught. You need to read the scripture to stir up your faith. That's the normal teaching. And I think it works as well. But the real deep meaning of this scripture, knowing the meaning of Rhema, it means faith comes for your circumstance when you hear a thus saith the Lord to yourself. One of the meanings of Rhema is it's a word from God to an individual, to a circumstance or to a group. It's a pointed word. It's a directional word of God. God purposely is speaking to you and faith comes with it. You can be so low and you receive a word, a Rhema word of God, and your spirit receives that word and you are full of faith where you were doubting and discouraged. We need a word from God. Search the scriptures, listen to messages, but look for that Rhema word from God. Say, God, you speak to me. I need to hear you in my spirit. I need a word from you, God. I need you to give me your faith word, your Rhema. Can you see it like that, Emmanuel? Yes, I am beginning to understand better. But at the same time, I want to be clarified on something. You said the scripture is talking about the Rhema word coming to you and stirring up your faith. I want to be clarified on something. Can the Rhema word just come to you without you hearing any of the Logos at all? Yes, yes. There's many examples of that in the word of God. Elijah was not reading the scriptures when God spoke to him. Abraham was not reading or hearing a preacher. God himself spoke to the situation. I used to think that when the Rhema word is coming, it will be backed up by the Logos scripture. The Lord speaks to you and there's a scripture he might use to back it up or to help you understand better. So if we are not hearing or giving ourselves to hearing of the Logos and the Rhema word comes, we might not have the connection. Let me find a better way to put it. What I'm trying to say is that is probably what I have known before now. As you hear and expose yourself to hearing the written word, it gives you room for when the Rhema word comes and the Lord says something like, Thus says the Lord, fear not, for I am with thee. You know where it is. You understand what I'm saying? As much as the Rhema word comes, the hearing of the Logos enables you to make a connection, a better connection, because you put it that way. So I think you are saying it reinforces and it's backed up by scripture, which is true. God never speaks contrary to himself. It's the Holy Spirit that wrote the graphene by inspiring holy men of God. They wrote as they were inspired. So that's what I'm trying to understand. As you are hearing the Logos, exposing yourself to the Logos, can we see that that would position you for the flowing of the Rhema as you are hearing the Logos and exposing yourself to the rhythm of the Logos? In my experience, it's come that way at times. And my experience has come while worshiping in God's holy presence. And the Holy Spirit comes and he begins to speak. There's an atmosphere where God is speaking. It comes to me at different times when I'm in intense prayer and the word of God will come to me, the Rhema of God. There's times when I'm driving my truck somewhere and I just say, Oh, Jesus, I love you. And then he'll speak an understanding and a word that comes for a purpose. It can happen many different ways. So if for you, you find that listening to the word of God helps for you, go for it. But what we're looking for is that as we grow in maturity, Emmanuel, God can begin to speak on direction, vision, ideas and plans and understanding of spiritual keys. He can begin to just speak that into your spirit. And then often I'll go back to the word of God because I don't know how to teach what I just received. And often what I'm teaching is something I received in my spirit. But I went back to the word of God and say, God, I need you to show me how to teach this. I need to show how to make this alive so others can receive it. But it begins with a moving of his spirit. Go ahead, Faber, if you had a word to add to that. Oh, bless the Lord. Okay, Reverend. I'm enjoying myself. I hope you are. Yes, sir. I love this. I love how my brother, you know, he commented on that and he asked a very important question. Yeah. Now Paul writes, we believe the Apostle Paul wrote the book of Romans. He said, so then faith comes. Lots of times he says faith comes. So faith is not always there with us. Faith is not always resident in us. Faith has to come. But then there is a condition for the coming of faith. So nobody says, oh, I was born with faith by default. No, it has to come. And there is a condition for the coming of faith and that condition is what? By hearing. And it's not just anything. It's not just hearing a good word. It's not just hearing a motivational word. By hearing, I'm hearing some translations who say, I'm hearing the word of God. But I want to make two comments. Two points. Two views, yes. Two views on this phrase. I'm hearing by the word of God. First is what I heard somebody say some time ago. And he said, when he says hearing by the word of God, it means that the word of God is a sieve. Like a sieve, a medium, that every information that you hear, it has to be filtered by the word. So what the word doesn't say, you don't accept it. If the word doesn't say that, oh, you're going to, if the world you live in could be saying something else, but the word of God is saying something else, you believe what the word of God is saying. Because the word of God is like a filter. Like you have a sieve in the kitchen where you boil rice, you sieve stuff. It says that's how the word of God is. That's how the word of God should be. So when we place it against our ears, it will sieve the information that we're hearing. It will sieve the fears. It will sieve the doubts. And then it will now give, let me have the word and it will boost my faith. That's the one. The one view. And then the second one is this one, you know, the preacher said that in some translations, the by, if I'm correct about that, it says, I'm hearing by, that there is no by. It's hearing the word of God. Yes. They are both connected. So it says, hearing the word of God. And that connects to what, you know, what we've been looking at tonight, and even what my brother was saying. The Logos, and I'm glad, I like the way that you presented this. The Logos, the Graphic, and then. Graphic. The Graphic, and then the Rema. The Logos, spoken word. Graphic, written word. Rema, revealed word. So it's like you have to start out from the Logos, and then you get on to the Rema. I mean, you get on to the Graphic, and then you get on to the Rema. So, it says, so then faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God. And it also connects to one of the scriptures we read, you know, Luke 4. The Lord says, I shall not live alone, but by every word that proceeds forth out of the mouth of the Lord. So, this tells me, okay, that I just, the word that brings faith, the word that brings faith is the word that has been revealed, is the Rema word that has been revealed, is the Rema word of God. That's the word that brings faith to me. So, I have to hear it. I have to hear it. It's up to me to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it, to open my ears, open my understanding. Just like one of the scriptures we read, He opened their understanding. Lord, open my understanding. Open my understanding. And when He opens our understanding, then we can hear that revealed word. And when we hear it, it brings up faith on the inside of us. We must have a hearing heart. We must have a receptive spirit. We must have ground that can receive that seed. So, I see the first hearing being the condition of our heart. Faith comes by someone who has the ears to hear. Jesus said it. If you have the ears to hear, let them hear. Back to you, Emmanuel. Okay, sir. I have a question. Is it wise to say that one can evaluate the Rema he had? For example, someone says, I have received this Rema. Is it right to say the person can evaluate it with a written word? Absolutely. Because God will never contradict himself or his word. But I have also seen people take scripture and use it like a sword to cut up something the Holy Spirit has given. Yes, I would like you to shed more light on those. To cut down and to destroy what God was speaking to someone. Because it's our understanding of the scripture that gives us that life. Otherwise, we can take the scripture. We can be very severe with it. And we can hurt people. We can condemn people. That's from the wrong spirit. But whoever has the spirit of God and an understanding of the word of God, the scripture of God, then I think that there can be a fuller understanding when we take what God said to me and we go to scripture. I've had God speak three words to me. And it took me days of study to understand what he was saying. So I go back to the word. Absolutely, Emmanuel. Back to the word. Favor. It looks like you opened your mic for a purpose. Ask your Savior. Yeah, what are you receiving here or what do you have to add? Thank you for this. This is a great opportunity for me because first and foremost, I believe I'm not three pages backward. I'm catching up. I'm about on the same page. Good. Good. Number one, I've discovered something new. I didn't know nothing about the graphic word. It is the graphic word that I use to refer to as logos. The graphic word is referred to as the scriptures. That's the part you missed at the beginning. It's referred to as the written scriptures. Graphic is always written. Okay, go ahead. I'm appreciating because I have known this at 6%. But then I wanted to make a comment before this phone closes. I think according to what Brother Emmanuel has been sharing, God has the liberty to speak to you. Whether you have ever met the word graphically or in logos, you can receive a rhema. One thing that I believe that God will not do is that he will not tell you anything that is out of his graphic word. But he has the liberty to tell you. You can be even in the dirtiest place like you are clearing the trash and you receive a rhema. And you can be in your study room and you receive a rhema. You can be walking by the road and you receive a rhema. So God has the liberty to do his desired communication much as it agrees with all levels of his word. It is a rhema. Yes, it agrees with the logos and agrees with the written word. But he can, actually it is not he can, he retains the liberty to give you a rhema regardless of where you are and regardless of what you are doing. Actually on several occasions he has used circumstances, he has used the environment to bring a rhema and it is up to you to go back and search the scriptures. If it has been yours, to get a confirmation. If it has been for public consumption, to get the way how you can deliver it. And the God's word will always support that. You will find those same principles and keys and truths in the written word of God. There is only one more scripture in this context I must bring so that we can catch it. Ephesians 6 and 17. Brother Faber if you would be the one to read Ephesians 6 and 17 and you would be welcome to comment on it as it just comes alive with the understanding that the word used here is the word rhema. Okay, Ephesians 6 and 17. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God. I love that. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit. Here is the sword of the spirit. Now this explains why some people can't. This subject of the revealed word is a very powerful. It is a very powerful. Fellowship is a very powerful study we are having today. Because in this has the answers to certain questions that believers ask. Questions like why is it that he could do this but I couldn't do this. The disciples ask the same question to our Lord Jesus. Why couldn't we do this? And so he says the sword of the spirit is the word of God. And he was referring to the revealed word of God. And this is why some people are able to do spiritual warfare, cast out devils, cast out demons, stop satanic attacks while others don't get as much results. That's because the sword of the spirit is not just a written word. Now there is this tradition that some people practice here in Nigeria. I don't know if they practice it in the U.S. I've seen it. Yeah, it's a very funny stuff. They want to sleep and then they put their Bibles under their pillows. And then they say okay, so it's going to wake up devils and demons and all of that. But that doesn't work. It's not the locus. It's a revealed word of God that is the sword of the spirit. It's a written word of God that is the sword of the spirit. And so he says the sword of the spirit is the word of God. So if I have the revealed word of God on the inside of me, there is no limit to how much I can do in the realm of the spirit. If I have the revealed word of God on the inside of me, I take down mountains, I take down oppositions, I war. David says, he said he's trained my hands for war. He's trained my fingers for battle. And that's what happens when the word of God is revealed to us. It arms us. It arms us with all the necessary spiritual armor for war, to battle and to get results. So that's the comment I'm going to place on that. Yes, and it's a good one. Yeah, it's in the context of spiritual warfare and arming yourself. And what really arms us in preparation for war is this revealed word of God, where he has become a life inside of us. And it is the Holy Spirit who takes that, which has been revealed to us and uses it in war. So the spirit in that situation mixed with what he's revealed to us. And we can go, devil, you better stop right there. You've crossed the line and you're not going to continue in the name of Jesus. Go back where you came from. And there's such authority when you've already seen it in the spirit, you've already received it by faith, and you're speaking it in agreement with God. And the Holy Spirit takes that two-edged sword, the word of the spirit, the rhema, and the moving of the spirit brings the results. Oh, Jesus. And we need to understand what he's saying about rhema. Many times people will say the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. And I don't think it's totally incorrect, but we understand the word rhema. We understand how it's used accurately throughout Scripture. It's not inconsistent. We begin to understand some of these scriptures, that faith comes by hearing the rhema word of God, the sword of the spirit, which is the rhema word of God spoken to us and spoken through us. Because we can become those who speak rhema word, word which produces fruit and life in someone else. Not just Logos word, which is powerful, important. I don't put it down in any way, but there's a higher level that those that God will train, that will come to become mouthpieces, those who speak what God speaks. And you can begin to speak rhema, where people receive it, the faith is already mixed with it, and they come alive. And this is being a minister as a mouthpiece of God, ministering faith and grace. Jesus said you're already clean because of the words that I've spoken to you. So precious and so powerful. Father, we're grateful for this, the way that you've helped tonight to discover the insight into many scriptures that we didn't understand before, to the depth that we understand it tonight. God, I thank you to help find this word to our hearts, Lord, that we would not forget or lose this revelation. And we begin to go back to your word and say, Lord, show me, teach me, so that I could even teach others. Father, bless each one who's been hearing this and participating. You've been speaking to hearts tonight, encouraging those. God, we're in situations we can only live. We can only live by the word of God. Every word, every rhema that proceeds from the mouth of God, we can't live without it, Lord. So God, tonight we're asking you, God, that we would have hearts prepared to hear, hearing hearts, open hearts, hearts that are contrite, hearts that are longing to hear and willing to do what we hear. God, you won't even speak if we're not willing. So God, we thank you, prepare our hearts to hear what you would have to say to us. Oh, Jesus, speak, speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. Speak, Lord, for my heart and my ears are open to hear, to understand, and to believe. Father, help us, help our unbelief, Lord. Jesus, we praise you. Thank you for your written word. Lord, thank you for the preachers of your word. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that reveals that word to us personally. Lord, this is what we stand on. This is what brings us life, and this is what guides us. It's when your word is revealed. Now, God, we thank you for tonight, and we add your blessing to it. We seal this word by the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen.

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