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ShakeBacCrew episode 1

ShakeBacCrew episode 1




In the very first episode of the ShakeBacCrew, the guys talk about their personal lives with funny stories.

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The podcast hosts discuss the most they have spent on a girl on a date, ranging from $100 to $200. They also talk about different types of dates and how much they have spent. They discuss the importance of the company and vibes on a date rather than the location. The hosts also discuss their thoughts on complaining about the chosen restaurant for a first date. They then share personal stories about questioning their own character and the worst punishments they received from their parents. all right all right welcome back to the shake that cool podcast and first off we'll start off with Reese last time he wasn't here so I'm gonna go get this one out quickly what's the most you spent on a girl on a date like for context mine's was 200 mine's is probably like 150 plus cuz they're like the whole it like it wasn't just a date cuz I bought some flowers with it too so actually not it's probably it's probably less than not it's probably between like actually a hundred to one twenty five one fifty hundred to one like that Greg is this like this place go nah what a flower not negative flowers the flowers are $30 that's the least $120 well you said 150 if you can't but if you count the gas together yeah I did the 150 yeah yeah yeah yeah then I didn't like probably a hundred to 120 100 to 120 we ain't gonna take the gas but we definitely taking the flowers into consideration so probably up a hundred a little bit less than a hundred there so okay mine's no gas I'm gonna include the flowers but this yours is different cuz you were in a relationship so that's like you were I wasn't I was not in a relationship oh you weren't this is a date date this is this is a date for marriage what you type this is a date date oh I like your girlfriend I was gonna say two unknown your girlfriend is highly acceptable but doing on a random yeah oh no it was like what second or third date so second date I took her that's where'd I take the girl to second date we went we went to get some ice cream we went to the parking and we wanted to just watch fireworks like we spent like damn it a whole day together oh yeah um Ali said he said spent six honey how long is Ali but Ali's engaged so how long is Ali and his girlfriend been together like a year or something yeah on the very first one so I'm saying yacht yacht to Reese yes yacht took they took shorty out to a yacht on the first date I see yes he better be careful but yeah I mean oh my anyways I think get to introduce our guests and man Grayson and that's about it oh I got a question for you have you ever been on a date right whoa it's crazy that I'm not really like somebody okay so somebody take you out they pay for everything not everything but you know like say you got the dinner they pay for the food or even if y'all go to the movies they pay for your ticket pay for the popcorn okay okay okay okay so how much you spent you don't know well like what was it so what yeah that's a date like mentally did he pay for everything yeah oh yeah that's a date that counts as a date of course of course okay so he so if you pay for the ticket did I get any snacks or anything okay popcorn popcorn is like $30 yes bro it's out here buddy you probably spent and it was fast well there's probably less than a hundred I mean but they had a event filled day though like you went to the movies yeah you went and got some food you know that's solid yeah he didn't even introduce their name already you did yeah okay my fault my fault yeah oh my god bro all right switching the subject actually no continue on the date subject how do you feel about girls complaining about Cheesecake Factory as the first date have you seen it if you don't I is different like you saying oh I'm too upscale for this but if you just don't like it I'll be alright bet we could go somewhere you like but I mean about we talking about like all they think like before I mean the list yeah I've seen that list I mean when you not paying for anything you really don't have the right to complain when I'm the one that's putting gas in my own car I'm paying for your food I'm courting you picking you up man picking you up is you know I mean you really don't have the right to complain you supposed to go you're not even going for the fool you going for the company of each other you going for the vibes the energy to get to know each other and to see where y'all can take this so yeah I feel like a first date it's kind of difficult though cuz me I just think the first day you post a like I used to think okay a first day you take the girl out to eat then y'all go somewhere y'all talk get like y'all go to like a river or something talk walk around get to know each other something like that now I'm starting to think you can have like an event feel first day so like y'all might go mini go for the go car racing then y'all go get some food then y'all could like go talk somewhere and get to know each other cuz one of my homies is talking to me about that like during the summertime I was supposed to take this girl on a date well like you know what nah but I think it just all depends on you know how comfortable you are with the girl yeah all right so first question is what's something you've done to question your own character to question my own character like some bad can it be like like I had to actually do the action or is it thoughts I had in my action okay all right um okay that y'all know this situation because it happened last year is it that yeah when you when you yeah drop no no no that ain't that no that was an accident that situation yes that situation oh when like you know could you see you know your homies your homies hurt and stuff you like day but it ain't make me it didn't make me question my character but it made me think did I do the right thing and you always like that if somebody feelings is involved you didn't do the right thing of course well you what did you done to make you question your own character say one thing okay okay so you could tell the story but you know you could have used a different example in your life yeah use that example yeah they make you put any example you didn't well what do you want to share no okay break have you ever done something question your character yeah why have you done I feel like this it's not a good question no I don't think when I would I do what I did I didn't question mark here because I knew the reason I did it I never did it to hurt anybody like it was no illness it's like I'm doing it fuck up somebody fuck with somebody's emotions you know I mean yeah like we all done done things we regret I do this on purpose like I intentionally like oh I know I'm gonna do this and that's gonna fuck up my character type shit I did it and then looking back on it I'll be like yeah but you know I think it's gonna happen at the like this go for anybody you're gonna do like what you think is right at the end of the day at that moment like you're gonna make the best decision they won't even make the best decision for themselves they'll just do what's worse for the other person you know I mean like some people there's some people like that they might not even think about it so after the fact you know some people don't have critical thinking skills they don't think what they doing is affecting more than themselves now I have a question have you ever done something for the great this is mostly for great have you ever done something for the sole purpose of not even because like it was the best thing to do but I want to just do this to hurt somebody else have you ever did something just for the sole benefit of putting somebody else on a hard position or just for just to put them at a disadvantage so putting them in a bad spot and make them feel a bad way all the ops man for sure but yeah I don't think I've never done something like intensely hurt somebody though I can say that I can I can legit say that that was lucky a solid question no one who was all right so pretty sure we all did something bad now I'm not very young live so what's what's the worst punishment your parents gave you worst punishment my parents the worst thing I probably like actually did though without my parents beating me or whooping me I've spent on somebody before but it was I don't say it was justified but I was eight and I was and I just let them play a football game like tackle football or whatever and it was these two like seven year olds talking trash to me or whatever I don't know what what started it and one was talking mess I spit in his hair he had braids he had cornrows so I'm spitting his hair and they both were like that was the one I spit on he was like I'm gonna go get my big brother blah blah I was like all right go get him I don't care you know I'm eight years old they two seven I ain't tripping so I'm like they leave I stand there waiting like an idiot they come back they come back for like 5 13 and 12 year olds bro I do you know I'm a date big as hell and they walk up to me all slow slow slow and stuff they're like you don't want to spend my brother here I was like that's my shoulders a little like yeah and he was like he was like he asked me why I think I was like blah he was like get it out and get it out yeah you like get the spit out of there but the other seven year old I didn't spit on he had already got to spit out the do here so I technically didn't have to do it but I just went through his hair and acted like I got the stuff out that was probably the like worst that was probably the most disrespectful thing I've ever done anybody like legit I don't think I've ever sunk that low as you mean like that was messed up what I did cuz I didn't know eight years old I didn't know spitting was that disrespectful I didn't know I thought like slapping somebody was most disrespectful thing I didn't know spitting on somebody was disrespectful and I slapped somebody in church before and sure that's crazy it was Sunday school and we were playing Simon Says he said Simon says slap the person next to you I lit that boy on the right of me on fire boy his mom was a Sunday school teacher and she wasn't in the room yeah she came back in she was like you don't let nobody slap you so he kind of got a free smack but it didn't matter cuz I let him up so bad he didn't even want to oh my god he still did but it was like a patty cake type smack so I wouldn't really tell you know I wouldn't really trip it and the crazy part is he was my friend like me and him were like good friends like I'm still cool with him today I haven't seen him in a minute but like well me I knew his mama me and him were real cool but he said Simon says slap the person next to you lit him on fire shit back at home the worst thing as a human being well growing up the worst thing he's being believe not was snitching oh easily easily honey but I ain't like all my brothers is out the house I ain't had nobody snitch on and I was and it was just one time outside I was in the morning for school and we was we took these girls bag of chips and she had a skirt on so he's just passing around while she was trying to get in and not as not as knowing being dumbass the principal windows wide open I got I got two stories like that from elementary school one of them was the dude I used to play like we were in class and me and my homie player I was early in the morning and we play a tag or whatever he's gonna run after me I thought you know how like in movies if you didn't chase you like throw objects by you I threw a chair behind me he flipped over the chair and cracked his two front teeth damn so that was one I didn't throw it like I just slid it behind me while I was running so it could be in my what so it could be in his way I'm gonna get this out the way now I threw a chair at a girls ceramics class in high school all right then R.I.P that girl. R.I.P it's crazy. R.I.P to the ceramics. R.I.P to the chair for real and then the second time I was playing tag again this is at recess we outside and me and one of my good like female friends we was running and I accidentally like trip her I guess but we've run it stop I thought we'd run it back cause we like run it stop I thought her feet got tangled up in my feet she in the fall on this but she skinned her whole on that on that concrete and I was just looking and like some other kids went to go get the teacher I was like oh yeah we should probably go get the teacher but I just helped her up and she was like it was bad it was bad that's crazy so now we're on schools how was high school high school I hated my high school I had to transfer I hated it I got jumped I got jumped one oh yeah basketball game and then my then I jumped another school the following year and then that's when we got like kicked out the state playoffs I'm not gonna lie I think I might have went to one of the fun because all the people I went to high school with my high school was damn near like an alternative school but it wasn't an alternative school that's why you went there it wasn't though you know I never got kicked out of nowhere that's what you did so that's crazy like it was like we were all funny though like it was a crazy it was a private school but it was like I'll turn to school like my school would accept anybody but but it was funny cuz like it was hella bad kids there but it was like hella good kids there too but my school was I ain't gonna lie my school might have been the funniest school in Missouri no funny shit that's like all four years I went there it was hilarious bro fuck my school was just it was predominantly Hispanic so it was always fun but Mexicans was retarded I'm not gonna lie we had no good-looking women at my school it was so hard to go to that school like the school I went to before the high school I was there for two weeks it was girls I went to the middle school I'm elementary school with some cute girls and stuff and it was like a good decent amount of women there too I come to this new school no cute girls so dirt I was in a four-way relationship I have three different of them locked up and one of them got mad at me because it because my what my ex clearly there was two more and I went to homecoming with my ex cuz he was looking better than the other one and then you know what's crazy we put up the after-party I let my ex I told her to stay in the car cuz I knew that was in the back I went to the back that bitch went crazy shit she started saying the whole audition start pushing me so I'm like bitch you make a scene I might knock your ass out that's what I was thinking like bro don't make a scene I don't like scenes I fold under pressure to a female acting being like she was everybody was looking like bro I'm a crash out that just makes it worse you gotta stay calm and collected I did though cuz see how you said you were finna crash out if you make it seem like they're not getting you then oh they're gonna be like oh he doesn't care I was two more pushes away bro you ever think that like bro you gotta think women are psychological they play the game smart enough he was drunk please oh yeah you weren't winning that battle never take that back you weren't winning hey hey hey Moose literally you know what she's drinking she was drinking the Henny oh yes yeah she was gonna beat you right now she was gonna put hands if she has a baby right now I don't wanna do that hope everything is okay with that and then during basketball season I got basketball season while my ex was crying in the shower yeah then I called you were crying yeah I was not crying I called her up to say you wanna fuck she's like okay saying crying in the shower so she told me no that's what she told me and then when I called her cuz I went to fuck she's like yeah she was in the shower I'm like you answer the phone while you're in the shower okay you make it easier for me and then when I fuck that she say you have to break up she said you have to break up with someone so I was like fuck cuz I wasn't in a relationship so you admitted you did it you cracked her while you were in a relationship yes I cracked my ex while I was in with the other one cuz I was all the girls knew no well do they know now hell nah you said only two of them knew if you had to would you tell them hell no I said I wanna crack this woman I broke up with I'm gonna get her one day I just don't know when one day don't look at me like that I have to you can see the judgment you can see the judgment you can judge all you want that's a good no that's a great that's actually a great question no it's not mine hell no are you sure I'm positive stop looking if you like that bro I mean that's not my kid bro I don't know who she cracked but she can catch this again ah you look the type you look like the type to eat her I don't know how did you crack but if you have it oh yes you have yeah before I'm one I'm one be your one name three girlfriends yeah I'm not gonna lie that's hard to be a buddy and one of them told you to break up with other yeah I wasn't gonna give you a grown man you don't have to do anything this is my senior high school bro I have a statement one to know better remember what he did in elementary school but for great I see this kid have anger issues and he threw a chair something sorry so maybe about a week later I was like let me try this out so I pretend I had anger issues to get like you're like special treatment like be be uh you know get away with a lot of shit you know I did it for the whole school year I had my mom convinced I had a problem for a whole nine months of school like that's crazy yes I don't know I don't remember when when it was during the school year but I know I kept it going for the rest of the school year I have my mom was so convinced she even had to calm me down a couple times at home I'm like mom cool yeah I think you played the part over in real life I can lie but I never lied to her I know I'm lying I was like yeah I know it's like no I'm lying why the hell would I believe this now I am good at coming up with some quick stuff like walking hit you with a quick lie real quick like you think that does make sense the only problem is if it makes too much sense I thought other people went to it to validate my lot to make it seem like oh yeah I got an alibi so you can't go against two people you know it's not like it's different if one person alive but two people I know like oh you gotta believe me now yeah that's my only problem I thought somebody in my law now if it's just me boy I could come with a lot so good my mama believe it I tell my mama mama be there right there when it happened I ain't gonna lie I think I developed a split personality doing that shit you might have schizophrenia bro you might be like Nelly no no I'm not minus the backdoor stuff but the crazy stuff yeah you're right there well if I see you do something crazy and I'm like let me try this and it works it's over with that's that shit that's that bullshit so with I ain't gonna lie to you but listen back when I went to pick great oh I wasn't normal I was so normal I wonder like what the other kids in school thinking like what's wrong with this they're like y'all remember when I used to do that crazy shit I beat that boy ass in the bathroom I have my first fight but I don't even know if you can't that somebody you know like you pop a rubber band somebody I hate rubber bands bro so can't pop me in my with it boy I caught him in nap time too like because buddy was like laying in the back of the classroom I went to the bathroom got a white oh finish washing my hands with the work on that little nigga hey that boy lip was bleeding I hate rubber bands I hate getting popped with rubber bands like I hate it I was just about to ask what's the pettiest reason you beat somebody else the rubber band like he popped me though like he popped me in my face with it you say the pettiest reason the nigga said something that's the dude I beat up in the bathroom he said something I just when I thought I was convinced I had anger issues I turned off I've never fought nobody for no petty reason all four of my fights I've had it was like legit the fighting middle school dude was talking about my mama and me and him have been getting into it all week like we've been getting into it in the classroom on Monday and Tuesday so Wednesday we got PE class but he said something about my mama I turned around Oh smack them and then I just went to work this one this one I was convinced that I can get away with anything like sorry I it was this one time in class and me and this guy was just kicking each other on the table or whatever so the teacher caught on so I got up what smacked his ass so he got up by another kid I'm not gonna lie that's like secretly on my bucket list of life I want to backhand somebody I cry but I told my mama they wouldn't stop making fun of me for a long time I was so I mean it's kind of dying a lot we lose it a fight at school is probably the top three in high school and middle school the top three worst things that happen you get exposed like if you're a girl like your news get leaked through something and a dude you lose a boy or girl you lose a fight I don't think third is it's probably just them two that I don't think I don't think I don't think we was fighting we were just playing but he got me real good because we was playing we were just fighting around then I remember somebody got beat up and like it was hard for buddy like it's crazy like all did like let me smack it was that it is fucking oh no fucking we had you know like the football games or shit you know how they be having like the fan set the student section or whatever you know they have a little leader that would be be down like in the front row or whatever with the signs and shit yeah I'd be like saying all the champs or whatever bro so I guess everybody wants to sit down it's packed as fuck I was like I'm gonna go to the concession stand the nigga told me to sit down so I got mad and you get mad over the littlest thing tell them fall back now I got it he had nobody with him he didn't have no choice but to tell you it's a fair fight if he couldn't fight you were automatically gonna win right so then niggas joining in was unwarranted it was unprecedented they didn't need to but they still did though he poured a carton of milk on somebody cuz he said he had more friends than him I'm not gonna lie he was like fuck this nigga I'm gonna do this was he your friend after like I just beat him like he doesn't like me I was it was like after lunch I went and tried to choke out my best friend cuz you know we cool this nigga got mad and started punching me so you lost again? no I didn't lose just making sure so buddy that made you leak what's he doing today in life? what Patrick's that ass? wait talk to a nigga named Patrick which Patrick? which Patrick? that's so big y'all remember when we went to the well? ok but yeah so like do you think if you fight him today you'll win? I'll beat his fat ass hey all I'm saying is he's running on that nigga might be fat he was fat when we was young that nigga might be tall right now tell me tell me anybody almost got in a fight with their dad? yes almost bro bro bro one by one my dad literally picked me up by my shirt and just threw me on the wall it was ill I ain't gonna lie I was like 16 or 17 man I don't know what I did but he was tripping out so I was like you know you get 16 17 you try to get a little tough boy boy boy that nigga stood up off the couch and mind you he's not even that much taller than me like my dad 5'11 I'm 5'10 he stood up off the couch he was cussing me out nigga I'll show you man I'll beat your ass like you ain't nothing this nigga walked up to me I tried to pull my pants up nigga grabbed me by my shirt threw me on the wall he was like nigga you pull your pants up like you wanna do something I put my hands down so fast I put my hands down so fast I ain't never been treated like a bitch in my life I was nigga I had just some stupid shit or whatever we was just arguing at first like you said once you come to a certain age you gonna start to get tough with a nigga especially with daddy I was like this old ass nigga I might be able to beat his ass I'm coming off a fight at school I'm feeling warm no no so we getting into it back up who the fuck you telling him to back up for I pushed him I've never been hit I've probably never been hit this hard in my fucking life that nigga hit me in my chest you know how niggas instantly that said I'm dying but I'm trying to find the air somewhere in my body right hand to god that nigga made me go grab my inhaler first of all you're a dork second of all I've only been like that once but I was playing football and I got cracked like a nigga put his helmet I got fucked up I couldn't breathe my older brother does that to my nephew my nephew is a year older than me we was growing up he did some shit my older brother punched him in the chest that nigga wheezing and shit if I'm on the floor sitting there can't breathe he better not cry that is the worst bro you get a whooping or something shut up you just did what the hell are you talking about my nigga my nigga I'm not Thanos god damn it I promise you bro the last time I got whooped by my mom was 4th grade I think I got whooped by my dad in middle school it was like something over a video game I bought something on the game he came into the room mad late I'm in the clear I'm playing 2k14 he come in the room you bought something on your game I played the stupid card huh he said huh I bet the worst part is all I had was my drawers every lash in his belt that was the worst pain ever the good thing is I bought it 3 times he only seen once the next day the nigga picked me up from school early I got in his van I have never been more scared of this nigga I pulled the play dumb card again it didn't work but you know second time's a charm he said you lucky I whooped your ass yesterday I would have did it again today I went home and prayed to god for 7 minutes straight I thank god for everything in my life but I thank him I didn't get my ass whooped that day oh my god bro me and my brother was playing a game and then my youngest brother he turned the game off my dad grabbed that nigga by his ankle hugged him upside down and beat his ass with a belt he added that like this boop boop boop I'm glad we're on this topic do you think it's a good idea to whoop your kids whoop and beat is different my kids do some bad shit bro same treatment I got look at how thin I am kids need to be but I think there's a difference go ahead Muslim I'm sorry I got beat too so we have one yes one no Nate what about you I been beat? like with a belt or anything y'all drop TV's I think there's a difference between beating your kids and whooping your kids putting your hands on your kids especially for me as a man when I have a daughter I'm not going to whoop my daughter because I know that a man's strength is different from a woman's strength I would never put my hands on my daughter I would let my wife handle that I wouldn't beat my sons for everything they do but if you do some real stupid shit like I know you didn't think I'm going to wear that ass out but if it was just some minor stuff I'm going to talk to them because I want to know what you were thinking what was your thought process when you did what you did but if you just did something without thinking that's your ass I'm not going to lie I know how I'm going to think me knowing myself I don't think I could whoop my kids I think I could do it myself I think it's because you wouldn't stop that's true you don't know when your kids have had enough you would be the top you'd be like stop crying before I give you something to cry about fuck that why don't I throw the belt and fucking WWE his child I'm going to throw the belt and use my bare hand at that point when else would you whoop your kids? you were the most interested I was in this question you, Nate probably not your daughter you think he'd give a fuck about a sorry? shut up like you said for the daughter I'm going to leave that up to the mom for my sons yeah for my sons when they get to 16 and above I probably won't hit them but I'll pop them upside the head but I don't go around me and my dad it's crazy me and my dad was close but now we're like really really close it's crazy how close you get with your parents when you don't live with them I'm not going to lie before you go away I'm not going to lie my dad is 63 my dad is my older brother my second oldest brother my uncle, my cousin and my other cousin I don't think I'm the golden nigga to take them out I don't come to that conclusion I'm the youngest, I'm the smartest but I'm damn sure not the tallest one of my uncles is 6'6 he lost I don't think the 5'10 niggas winning this battle that nigga's 5'11 and that nigga used to play football it's not meant for him to lose now if I catch his ass on a death bed or something and I get a chance to pop him upside his head I ain't going to say I'm going to pull the cord but if I get a chance to pop him upside his head he's going to be like I love you pops you know what I mean I know I'm not going to win I'm sorry, he's too big I'd be a motherfucking kid if he said sorry pops, pop me and I die but technically you're not mad at anything no more you're dead fair enough I'm not going to lie ok so now what do you think about people beating kids that are not their own stepfathers and stepmothers if somebody ever put their hands on my child that's not me I'm not authorizing that because you know people would go to schools where sometimes the teachers had to leverage to beat kids my first elementary school I went to the school was like that but I only went there for like a month unless the kids are babies it looks like an actual father figure ok I can see that if it's a father figure if that's his only father like the real father isn't in the picture the real father is not and that father is I feel like that's different but even then I feel like if I got with a woman if I got with a woman and um like even like I've been with her for a long time and her son is in my son I still don't feel comfortable putting my hands on somebody else's child I feel like that's not my place I feel like even though I know it's going to be hard once he gets to like 17 and stuff he's going to try to like try his mom it's still not my place to step in though because that's not my child at the end of the day I would never feel comfortable he's going to be like you're not my real dad I mean he's not wrong my duke's always told me she's like man somebody other than me put their hands on you you got all rights to duke that's how me and my uncle got into it he used to beat my ass everyday what the oh my god that was insane me and my nephew and my younger cousin like when we go to my brother's house my brother had cousins that was our age we like 11 so my nephew will be 12 I'll be 11 and our younger cousin he was 5 years younger than me so he'll be like 6 or something but we got in like a spinning computer chair one time boy these niggas came and jumped us I tried to run out the chair these niggas used to wear us the fuck out but we learned how to fight from it but them niggas used to tear us up that is crazy these niggas are grump bro I remember the first time I got hit by a grown man punch I didn't think the shit was normal though bro no I'm talking about the very first time I got hit I was like what is this power I'm used to bubbling with niggas that shit never hurt that shit was different alright that's when you gotta start using hmm go ahead Juan alright so look I got a new question what's the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you or that you have done in front of your partner or somebody that you was talking to at the moment hmm I'm gonna start first she touched it that shit shrunk yes that was so embarrassing hold up she didn't did she know she I was like I knew as long as she didn't know alright the most embarrassing thing hmm it shrunk it was like this with two fingers she just pinched it I was like I was like I'm in 7th grade I didn't even hit puberty yet I swear to god I don't know why but I just you told me about this yes I know I didn't know what was wrong she was fine I was attracted to her but she was not feeling it I should have gone live bro I damn near wanted to go to the doctor to make sure I was ok did you ever try to talk to her and be like get up I used to you go to that bathroom one time I used to be like you ain't got that bull shit you ain't got that I can focus I looked down wake up wake up what are you doing I just laughed it back and forth she cried because it didn't get hard no because women take that as an insult they think you're not attracted to them good like some women like some women really think cause some women think you like they have that thought process you should automatically get hard looking at her cause they think they that fine

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