Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
In this podcast episode, the host, Sophia Sunny, interviews her mother, Milena Zeny, about her spiritual journey. Milena was raised Catholic but has transitioned to a more inclusive spirituality. She explains that her beliefs are still rooted in Catholicism, but she now embraces a more loving and inclusive perspective. Milena got into spirituality through studying Reiki, an energy healing practice. She shares her experience of practicing Reiki and how it has positively impacted her life. Milena emphasizes that Reiki is not about her personal energy, but rather about connecting to a universal life force energy. She uses the analogy of a lamp and a cable to explain this concept. Milena also addresses common misconceptions about Reiki and emphasizes the importance of being open to receive the energy during a session. Hello, and welcome back to From Love Podcast. I'm Sophia Sunny, your host, and today we have a very, very special and awaited guest. Introduce yourself. Milena Zeny. Woo! A.K.A. my birth giver, a.k.a. my mom, a.k.a. b-word. I'm a queen. Okay, okay. Well, anyways, so today we're going to be talking about a few different things. I know a lot of the things that I have personally learned have been from my mom, and I was like, yeah, I could totally sit here and butcher every explanation that I'm going to give you, or I could just have my mom, who's probably going to explain it a lot better and has a lot more stories and not what to explain on the podcast. So I guess my first question for you, and something I really wanted to touch on, was the shift from, you were born Catholic, right? Yes. So you were born Catholic, and now you would say you're more... Spiritual. Spiritual. So how did you get into that transition, and also, how did you unlearn all these religion aspects of that kind of shunned spirituality? Okay, so, yes, I was born and raised Catholic. I had many, many years of practicing Catholicism. I had you guys do... CCD. We went to the CCD every... First communion. What day of the week was CCD? I forgot. Thursday? I don't remember. Yeah, worst day of my life. I used to pretend I was sick every single fucking Thursday. I didn't know you were suffering so much. So, yeah, that was the only thing that I knew. I was raised with my beliefs, which I still have. Many of those beliefs, I still have them, but I am now more inclusive in my beliefs. One of the things that I think you're talking about unlearning is not excluding people because they don't belong to the Catholic or the Christian religion. So, yeah, that to me, that's the biggest difference, that spirituality is more inclusive. It's all about love, and there's no punishment that we don't create for ourselves. Somebody else is not punishing us. We do everything to ourselves, and that we are one. So whatever I do to myself, I do to others, and whatever I do to others, I do to myself. So, yeah. Do you think they also implement some of that into religion or no? Like what you do? Because I remember when I was growing up, it was always like, oh, treat your neighbors how you want to be treated. In like little ways. Yeah, I believe that religion has a lot of spirituality. I believe in Jesus Christ. His message is pure and clear, and I do believe in that. So there's a lot of the things that, like I told you before, I do believe in those things. You know, like my Catholicism shows up in those areas because they are similar. Do you think that coming from that religious background helped you with your spiritual journey, or do you think it backtracked you? You know, like when I started learning about spirituality, I had a very open mind and a very open heart. So, and everything came easy when I was learning about, you know, spirituality. Some people have to go through, you know, pains and aches. Like they have to have like a low in their life, and then they start experiencing and bringing in different things to cope with that bad energy that they have. And for me, it was different because I came from a very loving place. I came from a very open heart and a very open mind. So I think it kind of like, one of the other ones, you know, like they were boosting each other. So, yeah. I don't go to church, but I still believe in Jesus Christ. You know, I believe in the Holy Spirit. And so I just see it in a different way. I don't believe, you know, I believe God is an energy that before I was thinking, oh, it's this being that is judging us. And how, like, tell us like your spiritual journey. Like, how did you come to going from, because I remember growing up like, yeah, we were in CCD. We went to church every Sunday. I remember you yelling at us. And the way that my mom made it better is we would go get first watch and we'd get chocolate chip pancakes after. It's the only reason we thought of. I don't have to bribe you. Literally. And I remember being in mass and sitting there and being like, mom, I'm so hungry. And you'd give me a piece of gum to like stop me from complaining. And you were hugging me and you wouldn't let me listen to what, you know, the prince was saying. So, yeah, I remember perfectly clearly. But, but yeah, so we were very religious growing up and whatever. So for you, I know we also moved and that also kind of had a difference because we didn't really have a church that we belong to anymore and we didn't have many friends here. So it was like nobody to really tell us where to go. And I guess I'm assuming it just wasn't a priority. Just moving from Ohio to Florida is a big change. And there was a lot of other things that were priorities. So how did you come to find like this spiritual side? I first kind of like fall into it by studying Reiki. So when I say, what is Reiki? Because a lot of people aren't going to know. OK, so Reiki is an energy healing modality that somebody can perform, you know, like somebody else. So it's just energy healing. And when I started doing that, things started happening to me, like things that didn't have any explanation. And so I started reading. And with all this reading, it became just this oneness that I never experienced before. So that's how I fell into it. And you got introduced to Reiki through yoga, right? No, actually my sister, Ingrid. Wait, really? Yeah, she's a Reiki practitioner. Wait, what? Wait, I feel like my whole life is a lie. I thought that you got into it from yoga. So Ingrid, my sister, is a Reiki practitioner and she's a vet. So she used to practice, she still practices on her patients there, animals. And she always talked to me about it, but I didn't know what it was. And then when we were living in Ohio, I remember I was studying Italian. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And my teacher... Yeah, because I wasn't allowed to come downstairs and eat for all of us. Oh my God. You're going to show all the little things, right? Because I remember. So going back to the story, my Italian teacher was a Reiki master. Oh, really? Yeah. Wait, I thought you didn't even know about Reiki until we came to Florida. So she actually lent me a book. And remember I used to run? Yeah. Well, at that time, I had an injury on my foot. And I was still running, I don't know how, but it was hurting me every time. And she lent me the book, and I read it. And at the end, it had like an example of what to do. So I kind of like cracked myself on the floor and did everything that the book said, and I put my hands on my foot. And I got up, and it didn't hurt. And I was like, oh, that's my mind playing tricks. Like placebo effect. Placebo effect, I didn't believe it. So I mentioned it to a friend, and he's like, do it to me, do it to me. Do it to me, do it to me. And I kind of like got really scared. It's kind of like you are more afraid of the power that you have than your shadows. And that's why I love that poem. By Marianne Allen. So because at that time, I was like, what the heck, if I can say that. Yeah, you didn't say any. I already dropped the F bomb, mom. You're good. So I wasn't, you know, like I didn't know what was going on. Even though I had read the book and I knew what it was. And so I told her, you know, my teacher, can you, you know, give her a plus, I want to take Reiki. And it never happened. So we ended up moving to Florida, and I went to the studio here. Can I say the name? Yeah. Fusion Yoga and Wellness in Estero. And they were offering Reiki there, but they were only offering sessions. And Gina, who is the owner of the studio, was the one doing it, and immediately went to her and was like, I want to learn Reiki. She's like, I cannot do it. I'm like, no, no, no, you have to go get certified, get your, you know, master's, so you can teach me. And she did. And after that, it was, we were a group of five, and we were practicing all the time. And it just changed my life, you know, like I started with spirituality. I believe, like, I'm a better person now than I was before. Not that I was a bad person, but, you know, like now I know, like, I always ask myself, you know, is this coming from love or is this coming from fear? And I always just go back, so. That's a good point. What was my next question? My next question was going to be, with your Reiki, like, master, like, did you, like, notice, like, the elevation, elevation? Evolution. Evolution. Thank you. Because I literally can't speak English. Did you notice, like, your power increasing and not what when you started going through it? Yes, definitely, because the more that I practice, the better that I got at it. And it's not me. You know, like, I just want to make sure, you know, you know, it's not my energy that I use in Reiki. It's just that I'm more open to be able to kind of like that energy for my clients. So explain what you mean by that, like, that it's not you. So Reiki is universal life force energy. So I don't use my energy when I'm doing a session. You know, the healing energy comes from something bigger than I am. So you may call it the creator, the spirit, God, however you want to call it, it's the same in my eyes. So I always contact, you know, I connect to this energy, and it just flows through me for my clients. So. And wait, tell them the reference about, like, the switch. The lamp. The lamp, yeah. So I always tell my clients, imagine you're a lamp. So close your eyes and imagine you're a lamp. I am the cable that connects to the source. And when we connect, we always know that electricity is going to come in, so energy is going to come in. And the only thing that I ask is that that person is open to receive and to switch. Because the more open that you are, the more you're able to receive. Okay. So I know a lot of people are like, the people who do know about Reiki are like, oh, it's demonic, da, da, da, da. Like, they're very like. The people that don't know about it. Yeah. Well, yeah. But the people that have heard of it, but like, are like, either it's religion or it's just they're scared or. So what kind of your rebuttal to like, oh, Reiki is demonic and like. I connect to God. I connect to God. I have one of my spirit animals is a dove. And I believe it was shown to me as the Holy Spirit. So in a dream. So to me, I always connect with God. This is always for pure intention, always for the highest good. So always for the highest good of the person, everybody involved. Because to me too, you know, it can never be used for anything negative. Even if somebody wants to, it won't work that way because it's always for the highest good of the person that it's coming to. So I'm connected to God. So how could it be demonic if it's connected to God? Right. And also, so I know in your training, you have ways that you implement like protection and stuff and make sure that there's not like anybody cutting into like the channel or whatever. So kind of speak about like the protection part, because I think a lot of people don't understand that people have to get certified to do these things. And the reason being is because of like, yeah, there are bad energies as there are good energies, but you get certified to protect yourself from that. So talk about that a little bit. So everything is energy, right? So even our feelings, our words, our thoughts, they have energy. So if somebody is in a low vibration energy, think, you know, it can be because they're angry. They're angry of their situation they're living, and they're always vibrating in this frequency of anger, which is a really low vibration. That person can influence you. You know, like we have an aura around us. And when you come in contact with somebody else, that the person doesn't have like a good energy, it can get attached to you. There are some people that are called empaths. Yeah, empaths. Yes. And they can feel this energy, and they absorb it as their own. And so for us to perform Reiki, we like to protect ourselves by, there are different ways. You know, the simple intention is very, very powerful. Grounding by clearing our aura with either Palo Santo or sage. There are like incenses, like they use in terms actually. And so there are many, many different ones, you know, like protecting your energy. But to me, the most important one is the intention to be protected and surrounded with divine light. And do you think for people that maybe they might listen to this podcast and they might want to venture out on their own on it, do you think that if they're going to be taking it to like an extreme level that they should get certified for the safety measurement? Yeah, definitely. You know, there's so much information, and you should go to a place where it has pure clarity, you know, crystal clear, what it is and how to use it, and to make sure they're using it correctly. Right. Do you think, because I'm just asking this, like, do you think if people are uncertain, they're more like vulnerable to those negative energies to trinkle in? Because obviously, like, when you're standing firm on something, it's like you're more closed off. You know how to protect yourself better. When you stand in that unsafe place, it's kind of like there's an opening for something bad to come in. Yeah, yeah, definitely. You know, like when you don't know, you just don't know. You know, it's like how I'm going to protect for something that I am not aware of. So, yes, when you know information, you're able to protect yourself and start learning that, you know, even with meditation, thank you so much for your energy, but I don't want it. You know, there's a saying, if somebody comes with a gift for you, but if you don't receive it, if you don't accept that gift, who does it belong to? To the other person. And have you ever experienced, like, bad energy before, and if so, like, how did you handle that? I have never, never. You know, in my eight years now practicing Reiki, I have never come in contact with bad energy. Yay! Okay, and then you also have your psychic medianship. Yes, I did a class for a year at Mystical Moon. And I did it because things started happening to me that I didn't have any explanation. Do you have any? Okay. Well, like, the first one that I felt was, I was doing Reiki with one of my friends, and I felt like a wind coming through the bottom of my hand, like, under my hand. And my friend was like, what was that? And I was like, I have no idea. I don't know what that meant, you know, what it is. And so I started learning and reading and getting information, whatever I could, you know, internet. And I was, like, really going at it because I wanted to know what was happening. And if it's happening to me, I was sure it was happening to somebody else. And, you know, like, I knew things about my clients that nobody ever told me. Like, the people that I have never met before, I could tell things about them that... Do you have any stories you would want to share? Because I know a lot of people like the story time aspect of it. Yes, oh, yes, there's so many. So I love the story. So I had a client. She was a young girl. And she came in, and she didn't look sick or anything. She looked normal, you know. She was smiling and everything. So I started doing the Reiki, and I heard this phrase, kind of like, telling me about El Hada Madrina. So I was, like, oh, my gosh. Yeah, I knew what it was, like, Cinderella, little grandma, you know. But I couldn't remember the words in English. And I was, like, please, if I was talking to the divine, if you would like me to share this message, could you please give me the information I need to share? And I heard, marry the fairy godmother. So when I mentioned to my client, she started crying. And she told me that Mary was her godmother that had passed away recently. So I saw that her godmother had come to me sharing this information, letting her know that she was still around, loving her and protecting her. Because that was the godmother, you know. So that was a very nice story. I had another one, also with a Disney princess, where I saw a lady standing in a window, and with the Rapunzel braid, you know, with the long hair. And so when I mentioned to the client, she was, like, oh. She wasn't even surprised when I said it. And she was, like, oh, I know who it is. And I'm, like, oh, could you share with me? Because I'm intrigued. And she said, that's my mother. She used to, like, prank all the time. And she had a wig, a Rapunzel wig. And she used to put it on when, you know, they were going, my father and her were going to go to a fancy restaurant with their friends, and she would show up with the hair braids. So I knew exactly what you meant when you mentioned it. So that was pretty nice. Yeah. So you use a lot of, like, what you learned in your, like, psychic median in the Reiki. Yes. More psychic than medianship. You know, like, I believe loved ones are surrounding the person, and if they want to come, they can call their name, and they will come. But the psychic part is more about, like, knowing, you know, certain aspects. Like, I don't know the details, but I know that maybe their third chakra is blocked, for example, or not balanced, you know, like, it's not balanced. And they may be something that they're not able to tell somebody or speak out loud, and, you know, they don't have a solution for that. So we can find a way to heal it in different ways. Yeah. That's nice. So what else do I have to ask you? I guess also I want to talk about, like, how you came to becoming so trusting of, like, your powers, because I know that was, like, a big thing for you, and I think even now you probably still doubt yourself sometimes, but it was definitely a learning curve. So how did you learn to kind of trust that what was happening was really happening and it wasn't just you kind of making it up kind of thing? Oh, yeah. In the beginning, you know, I doubted a lot. I was like, it's my ego that's talking, you know. So when a client will come in, I still to this day, I do it, please don't tell me anything. I don't want to know anything about you. And I don't like to do it in people that I know, because I always think that my ego is going to get in there and, you know, give me the information that it might be wrong. So I try to do it with people that I don't know. And how I came to trust is, like, one time I remember I heard the name Tony very clearly, like, so clear in my mind. Like, I heard it, and I asked my client, but I wasn't sure. Like, I didn't want to be like, who are you talking about? Is this lady crazy, you know, making up names? So I said, do you have anybody that has passed away with a name that started with a T? And instead of saying Tony right away, I said it with a T. And my client said, yeah, Tony, my grandfather. And I was so upset with myself because I didn't trust. And so after that, I was like, no, I'm going to trust what they tell me. And sometimes, you know, like, they're out of the blue things, completely out of the blue. And I'm like, I don't care. I'm just going to say it. You know, I don't question it anymore. But yeah, it's like a learning process. And the more that I trust, the more that I receive. So I believe, like, they now know that I will trust. You know, like, not too long ago, I had a client. We were talking about very seriously. Everything that was coming through was kind of serious, kind of makes sense, everything that was coming through. And all of a sudden, I have this idea of exercising in a pool, in the water. And I'm like, okay, I'm going to write it down. I write down, you know, the ideas that come through. And so, like, I wrote it down. And I told my client, like, okay, I'm so sorry. You know, this might be completely out of the blue, but I got it. So I have to tell you. So I mentioned it to her. And she's like, I know exactly who sent me that message. I used to love exercising in the pool. That was my way of exercising before. And I haven't been doing it. And she had an injury, so she wasn't able to do other types of exercises. And this message came so clear to her that this was going to be a safe way for her to get back to exercising and moving her body again. So that was pretty cool. Yeah, that's pretty cool. Have you had any, like, blocks? Because you're saying that the more somebody's open to receiving, the more, I know you don't like using the word block because you said that, but somebody that isn't really, like, as open to receiving may be, like, skeptical about the whole thing. Because obviously, like, I'm sure there's a lot of people that are skeptical about this whole thing. Yeah. You know, it's surprising to me that people come to receive a session and they're skeptical. They just heard about somebody that may have been good for them, and they just want to try it. And out of 95% of these people that are skeptical, they come in, and I feel like the energy is not flowing. Immediately, I feel the energy not flowing. And even though I have explained that they're open to receiving more, not the energy flow, 95% of them fall asleep. So their ego is completely removed. Wait, I didn't even think about that. Because if they're sleeping, like, they're in, like, a different state. Wait, I didn't think about that. That's so cool. Okay, so they fall asleep. They fall asleep, so they're open to receiving. And they receive, you know, plenty. Do you think the people, really? Do you think they receive as much as the people who are, like, open to receiving? When they fall asleep, yes. Yes, because this is kind of like the higher self comes through. Some people are like, I never fall asleep during the day. I never fall asleep, you know, in a massage table. Never, ever. And they fall asleep on Reiki. Right. It's like because they know. So the higher self, I believe the higher self comes through them, and they're like, okay, we're going to take the ego out. And it's the easiest way to do it. Right. Cool. And then, so you just recently started doing, like, Reiki circles. Yes. So you've been doing that. I think how many have you done now? I've been doing it since December, every month. Okay, so that's pretty good. So let's talk about the Reiki circle, what it is, some experiences. Yes, so Reiki circle is kind of like a community Reiki. So we are in a circle, and I do some healing, too. So in the beginning, I just explain what Reiki is, how it's going to work, what we're going to do. And I always have, like, a theme for the Reiki circle. So the last one this past Saturday was the spirit animal. And I have done meet your guardian angel. I went to that one. Yes. I have done what is energy, frequency, and vibration. I have done, you know, many, many other ones. Yes, so people come in, and they're in a circle. They receive Reiki individually and by a group. And then there's some healing, which is also vibration. And all the instruments that are used have been infused with Reiki. So the whole hour and a half is pure Reiki, so divine energy that they're receiving. And some of the comments, you know, you should have told me before, because I had, like, five little pieces of paper that people, you know, notes that people wrote to me this past Saturday. Oh, really? I know, they love my mom. They love Reiki. So some of the things that they have said, like, the first Reiki that I did, the first Reiki circle, people were like, were you on my feet the whole hour and a half? Because I touched their ankles. I touched their ankles. And they were like, were you on my body the whole hour and a half? I didn't touch anybody else because I felt like their hands were there the whole time. And no, of course, no, because I have to go to everybody. Other people were saying that they felt like they were floating, like they couldn't feel the mat underneath them. Other people have said that they feel like energy flowing out of their body, you know, in a certain way, through the leg or through the hand. Other people just feel these warms that surround them. So, yeah, many, many different things. You know, people always send me notes and text messages. Right. Showing the support. So, like, this past Saturday, we did animals. The spirit guide. Animals. And almost everybody got something. So it was so cool. You know, like, everybody was talking at the end, sharing, you know. I told them my stories, how I knew about my spirit animals, how I see dragons all the time, and the clouds, and how I see hearts, too. Those are signs that my guides. Do you want to tell the podcast about those things? Yes. So our spirit guides and our angels, they send signs to you. So you have, you know, your intuition, how you learn, you know, they kind of guide you through life only if you want to. You know, you have free will. Right. So if you don't want to, you won't see anything. But, of course, I'm very open. And I see hearts everywhere. You know. Right. Girl, I know. My mom literally will go and, like, spray the refrigerator with, like, cleaning product, and somehow, someway, one droplet will be in the shape of a heart, like, all the time. And it even, after it started happening to my mom, I started seeing hearts everywhere. So whenever I see a heart, I always, like, send it to you or I take a picture. But, yeah. Yes. And a lot of people the same way. A lot of people that I know are the same way. And I believe they are around us. They want to help us through this life that sometimes is not easy. It's not easy to navigate. And so we do have support. We are not walking alone. And that's, like, to me, the most important lesson that I learned with spirituality. Because even though I knew I was an angel, I never thought that they would be surrounding me. Right. And helping me anytime I needed. And I have, throughout the years, so many, so many different times, you know, with feathers, coins, hearts, clouds that, you know, show me, like, an angel. Or, you know, after we got Nido, I saw this dog in the sky, like a cloud, that looked like a dog. So I was, like, they were happy that we got him and they supported me. It was a good decision, because I wasn't sure. Also, this might be a little off topic, but I'm just thinking out loud. So, because I remember, like, I kind of learned a lot of what I know about spirituality through you at first. And now I'm kind of, like, venturing off and doing, like, my own spiritual journey and whatever. Yeah. But I remember thinking, like, when you would tell me all these stories and, like, because my mom will come home and she'll be, like, I had such a good Reiki today. Whatever. And she's obviously always, like, wanting us to learn as much as she is and experience what she's experiencing. But I remember, like, once I started reading more and, like, doing, like, the self-help, spirituality books, whatever, like, a lot of the things were, like, I always thought that spirituality was, like, oh, you make this, like, connection with people, but it's more of a disconnect with people. Like, you're disconnecting from the people on Earth almost because you're kind of, like, am I making sense? Mm-hmm. Like, because I always thought, like, oh, when you become spiritual, like, you become, like, so attached to all these people and da-da-da, but it's the opposite. Like, you become unattached to, like, the material world and, like, I mean, I'm sure you become more attached to, like, your spirit guides and, like, angels and spirit animals, whatever. But did you ever have, like, that realization? Because I know for me, I was, like, what do? The unattachment to people? Mm-hmm. I still, you know, like, look at it from a point of love. So I am still attached to my friends, to my family through love. Mm-hmm. And I don't feel a disconnection. I do feel, like, if the people that are in your life and they're not serving your energy, someway, somehow, you will drop those people. Yeah. People that are not in harmony with your higher self, with your higher purpose. Mm-hmm. So, yeah, I don't feel disconnected. I feel very connected, actually, because we're one. Right. I guess I don't really know if I'm, like, wording it correctly, but I don't know. I just feel like as I read more, like, they kind of tell you, like, it's, like, maybe it's not disconnect isn't the right word, but maybe, like. Not attached. Yeah. You're not having that attachment to, like, words, what people are saying, like, actions that other people are doing. And I was actually talking to a friend, because we were talking about forgiveness, and I feel like you might have something good to say, because I was kind of saying, like, it's important to forgive everybody. And we don't have to go super in-depth into this, but they were kind of saying, like, the people always da-da-da-da, and, like, they kind of brought up God. They were like, like, I'm not God, so why do I need to forgive everybody? You do it for yourself. Right. That's why. The energy that you're holding, that this, you know, like, the thing that you haven't forgotten that you are, you're still holding on to it. You know? The negative, like, energy. The negative energy, you're still holding on to that. Whatever happened, whatever the person said, you are still holding on to those words, to those actions. And if you don't forgive them, you can keep them to yourself. When you forgive, you are unattached. Yeah. I am not, you know, you're not me, I'm not you. I have my own energy, and, you know, like, I have to keep that safe for you. Mm-hmm. And also, when you hold on to those negative emotions, then you can even transfer somebody else's karma onto yourself. Remember we talked about that? Yeah. There's, I don't know to what extent you're serving somebody else's karma, but I know that somebody had brought that up about the karma. Yeah, the karma. Mm-hmm. The karma is kind of like, whatever energy I send, that's what I'm going to receive. Mm-hmm. So, I mentioned before, our words, our thoughts, our actions, they all have energy. Mm-hmm. And whatever I'm sending out there, this is what I'm receiving. It's actually a quote by Albert Einstein saying, you know, if you want to be aligned to whatever you want, you have to be in that frequency. You have to be in this energy field. So, yeah, whatever you put out there, that's what you're going to receive. Right. Karma. Mm-hmm. Whatever I send comes back to me. Right. And for the people that don't believe it, like, there's so many, like, millionaires out there that, like, have talked about, like, the law of attraction, like, manifesting, like, being in that positive, like, mindset, like, constantly, even though it's hard. So, what's the easiest way to be in this energy? Mm-hmm. Like, an energy that will serve you back is being in gratitude. Mm-hmm. So, you find anything you are grateful for, and when you are in that state, your energy will be higher. Mm-hmm. Your vibration will rise. You will be in a higher frequency, and that will put you in a state of, you know, forgiveness and letting go of things that, you know, you're holding on that doesn't serve you. Mm-hmm. So. That's a good point. Yes. Mm-hmm. Also, I want you to tell the story, because you and Dad have gone to a couple, like, medians and whatever, like, separately and together. So, what do medians always tell you and Dad, without fail? Without fail, that we're soulmates. Mm-hmm. Yes. So, every time – so, we don't go to, like, too many, but every time that we have been, they have said the same thing, the same words for us, that we have had previous lives together, which is something that religion doesn't believe, but now I believe in. That we have had previous lives together. Mm-hmm. And that we're soulmates. Mm-hmm. Do you want to talk about the previous life concept at all? Yeah, we can. We can talk about that. So, I believe we have – so, it started with the only thing that exists is the now. Mm-hmm. And from then on, so, we have, like, different dimensions, and we can have life in different dimensions. Mm-hmm, yeah. So, some of them can be in the past, and some of them can be in the future, and they all can be happening at the same time. Mm-hmm. The only thing that exists is now. Right. And, like, time's kind of, like, an illusion, but that's also something that, like, Albert Einstein also said that time is, like, relative. Yes. And we're the ones who create time. We create time. Right. To make sense of this world. Mm-hmm. We needed it. I think we still need it. Mm-hmm. To make sense of what's happening, because we don't understand everything that's going on. We only use a very small percentage of our brain. Mm-hmm. And if we did use the whole brain, we would know so much more than we know now. Mm-hmm. Things that we don't see. You know, like, we said that we are in a 3-D dimension. Mm-hmm. Because we are, we don't see what's happening in the other dimension. So, yeah, I believe in past life. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Cool. But I'm trying to think. Is there any stories you just want to say, like, that you have on the top of your mind or anything? About Reiki? About, like, because honestly, like, I just feel like there's so many people that don't really understand, like, the whole Reiki. They don't understand, like, the psychic realm. Like, or if they do, they're very, like, scared of it. Mm-hmm. And just, like, spirituality at all. Like, I feel like there's a lot of people that aren't. Like, the now. Like, the thing about the present. Like, we're supposed to remain in the present moment, but a lot of people don't know that. So, then they're either, like, in the past, the future, creating, like, the anxiety or depression. So, the past already happened. The future hasn't happened yet. And the only thing that you have is the present moment. So, for me, that relates on what I am feeling right now. Can I go through, you know, a storm, but be present and know what I have in this moment? I'm safe. I am loved. I am secure. I am surrounded by a higher power. And that is happening right now. So, if I concentrate on that, then the past and the future don't have any say in what my energy is at this moment. But we can talk about energy a little bit, too. Because I really would like to share the message about how powerful are your thoughts and your words. Right. And that's kind of, like I said before, the manifesting. Huge. Yes. And how you talk to yourself. To me, you know, before I learned spirituality, I was more of the therapist that I was doing. You were young. I had three young kids. And my husband and the dogs. And I always, you know, had a lot going on. And I was always, you know, what I can do for others. And that was like my life up to when I started learning spirituality. And then I learned that I can be kind and I can be loving to myself, too. Like I can look in the mirror and say, ooh, you look good today. And it's like, yeah, really? You know, why not? Why not? If somebody else is not telling you, you have to tell it to yourself. Right. And that makes you feel, at least you smile. Right. You know? And so, watch out what you say to yourself. Watch out what you thought about how you are feeling and how you talk to your inner self. You know, always talk with kindness and love. Right, like you have to talk to yourself like you're speaking to somebody that you love. Yes, exactly. But we're the worst critics. You have said this before in this podcast. We are our own worst critics. So, no. No, no, no. We are best, you know, encouragers. Yeah, well, you can be either or, right? Exactly, but we have to choose. We have a chance to choose what we want to do, how we want to be seen by our own eyes and by others. Because what you put in yourself, even if you don't say it out loud, people feel this energy. Right. If you come into a room and you're shy and you're doubtful of yourself and you don't feel beautiful, that energy is going to show and people are going to feel it. But if you come in and you own it, you are walking in and you say, you know, this is me, unapologetically, this is me, why not? I have the right to be here. I am loved and I love myself. Yeah, people can read that energy. People can see it and they will respond to you the same way. Right. What else about energy? I like to, because kind of, what about like the frequencies? Because I remember a friend of mine had sent me, she had sent me a video about Reiki, saying how it was demonic and whatever. But then a few videos go down and they were basically talking about like the magnetic field that we kind of like have around us and whatever. And she was like, oh my gosh, she wasn't talking about the aura, but it was more, it made it more scientific, which I think it made it easier for her to understand. The aura is that, the magnetic field that surrounds us, yes. So it's just she didn't use that word, but she's talking about that. Right. So, yes, so we have not only, you know, like our physical body, we believe it ends with our skin, but we have this auric field around us that surrounds us and this has energy too. And now they have like cameras that can take your picture and they show. Oh, your aura. Your aura. I have done it before. Oh, really? Girl, of course you have. And they send you, you can see different colors too. And depending on the colors, you know, like we talk about the chakras, there's centered energies in your body that kind of like represent different areas of your life. You know, for example, I talk about the throat chakra before, like the throat, and it's an energy center in your throat that is communication. So, yeah, that's that. So you have the auric field and this energy, you know, when you're sitting next to somebody, you're actually sharing that energy. And that's how we can attach energy from somebody else. You know, maybe you go to a store and you encounter somebody that is in a really bad mood and that person is true to you and you're like, well, I didn't do anything. Right. I was just walking there to play. I didn't do anything wrong. But you go on on your day and you still remember that energy. You still feel like, wow, what did I do that, you know, that person responded to me so badly and it has nothing to do with you, nothing to do with you. It has all to do with that person and how that person was showing herself. But you got attached to it because you were in the same auric field. Right. And, you know, there goes 12 hours later and you're still thinking about it. You're still down because that person treated you badly instead of, you know, protecting your auric field and saying, okay, this is your energy, but thank you, I don't want it. I know. I know. I read a quote on, like, Instagram or something, but it said something about, like, I'm not going to, like, let somebody rob me of my happiness because they don't have any. You know what I mean? And I like that because it was, like, it's true. It's, like, when you have, like, that bad encounter, it's, like, oh, what did I do? But it's, like, no, like, that's them and it's, like, don't let them take what they don't have, what they're lacking from you. Yes, exactly. So you have also to learn to receive from whoever is coming. For example, you know, somebody that doesn't have love, they cannot give love. Somebody that doesn't have sympathy, they cannot give you sympathy. Right. I think I posted something about that too. Yes. So that is, you know, if the person comes in and is frustrated and that's all they have to give, you say thank you enough. You know, I give myself, you know, my energy to myself. And you can give them your love and your energy and you can share with them, but don't accept what they bring because the only thing they will do is bring your energy down. Right. I think that also that mindset helps with, like, the forgiveness thing too because it's, like, once you're, like, you can't get the truth from somebody who lies to themselves. You can't get love from somebody who doesn't have it. It's kind of like, you know what I mean? Like, it's, like, you can forgive them almost in a way because it's, like, they never had anything to give you in the first place. Like, you were looking for it in whatever you were looking for in an empty place. But that's, I feel like, in work, relationships, friendships, all of them. And also, you know, like, when you encounter people like that, you need to have sympathy for them and see where it's coming from instead of hating on them or instead of, you know, talking bad about them because talking bad about people is bad energy. And it's yours to keep. The amount of books that I've read that are, like, gossiping is, like, the number one killer of, like, just happiness, joy, like, everything. And we're such a, like, gossiping society. Exactly. And sometimes we do it without even thinking. You know, we do it just so naturally that it happens and we don't realize it. So, yeah, I try not to gossip. Yeah. But I want to know the tea sometimes when you go. See, we do, you do get the tea, though. Yeah, I do get the tea. Sometimes. Normally not. Yeah. Well, you're my mom, so. Yes. I'm just your baby. I'm just your baby. What else do you want to talk about? Anything prominent on your mind? Yeah, no. One of the other things that is important is intention. Like, when you're going to set an intention for your life, do it knowing exactly what you want. Be clear, completely transparent to yourself. If it's a work that you do for yourself, you know, be completely clear setting your intention. And then, you know, know what works and what doesn't work. You know, like, if you want to achieve something, first you set the intention of this is what I want to achieve. Right. And you use the correct words. You don't say it at once. Then you say, I already have it. Right. I already experience it. You have these feelings and these emotions about how beautiful it is, how wonderful it feels. And then you set the affirmation in the positive and in the present moment. And then you're feeling those emotions. You let those feelings kind of like of love or whatever you're achieving, you know, or abundance of peace, of harmony, whatever you want to achieve. And then you're grateful for it. You know, it's like, wow, thank you so much for this. I always give thanks before my sessions. I always thank you for the whole session before I even begin. And then trust, trust that you're going to receive it. Trust, you know, so there's a saying, so I let go and I let go. I let go and let go. You know, so I let go of any idea of how it's going to come to fruition, how I'm going to achieve it. I just let it go. I just open and put it out there and surrender. Right. Yeah. I think that's true. I think it's true with, like, the karma thing, too, because it's like a lot of people are like, oh, I need to, like, do this person how they did me. And it's like, no, you just have to let it go and trust. I think when we first started this podcast, you said something about spirituality. It's more about, like, the self and what you do to yourself. And I know that Marianne Williams talks about. Williamson. Williamson. Oopsies. Sorry, girl. She talks about, like, hell, and hell is created from ourselves. Yes. Exactly. And I know that's definitely not how they view it in the Bible at all. Yeah. But. That's definitely one of the different things that I experience. Right. A lot of, like, the differences, like, you can, like, kind of circle back on. But, like, there's certain things that it's like, okay, maybe not. Like, the afterlife thing and whatever. But I remember her saying basically, like, hell is not, like, somewhere we're going to go. It's something that we create on Earth by ourselves through our mind. Like, for somebody who is, like, depressed. And the book also that I'm reading right now, The Power of Now, I do not know how to say his name. A cartoon. Okay, girl. You said that good. I would have butchered it. But even today, like, I was reading in the book and it was talking about depression. And it was basically talking about, like, be obviously aware of the negative feelings because you're not always going to be, like, even if you're on the highest of highest vibration, like, in this world, you're not going to always feel that way. And there's going to be negative emotions that pass through you. And you have to let them pass through you. And he was saying basically to listen to the negative emotions. Like, if you're feeling depressed, why? That means you need to make a change. So then you have to take it. They have a message. Exactly. Oh, what? They have a message. Yeah, exactly. They're trying to tell you something. So instead of operating of, like, in a place of depression where, like, you're stuck in your mind, you have to bring it back to the now in the present moment and be like, okay, I need to make a change because I'm not happy where I'm at. And then do it kind of that way. But... Yeah, we all have a light and a shadow. Mm-hmm. So we have this duality. Mm-hmm. And we have to be aware of both of them because they both serve a purpose for us. And, you know, when you are in a low place, you need to analyze why are you there, how did you get there, and then form a plan to get out of it. Right. You know, sometimes it's hard, though. Sometimes life really throws a lot of things at you and, you know, like, out of your control and you have to go through them. Mm-hmm. You know, like, know that we came here by our own free will and we choose the life that we have. Mm-hmm. And we choose the parents and our siblings. And we came to learn lessons so our soul can go in a higher frequency. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. But I want to finish my thought a little bit because I didn't really finish it. No, you're okay. With the Mary Ann Williams thing because, like, obviously, William's not my dad. But basically, again, like, she said that, like, hell is something we create to ourselves and then, yeah, feeding into that depression thing. Like, you get into a state where it's like you're talking bad about yourself. You're da-da-da-da. You're unhappy where you are. And people don't realize, like, we create hell on earth for ourselves. And we try to do it to everybody else because we're so miserable. So it's like you have to be really. Misery loves company. Yeah, misery loves company. But you have to be very aware of that, too, because it's like you don't want to get stuck in your own hell created literally from you and your mind. Also in the book that I was talking about, The Power of Now, when they were talking about the depression, whatever, the page before that, it talked about a book of this guy who ended up on an island, right? And they had, like, this weird, like, little, like, society going on there. But they were actually living, like, all in the present moment and all had, like, these very spiritual teachings that the rest of the world, like, hasn't come to, like, adapt yet. And they told the parrots, like, they would say things to the parrots, so they would repeat back to them. And it was, like, stay in the present now because our minds are always and, like, our egos are always trying to pull us out of the present moment and, like, put us either in, like, our delusions or, like, in the past or something. So they kind of were referring back to, like, that present moment. And I feel like staying in the present moment is really what's going to keep you from creating your own personal hell. And people don't, like, really realize that, or maybe they do, and it's just too hard, but I don't know. Yeah, you know, like, you have to have compassion also for the people that cannot, you know, get out of it because they don't know how. They haven't learned those tools of how to get out of it, and they don't have any help. So, you know, like, they have to go through it, and they have to learn their lesson that way, unfortunately. You know, like, so if people can be so miserable and, you know, we have to be compassionate to them, but know, learn that there are options, that you have choices, that you can, you know, learn how to get out of it. Right. You know, like, you're doing, you're creating, and you're learning, and you're putting in practice what you are learning. Mm-hmm. A way to do it. Yeah. I also think that, like, those negative emotions, it's, like, almost addicting for people, you know what I mean? Right. Like, you, once... You can take that home for someone. Exactly. Yeah. Once you get, like, to a place where you're, like, oh, I've been depressed for a year, or I've been, like, anxious for this, like... That don't take home. Exactly. It becomes so comfortable for them. It's, like, they know what to expect with it. Yes. So they keep themselves there, whether they realize it or not. Yes. They keep themselves there. And, like... Yes. Yes, it's kind of like they feel comfortable with that thing, with that discomfort. You know, they feel, this is what I know. This is... At least I know what to expect from this. Anything new is unknown, and I don't know how things are going to be. Maybe they won't work out. You know, they start having these negative thoughts about it instead of, you know, jumping in and trying, you know. Mm-hmm. Just trying is so significant. Right. You know, how you can go from grief to fear, desire, anger, pride, courage, neutrality. Mm-hmm. And then willingness, acceptance, you know, and then go on from reason, love, joy, peace. You know, there's all these different energies and feelings and emotions that we can go through, and how they can help us get out of, you know, what hole we can dig ourselves into. Mm-hmm. I also want to talk about a little bit. I remember I was talking to my friend the other day, and she was basically saying that every time she walked into the church, she got, like, a very overwhelming feeling, but not, like, a negative overwhelming, like a, like, I'm-so-happy-I-almost-want-to-cry feeling. And I think because I went to your Reiki circle with, like, the spirit guides and whatever, and I remember, like, me with my experience with, like, my spirit guides and whatever, it was kind of, like, that overwhelming, like, feeling and whatever. And I would, like, I almost want to talk about how the fact that, like, that kind of, like, connection you make to, like, a divine energy is, like, almost nothing like what you're going to, like, experience here on Earth. Like, it's so much, like, stronger, and is for, like, a moment, I feel, like, almost, like, overwhelming because it's, like, it's so, like, pure, and, like, obviously, like, as humans, like, you can literally love somebody so, so much, but, like, we're flawed, and, like, we're meant to make mistakes so that we can grow from them. So you're never going to experience something so, like, like, with a spirit guide, like, they're high, like, how would you explain it? Like, they're kind of higher energies already, like messengers. They're, like, divine energies. And they are part of our soul. And they are, you know, like, vibrating so high that they kind of, like, come into you with this overwhelming feeling of love. Like, I feel, like, my heart is expanding inside my chest. And it's kind of, like, overwhelming and so beautiful. And I feel, like, I'm shining from within. I don't know how to explain it. But that's kind of, like, the feeling that happens. It's kind of, like, that overwhelming love surrounding you, unconditional. Nobody's going to criticize you. Nobody's going to judge you. Whatever you do is right for them. And the only thing that they do is support us and walk with us through this life. And, yeah, I remember feeling, you know, like that, like, if I go back to Colombia and I walk into a church that was my favorite church, I always feel that overwhelming loving sensation. But because I do have this connection with, you know, Jesus. And, you know, like, there was an image of him there, you know, Jesus Christ there. And it was his sacred heart. And it's just, like, very overwhelming and loving, you know. And I believe in all that, too. You know, they love that you can receive at the church. Mm-hmm. Right. And the community, it's nice. Mm-hmm. It's, like, a nice feeling to love. Yeah. I still, like, go to church and stuff. I feel, like, also people need to understand, like, the church, or at least the Catholic church is very, like, anti, like, spirituality and stuff. But I think the two can coexist, I think. Right. Because you'll find that a lot of the messages kind of set you, like, in the same direction. In the same direction, exactly. You know, like, I do it on my own. You know, like, I don't have the support of the church. But I feel, like, with all the things that I learned throughout my life, I bring that love, that, you know, support, and all the learnings that I did through the Catholic church through my own life. Mm-hmm. You know, so, yeah. Mm-hmm. You know, like, I believe Jesus came to show us the way. Mm-hmm. You know, He used to cure people with His hands. Mm-hmm. So, to me, Reiki is kind of, like, Right. He told us, you know, I'm going to create you exactly how I am. Mm-hmm. So, I don't know the words exactly, but that's, you know, what it says. Mm-hmm. I know it in Spanish, but I cannot say it. Mm-hmm. But, yeah, like, He cured, He showed us the way. Mm-hmm. He showed us how it should be done, how He loved everybody. Right. He didn't discriminate on loving, you know, the rich or the poor. Mm-hmm. You know, He loves everybody, and that's how we're supposed to be. Right. That's how I like to imitate Him. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's true. Also, I remember when I, because I have my Reiki One media or whatever, my thingy. I remember they were saying, like, when you, like, are younger, and you, like, burn your hand or you, like, hit your ankle or something, you instantly go to, like, grab it and, like, whatever. So it's, like, unconsciously, we, like, know that we have these powers, but so many of us have been, like, kind of blinded to it, and until you start to kind of, like, practice it, you, like, never really realize, like, what that meant and what it means. Yeah. Or mothers, when their child is sick, immediately they put their hands on their forehead. Mm-hmm. You know, they try to comfort them with the hands. Mm-hmm. Even though in Reiki we don't touch, but it's kind of, like, the same. Right. Mm-hmm. Or even, like, a hug. You know, like, when your friend's sad, like, you go to hug them immediately or, like, a way to show love. Mm-hmm. I know I'm not really a hugger. Actually, I am with the people that I like. I am a hugger. Yeah. What else? What else do you have to say to the world? Yeah. Oh, yeah, we didn't even talk about meditation. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Do you mind? Yeah. And meditation, yeah. Yeah, the meditation. We never even spoke. Yeah. So if you want to try meditation, you can try. There's a YouTube channel that is called Heart Coherence. Meditation is, like, five minutes, and it's a drop of water. And it's kind of, like, deep. You inhale and exhale. And you concentrate on your breathing. And so breathing is also important. I also do transformation of breath. So it's also important because we don't know how to breathe. We just, you think we do. Yeah. I remember telling you guys, I'm going breathing. And you'd be like, what? Mm-hmm. Are you breathing now? Mm-hmm. Yeah, but it's actually, like, a tool. It's a healing. Mm-hmm. You know, like, you can heal yourself through breathing. And you can calm yourself through breathing. And there's so many different ways to do it. Yeah. That's what they call breathing? Pranayama, yeah. Pranayama. Pranayama. Pranayama. Yeah, I said that. But, yeah, also. Yeah, yeah. But also the meditation also is good. Like, if somebody's struggling to, like, come into the present moment, I feel like meditation is also good. Because, like, when you're meditating, like, it's blank. Like, that's, like, the point you're supposed to be blank. But it's also a good tool to, like, if you want to connect with, like, a spirit guide. Like, if you are needing, like, the camera died. But if you're, like, needing, like, that connection or something. Like, if you need the guidance, you can always meditate and then, like, ask for help that way. Like I said in my last or my two podcasts ago, God is quiet and the world is loud. Or God whispers and the world is loud. Yes, and, you know, like, our prayers is our way to talk to God. And the way we listen to him is through meditation. And don't think that you're going to go in and do the five minutes and that you're going to get downloaded with this information. It takes time. And it's sometimes, like, a cure. You know, like, you have some lows and some highs. And sometimes you can sit down and meditate for an hour. And sometimes you sit down and you're struggling for five minutes. So, you know, and there is no right or wrong way. And, you know, just try it. And they say, you know, like, for the people that don't have time, they should meditate double the time. Right, right. Because you make time when you meditate. Everything is clear. You know, like, we can talk about intuition. Like, how we all have intuition. But we all have inside of us this knowledge that comes from a higher place. And we don't know how to listen to it. And many times it shows to you through emotions or through illnesses. You know, there are so many different ways. Because they try to communicate with us and we are not open. They have to find a way to show us. You know, so meditation also helps you with that. You know, to learn how to listen to your body, how to listen to your intuition. And, you know, that's a whole hour of talking in there. But, yeah, I think that's my next break. I also feel like your next podcast episode, girl, come on. No, next week. But I was going to say, like, if you're struggling with meditation, I feel like going to your Reiki circle where you, like, do implement, like, a meditation segment into that would be a good way. That is what guided meditation is. Yeah, the guided meditation I feel like helps a lot. Because I know I went to the spirit guide meditation. And I'm like, oh, I know all my spirit guides. And I had such a good whatever. And I was like, okay. But, like, when I, like, met my spirit guides, like, I was like, oh, like, I always thought I was alone. And they were like, no, like, we're always here. Like, whenever you need us, we're always here. Like, you just have to come find us. Like, or reach out. Yeah. But then when I went to go meditate and I missed to have a thousand thoughts and a million things going on all at once, and I'm, like, not, like, being able to communicate them as clearly as I was in that situation, I'm, like, frustrated. But it's, like, it really is, like, a learning curve. Like, it's something you kind of have to practice. And it's, like, just because the first time or, like, the first few times, it doesn't work out. It doesn't mean it's not going to work. Right. And also, it's, like, they'll come to you when you're ready for it, too. Yes, my guides, oh, my God, they show me. And they also say, when the student is ready, the teachers will come. So just to be open, you know, and let them know I'm open if you want to. Right. If you want to show me something, if you want to be here, you know, show me in a dream. Show me with a sign. Maybe send me, you know, whatever you want, like a feather. To me, they send me hearts all the time. And, you know, I remember one time traveling, and we were going to, I think it was Palm Beach, and Ivo was driving. And I was, like, okay, show me a heart if this is the right thing to do. And I didn't see one, but, like, seven hearts in the cloud. I took a picture because I saw one. You know, I saw the first one, I took a picture. And then I sent it to my friend, and she's, like, you have seven hearts. And I sent her the picture, and I'm, like, oh, my God, yes. So you just have to be open and know that they're there to support you and listen to yourself. Yeah. Listen to your heart. And I feel like it's also, like, our responsibility to, like, put things in action, too. Like, when you said that you, when you went to Gina for your Reiki master, she didn't, she was, like, I can't do that. Like, I don't have the certification for that. But, like, just by asking and putting, like, the intention out there, like, she easily could have been, like, no. But, like, obviously, like, you went and you looked for it, and you made it happen through intent, like, through action. Yes. But. She went to where you all met, so. Right. You guys, like, found each other. You guys worked it out together. But, yeah. And, yeah, I also have heard, like, a lot of videos, like, just through online. Like, people, whether it's, like, they're more into their spirituality or more into their religion. I think the word, like, clairvoyant. Yeah, you become so much more clairvoyant. Like, when you're more connected, it's so much easier to pick up on those messages. Like, when you hear stories of, like, moms texting, like, their daughters, like, oh, like, right now there's a whole TikTok theme. I don't know if you've seen it. You have TikTok, right? Well. No. It's this creepy ass freaking audio. And it's, like, I don't know you, but I know you. Like, it's so, like, creepy. Like, it makes your, like, hair stand up. But it's basically this whole trend of, like, different spiritual, like, encounters. And, like, so many of them are, like, mothers texting their daughters and being, like, where are you right now? Like, I just had a dream of, like, this, this, and this happening. And, like, their daughters are, like, say, like, at a club, like, whatever. And they're, like. In danger. Right. And they'll, like, get out of there. Or, like, just little things. But it's, like, yeah. Like, a mother's intuition is great. Right. Oh. Girl. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. The amount of times people have, like, lied to me. And I'm, like, I just, like, I'm, like, I'm either a huge narcissist. But, like, just in my heart, I'm, like, I know you're lying. But I'm, like, it's hard, though. Because it's hard to differentiate sometimes. Like, because, like I said, I'm, like, am I a narcissist? Like, I literally have, like, no proof on this. But, like, part of me, like, I feel like somebody literally whispered it in my ear. That's how, like, strongly I feel in my heart that, like, I know that, like, this is true. Or, like, this isn't true. But I guess that goes into, like, I guess, like, trusting again. Like, you have to trust in, like, every aspect of, like, your spirituality and your faith and whatever. But it's, like, it's nice to talk about. Because it's, like, no, you're not, like, crazy at all. It's, like, you're given a gift and, like, using it. Yeah, like, I had to go on. And when I started experiencing, like, my Claire's opening. So, Claire Boyan, Claire Orian, Claire, you know, Claire's. So, when I said they were opening, I had to go and find, you know, like, is this real? If it's happening to me, it's real? I was, like, so confused. Right. If it's happening to me, somebody else, somebody else is experiencing the same thing. And I found it. But I read so many books. And I was reading two, three books a week. Right. But it's true, though. Because even when I went to, like, my, your Reiki circle. And, like, I feel like I had such a, like, prominent experience. And, like, you said, like, I'm very Claire Boyan. Like, you are. Which I'm sure that's a gift you gave me. Like, Claire Boyan is kind of, like, if you close your eyes and you can see things. Right. It's like when you're reading a book and, like, a little movie in your head. You know, when I found out that people read books and don't see anything, I was, like, what? Like, I literally was, like, are you okay? Like, do you need to get checked out? But, no, I'm very. Of course you didn't see. You were the one who was in the room. Right. I was, like, I was, like, look at an apple right now. And they're, like, I see nothing. And I was, like, you're a psychopathic. I already saw my red apple. I'm, like, what? You just made an apple and I just saw it. Exactly. Like, that's also probably why, like, we like reading also so much. Because it's, like, we have that little movie. But when somebody told me that they didn't experience that, I was, like, actually, like, shook. Where was I even going with this? I have no idea. Yeah. Oh, so the Reiki circle. Like, everything that I saw with my spirit guides was, like, very, very visual. And I met, like, two of them. And I remember, like, at first I was, like, this was so cool. And I was, like, so positive. Because, like, the energy, like, in the room, like, was so strong. Because it was you and Gina. And then, like, us, a group of, like, what, 12 or something? But just, like, the energy. I'm sure, like, other people's spirit guides that came in also transferring into, like, this circle. After I left, I was, like, this was so cool. Like, wrote it down in my journal. And then, like, after, like, two, three weeks, I was, like, am I psychopathic? Because it's, like, it's so, like, actually out of your mind. Like, it almost seems like you're having a conversation with your subconscious. But you're, like, wait, but I don't speak like this. And I, like, where would I get this from? You will know the difference. Right. You know, it becomes, like, the more you practice, it becomes really clear. Which means your ego, you know, like, you know how you can have a conversation with yourself inside? Mm-hmm. You're conscious. It's not either of those. It's something else. Completely different. Right. And, yes, like, the voice, the words that I use is completely different. Mm-hmm. And then you, you know, you know. Right. You know. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And I even remember when I met one of my spirit guides. And this is bad, because I'm literally forgetting her name. Because there was two. There was a guy, and his name was, like, Kirk or something. But I remember. You wrote it down. Yeah, I did write it down. So I'll have to revisit that after this. But I remember she had a name. And I, it was just a very, like, typical name. And I literally remember being, like, are you sure that's your name? Like, are you. Do you remember how I learned my guardian angel's name? Yeah, but you should tell the podcast. So I read this book that is called Ask Your Guide by Sonia Chuquet. And in the book, she says, you know, like, you can ask your guardian angel's name. And they will show you. They will tell you what it is. So I asked, and nothing happened. So I went to yoga, and one of my Reiki friends was there. She did the Reiki training with me. And I told her, oh, my God, you know, I'm reading this book, and you can ask. And, you know, I'm so excited, because I already asked, but I haven't heard the name yet. So we, each one went home. And the next time I saw her, she's like, I know my guardian. Oh, yeah, my guardian angel's name. And I'm like, oh, she knows. And I'm the one that really was, really got to go through this, you know, learning experiences, finding information, and nothing. And I'm like, oh, well, you know what? I don't need to know your name. I know I have you near me, and I just trust that you're there, and I don't need to know your name. That night, I went to sleep, and I dreamed with the name. You know how in the old movies, the old theaters, like when they show the picture in the movies that are the old, like in the 50s? Yeah. They used to have, like, lights. Yeah, and they, like, put the little, like, names, little letters. The letters making the title of the movie with, you know, lights. And I dreamed that I saw the name Joseph in there. And it was so clear, my dream, like, like a vivid dream. And I woke up, and I'm, like, writing it down and everything, but I was like, eh, remember? I doubted myself. So I was like, okay, can you send me three more signs that this is the name? And you were telling me, mom, Joseph is his name. You just have to trust that your guardian angel's name is Joseph, and you don't need any more proof or anything. But, you know, like, doubting myself, which I shouldn't have done. But I did. I asked for three more proofs. And the same day I received three more proofs, I was reading everything, trying to find the name Joseph. But now people go by name Joe. Right. It's shorter, you know. Yeah. You never use Joseph anymore. But I was reading, I was listening to a podcast by Wayne Dyer. And he's talking in there about a book, and telling us that the author didn't put his name on it because he believed that the book was sent to him. You know, kind of like somebody else dictated the book, and the book was brought it down. He said, it's not my book, it's theirs. Right, like the same thing with the Bible. Yes. So, I didn't, he didn't put the name, but after he passed away, his wife said, you know, we should tell. Like, yeah, give him, like, the honor. The honor. And his name is Joseph. That was one of the confirmations. I think I got two more. You know, like, why doubt it? Right. You know, at least he was very strong and sent me three more. Very persistent. Very persistent, yes. Okay. Well, I think we have to wrap it up now, because we're, like, running out of time. But it was so nice having you here. Thank you for having me. I hope you had fun. I did, I did. It was new for me. I was like, oh my God, what am I going to say? You have to tell me what we're going to talk about. I know. She was, like, freaking out. She was like, do you have your questions ready for me? And I was like, uh, no. We're just going to improvise, so that's what we did. Yeah. Hopefully you have any questions. Let me know if I can answer any of your questions. And know that I'm coming from a place of love, that I called God before I came in, so that might work, and that I love you, Sophia. Oh, thank you. I thought you were trying to do a podcast. I was like, all right. Can't remember the last time you said that to me. Yeah, you better be cute. Okay. Bye, guys. Bye. Bye. Bye.