Don't allow fear to stagnate your purpose.
Don't allow fear to stagnate your purpose.
Song - Where he leads me, I'll follow Where he leads me, I will follow Where he leads me, I'll follow I'll go with him all of the way Where he leads me, I'll follow Where he leads me, I will follow Where he leads me, I will follow I'll go with him, I'll go with him all the way. Amen and thank the lord for coming together on tonight and we just thank the lord for our lesson on tonight which is entitled fear amen in the scripture reading taken from 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse7 it says "For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind." Amen praise God and it says here don't allow fear to stagnate your purpose all right praise god all right praise god hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord second timothy one and seven for god has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind pastor stella could you go into that scripture second timothy one and seven let's break it down all right we know the part that says for god has not given us a spirit of fear god has not let's break that down tonight yeah god has not talked about that god is not first god has not given us god has not given us a spirit of fear amen and let's talk about tonight if god has not given us a spirit of fear where does it come from and how does it get in us in the first place some of the areas that may get into us in the first place that people may not understand how do we receive it how do we open up to it let's talk about all that through that first part of this thing that scripture go right ahead amen the spirit of fear um that that comes from an enemy okay yes um it says well god has not given us the spirit of fear there's another scripture that says for our fear has torment uh-huh you know that's it that's it god has not given us the spirit of fear in other words it didn't come from the lord right now we can respect different things okay just because i say that i don't carry the spirit of fear that doesn't mean i don't respect things i don't respect situations i'm not going to walk out in the middle of the street because i say i don't fear that's foolishness i'm not going to go jump on the highway and walk in the middle lanes with traffic going all directions because i say i don't have any fear that's not logical that's not what god's talking about you know i'm not going to walk if it's not necessary in the midst of uh go to the zoo and jump in the lion's cage because i want to prove i don't have any fear that becomes foolishness and you have people that believe that way you know just because you say you have trust god they'll take a snake and let the snake bite him to prove they won't die well many of them have dropped dead because that's not what the scripture is talking about we respect differently i respect the animal world i know that if i'm in the wrong environment how to stay away from the wrong environment that doesn't mean i'm afraid that means i have wisdom now if there's a need for god to come like he did daniel when daniel was thrown in the lion's den god will intervene he closed the mouth of the lions for daniel but daniel you didn't see his scripture but daniel jumped in the lion's den and you don't see the other scripture where the brother was thrown into a fiery furnace he didn't jump into firmness he was thrown into it and god intervened for him so sometimes you want to prove that we're godly by doing things that we know could get us hurt okay but we're led by god go ahead pastor god had not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and every sound mind all right for god has not given us the spirit of fear let's go with the first one but of power power what is what do we think the scripture is talking about when it goes to that power what kind of power is talking about the power of witchcraft is it talking about the power of the world or is it talking about the power of god the power of god the power of what go ahead pastor the power of the power of the holy ghost all right now yes yes yes the power of the holy ghost yes yes lord and of love and of love now love oh my that's another subject in itself love but of power and of love where does say i'll say it like this i have a testimony on that pastor you mind if i tell this short testimony there were individuals that meant to do me harm and they did do me harm but when it came to my prayer and what i thought about it god directed me and when god directed me he directed me in the area of love he told me exactly when to go what to do he said when i tell you go and handle the situation and i went around for a while and finally god said go and handle the situation and it worked out just like god said but it was in the spirit of love my message god gave me the message he said you tell them that god loves you and so do i and because of certain situations i never felt that in the flesh what they said that but god commanded to tell the individuals i love god loves you and so do i so that dealt away with the spirit of fear god has not given us a spirit of fear but of power holy ghost power love and what's the next one pastor another sound mind oh now that's a good one there sound mind pastor would you like to elaborate on that one for a moment too go ahead elaborate now come in after you not not a worried mind not a worried mind not a stressed out mind not a stressed out mind you say is that going in this room yes it is not a doubtful mind not a doubtful mind you know sometimes our minds are just everywhere you know yes worried about things overly concerned i think can't sleep can't think that's right that's right but god didn't give us you know the spirit of fear but a pound of love never sound mind now now i like that one because there was a there was a young man years ago that became a deacon he's all right today the enemy will try to hurt you he'll try to cause you to have nervousness and breakdowns and me and the young man we work the same job and god was just intervening in the area of his life through the word of god i left the job where me and him was working together and i was at home and i hadn't seen him in probably two months i hadn't heard from the scene i was sitting in my chair in the living room chair and all of a sudden god took me out in the spirit and i went back to the hallway the office area of our job and god calls me to see him walking down the hallway and i looked in the ceiling and saw these squid type spirits and the squid type spirits came off the ceiling and was trying to hit him in the top of grab the top of his head they look like little squids and they were trying to grab him at the top of his head and i prayed and i rebuked him in the name of yoshua and pleaded the blood over his life and god i came out the vision he brought god brought me back and it was about three weeks later or so i was on the phone talking to him he contacted me and we were talking and he told me he said pastor bacon he said something happened to me about three weeks ago and he began to explain to me said i was walking down the hallway of the job he said and all of a sudden my mind began to split he said i felt like i was having a that i was gonna lose my mind that's what he told me and i said what date was this and i told him and i told him god showed me you going down the hallway the devil trying to attack you in your mind he said thank you for praying for me he said because i didn't i didn't think i was gonna make it that day see god will keep you in your right thinking and in your right mind the spirit of fear brings about uh sometimes a stressful situation where you don't know what to do you don't know what to do go ahead amen praise god for the testimony yes god has not given us a spirit for the power and the blood and the sound mm-hmm yes lord hallelujah amen we have we have reference we have reference scriptures i believe for this what's our first reference scripture pastor we have bought with the price first corinthians 6 and 20. where'd you find that again first corinthians 6 and 20. okay let me get my bible all right you want to read it from the king james version and i'll read it from the jewish for you about with the price therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are god now let me see first corinthians 6 and 21 moment please amen first corinthians 6 and 20. all right you're bought with the price first corinthians 6 therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are god all right now here we are the complete jewish says for you were bought at a price so use your bodies to glorify god now from what i understand with this is that many times we may not understand the price that was actually paid for our salvation now that may sound like an insult but i'm not trying to insult anyone we may say we do but you be surprised as we continue to grow in god he revealed things to us that we were not actually yeah okay there's a scripture that talks about how does it go the love that a person will give their life for their friends okay it's a blessing that a person will give their life for their friends jesus yeshua gave his life for us i heard people ask the question i mentioned to people ask questions does god love me well how could he not love us anytime you give your life for your friend jesus said that i don't call you servants but i call you friend you're my friends christ gave his life for us he shed blood he was beaten he was flipped he was abused he was accused he was hung on the cross the cross actually represented a curse from god they used the cross to represent this individual hanging on the cross have been cursed by god but no that wasn't jesus was never cursed by god it was a blessing for us that he died on the cross that we might have to come boldly before the throne of grace through him hallelujah hallelujah so let's remember we were bought with a price the price was that the blood was shed his life was given for our benefit in one scripture he was talking to him he said do you not know that i could pray to my father and he would give me 12 legions of angels of asking to 12 legion and if i have that correct i believe there's over 12,000 angels but the price was paid he did not try to get out of it he went through it he suffered he bled he oh my god my lord my lord even in the garden he said lord if it be your will let this cup pass but lord not my will father not my will but yours be done yes yes yes he paid the price that we could receive the greater so god is not giving us a spirit of fear we were bought with the price so use your bodies to glorify god how many go ahead pass with the next reference please amen so when isaiah 43 and 19 isaiah 43 and 19 yes lord yes about 40 praise god lord shed his blood that we may have life and that more abundant praise god isaiah 43 and 19 is state behold i will do a new thing now shall it spring forth shall you not know it i will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert my god could you elaborate on that and i'll come in with the uh complete jewish version go right ahead did you elaborate on that hallelujah behold i'll do a new thing a new thing yes god he has a way of renewing areas in our lives oh my god renewing yes he said i'll do a new thing yes for the old things have passed away behold all things have become new that's another scripture yes but god would do a new thing in our lives sometimes we just need something new sometimes yeah we just say lord i'm sick of the old stuff i'm sick of you know this stuff that's been here for years and years i want something new yes and god he says behold i'll do a new thing now shall spring forth yes another word it's gonna come to pass it's gonna happen yes yes yes don't you know it don't you know it sure you're not knowing don't you know it yes he says i'll even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert yes wow now in the complete jewish it says i'm doing something new it's springing up can't you see it my lord i'm making a road in the desert rivers in the wasteland hallelujah i feel that i feel that you cannot have an encounter with christ yes you are and remain the same amen amen if a person tells you i've had an encounter i had an encounter with god and they act the same they talk the same they walk the same they haven't had an actual encounter because you can never have an encounter with the savior and remain the same your life will change from that point on hallelujah yes lord he'll do a new thing in you let him do a new thing in you oh i feel this i hope somebody's hearing this this is for somebody let him do a new thing allow him to do a new thing in you hallelujah he wants to do it if you allow him to he said that it's springing up sometimes we're so busy looking down we don't see what's going on at eye level sometimes we're so busy with blinders on from looking at the negative we don't see the positive but god said he would do a new thing in us and it's gonna spring up can't you see it you mean if you don't see it's because we're not praying enough hallelujah the bible said a curse is not a life without cause and also revelational knowledge will not come from just sitting around doing looking at the negative all the time hallelujah he said can't you see it hallelujah i am making a road in the desert when you look at the desert even if you look at it on the internet where it doesn't have roads there's no markings but god will take you on a journey and put a marking where you should go i'm making a road in the desert rivers in the wasteland where there was no water where there was no substance no subsidence god will produce and cause it to grow where it wasn't there in the first place hallelujah that's for somebody god is a deliverer god is a way maker hallelujah we rebuke the spirit of fear because fear has torment hallelujah go ahead and pass it up praise god next reference um now that scripture is found over in proverbs 18 and 21 proverbs 18 and proverbs 18 and 21 all right you read death and life are in the power of the tongue death and life are in the power of the tongue go ahead and pass it all right if you keep saying that you don't feel good or i'm sick i'm sick i'm sick guess what you're gonna be sick because you're speaking it yes words carry power words carry power yes they do but speak life yes you know speak life i am healed yes you know because god is our healer yes he is i will make it everything gonna be just uh you know just fine yeah they're gonna be all right yes we gotta speak that yes that word hallelujah hallelujah pastor that's right that's right in 1821 in the complete jewish bible it reads the tongue has power over life and death those who indulge it must eat its fruits i remember years ago pastor i want to give this can i give this brief testimony i was teenager and i we were in high school we were in high school some friends we were all going home together we were all saved filled with the holy ghost we were saved young people group of guys me and some friends of mine we all got saved at the same time we all hung out together we all witnessed together we all prayed together we all went out on the street and told people about god together and uh it's a funny incident but it showed me something to make a long story short individual didn't show the love of god that day and uh as i was going along i said okay and i said i wouldn't be surprised if he got down to the bottom of the cup and found the big green horse flying in his cup and so we're going along and one brother heard me say that he's gone with the lord now he heard me say it and he didn't he just looked and we were going on and the brother i said it toward he got to the bottom of his cup that he was drinking from and the straw had a blockage and he took the lid off and he looked at what the blockage was going to find he thought it was a piece of fruit but when he picked it up it was a big green horse fly and the brother pulled me to the other brother pulled me to the side he said brother brother brother he said you said that you spoke it and he told me something this it was funny to tell you this i thought about it now it sort of made me laugh he said please don't say nothing he said if you get upset don't open your mouth just let it go he said watch what you say he said because you said it and god brought it to pass see now people that don't understand what the scripture is saying if they haven't had an experience but i've experienced it firsthand you can pray you can pray so until god will give you what you ask for see he'll give you exactly what you asked for and i didn't realize that i spoke it and it was gonna god was gonna bring it to pass i just was upset and i was upset and i said i wouldn't be surprised if he got down to the bottom of the cup i found a big green horse flying it and and it happened just like god you know i i all i can say is that god is god so the bible here tells us the tongue has power over life and death