Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker describes a period of extreme darkness and hopelessness in their life. They felt alone and unsupported, believing that life had no meaning and that their efforts were pointless. However, they had a realization in a barbershop that the key to finding meaning in life is to have someone to care about and love. They realized that they needed someone who would accept them and be there for them. The speaker also mentions their struggle with mental illness and severe depression. They felt lost and afraid of facing the consequences of their mistakes. Ultimately, they concluded that the common dream of all humans is to experience love. From Darkness to Light Couple of years ago I had darkest days ever. No hope for good days and always thinking to what I really need in life and what makes me happy. I had no beliefs at the moment. I wasn't a believer and to me war was an accident. Life was a mess and future looked pretty dark and disappointing. I remember I was in a barbershop and in one moment I discovered I need someone to see me and see my life, I wish someone had observed how I suffered. It was enough for me that someone knows I'm hopeless, I'm alone, nobody is supporting me and life has gone all against my will being. In that barbershop I discovered there is no meaning for life, it's a period which ends soon or later, we are not doing anything important, nobody cares about anyone and if I feel bad or good it's not important. Life was getting dark and darker in my eyes in that evening. I was thinking correctly, life has nothing to offer, we are just suffering for nothing, that's how it is. Then I asked myself, why I'm doing what I'm doing, why getting back home and figure out this boring thing? I can come back and have fun for days without caring about what may happen. Just like this, I couldn't find any meaning for my efforts because no one was there to care about what I was doing, I couldn't feel more alone, it was the moment that I noticed there is a big and only a single need in life. We need someone to do everything for us, overcoming sadness, frustration, fear has to be for someone. At that moment in the barbershop I noticed there is no life without someone you care about, someone you love and you worship. I discovered I need someone who accepts me, who doesn't betray me, someone who doesn't abandon me, we all need to give him our life, our full control and even each breath should be for him. In that evening I was thinking, having goals in life doesn't make me happy, because I already have it and I'm not doing anything for it. I was mentally ill and suffering from severe depression, it got clear to me, if no one cares about you, what you do and what you did, then don't live. Doesn't it make sense? Have you felt an extreme loneliness and thought you are lost? In that period of time, 4 years ago, I was extremely feeling lost. I noticed I've made so much mistakes and soon I have to face what I did, soon my family knows everything, dark days are coming, I afraid what may happen. But that wasn't enough for me and I got back home thinking all the time about how he should be, what he needs to be. At that time I understood, we humans have a single common dream and that is love.