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A Visit With The Elvis Cup Guy

A Visit With The Elvis Cup Guy


YouTuber and avid Elvis fan Wade Jones (a.k.a. “The Elvis Cup Guy”) stopped by for a visit. He and Steve talked about all things Elvis, music, and history. Wade’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@theelviscupguy56

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Steve Williams welcomes his guest, Wade Jones, also known as The Elvis Cup Guy, to his show. Wade shares the story of how he obtained a cup that Elvis Presley drank from at a concert in 1977 and later sold a bit of the remaining water on eBay. This gained international attention and led to Wade auctioning off appearances of the cup, which resulted in a trip to Denver, Colorado to promote gluten-free snacks. Wade discusses his love for Elvis and his YouTube channel, The Elvis Cup Guy, which recently reached 8,000 subscribers. He also shares his early memories of listening to Elvis with his parents and how he became a true fan. Hey y'all, this is Steve Williams, and welcome to this episode of Steve Williams and Friends. My guest and I are just going to sit back, relax, and have a talk just like we're in our rocking chairs on our front porch. And y'all are welcome to sit in and listen. Thanks for tuning in, and now, on to the show. Hey y'all, this is Steve. Welcome to our latest episode of Steve Williams and Friends, where we're just going to sit back and have a nice conversation with folks that I've found are really interesting and I just love to talk to, and just let them share some things about themselves, what have you, and their hobbies. Well, today's guest is an avid Elvis fan. He runs his own YouTube channel called The Elvis Cup Guy. He runs it from his home near Charlotte, North Carolina. Please help me welcome The Elvis Cup Guy himself, Wade Jones. Well, Steve, I really appreciate the opportunity to be on your show here, and I've managed to check out your website and your podcast and some of the stuff, and it's really interesting. You have a variety of guests, and I've checked out your little radio station you've got. In fact, I think when I went on, a Bruce Springsteen was playing, I think, more to the USA or something like that. But yeah, I appreciate it. But yeah, I am The Elvis Cup Guy, and the question, and I'm Wade, Wade Jones, and the question I get asked most is, why are you The Elvis Cup Guy? Okay, that's kind of a strange moniker or handle to have. But the reason I am The Elvis Cup Guy is because I got the cup or a cup that Elvis Presley drank from at the Charlotte Coliseum, which is now, I think, Bojangles Arena, I believe, back in 1977 when I was 13, and I got it right after the show. So one of my first claims to, if you can call it fame or infamous, I guess, what I'm infamously known for. I wouldn't say you're infamous. I mean, serial killers are infamous. You're famous. Well, I guess being known for something that kind of has an odd connotation, maybe. But yeah, so back in 2004, I sold the little bit of water that was left in that cup because I had frozen the cup in a freezer when I was 13 after the concert, and I sold a little bit of the water, or what was left of the water, from the cup on eBay for like $535. Okay. Wow. And then that kind of picked up a lot of steam, and it kind of made the news literally around the world. Associated Press picked it up, and Reuters picked it up, so it was everywhere quickly. And I followed that up with people contacting me wanting me to sell Elvis' cup, because I still have the cup. I still have the water out of it. And crazy as it may seem, I did not want to sell the cup, so I devised an eBay auction where I wouldn't sell the cup, but I would sell an appearance of the cup. And part of the stipulations in the auction itself was you could win an appearance of the cup if you won the auction, but you had to fly myself and my wife and the cup to the destination and put up expense money and accommodations and travel and thinking, you know, this is just kind of a goof thing. I know nobody's going to go for it. Well, you know, if I were going to do it, all you'd have to do is just drive right down I-85 for about four hours. I know. I was just on I-85 on the way home from work. But so anyway, believe it or not, somebody won the auction, and they flew myself and my wife and Elvis's Styrofoam Cup out to Denver, Colorado. And we stayed there for about a week, going around to different health food stores, promoting gluten-free snacks. And the Elvis Cup appeared with us everywhere, and they had, you know, like little grand opening things and tastings, and I would never associate Elvis and gluten-free, you know, snack bars. But anyway. Elvis wouldn't. I mean, Elvis wouldn't, for that matter. No. Maybe he should have. But anyway, so long story short, I still, to this day, have Elvis's Cup in my possession, in my house, in a briefcase, you know. So in addition to that, though, you know, that kind of is one minor portion of my appreciation of Elvis. I mean, I collect Elvis stuff, I listen to his music, I have albums, memorabilia, movie posters, personal items, all kinds of things. But people always ask me about that Cup that he drank out of, because I guess, you know, of all the things you could collect or own or, you know, be involved with Elvis, a piece of garbage, you know, that should have been thrown away is what I'm kind of known for. So that's kind of a, you know, kind of an oddity, but it is what it is. But yeah, yeah. Hey, nobody's got Michael Jackson's Cup, just saying. I guess not. They would have come forward, you know. Yeah, really? Have you ever thought about having it DNA tested? Well, you know, people have mentioned that, but, you know, it sat in a freezer for, wow, how many years? I got it out of my mom's deep freezer, probably in 1986. So it was in a deep freezer for nine years. So, you know, the DNA might have like, you know, some pot roads, some TV dinners on it, you know, and I've handled it. So I don't know how much of Elvis's, you know, DNA is still on it. That's true. Well, you know, I wouldn't want to ruin the thing, you know. When I went out to Colorado with it, I had a special lucite case made for it and all that. So, really, I have not physically touched the Cup since 2005 when I put it in its special case. Wow. So I've got it locked down because there's really no reason to take it out, you know. Wade, I know you've been an Elvis fan, I guess, forever. Tell me about when did you first discover Elvis and why do you remain an Elvis fan to this day? Well, you know, it's kind of coincidental that we had this thing scheduled for today because this morning I actually hit a milestone on YouTube, the Elvis Cup guy YouTube channel that I have. I hit 8,000 subscribers today. Congratulations. This morning. Yeah, well, thank you. And then one of my videos from a couple months ago hit 750,000 views, so three quarters of a million views. So, yeah, what I do is on my YouTube channel, and I'm going to go back to your question, but if you want to, there's a lot to be, well, I feel kind of bad for the person that wants to learn more about why, you know, I'm the Elvis Cup guy. If you go to my YouTube channel, I have endless, so many videos that you probably would not want to watch that discuss, you know, when I saw Elvis, my first Elvis record and all that kind of stuff. So if you guys, and I'm going to go into it right now real quick, but, yeah, anybody that wants to just go to YouTube, and for that matter, just go to Google and put in the Elvis Cup guy and a bunch of stuff will populate in. Okay. I will be putting a link to your YouTube channel. Yes, sir. Well, thank you. So don't, you know, hey, y'all, so just when we get this thing published, I'm going to make sure that we have a link to your YouTube channel, Wade, so that way they don't have to go doing any Google searches. I know Google is your friend, but we're going to bypass Google. Good, good. Well, I appreciate that. I appreciate you guys. Yes, sir. My parents, okay, my mom and dad, they were somewhat, you know, of Elvis fans. My mom was born in 1941, so she would have been, I guess, 15, 16 during Elvis' prime, you know, like the 50s prime, 1956, 57. Yeah, my mother was born in 1941, and she was a big Elvis fan. In fact, some of my earliest memories were listening to Elvis albums and 8-tracks, and, I mean, no offense, I was like ad nauseam around the house, but, you know, looking back at it, you know, it's like being exposed to Elvis was something that I, one of the things I treasure about my mother. Exactly, and my dad was a little bit older than my mom, but he, you know, he liked Elvis, you know, but he was more into, like, country music, gospel music, that kind of stuff, but he still liked Elvis. But the way I really got into it, and I knew about, you know, Elvis' greatest hits, the album that my mom had with Hound Dog and Don't Be Cruel and all that, Heartbreak Hotel, but, oddly enough, I can almost pinpoint when I became an Elvis real fan. I must have been maybe 10 or 11, maybe 11 years old, and I had gotten a stereo, and I don't know if you remember when Firestone used to have an electronics department. They had a, you could buy grills and you could buy stereo equipment at Firestone, and my mom had, my mom and dad had a Firestone credit card, and for my birthday, I got a stereo from Firestone. And so, up until that point, I had Monkees albums or, you know, Tiny Tim, you know, stuff like that. Poo poo, poo poo. Exactly. Yeah, Tiny Tim. So I went with my mom, I think it was, I don't know if you have them there in Georgia, but Roses. Do you remember Roses? Oh, yeah, I do. I grew up in the suburbs in Gwinnett County in a town called Snellville, and just north of us was the county seat, Lawrenceville, and that was the Roses that we used to go to when I was a kid. Yeah. I remember Roses. Yeah, so my mom and I, after I got my little stereo, it was the first, like, instead of just, like, a little cheap record player, it was a decent stereo with two speakers, you know, stereo, and it was, like, a big deal to me. And so I'd saved up some money, maybe I had $5, $10, I don't know what it was, but we went into Roses, and I went to the album section, okay? And a lot of people don't realize that even department stores, like modern day, you know, like a, well, Sears isn't even around, but they had record departments, you know. Oh, yeah, heck yeah, man, I remember that. You know, and... I love to be in the record department, dude. And what's so ironic is now things have come full circle, you can go into Target, and there's a dang record section. Yeah, looks like the young folks are discovering the joy of the vinyl. Yeah, so anyway, I went into the record section, and I was thumbing through the albums, okay? And really, believe it or not, I had it narrowed down, because some kids at my school had, you know, they talked about music, and I had it between, I think it was Elton John, Don't Shoot Me I'm Just a Piano Player album, I don't know if you remember that. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah, and then Elvis Live at Madison Square Garden, I had them both in my hands, okay? And I looked at them, and I'm like, you know, the Elton John album looks kind of interesting, and I know a lot of these songs, but this Elvis one with him on the front, like in concert, and I turned it over and read the song listing, and it had, you know, Hound Dog, and, you know, Can't Help Falling in Love, and Proud Mary, and a bunch of... And I said, that seems interesting, and I'm telling you, if maybe I would have bought, like, Elvis's Greatest Hits, or I would have bought any other Elvis album, it maybe wouldn't have struck me, but it was a live album, you know, Elvis Live at Madison Square Garden, and I'm telling you, Steve, if you or any of your listeners have never listened to that album, it's the electricity, it's a full Elvis concert from the beginning, 2001 Space Odyssey, he comes out on stage... Oh, yeah. Yeah, and then he sings, and a lot of songs are fast, and before you know it, the concert's over, he leaves the stage, and the crowd's going crazy, and that had me hooked, Steve, that had me hooked. So if I would have bought that Elvis album, I might be sitting here talking about Elton John right now. Well, to tell you the truth, I'd rather talk about Elvis than Elton John, but that's just me. I mean, nothing against Elton John, folks, you know, if you like Elton, cool, you know, but Elvis, man. Speaking of Elvis at the Madison Square Garden, just before I got on the call, I was watching YouTube, and I saw there's this communications coach out of Ireland that did a reaction to Elvis's press conference. Have you ever seen the press conference he did there at the New York Hilton? Yes, yes, where he's wearing the blue suit and the gold belt. Yep, and that big old gold belt, and this guy just, I mean, this guy loved how Elvis just handled that crowd. I mean, Elvis was just so down to earth, and he was, I mean, at times he was polite but firm. For example, they asked him some questions about, you know, the things going on at the time, the Vietnam War, women's liberation, stuff like that, and Elvis was pretty cool about it. He said, I just, you know, I'd prefer not to talk about that, and, you know, just kind of moved on. He just wanted to talk about the music and just emphasize, hey, man, I ain't here to advocate nothing. I'm just an entertainer. Yeah, and he says, I like to keep my political views to myself. And I do, too, honestly. In fact, we don't do politics on this show, Brian. Right, right, and I think I've seen the same video. He also did his body language, didn't he? I don't know if he did his body language or not. Well, I don't really, it was an Irish guy. I forget what the name of it was. Okay, this might have been a different one. Yeah, well, it could be. I mean, there's been all sorts of reaction videos, like people reacting to Elvis' singing and all that. Right. But anyway. But, yeah, but so to go back to, I got that Elvis album before the live in Madison Square Garden. Then I bought another Elvis album and another one, and then before I knew it, I was just like, I love Elvis music. And then almost piggybacking that, in 1976, I heard, I think, on the radio that Elvis was going to be at the Charlotte Coliseum in 1976. Yeah. Well, by the time I heard about it and my parents knew about it, I told them they'd already sold out of tickets. Okay, so I was 12 then. We talked about it, and I said, okay, next year for my birthday, when I turned 13, I turned 13 in February. That's when my birthday is. You know, funny, so is mine. When we were talking earlier, it's like I think we were literally born a day apart. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, because I was born in, yeah, February 17th. Yeah, and I was born the next day, man. You think about it, it's like we were born just days after the Beatles made their debut on the Ed Sullivan Show. Exactly. Okay, now we've dated ourselves. Yeah, because they came in February, didn't they? Yep, I believe it was February, I think, 9th, 1964 when they made their debut on the Sullivan Show. That's right. Don't hold me to that. That's right, yeah, I was right. It was the beginning portion of February. Yeah, I'm kind of a history and a music nerd. I am, too. I am, too. I love history, you know. Going back to Elvis at the Charlotte Coliseum, you didn't. Yeah, so, yeah, we missed out on those tickets, but I found out late. Plus, I was 12, so I wasn't that aware of how to listen for them or how concerts worked and all that stuff. So, anyway, fast forward, the early part of 1977, January, maybe, or maybe the end of 1976, they made an announcement on the local radio station, or one of them, that Elvis was going to be coming to the Charlotte Coliseum again. So, I immediately told my parents, I said, look, I want to go see Elvis for my birthday. And, sure enough, you had to get a cashier's check. There was no Ticketron here in Charlotte. Right. Some cities, and maybe Atlanta did at that time, had Ticketron, but we did not in Charlotte. So, you had to get a cashier's check, and you had to mail it off to this address, and they would send you the tickets. Well, I waited, and waited, and waited. Well, it seemed like a lifetime, but it was maybe a couple weeks. Well, finally, a letter came in the mail, and I could feel that it had two tickets in it, because I couldn't go by myself, because I was 13. There was a little strip of paper stapled to the tickets that said, the concert tickets you requested for Sunday, February 20, 1977, have been totally sold out. However, Elvis Presley has agreed to do a show the next night, February 21, on a Monday night, and here are your two tickets to that show. If Elvis would not have done an extra show, I wouldn't have seen him. They were already sold out. But, as luck has it, he did an extra show, and I went that night to the concert with my mom. So, that's when I got to see Elvis. Well, it was only three or four miles from my house on Independence Boulevard, which is Highway 74. So, it was a straight shot. So, it was no big deal getting to the Coliseum. And I went to work with my dad on Saturday. So, he did a concert on Sunday night and on Monday night. But on Saturday, when I would go to work with my dad, our airport here at the time was called Charlotte Douglas Municipal Airport. And we would watch the plane plan. At that time, I had a few magazines about Elvis. Of course, no internet back then. And we were part eating lunch, watching the plane plan. And I told my dad, we knew Elvis was going to be in town Sunday and Monday. I'm sitting there with my dad on a Saturday before the two Elvis concerts on Sunday and Monday. And I said, Dad, I said, I told my dad, I said, Dad, there's a jetway over there, and on the tail of it, it says TCB. And I said, and it says Lisa Marie on it. I said, Dad, I think that's Elvis's airplane. And this was at like maybe 2 o'clock on a Saturday. I'll speed this up. So, anyway, long story short, my dad and I got in his truck, drove all the way around. And this was not at the main airport, but where the smaller jets and planes were. Right. And all that stuff. And I shimmied under the fence. And Steve, I promise you, it was Elvis Presley's Convair 880 jet sitting there. Which I believe was actually a jet owned by Delta Airlines. It was. It was. I think it was decommissioned maybe in 19, early 60s from Delta. I don't know what, maybe it was a cargo plane after that. I'm not sure. Well, but Elvis bought it and the rest is history. Right. So Elvis bought it in 75. But anyway. And he pimped it out good. Oh, he did. So my dad and I went there. I shimmied under the gate, let him in. Of course, this is pre-9-11. Oh, yeah. And my dad and I went out there. And then a couple more fans showed up. And about 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock, about 10 people were out there. 5 o'clock, 6 o'clock, about 50 people were out there. So come about 7 or 8 o'clock at night, there were maybe 60, 70 people out there. Now understand, Steve. Wow. Nobody had cell phones. Nobody had anything. Right. All right. Yeah. All people were talking about was Elvis's jet's here. Is he going to go anywhere? Well, starting at 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon, vans pulled up. They fueled it full of gas. So everybody had an idea that he was going to get on his jet for some reason. So fast forward to maybe 8.30 that night or maybe 8 o'clock, 4 or 5 police cars pull up. They block us off. And then a limousine, a tour bus pulls up. And some of the – a few members of the band, his bodyguards, his girlfriend, and then Elvis walked up the steps, turned around and waited. Now was that Ginger Alden at the time? Yes. That was Ginger Alden. Yeah. And believe it or not, that jet was fully fired up, ready. All engines were going when he got on the jet. It wasn't like, okay, let's do the pre-flight checklist. He got on the thing, and it was ready to go. Okay. Well, I'm sure they did a pre-flight checklist already, but they figured you better get this out of the way so that he can get to where he needs to go. Exactly. And I'm going to tell you what, Steve, about an hour or so before Elvis got there, they had the steps pulled up, they had the door open, and I was one of the first ones to walk up the steps, remove the little barrier thing they had, the little rope like they used to have at a bank or they have at a bank. I moved that, and I stood right inside Elvis' jet. Wow. And I remember on the left-hand side when you walk in like where you would look to the cockpit, there was a sink and there was a big glass pitcher with a big wooden spoon in it, and they had just mixed some Tang. Well, I'll tell you what, man. You're probably lucky that Red and Sonny weren't around there at the time. Well, you know what? What's funny, Red and Sonny were let go. Right. They were let go about a year before Elvis died. Yeah. Right. Yeah. I'm just glad that like say if those dudes were around, I heard that Red and Sonny kind of handled some of the things a little better. Yeah. And Elvis was probably still getting ready at the hotel. So, yeah. You're right. Yeah. I mean, yeah. But still, that's a pretty cool story. I don't think people ever step on that airplane back in the day. Yeah. So, what I kind of a fond memory to me is both my mom and dad are passed away now. Yeah. Both of them are. Oh, really? Yeah. And that happens, you know. They're in a better place, man. Yeah, I know. So, I got to see Elvis on Saturday with my dad, and then I got to see Elvis on a Monday with my mom. So, it kind of worked out, you know. Well, you know what? It's kind of funny. I think I mentioned this earlier that, actually, I went to an Elvis concert, too. But let's just say mama had an extra ticket and dragged me along. Now, of course, at the time, I will admit, it wasn't something I really wanted to do. But looking back, and this was when Elvis was at the Omni in Atlanta. But looking back, I'm glad that I was there and I could say that I got to see Elvis. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. So, now, do you remember much from the concert? Or were you just like, I just want to get out of here? I probably just kind of was. I was just there. The most thing I can remember is there was a woman in front of me with a beehive hairdo smoking like a chimney. But, I mean, I admit, I wasn't the Elvis fan that you were at that time in my life, too. But still, you know, just getting to say that I went and was at an Elvis concert was, you know, something that I kind of like to talk about. And I'll actually give you one more thing. Here's a family story, if you don't mind me sharing it. Yes, sir. Go ahead. My Aunt Polly, God rest her soul, she saw Elvis way back in the day, like in the fifties, I think probably right about the time before Elvis really took off and he was doing, I guess, like small venues and he came to Atlanta. Well, the story that I remember that Mama and Daddy told me that Elvis saw my Aunt Polly. And my Aunt Polly was a beautiful woman. I mean, she was a looker, son. And Elvis asked my Aunt Polly for a date. Never again. No, man. I'm like, I was like, dang. She turned down and she just like turned, I mean, she turned Elvis down for a date. Now, of course, you know, I mean, and I admit sometimes I kind of thought, started thinking sometimes, well, we'll see. What if my Aunt Polly actually married Elvis? So he would be my Uncle Elvis. Exactly. Maybe we could have got to go to Graceland or whatnot. But anyway, you know, I just thought that was kind of an interesting story. Did she ever give a reason why she turned him down? I don't know. It had been several years since I'd talked to her, so I never, well, one thing, this is basically what I heard from my folks. And then, two, they kind of said around her husband, my Uncle Norman, he was kind of, I guess, uncomfortable about that. I mean, but anyway, you know, I just thought it was an interesting family story. Oh, hold on. Was she married? Oh, was she married at the time? No, she wasn't married at the time. I think she was still, you know, she wasn't interested in dating a dude, you know. Right, right. Well, that's a neat story. I mean, you know. Yeah, anyway, that's my, okay, that's my family Elvis story. Yeah, you know, and that's one thing, you know, there's so many aspects of Elvis and so many things that just added to why he became as big as he did and as big as he is. Yeah. In addition to being able to sing, you know, sing a phone book, you know, sing gospel, sing country, sing R&B, sing ballads, sing rock, rock and roll. Okay, and I know some people debate that, but whatever. Oh, I got to tell you one more thing. I hate to interrupt you. I got to tell you just one more thing, if you don't mind. No, go ahead. For a few years, we lived in Knoxville, Tennessee, and one time we took a trip out to Nashville and then to Memphis with a couple that were friends of my folks, and I vaguely remember that we got to go on the grounds of Graceland, and I can just vaguely remember sitting on the steps of Graceland with my sister, and I thought there might've been a picture, and I've looked through all my family photos and whatnot, and I have not found, but if I ever find that picture, you know I'm going to post that sucker. Oh, yeah, that would be. I'd probably say that's my biggest Elvis memory, but I was like probably seven years old when that happened, six or seven. Wow. So, yeah. So that would have been what, like 71? Yeah, probably 71, yeah, because 72 we moved back to the Atlanta area when Daddy got transferred back to Atlanta. But, you know, and that kind of illustrates my point that one of the things, you know, that you try to think what about Elvis made him so popular? What about him still carries on in 2023? Why in 2022 was there a movie made about Elvis and everybody went to see it? You know. You know, it's funny you should mention that because that's one of my questions. Did you actually see the movie and what were your thoughts? Well, let me just say this. So the fact that you gave your Elvis story about him in Atlanta, one thing that Elvis did, and you mentioned your, you said it was your aunt that turned him down. Yeah. Yeah. So the thing is Elvis toured and toured and went everywhere. He went to little towns. He went to big towns. He went, even when he was huge in 1976 or 74 or whatever, he went to Asheville. He went to Greensboro. He went to Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He would go anywhere. So Elvis coded the country, you know, covered it also almost any little town you went to somebody just like you illustrated. It's got a dang Elvis story because he was everywhere. Yeah. And he kind of gave people that personal connection. Like you there in Atlanta or, you know, in Asheville, he was here in Asheville for three days in a row, two different shows a day, six different shows. And people think about Elvis like being one of their own, you know, because he was in Asheville quite a few times. Yeah. And people just connected with him. He didn't have to be just Vegas or just Los Angeles or just New York. He would go anywhere that could hold 10,000 people. He'd go. You know, it's funny you should mention Vegas. I thought I'd heard before that at some point, Elvis basically got sick and tired of Vegas toward the end. Yeah. Well, you know, he, he did. And of course, a lot of this stuff has been written about and talked about, you know, obviously after his passing, but yeah, he got tired of just the whole thing, you know, at least, but you're right about Vegas, because when you're in Vegas for, or when he was in Vegas for three weeks, four weeks at a time, month, month and a half, whatever it was, you know, I'm sure that got old of doing a show, going back to your room. Yeah. And then he couldn't walk around the casino. He couldn't go to, you know, drive around and go look at, or drive the fall staff away. He could not do certain things. Right. So at least when he was on tour, it was a new city and it kind of kept that. Right. But yeah. I think the whole Vegas thing from what I understand, or at least they portray it in the movie is basically Parker committed him to that awful contract. So that mainly Parker could pay his gambling debts. Right. Right. Cause he was a big, it's funny. He was a big gambler and go, well, going back to the movie that you brought the movie. Yeah. I did go see the movie and I, I kind of had seen some reviews and the trailer, you know, beforehand. And I told myself and my wife, I took my wife with me, of course. But I told myself, you know, if I sit here and try to pick this thing apart, I know it's going to, there's going to be some embellishments and they're going to do this and they're going to, you know, if, if something happened in 73, they might make it happen earlier. It didn't happen like this or whatever. And if, if there's anybody that has not seen it yet, any of your listeners, if you go into it, like, Hey, if this is a story, like almost like a, well, it's not fictional, but it's almost like a, a fairy, well, not a fairy tale, but they, you know, they kind of, they mix it. It's given a Hollywood treatment. Right. They use some artistic license. Right. Knowing that, then you're cool and you'll enjoy it, you know? Oh yeah. I mean, it's not, it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be an actual historical movie. It basically is based on the tidbits of Elvis's life, particularly right around the late fifties or the 68 comeback special, which of course, 68 comeback special was, that was where Elvis proved to the world that it's like, I'm still the king, bro. Oh, I know. And you know, and I think they made a good point in the movie. In fact, they might've overdone a little bit. You know, it's supposed to be a comeback. It's supposed to be a Christmas special. That's how Parker supposedly wanted it. Yeah. Or Andy Williams is supposed to be, you know, dry and boring. Right. Thank goodness. I think it was Steve Bonder. Yeah. The producer said, Hey, let's do this. So, you know, thank goodness that he had the insight to make it what it was. And Hey, how iconic is Elvis in the, the black leather suit in the round, just kicking out the whole song. And then the course, and I was listening to, if I can dream, I mean, I'll tell you that song and memories may, especially if I can dream. I mean, that is probably in my opinion, most powerful song that Elvis ever did. I mean, it demonstrated his soulfulness. That right there to me demonstrated what the real honest to goodness Elvis was. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, in fact, it was just a couple of nights ago. Cause it, you know, your YouTube on your TV remembers what you watch or when you sign in and it always pops up. And, you know, I'm, I'm like, okay, I don't want to see this again. And then sure enough, five seconds into it, I'm watching a whole thing, you know, but, but I enjoyed, but I really did enjoy the movie and you know, and not to crack on other act or actors that actually portray Elvis. Nobody, I hate to say this, you know, I'm not impartial, but nobody looks like Elvis. I mean, what's odd is a lot of times in Hollywood, they'll get a star to portray somebody and they look a lot better than the real person. And, but in Elvis's case, they've got a problem trying to find somebody that can halfway fill his shoes. And it's impossible. Oh, it's like trying to repaint the Mona Lisa. Exactly. And you know, not, I can't think of any actor. And even the guy that played him, Austin Butler, you know, a normal human, well, I mean, of course Elvis is human, but a normal guy cannot put on a jumpsuit and a cape and sideburns and a bunch of jewelry and pull it off. No, I mean, that's basically, that's basically about 300 gazillion Elvis impersonators. Nobody can pull it off. I mean, somehow, you know, in the seventies, you know, Disney was a horrible time for fashion. I mean, big bell bottoms and big sideburns and big collars and plaids. Leisure suits. Leisure suits. But you know what? Somehow Elvis pulled it off. I mean, he pulled the horrible seventies off somehow. I don't know how he did. Did you see it? There was a cartoon series that was streaming called Asian Elvis. Did you ever watch any of those episodes? You know, I saw the trailer and I saw a couple episodes of it and, you know, it was interesting, but I, you know, it was just kind of a novelty thing. I, I kind of appreciate them doing that, I guess. But, you know, they, they made it for, you know, adults and it was full of, right. I mean, it wasn't meant to be like an actual, I mean, the movie Elvis was a whole lot more historically accurate. Agent Elvis was just kind of like Priscilla, I think had this and yeah, they sold Priscilla this idea about, because Elvis, you know, if you remember Elvis going to Nixon and wanting to be a DEA agent, and they kind of, and some people thought, hmm, what if Elvis was actually a secret agent? Exactly. Well, yeah. And of course, he's throwing a lot of gore and violence and all that garbage. But I will admit, I kind of enjoyed that, but I took it with a grain of salt. Yeah, I did too. And of course, you know, immediately when, you know, there's a talking chimp that, you know, they're taking some, some, some liberties there, but yeah, Elvis was loosely based on a chimp that Elvis briefly had as a pet. Yeah, Bubbles. I mean, no, I'm sorry, Scatter. Scatter, right, because Bubbles was Jacko's. Yeah, you're right. Yeah. So Scatter was Elvis's chimp, but yeah, of course he didn't talk, he didn't kill people and, you know, stab them. And Elvis never went to Vietnam. No, no. He did go to Germany. No, he did go to Germany. Well, I mean, he was in the army, but you know, after that, he never left the United States for the most part. No, he only went, he went to Canada. I think just once, went to Vancouver, I think once, not twice, but that's it right over the border, you know, going back to, I saw Elvis. Yeah, we went full circle. I'm sorry. I'm okay. I just keep, I'll just keep rambling and I forget where I, my starting point. But yeah, I, I saw Elvis and that, see, that solidified it because I, I, I listened to his music. And then when I saw him in person, Steve, and you went to, but you know, me wanting to go so bad. And then for it to be almost a, I'm not going to say a religious experience. Okay. It wasn't. But when, when I saw Elvis and he stepped on the stage and they had all that leading up to seeing him. And then they played the 2001 face on us. And then the drum roll. And then the one little spotlight. And then Elvis appears. And I wasn't crying. I wasn't crying. I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I 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just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just, I was just,

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