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TeamNade Ep18

TeamNade Ep18

TeamNade PodcastTeamNade Podcast



This weeks podcast we discuss the new Halo update and using mics in lobbies. We also run over the results for COD Major 2 in Miami! Follow us on Twitter! https://twitter.com/TeamNadePod Halo - 4 Mins - 57 Mins COD - 57 Mins - End

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The podcast hosts discuss various topics, including the host's new glasses, the recent update to the Halo game, and their experience playing in a tournament. They talk about the improvements in the networking update, such as less desync and dying around corners. They also mention that they had fun playing in the tournament, despite some lag issues. Overall, they are positive about the updates and their gaming experience. what is happening people team they podcast episode 18 we're back back like we never left i'm joined today by the man with the new glasses also known as the caledonian scump what are you saying bro mr forsy 98 caledonian scump i'll get to eat till me five seconds do whilst i was making that coffee that you were keeping me from making oh that coffee that made us late it didn't make us late what made us late was you talking shit again bro oh was it just me yeah it was just you talking to myself you were just here we're like are we gonna start now let's go let's go as much as i agree with the new glasses right it's new but not new they're like new in the sense of like they're they're fresh but they're not new in the sense of they're the exact same ones i had before i broke them yeah but i mean they look better than those joints you were rocking before yeah those were some specialist pieces of equipment if you had the image of an accountant right that was like i personified even harder by those glasses like legitimately bro they were bad yeah yeah they were they were no i bought two two of the exact same pair so i'll never have never be without the the clear red ones we never have to deal with those fucking those fucking bricks we love to say it man oh jesus i'm good man all right straight chilling as per usual yeah what about you not a lot uh it's been good been a decent week fucking caught at the weekend can't complain i can love to see it that was good yeah i had a lot of fun watching that good watching oh some of it some of the games are brilliant um there's there's plenty to talk about in it but that we're gonna have to wait until the end that's a layer that's later in the episode we'll wait until second half of the old uh the old podcast really before we get on to that what's that two minutes in already teasing anyway that that aside uh at team napod on swear gas drop us a follow if you don't already or send us some hate mail or something so i can retweet it and make fun of you on the internet your choice you know what i mean um hate mail yeah man i feel i feel well i saw one of them in it like you know you know you're doing something right when people are just going out of their way to put you down well i mean is it though at certain members of the eu halo community is it though well yeah i mean any bad publicity is still good publicity isn't it i mean there's a topic that'll come up later on which i think counteracts that and you'd be potentially i don't know that's not that's not hate mail though is it like that's just being a dick that's just hate that's just hate like if it's hate mail oh like you know what i mean then that's all right i mentioned i'm going out of your way they said fucking mail this time i don't know bro i haven't had a stamp since ages £1.75 for stamp the king's head on it the other king's head on that i don't even know that'll be coming off soon though bro i swear to god is it the kit i don't know if it is actually the camera and even release those like fucking the money notes king notes to be fair though i don't know how it's one of the charlie fivers i mean all five is in the uk well 20s in the uk are already charlie 20s anyway but like you know i mean they're going to be charlie charlie 20s soon charlie squared charlie squared yeah man it's like charlie xx xo xo oh jesus but yeah let's have a little chat about halo halo yes it's been it's i was going to say it's been a slow week for halo but it actually hasn't because we got one of the most anticipated updates in since the game released on tuesday last week a little networking update so without fucking time what's your what's your opinion of the networking update well my first experience of the networking update my first game that you get a download done happy days right i'll log in play a game see what it's like 200 ms unstable packet loss right fucking sound right networking my hole like that is just nowhere fucking near what it needs to be but then second second game was that it was better it felt i don't i've not experienced the sort of like the main experience of everybody else here the one thing i have noticed less of is getting dying room corners that is a been a huge change and less desync especially on solitude when you're running over those bricks and you're not bouncing all over the shop i was literally going to say like the only there's three things that i've noticed right when playing on like a normal low pink connection you don't desync on the rocks on solitude anymore which makes that map like way more fun to play like because you can actually fight in the yard now yeah i'm bouncing all the shop i've completely lost me trying to thought i can't lie i started i got too far ahead of myself it's bad isn't it not dying around corners that's also massive like that makes the game more enjoyable like i mean i feel like i can't decide whether like blank shots are more of a thing now than they were before yeah but like if it kind of feels like you you don't get those like weird blank shots now you know like there was always like all those clips floating around the people like they were just beaming someone and they were taking no damage and then they were going to the theater and they were just looking at them and not shooting yeah i feel like you don't get that anymore um you just kind of get those like they go missing somewhere the packets get stolen and they've got your bullets in them you know i mean yeah yeah the so that kind of like i don't really know what's going on with that i don't know whether it's because it's also one of them right where it's like well i feel like now it's a lot easier for me to sit there and go i just missed rather than before i was always like oh i didn't miss it's because of it's because of the latency it's because of this it's because of that like you know i mean it's just like so much easier now just to be like yeah i just i just didn't hit the shots there which then we then we found out that while watching back some of my gameplay that i'm just perfectly perfectly out of timing consistently just putting shots on either side of someone's head which i feel like it's hard i think it's harder to do that than this shot a hundred percent like that was that was amazing watching that because it was literally just like i was like yeah that is harder to do than actually hit the guy in the head i'm making it easy for yourself you know right exactly you know i mean exactly like you know dynamic difficulty adjustment i had a thought there when you were talking about the packets thief it was like the beauty of the black ops 2 pentagon thief but for packets god just spawns in makes your pockets and then fucks off yeah man that's definitely what's happening yeah um i think it's an improve it's definitely an improvement it can you know yeah it's a hundred percent improvement i mean the game do you remember that 300 ms game that we played or the one we won yeah but it was oh no it was uh there was a four stack when it was four stack four stack of geo filters yeah asia yeah yeah and we want to absorb our flag yeah they go down and we got the reverse sweep on like they got fucked up bro i'm not even gonna lie like literally they got they got fucking done in i mean like that's the thing right like i feel like now it it's more noticeable the latency difference like the connection time and stuff um because it's like you really do have to kind of like play three seconds ahead on 300 ms now you know what i mean um one thing i'll be quite interested to see is when we do the we play eight lobbies again yes for sure for sure i think that would be very obviously we've obviously we've had a slight experience with the american connection yeah but like over the weekend that was that was weird man like we'll get into that in a second but like the connection was kind of weird because i at no point did i feel like proper laggy like yeah like weird things were happening i mean that was only an 80 ms right so it's like that's not that bad yeah i don't know what it was like for you but i think i was on like 80 90 so my my mind's always like 10 above yours because you're in a better place for better wi-fi yeah yeah yeah yeah i think that's the thing i ping like 11 to dublin yeah which is um yeah i've never been you're like i'm 30 aren't you yeah i've never been under 30 so um and that's just for my internet connection and where i live it's not the name's quite funny i can't lie like i'm really hyping the nation you press the button and the animation plays and then no nade will come out and then the nade will come out like it's wild like the whole animation finishes and then a nade just appears right in front of you like bouncing on the floor it's it's like a distance it's just your hand and then it comes out by the time the nades got there the guy's halfway up the map it's like a trebuchet is that what it's called yeah like a trebuchet yeah like it comes out your shoulder or something like two seconds later the counterweight yeah i love it but yeah man so we we played what was it the swat arena uh 2v2 snipers yeah spring spring fling spring fling 2v2 snipes that was um an experience it was an experience yeah i mean so i said we'll start from the top like on was it friday night saturday morning i guess you you would say because i don't think we started playing until about two like we scrimmed walmart and dolo on the sat on the friday night saturday morning when it yeah um which i messaged you about it on thursday yeah you see yeah we were having a conversation about on the thursday when it yeah that you know that was right yeah because um i've seen walmart's tweet about like he he posted like retweet or like and i was like oh what's this looked at it and they were in it i was like yeah i don't do i don't fuck it why not try yeah i mean and that's the thing right so like go before this we haven't really played we'd never really played snipes like i've played some snipes on infinite which is always fun but like it was always just kind of something i would do if i couldn't get a rank probably yeah um and we've never played 2v2 snipes or in a competitive setting like a proper competitive setting right um so we we were like okay let's well i mean i i feel like my mindset is more like well if we're going to do it then let's try and let's do it properly like you know i mean we'll try a little scrim on the go like obviously walmart was incredibly highly ranked when rank snipers was out um his teammate also no slouch so it was literally just it was literally just like okay cool i will get some decent reps in before the tournament i mean i'd to be honest with you i i feel like that like doing that was more just to see kind of like what we'd let ourselves in for yeah um because i feel like uh you know the teams that we ended up playing on the saturday i feel like the big some of the games went very similarly to how they did in the scrims i don't know i don't know how you would feel about that is it in terms of like the score and stuff yeah yeah yeah and like some of the well the fuck we played five scrims and won one of them yeah five yeah we took one two or like game two in game three were very one-sided i feel which then kind of showed what the the rest of the people we actually played in the screw in the the tournament were yeah exactly um so yeah like what saturday saturday rolls around i think it started at was it seven o'clock it started yeah so well yes we played who do we play first requiem and just venom winter just venom winter peg so we were the 23rd seed and i think they were like the 10th or something yeah um and we got too old and that was kind of like uh that was an experience it was an experience yeah like it was it was very difficult um yeah but the point where fucking venom is coming off the batteries and g sliding oh my yeah that's a wild bro in the turbine like yo if he pushes you i've got him and then the guy just g slid around the corner and took my head clean off and i was like no i don't got him like i really do not have this guy i've never had this guy yeah you didn't even know you were no chance to have this guy like literally um like yeah like so they were like both both of those guys very good players um yeah and then what losers round one we played we played the 26th seed yeah i think so yeah um i can't i can't remember what those guys were called it was abby off and purity fades purity fades again that was very good series like we wouldn't i think we probably played pit first and we took it 24 25 yeah and then um live fire which like live fire was the only map we would in scrims which was so like we were like i feel like going into live fire i was like okay cool like we know what sort of setup we want like we know how we want to play it we're kind of like i was more confident more comfortable on live fire um and i think we went like 25 16 or something like that yeah it was a more convincing victory it was a more convincing victory i mean i mean just give me two seconds sorry someone's knocking on the door oh no so based on the office the game that we actually played it was more convincing in the 25 16 um so then going into it it kind of it was a weird experience to be like right this is what we're doing um especially just to jump into it so i'm gonna have a thought about it i'm gonna have a thought about it to be to see somebody else in the community that obviously he's a walmart's a class sniper i think he was at one point number one in the world on the sniper leaderboard um so we've gone into it played it just to see where we're stood and i'd overall we weren't that bad i'd say um we kept up i'd say there's a there's a couple of times we were matching them and then it kind of we lost the pace of it it just didn't play to i think we're kind of hold back instead of actually playing forward which then was actually more negative than anything else this is our losers round two game yeah this is yeah yeah when we started when we start to go down we just didn't actually like push forward we're sitting back yeah i think that was the thing man i think our biggest problem was that like when we were when we were on the front foot we were comfortable like we were happy taking challenges like we were happy pushing the pace like you know i mean and when we're on the back foot the it was always just kind of like okay well we're just going to kind of play backwards into a corner and we're going to watch these angles and we're going to be happy and we're going to be safe and secure and then bang they were in they worked out they knew what they found out whether we were came up with an action plan executed on it picked up two kills and then pivoted and went back to like and knew where we were spawning immediately yeah that's what they know most teams clearly knew had done that before like played these games before and knew where people would be kind of spawning yes for sure which to us not having this experience and doing it before was kind of a negative thing but we kind of jumped into it and fucking like i said with players isn't it like we're like do you want to you were like right ah let me let me let me see if i've got time yeah i can do it right so yeah sign this up we're doing it sign us up there's my friday here's our fucking first ever scrim against somebody who's on review afterwards at like five in the morning yeah seriously i guess a team that are very are a good team then a fucking film review from like three until five oh yeah oh it was good though like it was a good it was you know it was an enjoyable thing i mean and because it was a 32 team bracket i think we went out top 24 yeah which is like you know obviously not something to write home about but the fact that we won a series was gas i was so excited and it didn't finish last we didn't finish last we didn't get rounded which was literally our only objective going into it was like let's not get rounded but let's take it seriously and see how far we can go yeah right so yeah it was good man it was a good experience i had fun doing it and i would definitely do it again yeah 100 percent i know you've got your eye on that 3v3 swap no i got my eye on the 3v3 snipers is it 3v3 snipers i thought it was swap no the swap one we played one game and i was like i will think snipers you don't want to play mcc h3 against ambition one ambition two ambition three and ambition four yeah and i've made it very clear this is my first ever halo i've never played any other halo in my life i've never i didn't even know they had halo 3 slot but i didn't play halo 3 so not all of them well now we do know now both of us know we've both found out together yeah exactly man but it was a good experience and i would definitely do it again is anything else happening in the halo world well let me ask you a question bro okay let me ask you a question right there we go what is your opinion on people not calling out in ranked right okay so i'm not bothered bothered in the sense of i'm not bothered right right this is so it's such a layered thing right because the experience that we had the other day what day was that earlier last week it could be any day last week yeah the one i used that we played last week the one i remember was we played um recharge king of the hill one boy one boy was in the in the always recharge i don't know i literally i swear i forgot every single time that like there's been someone in the comms just talking absolute rubbish it's been recharged yeah so we were playing recharge hill at king of the hill and one boy was calming and then the other boy stuck his mic on and started calming okay cool normally well we don't come because we're talking to each other and we normally have our own conversations in between and whatever else and in game as well if we're watching somebody else's stream or we're doing that or we're doing this that or the next thing so we don't normally have the comms on we're talking to each other as as i feel like a two-step would normally do i don't feel like it's out of the question to only talk to the person you're playing with instead of talking to everybody in the lobby no no so that's fine play the game we lose it right okay happens no worries we'll go to the next one next game we get one of the boys one boy that was on our team is on the other team the other boy the second boy who put his mic on during the game is now on our team but he turned his mic off no comms whatsoever so it's like right okay no worries i'm not arsed like normally you don't get people coming anyway that's just the way it is start playing and then he kicks up a fuss and then claiming that he carried us in the last game even though we went double negative and didn't actually and we lost i mean like to me you if you're gonna carry somebody you win the game not yeah oh i've carried you to a loss even though you're not i've carried you've gone double nag because that's the thing you know it's like you know yeah you can pop off in a game but like if you go like 40 and 3 but then you lose the game did you even really go 40 and 3 yeah you know i mean it's like you pull that in to get all those kills but like it means fucking nothing you exactly like you've lost the game and that's ultimately what's more important i would say yeah so obviously he kicks up a fuss in the in the fucking text chat and then we go right well you were calming last game where's your comms now and he turns he comes back with don't see a point in coming to myself which yes i understand you're just talking to everybody but you're getting no response to it but you're also doing part your part if you've actively got your mic onto the situation where you can turn it on and off at a switch of a button why turn it off if you're going to be willing to talk when somebody else is talking just talk at the same just talk on your own to everybody who's that who everybody can still listen because that's the thing right like if you're in a game and you are playing with a double stack right so in this boy's situation yeah you're in the situation that we were in me and you are obviously common right and obviously like now benefit the doubt he doesn't know that you can hear him like i can't hear him because most of more time i run discord to the xbox yeah so you can't hear what's going on in game chat right but you can because you're saying discord on the pc yeah so you can hear everything he's saying right so if he comes we already have 50 of the comms locked down because me and you are common two out of four yeah so if he's also common then that means that we have three out of four so we have 75 idea of what's going on on the map at all times yeah so even if he is coming to himself he really isn't you know what i mean like i mean like i said benefit of the doubt he doesn't know you can hear him he doesn't know anyone's in here yeah but also it's like well you take that risk if it's somebody actually listening yeah it's like if you want to do it and you're comfortable being on mic like in a ranked game making calls and stuff like in one lap you then can't turn around and say in the next month well i'm not doing it because xyz like you know i mean yeah in my opinion like you can't like especially especially for the reasons that he said you know i mean yeah but his reasons yeah and then which then transpired into a whole lot of back and forth messages which was just a waste everybody's time time run it to 25 run it to 25 stop the lobby oh he's gone to bed what a surprise but he's still messaging me on the xbox app yeah while brushing his teeth like my man's brushing his teeth getting ready to go putting his pajamas on which then transpired into what do you what do you what do you do for a job i don't tell him what i do for a job because it's weird to ask that in the first place which then proceeds with oh things like you're telling porky saying you have a job but you're not telling what it is it's like well who are you to to ask what are you talking about bro mate this is over a game of halo and you've gone this far like like one in the morning as well to pull up the halo tracker which then went into the the stats it was like you've got that you've got a 1kd your accuracy's shit your win loss is shit yada yada yada i'm better than every stat it's like okay cool but stats is not the full fucking story like the stats are a samurai a summarized their summarized performance over six what is this season six now season five what season is it oh i don't know actually season six maybe i think it's season six or up to season six six seasons of gameplay and start of the seasons were brs then it went to bandits like there's a change in there and plus if once you've got a start a low accuracy it's so hard to get that back up because you're constantly battling this blow number the same with the kd if you have lots of heaps if you if you're a 1kd it's so hard to get that back up to something like a 1.1 or a 1.2 because you've got to go so hard to counteract what it is because you've done six seasons of stuff yeah exactly and like i say it doesn't actually show you the full stories because the full story because i might go 10 20 and 13 assists right not a great fucking game in the sense of kd but those 10 kills that i've got could be taking them off the hill stopping the ball carrier stopping the flag run which then ultimately helps us win the game yeah but that isn't that and that's the thing like people don't see that because like that i think that's the thing right like not all kills are equal and i feel like a lot of the people that like a lot of the like more toxic people assume that kd is literally the only important start but they'll get their kills by actively making the game harder to win yeah well because they'll constantly be flipping spawns they're constantly you know i mean and it's like it's a viable strategy right don't get me wrong like to be crushing spawns and cutting off spawners and you can chop them up and during the response exactly right but at the same time it's like if you're doing that by actively over extending into an area that where we want them to spawn in because that's as far away from the objective as humanly possible and then you're running in there and gunning them and you pick up a i know you pick up a double or a triple or something like yeah that's cool for you man but then where are they going to spawn they're going to spawn right on me and i'm still fighting this last guy which you cause to split spawn yeah and then oh look what's that his teammates g sliding off the c park to kill me bottom blue and then it's what are you doing like why aren't you know what i mean it's just like well bro like well it's the thing you're making this harder to win like you know this is this is all you boss that second game was uh streets oddball yeah and we were holding the ball in c quite a standard setup like i was holding the ball top c you were in trash where's the other two teammates one's all the way up at the cafe one's impeding one's trying to wrap around the back of down the mid into tires to kill the people that have spawned up okay right cool right i understand jake you're pushing for those kills to get them into the response rate okay fine but what you're also doing is you're pushing yourself to the top side of the map which then will block those spawns because it's not safe for them to spawn there even if one of them spawns up and you start getting that boy as soon as your bullets are hitting that zone that's it blocked that's it close no no thank you which then swans and closer to us which means that we have to fight two three maybe a full team two v four i've got the balls i've got to drop it and then we're losing time that we could yeah and then and you're not unlike you know in this situation that boy is just not there to help he's not involved in the team fight because he's too busy i don't know sightseeing like looking around the map like vibing out to the music and the arcade i don't know like but he's not in where he needs to be at the time that he needs to be there i said to him i was like i'm in the middle of this argument i was like right so like we were so we i was like we find it like holding a self instead of chasing kills around the map is better for winning the game and he was like well that's that's how you have to play due to your your accuracy right to be fair my accuracy on halo is shit it's 46 point something percent fine whatever it is what it is but then his actor is 51 percent mate it's a five percent difference for an accuracy which isn't a massive amount it's not a massive jump for him to then give a reason for chasing kills around the map instead of creating a sub which i'm sorry at the end of the day regardless of how many fucking kills you get you lose the game you will get no sr you'll lose sr right that's the thing like i mean and it's just i don't know man like it just it just baffles me why like i don't know it's just like keep it simple in it like don't try and do too much yeah like don't don't try and yeah like it's it's a pretty simple game yeah like i don't know this this whole came about because i remember i mentioned to you about talking about it it's a summit 1g clip that came out about i think you've just finished a pit flag game and as it was coming out of the screen he was shouting he was complaining about people not having their mics on and if you're in onyx it means fucking nothing because you've not got your comms on and then if you go into a cs go game everybody's got their comms on it's like okay right yes it makes it easier to have comms on but we've experienced it heavily in the european community yeah man i don't i don't want to i don't want to specify it to european community or halo community because i feel like it's a much wider no it happens in cod as well i don't know if it's gaming community or just general population community just people but you do a bad play about you lose a piv you do something that they don't agree with or think is right you are berated and given abuse to the point where you go i'm don't feel like i'm i don't i've got no confidence anymore so at what point is anybody going to stick their mic on and as soon as you stick your mic on you get oh your voice this that the next thing are you not putting your mic on because your mic you're you're sounding you're insecure about your voice it's like at what point am i going to stick my mic on to help but all i'm going to do is be berated there's no point that's the thing man it's like um you know i feel i just feel like people just they're just like they just don't get what they're like singers right and like the you know the common the common response to any time someone speak i don't turn game shut on because i don't want to have to deal with the toxicity it's like oh well like you wouldn't have lasted in an og mw2 lobby you wouldn't have lasted in an og halo 3 lobby like you're just soft you're this you're that you're there it's like yeah cool man right but like you're living in the fucking past you absolute fucking dinosaur yeah but you know i mean it's like surely right if we're playing ranks right everyone's playing to get better right because that's where the best players are realistically aside from some like you know some people that will only grind one specific game type like i know there's some absolute top tier sweaters in bcb yeah i know there's some absolute top tier sweaters and swap right and when you take them out of that situation you put them into the competitive environment that you find them ranked they don't do as well because like they're not they're not instantly a top tier player and it's like but then at the same time like if you take someone who's a top tier player out of ranks and you put them into a different situation is that still true like you know i mean um are they you know i mean like it's you know if you took and i'm not talking pro players i mean just like normal normal people that are just good in ranked if you take them out and you put them in a swap lobby are they still gonna be good or are they just gonna get beamed if you put in a bcb lobby are they still gonna be good or they just gonna get run over by a ghost yeah you know i mean like um the the thing is like people are very quick to give you abuse based off of what they see but it's not the full story yeah it's like that boy that had a go at me in it like went out of his way to send me a message afterwards right so the situation this is the situation to recharge um p1 fucking recharge see what i mean man like literally every time it's restart recharge recharge p1 right we are spawning in a so i think it was a situation where i was like last man alive right just come off the spawn in a i'm on the dorito in the turbine yeah team you spawned at c i distinctly remember you spawning at c because i saw it and i crossed them up you'd already called out the guy on the bridge right yeah there's two in the hill and i think they're one dead teammate spawns in a drops outside goes out the top a door get shots on the guy behind l1 you die in the long hall you die in the long hall yeah it's like cool we now know where all four of them are there's someone over by the long hall c part there's someone on the turbine bridge there's two eases in the hill right yeah so it's now a 2v4 on the map because we're on a staggered spawn i'm on the dorito i know there's a guy trying to get into the turbine teammates spawn stuff at spawns a somewhere right and then it goes into the pit for whatever reason i don't know right i do not know why this guy goes into the pit so i take the fight with the guy in the turbine which i kill him but it leaves me one shot and then i do not channel the hill because i'm like well there isn't like you know it's it's uh it was a 2-3 game at that point they've gotten the majority of the time on p1 we won p2 the last time around anyway yeah so i'm like there's no point me just over challenge this like i'll just play safe here try and get a little bit of damage onto them try and keep them on that side of the map the teammates will then spawn up and they'll just immediately rotate next because that's what i'm thinking they should do right yeah anyway what transpires is they win they win that hill we try and rotate i think a couple of us die on the rotate and then p2 ends up being super super scrappy right and this one guy bro like do you remember what he did remember what he did at the end of the game he blamed you for it no no no before he blamed me oh oh yeah he played for the active he played for camo coming up when there was when it was a 1v1 on the map and the guy in the hill was one shot and like they were on the hill and they were literally about to score it and all he has to do is shoot him go and stand in the hill and we win yeah and then it's my fault yeah i get a message and it's like i can't believe you don't try and contest hill and it's like and do what run out and get all right and just get beamed by three people so you can then go in the comms and call me dog shit for not knowing what's going on i'm not paying attention the hill was gone like what what like what am i supposed to do yeah i pick up pick up a perfect overkill on my own while one's right whilst one shot like i mean i'm not that good that's just the thing it's like they're like some of the best players in the world would struggle to be to do that oh yeah you know they get half the story and as soon as it's not what they would do yeah and it's like it's just a problem let's give them what nah bro i mean obviously with this this summit thing as well there's another angle to consider um which further complicates his argument right because his argument comes from a place of i'm playing ranked i am what is he a former former counter-strike pro or something i think i couldn't say i don't i think it's something like that right um so he's playing ranked he's got on halo he's enjoying halo his comments come from the point of i want to win the game and i don't know what's going on around me right that's where his points come from right so like in my opinion right like i mean i play halo a lot on my own yeah and as a result of playing halo a lot on my own you have to become really good at noticing what the teammates are doing where they're going when they're doing it what they're fighting because if they're not coming or they're not pinging or they're not you know i mean they're not calling out they're not anything the only information you have to act on about what's going on outside of your 25 percent of the map is where they are and the icon above their head to tell you what they're currently doing whether they're fighting whether they're one shot whether they're dead like you know i mean these are the things that you have to pay attention you have to pay attention to kill feed right so in my opinion his comments come from the fact that he's not paying attention to these little things which will help him understand the flow of the game better which is fine right i understand it's a common frustration of this is what's going on we shouldn't be losing this game because of xyz but we've lost it and it's because people aren't coming right yeah i get that what isn't taken into account i mean you know i feel like this is something that has to be taken into account given this situation given the platform that he has is the fact that like there are obviously people in the community that as soon as they speak on the mic it causes a fucking problem yeah you know i mean like i'm talking like if you are you know you're a woman you go on the mic you start coming people are just gonna jump down your throat that's the thing that's all they're like because they're just like oh no a woman like in halo what like no that's not a thing like you know i mean because it's just like well wait a minute that's the thing we don't experience is the yeah the misogyny we don't experience racism we don't experience fucking homophobia like we don't experience any of that shit but these are very real problems within the community that like are just not yeah it's like pressure point yeah exactly are quite happily quite eager to press on as soon as first opportunity comes exactly like you know it's not a thing i mean he put that that tweet went out i think it was like halo cloud or something tweeted out like it was like what who agrees with what summit is saying or maybe he tweeted himself i don't know right but i saw like you know a lot of the a lot of the women in the halo community being like yeah okay this is a fucking sick idea mate like let me just jump on and just get yeah the first thing you know i've seen so many people being like like literally like i think i can't remember what what she's called but i feel she's a very pretty big name within the halo community and it was like from back in the day of halo like you know i mean like early internet and like this guy was just like oh there's a fucking there's a woman on the team like this is why we're losing boys like because this fucking woman's here like i don't understand why you're teaming with her because she's fucking dog shit it's just like hey yo bro what the fuck are you saying bro yeah you know i mean like what the fuck are you saying bro like what's going on who hurt you yeah you know i mean like what's what's your fucking problem mate like it's just the thing for me is right it just comes down to that like fucking age old thing man like if you don't have anything nice to say just don't fucking say it especially to people that you don't know like i mean me and you go at each other all the time right but we know each other it's a different situation yeah like you know i mean like when we're playing eights yeah right there's things you know i mean like we're playing eights we're on other teams like we're shit talking each other in the pre-game like we're shooting each other's bodies like a bag in like everything bro right yeah because that's like that's the fun part of it yeah and like we mean me and you both know that this is this is just something like hide right but it's not like i'm going in and i'm just being like yo at whoever like are you even in this game like what's going on you're trying to like you know i mean it's like no like why would i ever do that i don't know you well enough to start start saying those things and making those jokes like you know i mean it's like if you haven't got anything nice to say just keep your fucking mouth shut at the end of the day like i'm all for if people put on my if people were to like give constructive criticism in the sense of like oh here let's don't do that do this instead or let's hold this or we should be holding this instead of doing that or going here instead of going there but as soon as you do something that they don't think is right it's your fucking dog shit what the fuck are you doing uninstall the game don't fucking play yada yada yada and it's like right so at no point do i feel encouraged to put my mic on because i'm going to stick it on first game on i'm going to do something that's not right because i'm not warmed up or i've missed a shot your dog shit or i'm just gonna not yeah exactly it's just not it's just not nice man i'm literally like you know i understand it's ranked i understand that if you're playing ranked by definition of playing a ranked playlist you should be trying right i get that but i mean like the thing is though like in playing right people just don't know as much as you do about the game like some people don't understand the situation that they're looking at like you know i mean it's like going back to the whole stats thing it's like i could like play the game be have a really shit game right be get told oh what the fuck are you doing you're not even trying don't stop playing then it comes to the scoreboard and i've done x amount of more damage than yeah man better accuracy whatever done more for the team but my kd doesn't respect doesn't represent that so i'm dog shit yeah it's like you don't you're not seeing the full story here and it's not just black and white here's the kd that's all it matters it's more to it and it should i just don't i don't i get what he's saying but it's also like there's a bigger problem until that problem is sorted this nobody's going to stick their mic on because they don't want to they don't want to have the interaction with as i said i didn't want to do european section or halo community or gaming i feel like it's a generalized person problem yeah humanity problem more than anything i mean it's like i i had it the other day right i can't even mind what day it was i was playing and um i think i played three games right the first two games i had i had like comms on normally i turn off i had it on and it's like a boy in the chat and he's in a two stack right and he must have been talking to his mate in discord but he had his open mic on in the lobby yeah obviously like i don't know if he realized i don't know if he was doing it on purpose i don't know right but this guy like he was calling everything out like he was getting a bit agitated when people weren't really playing towards him or helping him or like doing what he thought they should be doing as in like so for example i think it was uh aquaflag he got caught in the blue fridge yeah and he was like yo yo there's a guy there's a guy p2 like somebody's this guy p2 somebody needs to help me and then like nobody nobody like really helped him i was trying to look at it but i was also weak and didn't want to over commit onto that side of the map um because i think we were like down men or something like that so i was like i'm trying my hard to keep this guy alive and then he's like yo like what the fuck like someone needs to come and help me like this guy's gonna fucking kill like you know what i mean it's just like you know this is intense comms but at no point did he turn around and go oh you what are you fucking doing stood there you absolute dog shitter like get over here and help you know i mean there was no there was no demands out of him right and at the end of the game the boy goes like oh you know what boys like that was on me i can't be going 6 and 24 and expecting to win the game i'll pattern up yeah it's like okay cool like you know i mean like at the end he was like yeah gg maybe catch you in the next one you know i mean sound guy right next game he was he was in my team again and like he was like it was the same same sort of intensity comms but then when like someone went big he was like gassing them up over the mic yeah it's like fantastic right game three i go in this guy's got his comms on and i'm just like i don't at this point i'm like i can't deal with this anymore i don't listen to you so i turn it off right and then i'm like oh no actually he sounded all right so i turned it back on and literally the only thing i've heard was four very distinct slurs followed by well i can say any of those because i'm all of them and i was like okay yeah chilling in a bit but i just turned it off again because i'm just like i'm not gonna sit there and listen to that shit yeah i'll play halo man like you know i mean you've got you just want to hop on like there's a lot of there's a large amount of people that are they finish work they just want to hop on play a couple of games of rank they don't want to play the the casual game modes because they like the competitive side of it and they want to do competitive stuff and they want to be intense games and have like the better players play it's better players to get better at it but they don't want to have you screaming screaming down the rear like that's the thing man and it's like bro i cannot imagine what it must be like if you're a woman trying to play online yeah yeah like i should sound hard as fuck man like yeah it's bad enough dealing with it dealing with abuse but then to to have them there to be a woman to then get the abuse because it's if it can't because you shouldn't be here like you know i mean it's like who the fuck are you to say whether anyone should be involved with this like you know i mean like take your ego and shove it up your ass sideways bro like there's no one favor those people are not they're not they're not helping at all but the the flip side of it is there is communities that are trying to build up the women of the halo community because you got the women in the halo the women in the halo league lucidity's got a fucking podcast about the women that are in here like there is people actively doing stuff to try and build these women up in the halo community even the gaming community because they're more they should be more than welcome they shouldn't be fucking looked down upon because no and that's that's the thing right it shouldn't be like oh you're uh you're a woman that games like no you're a gamer yeah you know i mean you're a you're a guy at games no you're a gamer like you know i mean it's like literally like none of that shit should fucking matter like but some people they they just care about it and it's like it because it lies apart yeah exactly man like some people literally like they just fucking love a wind up but they they don't they don't see it's because there's no repercussions yeah exactly like yeah you say that shit to someone's face in real life like you're getting a smack like you know what i mean it's like you're doing a game like what they're going to do unless you go well i'm not going to say that actually it's the same people that are like the people that give out abuse to like nfl players or to soccer players or whatever oh right you know how i feel about that shit they hide behind a screen say whatever they want and because they've got no repercussions they feel like they're free to do so and who's going to stop them it's the same premise and then you get the threat of messages or i'll buy you like send this one okay i've not like i've just like i've given you my opinion on what we should be doing differently you don't agree with it so i'm going to get barred okay yeah you're on the lookout london and you've got someone threatened you threatened that you were gonna he was gonna buy you at london or something yeah right yeah i'm gonna get barred at hs london it's fun yeah okay of course he's gonna buy you bro uh it's the thing it's like what are you gonna do you're gonna go around being like i've used with a like a big name plot like the don is at the airport when they've got like they've got the taxi and somebody's landed with a name on it but are you 1498 just at the door like here for 1498 what's that what are you doing take a second one it'll be like the scene in football factory bro i've not seen football factory if you're not they catch danny dyer in the toilet and they're like yo are you are you this guy and he's like no and they're like what's his name he's like dorian and they're like oh okay there's some other stuff that they say in that result i can't wait to go around just be like no i'm brand new brain dead brian brain dead brian then like then you'll get your head kicked in off a different person fucking i'm luke everyone's favorite is a puddly and halo player he's picking let's move on let's move on i got the twitter feed today let's move on we don't need to we don't need to spend any more time incriminating ourselves on the internet bro no uh right well but yeah like in in in conclusion if you're gonna put your fucking mic on they'll be a fucking twat yeah don't be a cunt like end of story everybody's just there it's so easy not to be a knobhead like it's so easy not to be a knobhead it takes so much effort to actually be a dick you know what i mean it's so much easier for a lot of people you know what i mean have to open their mouth and say what they're thinking and that yeah it's fucking wild some people's knobs like it's just trying to have a nice time and play games to relax and get away from the normal fucking stresses of real life we don't need you in our air calling us fucking dog shit i know that's that's the thing man you would think that like given how you know obviously this podcast focuses on halo and call of duty right so obviously we kind of keep a tab on what happens within the community aspects of both of those you know i mean both of those titles right yeah yeah you would think that like so if you compare halo to call of duty right viewership is a lot lower the player base is a lot lower and especially when it comes to like ranked and the hcs the people interested in it is always in general just a lot lower right yeah so you would assume right like if if if you're into music right right or you're into sports or something like that and you support like a certain actor artist or a team or something and they're not very big and you bump into someone and they also support that same thing that's a common ground and that's something that you potentially have the basis to form a friendship off of yeah like but in halo i don't really know what it's like in call of duty because i don't really play call of duty but in halo that is just not a thing oh man you've been in the lot you've been in the search lobbies oh yeah well yeah you've been on this no i remember the fucking search lobby is that like the last search lobby i think we played as a three-step me you and luke it was what's the stupid fucking like seaside map do you know what kind of name there's a canal around in the middle of it and it's out to the side the one that looks like yeah you know which one it is right greece i think greece fucking greece and all i got was i got abuse continuously through the entirety of the game i got told it was like two in the morning was like don't you have school to get up four in the morning oh yeah um you sound like you're 12 um you said you sound like you need a hair transplant and you're losing your you've got a receding hairline because he brought up the twitch and said i've got this oh yeah i remember yeah do i get paid from do i get paid from team nate because that fuck are we allowed to have fun and talk to each other and put out to the community no you're not allowed to do that unless you're getting paid for it and then he was like oh if i had my controller on or i was on mouse and key i'd be fucking dominating this entire lobby it's like like i'm telling you like i'm and then it's the fact it's like oh why are you using that why are you doing that don't stop using this use this instead it's like who are you to decide how i play this game regardless of it's sweaty or casual i'm playing it how i want to play it and if you're not happy about that don't just try and fucking give out abuse yeah exactly man all right exactly all the fucking twitch was like that's why we're seeing the airline remember what that geordie donnie said when he when his teammate was like oh twitch twitch in the bio you better be good and he was just like hey man like fucking if i could afford the setup then why not like literally like why not attempt it and it's just like that's exactly this fucking mindset that i like it should be it's like the but there's such like a the people who have got twitch in their name or like ttv or whatever or said they're live or whatever else it's like an instant target of oh look at them trying to be a twitch donnie it's like well yeah why am i not like to fucking try you know i mean like it's how it kind of feels like it's because i'm not doing it why are they doing it so i'm going to berate them and there's a slight element in there but the reason that we started doing it was to watch back our gameplay to get better at it and i'll be honest i'm not a single fucking one of my game plays i just do it because it's fun now you know i'm not gonna lie like when i watch back my gameplay i'm like i'm goat and everyone else is like you hate it when i jump you're doing a little film review boys and you're as well friday like friday night like oh yeah let's go and review it and you were like oh no film review session yeah film review session at four three in the morning like yes down it's the best time to do it bro but i'll let you know what i find really funny is that like the first game we did we're like really into it like yeah we're doing this why we're doing that and then they got to like game five and it was like yeah just don't do that yeah yeah yeah shit that i think it was because like we were just making the same say we were making the same yeah it was it was it was like the same mistakes all the time like i think like 50 of our especially when we were scrimming right like the way that they were playing was they were like they were working off like a simplified version of get a pic then go it was get damaged then go yeah you know i mean and it was it was like you know the one that i'm thinking of is um you were on two streets like you were on like cafe side um i we knew they were on the b side i tried to cross from trip steps to cafe i took a body shot and then immediately like dolo literally just went and pushed up towards the i think he was stood standing like caution and walmart just like fucking cut the map straight away and just came around behind us and like literally like just in that those two movements they had us boxed into a corner yeah but you know i mean and it all went down back a and then i think it uh they traded like i died you traded me out and then you died you know i mean so it was it was like a two-to-one trade in their favor and it was like literally like that was the same thing that was happening all the time yeah i think to be fair that was probably like i mean a little bit of what was happening in the tournament as well um oh yeah but like bro did i tell you about when i was the top eight and i was like yo i'm watching the glass must have been like recharge that like one of the last games we played and i was like yeah i'm watching guys i'm watching guys like you're good from guys and like i saw the guy right and i can't mind which one which guy it was it was the donnie with the you remember when we finished playing i was like that skin is a horror like a requiem bro right this guy right oh my god he fucking dismantled me bro like literally not even funny right i was stood top a right looking out towards glass i shouldn't have been stood still for a start i also shouldn't have been stood in that specific position i don't think because it was like the obvious place to be yeah this guy walks out sees me in glass right or sees me top a from glass and i see i'm like i'm watching him and i'm like you know if you step out here like a normal human being i win right because i'm pre-aiming you you know that i know that and i'm like come on come on come on just step out just fucking do the bot play like just walk out this guy bruv oh my god so he like walked back sprint slid jumped into the into the wall so he got like a little bounce off the wall and then crouched and then no scopes me across the map and i was just like oh right okay yeah no like i was i was literally just like oh yeah no levels to the game bro like i'm shit i'm bad like i fucking you know i mean i was like you i just i gave you the opportunity to make a play and then didn't take that off the table like you know i mean i literally just stood there and let you shit on me like and it was so frustrating but at the same time i was like that was pretty sick yeah levels and yeah sniping ability so yeah basically we just got clips like every single game um but yeah man stay like in in in conclusion stay classy gaming communities because you clearly have it in you don't be a prick fuck me yeah it's all about fucking have fun don't be a prick don't be a dickhead yeah so easy not to be a dickhead yeah right moving on hit us with it bro what happened in the cod all of duty more and more fair to major two before we get into this can i ask a question about the cod majors right yeah because obviously they don't have an open bracket in the same way that like the halo does yeah yeah and i know when it gets the champs some teams don't qualify yeah because they don't have enough points right but for the majors throughout the year do all of the cd all the franchise teams in the cdo do they all play in all of the majors and it's only camps where like four don't yeah that's the way it works okay chilling i just wasn't sure i couldn't remember yeah so all it's all 12 get into it and then champs is only eight teams all starting winners whoever goes down and then you play like that okay yeah i think if i remember rightly i can't remember fully but yeah and i it's like i feel the way the call of duty operates its events like the cdl events is kind of it makes sense when you kind of like sit down and think about it but it's also very like oh they're the whole fucking very counterproductive sometimes going back to the fucking lawsuit that we spoke about a couple of like three or four weeks back it's sort of like they've cornered it off and nobody can get in unless you have the money and it's unlike the halo where you have the open bracket so any sort of team can get into it to play yeah which which i think is because there's not as many teams in the halo i want to say compared to the card obviously you've got the whole challenges but they just don't seem to be wanting to keep it they don't want to integrate the two of them where halo is integrated both of them to be like oh you've got them all the way through the open bracket you have a chance to play for the big the big boys i think the thing is though man is like um i know the halo has always been like that it's never operated in franchise way or anything like that right which i i think is great because for like it makes it more watchable because you have storylines yeah storylines are what like you know the aside from the fact that you're watching the best players in the world and aside from the fact that you'll have a team that you support or maybe well maybe you don't have a team you support maybe you just enjoy watching all of it right but the storyline of say like all gaming coming all the way through the open bracket getting into the champ bracket then making it out of the pool or sorry getting all the way through the open bracket into the pool making it out of the pool into the champ bracket like that's something that you don't get in call of duty you know what i mean so it's like the storylines are always just very like yeah they're there but they're not as like exciting no well the most excitement you're gonna get is bottom seed making a loser's run yeah that can not always be the fun because at the end of the day they're like they're still like the best teams in the world but like you want to see the underdogs do well yeah exactly that's the thing on like um you know ravens for example fantastic storyline but you know they're not gonna make it past a certain point it would be nice to see more of the ravens playing you know what i mean that means more t.j holly you see t.j holly apparently dapped up drake in the club oh fantastic on sunday night right of course he did i want to dance shout out t.j holly man right major two in miami what a fucking weekend i mean it got off to a flying start so didn't fucking active shooter event yeah that was fucking nuts the thursday thursday morning there was an active shooter in the hotel that some of the cod pros were staying in absolutely mental apparently it was next door to lynn's and accuracy like the room next to them and he actually had to go out in his fucking underwear i'm just surprised that i didn't choke the whole event like i'm surprised it still went ahead on the thursday yeah but then i did see it i've seen a tweet that was finally this is quite like a normal thing to happen at that in that space in that area but it's like well this is a fucking wild sentence like it's a wild sentence from the point of view of us yeah like you know what i mean but it went ahead we still we still got games so we did the show stops for nothing apparently at the cdl what guns you know it's like it's like ice hockey in it like someone's got to actually die like on the stage and then maybe they'll stop it maybe i probably don't i'll probably just keep them propped up in the chair but whatever man right thursday the 21st of march um we had optic 3 heretics no ultra 3 legion nil phase 3 lat 2 new york subliners 3 boston 1 no upsets we almost have the possibility of a phase lat upset lat were 2 nil up in series that would have been insane for them to knock phase down to the lower bracket that would have been nuts but then it would have been it would have been a bloodbath yeah it would have been an absolute massacre yeah bracket bro like oh my days so there was no real upsets yet again heretics losing again open three fantastic at their own home major straight to the lower bracket i think they were second game on ultra was first um so no upsets which then brings us on to friday the 22nd of march we had heretics nil ravens 3 legion 3 surge 1 boston 2 rocker 3 lat 1 lag 3 and then lag played again they were three against rocker who scored one yet again heretics oh and three again makes them oh and 12 on land i want to get like after you've gone through these scores man i want to get like i want to get into it a little bit about two of these teams okay well heretics 0 and 12 on lands already this season shocking shocking behavior um boston fell i get fell short again starting and winners dropped down straight out no worries um lat they said they were so strong against two maps off them and then just faltered entirely against leg again rocker i think was a surprising one against leg i felt like rocker had had it in them to push through and get into this into the saturday but just didn't happen um now they do yeah because we were tipping rocker to make a run wouldn't we yeah elegy had a really shit fucking run up online qualifiers they won once against phase which didn't seem to give them the boost to win against let and then win against rocker to keep them into the saturday yeah when they were they were bottom seed dad nothing to play for at all and then they've managed to keep it going um which then brings us on to saturday the 23rd of march we had ravens three legion legion two new york subliners two phase three optic three ultra one ravens nil new york subliners three leg one ultra three so ravens beating legion i think was was quite a big win for them to get them into the the higher spots to get more cdl points and to come away with money which is what they've been really needing recently yeah um phase new york phase versus new york that was a really good game and he went to one and then phase one i can't remember or phasers to one and well no like i wish way it went around but it was like two one and then it with the other team won um that one was quite a that was a tasty match because there's a lot of back and forth on the stage kismet stood up and screamed do you see me now look at me bro i love him like i absolutely love kismet he's actually the goat like i can't even notice it um and then the optic winning against ultra that was a big brought them onto championship sunday um apparently according to dylan envoy his controller broke that day so he was playing really shit cod yeah i saw they won against lag to keep them into it to go into championship sunday um which then brings us on to championship sunday um we had new york three ultra nil optic one phase three which then put optic down into the lower bracket which then it was optic three new york one and then the grand final we had optic one phase four so phase one major two which now i have two more on trumpet my top four predictions was phase optic ultra new york i just had new york and ultra the wrong way around again ultra dylan envoy had a really shit series against new york like really i think he was oh he was one in ten by like the p4 rotation no p5 rotation on really and like i say he said his controller broke but he was playing really terrible god regardless of it yeah um optic phase i don't know what to say about it kind of phase kind of had to bounce back after the leg loss they were never going to come to lan and let people walk over them like they had to make a statement and they did they they were dominant throughout it all they do maybe they had the slight wobble against lat but they brought it back and then didn't look back from there no i feel like lat like because lat obviously beat them in the qualifiers don't they uh i don't think so who was it up who was the beam leg in new york i think lat like they they did well against them though i feel didn't they go to game five i swear i went to game five again like i mean i feel like lac just have that understanding of how phase are trying to play cod yeah you know i mean they're just like getting outmatched you know thinking about the thing about callback optic is the optic of beating every other every team every team apart from phase their own three against phase yeah they just can't they've worked out every other team and had to beat every other team they just can't beat phase and that's the same as the same as the halo you beat ssg you don't beat phase you beat phase you don't beat ssg and this you beat ultra you don't beat phase you beat phase you won't be all yeah exactly right i think that's the thing i'm like the margins are incredibly fine at the top yeah right incredibly fine um i was like in one of the in the control game in the grand final there's tweets from kenny himself that said he scammed on the they were they were on a capturing it three man on the a he pushed just a little bit too far to try and get a kill out of their spawn point yeah god which then opened up the floodgates to a 2v3 on the hill yeah and i was like that that's that's it that's like if he doesn't do that it's a 3v3 you can get every single trade you might get a trade or keep one boy alive and you've actually you're winning that hill which then wins the control puts it to um 2-2 map count and then we can and you can build from there yeah but it just didn't it just didn't happen um and i kind of went into this knowing that that would kind of be the result that i didn't have optic being phased because phaser just phaser's a team as much as you don't think razza's that good and didn't improve them it's not that i don't think he's proven and i don't think he you think he's a weaker link out of all that team i think he just isn't on the same page personally like i mean i see i just really pay that much attention to draga this week yeah i can't lie he could just explode any point and just be incredible i think part of the thing is i just think sellium's better yeah like i just think like sellium's better than draga like it's not a bit i don't think he's trying to be better than selling no he's not easy you need to be like just below him or on the level you know i mean yeah never matter obviously like his role is completely different like didn't saw what selliums is yeah but at the same time it's like i don't know man like oh no there's just something there's something about him that just doesn't 100% convince me and i don't know if it's because like because like on thieves right insane absolutely insane so good on phase i feel like he kind of gets overshadowed a little bit he's more like reduced to being like a bit player rather than being like a superstar you know i mean not on his head no no not in his head but then in any of their heads like that isn't the thing no draza draza's on our next fucking level especially with the tweets that came out after the fucking major the tweets from him the tweets from his missus the tweets from scraps missus fucking jesus what at what point did girlfriends start getting involved in competitive i have absolutely no idea very interesting this just in competitive beefing gaming in general i know draza's girlfriend's always been about like oh she's at the majors all the fucking time he's always been a bit like thinking and she did you hear like every time so um let's go optic and she just immediately starts screaming let's go phase yeah but her one is that let's go phase it doesn't work han because optic is optic not phase you can't break up a one syllable word into two because you need it to fit the song phase no no no i'm sorry but no oh god did you not see the clip of her as well there was a clip that came out of her like doing like a like the doing back doing like yeah oh my god i've got to find it for you and send it to you and then there's so many quotes where you've been like that's your that's somebody's mom i didn't even know she had a kid bro like that was what shocked me the most about that whole thing yeah like i was like literally i found my heart and i was like wait what like yeah isn't it it's he's got a kid like wild is it 21 or something well i mean i must be on that big money now he's optic ceo yeah that's just going to cause issues more than anything else yeah i'm expecting hex to be like that guy's never ever any having anything to do with optics no all right the thing is though they wanted to get brother they said they never got him you always choose optic over phase apart from when you don't yeah well i think i guess the thing is though is it depends what you want don't it because it's like i feel optic is always the good optics always a good a good pick right but it's not just getting to play for optic that is the opportunity that you gain by signing the optic contract does that make sense it's like the fact that you are part of optic and you like you can kick on the stream then you'll get 150 extra viewers just because you are now part of optic yeah like you know i mean um you know you'll get better endorsements like you'll get better deals you can go and do loads of content like you can diversify your earning portfolio like but i don't know i feel like like realistically like i mean optic are a good team i'm not sure that i would pick off this over phase given the players that are on the phase roster you know i mean like it depends what you want then it's like do you want to win championships or do you want to compete for championships and being with a chance of winning them but also then have all these additional things on the side that you can take advantage of yeah like what is your what are you important to you in it like you know i mean um yeah just circling back bro we'll have a little conversation about two of these teams yeah and i've also speaking about i've mentioned this now right obviously optic lose grand finals and immediately everyone in the chat and everyone everywhere you look is saying drop this guy drop that guy drop like literally every single member of optic yesterday i think apart from pred strangely uh someone was like drop that guy they're absolute rubbish you know i mean um the only one that i thought would potentially make optic a better team was dropping dashi and bringing in scrap oh yeah all right i mean i'm not saying i think they should make a team change yesterday i think making a team team change right now would be very bad for optic oh yeah i would agree that there's no point making i mean you came second like you were so close second and major to major one if i can find my notes all right third or something right i think it was third yeah um that's major one here we go here we go here we go yeah third they came third like so it's an improvement over time like you know i mean three third and second after two majors seven and oh when the online qualifiers for major two that's fucking it's a it's a fucking good start that's a really good like they have the potential to win championships yeah exactly in that next year that phase of worry the phase can quite easily find yeah but i mean the simp 13 streak and i map one of the grand finals was something to behold yeah that made that made a statement that was that was insane i made a statement you make a cd on everything you looked at died yeah i was like oh my days no scrap would definitely improve it i just don't know if it problem with that you get rid of dashi dashi's now become the hill player and he is such a straight shooter it's ridiculous yeah well a guy got 70 accuracy or something but there's actually gonna be all right i just thought i just thought like scrap would join optic to be honest he's given out enough beef about it i don't think he would join it i think the question for me right is if scrap came to optic obviously like does that i don't know how true this is anymore but obviously there's that thing about um ultra they don't really like like they don't scrim or something like that but they just like they just play and they just vibe and like they're all they don't know they don't they don't do they don't do uh they don't do board review right okay they don't move on review like they just like they just know they just they just play and they know each other's players and they know what each other wants to do all the time and stuff like that right and it's like i don't know how karma would like that it's not even how karma would like that like you know karma would obviously expect a certain level of commitment out of him which would involve doing vod review i think all the players would expect a certain level of commitment which would involve but it's like would he want to come into a system like that when realistically ultra aren't a bad team oh f**k no you know what i mean like ultra are not a bad team like yeah what they finished fourth this event fourth yeah they finished fourth right so not a bad team they won major one um they're going into their home major like would he want to switch up and just take on like that additional aspect of the job which he hasn't done already like would he even be able to do it like you know what i mean yeah i don't know i don't expect to see any changes from the top four and at all this entire season no no definitely not well if any team that was going to make a change it would have been new york when they f**king dropped out a major one or like yeah you know and it's also like with that team it's like i don't think anyone on that team needs to get changed like you know unless unless the the the calls for sib to be removed happens after his tweet i mean i feel like if that was going to happen it probably i feel like it was too soon to the major though they really had to like pull this oh yeah 100 they won't come out for the major but like i feel like there would be there would be rumblings there would be intel there'd be rumors you know i mean you'd be able to tell like you'd be able to tell just by looking at them you'd be able to tell yeah like you know i mean they'd potentially be hanging them out to dry a little bit more like they wouldn't play for him as aggressively i don't i don't know right but you'd be able to see it like there'd be there'd be indicators but i don't think i don't think anyone's making the change no yeah i don't expect it to but let's let's open up our next favorite segment of the show bro this is where it gets spicy okay teams that should be making a change and how many players they should be changing teams that should be making a change i can think or well no let's start with boston no i don't think boston should make a change you don't think boston should make a change i think they definitely need to make a change for who i have no idea but they need to make a change i mean conversation before on paper that's a really good team in reality it does not work i don't think they need to make a change yet this is the first they this is the first major with asim in the team i don't think it's him that needs to go like so it's either priestess slasher or snoopy i don't think it's slasher either i think i think i think the problem the problem with that team is slasher and priestess on the same team the problem with that team is they've got three ars yeah i don't think i don't think there's enough versatility out of you know i think they both play the position in a very similar way um and i you know i i don't i'm not completely convinced that that's a good thing to have it's not but at the same time i i don't know i'm not convinced that they need to make a change yet i was watching um the scumping methods thing last night after you've gone on the breakdown the breakdown right and they like i think um i think it was methods it was i can't remember but basically like they brought up this this thing that like maybe that it's not a team change that needs to happen maybe it's a playstyle because they were talking about the searches and how they i think they haven't won a search or something like at all right and it's like slasher obviously like i think they were these like he's like the all-time most winningest search player in the entire history of the league or something stupid or he's up there if he's not the number one right but it's like they play this like pick and then go where they try and stretch the map out really wide yeah but then they've got really aggressive players like hyper-aggressive snoopy hyper-aggressive like just like why don't you just run a play that just specifically unleashes those two yeah you know i mean like oh no like switch it up figure it out go back to the drawing board maybe little strategy change i think something needs to happen i don't think it's a change i don't like a change i think a change would be more detrimental than anything else hmm because they've already made a change for awesome if they keep continually making changes yeah and i think yeah no like this is and then brought in asim and it's just i would you know how many weeks is it between majors seven or something yeah nine wouldn't it sure seven game weeks in it and then you have like what two weeks on either side of the qualifier season like the qualifier yeah thing um so it's like it's like having a football team if you change the starting 11 so many times it's not going to work oh yeah no it's not going to work because you have no identity no one's going to know what to do yeah you don't know how people play so yeah um other teams that needed to make a change but i think there's a fucking glaring obvious one let's let's come back to that one bro we'll come we'll save the best till last okay okay what are you saying about steve's i think dan goes he says i think he is a big pickup and i think he's someone that you build around personally yeah the whole team bar goes d is not very good in my opinion i don't think afro cramp or nasty are good enough for this level no i don't i think they're challengers challenger players um but that's lat wanted to have that's why they offloaded all the fucking donnies at the end of the season they wanted a cheap roster they wanted the cheap budget and and the wages and unfortunately if you go for the cheap roster and the cheap budget this is what you end up with well i think that's the thing and it's like for every ghosty that you get at that price point you're also going to get a nasty at that price point and unfortunately goes he's a good player but he's not at the caliber to drag people no he's not someone that can carry like not yet anyway no not yet no he's still got a long way to go but it's not yeah i mean super intelligent guy clearly knows what's going on like word on the street is he got dropped from optic because he tried holding dashi too accountable to his decisions if we did that we'd never be friends no i know but like that's that's what i heard you know um that's what the twister was saying but you know i mean i don't know it's a difficult one i think you know the bigger problem is like who do they get yeah who do they pick up like stanley stanley's a problem player apparently yeah i can see that neptune i think um it was the boy that we were chatting about the other day the guy hicksy i think hicksy like hicksy to thieves man i think that would improve him a lot it brings in a sub player which then means they're gonna get rid of cramp or afro i'd say bring back bant bant should be in the league i think he was a good you think bant should be in the league i i think right you just get bant hicksy and cammy sticking with ghosty chalk the season and just get ready for cammy to absolutely go off when we go back to the tryout game they already had cammy in lat what this year yeah and they got rid of it actually all right bro oh yeah he was on there from the start wasn't he yeah i remember the video he walks in with the beans on toast and the boys are what the fuck is that bring back beans yeah move ghosty to the coach get rid of jacob fucking hell it's not the players it's the court see you later jacob all right we're just redesigning the entire organization ground up and sell his share and give it to uh ghosty ghosty controls what ghosty ceo player manager the edgar davies of lat oh that would be so if you get some of that mud glasses as well oh i'd love to see that all right all right let's get into it bro let's address the elephant in the room the team that should just spin the whole roster off bar how how do like where do you even fucking start with miami like the problem i hit the front like okay let's start with who is safe like who are we keeping nickel 100 nickel right that's it well riyal apparently well riyal tweeted earlier that he he's got a visa so i would i would assume that we see him at some point my problem my thought process in this and the problem that miami have now got is they put themselves in a box where it's but it's a spanish team and they want to speak spanish on the comms so you can't have fucking nasty turn up to a spanish team you know i mean like you're gonna have to have all spanish players which shouldn't minimize necessarily not necessarily well you need to have speak like spanish um spanish what's the word i'm looking for spanish speaking individuals yeah but i mean there's surely gotta be some white nutty hispanics out there like some nutty mexican donnie's you know like the problem as i say get him to change over he's too busy trying to keep barcode setting up barcodes ahead of him there um yeah but you put yourself into this box of we need some people some we need players who speak spanish yeah they need to be one of the better like a brilliant player in the world who we who can do play calls and can do board reviews and can do scrims and can be active all the time and can move to america to be in our facility who can speak spanish yeah these are a lot of fucking tick boxes that you need yeah well i mean that's the thing like even if you're just looking at it like as a as a team that doesn't want all of the players to speak spanish like that isn't their identity like your choice of players is already incredibly small realistically like you know hundreds of thousands if not millions of call duty players worldwide but how many of them are actually good enough to go into a pro lobby like you know i mean like can they do it on a cold windy night in stoke i don't know why they're in stoke though well they might be you never know a cold windy night in stuttgart in stuttgart yeah shut up tell us more than that you can make up aren't you which he does either he does like a post-match interview and he's oh yeah how how the english say can you do it on a cold windy night in stuttgart oh my god and he starts out he shot a muller man the goat you know when he takes it you know when i he scores from a corner it's a muller corner bro you can't get a lot of spanish players in the league that's just people right i mean i i i well um you know i'm not so sure about that to be honest with you i don't think the spanish speaking thing is as big of an issue as it could possibly be considering i think spanish is like the second most spoken language in america spanish speaking cracked it cod cracked it to hang with the pros let's get shotsy man very short see whatever money he wants i don't even know shots he can speak spanish i don't think he can get crimsex and crimsex can do everything crimsex apparently like goated on the sticks go beyond the steering wheel rubbish on a simulator cracked in a car it's wild it's because you can't feel the vibrations of the car that's why it wouldn't surprise me actually but it's like hamilton in it like hamilton cracked behind the wheel of a car rubbish in a simulator i don't know like it's not great and they're great just now george russell's better you know yeah but i mean at least hamilton isn't inverting his car on the fucking racetrack that was mad by the way he's in the the edit where it's he's in the edit where it's like this is what they penalized alonzo for it's like the george russell dash cam and then like a banana peel from mario kart so yeah my man was brake checking it with the banana peel bro um yeah i don't even know where you even begin to think that like i mean rayal coming back in potentially could be good like i think what even is the issue with miami like is it their slaying power is it their rotations is it search like the respawns like is it everything like they're just not very good they're just not they're just not playing as a team like i said they're they're 0-12 in on the majors which is a fucking problem as it is but it's like right so they beat rocker 3-0 in the online qualifiers sound decent enough uh they beat ravens 3-1 the online qualifiers okay that's all right lost 3-0 to new york subliners and that was that was for this major i think i think that's all the games you think donnie tampkin speaks spanish probably not get him on duolingo one get him on duolingo he says he says definitely can speak spanish you tell me that guy's never been to benidorm i can see beans in benidorm beans definitely goes benidorm beans and benidorm are the top off yeah bro like fucking you already know what tattoos you've got bro big fuck off uni and jack swimshorts on all right wrap around oakley sunglasses not often down the street to bend i'm going oh britannia bulldog tattoo big top of the right arm yeah i can see that oh yeah but like he did it when it was like minus three degrees in like russia that's still most of the fucking people who follow england around i suppose anybody that goes to any england game that's in the foreign country that's just them very true very true international embarrassment by english people are not that i'd know anything about that scotch are just alcoholics morons i'm still surprised that nasty's not scottish bro you can be surprised by it all you want but you know you know what's gonna happen what's that nothing it won't change it'll still be english it just surprises me yeah connor's back in the 12th of april back to the online call fires um which then goes to major three which i think is in may at toronto ultra which will be quite good ultra i expect to bounce back quite heavily yeah they need to come back and show that they're they're still top 14 but i don't see it i don't see them dropping too far actually they've been beat by the thing is the top four ended up as the lot of the top four you know i mean yeah exactly and at that point it's just a fight between small margins between them all and that's just how the chips lie it's very much like halo it's like you've got the top four teams and the top four teams never seem to falter very much yeah i mean unless you get like a freak a freak occurrence like someone is going out round one or sending all's ending up in the grand finals against ssu yeah but i don't know but i feel like i think that's kind of like the thing that potentially makes the cards um i don't want to say like not as exciting as the halo but like going back to this like storyline thing is it's just like the top four teams just seem to be so much like far and away a lot better at the game than everybody else like you know i mean uh and it's like obviously like i know that like if six play i don't know monsters team on land like that's a bad example actually because it's online um speaking of monster that boy has not come back from halo ever since the fucking at age he came out so he's not monster anymore brother is he actually not i don't think i've not seen him or like stream halo obviously you can't check his halo driver because it's private i know what that means even on his smurf it's private the the what was he what did he go last time spytomic that's private as well but on his on his uh on the streaming on twitch he's not playing halo he's playing he was playing valorant i think or overwatch too i can't remember which one it was that is kind of wild yeah maybe he's just done with it because the energy it's all of a sudden the energy's coming oh i'm done now i'm retired i couldn't have an he was like oh yeah you're you're what lads i've had a good run just it doesn't feel the same i'm not getting the same vibe and the same buzz out of it so i'm gonna park it in is it is it now fucking convenient now isn't it monster oh no man the thing is even if monster is cheating online like the only thing he won online was that thing that he played with ssg yeah and it wasn't because he was cheating that they won that it's because it was ssg i mean cheating helps yeah the cheating does help but it's like clearly at that level of the game even having whatever it is that he's alleged to have had doesn't give you that much of a competitive advantage against these guys you know i mean because if it did he'd win everything that there is to win online and then never make it out of pools i mean i don't think he makes it out of pools they might have done one complexity actually might be selling him short there but like you know what i mean you know what i'm saying bruv i know what you're saying waffle i know what you're saying was this monster speak spanish that's the question you see monster on miami heritage monster on miami heritage i have covered you at yankee it's not very good anyway right have you got anything else bad yet or any closing thoughts um i do don't be a prick in open lobbies that's literally what i was gonna say don't be a dick if you're gonna play fucking ranked lobbies don't be a prick no you haven't got anything nice to say just don't say it it's not hard not everybody's on the same fucking page not everybody wants to do what you want to do somebody's doing their own play give advice be like maybe try this next time and can we do this together don't be like your fucking dog shit what are you doing uninstalled don't be a cunt nene i want to hear the response i want to hear people's in like takes on it because it's it's it's it's quite a diverse and layered thing to talk about because different opinions on it 100 so let us know you never played mw2 better than you i do call mw2 oh yeah you and this is why we're crippling depression oh my god yeah yeah that's right one mil hold that fucking actually made pod actually made pod on swear guys fucking you can find us on discord uh send us a carrier pigeon if you want smoke signals the beacons are lit the beacons are you know i mean the beacons are lit teenage calls for aid message on xbox live oh we're really getting all the social right here i know i don't reply to forbes when he goes into your favorite discord post olegs yeah shout out the self-promotion everybody that allows me to post a self-promise linkedin really appreciate it it's it's it's we're getting ourselves there and we appreciate the yeah the availability it's nice 100 shout out anyone that engages shout out anyone that's fucking listening to us yeah still after all this time what we got this is episode 18 still talking still listen to us waffle like that's that's that's about it they keep coming back for more bro i don't know why it's our scintillating conversation is our scintillating conversation skills oh yeah and our top top tier part of our top tier top tier banter banter banter right thank you very much for listening everybody we will catch you in the next one next week

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