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TeamNade Ep28 - HCS London

TeamNade Ep28 - HCS London

TeamNade PodcastTeamNade Podcast



This week on the TeamNade Pod, we take a look a look at the COD results for the weekend commencing on the 31st and the upcoming fixtures on the weekend starting 7th. We have a in depth conversation about our experience at HCS London and give our pros and cons of our weekend! Cod - 4 Mins till 18 Mins. Halo - 18 Mins till end. If you have any feedback or questions, please don't hesitate to let us know! Follow us on Twitter! https://twitter.com/TeamNadePod

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The hosts discuss their recent weekend events, including a trip to an airport terminal with many designer outlets. They also talk about the different airline companies and their levels of luxury. They then move on to discussing the Call of Duty (COD) results from the weekend, highlighting some upsets and notable performances by certain teams. They mention that Optic lost to Legion, which was unexpected, and express their frustration with a control map issue. what is happening everybody welcome back to the teamnade podcast episode 28 at teamnadepod on x slash twitter joined as always by the big man brian noob how are we young i'm all right bro what are you saying no we're doing all right it was uh we've had we've had an eventful weekend busy weekend it's quite an interesting thing um with that with that before we even get into we're gonna have a little bit of a switch up with the normal episodes normally you have back and forth cod cod was first last week and then we don't have the halo first this week but obviously because we had the big event we're gonna have a little switch up and we're going to take the cod first um you are on the right episode you just don't don't double check you are in the right place in the right episode no it's a busy weekend for us with whatever was it from friday till buckle home monday me later than you yeah you had a busy sunday morning monday morning like yeah monday morning was um interesting to say the least a good journey home the journey home was fine i was just i've never been to um an airport terminal that had that many designer outlets in it ever in my life yeah yeah terminal five is mental sorry what do you call it terminal oh the home of british airways terminal five the home of british airways did you see if you like when you went to the top of the terminal five and you went right to the left side like before you went through security and stuff there was actually a thing like the one of the like the check-in that said welcome to our home with a ba sign no it didn't it did it was because i went there because i had like i've got like the uh compare the market stuff so i get 25 off coffees in that twice a day oh nice and i looked to the right of it just said welcome to our home british airways i was like oh mate what are we doing what are we doing yeah it's a weird it's a nice place to be honest with you it's probably one of the nicer airport terminals i've been in a lot nicer than manchester terminal three but when you go through the security and you get down to that downstairs bit it's just designer after designer really expensive stuff yeah like the first one that i saw was the lv store yeah and i was like okay cool and then like i'm walking about noticing like gucci store rolex store cartier prada hermes and i'm just like this is actually like this is wild did you spot the place that served caviar yes yes i was slightly tempted at five in the morning off two hours of sleep to go and get some caviar and i thought that robert yeah you'd have been you would have had a mortgage payment down on caviar yeah and then i would have thrown up the fortnum and mason shop as well yeah that was it yeah no penny like a packet of biscuits like 20 quid but it's all right they're bougie biscuits you know i mean did i like no don't do your taxes for you did i do anything other than be a biscuit because i mean like i feel like mcv's have got the biscuit industry on lock you know what i mean basically fortnum and mason is for like obviously like the really bougie people that have got too much money you know i mean like too much money that they can't spend it all so we're gonna buy the bougie bougie stuff they look how they are in there as well it's just kind of wild that like that's the state of the terminal and then the plane is like older shit you know yeah yeah i get it all right but here's what it is i suppose i guess they know that know that clientele yeah apparently oh british airways i mean if you're going if you're going for a far distance british airway that's bougie not as bougie as um oh what's that one that flies to the far east that one that flies to the far east um cafe pacific cafe pacific still i think i don't know qatar airlines that's bougie yeah qatar qatar airways is bougie emirates is bougie yeah although i feel like emirates is kind of like the b-tech version of qatar you know i mean yeah easyjet is the b-tech version of british airways and ryanair is the b-tech version of easyjet the bd tech the the that's the nvq level two oh dear right enough travel news let's get the cod done so we can talk about the the big event of the weekend so so cod results um friday the 31st of may oh i almost said march there i mean two months there um surge surge three ultra two rocker three boston two ravens two lag three so there's only two upsets in that in that on that friday that are more noticeable than the other thing rocker winning against boston easy yeah again boston can't win can't finish games off can't win searches uh ravens losing to lag after the state that lag is being is quite a surprise especially the sort of ability that ravens have been they've been showing recently yeah right i think there's just a couple of off days for some people if like if gwynn isn't gwynn and claystar aren't playing well the team don't do really well i find yeah uh but the big upset for that friday was surge winning getting the reverse sweep on ultra ridiculous like it should be the control map oh i'll grab that very quickly i haven't actually written it down two seconds but they normally i wouldn't expect surge to like surge have not been great and then to take take that off of ultra is is a little bit crazy to me so ultra won the six star hardpoint they won the rio search and then the control map was high rise and then the next hardpoint was vista and then the last that says hardpoint but it would be search uh was high rise again yeah kind of strange that yeah that's a weird one um saturday the the first of june almost i'm off the roll and start a day oh yeah i'm really struggling lat lat fuck me you all right you all right bro no man i was thinking i mean i should be doing after 29 not 28 what's going on yeah i propose switching up be like oh no i didn't it is i've fucked it it's big pressure doing these even number episodes isn't it bro if i don't get a week off i've shot it i've shot the lat3 lag2 legion legion nil ultra 3 heretics mill optic 3 ravens 2 new york 3 no surprises the ravens almost beat new york i think it was where'd it go here it went it was two one ravens they won the search and the the control they won this won the search on rio six six and nil against the new york yeah that's wild that's actually nuts ravens have clearly been working on their rio and subliners are still struggling on rio for search we just can't seem to work out but when you take the subliners went back to invasion for the last search in one six three so they can they're dominant on a hard point and then certain search maps are dominant they're good on yeah and they're not they're not that good under the ones yeah so no other surprises on that one and then it comes to sunday so we have rocker nil surge three boston nil lat3 phase three new york two legion three optic two so if anybody could if anybody any eagle-eyed people in listening you'll find that the the one upset for the weekend was optic losing to legion rough weekend for optic so they lot for for the first time but they were 11 and 0 on subbase hardpoint they lost the subbase hardpoint convincingly 250 to 139 uh they had to win the round 11 search on six star um they lost the control on high rise 3t i will come back to that one in a second because there's a little gripe i've got with that one um they won the vista hardpoint 250 to 208 and then lost 6-3 in the last search which then preceded johnny the newest person on legion who has played like three games to then have a fortnite elemote yeah i saw that yeah i didn't realize that was what it was in relation to but i saw a clip of them doing that which yeah i feel like in any situation that's wild like don't get me wrong well done you've beaten you've beaten major three champs okay cool yeah you've taken the hard point off them and like convincingly taken off their best map and mode fine but you've like this is the first time you've won a game in a long time yeah and you've decided that you're gonna celebrate like that okay cool then then you think the heretics fucking vickle did it with the heretics for the the three you know the other thing i was doing that happened vickle did that and then they've never beaten optic since that so what you're saying is is that pred is going to have he's now sealed the new signature uh move yeah i mean he's got an additional signature move yeah yeah yeah the guns i'm gonna lose it mate he could do the l with them and then do a couple of l on his head and then do the guns at the same time at the same time i keep remembering that video and every color makes me laugh it's so good um so my my gripe with the control right so in between um the like the game the the last minute like the men of the major and then run up to these games yeah they changed the exploding barrels on high rise to no longer explode and kill people okay optic were it might have been 2 2 2 1 i don't know they were on the attack for the for control on high rise jumped onto the a point next to the barrel three of them die on the point because the barrel explodes this is the big propane tanks isn't it yeah yeah okay yeah the big propane tank it there's three of them on a it's capture it they're gonna win it it blows up and save legion lorent yeah that's that's kind of it's like right so we we've said we've changed it but we've not changed it because it's just blown up and killed three folk question about this though isn't the cdl played on the previous patch yes if but then i would have a i like because they were this was like the first set of games for major four yeah that they would be playing on the current patch yeah and plus yeah yeah even like fair enough like because they are playing on the newest patch because the the headshot they changed the mcw again so it's back to the four shot headshot headshot yeah so they are playing on the newest patch for that but they've not so the mcw does the damage that it's meant to now but it now no law it's still they haven't changed the explosive barrels so they literally just got bullshitted by the game yeah i'm surprised that they didn't um get a replay on the right you say that but then if you go back to the model for two with the sa incident oh yeah that's true yeah they're not very great at going oh well that's not supposed to happen so we'll just let you have our we'll replay it yeah we'll replay it yeah they're just like oh well yeah so i don't know it's a great it happens it's you kind of the thing is it's like you can't expect to win every game you know i mean so you've as i said the start of the weekend surge beat ultra the start of the year ultra with the best team and then they've lost a couple of games in between and it just happens you can't win them all yeah yeah do you think it could also be a bit of like that game aside but do you think it could also be a bit of like a championship hangover maybe you know i mean i don't know you think uh shotzi wasn't practicing because he was at that founding father's land and then he didn't turn off yeah he was there for that playing with the optic team yeah and then he turned up late to the the to the uh headquarters for that game as well yeah because i saw a tweet that was like shotzi isn't in the building hypothetically speaking how would you feel if skunk replaced him for this yeah series there was there's also rumors that all of optic were playing 144 ping don't know how true that is but that's what the rumor was it's interesting that though because in that um have you watched the most recent episode of the process which one's this that they're major one about the one about the codwin yeah yeah yeah there's a bit in that where kenny's talking about how they're like ping is just all over the place yeah like the admins won't let them do anything about it which i think is um i wonder if there is something weird going on with their internet at the headquarters it's not something weird going on with the servers or something you know it's not the first time they've had ping issues because they played against phase and they were all on different pings but they were all sat next to each other yeah yeah exactly but it's like it's online cod what can you do yeah i can't perfect it you can have the best internet but it doesn't fucking matter if you're paying to the server is still shit yeah yeah for sure fuck all you can do about it um last thing is the fixtures to the weekend for this upcoming weekend so we'll quickly run through that uh friday the 7th of june we have surge versus new york rocker versus heretics and fades versus ravens saturday the 6th of june we have boston versus surge new york versus legion lat versus ravens and heretics versus lag and then sunday we have lag versus phase ultra versus heretics and optic versus rocker don't see any like major major big big games but it'll be a decent enough weekend of college just getting those little the shitty games out of the way yeah it's just kind of one of them weekends in it where there's no sort of like marquee matchup yeah i would say as well that boss like we can more like you can guarantee boston will not be at champs this year now that's their run is more or less over with the constant losses um let are making a good a good a good run for it um legion i could probably guarantee legion won't be there either i think legion's time is up as well so how many teams go to champs is it eight or twelve or ten eight eight because you all start in winners okay yeah yeah yeah eight so four don't make it boston legion probably lag and rocker i'd say don't make it is my initial thoughts but then it depends on how major four ends as well because you get more cdl points depending on your position from major four so if boston win major four would they all look well no depends on the cdl points that's interesting you get more obviously it keeps the cdl points but if it doesn't push you up the right currently in the bottom currently in the is this currently in the bottom four is boston lag raven's legion so champs cough is currently at 130 points boston up 50 so champs cough is currently at 130 points boston up 50 so and then the closest to them is lag whereas raven's legion lag at 120 i think i think ravens will get there they'll get over the ravens they'll get there i think i think rocker will drop down like i don't see rocker doing it you can more or less get you can guarantee phase optic ultra subliners are all going to be there because they've got enough cdl points with the majors and everything else yeah yeah yeah exactly well i mean three out of four of them have already won this year haven't they yeah and then the series win loss of the year boston are 5 and 22 oh my god yeah my win loss of 43 to 70 oh my days yeah but at least the 43 to 70 map win loss at least they're over 50 percent hi but i mean a 0.6 is what they're currently at that's their that's their win loss ratio is a 0.6 for maps or you can go fucking for the series they're 0.2 for the series 2 is terrified right that's terrible yeah that's an absolute catastrophe yeah it's really bad and you look at phase they're 29 and six one series the n series yeah that's also insane hmm yeah interesting interesting couple of weeks then coming up yeah every good few weeks coming big applications for the end of the season yes but that is it for the cod onto the biggest news that our big news our big topic of the weekend take us away yeah man hcs london what a what a weekend that was there was a lot of um there was a lot i felt like there was a lot going on at this event i feel yeah because spartan got dq'd and then complexity got dq'd and that was like that that was day one like you know i mean that happened on day one that was the most insane thing ever um yeah that was a that was a that was a a wild thing to read at midnight as we got as we were in the back of the hotel i felt sorry for cloud nine man and them having sat there for what did that tweet say from tusk like they've been sat there at the station for 45 minutes and nobody told them and no one had told them what happened but i didn't like the first when we first when i first got put out on the hs i was like oh the official rune i was like what's this for and then clicked on it and then i started reading it to you and you're like what in the fuck yeah it's actually insane right and the way that like because it's like i had no idea this whole like ssd thing i had no idea yeah that was a thing that they did you know i mean yeah i mean like thinking about it it makes sense because they move around so much to different stations and stuff it makes sense just to be able to plug in something which would then have like all of their stuff on it already um makes it easy to track um to track everything basically you know i mean yeah because they take them in at the end of the end of the days as well yeah um so that's pretty that was pretty wild it's a shame that complex he didn't get to compete in the actual tournament because i feel like they would have been an interesting team to watch oh yeah i mean um i think the the other story of the weekend was the amount of delays that that was like was their main stage started two hours late and they moved series from the main stage to one of the feature stations um to get it off the ground but definitely uh definitely wild what was how did you feel about what happened on the weekend um well do you want my full rundown of my opinion of the weekend or do you want me how do you want how do you want this um well let's let's talk about let's talk about the gameplay first okay how did you how did you feel about the gameplay did any any specific specific series stand out to you or did any um any players stand out to you anything i enjoyed the the gameplay uh and essentially being able to to what be like this is our first competitive event to go to to be able to to be that close and to watch these games happen was just an incredible thing because you could watch the main you could watch the main stream or you could like watch the players screens yeah this is their individual um gameplay which i find is just crazy and just to be there that close to them and like we'll get into how like how the interactions between everybody but gameplay wise i think the most entertaining series i think was probably the quadrant space station and the elimination qualifiers that was the elevation quality oh my days mostly because of the crowd yeah the the crowd was going off like the whole weekend the one i enjoyed one of the other ones i really enjoyed as well was the rebellion space station winner semis because i don't think anybody expected rebellion to come out that quick and that hard to do that to space station no definitely not definitely not which just gave it so much just to watch them do that and everybody was clearly behind like quite a lot of people were behind rebellion to do that to space station because it seemed like everybody in the venue liked an underdog yeah every game it was an underdog they were cheering for that person that team i think that's kind of like uh i feel like i don't know if you would agree with this but i feel like rooting for an underdog is definitely a british thing yes you know i mean like i feel like in the uk people don't really like supporting in the things that are winning all the time yeah yeah i mean um manchester city for example people don't like them too much money real madrid people don't like them too much money i feel like the british public just don't like people with too much money the british public just don't like people i think they just they just you know i mean they don't like people that are successful they don't like people with too much money they don't like people that don't have enough money like you know i mean they just they just don't really like anyone um it really is um but yeah i thought shopify had um had an amazing event like yeah they've for me like finishing third top top three so like finishing third like improving their place in by one position i feel like they are fully cemented now in that top four for me yeah i'm not convinced that they have what it takes at the moment to push further because i think that like i think that with with ssg um i don't know when ssg flew out but they were i think like what when did when did we go down the friday yeah i'm pretty sure i saw legend streaming from america like wednesday night yeah yeah we did we watched on wednesday yeah and it's like i would have thought that they would have flown out a lot sooner than that given that they you know with the time difference and jet lag and stuff like that like i assume that they would have flown out to get acclimatized yes i think also that quadrant series did take a lot out of them which i'm not surprised considering the intensity that quadrant was playing at um and also like the support that they were getting from the crowd you know i mean because that was like the most insane crowd like and i think they really were uh the like the you know i mean like the 12th man so yeah the thing with the station space station i feel is like a fairly easy bracket like pool play and when it came to the the knockout brackets yeah well you think that against sentinels they had to reverse sweep it yeah reverse quadrant quadrant had to reverse sweep this sweep they lost a rebellion and then lost topic it's like they didn't make it easy for themselves at all they made it themselves had a lot of work to do constantly because there was a three like reverse swept space the sentinels then went in against rebellion to lose to then drop them to then have to reverse sweep quadrant against that crowd yeah yeah like it's asking a lot like especially doing that all on like unaccommodation to the time zone like you know all the same day yeah yeah they reverse swept sen or i think that i think the main stage started with their then reverse sweeping sen yeah right because i i was working this out yesterday like we were we turned up at half nine on the saturday yeah i don't think we left the venue until 12 o'clock yeah so it's like you know what i mean like we were there for like we were literally there for the whole thing i'll tell you what though it didn't feel like it was like that no it didn't but then also like there was so much going on yeah i mean there's no games constantly the game's going on obviously we played we played duos which was um really interesting we'll chat about that in a little bit experience but yeah man like you know they're just the intensity of the the event probably took it out of them a little bit i think that's probably why they didn't because they just didn't look as dominant as they normally do like i think eco personally had a pretty a pretty bad tournament by his standards yeah um not that like eco is the guy that you expect to be like main slaying or like doing anything like that but it was just noticeable that like he just wasn't playing up to his usual standard yeah even in his his like what he expects out of himself like that yeah um and i think stellar as well like stellar was kind of a little bit flat yeah um i mean and obviously bounding legend you you get just consistent just absolute madness every time you're on their pov you know i mean just like g sliding everywhere and gutting people that's what you get but when you don't have anyone to like follow up with what they're actually doing on the map or like the the follow-up isn't as sharp as it normally is it just creates these situations where like you're having to dig yourself out of a hole um i think it just caught up to them like because it's like going into the next event in atlanta i still have shopify as the number four team in the league yes like i don't think that they've shown enough some runs any um no no no no in terms of how they match up against the other teams because it's like you know space station clearly playing below par shopify capitalizing on that but then also they played optic and i believe that was a trio who sorry when they put winston shopify played optic yeah they got beat through now um you know and optic looked really good like optic looked really good all weekend um you know they clearly came in they were prepared they knew what they were trying to do um like because even even that winner's bracket game to phase was like it was a phase sweep but it was incredibly close you know i mean each game was incredibly competitive like there was moments where it kind of like ebbed and flowed um you know i mean i mean kind of a precursor to what happened in the grand finals i feel because even in the grand finals like so i was re-watching it back today in that map one like optic end up like four two up with like three minutes left on the clock in aquaflag yeah and then by the time there's two minutes left on the clock plays have equalized again you know i mean it's like it really is just like the margins are so incredibly small um but i think shopify are going to be dangerous going into the rest of the season yeah but i'll tell you one thing about the optic is that the the curse of either beat space station and lose to phase or beat phase lose to space station is still ongoing yeah yeah the thing is i said to you at the time as well i was like oh like phase has to go to lower bracket because optic were never going to be able to reset the bracket and win and i don't know i don't i like i like i optic are a really good team but i do not think they have the ability to reset the bracket against anybody unless possibly rebellion or anything after that i think they'd be i think at this event specifically they would have been able to do it against rebellion yeah i also think they at this event they would have been able to do it against space station i don't think that they have the capacity to do it against phase yeah um especially not in london so i don't think that roster is played in london and not won the event or the core of that roster hasn't played in london and not won the event well it's a bit like snake bites three and three for london isn't it yeah although i don't know when the other obviously like so they won this one or snake bite won this one snake bite also won hcf london in 2018 but i don't know when the other event in the uk was that he's won mm-hmm um because i was looking earlier because i was interested to see when that was um i just couldn't find it well i know it's three out of three so because it was what lloyd posted about it yeah they they mentioned it um on the stream as well i think yeah other ones i'm kind of disappointed about well there's one that i'm i'm surprised about one i'm disappointed about swat esports is the one i'm surprised about they've done really well they got ninth joint nines yeah they they absolutely ran the open bracket and then the one i'm disappointed about is into the breach they got 13th yeah itb like losing to losing to swat really messed them up in the pool um you know i mean we sat there and watched that in the morning on saturday and it was just like they just seemed flat like nothing really coming together like they weren't really getting the breaks that they needed um well watching uh the the mr wonderboy stream earlier on today he was saying that after they lost the first two to swat they kind of knew that that was kind of it they were going to lose overall because their oddball is really bad yeah yeah and that is what they're going to work on going into this next split is their oddball game they were also saying as well there was a game against native that they dropped like the third game or something when it was like two one yeah they should have won that one which when then would have got them through to the brit to the the back like into the yeah yeah they would have gone through to um the lower the bracket yeah yeah so they know themselves where they went wrong and they know what they've got to work on going forward but it's a case of just because what they were top six last major top six to then bottom 13 yeah it's a big um it's a big disparity yeah you know i mean i think um i think the good thing is is that like they they know what they need to work on and i'm under no illusion that that is something that they will be putting a lot of practice into and they will make a significant improvement at uh uh at atlanta it's just going to be it's going to be interesting to see what happens in the opens in europe um because obviously now because they i don't think they placed i think it was top six and above were automatically in the pool for atlanta yes but i think now they're gonna have to play through you know i mean they're gonna have to play through the online opens um which i don't think they will have any problem doing because i i still think that they're the number two team in the region yeah behind quadrant i think quadrant are probably the best european team at the moment um especially well i mean like going to what was it like 49 48 against space station game five uh yeah four to twelve at night like you know what i mean um you know snipe drone individually had an amazing individually i think glory shows a lot of promise and then obviously you've got the two sort of like solidified members of that roster in slg and seeker so it's like i think as a unit i think that you know they're coming together quite nicely um i think it's still a matter of because like obviously when we were watching that um that game five slayer versus space station there was moments where like we were both like that play was absolutely terrible yeah you know i mean um but i mean i think now that i obviously they can go back they can look at that they can take away from it work out what went right what went wrong like build upon it um i think the opens start pretty soon as well if i'm not mistaken i think the next may the best major is in july so it's got to start soon yeah i'm pretty sure they start within the next might even be next week this week maybe i don't know i should i should know but i don't um but yeah so so let's let's let's pivot away from uh from the gameplay of the teams let's talk about the venue because i have a couple of issues with the venue take us away uh okay so see i'll start with the things that i liked right i really liked i really liked the main stage setup for the players i thought having the players that close to each other um on the main stage really added an element to the game that potentially hasn't been seen in the hcs recently um obviously having the having the players literally maybe eight feet apart from each other opened up the opportunity for them to directly shit talk each other yeah obviously we had that at clipper boo boo standing up and trying to force choke someone um they were you know i mean like frosty was chirping at people all of a sudden they uh i think there's a photo a snipe drone like standing up and screaming something across the station like i think that that really adds something to the event yeah um especially from a spectator point of view because obviously you kind of want to see the additional level of the game not just the the mental inside of the game but also the mental outside of the game like you know i mean like the mental aspect of playing at this level from a spectator point of view um i think that having the the quote-unquote vip seating which we'll come back to in a second as well on like behind the teams i thought that was a really good touch because obviously it's it's you know it's cool to be able to sit and see what's going on yeah um however because of the very low ceiling in the venue it meant that like normally there would be a big screen above the stage which shows everything that's going on that wasn't a possibility um so each like there was like four pillars around the stage and each pillar had like a tv on it and it was like a big screen above the stage and four pillars around the stage and each pillar had like a tv on it and they were kind of angled at like a weird direction which meant that like if you were looking at the screen you couldn't watch what was going on on the main stage but then there was no point in watching what was going on at the main stage because it was so small that you know i mean like you couldn't see past like the multitude of cameramen and stage admins and obviously the coaches and the players to actually see what was going on on the screen for a lot of it um i mean for the grand finals like i had an amazing view of frosty's pov for like the entire thing yeah which yeah because we were on the side was pretty cool but then the main the screen that was closest to us was at like a 45 degree angle from what was going on so it was a case of do i just want to watch it through this one guy's gameplay or do i want to watch what everyone else is seeing you know i mean yeah um so i think that that definitely could do with a bit of work um it it also kind of like low-key was just a hotel conference room yeah or an event space um and obviously like watching that quadrant ssg game which i feel like most of the people in the venue were there in that room um it kind of felt like sitting in a high school sports hall on sports day watching what was going on you know i mean because it was like harsh lighting sort of like brown walls and floor tables at the right of the back of the room which everyone was like sort of perched on like you know i mean and then you couldn't really see what was going on part of the stations were like directly behind these like massive screens um so i mean obviously i don't know how it normally like the feature stations would normally be set out uh hcs lan yeah in america but like my understanding of i mind which one it was that i saw um but i saw some footage from one of the feature stations and it was like the screens were on the other side of the players but then i got higher up you know i mean okay so it was like from like so like imagine that like you know where um all the seating was yeah it felt like the players were on the spectator side of the scene and then the screen was a lot bigger but behind them um i think also having no commentary on no commentary in the room was kind of a no i can't yeah definitely but also i saw somewhere that said that they couldn't do that because they're obviously they also had the you know open bracket stations in the back of the room so they couldn't have the commentary because the open bracket stations were in such close proximity to everything else okay yeah um which makes sense but also it's kind of like i don't know like space was space it wasn't a big venue like space was at a premium for like the whole weekend you know i mean yeah um it was pretty cramped there was a lot of people in there um it was difficult to find your way around especially on the first day i did notice that on the saturday there was a lot more signs out and about um pointing you in different directions but on the first day that wasn't really a thing um the food situation was absolutely dire yeah like the food situation was honestly shocking um considering your choice was a pasty or a hot dog or a sausage roll all for eight pounds which i mean i know it's a stadium and i know that obviously like prices of food and drink is inflated at a stadium because it's you you know i mean they don't allow you to bring anything in from the outside um but like i was honestly shocked at the lack of choice like yeah you would have thought there would be a little bit more option yeah for being there for being there for all day like obviously you could leave and you could come back but you meant you'd have to go and eat it elsewhere then yeah again you thought you'd have more opportunity for different things i mean it's like you know we saw those boys that were outside eating like a mcdonald's yeah you know i mean like and there's no seating outside there was no benches they were just leaning against bollards eating mcdonald's and it's like or sitting on the floor it's like this is not a fantastic situation that's going on you know i mean um i'm not gonna lie to you brother as someone that doesn't eat meat like the fact that there was only one thing that i could eat in the entire venue it was pretty yeah it's not pretty wild i mean it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't as as vegetarian options go that pasty that i had on like the friday and the saturday was actually quite good yeah probably one of the better ones that i've had but at the same time like why it wasn't like why there wasn't someone doing i don't know like a burger and chip van open somewhere on that concourse area or why they haven't got someone in you know i mean like one of these like little artisan pizza maker donnie's in a little van with a oven and stuff like why that wasn't a thing i'm not really sure i mean maybe it was an issue with time constraints maybe it was an issue with that the stadium didn't have the capacity to provide that because i think all the food and drink was specifically provided by the venue um or by the stadium because i think the venue was the stadium hotel okay um you know i mean but then obviously like the bar and stuff was all that was that if you went to twickenham to watch the rugby i feel like that would be where you would get a drink you know i mean yeah um so that was that was kind of shocking um i think the the fact that like half of it was upstairs wasn't really very obvious either no not at all there was that was more like quite a lot of my great but it was you didn't really know where you could and couldn't go um we were trying to find that food the first weekend we were like where's the bar we wanted a drink where's the bar walked around the whole of that main area to from one side that you came in all the way around the other side to see this sign that said food and drink pointing that way through a set of double doors but it had like a production box and a whole lot of wires and cables hanging around you're like is it out that way and you go well fuck it we'll try it you go right through that through that first double door you get to a second one you look out and it's like the open area underneath the seating at twickenham and there's an ambulance and you're like is this the right place yeah like it genuinely looked like a loading dock yeah you know i mean and then you saw the bar over there with like 19 staff with nobody at the queue yeah like it's it was just very weird you know i mean and then plus like trying the first day the friday i didn't know where the european halo league stuff was going going at all until it came to the saturday where we spoke to somebody and they were like yeah you see through that doors you can go up the escalators and it's up there yeah the you know the thing is like that set of doors that we went through right on the other side of that doors where the escalator was there was the barrier and then the door which was the players entrance yeah which we tried to walk to get through on the friday when we arrived because it wasn't signposted that this was the players entrance no we thought we thought it was the vip entrance that we were super special vip entrance which didn't exist yeah that's that's the next topic i feel yeah yeah so then we were told no you can't come in this is the players to go over there so we went and so then obviously you walk past that door with the saturday you see it and you go well that's the players entrance and yeah i can't go through that yeah exactly i can't go through that door to then get to a barrier but then behind that barrier is then an escalator that anybody can use so what and then you go up that and then you go take your left and then your actual player your pro player warm-up door is on the right and then the next double door is just up from that is where the european halo open bracket and the free play stations were yeah yeah and that was it you couldn't go left down the corridor that was all blocked off yeah which i think there's actually more pro player warm-up stations down that way in the ball yeah yeah yeah exactly because all that warm-up areas were in the boxes weren't they that might have been even like upstairs again because there's another level up there as well it's like your signpostage for this is really poor like i don't know where i'm supposed to be and where i can go yeah and that's the thing and it wasn't like there was a massive amount of very clearly obvious esports engine hcs or quadrant staff on hand any no oh it was like even like the venue stuff like the people that were behind the desk were like we thought that we went up said like oh here's scanned our ticket gave us our our lanyard and then when you run to the left there's a merch stand okay right so you turn right you go past the desk you look at the left that's the cloakroom okay so it's not that you go through the double doors you follow down this like next to like the tape in and stuff like there's the bollards and the tape into like the main opens there's a whole all the open bracket tables all the xboxes and the screen and then the monitors you've got three big screens where the pro players are doing their pool plays behind them with a whole lot of seats and then you have a table with three folk on it with no signs to tell you it's the merch merch stand yeah the only the only way you would know it was the merch stand was because there was two incredibly small um clothes rails clothes rails with jerseys on one and then quadrant t-shirts on the other which by the way did you know there was hoodies on sale at that weekend no there was hoodies apparently were they like this is this is like the thing with as well right is i like i wasn't expecting there to be team booths yeah but it would have been nice um i was kind of expecting there to be like a bespoke hcs london quadrant piece of merch that was created yeah whether that would be a hat a t-shirt a sticker a fucking cup a hoodie a pair of joggers something you couldn't get anywhere else yeah exactly something you could only get there and that they would maybe release online like and like i didn't see any any sort of like bespoke merchandise that was i guess there was a there was a piece of paper it was on the table on the bottom left that said hoodies jerseys t-shirts that was it yeah it was a the merchandise situation was definitely a bit like which brings me on as well was were they selling merch on sunday because obviously on the sunday that room was closed no i don't think they were so they didn't sell merch on the day where they had the most people in the venue yeah but i think by that time they'd already sold out yeah because i mean when we got there on the saturday they were turning people away from the stand weren't they saying that they didn't have they only had like certain sizes and designs or something because they were expecting a delivery later on in the day um which i mean i guess that's just fair play as just a logistical issue in it and i know that quadrant operates their merchandise on this sort of like it drops once and once it's gone it's gone sort of mentality but this brings me on to on to one of my probably my biggest gripe of it all my biggest issue with it all is this is this where we answer the question was it worth it yes this is the word that was it worth it so we obviously both paid for the vip quadrant paddock pass the extra money one yeah which was do you remember have you got the list of everything you got with it um no but i'm sure i can find it um it should be on uh our our twitter i think when you i think one of us retweeted i can't remember i'm trying to find event right on my phone because i imagine it'll be on there as well yeah quite possibly i'll double check all right have you have you got it uh it is loading my tickets see that's the pre-sale and that's the ticket info the pre-sale i should go all the way through the quadrant to find it if i really wanted to which i might actually have to very quickly um obviously we paid what was it 130 um yeah about that 120 130 probably 130 all in the um with the additional bits and bobs that you have paid when you buy a ticket these days yeah so one 130 pound each for a ticket to come to this event that's fine once i find this stupid fucking info that tells you the extra things that we've paid for that we should have got when we paid for it that would class so the the the main so one of the ones that you do get is you get a quadrant jersey which when you um buy the ticket it asks for the size of jersey you would like obviously we put down the sizes that we wanted but that wasn't guaranteed yeah you weren't guaranteed to get that oh here we go yeah i've got it now you weren't guaranteed you weren't guaranteed to get that shirt size unless you turned up very early like but straight away if you turned up and you went straight to the merch stand to get your thing you had to you couldn't be like i'll get it at a later date you have to get it straight away to guarantee yourself the right size yeah which i find is a little bit silly because you sold out a certain amount of pad paddock passes they were limited edition yep you have asked everybody their sizes yep take those sizes that people have asked for put them to one side yeah because i mean like they you know they sold the tickets a couple of months in advance of the event so it wouldn't be that hard to go okay cool so we've sold i don't know 250 vip tickets we need 100 larges 50 mediums 50 xls like you know i mean yeah it wouldn't be difficult to work out in that way and then just get them custom made yeah so general access was 30 pound you got the access to the event of all days for three days and then you got the event lanyard decent the quadrant paddock the vip ticket was 120 quid for the ticket alone before you do any of the booking fees and whatever else yep so you got the private entrance the designated viewing area at main stage the meet and greet opportunities the quadrant team jersey plus a goodie bag limited edition lanyard limited edition signed event poster and a chance to play in the show match versus quadrant team and creators yeah limited edition lanyard the only difference between r1 and the standard one was the badge bit at the bottom that said quadrant pass instead of general omission yep that was it the lanyard itself was the same black thing that had quadrants carved into it with a bottle opener that was it yep yep the goodie bag had fair enough there's fucking glasses in our class yeah they got the glasses are elite like i can't lie they're very like ski goggles with halo halo on halo uh paramount on the site like on the top corners of one of them you got a game pass a month free game pass a month paramount you didn't no one of the bags i don't even think it fell out of the bag i don't think even i don't fucking know well that my bag was ripped at the bottom okay so i mean i got the game pass and i got the drops yeah so you got the drops the game pass and you got a paramount plastic you're lucky if your bag didn't self self explode and fucking lose it yeah and then you got a quadrant sticker and then you got like another like a london poster yeah okay right fine the london poster that you could get from the main desk yeah that was at the main desk you could just pick up a handful of them if you wanted to yeah and the event drops that they were handing out as well yeah yeah you could have got that as well so really the only additional benefit you've got was the glasses and the month's free game pass which the ultimate game pass is 12.99 a month so it's like you've got you've gained 12 quid back from that fine the jersey which is 70 quid online did you say well i i i'm sure when we bought the tickets it said about getting the quadrant jersey which retails for 70 pounds and it was first come first serve limited sizes limited availability all this that and the other right and then when we got to the venue on the saturday they were selling them for 45 pounds a pop at the venue only but they were 65 pounds online yeah so where this number of 70 pounds has come from which i find is really fucking stupid because it's like if you're going to sell them for 70 quid online and then and people are going to pay extra money to get these tickets to make sure they get a top yeah it should be worth the 70 quid you shouldn't then be charging less at the venue no and that's the thing man like that's that's like the thing that annoyed me the absolute most all of the many issues that we had with these vip tickets is the fact that i i bought that specifically so i would have a jersey and be like oh well i'm you know i mean i get you're getting 30 quid yeah i've got a jersey worth 70 quid like 100 pounds like and then we get all these additional extra 20 quid like bargain yeah and then it turns out that we could have bought a ga ticket and a jersey and 75 quid yeah because the vip entrance yes the private entrance i didn't see a private entrance no the private private entrance was the normal entrance with everybody else you you had the the the vip entrance times was half an hour before everybody else but there was f**k all to do and also when we turned up at half nine on the sunday on the saturday as was our vip entrance time there was a donny that came in immediately behind us who had a general admission ticket yes so they weren't even they were just you know i mean they were just letting people in which again not not a problem but like but then this is another thing that this then comes on to the not checking s**t properly the designated viewing area at main stage yes they had a designated area but there was nobody checking that you were supposed to be in that designated area yeah anybody could have sat in it and they wouldn't have given a f**k in fact like i can pretty much guarantee you that there was people sat in those vip seats well the f**king the sunday where we were sat yeah the people behind us which we know we know who it is didn't have a a vip ticket was sitting in vip seats yeah and they were like nobody's checking like these are vip seats nobody gives a f**k so why well yeah exactly it's like no no one was sure that people were in the right place so why would why would they why would they not do you know i mean i feel like in a situation like that the onus isn't on the the customer no it's the people it's on the people operating the venue you know i mean um meeting greet greet opportunities yes you could have gone and met the whole quadrant roster at 4 p.m on sunday when the main games were happening after they'd got eliminated which makes me question when they had penciled in for that to happen if like because say for example quadrant had got to lose his finals which took place around about the same time that the meet and greet happened yeah when would they have scheduled that meet and greet opportunity you know i mean i mean like i guess the meet and greet opportunity wasn't exactly like massive because they were cutting about the venue all weekend anyway like i went out the back to get like a drink or something and they're all like all of them were just stood out there chatting you know i mean so if if i wanted to go and speak to them the opportunity was right there yeah but at the same time like this is something in theory that i've paid money for like and it like and it just wasn't i don't know it just it just felt like an afterthought a little bit almost like they went oh shit like we we've charged people for this but we haven't actually laid on the facility for it to happen yeah um but there's just the extra money that we have spent was we didn't actually gain anything more no i'm having a normal ticket i mean i think the thing that annoyed me the second most was the vip sign up for events which was 30 minutes before everybody else like yeah because when we went to sign up for the 2v2s uh what time was the vip thing supposed to be at 12 o'clock and uh um it was 12 30 or something was the general sign up 2v2 check-in starts at 12 12 okay yeah like and then then it was just like by the time we got up there at maybe like 5 past 10 past quarter past 12 it was just mobbed just everybody was just people everywhere like and again no one being like oh wait a minute you're you know i mean you're not supposed to be like or like if you sign it up via the vip you need to stand on this side of the room like you know i mean it was just very much just like a free-for-all like it was first come first serve yeah um which again paid a lot of money for the ticket i assumed that there would be some kind of like preferential treatment when going to you know i mean going to get involved in these said would exist um you know i mean as it happens like it wasn't like we missed out because because i would have been more annoyed if we couldn't sign up for that because of the fact that they didn't adhere to what they'd said you know i mean yeah um because i mean we still got to play we still got battered yeah which the the the the 2v2 tournament a little insight into that all right we played all right we played one game in the 2v2 tournaments because we got absolutely rocked because we played we played we played two games come on now oh we're sorry we placed two two maps and thanks to sir and mr sparring that we mentioned the start of the the conversation having a an ssd wasn't supposed to and they put it down to cheating um then cause descendant from complexity after being disqualified to go fuck it i'll play on the 2v2s yeah who we got in our first game yeah was it reverb reverb yeah shout out reverb originally had dark matter on his team but dark matter got caught up in the ffa which by the way he signed up for the ffa and the 2v2 they both ran over each other that's the only reason he couldn't play is because he was still playing the free yeah because he got to like the final the final lobby of the yeah so it's like right so how like what what are we doing like we're setting we've got different events running that people want to play all the better ones that they can but they're now crossing over each other and you can't guarantee they're going to be finished in time yeah um so he so reverb didn't have his teammate to play with so he had to go off to find something else and he found descendant which which then they went off to win it i'm not gonna lie to you right like i'm pretty sure that like in that situation technically we would have had every right to object to the change to the change yes to be to be perfectly honest with you because you know we turned up on time reverbed was there on time because we were chatting to reverb before he went to speak to the tournament organizer um yeah he went to the big boss yeah you know to get the thing and i'm like honestly i'm i'm not that sort of person to be like because as soon as we turned up in reverb just like oh right okay this is the worst possible situation that we could have been in yeah you know i mean like um you know because even if it was even if dark matter did play we still thought we still would have got rounders yes in fact i would have i would even go as far to say that that guy probably could have taken us to game three on his own yeah because that is the difference in skill level like you know i mean and then that's fine you know i mean yeah the game's the game in it like you know i mean it is but like you know the the the facts that descendant was just very i want to say standoffish with us a bit he didn't he didn't do that he didn't do gg he didn't say didn't give us a fist bump which reverb did like you know i mean like again man like reverbed very clearly knew what the situation for us was yeah you know i mean i mean i said to him do you mind hosting we're doing here chilling bro don't worry um like he was lovely he was so nice like you know do you know what the maps are yeah i do but i didn't i didn't ask what game three was because we're not gonna go that far and he was like whoa guys like you know we don't know what you've got in the locker you might take us and it's like oh cool man right it's nice to know that you're not you know that you and we know that you can be us but it's nice to know that you're not outwardly being like fuck these guys like you know i mean um whereas like descendant on the other hand was kind of just very much like yeah whatever like get me onto the real compilers which again is what it is um but you know it was a little bit sour it's a little bit of a sour taste but again like you know guys on a partner team probably doesn't you know i mean i feel like he's maybe at that point in his career where he doesn't need to do shit like that especially when he's not competing in his home area you know i mean um because realistically like what repercussion is there going to be it's not like he's going to get ostracized from the local community is it no um but i mean that was definitely an experience didn't neither of us goosed neither of us breadsticked uh we definitely should have taken astros i've just had a look there do you know who the the the grand finals was against yeah it was against um uzi and zuzi yes is it like teammates on e-sports i think they teammates on e-sports i think they reverse swept them as well yeah um so yeah you know i mean that was definitely it and like get to say that like played on land and didn't shit yeah it is what it is like yeah we can say we played a lot we didn't goose didn't breadstick got kills had a nice time yeah it was it was fun like i think that's that was the biggest thing is it was just a fun sort of like 20-minute experience you know i mean yeah like super surreal as well knowing who and just being like whoa like wild well like never in a million years did i imagine playing a genuine pro player like you know i mean that blame blame sparn yeah it's spawn's fault yeah um and it's like fucking ryan who went on to win the ffa did you see his interview by the way uh no i've not watched it yet in the interview i fucking james force goes to him like oh like you know seven out of the eight people in the final na like did that surprise you and he was like yeah i mean do you need to show up and they shit the bed james force just went yeah okay uh anyway what are you gonna do with your winnings just like wow fucking ryan who not i'll let him away though i did see a photo of him wearing a liverpool top the other day so i'll let him have it yeah he's a big big time football fan ryan who yeah he loves it because when when he said to him about what you i can go to the final because like that cost two thousand pounds a ticket wow fucking joke guy but yeah do you know one thing i have i've just found out because i was going through my photos just now i'm taller than apg monotons same height as formal not as tall as lucid but bigger than apg yeah lucid's a big guy bro taller than apg so cheers to that that was a thing that surprised me like so many of like the north american players are really short yeah which one thing we haven't talked about in that in for the weekend is how close quarters everything is yeah like i mean coming down those escalators behind face clan with half a quadrant behind us and then formal behind them yeah after just getting fucking barred by cia sports like that wasn't yeah after after just getting battered by after just getting battered by half like you know i mean like the 50 50 scion complexity 2d2 squad um being in the midst of those people like you know i mean it was just like the fuck like you know i mean yeah it was really just like what the like what is going on here like um but yeah it was it was good fun i'd i'd i mean you got a couple of photos with yeah i got lucid formal and apg you got a phone with apg oh yeah of course you did didn't you yeah um out of all them like apg and lucid were the nicest about it apg just seems so fucking happy just to be there to talk to people and take photos with anybody that wanted to i think that's the thing man i think apg is actually like such a genuine person like he's not on stream he's not going band for band with chat yeah he's yeah i went to get i went to get the rest of the opt like i was i'm fucking trippy dead zone and lunchbox away from getting the whole fucking optic this year and last year and jp yeah i could have got that as well i forget jp bro but i was so close you know i mean got a lot of god much closer in the on the process might be in the videos you know no it's just you just imagine it's like fall will be yes on the saturday i was coming down this escalator and this guy asked me like twice for a photo and like just check me out bro he's wearing this really weird top it's a teenage podcast imagine um but yeah like i mean i i don't know but like i wouldn't pay for a vip ticket no i wouldn't pay for a vip ticket again because it the value out of it wasn't good enough for the money we paid because in theory we could have paid 75 quid to get general admission get a top i've had everything else i'm still starting the same suits yeah we're gonna start the same suits and nobody would have fucking nobody would have bought an island yeah we got literally no benefit of having that realistically apart from having a pre-reserved top and getting no but even pre-reserved top there was no guarantee if we didn't go on that on that friday we were never getting our size yeah because they put a quadrant but i was being like like if you've like if you're a vip and you've got picked up your top yet come now so you get the depth the size that you want which i find is so stupid yeah it's just i don't know like i feel like it was a you know it was a quadrant putting on an event rumors that it was in the wrong spot yeah the wrong venue first event at first event of its kind at that venue um you know and apparently the esports engine staff that was there it was their first event working on a large scale halo infinite project on that um you know and and honestly like probably from the metrics that they'll look at like it was successful it was successful based on the numbers the numbers the crowd was in the atmosphere yeah like you know i mean one thing i will say i got the opportunity to get involved like which you know i mean i i you know it was a good event like i enjoyed it yes as i say like even though we're i don't think it was worth the money we can say all these different things that we have issues with but it's not like i'm not i enjoyed my weekend yeah i don't think it was a i didn't come from it yesterday being like well that was a waste there was a fee there was a feeling of a like there were still heaps left on the table that could have been done yeah they could have done more might have been a time restraint as i said to you when we were at the time we're walking back on the last day like if they were given the next major in july they would have had a better opportunity because there was other events on in london on that weekend with champions league whatever else so it's like they had to be put into a certain point of london so it wasn't congested yeah basically put it into july but there is no football apart from the euros where everybody's out in germany you have more opportunity and more space to do what you want with it that was the thing man like is that um obviously when we when we linked up with um from our podcast after on the sunday and then we went for a drink afterwards like and the photographer was with us and she was saying that she had to go from twickenham i think did she say she was staying in like east or something or like north um and she was said that like she got into central london and had to change train at the same time as the trains from wembley got into central london yes it was fucking heathen i'm like i don't know if you've seen the video of the queue for the train at wembley no i've not seen it but i've been i have been there with yeah like what happened i don't like that main walkway up the stairs with like the statue of bobby moore near it like literally from one side of that to the other and all the way back with just people you can ask the same person that we went to for food with in the morning right we me and him went came back from the liverpool chelsea venue when we had the wembley the cup i can't remember which cup it was we went to wembley and we came back from it and it was just a sea of people and then i've been in the crowd trapped in the middle of like liverpool fans trapped in man city fans after they've just won the fucking cup because we went the wrong way around the stadium trapped in the middle of an experience but it was like the problem that they have to do is they have to cut off on in the tunnel they have to cut it off to then let the people that have already passed go to the station like to the trains and get onto the train and get them off the station then open it again so you're stood in the middle of fucking man city fans chanting away having the time of their life after they've just won a cup against liverpool waiting at least 10-15 minutes for these next the next the next set of trains to turn up yeah yeah yeah i think that's the thing man like i mean they've they've obviously got it down to a fine art in london when it comes to sporting events and stuff yeah um you know it all kind of goes off without a hitch and i feel like the the other good thing about that going to an event in london is that if you were using public transport the public transport is like probably about 90 reliable i would say like all the times that i've been to london and i've had to like get on the tube or like there's always buses cutting about like there's always trains unless you leave in london then there's no trains because they cancel them left right and center for fun it appears um you know i mean you know you're pretty well provisioned with the ability to get around um it's just feel like having the event at twickenham was kind of well i mean it was good for us because we flew in it was probably good for all the na players because they flew in um i mean and also like what is it that's like northwest london i feel twickenham so it's probably quite easy to get to if you're driving and rather than it being in the center and i guess things are a little bit cheaper but like so like the location was definitely left a lot to be desired i mean around the stadium there wasn't really a lot to do no right and the main source of food was a tesco and it stank because there's a water treatment plant right around the corner yeah which wasn't great in fact at one point i think i overheard either my asking someone why it smelt so bad yeah in the locality um but yeah overall good event i had a good time it was nice catching up with you it was nice catching up with uh mutual friend mutual friend a couple of heads that we you know we linked up with whilst you were there um it was a good weekend i hope it comes back soon yeah yeah 100 i was 100 i'd go again i wouldn't i wouldn't buy a vip ticket the only the only thing i i'd go again i wouldn't i wouldn't buy a vip ticket the only the only reason why i would buy a vip ticket was if they had the so if you buy a vip ticket for an na van i think on the friday morning you get to go on a tour of the production areas and get on the main stage and stuff oh yeah i'd do that but obviously like with the main stage being right in the center of the one room in london like because like when we did finals like yeah maybe what like eight to ten feet away from face con less than that like you know i mean like literally they were right there so it's like this i feel like a tour of a main stage in an american land environment like it's a big thing like the stage is huge um here the tour of the main stage probably would have taken about two minutes but i wouldn't go out of my way to jump on one again i mean i saw that jamie mccorran who is the chief operating officer of quadrant tweeted after the event and said this is definitely happening again next year um whether that happens or not will depend on a multitude of factors yes continues into a fourth year yeah um you know there's a lot of rumors going around that be a thing and obviously rumors around the new title and obviously in halo 5 the hcs only ran for three years as well and then it pivoted to i think they then went back to mcc for a little bit um so we'll have to see we'll have to see what happens but if they announced another one this won't be going definitely all right it was such a good weekend in fact our mutual friend said that um from what he saw of it as well because he watched the quadrant series on the saturday night and he watched the grand finals he said that if it fell on a weekend where the only weekend in a year where he can't do anything he would go 100 percent and he's not a huge halo fan no he's not a huge halo fan um so that to me speaks volumes about the quality of the event you know yeah yes definitely but yeah you know eu fans are unmatched literally unmatched it was it was the um it was the fucking who are you chant bro yeah that ripped off like the the who are you trying to off and i was just like oh my god this is the who are you chant the the chance on the saturday anything anything anything that the most notorious online eu player came out with on saturday night yeah the that saturday night at quarter to 12 was fucking hilarious that was so good bro like i keep remembering the slg chant randomly and i'm just like yes no i also like how they put like like you can someone from the uk because i have the word sound in it yeah you know i mean and i might i like how they sound because that was the only thing they could think of that rhymes with bound i also want to know right like if all of that was off the cuff like he just kind of came up with that on the fly or if it was like a pre-plan thing i feel like it's but i think i might be a bit of both uh because like if he was just coming up with them on the spot like that's amazing to be fair it was nice to actually put our face to the name it was yeah not the hair or a withering 1000 yard stare to the name yeah just staring at like oh fuck it wasn't a hair there wasn't the hairstyle i was expecting it was the same hairstyle than that other photo from the other one i didn't see the other one until i come over i want to send that to you the hairstyle i still see is the one on the the twitter and the discord one you know i mean no top on discord photo that is still an elite photo one of duns it's still the best one of the best photos you can tell you can tell he's a genuine he's a what he's a genuine scouser yeah because he had 95s on did spend 200 quid on a new controller to get troubled fresh rendered though hey athens bro i spent 400 quid going to london to get around my fucking e.i quadrant land would highly recommend any event done in the eu it was um it was very good it was a lot of fun definitely a couple of gripes with it you know but overall it was a really positive experience yeah and i highly recommend yes sir it's like the next you know what you don't need to do now bro conduct a scientific experiment oh yeah you've got to go to the world championship bro and see how it the world championships yeah man right and how much is that going to cost me um well flights to seattle aren't cheap obviously before you factor in you know the ticket and the accommodation um and also like a flight bro do you understand how long it takes to get to seattle from the uk no a long time like because what is it it's like seven hours from here to new york i think in the air and then it's like seattle is on the opposite side of the country so maybe it's like an 18 hour flight or something it takes a long time to get there was it what is it just seattle slash seattle international i think so i'll just go to seattle any if you can if you can fly directly where you will be when is it i will fall over it's in october back end i'll just go from the 16th to the 18th i know why would i do the 16th and it's on a fucking weekend you mug 24th to the 28th that's what i'll do let me let me let me google this one give me two seconds i can't see my keyboard anymore hello world championship 2024 hit me a little bit it is on 24th to the 28th 4th of the 6th of october 4th to the 6th yeah so realistically we you know i mean if we were going we'd probably to go on like okay okay okay how does that work then oh that must oh my god right right do you want the best or the cheapest hit me with the cheapest first cheapest is it 595 who's it flying with as as yeah i've never heard of that air france air france yeah and how much is what's the what what carrier is the most expensive one um well before i get to that the the the cheapest one right for air france has a 33 hour time to go from alberdine to seattle 33 hours why where's it going because you've got to go from alberdine to amsterdam then wait 21 hours in amsterdam yes for the next flight at 9 00 am from amsterdam to seattle the next day and how long does that take uh 10 hours oh that's not that bad what do you mean not that bad you've got to wait 21 hours in the whole in an airport yeah but change change it from alberdine to my bro you don't have to wait 20 oh no you do have to wait 20 don't you because it's it's not like you can leave the airport no i can check in the next day but the best right it's 674 quid right 13 hours alberdine down to heathrow then to seattle yeah it's 13 13 13 hour well essentially 14 hours and then 12 hours terminal five uh yes because it is the home of british airways it's a ba flight that one that's 674 to be honest with you mate i've flown along all with both british airways and air france and only on one of them that i got a couple of tips over me right manchester to seattle on the same date it's your cheapest um is 541 and that's with iceland air mona island there uh 15 hours with one stop in recce iceland yeah of course and then you've got 11 hours back with one stop and then the cheapest is still your best as well like it doesn't make a difference or you can get the fastest it's 796 quid from british airways and i'm and how long is the flight time 12 12 and a half hours with one stop in heathrow on the way there and then 11 hours 10 minutes you've got to stop off in dublin i'm all i'm hearing is the fact that this is doable bruv oh your cheapest has come down down to 456 oh mate sign me up right you've got to go you've got to use ryanair and iceland there you've got 19 hours right yeah i'm not i'm not you've got you've got stop in copenhagen then you've got to stop in iceland right so go in there that's 19 hours then you've got 22 hours 50 minutes coming back you've got to stop off in iceland and then stop off in copenhagen again to get back you get two stops so i have to go further away to come back yeah mate i did that as well we were in fucking went to the champions league final in paris we had to go to fucking italy to then fly to aberdeen i was so wild honestly i don't know why you don't just fly to manchester and then fly out from there it's cheaper it's cheaper to fly away than to come back it's cheaper to fly to a different country than it is to fly further away to then come back yeah to be honest with you manchester airport's pretty shit anyway so yes yes it is um before we finish i'm gonna just send you i want to get your instant reaction to this on the podcast okay actually this to me on discord actually i know i'm not because no no i'm not going to know you can't let the people okay but you just just be just like don't remember that we're on the podcast okay okay you know how you said you were so incognito with photos and being on camera have you looked at the photo closely yeah i look really impressed bro yeah yeah oh no it's clearly like you're looking at like me looking like so unimpressed with the reaction i'm looking towards the people that they've taken full of like so with such a disapproval on my face as well oh dear oh no that's that's shocking that we spent the whole weekend being in the right place at the right time apart from that one on the on this is it couldn't it it couldn't be any worse realistic oh no oh no oh oh funny bro i can't believe i thought i got away with it and then they ah no bang hold that hold that you fucking knob right oh i believe that is a pod i think i yeah i think so i think i like this okay okay oh thank you so you look so unimpressed in this photo bro yeah it's because i'm looking at the boys they're taking a photo going like what the fuck are you doing like you're screaming like that like come on i think that's um legend six in the front there is it i think so oh dear all right thank you very much everybody for listening um as always any feedback anything you want you want to let us know or ask and put it in the comments let us know on twitter and until the next one we will catch you later

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