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TeamNade Ep19

TeamNade Ep19

TeamNade PodcastTeamNade Podcast



This week on the TeamNade Podcast, we discuss changes coming in Season 3 of Call of Duty and the Rostermania news of the week. We also talk about the London Halo major tickets and the venue issues. Follow us on Twitter! https://twitter.com/TeamNadePod COD - 7 Mins 30 Secs till 45 Mins. Halo - 45 Mins till end.

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The podcast episode discusses various topics, including Easter eggs, chocolate, memories, and ranked play in a video game. The hosts talk about their experiences with Easter eggs, the abundance of chocolate during Christmas, and their current ranks in the game. They also mention the upcoming reset of ranks and the addition of new maps to the map pool for testing. What's good, everybody? Welcome back to the TeamNade podcast, episode 19 at TeamNadePod on Twitter. How are we doing? Joined today by main man, the one and only, Brian Noob. How are we doing, y'all? I'm good, man. What are you saying? I'm not saying a lot. We're back again, new week, into April. It's not April's Fools, this is a serious episode, as always. Reminds me, actually. I haven't opened my Easter egg yet. I haven't even got one. Man, I don't think I'm that bothered. I think I've still got chocolate left over from Christmas that I guarantee will not be getting eaten by the end of next, by Christmas next, this year. Yeah, buying you an Easter egg would be an absolute waste of money if you've still got chocolate left over from Christmas. You get so much for fucking Christmas, though. Like, too much, to the point I don't even, like, I go through stages of, like, wanting to eat it and then not wanting to eat it at all. Man, I slammed all that out, like, two days after Christmas, not even gonna lie. Depends on how much you get, though. You know what I mean? If you have, like, heaps, you're not gonna slam all that out. What did I have? I had, like, a chocolate orange. Yeah, I think I had, like, a chocolate orange and some chocolate fingers. Oh, that's easy. Easy sauce. But, like, yeah, that got scrammed whilst we were grinding out zombie scammers, bro. Powering me through. What was that? What was powering you through, though? Was it? It was powering me through, yeah. That wasn't, oh, that's when you started it. On your wands. Yeah, yeah. I've still got heat. We went through, like, the fun fair thing that's here, as well. And, um, Redeem, like, got a whole lot of tickets by playing the games and stuff, and Redeem the tickets. What we, what, I made the mistake. Have you heard of the big, massive Toblerone boxes? Well, the triangle ones, the huge ones. Yeah, that just looks like a big, giant Toblerone box. Yeah, yeah, I know the ones you mean, yeah. Yeah, so that's just filled with, like, I think there was, like, 84 miniature Toblerone bars in that one. Oi. So I have a whole box of Toblerone bars that I've, like, I've had, like, six out of. That's actually class, though, to be fair. It's class, apart from it's a lot of chocolate. It is, but, like, I mean, Toblerones, they do hit different, bro. Let's start handing them out to the kids round about the streets. Actually, maybe not. Yeah, not sure about that one. Not sure about that one. That's a bit dodgy, innit, realistically? Nah, mate, what are you on about? Just handing, like, Toblerones and giving them a bit to the community, you know? Kids are hungry out here, they need Toblerones. In Aberdeen? My idea probably wouldn't surprise me if kids were under it, but... What's that supposed to mean? It's a thriving community. Is it? Yeah, of course. If you say so. I'm saying so, you should believe it, because it is. Yeah, okay, yeah. Have you ever been here? I think I have, actually. Have you? Yeah. When? Maybe. It was when I was a lot younger, like a lot younger, like when I was, like, five or something. Ah, right, so it's different now, you see. Yeah, bro, I'm not gonna lie, I don't remember anything about it from back then. Yeah, bro. That's a long time ago. What else do you remember at that age? Well, when I was five, I remember some knobhead in school, like, walking into, like, right, picture the scene, yeah? Reception class, right? Sat on the floor in the classroom. So, like, late in the day, the milk cartons have just been consumed, like, you know what I mean? I don't know if your school had that, where they just buy a batch full of milk cartons randomly. No. Well, in my school, they just gave you, like, milk, right? So, like, milk cartons had just been drank after lunch, like, a little something on the fucking TV or something, I think. I can't remember. I can't even remember what it was, right? What was going on. But, anyway, this guy comes in, yeah? I still remember who it is, and I still remember he looked directly at me, right? So, I'm sat there with my legs, I think I had my legs crossed, yeah? And he comes in, and he just looks at me, and he just fucking spews all over my legs, bro. And, obviously, like, a five-year-old me, bro, I'm not happy about that, right? And I don't know if it was a teacher or a teaching assistant, but they were literally like, just go to the toilet and clean yourself up. And I'm, like, literally in the toilet, right? Like, sobbing, because I, like, for some reason, I feel like I've done something wrong, like, by getting, this guy being sick of me, and I'm just like, you know, what the fuck? Like, so, anyway, I'm wiping all this, like, fucking sick off my trousers, right? But, like, making an absolute hash of it, because, obviously, I'm only five. And I remember thinking, as well, being like, why have they sent me to do this on my own? Like, I know how to deal with this situation, like, I don't know what to do, you know what I mean? Like, and then, anyway, a teacher was, like, walked past for me, like, fucking in bits, in the bathroom, came in, sort it out, like, went back to the lesson. I had to stay in school, as well, they wouldn't let me go home, like, wouldn't give me a change of pants, like, literally, so I just lied in my school trousers, stinking of someone else's vomit, like, for another two hours in the day. It was class, man. Right. It's probably my biggest memory from being five. Slightly worrying that that's your main memory. Well, I mean, that was the only one that came to mind, like. Right, okay. I mean, like, there's definitely certain things that I should, like, I don't really know if that was when I was five or when I was four, but I can't lie to you, bro. Ah, I see blurred lines. A little bit. Oh, yeah. No, well, I think we should move on from sick. I mean, if you want to, bro, I have many more stories that would fall into that category. I think we should save it for another day. You know, I think we should have the Yine. Drinking podcast coming soon. No, no, no, we should have, every episode, we should have Yine's story corner. Ah, it's just a little random story from, like, the past. Yeah, so every week we'll learn more about Yine. Yeah, I mean, I'm done, bro. I'll share with the group, you know what I mean? You don't need any oversharing. So you don't want me to tell the one about, no, I'm not going to say that, actually. It's all right. There's a teaser for the episode, thank you. Thank you very much, episode 28. We should get that fucking straight on TikTok. Hold that, we're on TikTok. I know, we should actually get on that TikTok, you know? TikTok's big. Oh, waiting for the main man to send me some clips. Well, not even clips, just to send me some things that he's like, I think this is a banger, the TikTok, and then we can get it cracking. I mean, just stick it over the top like Minecraft. No, it's not that. It's just because it's like, obviously we need things that are like, we need like clips from the audio that are like going to be good, right? But like, I feel like both me and you are too close to it to be able to go, oh, that's a banging clip. Or like, you know, oh, that was really funny because it's something that me and you might find really funny. And then we clip it, put it behind like a fucking, you know what I mean? Put it over like a Halo clip or a CoD clip and then it's just like, all right. No one else thinks that this is funny because they just think we're fucking weird. You know what I mean? But that's my whole fucking title. Yeah, that's your whole vibe, isn't it, really? Yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah, my whole vibe is to be weird. To work for this, this is much of my life. Yeah, it's very true, man. It's very true. Right, not a lot going on this week, people. It's been a slow week, but there is some news in the card. Would you like to hear the news, Shane? Yeah, go on, man, because I have seen some rumblings. Some rumors, yeah. Word on the street, you know what I mean? Word on the street, is it? Word on the street, bro, yeah. Word on the Twitter sphere. That's exactly what I mean when I say word on the street, correct? Yeah, one of those. Let's go. So, obviously we've had no pictures this week because it's the break in between the major and the online qualifiers, which is dull. It's like international weekend for the football. Boring as shit. So, we're gonna go through some, what would you like first? I'm gonna ask the question to you, Joan. What have we got, bro? What have we got? What are the main categories that we've got going on? We've got two main subjects for today. We've got ranked play and competitive, or roster news, which, what two? Pick your poison. Let's talk about the ranked play. Ranked play. I haven't heard anything about ranked play, so it's like, let's see what it's like. Right, so ranked play. Obviously the season is over in a day, and that's when the ranks will all reset, or reset back to, they'll go back to one whole rank setback. So, if you're Crimson, you'll go back to Diamond 1. If you're Diamond 1, you'll go back to Plat 1, et cetera, et cetera. What rank are you right now? Crimson 1, so I'll go back down to Diamond 1. I think I'm gonna be, did I even play ranked this season? Yeah, you did. Where did I get to? This is still season one, right? This is still season one, yeah. Oh, shit, okay. I'll probably go back to like Gold 1 or something. Yeah, I think you're a Plat. Even if you're a Plat 3, you'll just go back to Diamond 1. Gold 1. Gold 1, so yeah. Yeah. Gold 1. Gold 1, so yeah. My bad. Yeah, you'll go back, yeah. So, just reset, so I'll just let everybody try to get back through all the ranks and just try to get people back into their normal standings, which is fine. But before that happens, what they've done for the past, I wanna say four or five days, is they added in two new maps to the map pool. They've added these two maps in to try and test them out in case they can be used in actual competitive COD. Okay, yeah, which maps are they? So, we've got Vista and Departures. So, Departures is kind of like an add-on to Terminal. It's essentially still in the, it's Zakhaev Airport, and they kind of just extended it out, really, and made it a brand new zone. Right. Personal experience playing both of them. Don't think they're any good. They were added in for all modes. Yeah. I don't know if it's a lack of playing it or not knowing where to look or whatever, but I have seen clips of Control Vista, and I can't remember which control point it was, I think they were still holding B. Their spawn point was at a corner, and you would spawn in front of enemies. Like, they would be behind you, trying to spawn trap you, and you would just spawn in front of them with no chance of surviving. Okay, yeah, that's obviously not great. I just didn't enjoy it. I never knew where to look. I never knew where to be fighting. I didn't know where anybody would be coming from. It just kind of felt, I don't know, neither of the maps felt very good to me, personally. Obviously, there's going to be people that did enjoy it and do think they're decent maps, but from the general consensus when I was playing the games in the text chat, was these maps are trash. Yeah, yeah. People say that it's better than Invasion Control, which I, Invasion Control is a very defensive map because A is so hard to take, but I feel like any of them can be really hard to take because Control on High Rise is a really hard map to play Control on because if you get put back into your spawn on Attack In, then it's more or less game over. Yeah, yeah. I'm not, I don't know. I mean, there definitely needs to be some more variation in the map pool, right? Because I'm so fed up of, like, you know what I mean? Sitting down and being like, okay, cool, this is going to be a six CDL series right now, and you've got, like, real hard point game one, terminal S and D, and then it's just Invasion, Invasion, Invasion. Yeah, if you know something, if Miami Heritage are playing, you know fine well they're picking three invasions. Yeah. It's like, you know, not that I have anything against Invasion as a map. Like, I think it's, it plays a lot better now than it did at the start. Yeah. But at the same time, it's just like, it's just so boring to watch when you're watching it again and again and again. I think there should be, like, the Invasion one gives the most opportunity to win, where all the other ones are very one-sided. Yeah. And nobody wants to pick that ones that are one-sided, or they've not had as much play time on it because it's going to be such a whitewash. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Which you can understand, but it's also like we want, we want variation, we want different gameplay, we want to see how different teams play different maps. But it's mostly just Invasion just now, which is disappointing, but I suppose it's just the way that, the way the cookie crumbles, I guess. Yeah. I mean, from a personal point of view, these two maps, right? Like, I've played them in, I've played them both in 6v6 S&D, and I've played Hardpoint on Departures, right? Yeah. Like, the only thing that stood out to me about Departure was just how ridiculously big that map actually is. Yeah. That's a huge map. Like, it's a huge map for 6v6. Yeah. Let alone when it's 4v4, right? I mean, I feel like it might play well in 4v4 search, because there'd be a lot of opportunity for flanks, and, you know what I mean? Little spots. Yeah. Outplaying. Outplays and stuff like that. But at the same time, it's like, you know, I don't think it plays well in 6v6. Yeah. No, it doesn't. I totally agree with you on that. It just doesn't. Obviously, these are new maps that they've made. Yeah. It just doesn't feel right. Doesn't feel good. With Vista, like, I like Vista S&D. Yeah. I think Vista S&D is pretty cool. You know, it's a nice map. It's very, I feel like it's a big map, but it's a big map, like, horizontally from the spawn points, rather than vertically, if that makes sense. So, like, it's a big map, like, left to right from where you spawn. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's wide. It's wide, but it's quite narrow. Sorry, it's wide, but it's not that deep. Yeah. No, no, I get you, yeah. Which is, like, pretty cool. I like where the bomb sites are, because they're kind of on opposite corners of the map, in essence, I guess. But yeah, like, it's just, I don't know, man. See, the problem I have with Vista Control, specifically, because I've played it, and I think they're in ranked with it, is A, B is really easier to take, because it's kind of in an open area, but you've kind of got two lanes of where they're gonna come from. Yeah. A is right at their spawn point, with one, two, three, four, five different ways of getting into the hill. Yeah, so it's like, that's gonna be difficult to lock down in it, really. Yeah, because you've got to have one person watching at least two angles, and that is extremely hard to do at the best time. So if you're taking A by yourself, you've got to watch five different angles. Take a gunfight, if you win it, you're then one shot to somebody coming in the other four. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's incredibly hard to do. Where, like, if you think most of the other control points, fair enough, high rise, high rise has got quite a lot of ways in, because in the open, both of the points are in the open. But then, like, well, A is normally three points, because they're coming from the front, or four if you count bottom blue. Invasion is mostly two ways in, really, on both points. Yeah. But when you start adding in five, six, maybe more, it then just gets harder and harder to play it, and it's, I'm not convinced. Have you seen this new map that they're adding in tomorrow? No, which is this? I can't remember what it's called, right? I think it's called, like, Red Star, or Six Star, or Red Six, or something like that. Uh-huh. I'm already making that up completely. I might be pulling that out sooner, right? But it, like, from the, like, the top, you know, because they released the, like, the little, like, the mini-map look of it. Is this the one that looks like Raid? It looks like Raid, yeah. Oh, Raid, but, like, backwards. Yeah, it's weird, right? Because, like, there's parts of it that look very, like, it looks like Raid. Like, there's, like, an area in Uniswap, well, that's that part of Raid. Like, there's a swimming pool, that's that part of Raid. But, like, it also looks different at the same time. Like, it's very, very similar. It wouldn't surprise me if it was based off of Raid. Yeah. Because I think when they were promoting the new season, they're like, oh, like, the return of, or a re-imagining of a fan-favorite map, which, I think, you know, I like Raid. I think Raid's a good map. Like, it'd be interesting to see how that played out in, on competitive settings. You know what I mean? So, yeah, so it's called Six Star. Is that what it's called? Six Star? That's what it's called. Okay. So I can quickly run through the season three things if you want, because I've got the image here now. I mean, yeah. Go for it, bro. I mean, you don't have to, because you have to be, a little more excitement in your voice, Christ! No, I mean, go for your life, man. All right, I'll do it very quickly. Warzone, you've obviously got Rebirth Island coming back. Oh, actually, can we talk about this Warzone for a second, right? Okay. Obviously, like, they've made this move towards, like, so the Warzone rank modes are just going to be resurgence, right? Yeah. What the fuck is happening with the big map? And, like, traditional BR? Oh, that's fucking binned. Fuck that. That's all binned off. I just find it wild how they're just, like, hard-sending this resurgence mode. You know what I mean? Like, it makes sense to me, because obviously, like, resurgence is more of a similar gameplay loop to, like, traditional Call of Duty. However, I feel like, well, it's kind of hard to say, right? Because I was going to say, oh, I feel like the people that still play it are Battle Royale fans. But it's like, I don't think that's actually true at all. And the people that play it are Warzone fans. But then, obviously, not everyone who's a fan of Warzone is a fan of resurgence. Yeah. It just kind of surprises me that they're, like, they're so fixated and so, like, hard-selling to, like, one side. You know what I mean? Yeah, I feel like they've just kind of given up on the main big map of Warzone. Because no matter what they do, they're always doing something wrong. It's also, apparently, there is, like, they're in, like, the game's code that, like, Verdansk is supposed to be coming back in Season 4. So... Season 4? Yeah. That's a lot sooner than I thought it was going to be. Season 4, along with the Kar98. Apparently, that's going to be coming in Season 4 as well. Watching them add the Kar98 in, and it'd be nothing like the original Kar98. So, I feel like they've kind of given up on the Urzikstan because of this coming in. They're like, why are we fucking bothering with Urzikstan when we can just be like, oh, here's Verdansk, happy days, everybody's happy. Yeah. I get that. I mean, I don't hate Urzikstan as a map. Like, I was watching a stream the other day, and the guy who was obviously the streamer was like, the problem with Urzikstan is that it doesn't have any memorable POIs. Yeah. Donnie in his chat was like, yeah, because the PE was like, Verdansk had really memorable POIs, right? And this guy was like, yeah, I agree with you. Like, the memorable POIs in Verdansk were like, one or two, maybe three buildings. In Urzikstan, the POIs are like, areas. You know what I mean? Yeah. So, it's kind of like, it's not a terrible map at all, right? But it's like... I just feel like it just needs that little bit of tweaking, and it would probably be one of the better maps that we've seen for Warzone. Yeah. I mean, you know, what are you saying about Verdansk? What do you think about that? I think it's just, again, as I've said most of this, this entire Modern Warfare 3 has all been a, we're going to do everything we can to get the fans back on our side after Modern Warfare 2. Yeah, 100%. And this season, Season 3, come in, it's shown again, Rebirth Island, a map that was very well received. Let's go straight away from it, let's get something else, and, oh, it's not gone right, so here is Rebirth back. Yeah. Same with Verdansk, everybody's calling for Verdansk to come back, so they're going to put it back in. Everybody wants the Core 98 back, that'll come back in. It's just, I don't know. I think the thing with Verdansk is, right, is like, they can't one-one pull it. See, this is the thing, right, and obviously we have this conversation quite often about Verdansk coming back and what the issues with that map specifically were. And in my opinion, the issues with that map were exactly the same as the issues with Al-Masra, is that you have these POIs, and then you have nothing, a couple of trees and a rock for you to hide behind. Yeah. And then you have a POI, and then you have nothing. But, like, you know what I mean? It's literally just like there's no cover in between the different areas that you can rotate to, which makes rotating out in the open incredibly hard, right? I also genuinely think people have forgotten how annoying it was to have to try and get people out of the ATC. Yeah. When they were sniping with, like, HDRs and stuff like that. Yeah, it was horrendous. You know what I mean? It was always one way up. Yeah, exactly, like, so, and a lot of those buildings in that game, in that map, sorry, had, like, maybe two ways into it. Like, I'm thinking of, like, you know the big red building that was at the restaurant? Yeah, yeah. It's like, you could just sit upstairs, like, yeah, okay, there was a skill jump off the, I think, like, you could hit, like, the umbrella, and then you could hit something else, and you could jump onto a little ledge, and you could kind of shimmy down the ledge onto the balcony, but it's also just like how many people could actually do that? You know what I mean? Yeah. It's like, yeah, cool, like, there is a workaround for it, but, like, you know, it's not easy. I don't really know how to do that. Yeah, it's not easy to do, and I, you know, it's just like, I don't think that having buildings with only, like, two ways up are the fix. It's like when they added the, um, the, uh, the rappel lines and stuff onto some of the buildings. Yeah. It's like, okay, cool, like, there was that one in the corner of downtown, which had the stairway, and then it had the rappel, and it's like teams would literally just, like, a two-man team up the top of there sniping. You could bang two claymores down in the stairwell, two claymores down on the thing, and it's like, oh, right, chillin'. We're good now. Yeah. We can just, uh, yeah. Like, you know what I mean? It's just, it doesn't reward, like, inventive play, I guess. No, no, not at all. Like, but then at the same time, it's like, well, sniping was a skill gap, so I don't know. But I just think, like, they need to, they need to change some stuff fundamentally with that map if they're adding it back in, like, 100%. I think they will. I think it can't be the same. I think they will, look, because there is bits in, like, the new Rebirth that they're gonna take down, like, the main tower and stuff, and then the roof's gonna be more accessible with the tower being lying on it after being blown down and shit. You know, that is not, like, that's only a thing that happens in some games. Is it? Yeah, it's, like, called, like, a dynamic, um... Oh, yeah, yeah, like a, yeah, a dynamic... A dynamic insertion or something, yeah. Um... So it's, you know what I mean? So it's, like, that's gonna be there the whole time, and then on some maps it won't be there. It'll be, like, down on the roof, which is, like, yeah, okay, cool. Like, that wasn't, like, I mean, I feel like that wasn't a particularly strong position anyway. Like, early game, yeah, but late game, no. Like, but... Oh, no, man, like... That's tough. It'll be interesting to see how it goes and what the response is to it. Make a new map and make it fucking good. This is the thing. It's obviously, like, everybody calls it, oh, why are we, we want new maps, we want new maps. They give new maps. We are, we want old maps back. We want this back. It's like, well, what do you want? You can't have both. You gotta give... They want both, 100%, they want both. Yeah. Oh! But with the addition of Rebirth, they're moving the Resurgence ranked play is over to the Rebirth. I don't hate that, but I can't lie. No. I don't hate that at all. Resurgence will have a champion's quest, a nuke event. So you will be able to do that. Can you imagine, remember how difficult it was for us to drop a nuke, right, in El Masra? Yeah. We spent, what, maybe four hours, three nights in a row doing that? So like 12 hours before we finally got to drop a nuke, right? And that shit was hard. Even once you, I think the problem was because it was like, well, we were fighting for contracts, right? So it's like, that was the main problem that we had at the beginning was like how difficult that was. But then once you got the contract, you have to carry those fucking boxes around with the components of the bomb in it. Yeah, the element, yeah. How are you going to do that on Rebirth? Fuck knows. Like, surely the map is not big enough. And I, you know what I mean? Because obviously I feel like in a couple of those games, we were in a building and then like an element would just pop up because another team was coming in. So if that happens in Rebirth, they're a hundred percent just going to camp the build. No, I just keep respawning on it. And right. I think it's going to make it even more difficult considering the other change that they're adding in for Resurgence. Which is? You know, the, it's like, if you land back on people, like if you run back on your team, then you get like. Oh yeah, the squad assemble. Buffs. I don't know what the buffs are, but it's like, is it like, you get like more ammo or like extra plates or like some random shit like that. Like, which is like, yeah, fair. Like, you know what I mean? It makes sense. But at the same time, it's just like, like what are we, like, are we playing a game that requires us to play it? Or are we playing a game that will play itself for us? You know what I mean? Yeah. Like where's the fucking skill gap? Yeah. Where's the, where's the, you know what I mean? Like where are these things that need to be in this game to make it actually good? Yeah. And not just something that's good for a little bit and then you kind of just like, you know what, I'm not. Kind of bored of that now, I'll go do something else. I don't know. I don't know, man. Maybe this is just my irrational dislike of Call of Duty. Yeah, it gets stronger and stronger every day. Update requires restart. That's all I'm gonna say. Coming to Rebirth as well, we've got a new contract called Spy Drones. I'm not really looking into it. I'll see what it is when it happens. Features of Rebirth or features of Battle Royale, you're gonna have climbing punishment, gulag public event. Assuming you can climb out of the gulag. Rebirth, you have new biometric scanner, new smart displays. You're gonna have a new field upgrade called the Squad Rage. So like the Rage as it is, if you're in close proximity of your team, everybody gets the effect of it. Wow. Battle Rage. As we've mentioned before... Like that would make you like an Imperial officer in Battlefront. Yeah. But it's a way you can put down to make everyone fight better. It encourages everybody to just stick together and hold hands through it all. But to be fair, it's how you win. If you just hold hands, you'll win. Instead of trying to take one-on-one gunfights all the time. In theory. In theory, yeah. But I feel like it... I don't know, man. I'm kind of in two minds, right? As to whether it should be enforcing you to play one specific style to like get success or whether it should have a framework where lots of different styles of play can result in the same... Should be the second one. You know what I mean? I think it's like, there should be... The question is, how do we win this game, right? There should be multiple answers to that. Yeah, not fucking... Whether that's camping zones, like camping buildings, running claymores, like sitting in corners with rioters. You know what I mean? Whether that's like, that's one option, right? Or whether you have these like absolute demons just running around, gunning everything that they see, putting up ridiculous numbers and just fragging the lobby. Yeah. Like it should be... You know what I mean? There should be an opportunity for both of those things to be true at the same time, in my opinion. Oh yeah, definitely, yeah. I don't know. I'm more and more about team play, especially with squad rage. And as we've already mentioned, squad assemble. Don't know how to... It surprises me. It just surprises me a lot. No, it doesn't surprise me that it's caught on anymore. Rebirth is gonna have available time of day. That's gonna be fun. In season, you're gonna have returning weapon trade stations. I'm gonna be able to trade weapons, I'm guessing. I think. Like I'm assuming you trade your weapon for something else or you trade between people. I don't really know. I feel like it must be like you trade it for something better. Like when they have them vending machines. Yeah, probably. I'd imagine so, anyway. That's the only thing I can think of is because you can just drop your weapons for everybody else. So I don't see why you do it between people. Rebirth is gonna have a specialist package that you can find, which means you get all the perks. And then Rebirth is also gonna have a new killstreak called foresight, which I'm assuming is, you see where the next zone is. Yeah, I imagine that they'll be bringing that back because they'll want it in the dance, won't they, for the bunkers? Yeah. Modern Warfare 3 overall, we have new maps. So obviously you've spoken about six stars, that's 66 map. We're gonna then have emergency, 66. And overall, it's gonna have tank, 66 as well. In season, we're gonna have grime, 66, and checkpoint, 66. And they're also remastering grow house, which is a 66 map as well. Grow house? Yeah. What card was that? I feel like it's card four. I feel like. Oh, let me have a quick gander. Grow house. I can't remember what maps it's from. I can't find it. I feel like it's card four. Oh, no, it's from Vanguard. Okay. Fantastic. Yeah. That's it. Okay. Really look forward to that. New modes coming in. You're gonna have one in the chamber and then capture the flag. Oh, that's quite exciting. And then in season, you're gonna have minefield, which is new, and escort, which is new. Fuck knows. I'm imagining what their take of that will be. I imagine the escorts will just be like, was it war mode? On 2019, where you would, Modern Warfare 2019, where you would have to like escort like a fucking truck carrying like a rocket or something from like point to point and people could set up barricades and stuff. Okay. Yeah, probably like that. But it's just, I don't know. That's not my cup of tea, I can't lie. I'm not that bothered by Modern Warfare Zombies, so I'm not gonna cover that. Weapons operators. So new weapons, we're gonna have the FJX Horus, so a submachine gun in the Battle Pass. We're gonna have the Morse Sniper Rifle from Advanced Warfare from the Battle Pass. Kind of excited about the Morse, bro, can't I? Yeah, the Morse is great. It just looks sick, you know what I mean? But I also cannot wait for it not to one-shot someone in Warzone, bro. Yeah, it's gonna be so good, love that. Right, fucking makes so much sense. Battle Pass is also gonna have the Gladiator Knife and then Battle Pass in-season, we're gonna have the Battle 27 from Advanced Warfare. Okay. Operators, we're gonna have Banshee from the Battle Pass, Hush from the Battle Pass, Snoop Dogg from the Battle Pass. Snoop Dogg's in the Battle Pass, no way. Snoop Dogg is in the Battle Pass, yeah. And then status in the Black Cell, so that'd be the overall character from the Black Cell you're gonna get. New perks, you're gonna have the Compression Carrier, Assault, Modular Assault Rig, like Vest, and the Gunslinger Vest, Reinforced Boots, and High Grain Antenna. No idea what any of them are gonna do. I think the Compression one is Quick Fix, Modular Assault is Scavenger, and Gunslinger, Hardline, I think, going by the image. I just don't understand why they're adding these vests in that already have, that already do the job of perks that are already in the game. Yeah. It's like, right at the start, they were like, yo, we're taking it back to basics, you can have three perks, and it's done like gear, that's it, and now it's just like, also, you can have this fucking vest, which does this, and then does that, so which means that you, so like with the Assassin's Vest, right, is like, you get Ghost, but then it's also better than Ghost because you don't show up, you don't like, the skulls don't appear when you kill someone, so then you don't need to take Ghost, you can take something else. Actually, I don't know, man. I think it's giving more variety of plays. That's all it is. Yeah, it is, but it's also gonna just result in like, Overcomplicating, what it all is. Overcomplicating, at number one, and number two, you're just gonna have some absolutely dirty loadouts, which are just gonna be like far and away better because of the unique interactions between like, all of those different things. Yeah. You know what I mean? Well, to add to that, we're gonna have new equipment called the EMD mine. Does it do what an EMD grenade does now, but it's a landmine? I'm assuming so. So it's gonna be useless then, just like the EMD grenade? Yeah. Well, do you know what would be even more useless? Go on. The new field upgrade, in-season advanced vision goggles. Is that gonna be like Promethean vision from Halo 4? Fuck knows, yeah. Fuck knows. That's gonna be so. So advanced vision goggles, so you're gonna get legal wallhacks. And then there's aftermarket parts as well, but they've not announced what those ones are gonna be. There's two events, different other characters that are gonna be buyable in the store. I'm just gonna not go over them just now because they're not actually that important, I don't think. Yeah. And that's what's coming tomorrow? No. Yeah. Tomorrow? No. Yeah, it will be tomorrow. I know, it'll be... April 3rd. Wednesday. It'll be Wednesday, won't it, yeah? Wednesday. Last thing on the cod, we're gonna go quickly over some roster mania news. I wanna say off the back of Major 2. Would you like to hear Miami, LAT, Surge, or Boston first? Tickles the fancy. Dealer's choice, bro. Dealer's choice, all right. Well, let's go from my list. Here we go, from top to bottom. Miami released Journey. Go on. See you later. So they're gonna be getting Royale in for Journey then, presumably. Yeah, because obviously, I think, was it last episode we mentioned? Yeah, I think he tweeted he got his visa. He got his visa, yeah. And then we had the conversation about visas and stuff. Is that... Is that an improvement? I thought Journey- Or a horizontal move? Because I thought Journey was pretty good. I thought Journey was very good at the start of the season. Had a really bad Major and then just was kicked out of the drop from the squad. So I don't know. I've never really seen Royale play, so got a wait and see sort of thing, but they've got to pick it up. Really got to pick it up, because they're fricking- Yeah, they don't have a lot of time, do they? No. LAT, they've got a lot of time. LAT, they benched Afro, and then they've proceeded to replace him with a previously benched player in Joe Deceives, which to me doesn't- I don't- That's a horizontal move, if I've ever seen one. Yeah, it's horizontal as fuck. I mean, I do have a bit of intel on this. I don't know whether I've told you about it or if you've seen it about that move specifically. Apparently Afro's got stuff going on outside of Cod. Oh, does he? Yeah. Deceives has to step down. So it's not- I feel like it's not one of them where it's like, it's not a tactical move. You know what I mean? It's not like, oh, well we've got to get this guy in because we think he'll be better. I think it's we've got to get this guy in because we have to get this guy in. You know what I mean? Like this guy can't play at the moment for whatever reason, so we're getting this- what he used to have back in the cup. Okay. But I don't really rate Joe Deceives, I can't lie. No, not at all. He looks like Skies. If you- The Wish. The Wish Skies. Yeah. Surge, they've released Orsicese. I don't think it's that bad of a move. No, I don't think that's that bad of a move for Assault, to be honest with you. There was rumours that Hook was going to go as well, but he is actually safe. So it's not a bad move to leave Orsicese. I don't know, he's been getting worse and worse as it's been going on. There's been a lot of dialogue around that Orsicese situation. He's doing a lot of tweeting, like. He's doing a lot of tweeting. I've seen some people as well say that like, he shouldn't be dropped because he's a two times world champion. Well, it doesn't- Which? It doesn't stop it, it doesn't give you immunity. No, and that's the thing, right? Like, so what, he won a world championship on FaZe in Vanguard? Yeah. And he won a championship on a United, right? Which must have been, what, like Black Ops 4? Somewhere around that time, yeah. Like, not to take anything away from the guy, he's just not good on this COD. No, not at all. Well, from a spectator point of view, anyway, he's just not good on this COD. In the grand scheme of the league, he's not doing well. Yeah, he's below par, like, you know what I mean? He's below average, which, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, Giza's two times world champion. That's sick. But if he's not performing, you can't keep him around just because of his competitive pedigree. You know what I mean? Yeah. No, nobody's immune from getting dropped if they're not performing. Like, that's just what it is. Yeah, exactly. And then lastly, Boston, this was yesterday, they released their assistant coach, along with Slasher and Asim, which I feel like the Asim won more than Slasher is a bit of a kick in the teeth. Yeah, like, I mean, both of those roster moves are wild to me, right? I don't really know about the coaching situation, so not really a comment onto that. But the dropping Asim is wild, considering they've literally just picked him up, like, what, eight weeks ago? Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, that's nuts, right? And then getting rid of Slasher is also nuts to me, because in my opinion, Slasher is a, like, this is the thing, right? It's not just about getting rid of players that aren't performing. It's about stopping those players from going to a different roster and making a difference, right? Yeah. Slasher is 100% someone that can go to a different roster and improve that roster. Oh, yeah. 100%. Like, Arcee's, maybe, maybe not. You know what I mean? I think it depends what system they've got. It depends how they're going to build around him, how he's going to fit into what they've already got. Like, you know what I mean? Asim, like, Asim's an amazing player. Yeah. And he can make a difference, but I just don't think he brings the same sort of thing that Slasher brings to the table to a different team. Yeah. So it's like, they're, you know what I mean? Boston are making themselves weaker, in my opinion, but then they're also going to make another team stronger. I mean, Slasher, like, you know, maybe it's a respect thing. They didn't want to put Slasher on the bench. I get that. You know what I mean? If I was Slasher and they were like, yeah, we're going to bench you, I would not be happy with that. No. But he obviously, he's got the experience in the long term. Like, he's an experienced player and he's been around for ages. But again, if he's going to be benched, the same with the RCC, it's like, you don't, just because you are, like, being in the scene for a while doesn't give you the immunity to not be dropped if they're not there. Exactly. You know, I, you want to see, where do you want to see these players land, man? I feel like Asim will get picked, Asim or Slasher will get picked up by Serge. One of them will go there. I feel like probably Asim more than Slasher. Depends on who Rambo, Rambo money Ray wants. I think Asim goes to Serge and makes a difference. Although I have seen that Awakening. Is it Awakening? Pentagram is apparently getting called up by someone. And in fact, I think it's, I think this is a Boston bit of Boston rumors. Yeah. Pentagram and Beans was the name that I saw mentioned. Okay. To Boston. Like, I don't know either of those players. I mean, I know, obviously I know Beans, but like, I don't, I don't know Pentagram. I don't know Pentagram at all either. I have seen that ROK are going to be trialing a couple of boys for Awakening and Vivid. Because obviously they're underperforming to where they want to be as well. So we'll see how that develops. Cause there's nothing actually solid, solid as rumors at this point. Everything I've said just now is all solid. It has happened. Yeah. That's the thing is, we're getting into the sort of speculatory stage. Yeah. I don't feel like going into that sort of rumors. There's no need for it. No. I think they've been passing false information and we're not about that. We're not about facts here at Team Nade. I think the best fit for Flasher would be LAT. I'm not gonna lie. I mean, obviously that would be a sticky situation because Afro was their other AR, wasn't he? No, Nasty is it? No, Afro's a sub. Afro's a sub. But I feel like in this call it doesn't matter. Yeah, no, that is correct. I mean, I guess it would kind of, if he goes to LAT then it would bring in a potential shift in the dynamic. Yeah. Because obviously Ghosty would then have to go to Flex because I don't think that's what Slasher's gonna do that. No. You know what I mean? I mean, obviously I will concede, as you just said, it is a very AR heavy card. So it doesn't really make that much difference unlike it did in MW2. But there are situations where that will be a thing. Yeah. Rio, Karachi, you need subs. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And Ghosty, Ghosty needs some help, number one, on that roster. But it's also just like how good of a sub is he actually? You know what I mean? I don't think Slasher goes to LAT based off the fact of Ghosty is an IGL. Slasher's an IGL. They'll just clash. Potentially. Both of them won't be willing to give up the IGL role. I feel like he does go back though, bro. Purely because he built that team. He taught them everything they know about playing God. But that is it for the card. What has been happening in the Halo? It's a similar story, man. Not really a lot, to be honest with you. I haven't really heard any... No rumblings in the jungle? No rumblings in the jungle. I mean, obviously Gunplexion is now a free agent. Which kind of surprised me. Yeah, I mean, I think that Forsaken thing was only for that event specifically. Like, I don't think that Forsaken were gonna... Be able to hold on to him. Yeah, but no, it's not that they're gonna be able to hold on to him. It's just that I don't think that they intend to send the team to London, which is obviously the next big LAN event. Yeah. I think that, like, obviously London is gonna have... Less American open bracket teams. Yeah. Than normal. But then that would make sense, because it's, you know what I mean? The travel. It's a significant investment. So the teams that are gonna turn up at the open bracket are gonna be top tier amateur players. You know what I mean? Quote, unquote, amateur. You know, so where Gunplexion lands, I don't really know. I don't know if he will land on a top team, or like a, sorry, not a top team, but like a T, you know, like a Cloud9 or something like that. You know what I mean? Yeah. But he's definitely too good not to be competing. You know what I mean? But we'll have to see how that situation shakes out, in terms of when the open start again, which I believe should be next weekend, or this weekend. Okay. Well, because the card isn't until the 12th, so it's a week on Monday. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, so it'll probably be... It'll probably be this weekend. Probably this weekend, yeah, because it's two weeks since the event, isn't it? Yeah, so that'd be in line with the open. Yeah. And I know that scrims are, so I know that SSG was scrimming today, and Jimbo said on stream that I think that they start scrims again tomorrow. Right, okay. So yeah, it'll be interesting to see how that all plays out leading up to the weekend. It would make sense that it starts this weekend if the scrims are starting up by this week. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah, that would make sense. But yeah, I mean, other than that, I think it's gonna be a movie, bro. I think it's gonna be so sick. Team Nade on tour. Team Nade on tour. We can confirm that we both managed to get tickets, which was a bit touch and go for a second there. Yeah, you lost your first piv. Oh, yeah, but I mean, you know what I mean? Mom went into a gunfight on Wuthen to Wabble. I went into, I fucking, I ego chowed it, right? You know what I mean? I slid out, fucking, G slid out, half shields, and I was like, oh, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die. Eventbrite, that's it, yeah, because it was like, it wanted me to, I was on the app, and it was fine, and then I opened the link, and it was fine, and then the link was like, do you want to open this in the app? So I was like, yes, please. Do you know what I mean? Easiest checkout, like all my details are already saved in the app, no dangers. And then it goes, oh, that app that you were just on, that you had open with no issues, yeah, you need an update, bro. And then by the time I got into it again, it was just like, oh, you wanted tickets, did you? Oh, bad luck, bro. They're all gone. Hold that, go on. In a dizzle, bye. But I managed to get on at four on the Thursday, and got the general sale, the IP ticket general sale, which was pretty good. I mean, obviously, we can't really cover this without talking about the issues that were had within getting the tickets experienced by a lot of people, because this event sold out incredibly quickly. Like, I personally didn't think it was gonna sell out as quick as it did. I think the general sale tickets sold out within seven minutes or something they said. Yeah, on the Thursday. On the Thursday, but I, when I was on there at four, I bought the ticket, and when it refreshed onto the ticket page, there was none left, and that was at 401. So whether that was because it had already bought one on that link or whatever, I'm not really sure, right? But, you know, obviously, a lot of people missed out on the tickets. I think that happened on the Wednesday as well, though, because I remember I got mine, and you were like a minute behind me doing your thing, and by the time you got back on, it was already gone. Yeah. That shit just went. Like, I mean, you know, I don't know how many, see, like, this is the thing, right? Like, I know, like, as soon as I couldn't get a ticket on the Wednesday, I was like to you, like, oh, fucking hell, someone's bought it. Like, because that's genuinely how it felt. Like, the tickets went so quick. It was like, yo, this must be a bot, right? But, like, thinking about it and reflecting on it a little bit, the presale obviously required you to enter a password to even be able to access the page to get the, The option to buy. To get the option to buy. So, I'm not 100% convinced that that could've been bought. I mean, I don't really know. It's been a long time since I've tried to buy anything on, like, at the time it releases. Yeah. So, I don't know how sophisticated bots are these days, like, trying to buy stuff off the internet and stuff like that. But, you know, it led to, the fact that they both sold out so quick on the Wednesday and the Thursday, it led to a lot of disgruntled people on Twitter. Facebook? Well, yeah, it's Twitter, so obviously people are gonna be disgruntled. But I think that the one that stood out to me was some guys saying that his friends couldn't get tickets because they weren't at their PCs at four o'clock exactly. Which. Tough, really? Yeah, like, personally, it's just kind of like, well, I don't know, if you know they come out at four, you know that, like, you're interested in going, you've got four mates interested in going, like, anyone that is involved with competitive Halo in the EU, all anyone's been talking about since it was announced, like, you know what I mean? When do you think it's going out? Like, what's going on with this? When is it? Like, you know, all of that stuff, right? So you know that it's gonna be popular. I mean, that's just kind of like, well, you just didn't get tickets, then we're over, I don't really know what to say. Like, you said it at the start, you didn't expect it to sell it that quickly. So everyone was saying both of those, and I thought, oh, like, oh, I'll be like 10 minutes late to it and I'll still get. But it's like, if you're that bothered about going and you want to make sure you're going, you be there at the time it is. Yeah, exactly. I mean, that's the thing, like- For me personally, anyway. You know, I've heard that quadrant where expected, like, obviously, like, this came from, this is information that came from when I was watching a stream, but the guy who was streaming was like, quadrant have said, based on conversations that he had with quadrant whilst they were in Texas for the previous major, that quadrant were expecting that event to sell out, like, incredibly quickly, right? It's like, the fact that even quadrant were expecting it to sell out at all, was kind of like, okay, like, to me, it was kind of like, okay, yeah, cool. Like, we really need to be on this. We're trying to get these tickets because they're not gonna hang around for long. Yeah. You know, I don't know. I mean, quadrant, fair play to quadrant, like, they've addressed the situation in the best way possible. They, the management apparently spent a lot of time in London on Thursday after the tickets sold out in the venue, working with the venue operator to redesign the whole venue to work out how many more, like, so they could release more tickets and work out how many more people they could get in. And like, for an organization or a, you know, a quote unquote, a promoter of the event to go through the effort of going to the venue, working with the people that run the venue, that own the venue, to redesign their entire floor plan, like, what, a month, two months before the event is actually held? Yeah. Go through all of that hassle to work out how they can get more people into the building, like, is outstanding. Yeah. You know what I mean? I find that absolutely insane that they've gone through that. Like, it shows that quadrant really do care about this. Like, you know what I mean? They want this to be a really good event. Which- When did you say the last Halo event? Like, Atlantum- 2018. Or HCS? 2018 for HCS. Yeah, HCS London in 2018, I think, was the, like, HCS event in the UK. Six years ago, like, they've got it all fucking big to make sure people remember this day. Yeah, that's the thing. I mean, you know, I'm super excited. I think it'll be really good. I think it'll be really cool. I think, like, you know, obviously with the pricing of the tickets as well, like £30 for the whole weekend, general admission. Like, I paid 40 quid to go to Blackpool and that was two days for the Europa Halo thing. So for Quadrant to be putting on an event at £10 a day, basically. Like, yeah, I was speaking to someone, I was like, even if I was in London on the weekend but couldn't go to all of it and the tickets was only £30, I would happily pay 30 quid to only go on, like, the Friday or the Sunday. You know what I mean? I would pay £30 to go for one day because I was expecting these tickets to be very expensive. And then the VIP package as well. Like, the stuff that you get in the VIP package, I think makes it worth the price tag at £120. Well, when we worked it out, the jerseys are about £80. Yeah, that's the thing, like, you get a jersey. A jersey at £80, a ticket at £30. No, jerseys £70, tickets £30. So at that point you're £110 already and you've got a jersey and a ticket and then you've got all the extra stuff at, like, getting the specified dedicated area, a lanyard, possible meet and greets, playing a game against some of the content creators and shit like that. Yeah, that's the thing, man. It's all extra stuff that's like, you know what I mean? It's actually, like, really good. Yeah. So I think, you know what I mean, like, so far they seem to be knocking it out of the park, but we'll have to wait and see, obviously, for what happens on the run-up to the event. But it's just nice to see that they actually, you know what I mean? Like, all of their actions so far have just, they do care about this. They are incredibly passionate about putting on this event. And that is just very, very obvious to see. Which is refreshing, it's nice. You know what I mean? Oh, I understand. Sorry, it's just been a money grab. Yeah, exactly. So, you know, I think that'll be, I think that'll be good. But other than that, man, like, I mean, I did my first coaching session with Warlord. Shout out to Warlord. Let's go! I wanna share it, Graham. That was interesting. It was a very interesting 30 minutes. Well, it ended up being, like, it was only supposed to be 30 minutes, but he hung around for like an extra 50 and just gave me some, like, general tips and tricks. Cool. Which was kind of good. Like, he said, you know, told me some stuff, which literally just like, I, I mean, not that I would have known it, but, like, even in that, like, 30, 40 minutes, like, made me look and think about things in a slightly different way. Yeah. Which is exactly, like, going into it, that was exactly what I wanted. You know what I mean? Oh, yeah, 100%. Because you wanted to expand your ability and your knowledge of the game. Like, that's the thing, man. Like, you know, I want to get better, and obviously the way I think about the game at the current time is not conducive to making me a better player, as evidenced by the fact that I'm not better than I currently am. You know what I mean? But yeah, man, it's all kind of looking up. I need to get back onto him, actually. I thought you were going to do that today. Book the second session. Yeah, I spent the entire day playing Elden Ring, bro. Nice. On Easter Monday. Yeah. Literally, what are Easter Mondays for? I think, like, I'm kind of putting this one off, because, like, he was like, oh, yeah, we'll do, like, a octagon, and we'll 1v1, and I'm just like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Okay. Bottling it. I'm bottling it. It's Bottle Noob. That's a new smurf account. New smurf account incoming. It's Bottle Noob. But yeah, man, that might be what I'm going to get on the back of my fucking T-shirt, bro, for when we go to London. Oh, oh, yes. Oh, no, Brain Dead. Now you've got to have Brain Dead Brian. Brain Dead Brian. That's on my stream over there, by the way. Is it? Yeah, I already added it. Brain Dead Brian. Brain Dead, oh, I actually might get that, bro, because if he sees me, like, he'll know exactly who it is as well. Tell him to go Blue Rocket at Sefton Park. Fucking, I'm sure there'll be a load of other people over there looking for us, bro. Oh, no. On them, their hatred of the T-shirt list, right? Yeah, they do hate us, like. Yeah, well, that's mostly you, I would say, right? What am I on about? People love me. You know, the thing is, I've actually taken Twitch out of my clan, so I can cod. Because you kept getting, like, ridiculous levels of toxicity. Yeah, also because I feel like, I was playing ranked, and I felt like, I don't know, just this pressure. Do you know what I mean? What to perform? No, I get you, yeah, I get that. Like, I get banned off, like, fucking pressure to perform because it's Crimson Lobbies, and, like, they're fucking sweaty as shit, and if you're not performing, like, you get fucking. Yeah, you just get banned out of the lobby, innit? Yeah, exactly. So it's like, I've taken the Twitch out of it, because obviously you get that sort of, like, oh, Twitch and doing this, Twitch and this, like, I just don't need that, and I'm already having as much fucking stress trying to perform. Yeah. So, and also when we go into fucking search lobbies, and people start giving out grief. I did rate that one boy, he was like, you've got no viewers. Well, yes, because I'm not live. Yeah, yeah. Twitch with zero viewers, was like, yeah, well, I'm not even live, so yeah, I will have no viewers. Like, what? What are you talking about? Hello? Like, what are you actually on about right now? Literally. It's just not it, you know? But yeah, man, like, you know, so obviously we're gonna get some stuff made up for London. Come find us, might get a freebie. Happy days. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Still a little bit of admin to do in that section. Yeah. And plus, I'm gonna make a quiz. I'm gonna be like, yo, you can have a free baseball cap if you can answer these five TeamNade related questions. Number one, where is TeamNade available? Where is TeamNade available? He's just gonna be like, I don't care, bro. Can I have the hat or not? No. No, that's not how it fucking works, my guy. All right, no, you can't have the hat, but what you can have is a shower, bro, because you smell. Wow. Fantastic. Right, I think that's it for episode 19. Thank you very much for listening. Unless you've got anything to say, Ian? Anything you wanna add? No, man, I don't think we got anything else. Happy days. I don't think so, anyway. Oh, no, no, there is, bro. Oh, a little bit more Halo news. What? Sorry, fucking reload the Halo section. Yeah, so tomorrow there is an event thing happening. It's like the Yappening 2, which was fantastic on my last one because it had that fucking mohawk made out of scrap metal you can put on top of one of your helmets. So I'm hoping for some similarly themed obnoxious cosmetics, which I think will be good. Oh, they're also adding grunt apocalypse into Firefight, which is the most fun in Firefight mode because it's literally just grunts. Nice. And, well, they're funny. You know what I mean? Nothing more to be said about that. Goats of the series, carry it on their backs. But yeah, that's it. That is the end of the Halo section. Okay, good. Right, well, thank you very much for listening. Again, any feedback is always appreciated. Even if you don't have any feedback, we're just gonna say, just a little note, we do appreciate any of the listens that you give. It's actually more appreciated than we can actually ever say because you don't have to listen. You could listen to anything else in the world apart from me and Yine chat waffle about the things that we're really interested in. So shout out to anybody who's listening. Share it, share it everywhere. Share it, send it to your mum, send it to your da, send it to anybody in your family, get your gran on it. Send it to TeamNate podcast in the home. You know the deal. And then next week, we'll be back with actually more news. Hopefully, you'll have some scrim results. Hopefully, I'll have some more COD news. Yeah, we'll have some more Wastemania. More relevant, competitive things to talk about for next week. Yeah, hopefully so. But until then, thank you very much for listening and we will catch you in the next one. Bye-bye.

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