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How The JFK Assassination ruined my life

How The JFK Assassination ruined my life

Shed Shenanigans



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we got it okay Murph what have you ever heard the thing about John F. Kennedy being Jesus incarnate no what the fuck are you talking about we already looked at it we did it but we just found a thing I'm looking at it I'm reading the thing see I at least had good acting no you didn't that was horrible fuck you okay I didn't know about this there's a theory Murph my mind was blown I can't but there's a theory that that fucking guy's mind was blown would get me wrong the man literally jumped up and down on the couch what we found what he found we're gonna read a CNN article and then after we see an article I'm gonna do extra research I love can we talk about how we found this what were you doing that led you to this you were looking up that fucking movie oh dude yeah there's a movie about a guy who gets obsessed with the John F. Kennedy conspiracy and then I don't know what it is but we're gonna we're Jamie lift it up while we bring this up we're not doing real good but oh so there's a movie about a guy and the fucking guy gets obsessed with the JFK conspiracy and at Thanksgiving he fucking freaks out about it cuz he starts yelling like facts about it like you know the man with the umbrella he he brews Thanksgiving to get another chance of his wife it's such a crazy movie and I like so I felt inserted myself so much because I feel like that guy cuz I got upset the JFK conspiracy cuz it's like they they fucking shot him dude the J a shot John F. Kennedy very I can't a real facts right now but they fucking did it but it ruined everything in my life okay I learned about you have I learned about the JFK conspiracy see mark you need to go one rainbow I'm just asking you to explain but so we got the JFK assassination ruined my life so I didn't know as a child that government actually did anything wrong I was under the impression right timeout guys I promise we'll eventually get to the point I was under the assumption as a child that the government was kind of okay that you know they did what they did and it really didn't affect my everyday life and then I found out what my taxes were and then every year I keep going lower and lower and I even got told my accountant told me you might have to start door-dashing because by three years you can't have taxes yeah you're the home the job that's true but so I did so I thought the government's they didn't really bother me I didn't like Obama being president didn't make it me stop playing with Legos you know like I was fine I was watching youtubers I was still watching PewDiePie on the bridge when Donald Trump was being sworn in so I didn't matter to me the word we can't say yeah it didn't matter to me and then I found out that the JFK conspiracy was a thing and I was under the impression that most of you probably were that Lee Harvey Oswald took the shot shot the dude bing-bong boom he got arrested and then shot by a goober that got paid off by the mafia and then you know a bit of bomb but a boom everyone moved on for anyone that actually learned about JFK for the rest of us for me yes I watched this video by when the goon called I prove the JFK conspiracy with a whiteboard it was the most amazing video I've ever seen I will always forever love when the goon and shout him out as the best youtuber ever of all time you haven't seen the video go fucking watch it I learned all the facts about it about the umbrella man about them losing the extra tape about the fact that other people saw smoke and everything and it freaked me out and in a movie this guy did the same thing and he starts freaking out and then he starts looking like there's like really boring because the conspiracies are taking over his mind he's like oh my god the government's into everything they're gonna stop us I really used to think that the FBI would would attack me when I was walking back to my car at night I thought they're gonna shoot me that's how paranoid I was getting I realized now I'm an idiot what I mean I'm an idiot now I can't get that but that's how paranoid I was but then you're a complete fucking now I realize I've calmed down but if the guy in the movie put the same way he gang stalking and shit it fucks it when you when you when you for so long think that everything is normal and that that stuff doesn't actually matter in your integral life and then you open your brain to that it's like taking acid in in a box and then going out to an amusement park it fucking overloads your shit you don't know what to think man I know to trust anymore I don't believe I don't even think the president should exist I think I should burn the whole system down and pull up the White House and kill everybody Joe Biden first in the list should I admit to that? I probably should not. I'm kidding it's all in Minecraft it's a joke but that's how the JFK conspiracy ruined my life and then I found the movie and then we were looking up the movie and then I found this thing again and it blew my mind again I forgot about this theory I heard it in a fucking Moise Krugel video he mentioned it he was there's these guys they were they would sit outside in tents and on this corner thinking that JFK jr. was gonna roll around with John F. Kennedy coming alive again and they were gonna be vice president Donald Trump and they're gonna take up the evil cabal don't know what aliens have to do from this cabal is like a term from Lord of the Rings I think I don't know what they have to do with this but cabal I know you're thinking cabalt no cabal is a thing from a show is it I'm pretty sure maybe I don't know we're gonna find out in a minute but then I started tripping out cuz I was like I remembered it and it was so the people literally camp outside the street for this man and ruin people's lives it's like that one dude that that told everybody in the 90s that the world was gonna end on a certain date and so many people believed him because he was such a like a high-praised member of the church the day comes people gave their money they gave up everything they went bankrupt for this bullshit they gave up all their life savings all their their houses they gave up everything because this guy told them to and then the day happens they don't disappear you know revelations doesn't come and he's gonna go on his newscast the next day be like well I was wrong imagine that people wasted their whole life on this it's sort of that I don't know how I got to that point sad conspiracy theories turned into just weird facts of life that yeah government sucks the shot got a penny and now we're gonna read a CNN article Murph this is where we get it. Six minutes later. Six minutes? Only six minutes? Guys I think this might be a record. I talk really fast but I think it doesn't come to my it doesn't like come to my aid because when I talk really fast I don't think anyone can understand me so hopefully people can you know what I can do just go on the YouTube thing go on play that speed go 1.5. Murph I'm trying to tell you a thing get off your phone please. You asshole. Fuck you. You know what's so funny? What? Oh. Okay so here's what the CNN article I looked this up we were trying to find the movie and I and I I forget how I got to the article what a man gets addicted to JFK con is what I got and I got her son was accused was an accused cult leader she says he was a victim too and then the first thing we saw was what John F Kennedy jr. who died in a plane crash off Martha's Vineyard in 1999 was alive and secretly working with former president Donald Trump to save the United States from the evil cabal and that's when it hit me that I remembered this but now we're gonna see exactly I need water now we're gonna see exactly what go over the water and I trust the CNN wholeheartedly and I was that I would like you to be known I don't trust the CNN what that he was going to skip this and just look up the fucking movie I should have kept my fucking mouth you know you wanted this I did want this I love learning as long as I don't have to yeah people from around the country gathered at the infamous grassy knoll in doubt oh that's kind of rude what they think they thought he was gonna come back to the place he got shot at the grassy knoll the infamous grassy knoll infamous cuz that's where apparently the guy took the shot man oh that's so fucked up yeah where JFK was assassinated in 1963 they were there to see what they desperately hope with the return of the Kevin so they thought I really can't believe they thought the dead were just gonna come back to life man yeah there's literally a there's a movie a footage of JFK I've seen it billions of times of him really getting shot fuck you can watch it happen the late oh wait just a better close-up they asked the man you can zoom in but you can you can see it pretty clearly have you never seen it no we'll watch it after this oh god you know but it's only on YouTube it's you can see it pretty pretty clear don't do it yet what I want would you wait I'm gonna prep okay so then they asked this man what what he expected the man said earnestly at the end earnestly he'll probably be the vice president with Trump so this is all going back I think in 2016 by the way so and then it says the late JFK and his son failed to materialize most of the gathered crowd went home and moved on with their lives some of them disappointed and possible other state waiting for months in Dallas for the Kennedy church month the family that's it once about his record party I think I'm here's the movement also worship Trump so a lot of this is gonna go into okay we're not really political people I typically hate politics I like to make fun of them I really want to get a lot of right-wing stuff so a lot of people during the right-wing Republican side they really believe that JFK would be on Trump's side which is why they believe in this blah blah but here's where it gets wild a bizarre blend of American lore dating back to JFK assassination along with biblical and QA non-adjacent prophecies suggested that Kennedy's and Trump were direct descendants of Jesus Christ and were the heroic protagonists in an age old battle of good versus evil so this is when the fan fiction began this is when some 14 year old was like okay I have a plan and they did it the tale is objectively wacky yet I managed to strike a chord hundred people show up but they endowed hope for at least one Kennedy to reemerge blah blah I'm gonna keep going these false beliefs are similar I'm assuming it's that one yeah assassinate the John Kennedy depending on who you I don't don't do it yet well you I'm getting it ready well don't yeah don't even question me depending on who you ask Propsman was either a victim whose convictions and worldview were so radically altered by what he was reading the internet I called him his family and some of his business or it was a manipulative opportunist who conned his followers into believing and worked QA non-filed biblical prophecy to toy him away from their families some of whom believed he spawned a cult JFK spawned so no this guy Propsman I guess Michael Propsman these false beliefs we'll see hold on pray Michael I'm honestly just gonna read the entire article like verbatim and then we'll just goof around you know I mean is that that plagiarism is it where's your reading information information from public hopefully in a goofy way Michael wasn't a computer person his mother Colleen Propsman said but in the years after the 2008 financial collapse he began research online about investing in silver by silver many websites that tout the sale of precious metals like silver rely on doomsday conspiracy theories and global monetary collapse to convince people to hand over their cash I see where this is going now at the time Michael's in his wife and two children or Seattle he ran into demolition business but he ran a demolition business was worried about his family's financial future he knew that he wasn't going to be able to keep his work forever but it's really hard on your body in this worried that some other personal problems that the conspiracy theory sites begin to suck him in over time his fear became palpable the US dollar about the collapse he wanted his mom cash in her 401k and invest into silver you gotta get this fucking silver dude why he's never telling because conspiracy theorists I guess because he's like conspiracy things he thought the big like world and was coming like he thought like end of the world was happy Oh like currency why would silver be the new currency metal metals precious metal I guess you then would invest in a very precious metal you can do so much shit since you've claimed to that one give me that one I was drinking earlier at your feet he was just so adamant with the fact that he was afraid that we his family his sister and me his wife and his daughter were going to be left without if we didn't all understand that it was going to happen and that we didn't invest what this is unopened after few years Michael's worldview has extended to conspiracy theories oh this is good Michael's worldview had extended to conspiracy theories about the September 11th to that's here to spark what I'm just here to spark a terrorist attack and the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre I think he became more isolated fun fact of the syndicate massacre Alex Jones believed it didn't happen he then got sued for a billion dollar oh yes you've told me that many many times about Alex Jones and Sandy Hook funny dude he talks about it so much no I do you always say these things to make me said I really don't for the past two days no sorry wait if I had two days or the days I'll see you yesterday I know let me explain past two days I mean the past two times of season yeah you see this is what I mean you're trying to make me look bad I know so hold on what was that yeah week ago no one's like fucking Friday four days ago okay yeah well Tuesday so yeah Friday I think he became more isolated his mom said and the more I said he came the more he needed a family to agree with him to believe that he believe in everything he believed by fuck up Colleen Prosser agreed to speak CNN okay she spoke of her son but she said after the years he went down and spent transformation Michael had voted for Barack Obama twice according to his mother and a big fan of liberal icon Rachel Maddow he thought she was fantastic smart right home this is apparently what she recalled conspiracy theories became all Michael talked about his mother tried to help him debunk some of the misinformation he was sending her but can you imagine that your son starts in you mom I know I voted for Obama but I think of Michelle's a man and and his mom's like Michael we're not going to put you to Christmas anymore Michael I swear to God we don't care Michael you can't keep telling us that Ted Krasinski and the Zodiac Killer were the same person they were clearly not hey stop self-inserting I know it did are you talking about it I like throwing a wrench his mother tried to I just think it's so funny his mom's like Michael no this can't be happening he's probably like Senator ancient alien videos my history channel but look mom Zotar is real I believe the chicken god his family grew frustrated why will they never see don't say that he was no longer living family his wife was afraid to file for divorce and his business had shut down the fascinating Kennedy's from a cute animatology offshoot the anonymous online account the long history of false predictions and nonsensical posts at the center of human phenomena W suddenly with silver for period in 2018 giving way to another anonymous account of issues can be narrative the conspiracy theory suggests without ever because the conspiracy theories yes without evidence by the way that JFK jr. didn't really die in 1999 plane crash the conspiracy theory without evidence that JFK jr. the spirit of the press your problem is JFK has period period period the conspiracy theory suggests without evidence that JFK jr. didn't really die in 1999 plane crash and that he is working with Trump to save America believers claim JFK jr. will become vice president the next Trump administration with some good as far as to suggest JFK himself may walk among us again because he is Jesus Christ indeed some QA followers think this is wacky than the original Q account once it started posting in 2018 disavowed the conspiracy theory you believe the belief amongst them 100% except except for the fact that JFK is you just because we know Jesus well we know how both halves of Jesus so I think JFK is more just like cool guy that's just now I believe some of that but I do believe that JFK jr. will come back to life he didn't die in a plane crash just parachute yeah say that to the many other civilian airliners that have crashed I want to play the video this is the beginning of the video for everybody on the thing listen to this give me a second oh that's a paper the best ad ever we're not giving them free advertising no fuck you the best Sharman ultra show ad ever yeah it's literally that's your only advertisement they've made the Bears blue the Bears need to go back the way I actually kind of had that cuz I like blue but I don't what there's like a pole okay that that's that's all you need to know we're going back now so we're gonna read another story predator he took my person Eric bigger said holding back tears my brother Jason went to Dallas in November 21 to witness what he believed would be JFK's return and remain there he's been months in Dallas and traveling around the country the process and its followers of Trump rallies Jason Erica believes found Michael Proudsman on telegram that's where I used to buy my wings from a social media messaging that's a certain I have that on my phone still yeah oh really telegram let's text on telegram apparently the government can't track it cuz apparently it was a social media messaging app that serves in popularity in the US after the January 6th attack on the US Capitol where major platforms like Facebook and Twitter shut down the accounts of prominent conspiracy theorists so they all went to telegram broad it was their positive on an audience people who found that his beliefs in the conspiracy theories his family had been telling him for years were absurd I remember him telling his friend I'm on telegram and all of a sudden I have these followers possibly recalled Prosser often delivered live sermon to his followers for hours at a time on telegram the long meandering monologues including dizzying use of g-matria the practice of assigning numerical value to each letter you think his long sermons were a rant like yours about the JFK assassination probably more than just that because remember he believed that John F Kennedy jr. was coming back so I'm only assuming if it was like mine he do you think he did or at least one of them was like do you think he did it like I do my reference speeches on snapchat well I keep switching the camera angle out there every like 30 seconds where he's like so you guys heard that JFK jr. died in 1999 plane crash well I'm here to tell you that might not be so true and then it cuts you to the camera he's like you see many people actually believe that he survived that plane crash and is now working with Donald Trump to take out the evil cabals isn't that wild that's how I'm gonna picture it that's how I'm imagining that his guy was I mean it works sometimes people watch it vigorousness other families whose loved one left home to follow possibly tend to be the master manipulator and cut people off from their families and overwhelm them they're actually he's the guy that ran the heaven's call thing you didn't cut you off you still the talk to your family if you went along with this if you went along with this theory I don't really think you can blame him for it cuz like you have to be totally FOMO'd yeah if you went along with this that's all you yeah fear missing out really has to take place in all this because you don't have the right to say this man made me believe this and I gave up my life for him you chose to believe that people were coming back from the dead that JFK was Jesus and you chose to go to Dallas and sit there for months you can't put this on the props and dude you really can't not at all this is on you it's clearly just people down bad on the internet that have nothing else going on they just really want something to believe it yeah like I don't like me like I know I do I believe in crazy conspiracy theories but not shit like this like I know like this is a church you said you believe oh this is absurd like I wouldn't go to Dallas for months waiting for JFK to come around the fucking corner I wouldn't do that at all see if that's gonna happen this presidential election yeah I just you know what I'm just I guess I'm just not like I'm not a real conspiracy theorist then you know I'm just I'm one of those fake guys and just read like the basic ones I'm not I don't believe in the super space program I don't believe I'm an actual like telepath from the future they're in the Fourth Reich and on Mars I'm not a hardcore conspiracy guy I'm just not with it man I'm not like these guys what are you saying sorry one day you're gonna have to explain that one what super space program yeah I will Eric Ella and her youngest daughter once told Jason she had a fear of being kidnapped after that Erica said Jason began reading online about instances of child abduction trafficking and abuse in the u.s. what does this have to do with anything these are very rare issues but online the reports of the crimes and claims around them have been weaponized as bad actors bring disinformation designed to exploit one of the most basic instincts to protect children Democratic Party politicians and Hollywood celebrities have been labeled pedophiles and falsely claimed to be part of the cabal who abuse and traffic children well I don't know who this article came out but have you heard of Jeffrey Epstein not though calm down no Jeffrey Hollywood celebrities have been labeled pedophiles and falsely claimed to be part of the cabal who abuse and have children but here's the thing I have to point this out because now that I'm remembering this is something that moist said in the video that actually I thought was pretty enlightening because a lot of people seem to do it this is how they made the people believe it because if you put in a conspiracy theory hey there's pedophiles in Hollywood they're they're touching children that's true people know that already so there's truth in the theory but then you say and this is connected to JFK coming back alive most people like using common sense will be like okay yes people have been touching children in Hollywood for years we know this it's very apparent Kevin Spacey was a real big problem Epstein has been found out but um you're retarded for thinking that it disconnects to anything with reincarnation one day you have to go out on the street and be like yo they touch shit kids in Hollywood did you know that's involved with the JFK jr. coming back to life you know so but other people will read that but okay well this is what's tacky but what's up hi I've been touching kids in Hollywood I'll be like that do you know about JFK jr. reincarnated we could do like those old tick tocks as people that go into the grocery stores just bother people you know that I'm talking about this could be funny this wouldn't really cause anyone a major issue in their life I think because we can just say that and leave but but they said people what walk away yeah just walk away and we have the mics to do it now we do have the mics to do it but you know just approaching them with the mic out right now I think I would just clip it somewhere that'd be easier I would here's my tiny microphone no see I put it right here my mother my microphone is a soul of my penis please speak into it okay but let me get back so we've been right ahead I'm saying so this is how they make you believe it cuz they'll add your tiny penis no they'll add the inkling of truth of yes there's pedophiles in Hollywood no we lead our fucking children shut up but then they'll put that on and people will be like okay that's true so maybe this other thing is true and that's how they get you to believe it because they did they do add truth into it which it's it's telling us it's really showing I should say it's not telling that uh CNN is labeling that the true part of this conspiracy as false you know how because they're saying to protect so these are very real issues but online their reports of crimes and claims around them have been weaponized with bad actors spreading disinformation designed to exploit normalization to protect children Democratic Party politicians and Hollywood celebrities have been labeled pedophiles and falsely claimed disinformation labeled pedophiles falsely claimed they're trying to say it's not true that's why that's why I said that's why I said I don't know if you know but Epstein is a thing that's why I said the thing it is deeply unoriginal conspiracy theory that dates to the Middle Ages when Jews were being accused of using the blood of Christian children in rituals but it has sustained through the centuries perhaps being perhaps because of the instinctive emotion stirs among believers what does Jews blooding themselves with children's Christian blood have to do with the Hollywood fucking children oh there's a whole thing there the Hollywood elite go to this I forget Alex Jones did a thing on it it's like this secret temple there's like a big orb you've probably seen the picture of Donald Trump's and touching the gas orb yes yeah apparently they're with some weird yeah they kill children they rub blood on them yeah that's apparently what that is oh so I guess that's what I have to do that I think one of the main things that caught Michael's attention callback was that there was such a concerted effort to harm children process mother said I did it again there's a there's this group not only in our country but in the world that controls everything and their main thing is that they have children in all kinds of off ways and that just sent them off people these people are lost just like Michael became lost prospering just like Jason was a victim and all this to she believes he fell in the rabbit hole the same way as far as had he just went down a lot further he see I'm actually kind of thing defense to this a little bit now cuz they're trying to act like I'm crazy like there's not a Hollywood elite of people who are I don't raping and trafficking children everything Paul's church you know I'm a schizophrenic I know that but like they are crazy this is that what makes me crazy okay it's I'm trying to say like they're trying to say look like that yeah hold on not only there's this group not only in our country but in the world it was everything and their main thing is that they harm children all kinds of all voice that is true there's the Rothstein children run the world yes that is a common fact if you just look it up you can figure that out well it's more than just them but they're like they ran the world the child they started one of the wars one of the world fucking wars was started by them I heard maybe I don't know I haven't done yeah there are people in the world that control everything and a lot of the times they are using it to harm children because for some reason they're so powerful that they think they can hurt children and they get away with it because they're cool you have the money to do so yeah so they do it it's like that whoo I'm doing this because it's sneaky yeah and like you're getting your dick hard cuz it's and then they get you know you're not supposed to be able to do it they get caught and they're like I could pay you and then they didn't love it even more cuz like yeah watch me get away with it yeah watch me watch me fuck this kid and get away with it fuck all bust on their face fuck off dude they weren't forced to go to Dallas they're not forced to be there but they have been sucked in just like Michael has been sucked in he didn't start out to have a cult which is true I think so so process mother's defending him saying that so people are calling Proxman a cult leader for basically starting the movement to Dallas but yeah he's not called it's just a bunch of goobers who believe in a crazy confusing theory after Michael Proxman died this summer like everyone that listens to this podcast after Michael Proxman died this summer some of his for all is refused to believe he passed like JFK jr. so that's in profit and faked his own death indeed some believe it was possible Michael and J Michael was JFK jr. Colleen Proxman hoped her son's death might be an opportunity for his former followers to reflect in her turn to their families maybe they can put this behind them she said and realized that whenever they were falling for looking for what God speak the motion is so I think my brain but I'm just on the weed like water just why I'm remembering things and realized that whenever they were falling or looking for at least this part is is done it's kind of sad at the end of it he's dead and people still believe that it's happening because they just think it's like they need something to believe in just like Christianity fuck you what am I wrong you are how different because Jesus was a real person I'm a Christian did unorthodox Christian Muslim okay short I'm an alien I am a Christian so you said you believe in God yes I believe in it all powerful not atheism then I do not believe in Jesus I do not know that's not atheism though it gives them is you don't believe there's a God at all I know but it's easy to say that I what you're talking about is basically just unorthodox sure that's what it is no there's another term Ted knows it because he used to call me it when I explained my belief I don't know no I'm no okay I'm no I am a Christian good for you I know but I say I'm an unorthodox Christian Muslim because the way I believe in God is I believe that a great network religion no skip it no I believe I already mentioned it I believe that the guy guy the guy is real Jesus is real I believe the stuff of the Bible is kind of cool it's kind did happen however I believe it's very over dramatic traumatized I believe it's a lot a lot of it is um like taken like they took liberties with it I also believe that I also believe that God they would 100% take my liberties with it I also believe that God doesn't really give a fuck what you do as long as you're happy in your life I think he just kind of like wants you to be as long as I like mirroring people or doing anything too bad I really don't think he really cares as long as you're like like living life the way you want to and you're happy I obviously don't rob like don't rob people don't kill people like but that's like basic human rules you should just not do that people just do because they're assholes I know I mean I've stolen candy bars and stuff so I can't really say much but you know I just feel like God doesn't really care that much I don't really think circumstance so that's why I say I'm unorthodox Christian because I don't really believe in what the Bible tells you to believe in I just believe God's real but he's just watching over us he doesn't really give a shit what I do and then I say I'm a Muslim because everything's like I got really the Malcolm X I remember like a Muslim really meant like their religion I value their innate wanting of peace and they want to yeah the Muslim religion is like from what I can remember God they're the one I really many wives I really hope that I'm not talking out of my ass and I actually know what I'm talking about because I they value because old Malcolm's whole thing when he became Muslim was he wanted after he realized that Elijah Muhammad was a fucking child predator who's spread his seed around like a fucking asshole and he became his own Muslim he went on the walk what's it called the walk you go the peace walk you go to I know each other I'm trying to go to the Middle East and you go around you go to the big black box that's awesome you pray the big black box Oh fun fact MLK was there when Malcolm X was there they both did it together but I'm not I'm not misremembering cuz I'm lying about by the way I misremember cuz I'm an idiot um so but yeah so he when he comes back he says that the Muslims religion it's really all about peace between yeah they have many wives and they don't eat chicken and stuff like that but there that's not my limit of extent they're innate one day they want peace among the world like they want to live with each other a lot of Muslims a big part of the Muslim religion from what I remember from what I saw was they didn't care if you believe in something different just as long as you didn't hurt their beliefs in the process like they didn't care if you were different they just cared like they didn't wanted people to live together of course now the Palestine people who are Muslims are like attacking people and blowing all that there's a stereotype but yeah it's different but they're innate wanting of pieces I like the original meaning from what I remember like I said if I was talking to my ass I'm very sorry for finetting Muslims or if I was wrong but I did it's like I said I'm just idiot he is very stupid but so am I but they also is driven why I probably remember what it sounded like you were slurping out of a straw what was that um I don't know that's how it's always happened okay why this is just talking about I wanted to look up the actual like JFK oh wait plane crash let's look up the actual plane crash 1999 Martha's Vineyard plane crash on July 16 1999 JFK jr. died when the light aircraft he was flying crashed into the Atlantic Ocean are from office off Martha's Vineyard Massachusetts Kennedy's wife Kaylin Bassett and her sister-in-law Warren Bassett Warren Bessett were also on board and died holy shit wait so what about his wife is his wife not part of the theory do they not give a shit about his wife do JFK just JFK JFK's wife and JFK juniors yeah they don't give a shit about JFK juniors wife why would they why do they care about JFK's wife then because JFK's wife was with him at the time so was he so she or JFK jr. Kennedy's wife Carolyn Bessett and sister-in-law Warren Bessett were also on board and died but why only they don't give a fuck about that you know why yeah fuck that bitch not for that bit I couldn't see not for that bit the old vine thing it's not for that yeah I just gave him the finger all right how did JFK jr. Kennedy reportedly became disoriented while flying to through thick fog over the coast of Martha's Vineyard Massachusetts the plane spiraled downward and crashed in the ocean the plane plummeted into the ocean within about 30 seconds radar data showed Kennedy's Piper Saratoga dropping from 2,200 feet to 1,100 feet in a span of 14 seconds well beyond the safe descent rule for the aircraft the last minute radar capture the plane was taken at 940 and 34 seconds I wish for the aircraft was about 1,100 feet about twice the height of Washington Monument and plummeting at about 50 miles per hour toward the ocean investigators claimed the speed of the descent combined with Kennedy not made a distress call indicated the drop was rapid experts also data potential mechanical failures as a plane passed its annual inspection less than one month before the crash Navy divers recovered the bodies of Kennedy Caroline and Lauren from 116 feet of water on July 21st 1999 they all were strapped in their seatbelts in the aircraft wreckers and Kennedy still in the cockpit all autopsies included all three died on impact died on impact yeah what did the plane crash yeah so they died on the impact related JFK jr. shouldn't have gone up the night of the plane crash that killed him and Caroline's best new book is there like a theory that maybe it was like there's a fucking movie about it the tragic stories of JFK jr. the role of spatial disorientation the what the role of spatial disorientation I'm assuming that's gonna be like a movie about like being disoriented when you fly a plane and how it killed him okay let me see plane crash conspiracy I even get it I get it to get a need a new fucking place to look shit up on my phone because Google never gives me cuz they're ran by the government yeah JFK jr. murdered cover-up and conspiracy to kill JFK jr. oh there's a book I can pay $20 what's that do you not know what duck duck go is it's the web browser that I'm pretty sure of kid connected the dark web I don't want to do that because once you connect you in a dark room you go on that list yeah you go you go on that list of people where um they will like like auction you off and you'll just get randomly kidnapped in their traffic but I guess I'm like 20 now so they really want me anymore so I think I'll be fun I think I got tor browser though I kind of do want to set up a computer for the dark web I want a guy back I'm going yes I'm just saying it can but it doesn't have all the filters that Google has so when you look something up it's just the search or maybe I should turn off like Google so if you think that's what's going on yeah but I've been that screwy fears but JFK jr.'s crash to the internet I'd like be talking out my ass I haven't really researched duck duck go a suspicious message poster lily 44 suggested that the crash was linked to the likely entry of first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton in a New York Senate race drawing a vicious whitewater related accusation that absent all facts the Clintons were somehow to blame for the suspicious death of dozens of people this person ordered if Kennedy was not other names to add to the list the reason Kennedy a charismatic New York City magazine poser had been mentioned as possibly pursuing the Senate seat one day Johnny Buffalo found deep significance in the fact that the Kennedy crash which happened while Kennedy in his 30s was on his way to his 30 year old cousin Rory's wedding occurred almost exactly 30 years of the Ted Kennedy's chapaquiddick scandal okay what is that hold on then there's the CIA did it category the CIA got JFK jr. to they crashed his plane but what was it what was what was that word word ship to chapaquiddick chip water chap chapaquiddick incident chapaquiddick the chapaquiddick incident occurred on the island of Massachusetts of the same name sometime around midnight between July 18 and 19 1969 Oh Tony number when United States senator hate the face you bathe when United States senator Ted Kennedy drove his car off a narrow bridge caused it to overturn a tidal pond Ted's black Oldsmobile crashed off a small bridge in the tiny messages on a chapaquiddick and he landed in the water what really happened Oh Murph what what really happened by the history channel you know they always got my back they do always got your back you go to history channel a lot the history channel so good they don't know anything late on the night of July 18 96 on a black Oldsmobile driven by US senator Edward Kennedy plunged off the dike bridge of a tiny island chapaquiddick of Martha's Vineyard let me upside down in the title pooch upon there's 37 year old Kennedy survived the crash but the young woman riding with him in the car didn't the newspaper headlines of time identified her as simply as a blonde she was 28 year old Mary Jo Copechi Copechi a respected political operative who had worked on the presidential campaign of Senator Kennedy's brother Robert Kennedy and Robert Kennedy's running for president right now then a guy named Robert Kennedy is Kennedy later claims he drove repeatedly into the strong and murky current to try to find he dough he dove not drove to try to find Copechini before making his way back to the cottage he then drove back to the scene with his cousin Joseph Gargan and age and aid Paul Markin who tried who both tried in vain to reach Copechini but rather than report the accident to the police at the time Kennedy refute we Kennedy returned to his hotel in Edgartown as a result Mary Jo Copechi remained underwater for some nine hours until her body was recovered the next morning so he didn't go to the police his girlfriend I'm assuming why else would be right was drowning yes he couldn't find her after he went back and instead of going to the police and reporting a crime he went to bed listen look at me that traumatic event he was just tired I'll go home with sleeping it off first the incident it's over nothing's gonna change what happened the incident at Champa Aquatic ended Copechini's young life and derailed Ted Kennedy's presidential ambitions for good but nearly half a century later the details of what happened that faith might remain unclear conspiracy theories and questions endure how did Kennedy end up driving off the bridge was he drunk what were he and Copechini doing together that night was there a third person in the car why did he wait so long to report the incident in the phone in the speech the following week Kennedy maintained he had not driven drunk that there was no truth no truth whatsoever to widely circulated suspicions of immoral conduct that had been leveled at my behavior and Copechini's regarding that evening Kennedy attributed his actions after the accident to injury he served a concussion shock and confusion how long was Mary Jo Copechini alive after the car crash Copechini likely did not die instantaneously oh now this is getting graphic oh yay but her final moments ran a mystery when John Farrar a drop a diver for the local fire department found Copechini's body the morning after crash it's positioning suggested he had remained alive for an unknown period of time after the car underwater her face was pressed into the footwell and her hands gripped the back of the front seat as if she had been trying to push her head into a pocket of air while some observers of the case suspected she could have been saved if Kennedy had gone for help earlier others including James ET Lang and Catherine DeWitt jr. DeWitt I've heard the name DeWitt Charles Lee DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeWitt, DeW Conjecture and purely speculative. Who is Mary Jo Capacity? I'm gonna be honest. I know that she died. It was like 1969. I want to get into the conspiracy part. I really don't care who she was. Do you care who she was? We're not being rude. I'll briefly look at it. We care more about the conspiracy part. She was from New Jersey. She was in a Catholic mission school in Alabama. She worked as a former senator before the job of Robert Kennedy. She worked in a pot after the assassination. You know. But this might be important. Though the fact that Capacity let that person enter a hotel room key behind the cottage cast doubt on their claim. No evidence ever surfaced that the two had a romantic or sexual relationship. Apparently, she let them. Why didn't Ted Kennedy go to prison? Here's what we're here for. To charge Kennedy with involuntary manslaughter, the police would have to have established Water break. Sorry. That he did something illegal, like speeding or driving under the influence. But Kennedy did not contact local police until 10 a.m. on the morning of July 19th After Capacity's body had been found in a submerged car in Poocher Pond, he was drunk. 100%. I'm already seeing that's going to be a conspiracy theory. He didn't go until 10 a.m.? He was drunk. He was drunk and slept it off. He was hammered. He was drunk. A senator. He didn't want to lose his job. He fucking slept it off. And I'm going to be honest, if she would have survived, and she was drunk as well, she probably would have done the same fucking thing. Yeah. But I feel like if she did it, people would have known right away because if Kennedy would have died, it would have been harder for her to get rid of him. Therefore, the police were unable to test Kennedy's blood alcohol level at the time of the incident. How convenient. And they had no other evidence of legal activity. In the end, Kennedy pled guilty to the charge of leaving the scene of the accident and received a two-month jail sentence, which was suspended and a temporary driving ban. In addition, Kennedy's public perception was bolstered by the immediate damage control and legal efforts undertaken by a group of Kennedy confidants and advisors, including ex-Defense Secretary Robert McNarma and JFK speechwriter Ted Sorensen. These behind-the-scenes... I don't want to fucking subscribe to your thing. These behind-the-scenes maneuverings are explored in the 2018 film Chap Aquatic, whose script is based on a historical record, including the inquest about the accident released by a Massachusetts Supreme Court in 1970. The film portrays the inner workings of a Kennedy political machine as it works to obscure the facts of the tragic incident from the public to save Ted Kennedy's political career from imploding. So even the movie is just detailing the fact that they were trying so hard not to let this get out to the public, that this happened. He definitely did something wrong, then. Yes. Timing also... If they're trying to prevent the information from getting out, then yes, he did something wrong. Like, I believe that, and I mean, I like the Kennedys, but, you know, they're government people. They're probably dicks, too. Timing also helped. During that fateful weekend at Chap Aquatic, most Americans had their eyes glued on their TVs, watching a different drama unfold. The moon landing. Apollo 11 had lifted off the Cape Canaveral on July 16, 1969, and on the evening of July 20, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took their first step onto the moon's surface. So, it was overshadowed because they landed on the moon, so he got away with probably killing this girl. Because of the moon? Uh, this is what's going to talk about what happened to his career. I'm assuming what all it did to his career was he got blamed for it. I remember when Kennedy wrote that his actions of the night were inexcusable, and that he made terrible decisions. Oh, it did ruin his presidential nomination. He suffered an embarrassing defeat to the unpopular incumbent, Jimmy Carter. What, if they're calling him an unpopular incumbent, he probably wasn't that popular. He was pretty bad. Pretty shit. Who was his, what was his name? Jimmy Carter. I know who Jimmy Carter is. I've heard the name. Ted talks about him. He did announce he wouldn't run for president. Ted talks about him? Well, Ted knows a lot about the president. He knew the times that action would be devastating to his family, blah blah blah. Oh, man, I want to hear about the conspiracy theories. This didn't tell me the conspiracy theory. Hold on. Alright, the only thing that has a link is the third person in the card. Donald Nelson pitches a new theory on the Chapaquatic from MBT Times. Now comes Donald Nelson, a retired research physicist who poured over thousands of pages of evidence, testimony, books, and written accounts, which led him to offer an explanation of what actually happened that night in his new book, Chapaquatic Tragedy, Kennedy's Second Passenger Revealed. Despite the senator's assertion that he repeatedly dove into the tidal pooch of ponds to rescue the 20-year-old woman, Mr. Nelson argues that's not what happened. He asserts that the senator was riding with another unacknowledged passenger that night, and that unknown to them, Ms. Copacci was sleeping in the back seat. The book names Rosemary Cricket Keough as the front seat passenger. Ms. Keough and Ms. Copacci were among six boiler room operatives who had worked on the presidential campaign of Edward Kennedy's brother, New York Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Robert Kennedy's bid ended with his assassination in 1968. Okay, so the guy running for president is not the Robert Kennedy from back then because he died in 1968. Well, no fucking shit. Which, didn't JFK die in 1962? I don't know what year JFK died. Did I have the JFK assassination pulled up on the TV? Oh yeah, we were going to watch that theory within the thing. Now I'm just getting into more and more theories. We sort of fell off the train of getting so hyped. You know what? We'll see if they get back. Can you just smoke weed? A bowl has been packed. Has it? This entire time. Are you fucking kidding me, Church? Yeah, you're right. Don't fuck with me. I don't care what you guys got, actually. The water's washing things. I don't care that they're made by other guys. Oh, God. It hurts my stomach. I fucked up my core doing those pull-ups at work. Yeah. I don't do them often. So now when I cough, it hurts my stomach. Your stomach? Yeah. Your stomach. Oh, God. This is JFK getting assassinated. There's no audio. But look, that's John F. Kennedy right there. Oh, wait. There's no audio. No. That's JFK. Which one? Right there. Gray hair? No, next to the woman in pink. I see him. Watch what happens right after this. Yep. His head literally got blown clean off. Not his head, but his toupee. Who's this guy that climbed on from the back? He is a CIA agent, or, um, no. The guy, I think, that climbed to help his wife was one of Kennedy's bodyguards. The people driving the car were two CIA agents who, when the first shot rang out, instead of... Let me just ask you a question, Mark. You have the President of the United States of America... What was my question? No, no. Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question, is what I said. I know. You have the President of the United States of America in the backseat of your car with his wife and a governor. I'm pretty sure it was a governor. I'm not misremembering because I'm lying. I'm misremembering because I'm an idiot. He's in the backseat. Yeah. You hear a gunshot, and you hear screaming. Well, first, when he leans down like that, that was like the first shot, I think. I think the second shot is what he gives Kennedy. So, but, so, you hear a gunshot. Besides the fact. You hear a gunshot. What do you do? You know what they did? They slowed down. They slowed the car. They went slower. I'm sorry. If I hear a gunshot, pedal to the motherfucking metal. No, they, yeah. I don't care if I have important people. And then this thing right here, Lee Harvey Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby. Um, they say Jack Ruby was, he shot, so Lee Harvey Oswald was going to court to testify that day. Maybe he was going to testify that he had an affiliation with the FBI. And that they helped him kill John F. Kennedy. But we won't know that, because on the way to the court, this guy named Jack Ruby shoots him. And people keep saying that Jack Ruby was bought off by the Mafia. Which the Mafia did hate Kennedy, because Kennedy was from, he's from Jersey. But they didn't do it. Kennedy and the Mafia had like a fucking feud going on. Kennedy hated the Mafia. He did not like them, what they were doing. And he kept doing things to stop them. And they hated him as well. So they did hate him. But people say he got paid off by the Mafia. But, you know who else could pay off, like, your loans for your entire family for the rest of your life? Fucking CIA. You know, the government. They could easily do that as well. Yeah. No problem. Not that fucking hard, man. But, so, you don't know. But I know they got this on camera. Literally a drop in the bucket to them. Unfortunately. What is this? That's the guy that shot JFK. This is him getting shot. I didn't know they had footage of this. Some guy just runs up and shoots him. That's Lee Harvey Oswald. Holy shit. This is straight out of a fucking movie. This feels scripted. Huh? This feels scripted. Yeah, go back. That definitely felt... Oh! I think this is a reenactment. It might be. I think this is a reenactment. I'm gonna go with that. Look how he, look how he, like, falls. Church. Press pause. How long ago was this posted? Ten years. How long ago did that video take place? For the, this? Yeah. It would have probably been in the 70s. If... Wait one second. I'm pretty sure YouTube has been up for more than... 2005. Ten years. 2005 is when YouTube was made. Yeah. So... There's no way this was only uploaded ten years ago. Well no, they would have... He was shot November 24th, 1963. So yeah, J. Donald K. did die in 1963, I remember. Um... Cyber. Fun fact, he used a... 38 caliber Colbert revolver. Well, no, I'm just saying, look how he falls when he gets shot. Like... Oh, definitely scripted. No, I don't know, it could not be. Okay, maybe not. I mean, I can just look it up. Who shot the man? I don't know. The man that shot the man. I probably have so many questions for him. Crazy, conspirious... Conspirious... Church. What? The man that shot... Do you want to be honest with me? Oh, they know who it is. I know, it'd be like, You! Why'd you do it? Um, I think that was real. Was it? Yeah, cause I looked up, Is there footage of Lee Harvey getting shot? And it's like... Okay... He... It's so goofy. The picture I'm about to show you, but... I shouldn't be laughing because the guy got died, but look at this. Look at the photo. I can't lay anything off of it. What the fuck? The guy in the corner right there, he's literally just like, Who the fuck are you? Oh my god. Is that like a sketch? I don't know, I think this is real. It does not look real. I can fix it. Okay, so that's Lee Harvey Oswald is in that photo. Lee... I've seen black and white photos before. No, that was him. Yeah, that's him. That's real. Okay. They actually got that. Damn, dude. Damn, alright. That is actually wild. Yeah, I guess... The JFK assassination is 4K 360 VR. VR? Who the fuck put the JFK assassination in VR? Yeah, are we on the grassy knoll? Grassy knoll. This is not the JFK assassination. This is some random bimbo telling me about the JFK assassination. You've lied to me. Oh, Murph, I'm sorry. Huh? We did all that on your account. I know. Now you're definitely on an FBI watch list. I purposely put it on my account. You're on an FBI watch list now, Murph. I'm sorry. Alright. Everybody... Oh, yeah. Here's some of my drinks, Dick. No! No! Okay, everybody. That was how the JFK assassination ruined my life. And then some crazy conspiracy theories and a lot of dumb religious talk. Dick! Stop talking about his dick! A lot of crazy stuff that we didn't know we were talking about. Like I said, we're not rude. We're idiots. We're high. I... But I was right about some things. It still is in my brain. Yeah? Are you burnt out again? Yeah. But it was hype for the beginning. We really couldn't put this shit together. Alright. We'll catch you guys later. Bye-bye. Strategic beginnings. We'll catch you later.

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