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To work as an EMT, you need to be certified by both the national and state level. The fees and requirements vary by state. Massachusetts charges $150 and requires an application process. It's recommended to take additional courses like ICS-100, ICS-200, NIMS-700, Hazmat awareness, and blood-borne pathogens. These courses can be found on the FEMA website. It's also important to note that the national and state certifications have different costs and credits. You still have to certify with each individual state. Some states say, give us 25 bucks, your national card is good for you. Some states, like Massachusetts, say, give me $150, you've got to go through an application process and a query before they give it to you. Welcome to Massachusetts. So, it depends on the state that you're working in. So, the state, what the state does is accepts the national. As long as you have national certification, the state just gives you your certification once you pay the money and put in the application. That's how it works. So, you technically carry two certs, national and a state. If you work in other states, like I know people that work in Rhode Island and New Hampshire, and they've got states in Rhode Island and New Hampshire, they carry four. They've got Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and the national. Now, just remember, it costs you money to do that. The national costs about 20 bucks. Every two years, Massachusetts charges like 130 or something like that. So, Massachusetts, yeah, Massachusetts really sticks it to you. Other states, it depends. It all depends. So, with that said, I highly recommend that you do this. So, with these classes, the classes that I recommend you take, you're going to want ICS-100. That's Incident Command System 100. ICS-100. You're going to want ICS-200. Excuse me. You can do ICS-200. We in MedStar require ICS-200 for supervisors. It's more of a management or supervisor versus a interruption. So, I recommend you take it. You don't necessarily need it, but it's a good thing to show the employer, hey, I've got to answer this 100 in 200. NIMS-700. National Incident Management System 700. You're also going to want to have HAZMAT awareness and blood-borne pathogens. Now, blood-borne pathogens and HAZMAT awareness, you're going to have to kind of search for. Used to be with OSHA, and you used to be able to get it here in FEMA. I don't know if they still have it. You might have to search for it. Don't pay for it. If you can't get it for free, don't do it. You can get it from your employer. Your employer will give you access to it. But if you can do it, get it out of the way. It's a good thing for you to do. So, that's about eight hours, maybe eight or ten hours worth of videos, and take it. You can redo it. Now, each one of these is worth about two CEU credits. So, you do it now, two years from now, you can do it again, and you get eight credits for it if you so choose. So, you have to do 40 credits anyway. But these credits won't count because this will be before you get your EMT. Any questions on that? The first three are on the FEMA site? The ICS-100, ICS-200, and NIMS-700 are definitely on the FEMA site. I think blood-borne pathogens is in OSHA, but you might be able to find it in other places. And then you want hazmat awareness, and I'm not sure if that's on the FEMA site. It used to be NETICA dropped, and then somebody said it was back on there again. So, you've got to kind of search for it. ICS stands for Incident Command System, and NIMS stands for National Incident Management System. Oh, yeah, I got them. So, what you're going to do is, for those three courses, you're going to go to the FEMA website at www.fema.gov, and then... Hazmat. What's that? Hazmat. Is it? Okay, because I knew they put it back. Then you want to go, I believe, sign up for training, and this is their training institute. That's about it. National Training Education Division. Searching. And then just type in ICS-100. Okay. And there it is right there. Introduction, all right? So, you click on it, and it brings you to the course. I have... Can you do it there? I changed it again. Oh, direct link to course details. Course. Course schedule. So, we can... You go to course. There it is right there. So, hypothetically speaking, if we get hired and they say, you need your Hazmat awareness, you can be like, I already did it? Yeah. You say, I already have it. Here's my certificate, because you'll give them a certificate. You don't have to take it. You've already got it. And then go to... Like, I did ICS-100 and M-700. I think I did them back in like 2015. So, once you work for a company, you don't have to do them again, but if you go to a new company and they want you to do it again, they don't have to. And so, you want to go see... Go to independent study, where it says online courses available free of charge, and then click on that and you go to ICS-100. And there's the course right there. You just take the course. Okay? And then you go back here and there's ICS-200 and there's... Well, M-700, it says IS-700, but it's MIMS, actually. So, there's 100, 200, and 700 there. I mean, you can take ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-300, ICS-400, MIMS-700, MIMS-800, MIMS-900. I mean, but that takes you up into like chief and disaster management. You don't need that stuff. You want to. Some people find it interesting. Some people find it dry. Some people find it interesting. Go ahead and do it. Come on in. So, you recommend that we take this between our finals and nationals? No, I recommend you take it before you finish this class. But if you want to take it afterwards, that's fine. As long as you do it before your national exam. How was that? How was that? Is that a surgery now? Well, that could be medication. That could be... A lot of... Some people have that during the practical exam. Oh, that was all right. Like I said, my father had it. He loved it. It was like Minecraft. He doesn't even know what Minecraft is. He's just like me on Minecraft. His dad knows. So, like I said, www.fema.gov. Search for the online study program and do ICS-100, ICS-200, and MIMS-700. Okay? Get those done. And then if you could find Hazmat. Serena said Hazmat's on there. So, you can type in Hazmat and then blood-borne pathogens. If you can find that, do that. Okay? And that's all right there. And I highly recommend it. But again, it's something you don't have to. We have people that come and haven't done it. And they just have to do it. And we'll be okay to do it. So, now with that said, we'll go into the last two lectures of this program. I have to... This is it. You'll never have to hear me talk again. I don't do Chapter 9. Chapter 9 is...

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