This audio recording, titled "Striking Metallic Objects," is an experimental exploration of sound, crafted meticulously in a studio environment. The audio experience is an interactive journey filled with the resonating echoes of metallic objects being struck. The elements of design are evident in the thoughtful arrangement of the sounds, creating a rhythmic pattern that is both intriguing and captivating. The audio piece is characterized by the use of professional-grade Audio-Technica equipment, which captures the distinct, crisp tones of the metallic objects with impressive clarity. The soundscape created is a testament to the medium's power, showcasing how audio can be manipulated and designed to create a unique sensory experience. The striking of various metallic objects offers a broad range of tones, from high-pitched pings to low, reverberating booms. The audio piece is interactive in that it encourages listeners to imagine the different objects being used, engaging their minds