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pod 8 pt 1

Trent Solomon



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In this podcast episode, Sven and Jesse discuss the church, worship, and gifts of the Spirit. They talk about how the church is a group of Christian believers who come together to support and benefit each other. They emphasize that the church is not just a building, but the people who represent God. They also share their personal experiences with going to church and the importance of having a role in the church. They mention that serving others and following Jesus' example of service is an essential part of being a Christian. They also discuss the idea that no one role in the church is greater than another and that pastors should not be idolized. They reference biblical passages to support their points. I'm Sven, and I'm Jesse, and welcome to the Sinister Safe podcast. And today we'll be talking about the church, worship, and gifts of the Spirit. It's going to be a loaded episode. It's going to be very loaded. And not a lot of preparation for this one. We had a plan to do another topic, but we felt like we already talked about it quite a bit. We might later. So Jesse and I have planned this with like 15 minutes. Yeah, I feel like we've been going over the same thing. Because we're both in a season of plans as we finish school, so I think we're being very focused on plans. But now we're going to try and focus on more out there things that hopefully you guys can connect to. And it's going to be super sick. But yeah, as we said, we're going to be talking about the church, which is quite an interesting topic. The church is probably one of the most controversial things in Christianity. What the right religion is, what the right church is, what the right things to do in the church is. Firstly, if we want to kick it off, what do you think is the church? What is the church? What is it? Well, it's a group of Christian believers who are coming together on a certain day of the week. It doesn't have to be a certain day. There can be events and stuff like that. But it's just kind of a support network for believers. You can go there, meet other Christians, interact with them, and that benefits you, as we'll talk about later. It benefits you in heaps of ways. But being in fellowship with other Christians is just great. Yeah. Yeah, I completely agree. I think the church is often seen as this old fucking building, this shape with a cross on the top and these stained windows of Jesus and God and all this stuff. But really, it talks about the Bible, that the church is the people. It's the people that represent God as His people, as Christians. We are the church. You might not go to the church on a Sunday, but you are part of the church, son. Whether you like it or you don't, I feel like there's plenty of people that don't like the church, that are Christians, and there's plenty of people that love the church. And it's really important to know that you are part of that, and we all have a role to play in that. And for me, I think going to church is very important, having a relationship with God. What do you think about going to church? Going to church, well, I used to, every Sunday, I would, like, not go, well, I'm glad my parents would encourage me greatly to go to church, but I used to make up all sorts of excuses not to go to church. That was before I, like, probably gave my life to Christ, but I remember, like, some Sundays, I would just, like, fake sick for church. What? Yeah. Why? Bro, I'm playing this one. I used to not. That's crazy. Why the heck would you fake to know you're sick? Not recently. Not recently. Be sure about that. We can't be too sure. Alright, buddy. But, yeah, I don't know, I just, I wasn't actually serious about my faith or anything like that. I guess, when you're not actively seeking out anything to draw you closer with God and Jesus, then if, like, your parents are going to church, there's not going to be much, I guess, you're not going to see much benefit in going with them, which is what I was seeing. I'm not proud of it. Faking sick, not going to church is actually crazy. I wish I never did it, but, yeah. Bro, that's crazy. No, I remember when I was a kid, my view on church was really weird. I kind of just saw it as, like, the interlude before going to my mate's house to play Minecraft and stuff. I kind of just, like, didn't care. I'm not even joking. Like, back in, like, church services, they used to play, like, Minecraft on their iPad and stuff, and we used to just sit there, just like, oh, yeah, Minecraft. No, not while it was, like, the worship, but, like, obviously, we didn't care what they were talking about in the sermon. So, like, they would play Minecraft. Did you go to church? Yeah, sometimes. But, like, it was more, like, I would do drawing in the church services because I just didn't really care. Did you want to go to kids' church? No, I loved kids' church. This is, like, sometimes it wouldn't be on. But, bro, I remember one time, my parents asked me what I thought about it, and I genuinely for a period thought communion was, like, just free food that they gave out every now and days. They were like, what do you think about communion? I was like, oh, yeah, free food, mate. It's sick. I get apple and blackcurrant juice and a piece of bread while I have to sit in here for two flopping hours. My view on church was so, like, weird back then. I didn't really notice, like, what it was, and I didn't really take a grasp of it because I didn't know how to, like, connect to it. Even though I was part of the church, I was still part of the church then, but I just didn't know how to actually play my role in the church, which we definitely speak about because everyone has a role in the church. Every single person has, literally. Whether you like it or not. Yeah, whether you flop and like it or not, mate. Nah, I'm kidding. It's not that bad. It's not that bad. Broke up the flopping. I know. I have to be for real. For real. I have to be for real. Yeah, you have a part to play, man. You have a part to play. It's like we're out on the soccer field against Satan's, you know. Like, it's like Liverpool versus Manchester United. Manchester United are the Red Devils, by the way, so this is a good analogy. And pretty much, like, it's like going into the field and if you're slacking, you're a bench warmer. Mate, what are you doing? You're pushing us down the league table. I was really out there. And then you might even get relegated. Oh, yeah. You cost flopping. Heaven's 11. Heaven's 11 to relegation. What are you doing, mate? What are you doing? You're getting sacked. You're getting sacked. You're getting on the transfer list. Actually, no, you're not getting on the transfer list. It's okay. But, um, actually, in Romans, in Romans, in Romans, in Romans, in Romans, in Romans, Chapter 1, verse 4, it says, In who, through the spirits of holiness, was appointed the Son of God in power by His resurrection from the dead? Jesus Christ, our Lord. Through Him we received grace and apostleship to call all the Gentiles to obedience, and that comes from faith for His name's sake. And you are also among those Gentiles who are called to belong to Jesus Christ. The church belongs to Jesus Christ, ladies and gentlemen. Do you have a label on it? You know, the label maker that your mum made when you were, like, a kid on all your stuff? You know how they, like, write the initial? Yeah. Jesus did that to you in the womb, son. Get ready for it. You have a part to play in the body of Christ. And by the way, it's not a bad thing if you think it's a bad thing. We're probably making it sound like you have to do some crazy, wandering stuff. Because when you, like, give your life to Christ and you're around believers, you're going to want to serve. What did Jesus do the whole time He was on earth? He's serving everyone. So in order to be like Him, which we're constantly trying to do as Christians, I think it says that when Jesus is at the supper, He's washing His disciples' feet. He's, like, the one who makes Himself the least among you will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. So it's not about, like, your own gain, but it's pretty much all about service. Yeah, yeah. Like, look at the church. I mean, most of it is service. Like, for my church, I know we do a lot of stuff for the community. We do a lot of stuff for church. So many things. Like, it's important to look back into... Because the church is built on what Jesus' teachings were. So we're growing off of that. How do you think... Obviously, you're not a pastor or something. What do you think about megachurches? No, but, like, how do you think a church should be run? Obviously, you're not a pastor, but according to the Bible and what you've read, how do you think the church should be run? That's a great question. And I actually have the answer for that right here. Oh my goodness. Right here? In 1 Corinthians 12. Right there? Yeah. From verse 12. I don't know how far I'll read into it, but it says, Just as a body, though one has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit, so as to form one body. Whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free, and we were all given the one Spirit to drink, even so the body is not made up of one part, but of many. Oh my goodness, bro. Did you hear that? You better make sure you heard that one. You are part of the body, man. You're part of the body. And then it goes on to talk about how no one role is greater than another. It says, Now if the foot should say, because I am not a hand, I do not belong in the body, it would not for that reason stop being a part of the body. So it's pretty much just saying, the pastor in the church doesn't have a greater role than the person making coffee at the back or something. Yeah, man. I love that, yeah, man. It's true, it's true, though. It's fact. Just because, obviously the pastor's leading the church doesn't mean he has a higher place in heaven than you. Exactly. It's so important to be reminded of that, because obviously I feel like there's a lot of pastors where it is that way. But you go into the church and it's like, praise Jesus, but we're actually praising the pastor at the front. Actually, you've got stories like that, don't you? Stories like that. Didn't your pastor go through something like that? Or should we not speak about that? No, my pastor's good. Never. Never. Oh, yeah. No, not my pastor. Okay, okay. Maybe another church, but... We'll cut this out. But yeah, when you're part of that body, no part is more important than the other. If you had to get one part of your body removed, you're not going to be like, hmm, I really like this hand better than this hand. That's such a stupid thing to say. People, when they take that part literally, we're talking about cutting off your right hand. Right. Loki, I might need to, because my right hand and my left hand and my everything is causing me to flopping stumble right now. Oh, my days. You know, bro, for real though, for real though, bro, legit, I feel like we all need to cut everything off after the amount of sins we've done. But like, for real though, with that, how can we play our role in the church? Obviously, we all have our own gifts and talents that God's given to us, and every one of those gifts and talents can actually fit into the church. And what do you think about that? Are you looking for a verse, by the way? Yeah, I am. I found it, though. I found it. All right. Well, talking about gifts. Yeah. Oh. That's a great segue. Spiritual gifts. The gifts of the Spirit. Oh. From 1 Corinthians, everything we get today is going to be mostly from Corinthians. Yeah. It says, 1 Corinthians, verse 4 onwards, it says, there are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. So that's the Holy Spirit, obviously. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in every one, it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. All right, so here are the gifts. It says, to one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing, that'd be sick, by the same Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between Spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and still to another interpretation of tongues. And obviously, like, those are the spiritual gifts, but God can also give you physical gifts and talents, which then you can use to serve in the church. Exactly, exactly. Jesse's the best drummer I've ever met in my life. Thank you so much. And that's definitely a gift from God, right? Yeah, bro, definitely. I can still remember, like, probably one of the only things that I, like, would look at in church is probably the drummer. I was always like, that is sick. When did you start playing drums for the church? I started playing when I was 12, or 13. I think I started playing for youth when I was 12, and I started playing for church when I was 13. But yeah, I love it to bits. And I think, like, everyone has a gift and a talent, and even though they can seem, like, quite obscure, like, I don't know, you could be, like, a professional knitter or something, like, a professional, like, bowler or something, you could still do that to, like, you know, you could make nice winter scarves for the elders, or you could start, like, a bowling program for a men's event or something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was wondering how you're going to, like, you're going to have to give. I'm a bowler, bro. If you're a bowler, you can do it some way for God. But everyone has a gift, you know, everyone has a talent. Are you a bowler? Are you a bowler? Bro, I'm, no, I'm shocking. The other day we did bowling, and I was, like, I got 40, and my mate got, like, 188. I think I, because I was bowling after Jesse. We saw each other at the place. Yeah. I was, like, intentionally the whole time I was trying not to get 40. Bro. I think I got, like, 46. I got more than that. I got 48. I got 49. I got 49. No, you didn't, mate. Anyway. But, bro, the spirits of the gifts sound like the Infinity Stones, bro. Like. Yeah. Through anything. Yeah. Be humble, though. Yeah. Have you ever, being humble, have you ever, like, felt like you've received any of the gifts? I don't know. Honestly. So, obviously, you don't want to be, like. Yeah, I've got, I can do anything. I'm some superhero. Yeah. I do not want to be like that. But, like, I don't know, to be honest. I feel like I would have to pray on it, and really, I've never really made a prayer for, like, a spiritual gift or for God to reveal a spiritual gift. So, you were telling me, like, once that you felt like sometimes you get, like, a message of wisdom. Yes. Yeah. I feel like, on the podcast, and I feel like when I'm speaking to people, like, the words that I say are not necessary. Like, things I'm thinking in my mind, they kind of just come out. Yeah. One time, one time I saw Jesse praying for one of our mates, and he hadn't, like, my mate, who Jesse's praying for, told me about something, and then he didn't tell Jesse, and then Jesse started praying about it. It was crazy. It was just, like, spot on the head. It could be coincidence, but. Bro. Maybe not. Maybe. Maybe not. But, like, with that, I think most of the time, I think wisdom would be something if I did see a way God was working in me. Maybe. Yeah. Wisdom. I think I've always noticed that, like, there's words that come from me that I know wouldn't be just of my mind. Yeah. Because I'm not that, like, philosophical and some, like, famous. I'm not, like, a big pastor that knows all the parts of the Bible. Which you don't need to do, by the way. Yes. To be a pastor. You must know the entire book, every verse, everything. In order to do healing, you must first be a megatourist. Yeah, bro. In order to become a, what do they call it, speak in tongues, you must know every single language in the world. Every single language. There's no point. Yeah. What about you? Do you think you have a spiritual gift? I think, yeah, message of wisdom, message of knowledge. I think I've definitely, definitely. And when you're praying for someone, and you, like, receive that, and just, like, it's kind of, to me, when it happens, it could just be my thinking. I don't want to, like, act like I'm receiving all these gifts, right? But to me, it's just, like, it comes in with my flow of thoughts, and it's hard to see in the moment that what you're praying about is something that you could have no idea, like, that you, that's something that you didn't even know about that one person. Yeah. But then afterwards, you're looking back, and you're like, yeah, I know that. Yeah, I know. I get you. I think one time, it's going to sound, like, weird to some people, but I feel like sometimes I've just noticed when I look at people, like, I don't, it's not a judgment thing, but I look at people, and I can, like, sort of see something, like, that I could pray for them. And then a few times, people have been, like, that is spot on. Like a word of knowledge. Yeah, and a few times, people have been, like, cool, cheers, and stuff. Like, sometimes, like, it could be, you know, wisdom from God, and sometimes it could just be your head and stuff. But it's still a gift. It's still a good thing to pray about, and to worship God for, and to trust in God for, because it all leads back to faith. Yeah. But you have to have that faith to actually go out in those spiritual gifts. You know, if you go into a spiritual gift, if you're using a spiritual gift without faith, you may as well not use it at all, because it's not built on God, you know. But, like, with spiritual gifts, how do we attain them? How do we attain them? What do you think? I think prayer and repetition. Prayer, is it repetition or repetition? What's repetition? I don't know. A repetition of prayer and remaining steadfast. You know, if you want to be gifted by God, you've got to know God. You've actually got to have that relationship with Him. You've actually got to speak to God. And as we've said so many times, you have to ask God. Pray about Him. Pray about the gifts. Don't be, like, walking up to His door, give me healing. You can't be like that. It's about prayer. And sometimes it might be a gift that you never thought or really had faith in that you could actually gain. But who knows? Like, only God really knows how far you'll go. Like, don't limit God. I cannot even tell this enough. Do not limit God in your life. Because if you limit God, He's only going to do limited things in your life. You know? Like, for real though. For real though. If you spend all your life limiting God, you're only going to get a limited amount of what He could have done. And bro, I cannot... If I went to the gates of heaven and He was like, this is what you could have become if you actually, like, didn't limit me and actually had your full faith in me. Bro, that would haunt me. Bro, I'm so scared of doing that all the time. Yeah, yeah. Like, I still feel like I limit God sometimes. It's not something to be proud of. Yeah, yeah. But, like, just out of fear and anxiety and stuff like that. Yeah, definitely. Say, going up to that one person and praying for them or something like that and then you decide not to. Yeah. Just, I guess, staying strong in your faith. Yeah. I feel like with limiting God as well, it could even be limiting what He can do in your life. You know, if you are having faith to have a good day at school but you walk into school like, already being like, this is going to be a crap day. Then obviously this is going to be a crap day because look at your attitude and you're not actually even having faith. The renewal of your mind. Yes. Yeah. The renewal of your mind. That was a crazy last episode when you said that. Yes, man. It was good. But, like, what do you think about limiting God and how that actually stops us from not only gaining spiritual gifts but actually growing as a Christian. For limiting God, we're just going to remain here. We're never actually going to continue to grow. What do you think? Oh, are we already at 20 minutes? Yep. Damn. This might have to be a two-parter. I want to stop the audio and I just want to start straight away afterwards. Because then you guys are going to lose your tracking as you edit as well. Okay. Ready? Where are we going? Straight away. I don't have to export anymore. Oh, you don't? I'm figuring out how to change it again. Can we just make sure this is definitely working? I did it last time. I just recorded it on top of recording, top of recording. Alright. And you didn't delete it. So, if it does, you know what? Ready? Yep. One sec, one sec. One sec. I'm just going to run to the toilet, just because. He did, he did. I just don't want to see that bastard because, wait a minute. Damn, didn't he get himself a move? Yeah, he did. I'm going to jump on him. So, he's gone to do a doo-doo. I like your hat, by the way. It's a good hat. Louis bought it for me, actually. For my birthday. Last year? No, like two years ago. When is your birthday? November? October. October. I'm horrible with birthdays. Oh, my god. Yeah, I had Zico's birthday yesterday, but it's next week. Oh, really? I thought it was yesterday. So, I texted him, I was like, happy birthday, bro. And he's like, what? Bro, the amount of times... I don't use Snap that much, but the amount of times Snap has, like, saved me. That's the only reason. There's two reasons I have Snap. That's one of them. I wonder what the other is. I wonder what the other is. I haven't used Snap in a minute. The only people I Snap now is Sam, and Youth Alive charity match, and Ruben. He left me on delivered, I think. For, like, a week. I did. What if I just... Bombaclat. Oh, it has, um... It has, yeah. So... Oh, look, the recording guy's back. What are you doing? Um... How dare you sit on my throne? Oh, bro, I'm about to get crazy, bro. I'm here. Oh, I don't know. Close the audio and still play. Alright. So, you're asking what I think about limiting God, and how that, like, limits us from getting the spiritual gifts. Okay. Yeah, that's a great question. I've got another verse here. Oh! Another verse, another verse, another verse. Starting from... Oh, my goodness. Starting from Acts 3, verse 10. Oh, my goodness. Get ready, get ready. Get ready, get ready. So, Peter and John, I think you're about to know what... There's a lame man. Yep. And they're going up to the temple, and he asks for money from them. And he says, Then Peter said, Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk. Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man's feet and ankles became strong. Wow. Crazy stuff. Bro. And... That's crazy. I've seen some videos and stuff, and heard people saying that you should pray first before, and ask God if you should heal this person before praying for them, and going up to them and praying for them, because then they might be discouraged. But I don't think Peter and John did that. Yeah. I mean, maybe sometimes in some context. I think in some context. Yeah, you might be sensitive, but I think you're limiting God's power. What if you pray, and then you don't get a response? Like, oh, okay, I guess I'll just go home. Yeah, yeah. I think... There's a girl that goes home. Peter just goes up to them and says, In the name of Jesus, walk. Picks them up, and he's healed entirely. So, I think, yeah, it's just taking a leap of faith. Obviously, you could be overthinking. I would be overthinking. Like, oh, what if I do this? And then the dude just flops on his face, and doesn't get up. Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, just taking that massive amount of faith. Yeah. Applying it, and then you can receive God's gifts. Yeah. Bro, I long to have a faith like that. Because I feel like we... I noticed with myself, like, I will have all the faith, and I'll be there, and just before I'm about to leave, that's when all the anxiety is like, and then it's like, that's when you stumble. That's when you fall over. But I think it's a matter of prayer. It might be a matter of fasting as well. Like, fasting is really good in speaking God, and being focused, and actually hear what He's going to say. Sometimes it does take remaining steadfast and fasting. Because, you know, it might not always be clear, and it might take some focusing to actually understand. So, when you do have faith like that, I'm not saying, like, you have to go to... You know, faith is one of the must-do's. Yeah, you don't have to go up to the, I don't know, the kid in the wheelchair at school, and just, like, grab them by the arm and be like, oh, I couldn't stop like that. Like, it could even be as simple as just having faith. Like, I was talking about this stuff called, Michael Todd calls it baby faith. And, like, baby faith... Who's Michael Todd again? He's our pastor. Isn't that the one I was talking about? I don't know, but it's pretty much... Is it? It's like faith as in having little baby steps. Like, it could just be going into a week, being like, God is going to work in me this week. And that's baby faith. And eventually it could be like, God is going to provide this week for my family and my friends. And as you build up and build up and build up, that's when you see your mountains move. Like, you don't always have to go into it having this, like, massive faith and stuff. It could be like that. But even just exercising that faith from small things will help you for the big things. Because if you're having... If you can't even have faith for just a good day, it's going to be hard for you to have faith to get through addictions, through idolization, through actually even gaining things as well, like spiritual gifts. Like, it's really important to have that faith, whether you're part of the church, whether you're part of... even not part of the church. Like, it's good to have that faith because it's the centerpiece of what makes you a Christian. But yeah, with spiritual gifts and moving back into spiritual gifts, how do you think we can use those spiritual gifts for the Kingdom of God once we have actually gained them and then we can use them for His purpose? I think... Well, I'll use an example of this one guy I see on YouTube. He's so good. He goes around evangelizing. I think Bryce Crawford. He basically... From what I can tell, he's been given boldness and, I guess, strength in his own identity. He's going around and preaching and evangelizing to the people that don't get preached to a lot. I guess you could say the people who are generally outcast from society, right? Yeah. Obviously, that would take heaps of faith. But he's going around... You can plant so many seeds and then reap... I guess it says in the Bible, sometimes you're going to... If you do that, then you can... You're reaping the harvest, but then you can also, from that, reap what you haven't even sown, from other people who have planted seeds before you. Exactly. Yeah, yeah. You can help bring them even closer to Christ. Yeah, yeah. Look at most of the disciples. Most of them definitely didn't see how far the things they had wrote for the Bible would have gone. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, back then, were just dudes going around with Jesus. But now you look at it, they're probably the most recognizable names in history, let alone probably the most used names for children nowadays. And even then, the things that they wrote about... Don't leave that word, Paul, out. And Paul, and Paul, and the many other people around the Bible as well. Look how far they've come. And they would have never, ever seen that. But because they planted those seeds into the words that God was speaking to them, look how far it's gone. It's brought people to Jesus, to millions, even billions of people. And that's obviously a massive example. But even you watching, and even us, the seeds we plant, we might not always see them reap. I know that it talks about it. I can't remember where. We might not always see them reap the harvest, just like the disciples definitely would have. But they will reap the harvest. They will grow. Just like it speaks about, as we're speaking, the light that we show will mirror onto other people. And there was a thing in Matthew that I was reading last night. I can't remember it. But it was also speaking about how you will direct the way you live your life onto others. And people recognize that. And that's a way of planting seeds. It's legit just living a life for God. And look at the church. That's how we're called to be in the church. Because just imagine how cool, a body of Christ that isn't just mixed with conflict constantly. I'm not even joking. When I go online to Instagram, I think there is more hate from Christians against Christians than there is from non-Christians to Christians. Yeah, it sucks. Why can't we all just try, go for Jesus, seek first the kingdom. Exactly. Why are we arguing with one another? Just do what this tells you. Exactly. Follow what it teaches to your best ability. We're not going to have arguments and so much conflict. Yeah. And I feel like it gives this image of the church. The church is imperfect. But it gives an image that the body of Christ is some really scary and judgmental thing. When yes, it's going to be because it's a group of imperfect people. But the most important thing is that's not what defines it. It's what God defines it. It talks about right here. I'm whipping this straight out. Ephesians 2, 20. I know. Bro, I love Ephesians. I know. Banger. Built on the foundation of the apostles. This is what we read in Bible study when we were just above this in Bible study. We passed it. Remember Bible study? Yes, I do. Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him, the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him, you too are being built together to come a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. Jesus is the cornerstone of this body. The church can seem scary. And I really advise you, if you are a Christian and you don't know about doing the church, you should. Because it legit helps us grow closer. I cannot even tell you how much youth group and church has done for me to grow closer to Jesus. And I know there's been many cases and we legit spoke about it, religious trauma within the church. And yes, the church is imperfect. But I promise you, when you find the church and the image that's actually showing you just a bit of what the body of Christ is like, how good is that? And how good is to know that it might even just give us a little bit of what heaven's going to be like one day. Of course, it's imperfect. It won't even match. But even just seeing a group of Christians come together for God is just a little bit of how amazing and how good is it when we all go to heaven and we're worshipping and praising him. How cool is that? So good. Also, in Matthew 18 verse 20. Oh my goodness. When two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them. That's a verse I want to memorise. Yeah, yeah. It's so good. But yeah, if you're around all these Christians praising God, he's going to be there. Yeah, yeah. He's going to be in the room. Yeah, yeah. Because it's so important that yes, we are not perfect and yes, we are in these earthly bodies where we're not perfect. But we are still gathering for a God who is perfect. And God can still show presence on this earth. Not in us. Obviously, with our Holy Spirit, he lives in us. But we still live in earthly bodies that are sinful. But when we gather for his name, he is there. He's actually moving. I think we spoke about a verse last week. I can't remember how it goes. But he delights in our friendships. He actually has joy in our friendships because it actually is a symbol of Jesus being there. Just like he was with his disciples. Just like he was with his people. And honestly, for the people watching, if you're scared to church, I really don't want you to miss out on that. Because for me, I've had such a great blessing. And I know there's plenty of people that haven't. And we pray for you. And we really, really hope that God will actually show you the right version of a church and the right way that a church should be. Of course, it's not going to be perfect because no one is perfect. Nothing is perfect. But man, when I found the church and the people and the youth, it's almost like a family, honestly. It's that close connection. It's that bond. Going there on a Friday. Yeah. It's like when you go on a Friday, it nurtures you. And it's almost like a warmth that you get around your family to know that all these people are gathering for God. And how cool is that? Yeah. I guess going from that, do you want to talk a bit about tongues? I know it's like a pretty big contextual thing in the church, outside of the church, everywhere. Yeah. I mean, with tongues, obviously for people that don't know what tongues is, tongues is a language that is spoken between a person to God. It's a language that actually is spoken about the devil can't understand. Obviously, in the languages we speak, the devil can understand. And hey, to break it to you, bro is actually the ruler of earth, whether you like it or not. That's how it is with Satan here. But God is greater, God is bigger, and God forever will be bigger. But while he's here, he can actually see the things we said. Have you ever noticed that after you pray for something, things will test you? It's the devil, man. He's always going to see this. But you can talk to God through tongues. It is actually one of the spiritual gifts. And have you got a verse there right now? Yeah, from Corinthians again, 1 Corinthians verse 13. It says, And yet I will show you the most excellent way. If I speak in the tongues of men or angels that do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. And I also talk about other gifts like prophecy. If I have gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing. Wow. Yeah, it's just really good. As we see with the disciples when they first receive the Spirit after Jesus rises again, they're talking in all these different languages. Yeah. And you think they're drunk. Yeah, because they have a fire on their head. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. How cool is that? It's crazy. Yeah, because really tongues is a way of speaking to God. I feel like you definitely have to have an understanding of what you're doing. You can't just be like talking. I feel like as you've said, if you're praying for someone, you actually have to have an interpreter that speaks about it in the Bible. But if you're talking to God, it's important to have those, and it can be a gift that God gives you to be able to speak to Him that way. And how cool is that, to be able to speak to God only in a language you understand? Did anyone in primary school make languages that you and your mates would understand and you would just joke around and stuff? That one where you put the A at the end. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's legit like that, but imagine that is legit like a big prank on Satan, like, bro, you can't understand us. Only me and you, God. Yeah, yeah. Bro can't understand what we're talking about. And how cool is that? How sick is that, that God can actually give that to us? And also speaking about what the devil knows, I feel like I was seeing this the other day. The devil actually knows what you're speaking to God, and the devil actually sees what you do. And most importantly, the devil actually knows everything in the Bible. He actually knows the Word. He probably knows the Word better than... Yeah, he probably knows the Word better than all of us. So when he sees things going on, obviously he's going to test you, and it's going to be hard. And obviously even sometimes God can test us as well. And that's not a bad thing, by the way. It's not a bad thing to be tested by God, because it actually can help us grow in our faith. Like, look at Job, look at so many people in the Bible that were... God doesn't test us, but God allows us to be tested. Yes, yes. Yeah, yeah. God allows us to be tested by things. Sorry, I mispronounced that. But God allows us to be tested so we can actually become greater people for His kingdom. Just like if we are growing in our relationship with God, we can gain these spiritual gifts through tests and stuff. The devil's going to throw a lot of stuff, and God can easily stand in the way and drop that all of us. But if he sees it's going to grow us as a stronger man or woman of God, he can use that to actually help us gain things, which, how cool is that? You know, Satan thinks that the thing he's throwing at you, and he's just got a headshot, it's like, ah, yes, yes, I finally got to him. But God's going to be like, I know my man and woman of God. I know they're going to grow from this, and they're going to become greater. Have you seen stuff like that happen in your life? With, I guess, feeling, well, being attacked. Yes, and then God's helped you grow. Right, even with this podcast. Before we even started, and after the first couple of episodes, I was mad nervous. I was worried about my own identity. Obviously, that's why we did the identity episode, the self-image and stuff like that. But I definitely felt, like, definitely straight away after, I felt great sometimes directly after the podcast, but then later in the day or in the week, then it just started to go downhill. I started to doubt. I started to question the reasons why we're doing it, or why we should keep doing it, obviously. But obviously, there's so much more benefit to us doing this. It's not for us, it's for the kingdom. Yeah, or for the glory of God. How good is that? I guess not realizing that it's not about you. And it's never going to be about you. It's going to be about the kingdom. Yeah, because I really struggled with pride over my life, and remaining humble, because when you see something good happen in your life, and you grow, you're like, look at me. You instantly feel prideful, but honestly, having pride is a really dangerous thing, because it can lead you away from God. It can also lead you away from fearing God, even actually acknowledging God and what He's done in your life. If you have so much pride in yourself, you're going to honestly have... What the hell was that? You're going to have no real thankfulness, and no real trust in God that He actually has given you these things. And how scary is that, that you can have so much pride in yourself, that you've actually lost the person that gave you all these gifts in the first place. Yeah, I feel like I struggled. I'm not going to lie. I still struggle with pride. I'm going to... I'm exactly the same. It's going to be a struggle for a while. I mean, God can and has set me free from it, but obviously being set free can still come and still test you later. Just because you've been set free doesn't mean that it might not still be... I guess some cases it might just be gone, right? But I feel like when you can be set free, it can come back, and then you have to continue to rely on God to help you not on your own strength. Yeah, yeah. Well, it says all in the Bible, do not lean on your own understanding, lean on God. And if you're leaning on God, and then taking it as your understanding, humble yourself, man. It's crazy. Everything that you see in your life is a gift from God. You need to recognize that and remember that, that this isn't anything you've done, this is everything God is doing. And that is something I'm constantly reminding myself about. Everything. Because every single time I'm like, oh, yes, I did this and did that. No, God blessed me with this. God blessed me with that. And I would be nowhere if it wasn't for Him. And even when it's in the bad times, it's good to remember that. Don't just be thankful in the good times. Don't just be thankful for the blessings when it's good and when you feel good. Be thankful even in the bad times, because God is good. God could tell, just get rid of you if you wanted to. Yes, or judgment. We are sinners. We have mercy. God legit stops us from getting what we do deserve, which is, it's hell. We do deserve hell because of the mistakes we've done. And what we don't deserve is heaven, yet He still gives us through the faith of that. I don't deserve heaven at all. No, none of us do, man. I know for one, I definitely do not deserve heaven. But you know what? I'm thankful that God has mercy on me, and He has grace, and He has given the grace to actually give me the chance. You have the chance. You have the free will. You actually have the decision. The fact that you have a decision to choose God is an absolute blessing. And that's something I'm thankful for. The most amount of love that can ever be given, ever received. If I got hated by a group of people and nailed to the cross, I would never want to forgive them, let alone let them go to heaven. That is love. That is love to the greatest thing. That is everlasting. That is perfect love that is only found in God. How cool is that? And that's the perfect love that draws us to becoming the body of Christ. It draws us to having Jesus as the cornerstone in the body of Christ. How good is that? It is so cool. With the church and proving it back, obviously we have so many different aspects of the church now that we've got spiritual gifts. We've got aspects of worship. So many different things. How do you think that we can still remain part of the church every single day and every part of our life? Brother, Brother, Brother, there's a light. There's a light. What were you saying? Are we at like 40 minutes right now? Should we end it soon or do we make it two parts? Can you guys record next week? We only have seven minutes left. We're trying to get our mothers on, aren't we? Next week, at least, if we can. Feels like there's never a week. I mean, there's seven minutes and 30 seconds left. Do you want to wrap it up in that time or do you want to do the seven minutes and export the stuff that's on there now and then we can have more time? I reckon we can do seven minutes. I think we could probably wrap it up now. Are you able to record next week? Because if we do seven minutes, we have to record next week. What happened to... OK, yep, I guess we'll record next week. We can do Fortnite as soon as we get the two episodes in each time. Look at my gem collection. That doesn't look very Christian. Gems? No, it's like one of those salt lamps. Yeah. But they're different salts. Is this for Opal? Yeah. You should get it. Bro, why did I get the 30 days free, though? It says friends get 30 days... I thought you said it was free. It is. Get a 30-day guest pass. Yeah, I don't want to flopping pay after. Womp womp. What? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'd pay it, to be honest. Give it up. What the fuck? Bro, I can read your lips, bro. Did you hear what I said, Seb? Hmm? Did you hear what I said? No. I said, with what money? I said, with what money? We're going to America. I'm sleeping on the street. Oh, God. What? What should we call you? For passion. For passion. For passion. Oh, no, I might have a trial shift soon at, um... Yeah, see if the place is free. The what? Oh, I think I went there on Sunday. That place is sick. Is it the small one near Nick Cycles? Yeah, yeah, near Nick Cycles. It's so good. They're really nice. I don't know why you're grumpy. Hmm. Are we doing this? There's a girl trying to raise me up there. Bro, you realise half the girls that work there are, like, 14? No. A lot of them are 14. Well, I don't know. They used to work with me at the deli. Really? Yes. Really? What? I was only kidding, anyways. Really? Bro, this is crazy. Bye, Eric. Hang on. Okay, that is... Bro... One dollar... Two dollars a week, bro. Are you serious? For what? For what? For yearly. Weekly. Weekly. Really? I might just do weekly. Are you actually gonna buy it? No. I'll start my free week when I get home. Like, tomorrow. I already used it. I can't do it again. Even if I make a new account. Are we doing this? Are we doing this? So what does it actually do? Does it actually block you out? Yeah, it blocks the apps. And you can do, like, websites as well. What? I just screwed it up. What's your screen time today? Like, two hours. That's it. Mine's two hours, 16 minutes. Okay. Yours is like 18. Two hours, 20. My one at... Mine is... Six hours, I guess. Damn. Damn. We are. Three hours and three minutes. Yesterday. Let's not talk about yesterday. Let's not talk about yesterday. On what? Clumsy Ninja. Bro, I nearly got eight hours yesterday. Damn. How long does he have? Seven hours, 44 minutes. That was yesterday. That was yesterday. That was yesterday. If you spend five to seven hours a day on your phone... 22 years of your life. 22 years of your life. Not anymore. I'm locking in. I am locked. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

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