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The podcast "Forest Invest" aims to provide expert insights on profitable and impactful forest investments. Hosted by Shana Matkiewicz, the podcast seeks to mobilize private capital towards sustainable forest management. By dispelling myths and providing factual information based on science and best practices, the podcast equips the investment community with knowledge. Through interviews with experts in forest investment, listeners gain stories, insights, and actionable guidance to build their forest investment toolbox. Investment professionals interested in the Forest Asset Class are encouraged to subscribe and share the podcast with others. Hello, and welcome to Forest Invest, a podcast designed to bring you expert insights on creating profitable and impactful forest investments. I'm your host, Shana Matkiewicz, founding director of The Forest Link, where I help investors, investment managers, and the businesses they invest in to meet their forest investment goals. I'm on a mission to mobilize more private capital to sustainable forest management. To do this, the investment community needs to be equipped with more information. As practitioners, we need to dispel myths about our industry and provide the facts, based on the latest science and experiential best practices. This is not about theory, it's about practice. Think of it as getting all the knowledge you would acquire from attending an industry conference, but from the comfort of your car, while walking in the woods, or even preparing your dinner. Each week, I'll interview experts in forest investment from different corners of the Forestry Asset Class. From investors, to investment managers, to entrepreneurs, market players, and service providers. Tune in to hear stories from the trenches, insights, and actionable guidance to build your forest investment toolbox. If you're an investment professional, and you're keen to learn more about the Forest Asset Class, subscribe to the show so you don't miss an episode. If you find it valuable, please share it with your friends and colleagues, who you think might gain something as well. I look forward to meeting you again next week, on Forest Invest.

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