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VOAA Ep 5_ Trust

VOAA Ep 5_ Trust




My teacher said something to me about Trust. So, I'm asking you, "Who are you trusting?" I encourage you to trust God, but the choice is ultimately yours. I hope you learned smth.

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The speaker reflects on the importance of trust in God and how relying on Him is the only way to navigate through life's challenges. She shares personal experiences of turning to God in times of crisis and emphasizes that He is the only one who can truly help. She also highlights the care and provision God has shown in creation, emphasizing that if He takes care of birds and flowers, He will surely take care of His own children. The speaker urges listeners to trust God and seek His guidance through His Word, the Bible. Hi. I'm back. Did you miss me? Huh. Random day banned. Maybe not. Let's talk trust. I had another topic scheduled for today, but like I said in the prologue, I'll come to you as my teacher comes to me. My teacher here being the Holy Spirit. So today I want to talk trust. As I say, my mom always says, or there's something my mom always says, I have four siblings and she tells each of us that as much as we have four siblings, all we have is God. It's something that I probably never gave it much thought until right now when my teacher came to me and reminded me about this subject. So as much as I have four other humans that God has gifted me with in blood, I have friends that God has gifted me with, all I have is God. So when I'm going through a crisis or a thing, a situation, all I can think about is, it's only God that can bring me out of it. Because really, it's only God that can bring me out of it. I've had times where I'm going through a financial crisis, but I cannot count on my siblings to pull through. I've had times where I'm going through a thing, but I cannot count on my husband to be present. I've had times where I'm going through a phase that I cannot even share with my friends. And every one of those times, all I could do, all I could say was, dear God, please listen to my heart and come through for me. I would tell the Holy Spirit, I don't have the words. I cannot find the words. Like my heart is so heavy, I'm so overwhelmed, but I can't explain what I feel. I'll tell my teacher, you said you would send me a comforter. Send me that comforter because I need him now, or her. Well, I need him or her right now. And excuse the noise in my background, there's a lot of it. But here I am with my thoughts, and the Holy Spirit is just telling me, who can I trust? He's asking me, who can I trust? He says, baby girl, who can you trust? And then I'm looking around me, mentally scanning my environment, you know? I'm mentally scanning my environment and asking myself, who can I really trust? Who can be there for me when I need them to be? It's just my God, my Creator. He has never, and He will never let me down. I mean, think about the stickiest situation you have been in. Just think about the stickiest, like the most nasty, where you're like, if I come out of this God, you have me rolling on the floor. And remember, I mean, try to figure out how you came out of it. Then you remember that you could not explain how you came out of it. Have you ever been in that phase where you don't have a job, you don't have money? In fact, you're rolling on a negative because you have debt to pay, you have loans to offset. And out of nowhere, money comes. Your loans are taken down. It does not come like, oh, a flood, like, oh, someone put some big money into your account in error, in quotes. You just find yourself having piecemeals and piecemeals. And your loans are being settled off one after the other. God says He takes care of His own. The first question is, are you His? And then leave it as it is. If you're not His, you should become one. You should become His. I'm not a pastor, or like I said, I'm not affiliated with a pastor. I'm not affiliated with a pastor. I'm not a pastor, or like I said, I'm not affiliated with a pastor. There's no pastor in my family, so to speak. My dad is not one. I was not raised as a peer. But I do know my God. It is in His Word, His instruction to me on earth, that if He will be so kind to take care of the beds of the field, the lilies of the earth, so if God would take care and beautify a flower that exists today and the next minute it is stepped over or stepped on, whichever is correct, if God would take care of the beds, birds don't build, or they do, but they don't have to bother about the price of building materials, right? I mean, what does it take to get a nest? I have a bird nest. I have a bird that built its nest just by my bedroom window. And I'm so conscious about it. She laid five eggs there. And every time me and my husband always report on the status of the egg, like, oh, the egg is hatched. Oh, one of it is hatched. Oh, the baby bird is learning to fly. The hawk came to me one day and said, look at this small baby bird. It's already flying. I didn't even know he was taking note of the development cycle of the bird. But, I mean, look at God taking care of that bird, giving him accommodation, warmth, shield from rain. So how much more me that he took time to make in his own image? And the Bible clearly states that. I always make a joke about this, but the Bible states that man was made from dust, but woman was carved out of bone, taken away from man. So God took extra care to create me. God took extra care to create me as a woman. Ah, wait. You're not understanding. God took extra care to cause the person he created from dust to sleep and then took a bone and then carved me. He cares about me. So I will trust him. In fact, I feel like maybe because of how far I've come in my Christian walk, you know, even though I'm still trying to figure it out, I'm not believing my self-holiness, self-righteousness. I feel like I have no choice. So I'm in a choiceless situation. So it's either you trust God or you trust God. Really, there's no or not to this. There's no or not to my choices. So I've been struggling for the past days, weeks, to put out a content, to record something. I have a list. Excuse the noise in my background. So there's no light and I've had to open up all the doors and windows. So I'm facing the roadside. So I have a list of topics written down. Oh, we're going to talk about this. We're going to talk about this. I tried to record something on Frenchies. I would still record that. But my spirit was not aligned with any of those things. So I said, Holy Spirit, tell me what to talk about. Give me the motivation. I like to record ahead and then schedule them for posting. But I want to be sure that what I'm saying is capturing your attention. So here I am on a random Saturday. I have woken up early this morning. I tidied up my house. Trying to put my baby to service after siesta. I'm trying to make up or put together my speaking slides because I have a speaking engagement today by 4 p.m. So I'm trying to put up my speaking slides. I'm learning product management. So I have an assignment I need to do and it requires me to make slides. But I cannot ‑‑ I'm restless in my spirit. I cannot find the strength to put all of these things together. I know I have to do them. But I cannot find the strength. So here again I go to my teacher. And I've been playing this tune. I don't know if it's a new song. I've not really been keeping up. But I've been hearing this song play over and over on worship sessions. And I went to Google Eats and added it to my Spotify worship playlist. It's Oshuba by Chidima. That song is powerful. I've had that song play until my battery went from 100 to 90%. On repeat the whole day. And I'm just listening to the song. Paying attention to the lyrics. I'm not very fluent in Yoruba. But I had to Google the lyrics and match it together. Spotify is going to give you the lyrics of the song. So I had to Google the lyrics and match it together with the song. So that I can understand what each line means. I'm giving an understanding of the song. I have a new perspective to it. Oshuba. Ah. Not the place. So I've had that song playing over and over repeatedly in my head. So it's playing in my ‑‑ it's now in my subconscious, staying in my mind. So I'm trying to walk through the day. I then hear my creator play back to me that statement I started with. My mom saying, you have four siblings. But the only person you have is God. Both of my parents are alive. So if you want to say, oh, I have family. I have six immediate. Right? That's your immediate family now. Then I'm married to a man that has three sisters. And his mom. So that's four. I have extended relations that I can talk to or go to about anything. But then God constantly reminds me that I have nobody but him. I have my son. I mean, my son is just two years old. So it's not like he's going to give me any advice or money when I need it. But my point is, you have all of these people around you. Or I have all of these people around me. But all I have is God. It's a song that says, all I have is you. All I have is you. My soul is satisfied in your fullness. There will be no me without you. Without you. And on and on and God. Excuse me if I miss a few things. I don't even know who sang it. It's just something we always sing in church. So, again, this is a very short episode. Just to spike you up and motivate you. And ask you who you're putting your trust in. I'm motivating you to trust God. I'm asking you who you're putting your trust in. And I'm motivating you to trust God. Just because there's no other option. So I heard someone say, I don't remember what the person was teaching on. But the person said, if I was to go somewhere, I would like to take direction from somebody who's been there. So if you want to navigate the course of life, if you have to move through this earth, the best thing to do would be take direction from somebody who's been there. Which is God. And he's given us the Bible, which is the map. And I know that sometimes the map is written in languages you do not understand. I mean, technically or literally. Literally, a map. Not everybody knows how to read a map. Right? I could read Google Maps properly. But I cannot read Apple Maps. I don't even know how it works. But I'm pretty sure if I read a manual, or if I go to Google, how to find a place using Apple Maps, or how to navigate using Apple Maps, I would get an instruction on how that works. So why not go to God with, I mean, through his Bible. Through his word, the Bible, which he has given to us as a guide on how to navigate the earth. Why don't I ask the Holy Spirit for directions? So if the Bible is complicated and you don't understand it, ask God to give you a revelation. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a revelation of the word. So studying my Bible is something that I'm taking very seriously this year. Many other times I've said, oh, I want to study my Bible. But it's something I'm taking, I'm being intentional about this year, 2024. And I want to do better at it. I've said a lot. But I think I've driven, I've driven home my point. Excuse my grammar. Who are you trusting? And then, trust God. Just because, I mean, just because. Just because there's no alternative. Just because there is no other way. I hate it when I hear people say, oh, I can call my sister now and she will, that's cute, that's okay. Well, your sister can fail you, don't you think? But there is one who cares so much about you. Who cares as much as what you eat, what you wear, where you rest your head. Who cares so much about your looks? Who will never but shame you? Who will never but shame you? Imagine God telling you, ah, you don't get money. If I gave you $1,000 yesterday, if I gave you $1,000,000 yesterday, and then I give you $1,000,000 two weeks later. Imagine God doing that. Thank God for good. I just thank God that God is not man. You know, men will fail. They always do. But God is God. That's who he is. Unchangeable, reliable, dependable. So who are you trusting? I'm trusting God. I'm enjoining you to trust God. But still, it's your choice. Just like God will never force us to do anything, which is why he gave us the power of free will. I'm not going to force you. I'm just going to tell you the truth. I'm not going to force you. I'm just going to encourage you. Trust God. That's the only person that's got your back. He's got your back, he's got your front, your left, and your right. He's even got you in the center. So who are you trusting? Think about it. This has probably been my shortest podcast to you, my shortest episode to you. But again, I'm just journaling myself, so maybe I'm speaking to you, maybe I'm speaking to myself. Just maybe. All the same. Trust God. I'll speak to you again soon. That's all I have to share. This is the voice of an angel, signing out.

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