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Awesome New Levels.

Awesome New Levels.


God is on a move, looking to show His awesome power. He is doing new things in new ways to remind man that He is God. Destruction is not the strategy in this season, the method is Love.

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In this transcription, the speaker is discussing how October has been a month of completion and new beginnings. They mention that God is doing a new thing in a new way, and that this month has been a time of closing out the old and making room for the new. They talk about how God has been revealing His plans and how it is up to us to believe and expect them to come to pass. They emphasize that this new thing God is doing is big and that it will be evident that it is God at work. The speaker encourages listeners to be confident and open to the new opportunities and blessings that God is bringing. They also mention that this is not just for special people, but for anyone who is sensitive and receptive to God's move. Overall, they express excitement and anticipation for what God is doing in this season. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah to Jesus! People of God, praise the Lord! It's been a very interesting Sunday today. As always, God has been very faithful. So much so that this entire month of October has been a month of unprecedented breakthroughs, unprecedented miracles. And it appears that in God's calendar, this month of October is the month of completion. Because the Lord has been speaking through His various prophets, even across the world, in unconnected parts of the world. The prophets of God are saying the same thing. God is on a move, doing a new thing in a new way. And like the Bible says, you can't put new wine in old skin. So, let me just make sure that scripture is correct. I just got that scripture off the top of my head. It's not even part of what we're going to talk about this evening. I just thought it was apt. So, yes, you can't put new wine in old wine skin. This is from the book of Luke, chapter 5, verses 37-39. That's Luke 5, 37-39. This is the Lord speaking and He says, the Lord is saying, Jesus is saying, And no one puts new wine into old wine skins, or else the new wine will burst the wine skins and be spilled, and the wine skins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into new wine skins, and both are preserved. So, this is what the Lord has been ministering to His people all across the world. He's doing a new thing in a new way. And it makes sense that if God is doing a new thing in a new way, He's going to want to close out the old in order to make room for the new. And so, it feels like this month of October, God has been closing out the old. God has been cleaning house. God has been moving things around so that the old miracles that God has done, they are now complete. And at the level where we are now, God has accomplished what He wanted to do. So, God has finished with this level and He's bringing us up higher into new things and into new ways. And so, you're going to find, if you are in sync with the move of God in this season, you're going to find that this month in particular, this month of October, has been a month of completion. A month of close out. You know, it's almost like a business that's about to sell new product. They don't want to bring in the new while they still have stock of the old. So, they're doing close out sales. They're trying to move out the old stock because they have new things coming in. And these new things are so innovative. They are nothing like the old. And so, you find them closing out the old inventory so that there can be room for the new. Because the new is a new thing altogether. It's brand new. No one has ever seen this before. And that's what God is doing in this season. But before we carry on, let's say a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you. We worship you. We honor you. We glorify your name because you are faithful, always faithful. You are better to us than we are to ourselves. We thank you for life. We thank you for this last Sunday of the month of October. Remember when we came here on the first month of October, the month was fresh. The month was new. And now, October has run its course and we are here alive and well. The glory belongs to you. So, tonight, Holy Spirit, speak to us, through us. Manifest Jesus to us in a new way. Bring us wisdom. Bring a word. Teach us something new today. Reveal Jesus in a new way today. In Jesus' name, amen. And so, this new thing that God is doing, God has been gracious to reveal. God hasn't been quiet at all about his next move. Now, because God is God, we won't know in detail what God is doing. But God always gives us ideas. God gives us snapshots of what he's doing. It's now up to us to believe and to lay hold of what we have been told. Because if we believe what the Lord says, there will be a fulfillment of what we have been told. If we don't believe, it's not going to happen. Because it's the faith that we have in expecting that what God has said will come to pass. It's that faith that actualizes what God has said and causes it to become a reality in our life. So, we are expectant. We are super excited. And the reason we are excited is that we have been watching God's dealings with us. And we have observed that when God says a thing, and we believe that God has said this thing, and we find a word in the Bible that lines up with what we believe God has said, and we enter into a posture of prayerful expectation, we are finding that what God is saying by dreams and by visions, even by inspiration of the Holy Spirit as thoughts in our minds, these things are happening. These things are coming to pass. And the beauty of it now is that these things are coming to pass more quickly, meaning that the time, the gap between the revelation of God's intention and God's purposes for our life, and the time of manifestation, the gap is closing. So this is why we are very, very expectant of this new thing that God is doing. We don't even know what it is. We just know that God is doing something new. And we know it's something big. Because of how God, like I said, in particular this month of October, because of how God took His time to set a schedule, if you look all around, look around you, you are going to find that many things in your life seem to be on a, almost like autopilot, going towards a definite direction. And that direction feels almost like how you want things done is not happening. But there is a pattern. There is a trajectory in which your life is going. And if you are wise enough to follow, it's a grace. It feels like God has released a grace for this month of October to carry as many as will believe in what God has said, to carry us to a definite completion of what God has been doing in our lives. For example, you might find that if you are a business person, you might find that in this month of October, you didn't have many new businesses. If you are a lawyer, for example, you didn't have many new cases. But you would have noticed that you had grace, abundant grace, to complete your outstanding work. For example, if you are a trader, you could find that you didn't have many new inventories this month, but you were able to sell almost everything that you had in stock, almost now like your business, your store, is everything that you couldn't sell in a long time, you have now been able to sell. And that's what seems to be happening across the board, because it feels like there is a grace, that God has released a grace in this month of October, a grace to complete, a grace to tidy things up, a grace to close out, so that when we hit the 1st of November, there are no outstanding blessings, because God doesn't want to mix the old with the new. The old miracles that God has done, the blessings that God has given us, God is on a move, God is coming up higher, and as many as will key into God's move, the move of God in this season, God is moving higher into higher dimensions, higher dimensions. These are the seasons where people who are unqualified for certain types of jobs are going to get those jobs. People who are strangers are going to call you and say, Oh, I found your number on LinkedIn, I found your number on Instagram, someone gave me your number, and they're going to invite you to join a board, going to invite you to come and to be a consultant on a major project. It's going to be something that is so far out of your natural range that it's going to be evident that this is God at work. And when this happens, God wants us to be confident in ourselves, to know that this is God doing a new thing in a new way. In this season, it feels almost like God is saying that He wants to blow our minds. Anything that God has done before now, trust and believe, people of God, it's only a drop in the ocean compared to what God is getting ready to do in the lives of those who are in intimate relationship with Him. It feels like in this season, God is trying to reveal Himself because perhaps, maybe because of, I don't know why God wants to do what He's doing, but I'm just trying to use my creative imagination, my righteous mind to say, because when you look around and see the onslaught of darkness, imagine that God will choose some vessels. Now, let's be clear, this isn't a special thing that God is doing for special people. This is a release of God's grace. It's almost like the stirring of the water in the cider. This is a release of God's grace. This is a release of God's grace. In this season, it has pleased God to release a grace so that as many as will believe, as many as will be high enough in their spiritual frequency, if your antenna, your frequency, spiritual antenna is high enough and you can pick up on what God is doing in His time and you kick in and jump in the flow of grace, it's going to happen for you. So this isn't a season of special things that God is doing for the prophet or for the apostle or for the... No, this is for anyone who is sensitive enough in the spirit or who is wise enough to believe, such as someone who might be listening to me right now. If you are wise enough, humble enough to believe what you are hearing, and even though God hasn't said it to you, but you believe someone who is hearing from heaven and you jump in, you will be a partaker because of the faith that you have to believe what does say the Lord. I am expectant. I am expectant to see the next move of God because this next move is going to be a big, big, big one and it's going to be big and big for good because God, it feels like God has purpose in His mind to remind mankind. God has purpose in His mind to remind humanity of His existence because many might be forgetting. There is so much going on, so much evil, so much iniquity that it looks like many are forgetting that God is still alive and well and God, it has pleased God. God isn't going to show His majesty through destruction. God isn't trying to show His awesomeness through judgment and curses. God is going to use His ability to do awesome things, to reveal Himself so that the things that God is going to do in this season, there are going to be things that only the hand of God can do. Miracles and miracles. Unique, outstanding, creative miracles that it will be evident that this is the hand of God. Why? That men may believe. God is nobody's, God is God. God sits high and He looks down low. He dwells in unapproachable light. But men are forgetting who God is. And in this season, it is God's intent to remind mankind of His awesomeness. Now like I said, God is a God of love. In this season, whatever you see that looks like destruction, that looks like evil, that looks like judgment, that's not God. Because what God is doing in this season, is not through judgment. God isn't revealing Himself in this season by way of harsh judgment. In this season, it has pleased the Lord to reveal Himself by way of His creative power that men may say, men may know, this is God. And because of that, the hearts of men shall be turned back to their God. This is the ultimate purpose of what God is doing, is the hearts of His children, those who are really His, those who have been inundated by all kinds of evil and are really tired of what's going on in this world. They are really tired of how the kingdom of darkness is constantly trying to undermine our God. Those who are patiently holding on to their faith, holding on to the Word, those who are saying, look, I don't believe in all of this that's going on in the world. I know my Redeemer liveth. I know that the God of the Bible, the God of all, the God of our forefathers in faith, that God is still alive and God, it has pleased God to show Himself to those people that the world might know that God still is on the throne. And the hearts of men, the hearts of mankind will find their way back to God. God isn't trying to destroy anybody right now. God isn't trying to judge anyone right now. God in this season is sending, it's almost like God is creating, it's like God is making a door in the heavens and He's coming down to walk amongst men and to show Himself to those who have been waiting for this move, this kind of move of God, this kind of power. God is always doing miracles. God is always doing, but you see, it's almost like these days, the miracles that Christians experience, the miracles that believers see, they happen almost in expected places, maybe, you know, in a miracle service or a convention or something. In this season, regular Job blog, regular anybody and everybody who believes God, God is going to come to your house. God is going to come to your job. God is going to come to your school. God is going to walk into your business and God is going to meet with you face to face. And God is going to release such a grace, a creative grace that will unleash a season of the miraculous, a flow of the miraculous, so much so, that people who doubted the existence of God before, when they see the hand of God in your life, they will find their way back to God. I believe very strongly that in this season, God has purpose to reveal himself through his ability to do the miraculous, to do what only God can do. Tell me, who else gives life? God. People take life all the time. The enemy as big and bad as the devil is, the devil has never created a single human being. He kills, he steals, he destroys. He can kill a human being but he can't make one. There are certain things that makes God, God. The breath of man, that's God. How a child is formed in a womb, that's God. How two people fall in love, that's God. There are certain things that only God can do. And in this season, those things that only God can do are going to be done in a new and fresh way such as has never been done before. So that men may know that God came down, dwelt amongst men and God revealed himself in a new way. Now, let me remind you of something. Remember COVID? When the whole world was shut down. Now, there are theories about COVID and how it came to be and who started COVID and whatever. But the truth is, the whole world shut down. And all across the world, prayer, in unity, people began to pray in unity. At that point, the frailty of man became evident to man. The frailty, a virus, had paralyzed the whole of mankind. And the frailty of man became evident to man. At that point, it became clear to man that all we are is but dust. Now, that wasn't a good thing. COVID was, you know, COVID was pain and death and sickness. But the point I'm trying to make is that the result of COVID was the realization that we are but men. Now, God is on a move. God has set in motion an event that will reveal to man that we are but men. But it's not judgment. It's not judgment. It's something that when humanity looks at this event, God will be evident to man. All you will be able to see is God. And the awesomeness of God. How splendid God is. And all of God's created beings will be reminded of our God. I am expectant. Like I said, I don't know what it is. Even now as I speak, I didn't intend to say all of this. I've known for a while, maybe for the past 2-3 weeks, that God is on a move doing new things. But this is new information even to me. And so I am going to go back and listen to what the Lord has said on this recording so that I, I can be ready, I can be mindful of what the Lord intends to do. Amen? So, well, it's not going to be this evening is really more prophetic than anything else. Because, you know, like we keep saying that God is releasing information about what He's getting ready to do. So basically what we've been doing is just trying our best to be ready, be prayerful, and ensure that we are mindful of where Christ is in our lives. We are mindful of where our minds are always on Him. The Bible says, He keeps in perfect peace whose eyes are stayed on Him. So if you meditate, keep your mind stayed on Christ. Constantly think about Christ. Because it's in those moments that God is going to release to you your specific supernatural strategy for this season. Everybody is going to have a different strategy to jump into this pool. Everybody is going to have a different instruction and it's going to be straight one-on-one. So if God gives me an instruction, it's going to be for me. If you are going to be a part of what God is doing in this season, in particular, this new thing that God is getting ready to start any minute now, you have to be tuned in to the frequency of heaven so that God can download to you your particular instructions for how to jump into this pool of grace. This is a one-on-one. Like I said, what God is getting ready to do is for those who are patiently waiting for the manifestation of His presence and His power. So this is an intimacy thing. This is a relationship thing. This is not a church thing. This is not a family thing. This is not a husband and wife thing. This is an intimacy with God thing. And so if you are going to be a part of what God is doing in this season, you are going to have to be in tune, in perfect alignment with Christ. Because Jesus says, if you abide in me and my words abide in you, then you are my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. So the place of knowing is in the place of alignment. If you abide in me, meaning if you, in your mind, enter into Jesus and my words abide in you, in your mind, you keep meditating on Jesus, His word, because He is the word. You are in Christ. In your mind, how I do it, I physically imagine myself encapsulated in Christ. I imagine myself to be in Christ. I imagine myself to be like a baby. You know the way a baby is in the mother's womb? I imagine myself to be in Christ that way. I am the baby in Christ. And the word of God is in my womb. So right there, there are three features of that alignment. I am the baby in Christ and the word of God is in me, in my womb. So if we are constantly mindful of that level of alignment, we are going to enter into the place of knowing. Knowing the truth. Knowing the secrets. Knowing the instructions for the next move of God. The specific instructions for us. Because everybody's instruction is going to be different. My instruction is going to be different from yours. Yours is going to be nothing like mine. And your instruction is not for your family. It's for you. Now I can share mine with you to encourage you. But, like I said, everybody needs to wait on God. It's almost like a secret code. Almost like a secret code that you can only get when you are in alignment. Imagine for a minute that everybody is about to travel on a secret mission. And everybody has a secret code to access this ship. Imagine that maybe there is a plane. There is an aircraft that is waiting on standby to take everybody someplace. And there is a code that everybody must have their own... their own unique code. And so if my code is unique, it's almost like DNA. So imagine if the code is lined up with my DNA, you can't use my code because my DNA is different from your DNA. So that's it. So even now as I speak, I feel like this is Holy Spirit just breathing, just breathing, just breathing, just releasing unique information. Because the Spirit of God searches the mind of Christ, searches the mind of God and knows what's on His mind. So we must all be in a position, a posture of readiness, waiting on that code. When that code comes, it's going to be an instruction and once the code lands in your mind, you move. Don't waste any time. Because that is your moment, your moment of jumping into the flow. Once you get in the flow, there is no stopping you then. Once you get in the flow, you're all the way in and you're going to get to your expected end. The miracle that God, this season, this new thing that God is doing, that God is doing for those who are waiting on Him, is going to be activated by a code, an instruction from Heaven. And it's a unique instruction. So even creatures, even apostles, even prophets, when they come and talk, they're going to say what God has said. But you see, what they're saying is for encouragement. That is not the instruction from Heaven. The instruction is going to come to you straight from the throne of grace. What God wants you to do for you, to key in to what He's doing, God is going to tell you. And once He tells you, you move fast. Because there is going to be a window, a window, within which you can move. And that's obedience. There's going to be a window. It's not going to be, oh, I think He said, oh, maybe God said, uh-uh. Once you get the instruction, you move by faith. Because God is already on a move. Amen? Amen. Hallelujah. Well, let's have a word of prayer. And then we just thank God for tonight's meeting. This is a very different kind of meeting. This is really prophetic. And I'm grateful that God will speak to us in this way. So Father, we thank You. We honor You. We worship You. We thank You that You would reveal Your heart to us on this evening. Thank You that You will elect to include us in the miraculous and the innovation and the new thing that You're doing. We pray, Lord, that as many as have heard Your instructions tonight, as have heard, thus says the Lord, we pray that You will find us worthy, and we will be ready. We'll be acceptable to You. In Jesus' name, protect and preserve us, Lord. Move mightily in our lives. In Jesus' name, amen. Well, it's been another interesting Sunday. And until next time, take care, everyone. God bless you.

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