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Divine Wisdom in the Digital Age

Divine Wisdom in the Digital Age


Believers need Holy Spirit of Wisdom to teach us to edit information received from digital platforms. Beware of people with big platforms calling Prophets fake, just because they don't understand their methods.

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The speaker begins by expressing gratitude to God for another day of life and the opportunity to worship and fellowship with others. They encourage those facing challenges to be grateful for life and the ability to experience emotions. They express thankfulness for shelter, food, and a sound mind. The speaker then introduces the topic of divine wisdom in the digital age, emphasizing the importance of wisdom in navigating life successfully. They explain that wisdom is a combination of information, knowledge, and understanding, and that it is better to seek wisdom than material wealth. The speaker cites Bible verses from Proverbs to support their points and highlights the difference between human wisdom and the wisdom of God. They explain that the wisdom of God is always true and can be received through the Holy Spirit's inspiration. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! God's people, praise the Lord! It's another Sunday. In the land of the living, the glory belongs to God. We have done nothing at all to deserve another day because tomorrow is never promised. But it has pleased God to give us life, to wake us up in the morning this morning, to set us on our way. Many of us have been able to go and worship with our brethren in the church. We have been able to fellowship with other believers. Many are able to move up and down without assistance. Many are feeling slightly unwell. Many don't have everything all together, but we are alive. We are well. For all this, God deserves our thanks. And so we thank Almighty God for another wonderful Sunday, another opportunity to come and speak to God's people on this meeting, to bring the truth of God's Word as revealed to us by His Spirit. We are grateful for life. We are grateful for revelation. We are grateful for liberty, for life, for the breath of Almighty God. We are grateful for family. For those of us who have family, some don't have family. For those of us who are lucky, who are blessed to be surrounded by family, we give glory to God. For those who are having one issue, or the other who are having one challenge, and are feeling, maybe, feeling defeated, because your life at the moment isn't looking like how you hoped it would be at this point in your journey, know this, you have a journey. You have life, and once there is life, there is hope. Only the living can have issues. Only the living can have challenges. Only the living can be dissatisfied with anything. So even in your state of dissatisfaction, in your state of despondence, in your state of expectation, be grateful, because you're only able to experience all these emotions because you are alive. You're also only able to experience even hopelessness because you have the faculty, the mental ability to understand that where you are isn't where you hope to be. Your mind is sound enough to know the difference between where you are and where you hope to be. Be grateful. You have your right mind. You're not in the hospital at this moment paying for oxygen. You're not in the hospital at the moment in a coma. You're not in a wheelchair. Even if you are in a wheelchair, you are alive. Be grateful. So for all this and more, we are thankful for shelter. We are thankful for food to eat. We are thankful for our right minds. We are thankful for life. We are thankful. Amen? Amen. And so today we're going to talk about another very significant subject, which I trust that God will teach us as he always does, because we're here on assignment. We don't come to speak of our own thoughts. We don't even have any opinions about anything. We come here to speak what does say the Lord, and today God is wanting to speak about a very important subject, something that I believe is very important to Almighty God and also important to believers, because it's a compass with which the believer, really anyone, but in particular, the believer needs to navigate life. But before we go into that, let's pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you. We honor you. We worship you. We reverence you in this place. We acknowledge that you have called us to speak. We acknowledge that you have given us your word, and you have kept your word gently in our hands, and you have put light upon your word so that by this light we can see the way, and we can show others the way to God's truth. Tonight as we speak, speak through us. Touch our tongues. Touch my tongue to speak even as the oracles of God. Speak a word tonight, for we are listening, Almighty God. Holy Spirit, breathe. Breathe, and by your breath, transform our lives tonight. The anointing that makes teaching easy, give to me tonight. I only want to speak what you have ordained for me to speak. I have no opinions of my own. I only want to speak what you would like for me to say, so teach me and help me to teach what you are saying. In Jesus' name, amen. And so our subject for this evening is titled Divine Wisdom in the Digital Age. Divine Wisdom in the Digital Age. How many of you know that life without wisdom is really a lost cause? Life without wisdom is like a blind man going through life. Without wisdom is like a blind man trying to cross a major highway without help, because he can't see, and he doesn't have a guide who can see. That is a recipe for disaster. Life is dark, and life is complex. We need wisdom. As we navigate life, we need wisdom. We all need wisdom, even children need wisdom. And how do they get wisdom? They need to be taught by the older people who hopefully have some wisdom, who have acquired some level of wisdom that they can impart to younger generations. Wisdom is very important in order to navigate life, in order to win at life, and in order to even make something meaningful out of life. Without wisdom, you are surely going to fall in a ditch. The Bible says wisdom is the principal thing. And in all you're getting, get understanding. Understanding is really a shield, because, you see, wisdom is a combination of three things, in my understanding. Wisdom is information, knowledge, and understanding. So wisdom is made up of three things. Information. Once you get information, you receive knowledge, because once you get information, you enter into a realm of knowledge. Information gives you knowledge. But if you have information and you have knowledge, but you don't understand this new information that you now know, you don't understand it, you don't know how to use it, that is useless knowledge. It's like you understand someone's news on the news, that maybe the government is doing something for the people. This is on the news. So that's information. Now that you are able to watch the news, you now know this information, so you have this knowledge. But if you don't have understanding of how to use that knowledge, the information, the knowledge you have acquired from that information is useless. Now wisdom is knowing how to apply this knowledge that you have, which you now understand. Wisdom is knowing how to apply this knowledge to your situation. So once you have information, you gain knowledge by that information, then you understand what you have just come into knowledge of. Wisdom is the ability to apply all these pieces together to your situation to create a positive outcome for yourself. So you see, there are different moving parts to wisdom. Again, wisdom is so vital. So that's why the Bible says wisdom is the principal thing. In all your knowledge, once you get knowledge, get understanding, and then the principal thing is the ability to combine all these elements by wisdom to profit yourself. And our text today, we always go into the Bible. This is a Bible meeting. Everything we do and say in this meeting is based on all fours on the pure and true unadulterated Word of God. So we have our text, which comes from the book of Proverbs, chapter 16. We're going to read verses 13 to 18. So that's the book of Proverbs, chapter 16, verses 13 to 18. The Bible says righteousness, righteous lips are the delight of kings, and they love him who speaks what is right. 14. As messengers of death is a king's wrath. As messengers of death is the king's wrath, but a wise man will appease it. In the light of the king's face is life, and his favor is like a cloud of the latter rain. 16. How much better to get wisdom than gold! How much better to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silk. I'm going to take this verse again. How much better to get wisdom than gold! So wisdom, to get wisdom is better than gold. And to get understanding is to be chosen than silver. 17. The highway of the upright is to depart from evil. He who keeps his way preserves his soul. Verse 18 and the last verse. Pride goes before destruction, and the haughty spirit before a fall. So this here, really when you break down the word of God here in this passage of scripture, you will find what we've been saying about how instructive wisdom is as a compass to navigate life. Without wisdom, and not just wisdom, the wisdom of God. Because the wisdom of God is different from the wisdom of man. What a man, because you know what God says, as high as the heavens are from the earth, so are my ways from your ways. God's ways are very different from our ways. The wisdom of man is foolishness to God. So that's why sometimes, even wise men, they do things sometimes and it ends up in foolishness. The Bible talks about a man called Ahithophel. Ahithophel was a counselor for David. He was a trusted counselor. Every counsel Ahithophel gave to David, it was a sure word. And then Ahithophel turned against David when his son Saul took the kingdom from him. And Saul prayed, rather David prayed, for God to cause the counsel of Ahithophel to turn to foolishness, and it did. So there are times when even the wisest man makes a decision that may seem wise, but the Bible says there is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof is death. The wisdom of man is never guaranteed all the time. Sometimes it will work, sometimes it will fail. Why? Because it is the wisdom of man. And anything that is from the flesh is sure to fail sometimes. But the wisdom of God is always sure, always true. And we receive this wisdom by the Holy Spirit, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. And how does the Holy Spirit inspire us? Through our thoughts. When we pray for wisdom, this has happened to me personally many times, even sometimes when something, maybe I can't find something in the house, or I don't know what to do, I'm lost, I don't know where to go, I turn my Holy Spirit over to you now. And the Spirit of God begins to whisper, begins to drop inspiration in my mind through my thoughts. Try this, try that. I remember when I had to build an entire platform, digital platform, and the Holy Spirit breathed superior levels of wisdom. The Holy Spirit taught me something I didn't know at all. That's the wisdom of God, and the wisdom of God is always sure. So now, in our text, if we look at verse 13, we're going to break the scripture down verse by verse. Verse 13 says, Righteous lips are the delight of kings, and they love him who speaks what is right. To speak what is right, you require wisdom. Because, you know, the Bible says, the power of life and death, life and death is in the power of the tongue. To speak right, to speak life, you require wisdom. Even to not speak at all, wisdom is required. To know what to say, when to say what to say, you require wisdom. To know when to say nothing at all, wisdom is required. The Bible says that wisdom, righteous lips are the delight of the king. And they love him, and they love him who speaks what is right. Wisdom is required to speak right. And the result of speaking right is favor. The Bible says they love him. People love you when you know how to speak right. When you know how to speak wisely, and not speak foolishness. The Bible says, to depart from a man when you detect in him the lips of foolishness. So people who haven't learned to speak with wisdom, they get no love. They don't have favor. They walk in disfavor. Because when you don't speak wisdom, you speak foolishness all the time, you're going to be, you're going to be saying things that will hurt people, that will annoy people. And there's going to be, you know, the result of that is, you will have no favor. You will be disliked, because you haven't learned, or you haven't asked the Spirit of God for the wisdom to teach, to speak right. And verse 14 says, as messengers of death is a king's wrath, but a wise man will appease it. So wisdom makes a man appease the king's wrath. And in some cases, the king is an actual king. Might be a king, maybe, you know, like an actual king, or a ruler of people, or someone in government, or someone, basically what the Bible is saying, is a superior person. Someone maybe might be your manager in the office, maybe your boss. Someone who is set above you, whose decisions can affect your life, for good or for bad. When they are angry, when they are in wrath, it will take wisdom to teach you how to appease that king, so that their decision, the power that they wield over you, can be used for your good. Yes? So wisdom again is, wisdom is easily one of the greatest tools, greatest lights, that God has given to mankind to navigate themselves to safety. Verse 16 of our text says, How much better to get wisdom than gold, and to get understanding, is to be chosen rather than silver. Wisdom is better than gold. Understanding, like we said earlier, knowledge, information, understanding, learning how to apply all these things to your life, in order to win, is better than gold. A life without wisdom is a lost cause. It's a lost cause. Verse 17 says, The highway of the upright is to depart from evil. He keeps his way. He who keeps his way, preserves his soul. The upright, by wisdom, departs from evil. And by the same wisdom, he knows how to keep his way. Wisdom teaches him how to depart from evil, and teaches him to depart from evil. Because sometimes, you know, some people see evil, and they keep right on moving towards evil. That might sound ridiculous, but a lot of people do it because they may think they have the strength to handle the situation. They may think they have the power. Even believers do it sometimes. They may think, Oh, you know, I know how to pray, I know how to handle tough situations. But the Bible is saying that it takes wisdom to depart from evil. You don't have any business marching into evil. If evil comes to you, and it's unavoidable, it's different. Especially if it happens, and you don't see it coming, that's different. As children of God, we're even covered in such circumstances. But to see evil and walk into evil with your eyes wide open, that's foolishness. The Bible says, wisdom makes an upright person depart from evil. And the same wisdom helps him keep his way, to look well to his way, to mind his way, to have foresight. And by doing this, he preserves his soul. He preserves himself from trouble. There's already too much trouble in the world. You don't need to go and march into trouble. It's wisdom that gives an upright man understanding to know, Mm-mm, this, if I do this this way, this is the likely outcome, so I better not do it this way, just in case. That takes wisdom. That takes wisdom. And now, in the digital age, God has given us the gift of the Internet. And this, the Internet is a repository of wisdom. On the Internet, you find all types of wisdom. You find the wisdom of man, you find the wisdom of God, through, through people who have walked with God, teachers of the Word, prophets. There is all kinds of wisdom on the Internet, and God, I believe, has created the Internet just for this purpose. I believe that God has created the Internet as a unique tool for the purposes of increasing mankind in wisdom. But you see, this same Internet can become a, this same Internet, which is supposed to be a tool of great advantage to mankind, especially the believer, because there are some places that the believer isn't going to go in person. But now, with the Internet, you can go there and gain knowledge, and see what's happening, so you can see how things are done, and you learn wisdom, because being a Christian, being a believer, isn't licensed for ignorance. For example, the fact that you're not going to go to some places, you're not going to do some things, isn't a reason why you shouldn't know what's going on. Because you need to have certain type of knowledge to be able to avoid this evil that we're talking about, because if you don't even know, if you don't know about these things, you won't be able to depart from them, because if it's coming, you won't recognize it. So sometimes, the Internet, in many cases, the Internet gives the believer an opportunity to learn what's going on in the world, without having to be a part of the world, without having to go there. You're able to gain knowledge, so that you can be mindful, you can be aware, you can protect yourself, you can learn, and therefore, you can devise a mechanism for your protection, and for that of your family, and your loved ones. Even as we believers, we're weary of the Internet, we know that the Internet can be a cesspool of many things. We know that God has created this Internet for a good thing. We also know that the enemy has purpose to use the Internet as also a tool for evil. So now, this spirit of wisdom is what we need. We need the spirit of wisdom to be able to use the information that we get from the Internet, to use it wisely, for the purposes of growth, the purposes of advancement, and also to learn. There are many, many opinions. There are many voices out there in the Internet, like I said, on the Internet. Like I said, there are many voices. There are many, many voices. There's a lot of information. There's a lot of wisdom from man. There's wisdom from the kingdom of darkness. And then there is wisdom from God. That's the word of God, the wisdom of God, information from God that is being published by men and women of God who are being used to teach the believer truth and being used to propagate the gospel. So the Internet is something that we need to look at very closely even as we engage. Some believers don't even know how to get on the Internet. Some believers think the Internet is so evil they don't even go in there. They don't even... COVID was the gift as terrible as COVID was. COVID ended up as a gift to mankind and even especially to the believer to lead the believer to the world of the Internet. Many churches before COVID had no online presence. Many had no websites. Many had no social media pages. They didn't know the way to YouTube. But because of the lockdown, because their members couldn't have physical meetings, it was imperative now to go online. And so what was evil was now a necessity. That's to let you know that the Internet is a tool created by God to be used of God for the purposes of God. So the believer was in error thinking that they had no business online. Today, there is no church, there is no church, self-respecting church that doesn't have some kind of online presence. As a matter of fact, there are some churches who are only online who after COVID, they stayed online and they're doing well online. They're fulfilling their purpose, the purposes of God for their ministries online. So that's to tell you that the Internet is a tool, a gift from God. The enemy always, as the enemy always does, is corrupting the Internet and using the Internet to do what the enemy does, which is evil. So now, as Christians, we need divine wisdom in this digital age how to use information from the Internet. We're not even talking about evil. We're not talking about dark information from the Internet. We're not even talking about anything from the kingdom of darkness. We're talking now about information from seeming men and women of God to the body of Christ to the believer. We're talking about people who are out there on the Internet seemingly doing the Lord's work who are coming with prophecies and coming with opinions. These are voices that God has allowed and given access to the hearts of men. And they have large followings. And they're believers who are listening to them and they're following them and they believe that these voices are coming from God and in many cases they are. But you see, they are still men. They are still women. They are still in the flesh. So anything that they say, anything that they bring online for you to consume, you need to drive these things through the lens of the Holy Spirit. The lens of the Spirit of Wisdom. You need, as a Christian, as a believer, we need to learn to edit. We need excellent editing skills. We need to learn to edit any and everything we hear on the Internet, particularly from those voices who are speaking to the Body of Christ with authority as from the Lord. We need the Spirit of Wisdom to teach us the truth about what they are saying. We need to test every spirit. And I say this because many of these people are in error. They are sincere in what they are doing because they believe that they are hearing from God. They believe that what they are saying is gospel. But very often what they are saying has the limitation of the flesh. Those things are colored and painted by their experiences and by their personal opinions and by their subject. An example is prophets, for example, or people who have platforms and they are teaching based on their experiences and they are teaching based on what they believe the Lord has revealed to them. And they make sense the majority of the time. They come now and begin to criticize other men and women of God. They criticize other prophets, for example. They criticize the methods of those other people. Now sometimes what they say makes sense and they are not entirely wrong There are false prophets and many of these people who are in ministry many of them are false prophets but many of them are true prophets of God. Sometimes their methods might be questionable. I can't even speak to that because I don't know. I'm not in there with them. But if you allow the spirit of wisdom the spirit of God to lead you the spirit of God is going to lead you to the truth concerning the man or the woman of God who is true and who is not. Your spirit the spirit of God is going to minister to your spirit. And if that minister that prophet is a false prophet you are going to feel uneasy. You are going to be unable to sit under the administration because the spirit of truth is going to minister to you by the wisdom of God what's going on behind closed doors. In fact the spirit of God might reveal what's happening to you by visions and by dreams. If it's a false prophet the spirit of wisdom the spirit of God is going to tell you in some way that information is going to reach you somehow so that you're going to what I'm trying to say is that when we're listening to these voices especially these speakers who have large platforms who have large followings on YouTube, Instagram and because of this large following they have access they are not being mindful of what they're saying and how they're saying what they're saying. Many of them are so they're not using discretion to deliver their messages and I don't know if it's being done on purpose to discredit other people so that they can have I don't know what's going on there but I just know that as believers we need now to seek the superior wisdom of God to edit the information that we're receiving from men and women of God who are using their big platforms to run down other prophets other pastors because maybe those people have methods that they don't understand or methods that they don't like so they cast a net a wide net over every prophet who is saying this or every prophet who is doing that you as a believer so you don't miss out on the gift that God has sent to the body of Christ for a purpose because the loss is going to be for you as the believer if you allow yourself to be influenced by someone who has a big platform and who maybe has a bone to pick with another prophet or who doesn't have enough clarity about the methods of the other prophet you are going to lose it's you who's going to lose out on the gift that God has sent for your edification so you need wisdom to pick and choose wisdom to edit the information that's coming to you through this other platform who is saying all kinds of things calling everyone a false prophet unless they are doing things the way you are doing it they are false prophets and you also need to be mindful of people who have huge platforms but they are indeed false prophets so it goes both ways this is why we need the ministry of the spirit of wisdom to teach us the truth about the information that we are getting in this digital age to navigate us to help us to navigate our way to the truth online and you will find that very often when God has a platform for you when God has designed a platform for you to teach you more wisdom to bring you into more understanding God is going to show you directions even before you happen upon the platform online before you get maybe you're flicking through whatever before you find this platform before you find this prophet before you find this teacher of the world who is from God God will sometimes show you something before you encounter that platform so that when you do find that person it's a connecting dot it's something that God has shown you maybe God gives you revelation about something but you don't understand it and then God begins to navigate you by the spirit of wisdom to an online platform of someone who has information who has experienced what you know but don't understand and so once you stumble upon this platform and as you listen you realize that the spirit of wisdom has led you to this platform to help you to apply to help you to understand the knowledge that you have so that you can apply it to your life and you can enter into higher levels of wisdom when God does this and some other person with a huge platform comes and is trying to run down the person whom God has revealed to you as a true prophet of God right there you know that they are wrong about this person regardless of what they are saying it may be true that this person this prophet of God whom God has revealed to you by a vision or by a dream or whom God has led you to their platform so that you can receive understanding of a revelation that God has given you may be truly they have some kind of method that they are using that you know maybe they are doing something maybe I don't know but my point is when God has prepared a vessel to teach you something He is doing it because He wants to use that vessel to usher you into a different place a higher place in your calling don't let someone else who is running them down deter you from paying attention to the information that God is sending you through them because you may not find you may not find that information elsewhere it takes wisdom we need to be open to the spirit of truth and let Him guide us by wisdom maybe you are in a denomination and they are saying in that denomination God doesn't use women to teach or to preach they run down women they don't want women to be visible but these women who maybe don't have the platform in their church God has given them platforms online they are teaching the truth they are teaching with power they are bringing deep revelations from God God has introduced them to higher levels of mystery in the world and you are benefiting from that online be guided know right then then it's not your place to go and fight your church or to go and be disobedient in your church but you should know by the spirit of God that if God is using a woman to bring you information God isn't interested in her gender they might be interested in your gender in your church but God isn't interested in her gender God has found a vessel yielded to Him and He is using that vessel to edify the body of Christ and you, by the spirit of wisdom you kick in you tap in imagine if someone said that God could never use a woman God used Catherine Coleman to change the trajectory of humanity God is using Joyce Meyer even in our generation God is using Sarah Jakes Roberts the younger generation God isn't interested in the gender of His vessel He is looking for a vessel yielded to Him to receive who is positioned in high altitudes of spirituality to receive what thus says the Lord and to draw down from heaven into the natural what God has done in His time God is not looking at anyone's gender God is looking for yielded vessels so again, the spirit of wisdom we need the spirit of wisdom to help us navigate all these things because there are many women who are so powerful in their sacred place and they bring that power even behind the scenes and bring it online but if you now you've been told by someone maybe someone on a different platform is saying, oh God isn't using women or maybe someone in your church and denomination where you grew up and that's where you just want to be there you need the spirit of wisdom to let you know that God has prepared a vessel for you for your lifting for your promotion to bring you that special revelation and knowledge that isn't coming from anywhere else and that vessel is a woman so by that spirit of wisdom you know what to do you navigate yourself to the woman and you go and hear what thus says the Lord there in the digital age we need wisdom another thing I wanted to talk about and that's where we're going to close for this evening I'm going to talk I'm talking about deep revelations there are several platforms that are bringing deep revelations of activities processes of the kingdom of darkness these are people who work as agents of Satan and they know how the kingdom works and they now have crossed over into light and they are now exposing the works of darkness so that the people of God understand what is going on in the kingdom of darkness and we are not fooled and we can be equipped and be ready to protect ourselves and to terrorize the kingdom of darkness www.mooji.org www.mooji.org www.mooji.org www.mooji.org www.mooji.org www.mooji.org www.mooji.org www.mooji.org www.mooji.org www.mooji.org www.mooji.org www.mooji.org www.mooji.org www.mooji.org www.mooji.org www.mooji.org www.mooji.org

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