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The Mystery of The Key

The Mystery of The Key


Revelation 3: 7-10

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The speaker gives a sermon about the mystery of the key, focusing on the church in Philadelphia mentioned in the book of Revelation. Jesus reveals himself to the church in Philadelphia and describes himself as the holder of the key of David, the one who opens and shuts doors. He sets before them an open door that no one can shut. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and walking through the open doors that God has already provided, even if they don't look like what we expect. The church in Philadelphia is commended for their faithfulness to God's word and not denying His name, despite having little strength. The speaker encourages listeners to keep God's word and not give up, as God rewards even the smallest efforts with His help and guidance. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! People of God, praise God! Again, we are grateful to God for this opportunity to bring God's Word this Sunday evening. We are thankful for life, thankful for the preservation of life, we are thankful for light, for the enablement to see the mysteries of the Kingdom in the Word of God, so we don't take this grace for granted. It's a wonderful Sunday evening, it's still nice and sunny, and I'm excited this evening because in preparing my message this evening, God opened my eyes to see a secret. You know how sometimes, very many times, we know certain things about God's Word, but sometimes God will open up another dimension of that Word and we're like, I didn't see this before. And so that is what happened to me as I prepared today's message. Let's pray. Holy Spirit, thank You. Thank You for Your presence right now. Your presence here to teach, to heal, to deliver, to bring light, to save a soul, to expound the Word of God to us more excellently, to show us Christ and His glory in a new way. I ask for Your help this evening, Holy Spirit. Without You I can do nothing. Empower me to teach tonight. Teach me so that I can teach what You have taught me. Let lives be changed tonight. Give us an encounter with God tonight and reveal Christ to us in a new way tonight. In Jesus' name, Amen. And so this evening I am talking about a subject that I have titled, The Mystery of the Key. The Mystery of the Key. Our text for this evening comes mostly from the book of Revelations, chapter 3, verses 7 to 10. Revelations 3, 7 to 10. And I read, the Bible says, And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, These things says he who is holy, he who is true, he who has the key of David, he who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens, I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it. For you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. Indeed, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie. Indeed, I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you, because you have kept My command to persevere. I also, because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial, which shall come upon the world to test those who dwell on the earth. Blessed is the word of God. And so, in the book of Revelation chapter 3, we see Jesus visiting the churches in Asia Minor. And we see Christ in Revelation chapter 1, describing the character of the church in Sardis. He starts this visitation from Sardis. And he goes on to tell the church in Sardis their true status. And their status is very different from how they present. Jesus describes them to themselves. And the way Jesus sees the church in Sardis is obviously not how they see themselves. And we see Christ telling them what he has against them. And Jesus warns them and admonishes them to repent. Jesus is unhappy with the church in Sardis. And in verse 3, in verse 7, we see Jesus now in the church in Philadelphia. And verse 7 of our text says, And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia writes. So again, Jesus starts by addressing the leadership of the church in Philadelphia. But we'll see a difference. We'll see a difference. Because in the beginning, chapter 1, Jesus describes himself. Jesus starts the visitation by describing himself to the church in Sardis. But it's a very short description. Why? Probably because he's not happy with them. So he's not taking the time to reveal himself to them because he's unpleased, he's unhappy, displeased with the church in Sardis. But we don't see that in his visitation on the church in Philadelphia. In fact, in verse 7a, Jesus is describing himself in great detail and with great precision and purpose. Jesus takes his time. He describes himself. He says, These things says he who is holy, he who is true, he who has the key of David, he who opens and no one shuts and shuts and no one opens. Jesus takes his time to describe himself to the church in Philadelphia. He reveals himself in a very positive way to the church in Philadelphia. He reveals himself in detail, in precision, with precision and purpose because he's pleased with the church in Philadelphia. So when Jesus is pleased with you, he takes his time to reveal himself to you. When Jesus is not pleased with you, you see very little of Christ in your life. Jesus wouldn't take time. He wouldn't spend time in an environment with which he's displeased. For example, an environment of sin, an environment of debauchery, environment of deceit and impurity. You're not going to find Jesus there revealing himself. Why? Because his eyes do not behold iniquity. So if Jesus is not pleased with you or with your circumstance, your lifestyle, you're not going to see a lot of revelation of his character in your life and in your circumstance. It's going to be brief. Because you know sometimes as Christians, we are saved and born again, but we live in an environment, we have a lifestyle that is not saved and born again. So even though we are saved and Christ loves us, he's displeased with our lifestyle, so he's not going to spend a lot of time revealing himself. In fact, we will see little of the revelation of Christ if our lifestyles don't invite him, if our lifestyles don't please him. And so here we see now Christ really taking the time and sitting with the church in Philadelphia to reveal himself and instead of admonition, like in the case of the church in Sardis, he declares grace. And instead of a warning of impending judgment, as he did in the church in Sardis, God, Jesus reveals himself as the true and real God and he reveals himself as the keeper of the keys to all realms. He reveals himself as the keeper of the key to all realms and as the keeper of the doors to all realms. You know in the book of Matthew 28, I think it is, the Bible says, Jesus says in the book of Matthew 28, I will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. So Jesus holds the key, Jesus holds the key, the key of the kingdom of heaven, which is the key of David. Matthew, Matthew 28, 19, I will give unto you the keys of heaven, kingdom of heaven. But Matthew 28, 18 says all authority in heaven and on earth. Let's go to the book of Matthew. This is a Bible ministry, so we must look in the Bible and make sure we are saying the right thing and make sure that we are in the right path. So Matthew 28, 18 says, Jesus is speaking here now. And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. So it's the book of Matthew, I think it's Matthew, I can't remember, it's in the book of Matthew. Matthew 18, I think it is. Let's check out Matthew 18. Matthew 18, I think 28. No, but anyway, in the book of Matthew, the Bible says, and I will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. But Jesus, he has all authority. He said in Matthew 28, 18, which we just read, Jesus said, all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. And here in the book of Revelation, our text, Revelation 3, 18, we're back in our text now. Jesus is affirming this authority to the church in Philadelphia. And he's declaring, in verse 8, Jesus is declaring what the authority can do. Jesus has declared already in Matthew 28, 18, that all authority has been given to him. All authority in heaven and on earth belongs to Jesus. And having affirmed this now to the church in Philadelphia, he's telling the church in Philadelphia what this authority can do. Now remember, Jesus never revealed this to the church in Sardis. He never said anything about his authority. He never said anything about what the authority can do. And that is to say that the church in Sardis didn't have his authority. Because when Jesus comes in a place, and he reveals himself in a place, he leaves a part of himself in that place. When Jesus comes on the scene, that place does not remain the same. When indeed Jesus comes to your church and reveals himself as the key of David, as the one who holds the key of David, as the one who has authority to open and no man can shut and shut and no man can open, rest assured that he's given you, and he says to you, I have set before you an open door. What Jesus has done is Jesus has entered into your space, into your environment, and he has recreated himself, his power, in that place. When Jesus comes on the scene, the scene, the place never remains the same. Jesus doesn't come and leave the place the same. There has been an encounter, when there is an encounter with Christ, the environment changes. And the environment or the person takes on the nature and the power of Christ. I heard a story even today, and also I have actually heard a minister who is still living tell that story. This story is about a minister who has gone to be with the Lord. The story goes that he was trying to heal a lady who had cancer, and laid hands on her and had been praying for her, and this woman wasn't getting healed. And the minister went to God and said, what's going on? Do I have no power to do this, Jesus? What's going on? You called me to do this. And the minister reports that the Lord opened his eyes to see Christ, and Christ walked towards him and entered into him, and told him to go now and heal the woman. And the minister went and laid hands on this woman, and the woman was healed. So Christ came into that environment, and Christ inhabited the environment, inhabited the minister, and the minister never remained the same. The minister now had the power of Christ to heal the sick. There is also another minister, a younger minister, he is living. He tells the same story of how Christ came and came into him. And today that minister is an apostle for Christ, healing the sick, raising the dead, and doing the miraculous all over the world. Because Christ came on the scene, and he had an encounter with Christ, and he never remained the same. So also, Christ came to the church and studies, and revealed himself and declared his character, his nature, and his power, and that church took on that nature, that character of Christ. The authority of the key of David was manifest in that church. And so we find that in verse 8 of our text, Jesus is saying now to the church in Philadelphia, what the authority of the key of David does. Remember we are still talking about the mystery of the key. Jesus described himself as the one who holds the key, the key of David, the key of authority, the key of the kingdom of heaven. That's the key of David. And in verse 8, Jesus is describing now to the church in Philadelphia what that key does. The authority that Jesus has, which is manifest in the key of David, this is what it does. Jesus is saying, this key, this authority does one. With this key, Jesus is saying, I have set before you an open door. With the authority of Jesus, he set before the church in Philadelphia an open door. And with this authority, Jesus has ensured that the door that he opens, no one can shut that door. Why? The answer is simple. Matthew 28, 18. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus. Because all authority has been given to Jesus, when he opens, no man has authority to close. When he closes, no man has authority to open. Because he alone, he alone has the key and has the power to perform this function. He alone holds the key of David. And now, if we look closely at this text, verse 8, Jesus is saying, See, I have set before you an open door. That suggests that the church in Philadelphia were unaware of the open door. That's why Jesus said, See. Jesus says, I have set before you. The door is already open. He didn't say, I will set before you an open door. He said, I'm thinking about setting before you an open door. He said, I have set before you an open door. And that's why Jesus says, See. Which suggests that the door is open, but they cannot see it. The door has been open, but they can't see. That's why Jesus starts by saying, See. I have already set before you the open door. And maybe he was still praying and fasting and laying hold of the horns of the altar, waiting on God to do what God had already done. Waiting on the open door that had been open, but they couldn't see. Are you fasting and praying and laying hold of the altar for something that God has already done? Are you looking in the wrong direction and beating your head over a closed door, a lost opportunity, and won't let go of what's already gone, so that you can see the doors that are actually open before you? The doors that God has been holding open for you, waiting for you to see, that I have set before you an open door. The truth is, you know, the next level breakthrough you're praying for is already done. It's already done. But can you see it? It may not look the way you expect. It may not look the way you expect. And so if it doesn't look like what you think it should look like, you won't recognize it as an open door. Maybe you're expecting a job, and God has given you a brilliant idea for a business. If you work the business, you will become an employer of labor yourself. But you're looking for a job. And the door of business, generational wealth, is open before you. That's your door. You need to be bold and follow the doors that are open before you. Follow the light that you see. Perhaps as a minister of the gospel or a prophetic psalmist, you've been praying for a platform to teach God's word, because now you know you've been preparing every Sunday, you're really zealous for God, and you know that God has called you. You've had confirmation, and so you think you're ready now to take God's word to some human beings, to ears, to hear. And the doors don't seem to be opening to you to do that. You've been praying for God to lead you to some place where you can teach his word, where you can minister in song as a prophetic psalmist, but no one is inviting you to their church. No one is giving you the opportunity, so you're getting discouraged, and you're thinking maybe God didn't call you. You're beginning to doubt yourself. You're beginning to second-guess yourself. But you see, God is saying to you, how about the doors that I have already opened to you to preach, to sing online? How about YouTube? How about Facebook? How about Instagram? How about Twitter? How about audio.com and on and on and on? The list goes on and on. How about those? What have you done with what you already have access to? How much have you done with the doors? Jesus said to the church in Philadelphia, Hey, look, I have already set before you an open door. The door is open for you. And those doors are open for you. No man can shut those doors. They're not the type of doors that you have to go and have all kinds of competition and you have to... No, the doors are open to you. See the open door. You don't need to be discouraged because what you think God should have done by now, God hasn't done. You just need to be mindful of what God is doing. You just need to open your eyes and look and see what is God really doing. Look around you. What do you have going on? What are the doors that are open? Those doors that are open are the ones that God wants you to walk through in this season. And you know in verse 8, see, Jesus says, And no man can shut it. That's because when Jesus opens the door, it stays open for you. Until you get to the place where you can see the door and you walk in. You say, those doors don't close. What happens is you waste time. When Jesus opens the door, the door stays open. But when do you see the open door? The Bible says that the gifts of God, they are without repentance. So when God gives you something, it's yours. But the question is, when do you see what God has given you? The time between when the door is open and when you see is the issue. It may take you years to see. And sometimes when you do see, when your eyes are open to see, you realize that you have actually walked past this open door many times. When God does it, the one time, why? Because God speaks once. We hear in echoes, we hear multiple times. But once God has done it, he's done it. Once he opens the door, it's open. But when you see the door is when you walk through the door. And that might take a long time. Once you wake up to the door, you're like, oh my goodness. Maybe God opened your eyes to see 10 years ago and you walked past the door. You went in the wrong direction, distraction, looking for what you already have. But the door stays open. So while we're going up and down in pursuit of what is already done, what we already have, Jesus is patiently waiting for us by the door, waiting for the day that we will walk, wake up and see that we didn't even have to do so much. We didn't have to do all that. We didn't have to go up and down. We just didn't have to do all that. The door was already open. But we didn't see. Isn't God good? Is God not good to us? But why is Jesus so committed? I think that's a good question to ask at this point. Why did Jesus commit himself so deeply to the church in Philadelphia as opposed to, for example, the church in Sardis? Why was Jesus so committed to the church in Philadelphia? I think the answer is in verse 8b. The Bible says, I'll read from verse 8, the beginning. I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it, for you have a little strength. For you have a little strength. Have kept my word and have not denied my name. That's it right there, brothers and sisters. That is the reason why Jesus was committed to the church in Philadelphia and not committed to the church in Sardis and the other churches. The church in Philadelphia was faithful to his word, faithful to his name. That is why Jesus was so committed. And they were faithful with what? A little strength. A little strength. Jesus isn't even asking for much because he knows our frame. He knows we are frail. He knows that it's hard. It's hard, especially in our generation. It's hard sometimes to do what's right. It's hard sometimes to do God's will and do God's word. It's hard sometimes to defend the name of Jesus Christ. It's hard, and Jesus knows this. And so with the little strength, the little effort that we have, and the little effort that we are using, Jesus has poured himself out in commitment. The reward for that little strength is so enormous. It's so enormous. We don't even have to, God isn't even asking us to do any heavy lifting. With the little strength that we have, just making an effort to keep his word, and not to deny his name, and just trying to live right, Jesus knows it's hard. And for this he rewards us with his Holy Spirit to help us the rest of the way. Why? Because the Bible says it's not by might, it's not by power, but by my Spirit. In our own flesh, in our own ability, we cannot do it. But the effort, the little strength that we have to try, is all that Jesus requires, that little strength. You know what the Bible says, Gideon knew his own frailty. He knew that his ability was minimal. And he said to God, I don't have... Jesus, God said to him, go in this thy might, this your little might, go in that might. And God empowered him, because he was aware of his frailty, but there was a small amount of might there to take him, to make him begin. And God helped him. Because of that little might and little effort, see what Jesus Christ does. See what Jesus Christ does for the church in Philadelphia that had a little strength. Now, what did they do with the little strength? With their little strength, they kept his word. They didn't deny his name. That is the master key. That is the strategy that gives access to the believer. The master key, the key of David, is obtained by that strategy. Keeping the word of God and believing in the name of Jesus Christ. The key of David is a two-fold key. Keeping the word of God, believing in the name of Jesus Christ, gives access to the key of David. That's it. Now, of course, you yourself, the vessel, the vessel must be prepared to possess the key. That's a different topic, but the vessel, to be powerful and be able to possess the key, the vessel must be clean, the vessel must be prepared. And who is that vessel? You. You, as the vessel, must be born again. You must be saved. You must be pure. You must be sanctified. You must be clean every day, filled with the Holy Spirit, working to be like Christ. And when you do that every day and you remain in that attitude every day, you become a candidate to possess the key of David, just like the church in Philadelphia. That's why the church in Philadelphia was able to have access to Christ on that level, because with a little strength they were making the effort to be righteous, to be pure, to be sanctified. And Jesus recognized that and came to them and rewarded them with the encounter of the key of David. And so now, the church in Philadelphia, having made sure, just trying their best to keep the word, because once you keep the word, the word sanctifies you, the word cleanses you, the word keeps you holy. Without the word you can't do it. So in keeping the word, there is holiness, there is cleansing, there is sanctification. And in believing in the name of Jesus Christ, there is intimacy. You keep the door open for Jesus to come and commune with you, because the Bible says, he who comes to God must believe that he is, and is a rewarder of them who diligently seek him. And so now that we know the strategy for possessing the key of David, and we know the vessel, we as the vessel, the condition of the vessel, the condition that the vessel must be to be able to be effective and powerful in possessing the key, let's look at what the key does. This is the reward of Jesus Christ to those who keep his word, to those who believe in his name, and those who are sanctified and holy. He gives the authority to use the key of David, and you now as the vessel, you are the Christian, you are the believer, you are sanctified like the church in Philadelphia, you are holy, you are righteous, and then being holy, being righteous, being saved, and filled with the Holy Ghost, and everyday keeping the word, staying in the word, reading the word, beholding yourself in the word, holding the word as a mirror to yourself to see everyday, to make sure that you are doing the best you can to be the version of you that God expects, and you see that version in the word, using the name of Jesus Christ, believing in the name of Jesus Christ, you are cleansing your vessel everyday, with your little strength, you are doing the best you can, and the Holy Ghost is helping you to be clean, to be conducive environment for the visitation of Jesus Christ. Jesus will live in your environment, will live in you, live in your house, if you make the effort to keep the word, to believe in his name, and Jesus gives you authority, and gives you the authority to use the key of David, and what Jesus does with the key of David, you become able to do, because Jesus gives you access, he says in the book of Matthew, I think it's Matthew 18, 18, yes, I think it's Matthew 18, 18 or 18, 19, Matthew 18, 19, I have given, I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, whatsoever you bind on us shall be bound in heaven, what you loose on us shall be loosed in heaven, this is the key of David. So once God, Jesus comes and gives us this key of David, we are able to do what Jesus does with the key of David. Jesus binds with the key of David, and no one can loose. He binds it, no one can loose it, he looses it, no one can bind it, he opens and no one can close, he closes, no one can open, that is what the key of David does. So Jesus now gives the authority in the key of David to the believer, who keeps his word, who believes in his name, and the believer does like Jesus does with that key. And what does the believer do? The believer opens doors and no man can close those doors. So when you see a door that should be open, and it is not, you go there with the authority you have now in the key of David, you open it and no man can close it. When you see a door, for example, there is a family that is looking for children, the door of the womb should be open there, it is not. You go there, you exercise the power you have in the key of David, you open the door, and no demon in hell can close that door. Children will come into that house. That is one. Two, you close doors and no man can open them. You bind. When you close a door, you have bound. When you open a door, you have loosed. And once you open that door on earth, it is open in heaven. When you loose, it is loose in heaven. When you close, it is closed in heaven. When you bind, it is bound in heaven. And no man can open what you have closed. Because Jesus said he holds the key. These are the features of the key of David. The key of David opens, no man can shut. Shuts and no man can open. And if Jesus hands that key over to you, what Jesus does with the key is what you also can do with the key. So once you close that door, you close the door of poverty, the door of witchcraft, attack, sickness and disease, by the authority and the word of God, in the name of Jesus Christ, there is no demon in hell that can open that door. Three, Jesus says, and this is verse 9, praise the Lord, hallelujah, Holy Ghost, help me. Verse 9 Jesus says, Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie, indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. The third thing that the key of David does, the key of David causes men to bow to you, and you subdue nations. Men bow to you, and you subdue nations. That is the authority that you get once you access the key of David. That is the power in the key of David. The fourth thing that the key of David does, is that once you access that power, that realm, the realm of power, the realm of manifestation, of authority that Jesus Christ has now given you, the love of Christ is evident in your life. The love of Christ is evident in your life. The last part of verse 8, Jesus says, I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. Those of the synagogue of Satan, they are your enemies. Your haters will come and worship at your feet, and they will be forced to know that Jesus loves you, because of the way the love of Jesus will be so evident in your life. When the key of David is working for you, regardless of what anyone thinks of you, regardless of the opinion of men, regardless of what they think, what they are gossiping about, one thing will be clear to them, God, Jesus loves you. They will be unable to deny the manifest presence of the blessing of Almighty God upon your life, because it will be showing in your life. They will be forced to know that Jesus loves this woman, Jesus loves this brother, Jesus loves this sister. Regardless of the opinion, regardless of if they think you deserve it or not, Jesus said, they will know that I have loved you. They are forced to acknowledge the reality of God, because of how they see God show up for you. Your life becomes a sermon to people around you, especially your haters, especially your enemies. That is what the key of David does. When the key of David is working for you, you operate in a different dimension, you operate in a different level. You are living a spiritual life in the natural. You are no longer living a natural life in the spirit, you are living a spiritual life in the natural, in the flesh. You are living a spiritual life. You operate in a level of spirituality that is common only to those who have access to the key of David. Hallelujah! Now, the first thing that the key of David does, we find that in verse 10. Jesus says in verse 10, Because you have kept my command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial, which shall come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on the earth. Now, Jesus is saying that there will be trials, fierce trials, that will test even the strongest of us. But Jesus is saying that because he has given you the key of David, wants to access the key of David, God keeps you from trials, the trials that others cannot escape. God preserves you from those trials. Now, it's not as if other people deserve trials or deserve destruction or deserve to be victims. You know, the Bible is a mystery. All we know is what the Bible says. If you have access to the key of David, these are the rewards of having the authority that comes with possessing the key of David. God himself, this is the word of God, you know, this is Jesus speaking. He said, I will keep you from the hour of trial, which shall come upon the whole earth. So Jesus, God, keeps you from trials. And so, you know, the benefits of authority in Christ, the benefits of the key of David, they are so immense. And this master key, to think that this master key is available to any believer who believes, yet very few believers are first of all aware. Very few believers believe in the master key. Very few believers know how to access it. And those who know, many don't even try. And so, if our hearts are in the right place, and we have the knowledge through the word of how to access this key, the question is, why don't we? Why don't we do it? Holy Spirit is ready to help us, because we in our own strength, we can't do these things anyway, we can't access the power, we are flesh. But the Spirit of God has been made available to us, to help us to access this key. But why don't we do it? Is it that we don't want the power? Or we don't believe? Why? So today, my charge to us is to press in, to press in, you know, everything that God, Jesus says in His word. Like the barren Christians, we are invited to test and see if it's true. Test and see if it's true. From now, read the word of God. Read the word of God. Read the word of God. And not only read the word of God, keep the word of God, because the key, the twofold key that makes the key of David, is not just reading the word of God, it's keeping the word of God. So the word that you read that you don't keep, doesn't count. Read the word. Keep the word. Believe in the name of Jesus Christ and declare the name of Jesus Christ. And then, if you're not saved, you need to give your life to Jesus Christ. Because this key is only available to those who believe the name of Jesus and do not deny His name. That means those who are saved and believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. Once you get saved, stay saved. Ask the Holy Spirit to keep you saved and to keep you pure and to keep you sanctified, so that God will find your life inviting. And like the church in Philadelphia, God will come in and reveal Himself and hand over the authority in the key of David to you, and do with the key what He, Jesus, does with the key. Amen? Hallelujah! So at this point, I'm just going to invite anyone who is listening right now, and you don't know if you're saved, you don't even really know what it means to be saved, I want to invite you to come to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the only way to a better life, the only way to God. There is no other name given amongst men by which men shall be saved, but by the name of Jesus and at the mention of the name of Jesus, every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Of the things in the heavens and of the things on the earth, even underneath the earth, every living being, everything made is under the authority of Christ. So I invite you now to say this prayer with me. Lord Jesus, I thank you for your sacrifice. I thank you because you came and gave your life for me. I believe, Jesus, that you are Lord and Savior, and I invite you into my life to be Lord and Savior, to save me from my sins. I invite you to come and live in my heart. I give my heart to you. I want to be saved. In Jesus' mighty name, amen. With that prayer, you are saved right there, and the Spirit of God is going to come now and lead you and make your heart ready for Christ. Read the Bible every day, and as you read the Bible every day, you are going to see more and more of Jesus. You are going to see light, more light, and your life is going to be transformed, and you are going to be stronger, more empowered, to be able to live a victorious life in Jesus' mighty name. So I am going to close our meeting today with a prayer. Holy Spirit of God, thank you so much for your presence tonight. Thank you so much for your word to us tonight. We ask for empowerment. You know we can't do this by ourselves. We ask that you will help us, Holy Spirit of God. We ask that you will help us to keep the word, help us to read the word of God, help us to keep the word of God, help us never to deny the name of Jesus, help us to grow in faith in the name of Jesus, empower us, deliver into our hands the key of David, the authority to do on earth what Jesus Christ does in heaven, give to us in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you, Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name. Well, brothers and sisters, it's been another fantastic Sunday, another great honor to bring God's word to us, and I hope you have a lovely week. Till next time, stay blessed.

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