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Unveiling the Prophetic (2)

Unveiling the Prophetic (2)


God calls His prophets and reveals Himself to them by dreams, vision, divine encounters. Sometimes it takes a long time for God to get our attention, He patiently waits for us to come to understanding of our gift.

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Praise the Lord! God's people, praise the Lord! Welcome to another Sunday meeting of the Wheatfield International Network. This is the place of intimacy with God, the place of the miraculous, and the place of the prophetic. This evening, as always, I am honored and delighted. Every Sunday I am more honored than the Sunday before to bring God's Word to God's people. Tonight we're going to do things a little differently, but we are trusting the Holy Spirit to come and just breathe upon us. Breathe upon every ear that will hear what the Lord is saying tonight. So let's pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you, we honor you, we worship you. Of a truth, thou art God, and there is no God like you. We thank you for life. We thank you for the opportunity to gather and expound more excellently the Word of God. We thank you in anticipation for the light that you are going to release unto us this evening so that we can see just that much more clearly. Holy Spirit, you are our teacher. Without you we can do nothing. We depend on you. We believe in you. We are expectant for deep revelation this evening in the name of Jesus. I pray that even as I speak, Spirit of God, you will touch my tongue and release grace and unction for me now to speak even as the oracles of the living God. Only what you would have me say is what I want to say. Only what you would have me say, please let me say. Because I am here on God's agenda. I have no agenda of my own. I am here to reveal Jesus, to glorify Jesus, to edify the body in Jesus' name I pray. Amen. So, God's people, it's going to be, I believe, a very interesting evening because we are going to operate this evening with a certain level of vulnerability. We are going to speak some truth this evening because, you know, sometimes as Christians and as human beings we tend to want to hide. We want to hide and it's a good thing to have some level of mystery to yourself. But from time to time we need to be able to use our own stories, our own lives, to use our own lives to preach God's message to God's people. That's why the Bible says, and they overcame him, Revelation 12, 11, and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. So we all have a testimony which glorifies God. And if we don't hide that testimony, people will be edified. The church will be edified and God glorified. But very often many of us hide our testimony. On tonight, this evening, I am going to use a small part of my prophetic journey to reveal the purposes of God as I am led by the Holy Spirit. As I have been led by the Holy Spirit, I am trusting the Spirit of God for articulation and for understanding in Jesus' name. This evening we are dealing with part two of a subject we began last Sunday, which we titled, Unveiling the Prophetic. And so today's title, our subject we have titled this evening, Unveiling the Prophetic, a Prophet's Testimony. Unveiling the Prophetic, a Prophet's Testimony. And our text for this evening is from the book of Numbers, chapter 12, verses 6 to 8. Numbers, chapter 12, verses 6 to 8. The Bible says, And he said, speaking of God, Hear now my words, If there be a prophet among you, I, the Lord, will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream. My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house. With him I will speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches. And the similitude of the Lord shall he behold. Wherefore then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses? Hallelujah! Hallelujah! You know this is a very, very deep passage of scripture. It's deep because it's personal. Like I said earlier, today's message, today's conversation is very personal to me. But let's start from the man Moses. This passage of scripture talks about Moses. If you read the entire chapter, you will see that God came into the midst of Moses and his siblings, Aaron and Miriam. Miriam, his sister, and Aaron, his brother, who also was his prophet. Miriam herself was a prophetess. And so you see, Moses, the prophet of God, Aaron, his brother, the prophet of Moses, his sister Miriam, a prophetess. You see there is prophetic gift and mantles as a subject, a center of this family dynamic. And so Miriam and Aaron, in particular Miriam, they have risen up against their brother Moses, saying that Moses is not the only one whom God has called to prophecy. Moses is not the only one whom God has gifted the gift of the prophetic. I am also a prophet, Miriam says. Aaron is a prophet. So why do you think you're so special? And remember, Moses is the youngest. So God now has elevated the youngest above the older siblings. And so there is rebellion. Not rebellion from the Israelites, not rebellion from the Egyptians, not rebellion from the neighbors, not rebellion from anywhere else, but rebellion in the house of Moses. His siblings have risen up against him because of his gift, because of the call of God upon his life. And you know, if you remember, the Bible says that Moses was a man, a very meek man. He stuttered. So he couldn't talk very quickly, couldn't talk very fast. And so he was a quiet man. The Bible says he was meek. And I also believe that's probably why he had a temper also, because he couldn't easily express himself. And so there would have been a lot of aggravation from that inability to articulate and to express himself. And so now, there Moses is, meek and mild Moses, with his beloved siblings. These are his siblings. These are his backbone. And why are they angry? Not because of a gift he gave to himself, not because of anything he has done wrong, but because of a gift that God gave to him, which they believe it shouldn't be higher than theirs. They don't believe that God has elevated his gift higher than God has done for them. We are all the same, his siblings are saying. And now God had to step in and judge the situation. So this is God now judging the situation. I gave this gift to all three of you. The gift is from me. You Miriam, you do have a gift, you are a prophetess. You Aaron, you are a priest and a prophet. But hear now my words, saith the Lord, if there be a prophet among you, I, the Lord, I make myself known to him in a vision. And the Lord is saying, Moses is not like any of you. Moses, how many of you have I spoken to mouth to mouth? How many of you see the similitude, behold the similitude of the Lord? How many of you? So you and Moses, you are not in the same category. These mantles, they have categories. The anointings have categories. Prophetic graces have categories. And so even now as I speak, there might be someone who is listening now, who operates in the office of a prophet. Know now, right now, that even if you have a gift of the prophetic, everybody is not the same. You need to know where God has placed you and you need to operate in that realm. God is saying now to Miriam, to Aaron, my servant Moses is not like the rest of the prophets including you. I speak to you all prophets by visions and dreams, but my servant Moses I have elected to speak to Moses mouth to mouth and to reveal myself to Moses. Now, how is it you are not afraid to speak against my servant Moses? God is asking this question because He knows that Miriam and Aaron, they know the truth, but they are in rebellion. How do they know the truth? They are prophets themselves. They know the truth. Sometimes when God gives gifts to men and God releases such an amazing grace for us to operate in that office, we forget ourselves. The gift gets to our heads. We begin to think, sometimes some people even arrogate onto themselves the position of God. Nebuchadnezzar did it and God had to check him. Miriam and Aaron, having received this prophetic gift, decided they were on the same level as the man whom God elected as deliverer who had been leading them up until this point. Moses didn't just begin to operate in this higher level of the prophetic. He led them up to this point. So it was the spirit of rebellion that was making Miriam and Aaron to rebel against the authority of Moses. So God had to check them immediately. We are going to come back to this later, but let me just lay the foundation by saying right now that you see, the office of the prophet, the gift of the prophet is from God. Because many would be asking right now, how do you even know that you are a prophet of God? How do you know that you are a prophet? How do you become a prophet? The gift of prophecy is from God. It's a gift of the Holy Spirit like we talked about last week. And it is God who releases gifts to men. And some people God calls. Some people God calls. John the Baptist. God called John the Baptist from his mother's womb and put upon John the Baptist the spirit of Elijah. Some are called from their mother's womb, but for many, many years they don't even know that they have been called. Samuel is an example. Samuel ended up in the house of God by covenant from Hannah, Samuel's mother. Samuel's mother was barren and for many years she had no children and she made a covenant with the God of heaven who gives children and said, O Lord God, if you would bless me with a child, a male child, I will give this child back to you. And the Lord heard her voice and the Lord gave her a child and she remembered her vow, she fulfilled her vow and gave the child, the boy Samuel back to the Lord and gave Samuel to God, left Samuel in the house of God as a gift to God by covenant. So Samuel was in the house of God serving the Lord, serving Eli who was a priest. Eli was a priest. And Samuel in the days when Samuel was being raised in the house of God, was serving in the house of God, the Bible says that the word of God was scarce in those days. God wasn't even speaking to anyone, including Eli the priest. So that means that from when Samuel was, Samuel ended up in the house of God, not as a prophet, not because God said, Oh, I'm giving you a prophet once this child is born, give the child back to me. I need this child in my house as a prophet. No, Samuel was given to God by covenant from Hannah. God didn't ask for Samuel, Hannah offered Samuel to God in gratitude for making her a mother. So Samuel ended up in the house of God serving because he was there in the house of God. And the Bible records that Samuel grew in stature, he grew to become a boy. And in the days when Samuel was growing, the Lord wasn't speaking to anyone. The Lord wasn't speaking to Eli, the priest. There was no word. God was silent. No prophet in the land was hearing anything from God until the Lord called Samuel. And Samuel had no idea that God was calling him. So you see now that the prophetic unveiling of Samuel began without his knowledge. God called him. He had no idea God was calling him. He had no idea what the voice of God sounded like. He went in search of Eli the priest when he heard the voice of God. So in that instance, as in many cases, God chooses himself, for himself, his own prophets. God chose Moses. God chose Samuel. God chose John the Baptist. God chose Elijah. Elijah had a hunger for the prophetic. Elijah, who received a double anointing of prophet Elijah's mantle, was hungry. And Elijah went in pursuit of the call. And he ended up with a double anointing because he was hungry. Elijah was a regular, he was a farmer. And he became one of the sons of the prophet. And he became a powerful prophet with a double portion of the powerful prophet Elijah from seeking that mantle. He went in pursuit of the call. And he got what his heart desired because he wanted it to glorify God. He wanted that to glorify God. The Bible also says that if we desire the gift of the Holy Spirit, all we need to do is ask and God will give us. If we want a prophetic mantle, a gift of the Spirit which is understanding and wisdom, the prophetic, all we need to do is ask and God will give it to us. But bottom line is this. The gift of the prophetic comes from God. Whether you ask for it and receive it, whether you are called a prophet from your mother's womb and have no idea, however you get into that office, it comes from God. So the rules of engagement of the prophetic is from the Lord. The rules of engagement is from the Lord. And if we look back in this scripture, our text for today, we examine this text, we see how the prophetic operates. For God is saying now, hear my words. One, the prophetic is governed by God's word. Any prophecy, like we said last week, that doesn't rest on all fours on the word of God, right, immediately is not from God. If there is a word of prophecy that has no Bible correlation, you cannot rest it on a passage of scripture, that word is not prophecy from God. Why? Because we are prophets of God. What is a prophet? A prophet, like we said last week, is the mouthpiece of Almighty God. And so, if we are prophets of God, God is using our mouth to speak His word to His people. This is what we are looking at here in this piece of scripture, where the Lord is saying, My servant Moses, this is verse 7 now, Numbers 12, 7. The Lord is saying, My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in My house. With Him, I speak mouth to mouth. So from the mouth of the Lord, to your mouth, to the people, as a prophet, you are speaking the mouth of God. God's word is what is coming out of your mouth on behalf of God. This is why every prophecy, true prophecy from Almighty God, must rest on all fours in the word of God. The Bible, inside the Bible somewhere, must be a word upon which a prophecy must rest. And so, one, the operations of the word of God, of the prophetic, the rules of engagement, the word of God, everything that the prophet says, must rest on the word of God. You are speaking not for yourself or from yourself, you are speaking for the Lord. And, how, how does the office of prophets, the prophet operate? The office of the prophet is for the purpose of unveiling God, by His word. The Lord said, Numbers 12, 6, I, the Lord, will make Myself known unto Him. It is God, by His word, who reveals Himself to the prophet. God makes Himself known. The purpose of prophecy is to unveil and reveal, make the Lord known. Once the Lord makes Himself known to you as a prophet, you make the Lord known to the people of God. How? By visions and by dreams. The Lord speaks to His prophets through dreams, through visions, encounters, by word of knowledge. You just know. God unveils Himself to you through knowledge. You just know. You know things. And then you speak what you know, what you have been told. Because the Lord makes Himself known. He gives you knowledge of Himself through His Spirit. He says, I make Myself known. So, once you have this knowledge, it is not a segment of your imagination. It is the Lord making Himself known through His word to you, by dreams, by visions, by prophetic encounters, divine visitations, even sometimes the Lord Himself will make Himself known to you, as He did for Moses. You know, last week we talked about in this dispensation, even though the word of God says here that what God is saying here at the time was applicable to Moses and Moses alone. But since then, God has poured Himself out on such high levels, in such volumes of grace on men and women that what God gave to Moses then, God has given to many more now. So, in this last days, God is speaking mouth to mouth, in addition to speaking to His prophets by dreams, by visions, God is speaking mouth to mouth, God is revealing, God is visiting people. God is visiting His prophets by similitude of the Lord. Similitude because no man can see God and live, so you can only see His similitude. God will reveal Himself, you might be looking at a curtain, or looking at something and the next thing you see is similitude of God, it's called a theophany. A theophany is a vision, a revelation of God, this is what the Lord is saying here, in a similitude, God reveals Himself in something that the natural eye can behold, because only in death can a man see God face to face. So when God reveals Himself to a man, He will only reveal a similitude, in something He reveals Himself, in something that is similar to Him, so that you can see God face to face and live, because you are seeing His similitude. So God speaks to His prophets, God reveals Himself to His prophets through dreams, through visions, divine encounters, by similitude, He speaks now mouth to mouth, even through audible voices, even through audible voices. God is now so advanced in the operations of the prophetic in these times, it's amazing what God is doing, it's amazing how God is revealing things, revealing the mysteries of the realm of the Spirit to men and women, and even some children. There is such an outpouring of the prophetic in this season that it's like Bible days, you know, and I believe strongly that the reason why God is doing it is because there is a need. The advancement of the kingdom of darkness is high level, high tech, so much so that God needs now, God needs to release the level of power and prophecy, prophetic unction commensurate with the advancement of the kingdom of darkness. Can you imagine that the kingdom of darkness is so high tech and so advanced and the kingdom of God is still in the dark ages? God is omniscient, He knows all things, He is omnipotent, He can do all things, so He sees everything that is going on, even in the kingdom of darkness. This is why there is such a great outpouring of the prophetic in this season, because it is needed to combat the onslaught of the kingdom of darkness. And so, there are now many men, like I said, women, children, who have the prophetic mantle, who have a prophetic call upon their lives and many don't know. Like Samuel, many don't know that they have been called. God is calling many prophets right now. They can hear, but they don't recognize the voice of God. And they are running to man. They are running to man, instead of running to God. God is calling even someone who is within the sound of my voice right now. God has been calling you. You hear Him in messages when you go to church. You turn on YouTube, you turn on the television. When you have board meetings, the Lord is repeating the same thing to you. Calling your name, calling you into the prophetic. You are hearing, but you don't understand. And you are attributing the voice of God and what you are hearing to something else. And you are giving someone else the responsibility, trying to push it onto someone else, because you don't understand. But God is patient. Just like God was patient with Samuel, because the Bible says God called Samuel more than three times, before he realized it was the voice of God. He kept going to Eli. But Eli, by the third time, realized that God is calling the boy. And God, who is patient and kind, because you know, sometimes it takes time for God to get our attention. And He knows this, and that's because in this earth realm, there is a lot of distraction. Especially now. And God is aware of this. God is patient. God is kind. If you can't hear Him, He is not going to stop calling you. He is going to keep calling you till you hear Him. And when you do hear Him, God is going to place in your life a teaching priest. Someone whom God has sent on an assignment to train you in the operations of your gift. Samuel was a child. He didn't know what it was like to be a prophet. Eli was a priest, but had had the prophetic gift. Because if he didn't, he wouldn't have been able to recognize the voice of God. He had to have heard that voice before to recognize the voice of God, that God was calling Samuel. So at some point, Samuel also had the gift of the prophetic. So God placed Eli in Samuel's life to train him to become who God had called him to be. So when God calls you as a prophet, God is going to place someone in your life. Someone who is accessible to you, either physically, maybe your pastor, maybe, I don't know. Someone that God has elected and prepared for you to train you. In these days that we have the opportunity to be exposed to great teachers online, it might be someone who has a ministry online and God has prepared that person as a vessel to use to train you. And once you obey God and you discover God's call upon your life, wisdom suggests that you submit yourself diligently to the vessel, to the prophet, the priest that God is sending into your life to prepare you and train you for your office. Because the sooner you submit and learn, the quicker you will be able to function and operate in what God has called you to do. God reveals himself to his prophets. Once God is training you through the teaching priest, as you are learning from the teaching priest, God is going to partner because it is God who is sending instructions to you through that priest anyway. And you are going to find when God sends you a teacher, a priest to train you, either of two things will happen. You are going to find that this priest, every time God speaks to you in private, the moment this priest or prophet or teacher opens their mouth, they are going to repeat the things that God has said. Why? Because they are a witness from God. That is how you are going to know. When God sends a priest to you to teach you, this is how you are going to know. Everything that God tells you in secret or anything you tell God, any conversation you have in secret with Almighty God, when the vessel prepared and assigned to your destiny, when you meet that person, how you know if the person is because they are going to confirm the words, God's word will come out of their mouth by confirmation because they are witnesses from God. And it is going to continue like that. Sometimes it is going to be they will confirm either things that are happening immediately when you have a conversation with God, or they confirm something God has said to you in the past, or they tell you something that will come and it comes. And I am very particular about online ministries because God has chosen in this season to use online ministries to reach across the earth. And so the vessel that God has intended to use in your life and in your ministry may be online. Never disparage online ministries. It doesn't have to be a physical location. It doesn't have to be your pastor. God will tell you. God will send instructions to you through the vessel that he has chosen to use to mold you for the office. And that's because, you see, when God calls us, there is a season of training. In that season of training, nobody knows you are a prophet, except perhaps people who are close to you because sometimes, and I am going to go to this in my own testimony, which I will come to in a few minutes, sometimes, even though you don't know that there is a prophetic call upon your life, sometimes people around you can tell. Sometimes people who have the experience or sometimes people whom God has revealed you to because God will reveal you. If you are a prophet, a true prophet of God, God is going to reveal you to the people to whom you are sent because God calls his prophets to use their mouths to edify people, to send his word by their mouth to people. So if God wants to send you to someone that you might believe, God is going to reveal you to that person. They may not even know you in the natural, but in the spirit, God is going to reveal you to them. And when you meet them, they will believe God because God already told them you were coming. An example, when God called Moses to deliver his people from Egypt, Moses began to negotiate with Almighty God. Moses said, Lord, you know my deficiencies. You know that I can't speak. You know I stutter. So how is it you are going to send me to Pharaoh? You are going to send me on an assignment that requires so much speaking when you know I can't speak? And the Lord said, I know. Your brother Aaron, on the other hand, likes to talk. And he can talk. He will be your mouth. He will be your prophet. As you are my mouthpiece, from my mouth I will tell you. You from your mouth to Aaron. Aaron will be your mouth and speak. The Bible says, God said to Moses, as you are going now, you will meet your brother. I have spoken to Aaron, your brother. I have told him my intention. So when Moses met with Aaron, Aaron already had the instruction from God. God already revealed Moses to Aaron. And so Moses didn't have to do too much talking. So it is with us. When God calls us as prophets and God sends us on an assignment, a very crucial assignment, He reveals us to the person He is sending us to. So that when we get there, we don't have to do too much talking. Why? Because God has already prepared their hearts and prepared the ground. All you have to do is declare, thus saith the Lord. And whatever you say usually is confirmation of something God is already dealing with in their lives. You are just a mouthpiece so that they will know that this is God. And so when God has elected a vessel to use to train you, He reveals that vessel to you first of all and begins to confirm His word at the mouth of this vessel. Because there is always a training period before the unveiling. Before God unveils you into your office, He must train you. There is a period of training and part of that period, a significant part of that training is a priest. Someone who himself or herself has walked the path to learn their own gifts. They will train you in what God trains them. They will teach you what God taught them. And if you are obedient and diligent, you will learn and you will grow. And as you do that, God will begin to reveal Himself even on higher dimensions because now you are growing in leaps and bounds from someone who didn't even know they had a call and went into infancy in the prophetic. You are growing like the Prophet Samuel. The Bible says the Prophet Samuel grew in stature, in favor. The Prophet Samuel grew. We are supposed to be growing in our gifts. So God now begins to reveal more to you. Begins to reveal deeper mysteries of the Kingdom. God can now trust you because you are receiving training from someone that God has trained also. You learn many things. You learn how to be quiet. You learn how sometimes when God shows you something, there is a way He wants you to say it. There are some things God might even show you He doesn't even want you to say at that time. Or maybe God is just bringing you into knowledge of certain secrets that are happening behind closed doors because the Bible says that Prophet Elijah, God was revealing to the Prophet Elijah in his house what the King of Israel was doing. And the King said, there is a mole in my camp. There is a spy in my house. And his men said, no King, there is no spy. God is revealing to the Prophet Elijah everything that is happening in your bedroom. What you are thinking in your head. The God of all knowledge has elected to reveal your secrets to the Prophet Elijah. So God is ten steps ahead of you. Before you move, the Prophet Elijah has moved. And when the Prophet Elijah moves, God has gone ahead of your plans. Because God is revealing to Elijah what you are thinking. You haven't even had time to plan. You haven't even had time to execute. You haven't had time to do anything. You only are thinking. And what you are thinking, the Lord, by prophecy, by the spirit of prophecy, is giving knowledge of your secrets to Elijah. And giving him advance notice so that he can counteract your efforts. And override your actions with the purposes of God. That is why God needs prophets on the earth. To bring about heaven as it is in heaven onto the earth. Otherwise, why else would God need a prophet? God is a spirit. He doesn't walk the earth in flesh. But he needs vessels who can hear. To whom he can speak by visions, by dreams, mouth to mouth. Reveal himself in similitudes. So that his vision, how he wants the earth to be, so that we can bring down heaven onto the earth to glorify God, glorify Jesus. That's why. And so we need, if you want your unveiling to be quick, you need to be diligent in your time of training, in your time of learning. So that when you are revealed, when the day of unveiling comes, you are trained, you are ready, you don't embarrass yourself, you don't embarrass God. Because everything is on the calendar. If you move quickly, God will partner with you. God will see your heart and see your seriousness. God needs soldiers, prophetic soldiers, prophetic intercessors. And like I said before, in this season there is such an outpouring of the Spirit of God, the anointing for prophecy, for intercessory prophecy and creative prophecy. It's unprecedented. And so once you sense that God is calling you, or you desire the gift of prophecy, it is not an office, a call for unserious people. Because prophecy is serious business. Lives depend on accuracy of vision. Lives depend on the discipline, the diligence of the prophet to stand on their watch and wait to see what God is saying about the situation, to wait on God for strategies, to wait on God for revelations, to wait on God to move that veil so that they can see into the realm of the Spirit at a high altitude and receive instruction from God to know what to do on earth to counter the works of darkness. Lives, destinies depend on the diligent prophet. There is a season of training, a season of obscurity. Many times in this period you are going to walk alone. Why? Because many people won't understand your gift. And at this point I'm going to go into my own testimony, which is a very deep testimony. And because I have had such great experiences in the prophetic, there is a lot I cannot even say out loud. But I do have a journal. I have a prophet's journal that I record my journey. From a very young age I had a gift of prophecy. I didn't understand it. I just knew that I could see. From a very young age I could see. My dreams were accurate. They were accurate, so accurate that you would almost feel like I was there. Not only could I see my dreams and visions, I actually could see in the natural. I had many encounters, spiritual encounters, prophetic encounters. I have seen things that it's not something that I would discuss on this kind of platform. But from a very young age I had the gift of sight. Now, as I grew, my mother recognized this gift. And she formed a habit of interrogating me in the mornings about my dreams and my visions. And so what that did is it gave me the ability to take my dreams and my visions seriously. So by doing that she trained me not to discount my dream life, to understand that life is spiritual. And many things that happened in our family, she was picking up that God was revealing secrets to me. And the reason why, probably because I'm a firstborn child, and the reason why she made it a habit too may have been because she could tell from experience that what I was telling her, that I was seeing in my dreams and my visions, were close to reality. Because if there was no substance in what I was saying, she probably wouldn't have been encouraged to keep on asking and seeking to know what I was seeing. And so it was symbiotic. God was using me to give direction to her and to the family. She herself actually had a gift of the prophetic. But I see that she recognized maybe a higher outpouring in me, maybe because I was a child, because you know children, especially children who have the gift of prophecy, the younger they are, the more potent their gifts, because they are not as inhibited as the adult, the level of innocence is higher. And so maybe she recognized this, and by seeking to know what I had seen, she was training me in respecting that life is spiritual, respecting my dreams and my visions, respecting and expecting to see. And so the more I expected to see, the more I saw. The more she sought to know what I had seen, the more accurate my description and understanding of what I had seen was getting, because often times when I saw something, even if I didn't have understanding, she did. And she would interpret the dream or the vision. And so from her interpretation, I was also learning meanings. I was also learning meanings. So I was trained from a very young age to respect my dream life, to respect the spiritual realm, to respect that God gives access to the spiritual realm through dreams and through visions. And when I now grew up and became independent, I saw for myself that God was in fact leading me in my own life through dreams and through visions, because God was giving me deep revelations that I couldn't discount, I couldn't deny. I realized and I began to appreciate the accuracy of my gift. Now at this time I was still very young. I knew I had the gift. I knew I had the accuracy of it. And sometimes when God would speak about other people, I would tell them. And in fact, when I was living in London, they used to call me a white witch. I was a Christian, but I was young. In fact, I wasn't as dedicated a Christian at that time. And these were my colleagues where I worked, my co-workers. And they would call me a white witch because they also recognized the accuracy of this gift. And because to them, they were just recognizing and appreciating that you can see. Now, what I didn't understand at that time was that a gift of prophecy can be corrupted. If God gives you a gift and you don't use that gift to glorify God, that gift can be corrupted. And so I remember when I was in high school, even before I went to London and was working, and then my co-workers called me a white witch. When I was in high school, I had experiences, several experiences. I had visitation. I had a visitation which I can never forget. But there was something I now began to do. I can't remember how it started, but I remember that when I was in high school, people would come to me to tell them about their lives. And I would begin to speak about their lives and tell them everything about their lives. And I was so accurate that each time they would say, How did you know? How did you know? How did you know? I didn't know. I didn't know that I knew. I only just used to say the first thing that came to my mind. And whatever came to my mind turned out to be accurate. I didn't know that. I didn't know their lives. I was just talking. I thought I was just talking. What I didn't realize was I was corrupting my prophetic gift. It was now becoming like a soothsayer, because I wasn't operating under the umbrella of the Holy Spirit. I remember very clearly, each time they came to me, I felt the need to stand in front of a light source. I felt the need to stand in front of a window or somewhere. There had to be light coming from wherever my face was facing, so my eyes had to be looking at light. And once my eyes were looking at light, the knowledge came like thoughts. I didn't know where it was coming from. I didn't know I knew anything. But once I was looking into the light, I just knew things. And whatever, something about their lives would come to me, would occur to me as a thought. And once it occurs to me as a thought, I would speak what I was thinking. And then I would hear, how do you know? Oh my God, how do you know? Even I became afraid, because I didn't know how I knew. But I was now gaining a reputation for knowing things about people's lives, and they would come and gather unto me to know these things and say these things. And I wasn't comfortable with that. So I stopped doing it, because I didn't know what was going on. I didn't know, I didn't understand. What is this? Because I thought I was playing, but I wasn't playing. There was something going on spiritually. And how do I know? The accuracy of what I was saying was proof that I was not playing. Even though I intended to play, I started out playing, but it was no longer playing. So I had to stop doing it. But I still remember till today. I still remember till today. So ladies and gentlemen, life is spiritual. The prophetic is a very, very, very, very wide area. It's a realm in which we need to dwell, and we need to dissect by the leading of the Holy Spirit. So we're going to be on this topic for a long time. As long as the Spirit of God leads us, as long as God wants us to tarry on this subject, we are going to be here learning and growing, and we're going to wait on God to reveal himself and to dispense an outpouring of power. Amen? Well, people of God, it's time to close our recording this evening. It's been a very enriching evening for me. I feel very enriched by this meeting. That's why I love to do these things, because you never know where the Spirit of God is going to flow. You never know what he's going to say. You never know how he's going to do what he's going to do. Tonight, I feel like God has ignited something on this journey, and I'm excited to see where God is taking us to teach us. I'm excited to see where God is going to drive this vehicle, and I'm excited to see where God wants to go with this subject. So until next Sunday, I pray that God will open our eyes. I pray that God will visit us even starting now. I pray that God will pour out upon us a fresh grace to see God, to hear from God, to be vessels, to be used of God in this end time for his prophetic purposes. In Jesus' mighty name, amen. Until next time, take care of yourselves, and God bless you. Amen.

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