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INTRO EP: A Man in Progress Podcast Intro...

INTRO EP: A Man in Progress Podcast Intro...

Wonky CharlesWonky Charles



What I want to achieve with this podcast! follow along for this journey!

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The host of a podcast, Charles, discusses the goals and purpose of his show. He wants to emphasize that it's okay for listeners to be themselves and not try to emulate others. He also aims to offer guidance on everyday issues, especially for men who are often taught to suppress their emotions. Charles believes that men should be strong and emotionally open, as they are leaders and responsible for the well-being of their loved ones. He hopes to create a community of like-minded individuals who can agree to disagree and support each other. Charles emphasizes the importance of discipline and personal growth, urging listeners not to give up on their goals. He quotes Plato, stating that conquering oneself is the greatest victory. He invites listeners to join him on this journey of self-improvement. what is going on everybody my name is Charles and I am the host of this podcast well I'm really the only host of this podcast but listen I wanted to touch on what my goal is and what my intended purpose and message is for this podcast because I know there's a ton of podcasts out there I mean everybody's making one of them you know but you know that you can find and listen to but you decided to click on this one first of all I want to say thank you for giving mine a chance I'm a very open-minded person and I'm always open to feedback not to mention I don't have much experience doing these things so you know any advice is great advice guys second what is my goal and purpose for this podcast let's break it down into a few parts I'll try to keep it short but you know it's a podcast so if I start rambling on you know just leave me on the background and you know go do what you have to do while listening you know you don't have to pay attention just just listen sometimes it's good to just listen right what is my goal with this podcast well I have multiple goals for this podcast and one of them is to just talk to you about why it's okay for you to just be you right and I mean that a lot of you might think well duh it is okay for me to be me well we all look up to people and some of these people we have never met and we try to emulate what they do right especially right now with constant creation as is that a point where you have to act crazy or weird to get anyone to acknowledge you and you you know you hope that you will blow up and become famous overnight a lot of people try to act like famous streamers a lot of people to act like try to act like you know celebrities and that is my point it's okay for you to just be you right we all have different personalities and we all have different circumstances and experiences that make us just as good as the next man you know what I mean and you need to know that you need to understand that you need to be who you are you need to be who you were meant to be not someone else not a famous person not a few content creators just you that's who you are just be you my next goal for this podcast is to offer guidance and when I say guidance I mean in terms of everyday things that affect us in a way that we don't know how to communicate it or a way to solve these issues a lot of the times we're told to be tough and strong and to be emotionally open this sounds crazy because we're taught as men to be emotionally dead so now as men you know as the strongest being on earth and as the leaders we are you know we have had enough we'll be what we want to be right if we want to be tough and strong we'll be tough and strong if we want to be emotionally open we will be emotionally open because at the end of the day we're human beings right and we will go through things that will crush us we will go through things that will shatter our hearts we will go through things that will completely change who we are but one thing we must remain one thing we must remember one thing we must always keep in the back of our mind and that thing is we are men and we are leaders and we are the first and last lines of safety for our loved ones our women our children and the elderly as men we put on many hats and these hats I'll go through them throughout the episodes of this podcast but one of these hats is to make sure our families and loved ones can depend on us and come to us right we make sure they eat we make sure there's a roof over their head and we must keep them safe that is what a man must do that is what a man is I hope to be the type of person that can create a community a community where we can agree to disagree on things like these because we are all different people and we have different circumstances and experiences my goal is to create a community of like-minded people who will see my vision and see that you don't need to be obnoxious obnoxious you don't need to be aggressive unless it's absolutely necessary right sometimes things must be done a man knows what his goals are and the man knows what his life should take him as a man you cannot afford to be sleeping nine to ten hours a day unless you're sick and even if you're sick you must find a way to get better as soon as possible because a lot of people are depending on you as a man you cannot and I mean you cannot be nothing and you cannot afford to be to not be disciplined right you have to be disciplined there's too many vices and bullshit out there that will create distractions for you as a man you must keep growing and keep an open mind it's okay if you don't have all the answers right now but what is not acceptable is you giving up right that is the core idea of this podcast that is my goal and what I hope to achieve right the community I aim to create and where I will lead this podcast is what I just mentioned to you it hurts to be less than who you can be it hurts to not achieve the achievable and it fucking hurts to have regrets and before I end this intro I want to leave you with this Plato some people might co-announce as Plato but I think it's Plato once said for a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories if you're ready to conquer yourself follow this podcast and come on this journey with us let's go together

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