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Nice Puck, Let's F@%k

Nice Puck, Let's F@%k

WTF Is my wife reading?



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Hello, welcome to WTF Is My Wife Reading with Izzy and Joe. Hello. So on this podcast, we are going to chat my Smutty Book of the Week, and Joe gets to read from the book. I'm interested to know, like, why you started reading these. Not like, hey, listen, I love it. I'm glad you do. Like, I'm reaching the benefits, so I am totally cool with it. But like, what got you to start reading these books? So, I started reading books innocently. Really, I really liked historical fiction at first, and thrillers. And then one day, I picked up a book called The Love Hypothesis, and it started off, you know, like a slow burn. That was a rom-com, and it has a scene, and if you've read it, you know, and it is pretty fucking hot. And I was like, oh, what's this? Give me more. I want to read more of these. So then I got another book, and I liked it. And then I learned that those are pretty tame in the world of romance. Oh my God, yes. They can get real dirty. Those are like nothing compared to some of the books I've read since. I still read thrillers and historical fiction, but I read to be entertained, not to feel smart. And smut entertains me greatly. And me too. Yeah. Yeah, you benefit. Thanks for buying me all the books. I appreciate it. Thanks for doing stuff in the books. You're going to need a Kindle, though, or we're going to have to get a second ward. For sure. Oh my God. It is getting out of control. I feel like we should have started with that one first. Needing a Kindle? No. Definitely not that. Like, starting with that book first, since that was like your first, like, I don't want to say popping your cherry, but like. It's so tame, though, compared to the other. I mean, it's still dirty. It's still smutty, you know. But there's been other ones since. I love that book, but there's other ones that are steamier. We'll do that book eventually. Okay. It might be on loan. A lot of my books are on loan to people right now. That's, see, okay, that I can understand. But like, this is kind of where I guess maybe like a guy's perspective is like, I wouldn't rent or borrow or whatever one of those books from the library. Because it's gross. There's women like reading this smut, and like what if they're like. They're not doing that. Women don't do that. Whatever. That's what I'm saying, like. We read them, and then we go find our husband. They should be like, are they like plastic covered books? I don't know, because I buy mine. Or like the books like in grade school, you know, where you made like the tops of like. Like the paper sack? Yeah. You know what I mean? Like you should put one of those on there first before you give it to one of your friends. Like, here you go. And they're like, oh, shit, it's covered in that. Women don't need that. They just go find their husband. What if they're married? What if they're single? What if they're. Then they do something after they're done reading. Not while they're reading. Maybe. I don't know. I'm not. I can't speak for all women. That's what I'm saying, like. Have you never done it? What? Have you never done it? It's like reading a book and be like, well, yeah. What if I'm at work, though? And you're like. I'll just wait. Definitely a woman's perspective. You guys would be like, oh, this is kind of hot. Like two seconds in, she'll be like, all right, well. I read it for entertainment. Let me get the tissues. Joseph Rodriguez. All right. So what the fuck are we reading this week? So this is a rom-com. There are different. For the first podcast, I need to explain to you the different genres of romance. Because there's different romance readers. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. You have readers like this. I am a four-year-old when it comes to reading. I don't like reading. I'll audio book it. I'd rather watch the movie than read the book. I don't care. I don't read. I made the mistake of trying to do a spicy audio book. Those are not for me. It was horrible. Is it like one person reading it? It was a guy and a girl. One, I could understand the girl's voice, but it was just uncomfortable. I was driving around, and all I could think is, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. I was driving around, and all I could think was, I don't know. 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I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I should have been in here like that way. I like disgusting bloody things. It's not going to be bloody. Why would it be bloody? Tentacles or dinosaurs. I don't read that. I'm not reading that. No, no. The dark romances are a lot of morally gray men doing very morally gray things. There's things beyond that. That I'm not touching with a ten-foot pole. I don't read a lot of fantasy. I feel like we should do one. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. I'll read one fantasy, but don't read it. 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