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Weeb anonymous ep1 - 31424, 6.18 PM

Weeb anonymous ep1 - 31424, 6.18 PM




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like showcasing somebody they did that no they did that with Arlo's that they had rad music in the background it takes like a solid minute and a half to get through the guy posing you have to see every inch of their body no you got to see Arlo's Crocs on or he didn't have Crocs they had sandals I remember this because he's specifically shown that I got to see the sandals the jacket the drip I don't want to see that I'll see it throughout the fight you know what I can't remember his pants I think he had brown pants I don't trust I don't trust myself you shouldn't you stabbed yourself like eight times and broke your I did I also cut myself with a razor blade thank you very much I'm surprised I haven't chopped myself with the knives in the cutting but the only thing I get hurt I cut myself with a fucking paper is working with my grandpa because we're with a rosebush so yeah all right there's my here ready or we get anything we get too far and I won't kick like you know the spines on a yeah bluegill yeah I fully kick that he knows it cuz I stand myself straight to the bone yeah no it was it was really deep in there I wasn't waiting for a while I had to go get like it all bandied up I hate you die in hell is everybody everybody ready to get this started yeah so we're weeds anonymous right all right tell us when you're gonna go all right hi my name is Levi oh yeah cut that part out hi we're weeds anonymous you first what's your what's the show you want to talk about jobless reincarnation oh yeah by the way anime related it's Michoacan's a jobless reincarnation doesn't matter same exact thing Michoacan tensei Japanese jobless reincarnation English go all right yeah I love the first episode and I loved how I love the animation the animation was amazing it has been the best animation I've seen in a long while if not just the best your thoughts personally second season bread scene to the first I'm talking about like the first season where he like conjured the water ball oh yeah that was very like the very couple first episode yeah it was like the first episode he comes right at the end it was at the end of the first episode he conjured that massive water ball I put a hole through his house oh yeah he died and then I don't think the episode matters guys well yeah specifics but yeah it was really cool how he did like the water ball and it was swirling around in front of him he's like QB oh no cumulonimbus it's a different way yeah yeah well it's like a massive storm I'm called yeah no I'm talking about the little water water right it was just I'm gonna pump as much magic as I can into this random water ball right but I thought it was a good starting plot line to the story it was neat it was yeah and I feel like showed his potential yeah I loved how they did it cuz like they didn't just give him magic powers off the bat it's like you saw him train with this you saw him struggle with it you saw him like advancing before we continue let's talk about how he was a hermit past life bro was looking at the TV the monitor the monitor yeah notice if we had that scene where like when when his brother came in it like smashes TV's like I don't know I think those were the people I don't think that was the brother said I can't I can't believe like degenerate get out no no no no this happened this happened okay after he met Paul again you know he was like he saw everyone looking at him and he's like this reminds me of when my brother looked at me that way and everyone was and it flashed back to him looking at the people oh yeah it looked like he's no no he passed out from using too much money that scene where it took him back like like over to viewing is like past life where where would you talk about water ball app so after he dumps enough water in the jugs he's like oh yeah I don't remember him like doing a flashback flashback to what you mean where he talks a man God cuz he didn't do that so like um I'm halfway through oh man awesome are you talking he talked to mango at the very end I'm not talking about man God he passed out after using all his mona in like the first few episodes episode yeah yeah um I made that flashback to his old life oh yeah he's like oh yeah now I'm fine this really is happening it's not a dream I remember that thing now yeah he woke up and said this isn't a dream yeah right so second episode we get to me we already covered this is like an episode at this point the first maybe yeah we've already skipped to like second season material where he meets his daddy and let's talk about where Roxy is introduced and how much Rudeus is a pervert oh like from childhood it was the way he like the way he ordered everything yeah I died at like 35 oh my god oh yeah so like he was like five you know he was four at that point where Roxy was introduced because he was already like walking and talking oh yeah maybe three or four yeah he met Roxy yeah oh no he met Ares he was like was it he was 10 when he met Ares because he left when he was 10 cuz he was like oh he left when he was like nine yeah they never they never talked about his ninth birthday so I assumed he went there when he was like no he didn't have a nice birthday all right guys they have a birthday every five years there it's their tradition they introduced it in the show can you give me a little gummies yes I like that was like not even five minutes sugar while drinking sugar all right yeah I like that I like the whole first season I liked everything as a whole what you all think about yeah cool you drink a bunch of water or a bunch of Gatorade yeah she was just like dead silent except for me talking all right what did you think about like the second episode or not second I'm stupid second part two of season one because remember this there's part one and part two and then season two no part two part even one part two where he like met Ares and Bruges I thought that was a neat little add-on to the story it really helped to progress the plot you know gave us something else to look at instead of just continuing the same old same old I have one slight complaint about it and it's not even a complaint it's more like an observation but so it went from like it was like slice of life and all that kind of stuff no real action there was like one big fight and that was when he fought the bandits remember that's probably messing with the mic yeah because if you touch this it's vibrating the mic and the mic picks up vibration okay mm-hmm yeah so I loved the I love the whole thing with like how it changed from slice of life action but also hated how it just like stopped doing the action all of a sudden it's like we're going back to slice of life when he goes to like the second season yeah I see what you mean it was like hard cut it's like he sticks with Ares hard cut now it's like the life I know it was pretty hard yeah oh yeah he does get depressed I see why it would stop oh yeah bro got ed if he had that there wouldn't be a second season yeah he really loud no he like remember not sure if you'll remember it he laid in that bed in where he slept with Ares and all that for like things three months is what he said yeah he was he did he wasn't bedridden or anything he just sat there so depressed the only I don't really you know the second season was kind of a letdown I mean it continued story we remit Sylvie oh I love it I love the second I love that second season for one reason what was that one guy with the Tom haircut or like the ball here that what no it's a season one but no that's part two season one Rooster leaves after part two season one I'm talking about that was a bowl cut well sorry name starts with a Z strong guy you need to know no I'm thinking demon guy he's not a demon no that's body got it the guy who freed Rudy's from the like prison and all that who has like the little girl who did who's trying to learn the earth magic oh yeah the guy from the king boy she's not she's not really a slave together yeah but there's magic so he could make many figures but he treats her like a daughter at this point yeah because I mean she's not over where she works she like does magic for like to an hour or two and then it's like playtime and she just like follows him around yeah I just thought it was so messed up she's like it's Pokemon I said it follows him around I think a Pikachu all right so you know it was a in my opinion overall Michoacan say I'll give it a four four and a half I don't think I didn't know you're so off yeah I'd say actually it is no go out of 10 because 10 is a better scale yeah all right yeah there's more room for like good like and a half maybe seven that is see it's better when you have a 10 out of scale or even a hundred all right fine seven and a half to eight out of ten yeah I think I think it's a it's a solid nine because I say a 10 is something you cannot improve on that would be like cyberpunk Edge Runners yeah that is like I don't think I don't think you could make it any better yeah you cannot yeah but with jobless reincarnation it's like it's really good there's some things you couldn't prove about it though yeah that's why I said that's why it's a 9 and out of 10 yeah I have like 10 to animate I give a solid 10 out of 10 what cyberpunk and I hate to say this probably like what's that one I shadow or eminence in shadow yeah I wouldn't give that a 10 I wouldn't either but I definitely yeah it actually it may be like a 9.5 because well it does some stuff really good with the amount of time it's had it's had two seasons like half the time Michoacan says and it's like it introduced the nine shadows or the seven shadows I don't know I said nine and it's like all these broad archetypes and all these like this character super hype hyper rambunctious and then all these different characters are like yeah and then it like it shoves that in your face and it's like we're gonna take that away for now but like those characters stick with you and you like know about them you think about them and like they leave an impact on you with a short amount of time they have like think about it at the same time Delta has and everyone still loves her oh my man over there Delta I admit was great I loved her dog yeah I don't know why she had the skin-tight bodysuit but all right I agree they do do it with the show but I feel like I don't place enough focus they don't the show doesn't like draw me in enough to place enough focus to give it what it gives you like I'm okay so season one amazing but like so many anime just suddenly get a set a part two when it wasn't supposed to get a part two yeah the second season kind of let me down if I'm being honest yeah I'm crying why are you crying I have no idea maybe cuz for the pain I am yeah I'm just really tired right now I have no idea how tired I am right so what were you doing I was trying to sleep but I could not sleep because you were doing what good I had some real them on the air oh yeah back to cyberpunk nobody was doing back back to cyberpunk edge runners I think the plot just keep going non-stop until the end yeah just keep oh that thing you know main right yeah yeah well that same episode he kills his wife and he kills himself wait yeah he kills himself too I mean just go cyber psychozoic yeah I I didn't really like how they just like did his wife so dirty like that I don't even remember her name I've given it oh yeah Oh bro where buffer yeah and then his wife was but they were both buff yeah like he married the Thomas of all girls yeah I'm definite 10 out of 10 I love how depressing I hate you I I have not met a single person who has had the same side as me but I love pillars you know the one guy with the golden hands the go through the skull episode 3 Oh best girl Rebecca no yeah she's solid one and then you got the one girl wasn't Lucy's the solid two I remember all and then I I'm not even gonna put whatever her name is up there Maine's wife TV oh no oh kiwi I hate it she does not well I don't hate her I don't like her that like that cuz you don't even have a face like what well yeah she doesn't have a lower jaw also yeah yeah like why does she have that I don't know how does she smoke probably through like you know I it's not important yeah she's always been smoking through her mask and I'm like how does she smoke you know how do you know we've seen her mask come off remember when Maine punched her and all that also um spoilers everyone dies and it makes everyone everyone except Rebecca Rebecca and that one mustache dude with like the robotic arm I don't remember his name we forgot to add a spoiler warning well they're gonna know we're weaves anonymous they hear something about Michoacan said we're going to start talking about it true all right so you know Raiden 10 out of 10 next two guys in first season is like we're moving around a lot we are but that we should have spent more time on yeah okay well we really really did skip over eminence and shadow yeah I watched it like at the same time he was watching it we both talked about it you were like so praising of the first season I was like okay I'll watch it I'll praise the first season but the second second season overall took it down yeah that's the exact opposite with like would you recommend it of what I mean you can watch it but I mean yeah if you have nothing else to watch but I mean pretty much anything would be better I tried getting you to watch free run and you're still like no I've gotten this I've gotten this dumbass to watch it yet I can't get you I mean I gotta watch my other I did I've gotten all my closest friends except you yeah I do I even got ginger to talk about it except he's never gonna watch the only problem I have with the free run anime I love every part of it but you never get to see free run embarrassed free with the main character I know you're gonna be on the journey who do you think the story's about I've never watched it so I don't know okay we're talking about free run who's in this character white-haired Oh my background yeah the only back I don't know the only elf we've we've met one other elf what we've got a few other elves oh you're not on this episode oh yeah well thank you for the spoilers I don't care I love the first one though cuz like I made a whole D&D character around him yeah yeah um so he's he's an elf all that kind of stuff I was warming himself up in the winter who who's doing squats no one can see you so you should probably like say something if you're doing something I'm saying who what's the thing I mean who there's multiple ways someone could take that all right fine fair no we're not videotaping this this is a podcast what were we I just lost my train of thought the only thing I'm thinking about right now is Jujutsu Kaisen oh yeah let's talk about that one also the dude isn't making it I forgot his name what who is it make sure talk about that one guy he died I don't really care about him I know that sounds insensitive but why the producer died I don't care I watched a bit of Dragon Ball I didn't really like Dragon Ball Z and all that I mean yeah probably like Oda the guy who made one piece he made a one-shot what you know a bunch hot is no like one chapter BAM it's done oh I see what you mean and it was kind of like the predecessor to one piece like Zorro was in that one you don't know who Zorro is I know who Zorro is oh god you're not that you're not brain-dead okay thank you that's tough I think I prefer Mahito's cool and all but I don't I hate Mahito's guts Wow what he did what is his name Oh you mean what's his name guy in a suit guy in a suit oh no I hate him for that yeah no but yeah he does like he does he does the one-fourth thing Naomi I know I drew him and I hated drawing him yeah I just like Mahito's character I think if I had to pick one it'd be Gojo I'm an overpowered fan guys forgive me yeah that's also why I liked the channel so much that's why I like a lot of isekais and you all don't know I'm having trouble yeah I'm having trouble deciding between Gojo and Sukuna oh okay if I had to pick a fair character I probably go with Sukuna because Sukuna he's really cool yeah yeah no no no no no okay so Mahi Raga Maharaja Mahi Raga Mahi ha Maharaja Maharaja oh okay so yeah he had never been defeated in like all of history it like killed the last eight whatever his name was it killed the last six eyes and limit this person because like there was a guy who killed you basically it killed the previous trainers it's like I'm in the previous like I like oh no they don't understand no I'm saying he killed the last Gojo basically oh that's nice remember cuz Gojo has limitless and he has six eyes and they were always ready for power yeah and that that was only happened like twice before and the other one was killed by Maharaja yeah that's a right I think yes I think I personally Maharaja might be my favorite and I think if like Sukuna went all out from like second one he could have one shot him cuz he technically did with that one flame arrow cuz he regenerated every other attack which makes me curious how is bro not immune to flame no not volcano head Maharaja he's lived for so long did no one think to do like blow a torch and no one just thought fire I think that doesn't be like the first thing you think of well maybe second after stabbing that's like the main plot he's like invincible to everything that's ever happened so he's never been burned yeah it's like well he adapted to being cut he adapted to like what else did he adapt to was bro captured at birth yeah he captured like a Pokemon like bam oh no he was never captured actually that was specifically mentioned then how is he not okay but he's killed everyone he's ever fought cuz like it's a it's a death or no nothing yeah but there's never been a fire user yeah we've seen like four different fire users attack him yeah like Gojo not Gojo um what's the opposite of Gojo no like it's the Gojo backwards is the guy's name yeah go to volcano head his name is Gojo yeah no it's Jogo Jogo is his name yeah okay yeah okay I don't remember names I like this character I also hate his character cuz he burned on a mean and he deserves to front in hell you know honestly I mean the guy in the suit with the oh yeah the guy who's fly he's got like the golden watch honestly I did love not me as a character but when he died I honestly he's out of this story so I don't care anymore okay you said you would like a scar face or stitch face whatever you want Mahito oh yeah yeah but you G to Dory calls him patch face I thought it was well I think not I mean call him Scarface but someone call him Scarface I'm pretty sure okay um continue yeah he killed not only him but like within the same episode he killed Nobara and then I don't really care about her you don't care about a hammer time she wasn't dead dead okay so if someone were to come in some reason you know 5% no hey she was not breathing I remember the guy he came over he was nervous and all that kind of stuff because he's the nervous guy I don't even remember it yeah yeah he said does not have a pulse and she's not breathing don't get your hopes up but I'm trying to stabilize her right now um no I don't think he's even give a percent he said she might live yeah might live I'd give it like a 5% chance what you know here that was the last episode imagine she does come back in the second season but like half okay she was like obsessed with the beauty thing I wonder if she'll commit suicide oh no she does like the Bane thing against herself nails herself in that because she's like uses nails and hammers to kill oh man wouldn't that that would take a well I mean that'd be horrible but great plot point second season has been so dark that might not be out of the realm of possibility the first season yeah second season the second season has been like pretty dark he's killed so many people so many people and remember like oh yeah what are you saying no he has 15 fingers now so he needs like five more to get the full power yeah I think he's gonna get the full power within like the third season all right there's definitely gonna be a third season with the amount of hype with it I hate oh I would hate that because they left it kind of on a cliffhanger because it was like Yuji was in there by himself no well I hated the animation change I love the silky suits you know where it's like shiny and all that kind of stuff I hated how they kind of turned it dull I didn't I didn't even I'm going to jump across the table and punch you no you didn't notice the main animation change we did also the animation was smoother that was all cool but I hated how they made it so you jump over the table you break it you buy it no yeah no I teleport over there then yeah I'll do you got an instant transmission yeah no I wasn't gonna do to from like Naruto uh it was what it was with the maybe it was it was a thing that the Renegade oh Renegade you want to do the Renegade swap? That means he'd end up over there and you'd end up over here I thought we could just full on teleport you no no you'd have to swap I mean I was not very perceptive There's only one Renegade Yeah I know right I thought you said Sharan But the Renegade could open portals You could like throw an object and swap behind him There's air behind you I'll swap with that Technically that fits the recommendation or not the recommendation I wasn't saying because you can't perceive it I can perceive it I can perceive the molecules Yeah just swap with the molecules Yeah um Just spit Oh since we're on the topic Naruto No since we're on the topic of switching I wanted to talk about um What was his face? The guy who claps Oh It starts with an O I'm pretty sure It's not Toji Oh no the guy The guy who claps and swaps places It's Toji yeah Yeah I love his character so much He is my favorite character Actually I take back what I said earlier He is my favorite character Favorite Nanami Well Nanami was a good solid third Or Gojo one of the two So I take back my Sukuna answer earlier I switched that to Toto How can you forget Beefcakes bro I can remember Beefcakes I can't remember Toto It took me like months to remember your name I feel offended Yeah you know I don't have good memory It took me so long to remember your name It took me like a month to remember his name Bro's got the memory of an insect I do no it's a fish A fish only actually has months worth of memory I thought it was like 5 minutes No it's like 4 months It's like 6 months It was goldfish is what I'm thinking It's like a goldfish has memory of 4 to 6 months Yeah alright We're talking about goldfish That's nice I take that back Alright um Aw The snack that smiles back I remembered yeah goldfish Okay let's get back to on topic Jujutsu Yeah Naruto Let's rate it real quick I'm talking about Jujutsu Kaisen What are we rating Jujutsu So I'm gonna say first season A solid maybe 5 6 out of 10 It was good it wasn't bad It wasn't amazing I had to visibly watch it I watched it on the trip I think I liked it I watched it while I went to Florida I'd give it a 6.5 maybe 7 I'd give it maybe Between a 5 and a 7 Second season I'd give it a Second season I'd give it a solid 7.5 7.5 out of 10 I don't know Alright second season 7.5 out of 10 I'd just give it the same 6 For second season I'd rate it a I guess I'd rate it a 6.5 Second season was definitively better That's why I gave it a whole point increase 8 out of 10 That's a bit much because Jujutsu Kaisen I like their animation The animation was great But that's not the whole thing you have to focus on You also have to think about The storyline, the character development That was some character development That made their If you want some good animation with death Watch a cyberpunk I've already seen that We talked about it like 5 minutes ago I know but I said if you want to watch something No I'm good I focused on Yuji Maybe some of the back parts The amount of the back Oh Like Because Even he heard it The amount of depression you could hear Or feel coming off of Yuji When everyone was dying It was sad Also when Sukuna left his body And he regained his consciousness Right there in front of the crater He was like oh my god That helped so much I laughed at that I mean we all did But it was awesome I wasn't like flat out laughing I just chuckled a little bit to myself Because he was like oh no But then they also had that epic fight With Mahito I think Mahito's dead now He got absorbed By Gato Gato Gato's gay Michael Gato's not gay I said his toe is gay Oh my goodness Because it's not straight It's relatively straight It's straight enough I broke my toe if you all don't know He was breaking three toes in front of him Now forgive us but we did laugh at him for breaking his toe It was fun It was cool right there when I broke my toe It was funny It's funny to hear about How did you break it didn't you say you stubbed it Yeah so my mom was yelling for me We're off topic We gotta listen to this She was in her room Her lights were on She was scrolling through TikTok or Facebook You know what old people do My parents are like 20 years older than me My parents are 45 My dad's 61 Or no She's like 60 I'm not saying 60 I cannot think She's like 38 or 39 now That's not mid-30s And 30 That's later 30s Alright You're making weird tongue noises So yeah She was yelling for me So I had to walk in there Just so I could grab a remote that's like 5 feet away And give it to her Which she could have sat up and reached for I was walking I was playing Fortnite Trying to get a dub with Angel Angel I should not have said her name Well nobody knows her She's not with us at the moment So I was playing on there We'd gotten two victories actually And I was like you know what I'm gonna go camp in this bush I'll be right back I got from my recliner Cause I have the best gaming chair It's a recliner Actually no I did not die from that I died from storm Cause it was a 5 tick You stubbed your toe loose Yeah and I ended up getting up And stubbing my toe so hard On my recliner Not recliner my dresser I busted my handle Like it's loose now I have to re-screw that in Your handle the other way At the very bottom where your foot would be No I got up I got up and started walking And I ended up hitting my toe What your toe reappears then? No I have multiple handles it goes almost down to the floor I'm a suck man But uh so No I walk with power You do not understand my power walk I have broken toenails Off before sir I walk like this I actually did it down in Florida It was painful getting in the ocean with a bloody toenail I got a question I have a question guys Have you ever like someone tell you This happened to my sister and immediately laugh Oh that's not funny I've done that and they started laughing too Cause they were over it But I was like oh crap It's like when you told me It's like when you told me That you fell off your moped And broke your arm Yeah I fractured my wrist I'm not joking remember I laughed at that I don't remember It was funny Very funny After I fell all I remember is just rolling We're horrible people You came back like 3 days later No I came back the same day Came back from school and I worked that day as well Wow bro Fractured wrist don't get you out of work No it's gotta pay none of the bills I don't pay any bills That's why I said none of the bills My friends pay bills Right so we are off topic now We are very off topic I don't have to go from anime to paying bills So yeah you said something about someone dying It was like Dragon Ball author Naruto No not Dragon Ball Yeah but not the author Oh the author The creator The creator of Dragon Ball Yeah the author Didn't we discuss who we didn't care I said I didn't care You all never said What do you all think about that I don't care You said you didn't care I don't either I don't care about that Wasn't his name Akira Toriyama Japanese we won't be able to remember it So many Could you read this out loud I wish you all the best Book Yeah I might have missed the mic Okay so Let's move on to another Anime Naruto Fine we'll talk about your Naruto We are going to do this right We are going to talk about We are going to talk about one We are going to talk about Naruto Shippuden Shippuden Stay away from Boruto Don't talk about Boruto We will talk about Boruto And we will discuss it indefinitely Flaming garbage I agree I know everyone who has watched Naruto is original Naruto I like Shippuden Original Naruto is solid Yeah Isn't original like 200 Shippuden is like another 500 Yeah it's 400 9 seasons is the first one And the second one is like 500 episodes Either way I like the first and second season No I like the first and second show Of Naruto Those were gold That's the OG anime I could always turn back to I'm not going to joke with you Didn't Naruto lose Kurama Yes Kurama is dead now Boruto is not canon I told him that to help him It's not canon It never happened This is canon That is a camera It's a camcorder It's a camcorder That says canon on it That's cool Yeah I hated Boruto Flaming garbage I honestly only watched it for the fights I compared it side by side New Naruto vs. Old Naruto Boruto vs. Naruto You know Naruto is still on Boruto Yeah I'm talking about Boruto as a person And Naruto as a person And how they've grown throughout the series They compared Naruto Naruto is better I'm also saying I'm talking about bloodiness And goriness There's not that much gore I got nightmares as a kid How? You get nightmares over everything The tuning exam Terrified me because of the snake And the bloodiness I was kind of scared of the snakes as a child You know what happened? The first time I tried watching Naruto I was like 7 or 8 I was like 5 I was on the TV in the living room My mom saw Sexy Jutsu And turned it off Sexy Jutsu was a good It had plot relevance actually The first time Pervy Sage might not have taken as much of an interest in Naruto Oh yeah The first time I had watched Naruto I didn't know Shippuden even existed So I watched the first season I was like what happens next? And didn't Shippuden start After the 2 year break? Yeah the 2 year break Where Naruto becomes big I want to tell you something About my child I was a stupid person I know you're a stupid person But we don't want to hear it I watched the original as a kid On Netflix And Netflix does not have Naruto Shippuden So I rewatched Naruto 10 times easily If not more than that And that's 9 seasons That's a lot of episodes Remember how they had those Weird off-brand episodes Or was that on Hulu? I know you're talking about the spin-off Like that Mecha-Naruto Yeah that was never on It wasn't canon But it was fun to watch Even the Netflix stuff It's like 70% filler Look I don't care about filler They just move quickly with the animation I like their style One Piece animation just feels so LONG There's literally a place called Long Ring Long Land Of course it's going to be long Imagine the One Piece is there They have to go all the way back Around the Grand Line Alright you all want to hear a joke Since we're talking about it We're not telling jokes Okay What math do you perform with a sword? Long division It's not funny Long division That is the worst joke That's the point It's supposed to be A long sword? That's a better joke than saying long division No Let's talk about Guts and how he has a long sword That one you cannot deny I never watched Guts We're talking about Berserk I like the 1990s I have too many animes to watch There's a whole bunch of different versions Kind of let me explain it So the 1997 is the original It gets all the way to where Guts gets portrayed by Griffith That was really good I loved that one That one was best out of all of it I have a question does Guts get his guts spelled No I don't want to watch that thing He spells other people's guts In more ways than one Seriously I watched the 3D version Oh that one makes me want to vomit I never watched it I only watched the first episode Have you watched the live action Bleach? Oh yeah I watched that That was on Netflix too I didn't like it I watched like the first 70 episodes And then I kind of stopped I was going to get into Bleach But I never just watched it It felt too It just radiated It just radiated Cliche It just radiated cliche I didn't want to touch it It felt like Naruto in other animes He does kind of look like Naruto Skinnier Orange haired He's also a more grown up version of Naruto Because he's like 19 or something Imagine our Ginger is just a blood We need to have a Ginger That would make it that much better Oh wait I know a Ginger We know a Ginger Adam Wait his name is Adam? You're bad with names so of course you don't remember I always just call him Gingy and Ginger Vitus And many other Ginger stuff Yeah just Ginger in general But still Adam we can get him on the podcast sometime We should probably not say his name We'll just call him Ginger We can cut that part out Okay As long as he never listens to the podcast They have no idea where we're at If someone looks for a Ginger Whose name is Adam We live on Earth That's where we're at Our location is the moon We are on the moon I am the man on the moon from the pictures From that one show Yeah by the way the moon landing was totally fair I'm joking with you Okay so us playing D&D I was going to D&D With my friends I was talking with Harper Because I said someone else's name I don't know that Okay I was talking To the small person The midget They're not a midget They're just small Okay let me continue And she was like do you need me to bring some Talent off for you Yeah I saw that conversation I was like Pain does not exist The government is a lie The moon landing was fake She was just so confused Yeah I'm going to bring it anyways Yeah she's a nice person She's a year younger than me She's not that young How old are you? I am 16 I think You were born two months after me I'm 15 My birthday is at the end of the year And I started school early I have an excuse September I'm close to the end of the month You're really revealing every bit of information about you You really want to say your whole birthday On the air 2008 I was born in 06 I was born in 09 I was born in 08 I wouldn't exist If I was born in 09 I was born in 06 So it's 10 days before the end of the year What grade are you in? I'm a junior I'm a sophomore Alright let's get back onto topic Which was off topic Naruto First Naruto All of it Because we're not going to do 9 seasons individually That would be too many So Naruto as a whole Not included I'm specifying this So people don't get confused So what would you rate that one? Oh gee It started everything off Probably an 8 7.5 7.5 out of 5 More You'll be on the scale Honestly there was a lot of spots that could have been improved Some things could have been slowed up Some things could have been slowed down Some things could have been sped up Some things could have been changed differently And how they killed the 4th Hokage I was okay with all that kind of stuff The 3rd Yeah the 3rd Hokage The old guy Shikamaru's dad What was that one kid with the missing teeth Asuna That's from Sword Art Online We can talk about that some other time We can talk about that next I have some hate speech Not hate speech I have some words of ill intent towards it No we're not talking about Sword Art Online Because you're going to ruin one of my great shows I used to watch that show And I love it He liked someone who was like 5 years younger Who? One girl who sung to him On Christmas First season I think it was She was like 13 He was like 17 Her The girl with the freckle Blue hair She died He went to fight Christmas Day Santa Evil Santa Remember he got the cube And it sung to him and he cried a little bit My soul cracked inside That first guild he joined Also she was 13 He's 17 They're trapped in a game Did you google her age? Because I can guarantee you she's not 13 I really don't think she's 13 What's her name? I don't remember her name Just look up Sword Art Online Blue haired girls Half the girls in the show I don't think Asuna has blue hair It's more light blue Purple Asuna So wait Second season I see what you mean What would you rate season 1? Which one? Naruto That's what we were trying to rank And then we got off topic again Between 7.5 and 9.5 I didn't think about those numbers Because that did not click for me Me personally I would give it a solid 7 Because it wasn't bad It wasn't amazing But it was a good show Honestly maybe 7 or 8 What's the evil guy's name? The one with the long hair? Snake guy He was the guy who made the show Or he made the game Which one are we talking about? The one who Helped kill the third Hokage Oh Shikamaru The Orochimaru I said Shikamaru The guy who gave me nightmares Orochimaru Some of that background music When he was on is funky It's beautiful I like him as a character in general He advances the plot line Have you watched Hunter x Hunter? Love it I love it The chimera arc let me down a little bit But specifically I liked the rest better But specifically One thing The one clown dude He took a body Let me take this out of context I'm going to take this out of context He wants A 14 year old boy's body And he wants him to come live with him For the next 9 months And maybe after those 9 months Some things will happen Why is his hair not blue? Her hair is blue It's black No it is not It's black I thought it was blue It's probably the shade In that one scene With blue lighting I call it more of a jet black Where it's got a blue hue I'm going to have to step out this Gatorade Bathroom What is that? Bathroom break What is what? We got an image on the phone I'm going to save that real quick Show him You're going to walk all the way across the room To go talk to this random guy you've never met Alright Back to this That might be Naruto That might be I liked Naruto as a whole What about Boruto is getting a 0 out of 10 Dino was unwatchable with bad animation I'm not going to give it a 0 2 1.5 I'm going to give it a 2 I'm giving it a 2 Because animation was at least semi decent It's not bad animation And the storyline makes some kind of sense Kind of But it's also very bad because of my preference Boruto is flaming garbage Yeah It's not amazing I literally only watched it Just because I wanted something to assemble For what goes after I watched like 4 episodes past Kurama's death And then I was like no I can't live Did you see Saki's birthday today? No I said February 11th I thought you just said it was her birthday No I said her birthday is February 11th I was about to break up the song Yeah Or whatever she sung What did she sing on that cue? I forget Yeah because it was Because I remember earlier Oh it was 2023 wasn't it Because I remember the release date of that That was coming out It was a little while back Of the Nerf Gear I want to switch back To our job description 7 Hold on 2023 minus Ok so you know how like some animes The outro 16 Only 1 year younger Dang it It was legal Not a good one Where did you get 13 from though? What? I thought she was You know how small and innocent she looked She wasn't that small She was smaller than Kirito And Kirito is already small Kirito is not small bro Isn't bro like 6 feet? No he's not He's like 5 foot 7 That's not small It's only like 4 inches smaller I'm 6'3 No way you're 6'3 No way you're 6'3 Michael I'm 5'7 Oh I think I'm like 5'11 I might be almost 6 Hold on guys we're comparing height Yeah I'm a lot taller than you Alright back to recording That was awkward It was fun awkward Alright Oh yeah what I was talking about is you know how like some animes The outro there will be animation over it And they'll kind of be talking And the outro will just be like faint music in the background Faint music bashing them with all the credits I don't think Boruto had that did it I'm not talking about that I'm talking about Jobless Incubation again They did that with the intro And I loved it I loved it so much because then you cannot skip the intro Yeah the intro They did it with the outro too Remember last episode Last episode of I know they actually did it with the last episode of each season And then they just did it with the outro Alright guys don't go too far I gotta go to the bathroom Don't leave me Don't leave me with this guy I'm going to cover very important content I'll be right back We're going to pause this I'm just going to let it roll because once we're done I'm going to show you how to do some editing Alright I'm going to keep this cracked because the door is locked I'm going to keep this cracked because the door is locked I'm going to keep this cracked because the door is locked I'm going to keep this cracked because the door is locked I'm going to keep this cracked because the door is locked I'm going to keep this cracked because the door is locked I'm going to keep this cracked because the door is locked I'm going to keep this cracked because the door is locked I'm going to keep this cracked because the door is locked I'm going to keep this cracked because the door is locked I'm going to keep this cracked because the door is locked I'm going to keep this cracked because the door is locked I'm going to keep this cracked because 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