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16th April Full Show - Meowing in the Excavator

16th April Full Show - Meowing in the Excavator




On the show this morning: - Dog interrupts live TV broadcast in hilarious way - Player quits card game tournament over 'bad smell' - British Navy no longer requires recruits to be able to do basic task - GIVEAWAY: Taronga Western Plains Zoo Annual Pass - GUEST: Iain Thurlow - Gilgandra Show - GIVEAWAY: Gilgandra Show Tickets - Student arrested for bizarre use of fax machine - GIVEAWAY: Stock Route Music Fest Tickets - GUEST: Jane Diffey - Dubbo Show Young Woman Award


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The main ideas from this information are: - The host of the show is concerned about looking like a burglar due to the cold weather. - The show is giving away a Zoo Friends Pass for Taronga Zoo and tickets to the Gilgandra show. - There was a funny incident during a TV broadcast where a dog relieved itself on the news desk. - The show is playing music and discussing the weather in different locations. - The show is also giving away yearly passes to the Dubbo Taronga Western Plains Zoo. - The British Navy has removed the swimming requirement for recruits to boost recruitment. - The show is sponsored by McDonald's and is promoting a chance to win free coffee. - Listeners have to guess the animal sound to win a yearly pass to the zoo. - A caller guesses the sound as a hyena, but it is actually a cheetah. - The show directs listeners to the website to win a yearly pass to the zoo. You're waking up with the Central West and Best Brekky. On the Zoom. Good morning, we're back again. Oh, the voice, the voice is not working. Okay, good morning. I'm not, my vocal cord's not awake yet. I'm walking in this morning. It's getting colder and colder, which means that my dress attire is changing and adapting to the actual temperature. I'm concerned as it gets even colder than it is now, I'm going to end up looking like I've just burgled a house, which is a problem if you're wandering around on the streets at about quarter to five in the morning. Not a good, not a good look to have. I expect I'll be spoken to by law enforcement. I'm fine. Coming up on the show this morning, your chance to grab a Zoo Friends Pass for Taronga Zoo. It's literally free access for an entire year. It couldn't be better. And also, we have tickets to the Gilgandra show, which is coming up this weekend. You get your hands on that. Coming up in a few minutes, however, a dog has interrupted a television broadcast in one of the best ways imaginable, but at least not for the person that had to clean it up. All American rejects first. Gives you hell. It's Zoo FM Breakfast. It's for your Tuesday morning at home at Dubbo's. Best music from the 80s to now. It's Keegan with you. Tyler, marshmallow, water. Almost 25 past six. Zoo FM Breakfast. It's Keegan with you for your Tuesday morning at home at Dubbo's. Best music from the 80s to now. Top of 27 degrees today in Gilgandra. Currently 11. Going to be sunny this morning. Chance of showers this afternoon and thunderstorms tomorrow. I've stumbled across overnight one of the most brilliant news bloopers known to man. Hands down. Known to man and women. Obviously not going to be selective here. A news broadcast. It was going to air in Bolivia a couple of days ago with multiple newsreaders sitting around this sort of big white desk, big shiny white desk, nice and clean, very professional. It just looked like a sort of a Sky News set, if I'm going to compare it to anything. In an unexpected turn of events, a black and brown dog jumps up onto the newsreader's desk, starts wandering around on the desk. Everyone's going, oh, yes, lovely cute dog here. And then it just begins relieving itself everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. All over the news desk. Live. One of the newsreader's faces. I can't even tell you. It's either in complete shock or horror. Or both. One of the two. Or both of them at the same time. As, you know, the long brown tube arrives on the desk. The dog looked highly satisfied. All of this live. On television. During dinner time. Watched. Where did the dog come from? Don't know. Don't even know. I don't think they knew why it was there. The dog knew why it was there. It was there to go to the bathroom. But I'm pretty sure they were just glad it was a number two. Because the table was slanted in a way that a number one would have sort of delivered itself straight into someone's lap. Which is not what you want to happen. You don't want to turn the table into a funnel. ACDC. You shook me all night long. Shook me all morning long? 25 past 6. UFM Breakfast. Keegan with you in the home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. Cheers to your company this morning. Chilly one outside. 10 to 7. Sugar Ray every morning. It's UFM Breakfast. Top of 27 degrees today in Narrowmine. Currently 10 and a half. Going to be sunny this morning. But chance of a shower this afternoon. Coming up after 7 o'clock. Your chance to grab these Taronga Western Plains Zoo yearly passes. Yearly pass. It isn't just free access for you, your partner and two kids to go to the zoo. Any time you like for an entire year. You also get discounts at the zoo shops. You get discounts on events at the zoo. And you get discounts on accommodation. That is just an incredible package. All in one little pass. As I said, two adults, two kids. Free access to the zoo for an entire year. Coming up after 7. All you've got to do when I ask you to ring is let me know what animal makes this noise. Meow. Meow. What animal? Meow. Meow. I myself have no idea. I'll have to go and check before you end up calling the phone number 6884 8499. That's 6884 8499. What animal is this? Meow. Meow. Not yet. Later. We're not there yet. In other news though. In a case of probably the most valiant withdrawals I've ever seen from a competitive tournament ever. A player in a Yu-Gi-Oh card tournament overseas has quit mid-match after complaining that her opponent unbearably smelled horrible. That's one way to describe your opponent. I've heard of banter before, but that's just a straight up sort of jab to the throat. To quote the player, who actually quit the tournament, this is what she said. There are some stinky female players, but the men are in a league of their own. She reportedly quit after the smell invaded her nose like extreme chili sauce during its post-digestion exit. Not my words, hers. That is horrific. The issue became so bad that the organizer of the event, Konami, had to put in place rules that would penalize people for bad smells. If you're sitting there and you start to make a stink, you'd be penalized. I wonder if they have to develop a scale of the smell in order to, like, the severity of the punishment. So, you know, it sort of all weighs up. So if you smell like a corpse, minus 10 points. But if you smell like a lavender bush, you get a free holiday. Dustin Timberlake, Mirrors. Lovely way to start off the Tuesday morning. As I said, those Zoo Yearly Passes coming up after 7 o'clock. It's the Zoo FM Breakfast, your home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. MNS Pass 7. Topic, Zoo FM Breakfast for your Tuesday morning. For some reason, the phones are already ringing. Hello, Zoo FM? Hello. Hello, who's this? I'm just calling regarding that animal from the zoo, the one that... Isn't that the meerkat? Sorry, mate, you're a bit early to call. Do you like meerkats, though? Yeah. You like meerkats? Well, you're just a couple of minutes early, and I'll give you a chance to guess. Ring back in about 10 minutes' time. Oh, OK, then. Cheers, mate. Thanks. The animal he's talking about is this one. Grab yourself an annual pass to the Dubbo Taronga Western Plains Zoo. You've got to guess what animal this is, and call when I ask you to. It's a bit early, mate, a bit early. This is the animal that you've got to guess. You've got to tell me what animal that is in a couple of minutes' time, not yet. First, however, it's been obvious for a while that certain government departments are trying their hardest to adapt with the times, unsurprisingly, whether their attempts are warranted or downright hilarious is another question. The British Navy. They've taken this ideal to a whole other level, however. They've recently announced that the new recruits of the British Navy will no longer be tested on their ability to swim. The British Navy, Navy being the key word. Previously, the ability to swim was a basic entry-level requirement for the British Navy. Unsurprisingly, it does involve the water. Supposedly, this move is to boost recruitment with its removal. I mean, if you're on an aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean, the last thing on my mind, honestly, if I fall overboard, is if I can swim. Wouldn't be worrying about that at all as I fall into the depths of the ocean that is full of water. If the boat sinks, just make a sternly worded email. You'll be right. Kind regards, Lewis Capaldi. Quarter past seven. ZOOFM Breakfast, your home at Dubbo's. Best music from the 80s to now for your Tuesday morning. Top of 27 degrees today in Gilgandra, currently 9 1⁄2. We're brought to you by McDonald's in Dubbo and Wellington. Do you love the taste of free? You can buy any McCafe coffee on the MyMac's app for a chance to win free coffee for a whole year. It ends on the 14th of next month. You can see the website for full T&Cs. Now it's time to do this. You've got to guess what animal this is, which I will play for you in just a second, to win a Dubbo Taronga Western Plains Zoo yearly pass, Zoo Friends membership. It entitles two adults, two children, to go to the zoo for an entire year, whenever you like. There's two people already ringing, and I haven't even finished talking. But it doesn't just give you free access to the zoo for the whole year. It gives you discounts at the zoo shops, discounts on events at the zoo, discounts on accommodation. It's literally one of the best things that you can get a hold of for the school holidays. All you've got to do is tell me what this animal is. What is that animal? Ring at 68848499. That's 68848499. Get your hands on an annual pass to the zoo. A brilliant school holidays bit of winning here. You're on zoo's breakfast. What are you up to this morning, Ken? Just on an excavator, mate. On an excavator? What are you digging? Cracking rocks. Oh, right, OK. I'd imagine that takes some sort of skill with the excavator. I'd probably break the thing if I tried. I'm going to play you a sound of an animal, and you're going to have to try and tell me what it is. What is this animal? I'm going to say hyena. A hyena? Do they actually have them at the zoo? I don't know. I don't think they do. Which means I'm sorry, I'm sorry, mate. But I will give you the annual pass, which entitles you, two adults, two children, to head to the zoo whenever you like, if you can recreate this sound for me. That is brilliant, Ken. Yep, 100%. All right, that's yours. I'm amazed you even did that. That is a brilliant, brilliant thought that someone is sitting in an excavator pretending to be what is actually a cheetah. So hyena, you're technically right and close, but not the right word I was looking for. Very good. We'll be giving away these passes all week, however. Cheers for playing, Ken. If you'd like to grab a pass for yourself, a yearly pass to the Taronga Western Plains Zoo, you can head to taronga.org.au. Just hit the double section. You'll be able to find all the details there. It entitles you to visit the zoo whenever you like for a whole year. You get discounts at zoo shops. You get discounts on events at the zoo and discounts on accommodation. It's just a no-brainer for the school holidays. Your news is next. You're on Zoo's Breakfast. 20 to 8, Zoo FM Breakfast, your home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. A top of 27 today in Wellington. Currently 11 degrees. Sunny this morning. A possible rain this afternoon. You're on Zoo's Breakfast. Ian Furlow, the secretary of the upcoming Gill Grandeur show joins us this morning. Cheers for coming in. Good on you, Keegan. Good morning, mate. The weather's looking absolutely brilliant this weekend. How's it all coming together? Well, it's a bit of a slog, but it has all come together for a great weekend. As you mentioned, the weather there, it was wet last year, but the forecast is for nice fine days, particularly for our main day this Saturday. Is there any new attractions people can expect this year? Well, what we've got, we've got our major entertainment, so we've got the Arran's Fireworks Extravaganza, which is the finale to the show on the Saturday night. We've got Outback Thunder Monster Truck. He's back. He's also got his Flaming Jet Van with him. This is quite popular of the month. He's been very, very, very popular. So we've got him back as part of the major entertainment there late on the Saturday afternoon. We've also got this year the Berkley Super Fish Tank. It's the size of a semi-trailer. Right! Some people may have seen it at things like the Orana Caravan Camping 4WD Fish and Boat Show, so he's coming here. He's got, as I said, a semi-trailer full of fish. Brilliant. And we've got Jurassic Jack. Now, he's got dinosaurs and fossil digs for the kids. He's got some real fossils there, but I believe he 3D-printed the ones that the kids dig up, and he knows everything about dinosaurs, welcomes the kids having a chat. He's got a replica Jeep from the Jurassic Park movies, too. Right. OK. And he'll be there right throughout the day. They're entertaining the kids, plus all of the traditional aspects of the show, like your horses, your livestock, and all of your pavilion entries and that sort of thing. Something that caught my eye, lawnmower racing. What is that all about? Now, Kamis, Alicia and Jared have really built that up this year with the thanks to Dubbo Turf Supplies. They've got some great sponsorship there, big prize money. Heap of mowers, I believe, coming from Sydney. They've got the mower track, and they race around there. They do all of the heats, and then they get to the finals, and, you know, the champion at the end of the day. And I believe we're going to get one of the lawnmowers to race the monster truck as well. That is amazing. Well, what sort of times is the show officially open for on Saturday? Well, pretty much like it opens early, it opens early so people can come in for the bump-in and the set-up and that sort of thing. But really, the miniature horses start from 8 o'clock. So any time after that, you pay your money, you get 12, 13 hours where you can wander around that show, and there'll always be something for you to see or get involved in for that whole day. If you were to recommend a couple of sections to check out, what would they be? All of them. Of course. The modified push bikes are always a great look because there are some spectacular ones. Like there's one there, I think, you pedal it backwards and it goes forwards. You know, there's that sort of thing. But there is something for everybody because you've got your traditional pavilions, and a lot of people like to go and look at all of the, you know, what people have done locally, whether it be their flowers or their needlework or their cookery or their art, photography, all of that sort of thing. So there really is something for everybody there. I read that the show's been going since 1912. How has it changed over the years since you became involved? Well, over the last few years, we have tried to modernise it with a lot of these other acts. It was always a traditional sort of a show, but, you know, we rely on volunteers. They come, they go and that sort of thing. So we've tried to add some of these other events to it to give it a broader appeal. It's not just agricultural. It's a great day out for the whole family. Well, cheers for coming in this morning, Ian. I've seen actually online that it's encouraged to pre-purchase your tickets. Yep, absolutely. You'll save $5, OK, per ticket, if you buy through 123 Ticks online. Even on the day, if you've got your ticket done, come through the gate, we just scan you straight through. There are family bundles on there. Basically, it's $15 a ticket, but as I said, if you've got kids, there are family bundles where they get discounted. $20 if you have to pay at the gate, but we have FPOS there as well on the day. Oh, right, OK. Well, where can people head to find out more information? Go to our website, gilgandreshow.com, and you can also buy your tickets through there. Brilliant. Thanks, mate. Thank you. And if you'd like to head to the Gil Show, you can grab a family pass right now. We've got a couple to give away. 6884 8499, the phone number. That's 6884 8499. If you get through, you're going to get a pass to one of the best family events going on this weekend. You're on Zoo's Breakfast. Michael, are you looking to head to the Gilgandra Show this weekend? Yeah, sure am. If I could put to you any of the pavilions and the attractions that are there, you know, the show bags, you've got the cattle displays, you've got the lawnmower racing, out of all things, what would be the number one on your list that you want to see? I think you'd want to see the monster trucks. Oh, 100%, mate. There's also the jet van, I'm pretty sure, which sounds like an absolute spectacle. Are you taking the family? Yes, yes. Lovely, mate. Well, the family pass, it's yours. Oh, excellent. Thank you very much. If you'd like to grab tickets to the Gilgandra Show, we've got more family passes to give away this week. You can head to gilgandrashow.com. It's this weekend, on Saturday, the main day, full of all these amazing events, and it's just a great event to take your family to, especially during the school holidays. Ten minutes past eight, it's ZOOFM Breakfast, gentlemen. It's our first music from the 80s to now. It's over 27 degrees today in Gilgandra, currently 13. Possible rain this afternoon. It appears to be getting busy on the intersection of Macquarie Street and Cobras Street this morning. If you have an alternative route that you probably know about and it gets really busy, I'd suggest keeping it in your mind this morning. You may add a couple of extra minutes to your travel time. We'll be speaking to Jane Diffie as well, who was one of the previous winners of the Young Woman Award at the Dubbo Show. We'll be speaking to her later this morning. Just a general chat about the Young Woman Award that's going to be coming up. I think the entries close in just over two weeks, if I can... I can't read a calendar, so I wouldn't take that for granted. We'll be speaking to her later this morning. But first, it's a well-known fact that anyone below the age of 30... We barely have a clue of how to use a fax machine. That's myself included. I don't even know how it operates. How does the paper get from here to there? I don't know. Does it teleport? Maybe we already invented teleporters. A student in the US has actually proven that long-standing perception to be incorrect. A 17-year-old high school student has been arrested in the States after he sent a fraudulent fax to school administration staff impersonating the principal. A fax, out of all things. You know, you can pretend to be the principal on a phone call. I'd imagine that's slightly more difficult, however. But via fax, and it detailed the principal's resignation. It was a written-out statement saying, I am the principal and I am resigning. And, of course, he did it through fax, because that's the proper way to do it. The staff first believed the fax to be true. However, probably they were wondering why he was sending a fax in 2024. The student was only found out because he put his own mobile number at the top of the letterhead of the fax. I don't know what a letterhead is, but I presume it's at the top of the page somewhere. And he put his own mobile phone number rather than the principal's mobile phone number. If you don't know the principal's phone number, wouldn't you just omit it from the page? Honestly, I'd much prefer students learning how to use a fax than, as they are at the moment, getting scammed over, you know, Nike Dunks, the footwear over Facebook Marketplace. I think a fax is probably a better way to go. At least you learn something out of it. Doja Cat, Tuesday morning, ZooFM. Lovely day ahead this morning, but a change expected this afternoon and tomorrow. Caught up on a state. ZooFM breakfast, top of 27 degrees today in Narrowmine, currently 13. Sunny this morning, showers this afternoon. It's Keegan with you, and we're brought to you by McDonald's in Dubbo and Wellington. You know when you're craving that classic Big Mac flavour, but you're not sure how hungry you are? Well, now there's one for every kind of hungry with the Mac Jr. and Grand Big Mac. We're returning only for a limited time. The Stock Root Music Festival is on this weekend, on Saturday. It's got acts such as Dan Davidson, Travis Collins, Ashley Dallas, The Bushwell. It's just a list of brilliant talent, as well as Aaron Gerd, who is one of the, I think he won the Emerging Talent Competition. We spoke to Matt Smith the other day, who runs Lazy River Estate, one of the owners, and he told us about this Emerging Talent Competition, which was just a brilliant initiative to get up-and-coming musicians on stage in front of, you know, the big name contract signers, the ones that can really turn the tables on someone's career. We've got a double pass here to give you to go to Stock Root. You wouldn't have to pay a thing, unless of course you want to go to the bar or purchase food. This lets you get into the event. All you've got to do is ring 6884 8499. That's 6884 8499, the phone number. Once more, 6884 8499. Grab yourself a double pass to the Stock Root Music Festival. You're on Zoo's Breakfast. Paul, what are you up to this morning? Uh, at work. Brilliant. You sound absolutely pleased with that. Are you going to go to the Stock Root Music Festival this weekend? Yep, yep. Who are you most excited to see out of all the acts there? Probably Travis Collins. I think that's like the third time someone's told me that. He must be very popular. I had a chat with him the other day. It was a brilliant chat, and his story is just fascinating. But I'm pretty sure he's had a new kid born. So I don't know how he has the time to do any of this. But anyway, the double pass is yours, mate. Congratulations. Thank you. We'll be giving away more double passes all week here on Zoo FM Breakfast. But if you want to grab tickets for yourself right now for the Stock Root Music Festival this Saturday, you can head to www.thestockroot.com.au. You're on Zoo's Breakfast. 20 to 9, Zoo FM Breakfast. It's Kegan with you for your Tuesday morning. It's up at 27 degrees today in Narramine, currently at 16. Going to be sunny this morning and then rain this afternoon, apparently. You're on Zoo's Breakfast. Jane Diffie, Chief Steward of the Dubbo Show Young Woman Competition joins us this morning. Cheers for coming in. Thanks, Kegan. Thanks for having me. I understand you were a previous winner of the Young Woman Award. Yes, a very long time ago, back when it was the Showgirl Competition. I was the 1999 Dubbo Showgirl and then went on to be 2000 State Finalist at the Royal Expo. Wow, yes, you've got quite a history behind you when it comes to the award. For anyone unaware, what's actually the idea behind the Young Woman Competition? So the Young Woman Competition is a great way for regional young women to be able to become involved in a community and represent their community. It's not just based on agriculture. I mean, you do have to have a little bit of agricultural knowledge, but not specifically from an agricultural background either. It's a wonderful way to grow in yourself as a person and a fantastic opportunity career-wise for networking and really putting yourself out there. What are some of the things that you took part in or represented after winning the award? So I became a member of the Dubbo Show Society afterwards and have been there on and off since then. I had a little break when I was on council and have just recently gone back to the committee again as the Chief Steward. So there was lots of amazing opportunities. Unbelievably, most people go, you hated public speaking. I did hate public speaking. That's provided a real opportunity for me personally to grow in that respect. But you get to meet some wonderful people and become involved in some really great aspects of the community itself in ways that you probably wouldn't have before. Out of curiosity, just a few examples, what are some of the network opportunities that are either available for the winner this year or some of the contestants or some of the networking opportunities that you got when you won the award? So from the Dubbo Show, if you're announced as the ZooFM Dubbo Young Woman of the Year, you then go to the Zone Finals. And so Zone Finals are held across the state. Dubbo falls into Zone 6 and there's normally, I think, about 23 show societies, but not everybody has the competition. So you go up against typically probably between 18 to 20 other girls and they then select three to go through from that. So that provided a great platform as far as meeting other people from outside of just your own show society as well. And look, Sydney, the Royal Easter is an amazing experience if you're fortunate enough to make it that far. It is a week, well, it's been a while since I was being there, but it's a week of experiencing the show like I guess you never really get to experience the Royal Easter. So yeah. You're giving sort of the vague outline of the timeline there. I'm curious, what is the sort of period of time from you actually participating in the competition here to if you're fortunate enough getting to compete for the Sydney Royal Easter Show? So Zone Finals will be held in March, I think, next year. And Dubbo Show Society is actually hosting the Zone Finals. So for all those young women out there considering entering, you've got a home ground advantage at the Zone Finals next year. And then you go on to the Royal Easter then when Easter falls. If someone was considering applying to compete for the award, but wasn't entirely decided yet, what is one thing that you could tell them to try and get them across the line? It's a really amazing experience for your personal growth. And I think if you're looking to grow as a person, then it's a really fantastic opportunity to experience that. As an added bonus, I hear there's prizes on offer. There is some amazing prizes on offer and they wouldn't be possible, Kagan, without our sponsors. So a massive thank you to Zoo FM and to all our other sponsors involved. I have a list here in front of me and it's a long list and there have been sponsors for a lot of them for, look, since I was first involved in the Show Society. So a massive shout out to all our sponsors. Well, cheers for coming in for a chat this morning. How long have people got left to put an application in? What have we got? The 4th of May we'll be judging. So if we can have applications in before that, it'd be fantastic. And if anyone's got any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to the show office and they'll put you in contact with me and I can talk you through the process. 100%. Thank you so much for coming in. Thanks, Kagan. Cheers. You're on Zoo's Breakfast. Fans joy. A couple of minutes to 9. Zoo FM Breakfast, your home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. That wraps us up this morning. Top of 27 in Dubbo, 28 in Cobar. Your full weather just a couple of minutes away after the local and national news. Sorry to all the calls we couldn't get to this morning if you didn't get through. However, we're still giving away those annual passes to the Zoo all week. All you've got to keep doing is just listening to the show every morning. You'll get through eventually. I mean, that's probably how a phone works, I imagine. Your 80s hour at work is next. Dubbo's best music.

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