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20th March Full Show - Extra Fingers on The Queen

20th March Full Show - Extra Fingers on The Queen




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A man named Deez Nuts LeCroll was arrested after an altercation with his daughter over household chores. He changed his name legally from Derek to Dez Nuts and later corrected it to Deez Nuts. There is a store called Sexyland in Melbourne that is closing after 22 years. It is described as a head-turning investment. The Australian Grand Prix is happening this weekend, and it's the only race we can watch at a reasonable hour. The Tour de OROC fundraiser is taking place, and they are currently heading to Lightning Ridge. There has been some rain in the region, but the reception for mobile phones is working well. It's breakfast on Zoom. Good morning to you, it's Keegan with you for another brilliant day. Halfway, well brilliant day, it's actually quite miserable this morning with rain. Never begin, never begin a show by saying, what a brilliant day ahead, because you could have a terrible one, completely and utterly terrible one. Coming up in a couple of minutes, going to tell you about a man that's been arrested. However, the only reason it's in the news is because of his name. His name is just something else. As well as a store, a store with a very interesting trade of products is closing. Yes, it's been around for about 20 years. But you'll find that the heritage behind the products being sold, it dates back quite a while. Playing you in just a couple of minutes' time, Taylor Swift first. Morgan Wallen, Think About Me, 10 minutes past 6. ZOOFM Breakfast, Yohama Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. Going to try and get an update from Ben O'Brien about the tour to O'Rourke this morning, especially considering they're going to be cycling in the rain. Good morning to you. Morgan Wallen, quarter past 6. ZOOFM Breakfast, Yohama Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. It'll be a Wednesday morning. Top of 25 in Wellington today. Doesn't feel like it. Currently raining right across the region. Going to continue that way for the next half an hour at least and there's chances of patches of rain throughout the entire day. A man in the United States has been taken into custody. But however, the only reason his case has sort of made the news is because of his very unique name. 42-year-old Deez Nuts LeCroll was arrested after an incident involving an altercation and an argument at a home. Deez was seen running around the neighbourhood shirtless before being allegedly involved in an argument with his daughter over household chores and who was going to wash the dishes. The daughter then called authorities and Mr Deez Nuts LeCroll was taken in a squad car to the local police station. Mr Deez Nuts LeCroll, if you just want to say his first name, probably inappropriate, I'm not too sure. Well, it is his name. It is his name nonetheless. The legal name. Apparently Mr LeCroll, Mr Deez Nuts LeCroll, first legally changed his name from Derek to Dez Nuts in 2011, obviously a spelling mistake there probably, then corrected it to Deez Nuts about six years later. Dictionary.com notes that Deez Nuts is an expression used to deliberately interrupt or divert a conversation. I'm thinking maybe I'll probably use it next time when I have a chat to the mayor. That's the reason why it's used. Coming up in a sec. Playing you a song from Arrested Development. I've never seen this before. What? Arrested Development. Alright, you'll hear that song in a few seconds time. Taylor Swift also on the way. Arrested Development. 20 minutes past six. Zoo FM Breakfast. Your home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. Top of 25 in Narrow Mind today. Chance of thunderstorms all throughout this morning and this afternoon. Rain likely in patches as the day continues. Unfortunately, it's raining currently right across the region. Cobar's just copped it. It's heading towards Wellington. And we're going to get another small batch of it over Dubbo's shortly. Now, there's a historic store, sort of a shop front in Melbourne. It's shutting up shop after an incredible 22 years as a visible icon to the city. Normally I wouldn't be the type of person to discuss real estate with you because it's not interesting. The shop in question is the adult megastore called Sexyland. And it's decided to vacate the land with its property described online as a head-turning investment in more ways than one. Sort of fascinating piece of real estate. The premises of Sexyland have been described by the auctioning real estate as a really good income-producing asset. The 434 square metre site features side roller door access, dual street access from a service road. And I also would presume it ends up having a vibrating inflatable somewhere in the premises as well. What a fascinating piece of real estate there. So if you're in the market for what is a 434 square metre site in Melbourne, after the previous tenant for 22 years was sitting there, with very questionable items sold in the store, it's open for your purchase. You know, in the day and age where interest rates are a bit high, you might just want to continue the business that was already there. Taylor Swift. We'll see you Wednesday morning on 2FM. Just heard that story of the primary school that had to be completely bulldozed because of mould. I mean, I know mould's bad, but you can surely just clean it up. Once I ended up accidentally losing a cup that I drank cordial out of, and it fell behind a table. It's safe to say that cup wasn't found in about three and a half months, and there was a small ecosystem growing in it. There was actually probably an unknown species of alien life inside of that cup. But that wasn't even enough to bull... I should have just bulldozed my house, to be honest. I should have found it and went, oh, that's it, just knock it down. Now that I think about it, just the vivid imagery in my head of a cup with that bad mould. I should have actually bulldozed it. Coming up shortly, going to tell you about some of the F1 news ahead of the Australian GP this weekend. I'm going to try and also get a live update from Ben O'Brien ahead of the Tour de Europe continuing this morning. A bit of rain travelling. Wondering how that's going to affect them. Rag and Bone Man starting us off. Tyler and Marshmallow with water a couple of minutes away. 2FM Breakfast. Tyler, water, 20 minutes to 7. 2FM Breakfast. Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. Double 25 degrees today in Gilgandric. Currently 21. Bit of rain falling across the region. Chance of thunderstorms this morning and this afternoon. Rain is likely further into the day. Patches of it around the place. Currently 10mm has fallen in Cobar. 3mm has fallen in Dubbo. Ahead of the Australian Grand Prix this weekend, kicking off 3pm on Sunday. It's a very happy birthday to team principal of Aston Martin, the Formula 1 team, Mike Crack. Mike Crack is currently 52 years old. Is it? Is Mike Crack 52 years old? I'm an absolute child. It's just something. It's a fascinating read. Fascinating read. Mike Crack's life and how far Mike Crack has come. Oh, God. I'm so immature. Anyway, he actually is the team principal of the Aston Martin Formula 1 team. It is his birthday. I'm not lying. And it's a very happy birthday to him. It's all kicking off 3pm this Sunday. It's the only Formula 1 race pretty much for the entire year where we can actually watch it at a reasonable hour, which will be fascinating. We already know who's going to win, which is unfortunate. You're on Zoo Breakfast. Doshi, 10 minutes to 7. Zoo FM Breakfast. Keegan with you on the home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. On top of 25 and now 9. Today, currently 21 degrees. About 4mm of rain falling this morning. A bit of a rain system over the region and chance of thunderstorms this morning and this afternoon. Check out Zoo FM Dubbo on Facebook for more. Ben O'Brien, the chair of the fundraising committee for the 280 OROC, which is currently taking place, joins us again this morning for a quick update. Good morning, mate. Morning, Keegan. It says it's slowly wearing into you. Are you still ready to go this morning? Oh, rearing to go. You had a little bit of overnight rain here in Walnut last night, so everything's a little bit damp, and we had a bit of an invasion of, well, we're not sure whether they're crickets or locusts. Oh, I've seen them before here in Dubbo. They're terrifying. Yeah, yeah. So, no, we had a great day yesterday. Rolled into Walga there, got a little bit hot in the afternoon, and some people got a little bit tested, but we went straight to the pool and just about everybody dumped in the pool and cooled off. And, of course, this is the pool that was decommissioned last year and has been reopened, so it was good to see that the pool's up in action there. That wasn't the same pool that it was decommissioned because someone possibly had an accident in it of the sort of bathroom climb, was it? No, I think it was all decommissioned because it's got a seriously big hole in the bottom of it. Oh, that'll do it. Yeah, that definitely will do it. Fair enough. Where are you heading this morning? We're heading off to Lighting Ridge, so it's been much shorter day today. I think it's under 100km, so relatively easy. We should be there by lunchtime. And, yeah, hopefully the rain stays away, although it's nice and warm, so a little bit of a shower probably won't worry us too much. I saw when you guys were just taking a break in the last couple of days when you were on the journey during the day, you've got these sort of improvised chairs that you bring with you. What's going on there? Oh, well, yeah, we're very well catered for. We have a trailer that's full of food, and the support crew, they go ahead of us and they put out some chairs for us to sit down on. They put out trestles and they lay out all the food, so we've had lots of fruit and oranges and sandwiches and avocados and tomato, which just seems to be the favourite of the mayor. But, yeah, we're very well looked after, and having somewhere to sit down has been very good. I'm actually going to have a chat with the mayor later this morning. Is the mobile reception half all right out there, or is it pretty much a mobile black spot? Well, contrary to what we were told, there was going to be no reception here this week. The towers are up and working this morning, so I think given that it's so flat, we can go a long way with reception out here. All right, brilliant to hear. Well, good luck today, mate. We'll have a chat tomorrow morning. Thanks very much, Kerrigan. See you. There's Ben O'Brien live from the ground of the Tour de OROC, the 2024 fundraiser for Macquarie Homestay. They're raising funds for the CWA Guesthouse Extension, the Stage 2 construction of Macquarie Homestay. You can go buy raffle tickets still to win a RAV4 hybrid. Just head to tourdeoroc.bike, and we'll be following their progress throughout the week as they cycle hundreds of kilometres for charity. I would... I'm not capable. I'm physically, as a human, not capable of achieving that. Pink at a couple of minutes to 7. ZOOFM Breakfast, Supper 25 in Dubbo, 25 in Cobar today. Your full weather in just a couple of minutes' time after the local and national news. Thunderstorms forecast throughout the day as well as patches of rain as we head later into the morning. It's just been announced that Queensland will now do pill testing, as well as Canberra. I think it's the only other state that's doing it. I'm glad in Queensland we'll now be able to find out that there is methamphetamine in diet pills, as we heard the other day in Canberra, which is a lovely story. It's great when you want to, you know, wake up in the morning to take your tablets, one of them being the weight loss pill. You know, you want to shed a couple of kilos, and then you end up climbing the walls at work. That's not entirely what you're probably aiming for. Coming up in a few minutes, a man has robbed an antique shop, but he's done it in the strangest way imaginable. He hasn't used a sort of a bag to put things in. You know, people, you see them run into a servo station, they stuff all the cigarettes in a garbage bag. No, he hasn't done that. He hasn't just walked out with the till either. He's put the antiques in a place where you probably shouldn't stuff them. I'll tell you about it in just a few minutes' time. You're on Zoo's Breakfast. It's Breakfast on Zoo. In relation to the crime figures currently being discussed in the media around the region, I'm going to try and get Councillor Josh Black on at some point in the near future. I realised when I had a chat with the Mayor on Monday, I've actually, I've come to the realisation that what was intended as a question to the Mayor to actually understand the choices the Mayor made ended up becoming a three-minute conversation inadvertently grilling the choices of other people, which was not my intention. I was actually looking to figure out why the Mayor had made his own choices. So I'm going to try and get Josh Black on to have a chat about how things have gone from his perspective. We'll try and get that organised later in the week. Playing at Troy Savant, coming up in just a sec, telling you how a man's robbed an antique store and he's not put the products he stole in a bag or any conventional means of transport. He's done it in a very, very questionable way, in a questionable container is maybe a word to use. Jimmy Barnes, classic, starting us off just after seven. See you Wednesday morning. Hump Day here, heading towards the weekend. I've no idea how we're halfway through the week already. No idea. Jimmy Barnes might be able to sort it out for us. Hide the night away. Zoo FM Breakfast. Troy Savant, caught up by Seven. Your home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now for a very wet Wednesday morning. Chance of thunderstorms continue throughout this morning and this afternoon right across the region. Rain likely in patches as well. I'm glad we're not playing the song Rush anymore. It's a great piece of music, but as soon as I realised its meaning is actually about the sort of illicit substance use in Melbourne during party nights, it kind of changed my perspective on the song. It's a very interesting background. Don't Google the meaning of Troy Savant and Rush, whatever you do. A man has been arrested in the States for stealing from a store in the most unusual of circumstances. I normally wouldn't mention this. People steal all the time, unfortunately. But this is just something else. Michael Vest was arrested after he was spotted wearing a kilt inside an antique store. And no, that's not the crime. Although that is odd. There's reasons for his choice of clothing. He was wearing the kilt in order to take items off the shelves, allegedly, and store them within his bottom to remove them from the store without paying for the items. Obviously ease of access was the reason for the clothing choice. Some of the items the six-year-old allegedly contaminated, those are the words in the report actually, he contaminated them. He didn't steal them, he contaminated them. Include a make-up brush, an antique bottle opener and a tobacco tent can. What is a tobacco tent can? What in the world is that anyway? And that was all contaminated via his method of concealment. This is the actual report here from the police department. According to the local police department, and I quote, the total cost of the items was a little over $200 and it had to be thrown away due to contamination. Yes, I figured it would have had to probably be thrown away. It continues here, the quote, however officers were still able to connect the items to the accused. I'm pretty sure, I'm pretty sure the items were connected to the accused well before the officers arrived. George Ezra, George Ezra is the words that I am looking for for your Wednesday morning, very wet morning right across the region. It's up at 25 in Wellington today, currently 21 degrees. While you're home at Dubbo's, best music from the 80s to now. It's Keegan with you. I expected to not get any calls about where do you keep your live grenades because it's not exactly a question people get asked normally. I didn't get a, someone called me, I didn't catch their name and let me know the history behind the RAAF sort of hangars where they probably kept grenades but that wasn't where the person was keeping their grenades because they didn't have any. So I didn't get any. I mean 6884 8499, where do you keep your grenades? It's not easy. Anyway, the reason why I ask that, a lady in Canada has encountered quite a surprise while cleaning out the home of a deceased estate overnight. While she was trawling through what was always labelled as the forbidden shed, she came across the owner's old toolbox. Instead of finding a collection of, you know, Ryobi tools inside, a few power tools, a drill maybe, she instead found a 50-year-old live grenade, neatly packed, just sitting inside the toolbox, just chilling in there. The lady cleaning claims that she actually remembers the grenade from 30 to 40 years ago. She remembers that grenade specifically. I don't know how many grenades she's come across in her life but she remembers that grenade. But she always thought the old gentleman who previously owned the house and the grenade threw it away at some point. I mean, yes, I don't think people would normally keep a live, you know, armed grenade in their toolbox. Canadian armed forces were required to show up at the home and perform a controlled explosion to neutralise the toolbox grenade, which isn't exactly... So if you go in and say, oh, I'm going to help you out, I'll give you, you know, a spring clean around your house, you really don't expect the conclusion of the day with the armed forces showing up and blowing up a toolbox. Not exactly within the mantra of giving your house a spring clean. I'd imagine a live World War II-era grenade as well isn't exactly something people normally take to work with them inside of their toolbox. You know, you might take a sandwich, dare ice coffee. Not a live World War II grenade. You pretty much, you give people on the work site quite a startle during smoke, I'd imagine, if you pull out the grenade. See you now, playing you in about 15 minutes' time. Cradding crew on the way. It's breakfast. I do. Coming up in about 15 minutes' time, I'm going to have Matt Dickerson on Tech Talk. We're going to have a chat about sort of the 3G shutdown. Are you screwed? Is your phone plan going to give up on you? I mean, an important question is, will you be able to dial triple zero? I mean, that's what people need to know. We can all survive without making a phone call to let people know that you're going to go to the pub this afternoon, but if you can't dial triple zero, then you're going to be in some real strife, I'd imagine. Ed Sheeran playing in just a few minutes' time. Cutting crew first. Died in your arms. OK, that's quite inappropriate after we've been talking about triple zero. I should have thought about that beforehand. I deeply apologise. 33 minutes past seven. Keegan, we're doing the Home & Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. It's going to be quite a dreary day. Ed Sheeran for a very wet Central West morning. Central West? Is that the word for it? I don't know, I only knew it a month ago. I'm an idiot when it comes to very certain things. Top of 25 in Wellington today. Going to be 21 degrees. It's a very famed breakfast brought to you by McDonald's and Dubbo and Wellington. There's magic in the air with Macca's new surprise fries. Just peel your fries for a one in four chance to find a prize. Just seen a video of... There's a safari tour going on in Africa and they're in this sort of big green truck with open sides on it. Elephant walks up to the front of the truck, sort of saying hello to begin with. Elephant then gets very angry and lifts the entire truck in the air, almost tipping it sideways by sticking its... not hooves. What are they called? Horns. Horns is the word for it. I'm obviously an expert in animals as well. Could be a zookeeper. No, all the animals will escape. It uses its horns... Tusks is the word I'm looking for. There we go. The brain's waking up. Only 20 minutes to wait. We finally got there. It sort of sticks into the grill of the truck and almost flips the entire vehicle upside down. Most of the comments telling people that they shouldn't be there and they're in the elephant's territory. So there's currently a war going on between sort of a Hilux truck and an elephant in Africa. It's one of the more bigger crises that are currently going on in the world. You can support the Royal Flying Doctors Service and have the chance to win some great prizes at the same time at the moment. The RFDS Dubbo Support Group is holding their Easter raffle with tickets at $2 each. The first prize being a $200 fuel voucher. Second prize, a $100 Mitre 10 voucher. Other prizes being vouchers from Coles, Woolworths, Mitre 10 and Meijer, as well as a painting by a local artist up for grabs. Tickets will be on sale today, Wednesday, at Riverdale, 10am to 4pm, as well as your last chance to grab tickets this Saturday from Mitre 10 in Dubbo, 10am to 4pm. The raffle is being drawn on Wednesday the 27th of March. I think that's next Wednesday, if I can read a calendar correctly. And all proceeds, of course, are going to support the Royal Flying Doctors Service, their Dubbo base here in Dubbo, that supports the entire Western region. Coming up in just a sec, we're going to talk some tech with Matt Dickerson, sort of touch on the fact that supposedly SpaceX is progressing instead of just blowing up materials. And the 3G shutdown, is it going to affect you? Check out ZOOFM on Facebook for more. Black Eyed Peas, 10 minutes to 8, ZOOFM Breakfast, wet Wednesday morning, top of 25 in Narromine today. Possible rain patches of it throughout the day. You're on ZOOF Breakfast. It's that time again for some tech talk. Matt Dickerson joins us live on the ground from the tour to O'Rourke, I believe, also from a mobile reception, Blackspot. Good morning, mate. Coming to you from Walgard, as we speak. As you are quite correct, tour to O'Rourke is peddling around the region, but I still don't like to miss talking to you about tech. I'm so glad that you wouldn't miss it. I'm guessing, especially during the debate about sort of 4G and 3G coverage while they're planning on shutting it down, that sort of coverage, especially 3G, might be pretty important, I'm guessing, out there. Absolutely right. And part of that whole discussion is a promise from the telcos that before they switch off 3G, their 4G coverage will be at least as good as the 3G coverage. And there's a couple of issues with that. One is the frequency they use. They're much lower frequencies, typically on 3G. Lower frequencies can travel a lot longer distances that don't contain as much data. So the promises are being made, and there's logic to it as well. Once you get 3G out of the network, out of the system, those frequencies can be used by 4G and then 5G. So there's some logic as to why you would cut off 3G, but it is a challenge. So it'll be interesting to see what happens when they turn off 3G as a backup completely. Something else that's really tickled my fancy is the Starship SpaceX launches. Now, I heard a lot of them didn't go as well as planned, but what's been happening? Well, you are spot on, unless your plan was to have it explode immediately after take-off. If that was your plan, then they went very well. But the couple of earlier tests they did, that's exactly what happened. Now, they've done it in the third test flight. It's achieved greater heights than previous attempts, but they still managed to lose it, can you believe it, during its descent back to Earth. So essentially, it went off. It was meant to splash down. They just didn't know exactly where because they lost contact with it. The mission to return astronauts to the lunar surface potentially by September 2026. Now, I'm not sure that I'd be that confident getting on a SpaceX rocket ship today given the fact that they keep seeming to either explode or get lost during flight. I'm guessing you'd rather not lose an entire spaceship of astronauts when you're doing the actual proper flight, something a little bit less dangerous to humankind. I've heard Vegemite's actually getting involved in recycling. Well, I'm quite happy with that because I'm not a big fan of Vegemite. I do know that I sound a bit un-Australian when I'm talking about Vegemite in that way, but Vegemite basically is yeast, a little bit of salt added in, you have Vegemite. And some organisations are looking at different ways they can use that same spent brewer's yeast. One of the ways they're looking at doing it is to actually take e-waste. Now, if we used spent brewer's yeast, it's a natural biosorbent for treating e-waste and essentially allows you or makes it easier to extract aluminium, copper and zinc from that waste. You basically make up a sludge of the brewer's yeast and then put your e-waste in to then actually allow you to extract some of those metals. I never imagined that I'd end up being able to recycle my phone using what I spread on toast. It's always a pleasure having to go on and chat about tech, Matt. You have a podcast talking about this, don't you? Absolutely right. Tech Talk with Matthew Dickinson. A weekly episode comes out at nine o'clock every Monday morning. Get that wherever you get your podcast from. Thanks for coming on for a chat. You're on Zoo's Breakfast. It's Breakfast on Zoo. Coming up in about 40 minutes, Wayne Amor, the local coordinator for the black dog ride that went on over the weekend. He's going to have a chat with us, tell us a recap of how the weekend went, how the fundraising went. You can always call the show at any time on 688-484-9999. That's 688-484-9999. Have a chat about absolutely anything. Maybe just pick up the phone, call the number and scream into the handset. Just scream for 30 seconds into the handset. Playing your pink in just a second. Also telling you about a lady ordering from one of those sketchy online websites. The websites are legitimate, but they're a bit questionable to begin with. Wish is one of the ones that comes to mind. I don't even think Wish exists anymore. So that's a thing of the past. But she's ordered from one of these questionable websites and received not what she ordered. And not what she ordered is an understatement. I'll tell you about it next. Guy Sebastian, Bloodstone, starting us off. See you Wednesday morning here on ZOOFM. Your home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s. Now, as I said, 688-484-9999, the phone number. You can always give me a ring. It's Pink and Marshmallow with Dreaming, quarter past eight. ZOOFM Breakfast for your Wednesday, wet Wednesday morning. It's over 25 in Gilgamesh today, currently 22 degrees. Possible thunderstorms all day. If you've ever been on websites such as Wish, Timu and Sheen, is it Timu? Sheen? Yep, probably pronounced them correctly. I don't know if half of them still exist anymore, but they were some of the main frontrunners back in the day of sort of very questionable advertisements anyway. And if you've wondered when using them if you're actually going to receive anything that you ordered, a woman from Tennessee may actually have the answer for you. Anna Elliot, wow, okay, this is a name that's incredibly difficult to pronounce but incredibly easy to read. Anna Elliot ordered a collection of clothing. It's actually not that difficult. Anna Elliot ordered a collection of clothing items from online retailer Sheen, which of course she expected when she opened the box that it arrived a few days later. She expected it to have all these great clothing items that she purchased. When she opened the box, she only ended up finding a vial of real human blood. A vial of blood just sitting in the box. And also a can of beans in the same box. Don't know why, how, or whatsoever why they're related. Just a can of beans and a vial of blood. That's your usual online shopping order, isn't it? Contacting Sheen, they were adamant that the package left their facility, obviously, with the clothes inside. However, it appears to have mysteriously turned into a vial of blood and a can of beans during shipping. Someone during the FedEx delivery person opened up the box and went, I've decided to accidentally take my vial of blood and can of beans to work today. I'll just dump it in this box and take some clothes home with me. I mean, I'd honestly preferably get the supposed gift cards that Sheen were offering everyone on Instagram quite a while ago. Every, you know, third day you get tagged in an image, you've won a Sheen gift card, would you fancy that? I'm going to go off and buy a vial of blood and get a can of beans. You're on Zoo's Breakfast. The loudest track ever from M&S until your Wednesday morning here on Zoo FM. 20 minutes past eight, very wet Wednesday morning. Top of 25 degrees in Dundee-Doo today. Currently 21 degrees. Going to be raining possibly all morning and afternoon. Clearing up tomorrow, a vet's come out and reminded people of some of the more common household items that are actually incredibly toxic to your pets. And some of them may actually surprise you. Some of them I had no idea about and it's actually quite concerning. Number one being lilies. Apparently if you've got lilies around the house, just throw them out immediately. Actually, just incinerate them while you're at it. Just absolutely incinerate them into nothing. That's the advice from the vet. He didn't say incinerate them, but get rid of them. Obviously, if you're a florist, you're stuffed. But other than that, probably get rid of them because if your cattle dog eats lilies, decides it has sort of a taste for flowers that morning, going to be full of herbivore or something, incredibly toxic to them. Number two, which is a bit of a weird one here, human painkillers. Very toxic for your pets. But the advice, the weird part about this, the advice from the internet vet is to never self-medicate your pets with human medication. I have genuinely never heard of someone feeding a parrot a Nurofen. But note taken. I'd never thought of it. Never crossed my mind. Number three, it's a sweetener. I can't pronounce the chemical name. It's completely beyond me. But it's a sweetener that exists in sort of chewing gum, mouthwash, and most sort of lollies like gummy bears. Anything that looks like a lolly, similar to a gummy bear, probably has this sweetener in it. And the advice from the internet vet is don't be giving your dog or cat a sour snake. Incredibly toxic for them. Number four out of five, car products. I didn't think this needed to be said, but anyway, apparently it does. The advice here, obviously, is to make sure your cat or dog is not sort of swigging the engine coolant on the fly. However, interestingly enough, if your cat or dog does end up having a sip of engine coolant or antifreeze, no idea how that'd end up happening. But anyway, if it does, the treatment from a vet involves intravenously injecting vodka. Don't know how the chemical reaction there works, but I would not recommend trying that at home. If your cat or dog is drinking engine coolant, you have problems of your own. Number five, last but not least, mouldy food. That's pretty straightforward. Please do not be giving your cat or dog something that has a miniature ecosystem growing on it. If you see that it's got sort of fur and hair growing out of the cup and it's not the fur on your dog or cat, you should not be eating it. There's your sort of weekly dose of medical advice on this show. Anything else I say that's medically related, don't take for granted. It's breakfast on Better Music 927 Zoo. About 15 minutes away, people, sort of the people, have voted for the next James Bond. About 10,000, 15,000 people have answered a poll saying who they'd like to see as the next James Bond after Daniel Craig ended up stepping down from the role. Some of the results are just fascinating and probably fascinating in the wrong way. I'll tell you about that in 15 minutes. Wayne Amor on the show next, local coordinator for the Black Dog Ride, giving us a recap of the weekend. A lot of riders around. Very fantastic course. You're going to chat to us next. Zoo FM Breakfast. DJ Snake and Justin Bieber, almost 20 minutes to 9. Zoo FM Breakfast for your Wednesday morning. It's hump day, almost heading towards the weekend. I can announce the details are early at the moment, but another royal photograph has been found to have been edited that involves Princess Kate. Another one. Although it is quite dated, the photo does contain the Queen. So I guess that does give you a sort of timeline of events. I mean, they haven't edited the Queen in, obviously. It was taken when she was still around. That would be a bit obvious, wouldn't it? OK, I'll give you the details shortly. You're on Zoo's Breakfast. Wayne Amor, the local coordinator for the 2024 Black Dog Ride, joins us again this morning after such a big weekend. Good morning, mate. Good morning. How are you doing? I'm all right. How's the recovery going after such a big weekend? Mate, actually, surprisingly well, I've got to say. I think we had our preparations done a lot better this year. So everything, well, most things ran a lot more smoothly for everybody, including our volunteers and the riders getting in and out of the park. How was the turnout, even with the bits of rain around? Mate, we had over 300 registered, so I think that's billions in riders. I think there was over 250 riders that are registered. And we got over 200 riders turn up, even on Sunday morning, which is inherently difficult when you've got a little bit of rain around. But most of us didn't get wet on the ride, so that's a plus as well. I think there was a couple of people that said they counted, like, 230 bikes left the park. So that probably is what we'd probably expect, yeah. It took six and a half minutes or so, the video I saw, for all the amount of bikes to leave. However, I hear that that's not actually the longest it's taken before. No, I think in the years gone by, we've sort of taken up around eight minutes or something like that, which is pretty insane when you think of that amount of traffic on the road, whether it's bikes, cars, trucks, buses, whatever, on the road at one time for the one cause. How'd the actual ride go itself once you were out on the road? You would have been quite a convoy to see. We do split up a little bit. People sort of ride at different, their own speeds and those sorts of things. So it probably works out pretty good for a lot of the other road users too. There's not a sea of motorbikes coming towards or not. We do get broken up by other traffic and that sort of thing at different intersections. So it works out pretty well. But when you see 30 bikes in a group and then another 10 and another 20 and then a 50 more coming along behind, it's a pretty awesome sight when you're driving towards it. I imagine it would be. How'd the fundraising go in general? Mate, I think we're well over the $6,000 for the fundraising from our raffles, our auctions, a few donations that sort of came and fell in our lap for us. And yeah, we're really, really happy with that. It's not our primary focus, but yeah, we'll take that any day. That's absolutely fantastic, mate. Well, cheers for coming on for a recap this morning and for organising such an important event. A lot of drama at all, mate. Thanks for your time. There's Wayne Amor, the local coordinator for the Dubbo Black Dog Ride. If you'd like to get involved for next year, I know it's a bit early to probably say this, you can head to blackdogride.org.au. You're on Zeus, Brecky. Boosh. Boosh. I've never heard this part of the song. Both experiencing it together. Quarter past nine, 2 FM breakfast. Billy Eilish, bad guy, obviously. Frosty by McDonald's in Dubbo and Wellington. There's magic in the air with Macca's new surprise fries. You can just peel your fries for a one-in-four chance to find a prize. Top of 25 today in Narramine. Currently 21.5 degrees. Gonna be wet. Chance of patches of rain all day today. New photo has been revealed to be edited from the Royal Family in wake of all the Kate, the Princess Kate controversy where people thought she may not be still with us anymore and they're releasing fake photos. However, she was spotted the other day, but now they're digging up old photos. They've dug up a photo of the Queen with all the grandchildren. There's circles, Reuters have circled a bunch of areas which have apparently been digitally altered. I thought it may have insinuated to begin with that they've actually cut and pasted the Queen into the photo. That's not the case. Because, you know, these days, the good old Santa photos where you had to go to a shopping centre and sit down with Santa, get your photo taken, apparently Santa from the North Pole offers this service where you can just copy and paste a photo of Santa into a photo of you with your family instead of actually having to go and see him. He's a very busy man. But I thought that's what they would have done with the Queen, just copied and pasted the Queen in with all the grandchildren. Apparently not. Some people's hair, bits of the couch, sort of, I think it was a bit of a flower on the wall, one of the photo frames, all apparently digitally altered. I can't see anything here that insinuates it looks odd. I was expecting the Queen to have about seven fingers. Not the case. She's obviously not beneficent. So if you'd like to go and check that out, it's online. I think we're really stretching the controversy out a bit thin here. You're on Zoo's Brekkie. Couple minutes to nine o'clock for your Wednesday morning Zoo FM breakfast at Dubbo's Best Music from the 80s to now. It's Keegan with you. Top of 25 degrees in Wellington today. Currently 21.5. People have voted on the possible next James Bond. Daniel Craig departed the role and about 15,000 people answered the poll to see who they'd like next. Some of the results are just, they're something else. Coming in at sort of fifth, James Norton. No, sorry, that's fourth. OK, well, I've already ruined the next one. Let's start it again. Cecilian Murphy, the star of Peaky Blinders. I've probably absolutely butchered his name. I only know him as the character from the actual, you know, series itself. He comes in fifth. Makes sense. OK, now it gets strange. James Norton, most notable in the movie. Bob Marley, one love, came in fourth for the next James Bond. Unsurprisingly, Henry Cavill, the modern-day Superman star, comes in at third. Tom Hardy, who probably needs absolutely no introduction, came in at second. And in first, for the people's choice of who should play the next James Bond, following Daniel Craig's departure, was Idris Elba, the star of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and the 2019 movie Cats. I seriously cannot wait for Daniel Craig to take up a role in the sequel to Zootopia. It seems there's a common occurrence with some of the actors who have been picked for this. There's obviously a little bit of sarcasm there. Jessica Marlboy, Jason Berulo. Give Your Love, Zoo FM Breakfast. Almost the end, actually.

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