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Pastor Afuye AyorindePastor Afuye Ayorinde



You can have a fulfilling, joyful, and healthy relationship with a partner who has emotional stability and can manage their emotions during difficult times.

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Pastor Afuye discusses the 11th quality to look for in a potential spouse, which is emotional stability. He emphasizes the importance of having a partner who can manage their emotions during difficult times. He warns against overlooking red flags like emotional instability or anger issues solely based on physical appearance or financial status. Emotional stability is crucial in preventing domestic violence. Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope you are all doing well. My name is Pastor Afuye. Today I will be sharing with you the 11th quality of the 21 qualities you should look for in a potential spouse. 21 qualities you should look for in a potential spouse which is emotionally stable. Emotionally stable. You can have a fulfilling joyful and healthy relationship with a partner who has emotional stability and can manage their emotions during difficult times. As individuals it is important to be truthful with ourselves and avoid overlooking red flags such as emotional instability or anger issues in a partner solely because of their physical appearance or financial status. Emotionally stable prevents domestic violence. Thank you. Please watch out tomorrow as I discuss the 11th quality. You can reach me via WhatsApp or call 080-324-06141. Thank you.

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