Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker welcomes everyone and asks about their experience the previous night. He mentions that they will be entering year three and that they need to gather notes. He introduces Reverend Dr. John Udomosis as the speaker. The speaker emphasizes the importance of breaking limits in order to go far in life. He talks about how life is determined by grace and not age or seniority. He references a story from the book of Numbers and talks about the need to break limitations in order to receive inheritance. He prays for God to break limitations and push people forward. He encourages everyone to call upon God in times of trouble. He declares that the system has changed and that people are entering into a new system in life. He prophesies blessings and miracles for the attendees. You are highly welcome. You have not missed so much. But those of you that were here yesterday night, how was it? How was it? How was it? I think yesterday night was the year two. From now we want to enter year three. Because a good vehicle now, we always have J5. And before Sunday night, before Sunday night, somebody will soar. Come on, somebody will soar. Our time is not our friend. Those of you that are coming late, tomorrow by seven I will hand over to the speaker. Seven on the doors. Because we have much to gather this time around. Yesterday night many of us took notes and this night again you are going to take notes. So please, with the joy of God in our hearts, let's rise as we welcome Reverend Dr. John Udomosis, the Abuja North District Superintendent who is going to administer to us today. God bless you, sir. God bless you, sir. Can somebody say amen? If you are happy, can you shout amen? Whatever the sound engineer is, he is going to be my friend. The sound engineer, you are going to be my friend. You are going to enhance the performance of this microphone. Give your hands to this author. If the church is like the supermarket, many people will have no need to go to church. If the church is to be like a playground, so many people will have no need to go to the playground. But the church is a place where divinity meets with humanity. So wherever you are, can you lift up your hands to this author and say to God, as you visit your people tonight, do not pass me and my family by. Open your voice and make that declaration. Be very firm about it. Father, Lord of God, I ask tonight that as you come to visit your people, may you not pass me by. May you not pass your sons and daughters by. Let the glory of the Lord even manifest even to the whole of your DNA tonight. What a mighty God we serve. Thank you, Asians of days. In Jesus' name, we have prayed. Father, Lord, as I stand in this altar, may I do no violence to your world. As your word come, let salvation come. As your word come, let healing power be released. As your word come, let heaven be opened. As your word come, may you empower men for end time exploits. And I'm asking today that you use me as instrument as never, ever before. That at the end, we will celebrate having not heard from a man, but from God that is the owner of the church. Speak for your people here at OCAR. In Jesus' name, we have prayed. Somebody shout Hallelujah. Allow me to observe only one minute protocol. The one minute protocol is to appreciate the servant of God, your own pastor. I have known him for years. He did not know I've been following him. Bishop Erumakai in one of his books say that men are created in bunches. So whenever you see a bunch, you clip. He's a good one. Hold him tight. What do I say? Come on, come on, talk to me. Good products are marketable products. God bless you, sir. God bless you, sir. I will observe other protocol other days. Thank you for bringing me into your congregation and I'm so glad to be here. God bless you. The protocol, you did very well. I must thank God for all the guest ministers that minister from the first day to today. And I'm glad that God used them very, very wonderfully well. I'm only here to compliment all that have been laid as a foundation. And I believe God will not disappoint us. I want to be speaking from the book of Numbers 27. Numbers 27 from verses number 1 to 11 tonight. The book of Numbers 27 verses number 1 to 11 rather. The Bible say, then the daughter of Selivaha, sons of Heather, the sons of Gillette, the sons of Mecca, the sons of Manasseh, of the family of Manasseh, the sons of Joseph, came forward. Now these are the names of his daughters. Malak, Noah, Halak, Micah, and Tessa. They stood before Moses and Eleazar the priest. And the leaders of the whole assembly at the entrance of the tens of meeting and said, Our father died in the wilderness, although he was not part of the company of those that gathered themselves together against the Lord in the company of Korea. But he died for his own sin. And he had no son. Why should the name of our father be lost from among his family? Because they had no son. Give us a possession among our relatives or the relatives of our father. Verse number 5. So Moses brought their case before the Lord. And the Lord said to Moses, the daughter of Selivaha has a valid claim. You must indeed give them possession of an inheritance among their father's relatives. And you must transfer the inheritance of their father to them. And you must tell the Israelites, if a man dies and has no son, then you must transfer his inheritance to his daughter. Verse number 9. And if he has no daughter, then you are to give his inheritance to his brothers. And if he has no brothers, then you are to give his inheritance to his father's brothers. Verse 11. And if his father has no brothers, then you are to give his inheritance to his relatives nearest to him from the family. And he will possess it. This will be for the Israelites a legal requirement as the Lord commanded Moses. Somebody shout Amen. Somebody shout Amen. The general theme to this beautiful meeting is soaring on eagle wings. But I want to take a chance. I am going to cut a chance of the totality of the theme. And I am talking on the topic, breaking the limit. Come and look at another one and say, until you break the limit, you cannot go far in life. Woo. As the lips of God, here we are. Don't worry, the next 15 minutes, we shall be somewhere. Look at someone and say, until you break the limit around you, you cannot go far in life. Man of God, can I talk to you? Doctor. Life is not determined by age met. It is determined by grace met. Life is not determined by who came first. Life is determined by who reached first. Life is not determined by seniority. Life is determined by the workability of divine grace. Life is not determined by the year I enter ministry. Life is determined by what I carry in the ministry. Come and wave your hand if you are ready for tonight's service. Man of God, can I talk to you, sir? Life is not determined by title and label. Life is determined by content and manifestation. Can you hear me? The reason why many are able to reach where they were meant to reach, why others are coming behind, is because God has clear limitation in their lives. I lift up my hands over the heavens. I prophesy. As many of you that have been in Lagos, when you discover you are marking time, or you are retrogressing, the hand of God shall push you forward to now. The hand of God shall push you forward to now. I am not interested in how long you stood in one place. I am not interested in the power that kept you in one place. God says the law. You were born to be in front and not behind. Every hand that kept you behind, the Lord is changing power right now. The Lord is changing power right now. The Lord is changing power right now. Somebody say, my father, my fighter. I prophesy and I declare. From today, where God has stopped, I shall proceed. Where God has stopped, I shall manifest. What killed others cannot kill me. When God says, call upon me in the days of your trouble, that means man is full of trouble. Can I know you hear me? Brother Chris, this is the truth of God. Man is full of trouble. For the fact that I am a district superintendent has not made much difference. Title in AG, title in charge is what I call administrative nomenclature. What makes the difference is not title. What makes the difference is what you carry. I kneel down in this altar because the Lord said to me, wherever you kneel down before my people and pray for them, God said, I shall stand for them. And when God stands for you, no man can stand against you. I kneel down and protest power. Every power that held you back, that power shall let you go now. Every power that stopped your movement, that power must let you go now. Every power of the Lord, I command you to move right now. Move to such a story. Move to such a story. Move to manifestation. Move to manifestation. Move to such a story. Let the other world shout at me like a thunder. Let the other world shout at me like a thunder. Hear the word of God, sir. As I kneel down and pray for your meeting, God says, the system has changed. You don't hear me, sir? You brought me to this meeting. God says, I shall announce to you that the system has changed. I have a good news for you. You are entering into a new system. Power from your father's house cannot stop the system from coming. Power from your mother's house cannot stop the system from coming. Power from your environment cannot stop the system from coming. For my father, my wife, I profess and I declare, from today, I am moving forward. I am moving forward to my new system in life. Spiritually, there is a new system for my life. Materially, there is a new system for my life. Financially, there is... You don't... Come on, come on. You don't hear me. You don't hear me. You don't hear me. You don't hear me. You don't hear me. You don't hear me. Are you pastors? These are deacons? You are deacons? You are deacons? It doesn't matter. You come here and say, in this land, they shall hear my voice. I prophesy over you, you shall not die. You shall not die. You shall not die. Your families shall hear your voice. Your neighborhoods shall hear your voice. Your families shall hear your voice. Your friends shall hear your voice. Your companions shall hear your voice. Your neighbors shall hear your voice. Don't face the Lord. There are 52 persons... You know, sir, I am a man that walk by covenant and prophetic declaration. Anything I say is available. There are 52 persons in your church. God say, I will give you a sign. Wherever you fell yesterday, men will come and ask you and say, how manage? How manage? How manage? Are you ready for a miracle tonight? Receive your miracle for celebration now. Receive your miracle for celebration now. Open your life. There is a celebration. Open your marriage. There is a celebration. Open your business. There is a celebration. Open your ministry. There is a celebration. Open your children. There is a celebration. Open the works of your hands now. There is a celebration. The Lord say, I am raising a generation that men shall search for them. And I know they hear me. As long as I am God, you are not hearing what I say. Do you see this, your church? Do you see this, your church? Two months from today... How many months, sir? Two months from today, what has never happened before will happen in your church. Take your hand and place it on the ground. Take your own hand and place it on the ground. As you lay your hands on the ground, I prophesy, everything that belongs to you in this land, heaven shall hand it over to you from now. From now. From now. In your business, receive what belongs to you. In your family, receive what belongs to you. In your household, receive what belongs to you. Everywhere, everywhere, whatsoever men have denied you from today, receive it double now. Receive it double now. Receive it double now. Receive it double now. Receive it double now. In the name of God the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Come on, come on. Move to five persons and say, congratulations in advance. Congratulations in advance. That devil is a liar. Congratulations in advance. That devil is a liar. Congratulations in advance. Can you look at this altar? Can you hear God say, I am tired of a people who are managing bad condition. High five. I don't know who you are, but get ready for something new. A good news shall be said in your household. I don't know who you are, get ready for good news. Can you hear the message of God, God say, I am tired of a people who are managing bad condition. I am tired of a church, who is no bother about how things are not working. Do you know the God you serve? Do you know the God you serve? He is the owner of the whole universe. When you say yes, no man can say no. The thin line between a millionaire and a poor man, is too thin. It is a matter of the thinker of God, changing what he used to be, to what he must be. Can you hear me? Assemblies of God, are you ready for service? God is saying from today, your worries shall be my worries. God is saying from today, your pain shall become my pain. God is saying from today, the tears of your family shall be cleansed by the hands of divinity. I stand by the unction of the Holy Ghost and I profess that, everything that kept you down, the hand of God shall lift you up now. I say now. I say now. I say now. I say now. I say now. This is no personal meeting. But a few of you that are here, can I look at your face? God is tired of men, who left their lucrative job, and came to ministry to lie down with their stomach like Periwinkle. It is the God that called me on the universe. He can empower me to manifest. I want you to hear me. Slap somebody. Slap somebody. Slap somebody here. Slap somebody there. And say, it can no longer be business as usual. Come on, say it can no longer be business as usual. Power shall take over. Power shall take over. Power shall take over. I prophesy over your life. Everything that stops you, the law shall stop that power. Everything that hinders you, the law shall hinder that power. Somebody say, oh Lord. Say something on my behalf. Say something on my behalf. I want to destroy protocol in your church. Can I break protocol? I will not preach the usual message. Look at this author. The portion we read says, then, the word then in that context means in the process of time. Consequence upon the history that it lays. And the scripture says, then, the daughters of Stelipha had. Five daughters of a man that died, one day said to themselves, we can no longer suffer for what others have suffered. Come on, come on, come on. Stop being comfortable in the pains of other people. You don't hear me, you don't hear me. We may look alike but we are not the same. Come on. The same womb may have given birth to us but we are not the same. The Bible says the daughters of Stelipha had. And rose one day. And went to Moses. In the presence of the high priest Eliezer. And said to Moses and Eliezer. In the presence of the leaders of the land. And said to them. Our father died. In the wilderness. He did not die. Because of the rebellions of Korea. And the company. He died of his own sin. Can I make an announcement? Sin can kill you. No, no, no, hear me. Sin can stop the glory of God. Sin can cut you short. The Father died. Because of his own sin. And the five daughters one day woke up and said to themselves. We can no longer suffer for what we do not know. They went to Moses. Make sure you know who you complain to. Complain to men that matter. I am not too comfortable about you talking to men. I call men of infinitesimal personality. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Why do you talk to men of low worth? Men of low reputation. And the five daughters went to Moses. Went to Eliezer the priest. And said to this great man. Our father died. In the wilderness. Because our father died in the wilderness. We need to put the record straight. He did not die. Because he rebelled against you. He did not die. Because he rebelled against the Lord and his people. He died because of his own sin. Hey, come and look at this. Look at this author. Assalamu alaikum. Look at this author. And the Bible says these five daughters. Look at Moses and said to Moses. That is not why we came. Why we came is. Why should the name of our father be lost? Because he did not have a son. I don't know who stole your name. I don't know who stole your family name. I don't know who blacklisted your name. I came under the ban assignment. Your name shall be restored to life. I don't know who stole your name. I don't know who stole your name. Wherever they mention your name. People despise your name. I kneel down in this author. I enter in the covenant of the Lord. Say. When once you kneel down before my people. To pray for them. God say. I shall stand up for them. And when God stand for you. No man stand against you. I kneel down this author. Who stole your name. I command them to hand over right now. Your family name shall be handed over now. Your marriage name shall be handed over now. Your professional name shall be handed over now. I command your name to look at you. I command your value to look at you. I command your gift to look at you. I command your blessing to look at you. I command your favour to look at you. I command the healing face of God to look at you. Raise your voice. Shout and yell like a thunder. The five daughters said to themselves. We can no longer suffer for what other women suffer. Everyone look at this author. In Israelite. In the land of Israel. The women were limited. The women were not authorised. Or permitted. Or legally. Validated. To have inheritance like their male counterpart. The moment you were born a woman. You know you were not going to have an inheritance. And these five girls say. Our father. Did not have a child. A son. Before he died. If he had a son. All his inheritance. By the covenant law of Moses. Would have been equated. To those sons. But he died without a son. And they beat their chest. Come on, come on, come on. Can I talk to you? If nobody speak on your behalf. Speak on your own behalf. Evangelist can I talk to you? Can I talk to you? Life is not the winner gets it all. Life is about God blessing men. By covenant and by divine value. And the Bible says. That the five girls woke up. And went to Moses and say to Moses. The law in the land. Is that every female. Must not have family inheritance. But our case. Shall be different right now. We have a message from God. Every evil protocol. Every man made family law. Is about to be come around now. Is about to be changed right now. Is about to be changed right now. Is about to be changed right now. The five girls. Went to Moses and said. Why should the name of our father be lost. Because he has no male child. Give us the possession of our father. Come on I live to. I pray for someone in this house. If what belong to you is still in the hand of other people. I stand by covenant right now. This shall be divine transaction now. You don't hear me. Whether like it or not. Every negative law that walk against your life. Every negative law that walk against your family. Every negative law that walk against your family name. I stand by this. I command them to be changed right now. Father can you look at me sir. Look at me sir. Look at me let me show you something in the scripture. The scripture says. The moment they went to Moses. And made their complaint. Moses did not have an answer for them. Moses took their request to God. That means their case file. Was bigger than human adjudication. You don't hear me. You don't hear me. Their case file. Was more than human adjudication. Moses lack what I call. Administrative audacity. To handle their matter. And the bible says number one. He took their case to God. And went to God and said to God. The daughter of Senebahar have just come to me. And say their father died in the wilderness of his own sin. And his possession would have been inherited by sons. And he had no son. Their daughter are now requesting. That what would have been given to the sons. Should be given to them. Listen and get it straight. God says. To Moses. The daughters of Senebahar. Have a valid claim. When God vindicates you. When God vindicates a man. No man can convict the man. You don't hear me. God says. God look at Moses. Moses was the only. Authorized man. That was a custodian. Of the national artifacts. And national law. God look at it and say to him. The daughters of Senebahar. Have a valid claim. I am not here to play with grammar. I can do some grammatical syntax. The word valid in that means. In that context means. Authentic, realistic and indisputable. You don't hear me. You don't hear me. When God says. The daughters of Senebahar. Have a valid claim. God was saying. Their claim is indisputable. Their claim is authentic. Their claim is realistic. Their claim is indomitably true. And I know they hear me. And God says. Go back to the Israelites. And tell them the former law. Is changed. I don't know what other law. Was operating in your family. There are families. That young girls. Delay in marriage. By the former law. I came by spiritual order. That law is changed now. That law is changed now. Every marital delay. Is changed now. Every failure. Is changed now. There are some families. That the former law says. People must suffer premature death. In the family. And that's why from time to time. Somebody prominent. Allow my language. Allow my language. The breadwinner must die. So that darkness can cover the family. Is the former law. I came for this purpose. I came for this purpose. The Bible says. Who is it that say a thing. And it comes to pass. When the Lord has not said so. Where is it the wizards and wizards. That say it before. Our God is telling me. Never. Again. Somebody shout out and say what. Never. Somebody shout louder and say what. Never. I don't know what law. I don't know what law. Can you look at me. Can you look at me. Can you look at me. There are family law that say. Somebody from your bloodline. Must suffer from mental illness. So sleeping family. They have what I call history of madness. Because of the former law. Straight forward your hands to this altar. In fact there are four person here. There are four person in your church. You came from a family. That somebody in your family is suffering from shameful disease. Of madness. There are four of you. When I will pray. You will come out. I'm going to pray. This time is not a barrier with a God. I can. Every spirit of madness must go to hell. Every evil law of incurable disease must go to hell. Every law that say. You must suffer delay. That law is cancel now. Lift up your hand to heaven. I prophesy over your family. I prophesy over your life. I prophesy over the work of your hands. Every spirit of delay. Proceed you from year to year. I command that spirit to fall and die. Papa. Evangelist 39. America. America. I've testified everywhere. I've seen a family. That when once it is a time for something good to happen to them. Something bad will happen first. Slap everyone and say who did this in your family. Slap someone and say who did this in your family. Come and look at everyone and say who did this in your family. I have a can't die woman. Who gave birth to three children. Two boys and a girl. And she became pregnant of the fox. Not to waste your time. I am talking about that evil laws and protocol. Must be stopped tonight. They will stop tonight. If they are here you are suffering for what you do not know. The law shall speak to your faithful tonight. If they are here tonight you are suffering for what you do not know. The law shall set your family free now. Somebody say my father, my father. Arise on my behalf. Arise on behalf of my family. Ag negative law. Ag evil law. Ag family transaction. That has been affecting ag person before he was born. Enough is enough. Enough is enough. Enough is enough. Enough is enough. The woman became pregnant for the fourth child. I preached in that church for seven times. Every other year they bring me in to preach. The first year, twenty fifteen. The moment I started message, just sixteen minutes. I saw a woman with big stomach came. By this time she was eleven months pregnant. How many months? She came and lay down in my altar. When I jumped to here she held my leg. And said to me, I will not die in this pregnancy. I don't know what they say about your case. Jesus is about to say something else tonight. As members of God, look at this altar. I hear him say, come on to me. All you that labor and are heavy laden. I will give you rest. And I hear the Bible say, this poor man cried. And the Lord God. Every other meeting I would go, the same case. The second meeting I went, the woman came. That was after four months. Eleven months pregnancy plus four. How many months now? The thing went on until almost two years pregnancy. And I said to the woman, why don't you go to hospital? He said that the Bible says she will give birth like Hebrew. Her husband was a deacon God in that church. We have prayed the normal prayer for her. The very last, the last one. I concluded a revival meeting as I am going to conclude on Sunday. And I have eaten revival to preach in a rapture. I prayed for her as usual. And I heard a voice that said, do something before something happens. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? This meeting is not a regular meeting. Power will change him in this altar. Every strong man in your household that says nothing good shall work. He shall bow in this altar. But if you want to shout at me, say Amen. Amen. Amen. Fire. But come on, you are going to shout it three times with fire? Somebody say Amen. Amen. Amen. Fire. I called the deacon board, I called the husband this time around. And I said to God. If the hand of a wicked man is involved. Let a wicked man go down. For this woman to have her baby. Did I say God shall kill? No, talk to me, talk to me. I know you know small, small theology. A.G. I want to save myself from what I call theological maladies. I know you have small, small theology in your mind. Did I pray that somebody should die? Simple prayer sir. I prayed that prayer. And I went to the next church to preach. I was in that church. The host pastor called my line. And I did not pick him. I filled the message. And I called him back and I said to him sir. I was preaching for your friend. What is the matter? Something has just happened. I know you hear me. What did I say? How many of you need something to just happen in this place? Something, something. Has just happened. That as soon as we closed church. And everybody left. The husband of this woman. Who was the member of the deacon board. Was with other deacon board. Counting church money. The wife went to him. And they called the man, the husband and said. Your mother fell in her own house. And died. And labor. Labor. Started. Can I talk to you? Before they called the husband from church. She gave birth to a little boy. A baby boy in her palace. I prophesied. Every power saying the will of God in your life shall not manifest. They shall go down. They shall go down. They shall go down. I am not impressed by what you believe. Hear me today. Hear me today. I am talking about breaking the limits. Papa. There are eight kinds of limits. Number one I call it professional limits. There are men that are professionally aptitude. There are so professionally sound. They know they are onions. But they serve idiots. Their answer yes are to idiots. In their office their bosses cannot sign signature. So they do all the work and somebody is in charge. Can I make an announcement in this house? The Lord said. Right now. I shall give you. Three hundred and fifty degree. Miracle. Three hundred and fifty degree. Miracle. There are also. Limitation. It is called marital limitation. Do you know what that means? That since somebody got married. People that marry. Seven years after you marry. Have gone for family planning. Even you have not given birth to a child. I came under grace. Every spirit of barrenness. Every spirit of delay. I sit down in this altar. As the priest of the Lord. I command your womb to be open now. I command your womb to be open now. Receive your treatment now. Let the limitation be broken now. Be broken now. Be broken now. Be broken now. Be broken now. Every power that close your womb. I command your womb to be open now. Solomon said there is an abomination under the sun. Solomon. He said I see seven on top of horses. In the street of Jerusalem. The seven. I see seven. I see kings. Three kings in the street of Jerusalem. But I see seven on top of horses. What an insult. Papa what an insult. You know they hear me. Come. I like the way you laugh. You know hear me. The most painful thing. Is for you to begin a journey very well. But those that come behind come to overtake you. Can I make announcement in this church. Every ancient sin. In your list that tie you to your family name. I command that sin to cast fire now. I command that sin to cast fire now. The daughter of Philippi. Said to Moses and Elisa. We can no longer suffer for what other women have been suffering. Hating other women in the land of Israel. Was the price of the inheritance. They beat their chest and say our case will be different. Come and take your hand and place it on your head and say. No crown of shame shall cover my head. You are going to say my father my God. I command my head. Every crown of shame. That has covered my head. I command them to be removed now. I command them to be removed now. Open my head. Open my family head. Open my children. Open my members head. Everything that has covered my head. Open your doors and make a declaration. Open your doors and make a declaration. Open your doors and make a declaration. Open your doors and make a declaration. Open your doors and make a declaration. Open your doors. In Jesus name we pray. There are few things I came to handle tonight. Number one. Every law that is against my rising. Father come. Your face look very familiar to me. Do you like to be my friend? Hold me now. As I joined voice with this man. Anything that has made him to stand on the queue. Waiting for God to answer one prayer request in his family. I command that answer to be removed now. Papa shout to me like a thunder. Somebody shout to me like a thunder. Let me give this man a gift. Stand here let me give you a gift. Stretch out your two hands. I want to ask the Lord for you. Where is your wife? I want to ask the Lord, I am going to lay my hands on your hand. From today you shall no longer sue for others to have this. Come, come, come. Change your hand with your husband. Change your two hands with your husband. I lay my hands on this hand. From today. Wherever you have sued that others are benefiting they have this. I command the Lord to be changed now. You shall no longer sue for others to have this. You shall no longer wait for your time. The Lord shall open the door. Receive grace for testimony. Receive grace for testimony. Receive grace for testimony. In the name of God the Father. And of the Son. And of the Holy Ghost. Put your hand above your head and clap for God. We don't see. We are not seeing anything. We have to move this. I have prepared gifts to hear and to see. I pray for you for a purpose. From today. No man. No woman. That you have blessed. That will fight against you any longer. Wherever God breaks an evil law. Men became different. The man called Zacchaeus. He looked up and said. This is not a one to ten. But I will say. That Zacchaeus broke his limit. He said I cannot be called a thief any longer. He climbed a sycamore tree. And Jesus said to him. Come down and I am going to your house today. Can I make an announcement sir? When Jesus come to a man's house. The devil will pack out. Sicknesses will pack out. The law will pack out. I lift up my mountain. I put a star. I Jesus shall instruct you whom to go. Everything that is in your heart. Everything that is in your heart. Shall forget tonight. Shall forget tonight. Shall forget tonight. Shall forget tonight. Shall forget tonight. Amen. The man the Bible called. The man at the beautiful gate. No name. Acts chapter 3. Trouble took away his name. I don't know who took your name. And the Bible said. Peter said to him. Look on us. I will keep on dragging you till I go. Are you ready? This man there. I will drag you till I go. Since you brought me. I will keep on dragging you. And the Bible said. That Peter look at him and say. Fever and cold. I do not have. Then what I have. He did not have fever and cold. Then he has spiritual. He has power to release. And the Bible says. Look on us. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Rise up. I think you are saying sorry. On equal way. I prophesy to you. You will no longer occupy a beautiful gate. While your life remain ugly. Everything that look beautiful around you. But you know you are ugly. The Lord shall change you now. I say the Lord shall change you now. The life of that man. Became a life. The limits was broken. Do you talk about the woman. With the issue of blood. When she knew. That it was Jesus Christ. Can I talk to you sir. Can I talk to you. Look at this author sir. Jesus is not Peter. Jesus is not John the beloved. Jesus is not Stephen. Jesus is Jesus. And the Bible says. She came from behind. It does not matter who is coming behind. When miracle occur. Divine attention will be given to you. Do not look at me coming behind. Something is about to happen. This is what I call. Supernatural switch. I know they hear me. What do I say. What do I say. What do I say. What do I say. What do I say. Supernatural switch. About that she came from behind. I believe. She must have touched many people. But those many people. Were not the one she was looking for. And eventually she touched Jesus from behind. Look at the Bible. The moment she touched Jesus from behind. Her limitation got broken. And Jesus stood still. And said. Who touched me. Slap somebody and say. If you want to touch him. Touch him until he seal your hand. I am not comfortable with people that come to our church. And they are not sure. They know Jesus Christ. There are people that come to this church. They do not know Jesus. Tell them and touch Jesus. And Jesus stood still. And said. Who touched me. The disciple. I call them theological psychophants. They say to Jesus. Many people are trunking around you. They are touching you. Jesus said to them. Not the hand of the multitude. It is the hand of one person. I prophesy over you today. Your hand. Shall cause a miracle over your life now. Every limitation was broken. Every barrier. Every evil law. Was suspended. And the Bible said. Jesus commanded her to be called. And she came trembling. And the scripture said. Jesus. Look at her. And she told Jesus the whole truth. What was the whole truth. Number one. She had been. A victim of gynecological experimentation. What did I say. What did I say. Speak those English. They are good for your mental health. Yes sir. Every doctor. Experimented on her. On the doctors of all doctors. All doctors. Doctor Jesus Christ. I lift up my hands over you. Every diabetes in your life. Shall go out now. Every high blood pressure in your life. Shall go out now. Every sickness the doctors say. Is manageable or incurable. I command them to go out now. Ha ha ha. And the Bible said. That Jesus said to her. Go. Your faith. Has made you whole. Look at this altar. You don't need too many things. To get the attention of Jesus. You just need faith. Reverend Moses. If you push me out of Jesus. Two things will happen. Number one. It will take you time to push me out of Jesus. Number two. Instead of falling out of Jesus. I will fall into Jesus. For I know they hear me. I lift up my right hand over you. Every limitation in your life and family life. Is broken now. It is your season to move forward. It is your season for manifestation. It is your season to be an announcer. It is your season to be noticed. It is your season. Make a level above above above above. Number four. Biblical insights. It is John. The book of John. Chapter. Let me not waste your time. The man. From the pool of Bethsaida. Do you know him? Do you know the man? You heard about him? The man who said. Jesus decided to go to Jerusalem. To the cheap market. Jesus did not go to buy cheap. He went there because of one man. Can I talk to you? This revival is organized for you. Beat your chest and say. I am the one. I am the one. Come on. Beat your chest and say. I am the one. Because of my family. Because of my character. Because of my situation. Because of my condition. Because of my DNA. And the Bible says. Jesus Christ. In the midst of invalid men. The Bible says. When Jesus saw him. And knew. That he had been in that condition for 38 years. Oh God help me. For 38 years. For 38 years. Jesus went to him and said. Would thou be made whole? Tonight is not a night of. Historical investigation. No. Don't tell me your history. Tonight is not a night. Of empirical review. Tonight. Is a night of evidence and proof. Do you know him? Do you know him? Do you know him? What is tonight? A night of what? Evidence and proof. And Jesus looked at the man and said to him. Take up your bed. And go. The owner of life said. Your time in this place has expired. You cannot stay here another night. And the Bible says. He carried his bed. The bed that carried him for 38 years. He was responsible to carry his bed. I kneeled down in the altar for the third time. I entered into prophetic ministry on your behalf. Everything that made you to be born. The Lord shall change that story now. My God is changing your story now. The story of your life is changed now. The story of your family is changed now. The story of your spiritual life is changed now. The story of your marital life is changed now. The story around you is changed now. And the Bible says. The man carry his bed. That is what you know. There is something else I know. The moment that miracle occur. The moment that miracle occur. Four things happen to that man. I will use that to close. There is no time for me. The moment that man carry his bed. Four things happen. Number one. His true height show up. For 38 years. Nobody knew whether he was short or tall. But the moment the miracle occur. His true height. I stand on that grace tonight. I don't know what condition that have draw off your personality. I prophesy. Let your true height show up now. Let your true identity show up now. Let your true height in your marriage, in your family. In this liturgy. Let your true height. Pastor, can I talk to you? When your true height. Pastor, when your true height show. Name will start for you. Pastor. Pastor. You look like what? The way you move your head. Pastor. Pastor. The oil of the Father is on the man. Somebody shout the name. Somebody shout the name. Number two thing that happen to the man. Is that his language change. Before now. When Jesus ask him. He say I have no man. But after the miracle. When the Pharisee ask him. He said to the Pharisee. He that heal me say. I should carry my bed and go. I lift up my hands up I go. So tonight. Your language must change now. Your language must change now. It is no longer a time to say. I have nobody. Because you have Jesus. You have everything now. Number three thing that happen to the man. His company change. Before. He was with the invalid. When you read that scripture carefully. The Bible say. After the miracle. Can I make announcement. You cannot receive from the temple. And cost the temple. Ok can I talk to you sir. I am a preacher. There are a lot of people that will have financial lifting in this meeting. When God bless you financially. Come back to the altar of God. I lift up my hands. Your company must change now. Your company must change now. Your company must change now. Your company must change now. Your company must change now. In the name of God the father. And of the son. And of the Holy Ghost. Number four thing that happen to that man. His location change. His company change. His true height show up. His language change. His company change. His location. As a minister of God can I tell you. When sickness leave a man. The man should leave the sick bed. And I know you hear me. I am not comfortable with people that keep on. Complaining of lack of money. Our God. Own the silver and gold. Listen to me sir. If you are not seeing where you are today. I want to open your eyes to know. You are not where you used to be. It is true. You are not yet where you supposed to be. But it is also true. You are not where you used to be. Somebody shall fire. As I lift up my hands over this crowd. I prophesy over you. Your true height must show in Laker. Your language must change in Laker. Your company must change in Laker. And your location must change in Laker. There are 8 people. 8 of you. You are here tonight. The Lord say you started a project. That project have been declared abandoned project. Sacrilege has a force. The hand of Zerubbabel have laid a foundation. By his hand he shall finish it. If I hear you started it. A project before. Money is no longer available. Can you jump to this altar. Can you quickly. No no no. This is not my regular talk. You can't see anything. This is not your talk. The foundation is available in this altar. You are going to see it now. If you know you started a project of any kind. You discover you are suffering from. You can't complete the project you became. You know you have begun. You cannot complete any kind of project. Run out of your seat and run to this altar faster. You are going to lie down in this altar. You are going to fall down in this altar. I don't like the way you guys are moving. You are going to run. You are going to run. Don't worry. Don't worry. Leave them. It's excitement. Don't disturb them. If you know. You have a limitation in your womb. You know. The right from which you get. Get the right from which you get. The right from which you get. Get married. You have not been able to conceive. In fact there are two categories. The Lord has shown me. There are people in your church that are suffering from what I call. Secondary infertility. There are not barren. There is somebody in your church who gave birth to a child. There are other pregnancies that have refused to come. If you know. You are looking for the fruit of the womb. Can you leave your seat and run to this altar faster. That thing you people are doing. Is not good for you. Climb where I am standing. Can you stand. Can you climb. No, no, no, no. If you are looking for the fruit of the womb. Climb where I am standing. Lie down on this altar quickly. There is somebody in this house. Who are suffering from incurable sickness. In fact. Can you listen to me. You are living on that medication. Can you leave your seat and run to this altar. If you are the one living on medication. Faster please. Madam you are going to run. Can you run faster. Anything you hear me say is available. Anything you hear me say. In this altar is available. Can you quickly come. There is somebody in this house. Your mother. Is sick in the village. And you have spent so much money. Can you leave your seat and run to this altar. Faster please. Can you quickly. Madam you are going to run. My sister you are going to run. When I say run you are going to run. You are going to beat up the time. That devil is a liar. Quickly please. There is somebody here. You are suffering from shortage of blood. Can you leave your seat and come to this altar. Power. He is going to change hands. Doctor Stachios. There is a member in your church. That is having. A property that is under contention. And struggle. There is somebody in your church. You are having a property that is a property. That is under strife. Can you come to this altar. Anything I say is available. You people have never seen things before. Who is this God. Changed things in this church. Faster please. Faster please. Every person. Eleven of you. You are suffering for what you do not know. Why you suffer. You have said to God. Why me. Can you leave your seat and run to this altar. Faster please. Look at. Look at. Run faster. When I say run. When God mention your case. He is solving that case right now. Eleven of you. This time is not a barrier. We do know. You have a family member. That is suffering from mental sickness. Madness. Can you leave your seat and run to this altar. The daughter of Philippa has gone. We cannot suffer. Madam you are going to run. You are going to run. You are going to run. You are going to run. This is no longer your time. God has taken over this house. God has taken over this house. God has taken over this house. Every eyes close. Every eyes close. Every head bow. Every. Can you bow down your head. Papa I have a message for your members. There are three people in your church. That are here. Hold on guys. There are three people in your church. Who are battling with decision making. There is a decision they want to make. One out of the three made such decision before. That decision did not work out. The Lord say give me a chance. I shall clean your tears for the former minister. Can you leave your seat and run faster. You are going to run. You don't know what you are talking about. You are from America. These people don't know what we are doing tonight. I wish you can see what I see. I wish you can see what I see. The altar will speak for you now. Stand up and say for your hands to this altar. Can you stand up please. If you are sick in the body. Join us here. If you are suffering from delirium. Join us here. Run to the altar. Run to the altar. If you know that nothing works out. To the end. There is a prominent person in your church. The person is a business man. You don't know what I am about to say now. The person has suffered financial loss. The person made an investment. That investment did not come out well. God say I will compensate you. If you hold on me. You made a business. I don't know whether the person is here or not. He is a business man. This person was doing very well. In fact what you people see in the person that you think is doing well. That is not half of what the person is supposed to be. The person is your member. And God say I will do a thing. My finger will change the story. Can you lift up your hand above the heavens. What do you want God to do for you? What do you want God to do for you? Are you going to lift up your hand above your head? Please can you lift up your hand above your head? Lift up your hand above your head. You are going to open your own mouth and say to God. Do not allow me to leave this altar the way I came. There is a particular family. The devil is attacking your marriage. Everybody think all is well. But within you, you know all is not well. Can you hand it over to God? Hand it over to God. Hand over your marriage to God. Hand over your business to God. Hand over your spirit and life to God. Power is about to change hands. Power is about to change hands. Power is about to change hands. Madam don't keep quiet. Don't keep quiet. Ask the Lord. My God. My God. My God. My God. My God. Everybody open your voice. And say to God. Begin to move tonight. Begin to move tonight. The daughter of Philippa has failed. We cannot suffer this any longer. Ask the Lord to change things around. Amen. In Jesus name we are praying. Amen. I don't know how far I can go. I am about to close. Papa. Papa. Listen to me son. Anything I am doing here is going to be a credential. Anything I pray for will be an answer. Every minister carries his own grace. There is somebody in your church that is suffering from skin disease. You are having irritating skin. The person is your member in this church. In fact the person has lived on antibiotics. The skin disease has not subsided. I want to pray right now. Lift up your hand. Lift up your hand. Lift up your hand. Lift up your hand. If this meeting ends without God giving you a miracle. That means this meeting did not hold. I want to ask God for one miracle over your life. I want to ask the Lord to give you one miracle. One miracle. May the Lord give you one evidence. May the Lord give you a proof. I lift up my hands over your life. I prophesy over your life now. Receive your miracle now. If you want to shout, you may shout louder. Receive your miracle now. Every trouble that has troubled your life. Every power that blows shame upon you. Everything that makes you become sleepless. Everything that makes men ask you where is your God. I lift up my hands over you right now. I command them to be open now. I command them to be open now. I command them to be open now. Every limit or limitation over your life. Every limitation over your life. Professional limitation. Special limitation. Marital limitation. I command the limitation to be open right now. Receive grace for your miracle. Receive grace for your miracle. Receive grace for your miracle. Receive grace for your miracle. Miracle of healing occur. Miracle over madness occur. Miracle over closed room occur. Miracle over unsustainable life occur. Miracle over unproductive life occur. Receive your miracle now. Lift your hand above your head. Lift your hand above your head. There is a woman in your church. The Lord say, your tears have reached me. I don't know who is that woman. You have cried more than enough. People look at you and jealous you. But your tears have reached the Lord. I lift up my right hand. May the God I represent locate that woman now. May the Lord clean your tears permanently from now. Receive the touch of God for a different now. In the name of Jesus. To every woman in this altar. Who came because they are looking for the fruit of the womb. About this time next year. When this program shall hold. You shall stand in this altar with your miracle baby. My God, my God, my God, my God. I release your miracle babies to you now. Can you stand up? Can you stand up? If they are looking for the fruit of the womb, can you stand up? Can you stand up? Are you looking for the fruit of the womb? Where is your husband? Do you see me call other people husband? Do you know why I call you husband? O God, come son. Where are you there? Where is your husband? O God, come son. Faster son. Where is your husband? Your husband is not here? Your husband is not here? Where is he? If your wife is in the altar, O God, come closer to me. Hold your wife. Hold your wife. Hold your wife. Madam, look at my son. When I pray for you and your husband today, things will change automatically in this world. Can I pray for them? What is my friend? Any church that miracle are not happening have become a clubhouse. We serve a God of miracle. I think I know you. Your face is familiar. Yes. I am going to pray for you and your wife. How long have you been married? A year and six months. Kneel down and let me lay my hands on your head. I am going to pray for you. This is your husband. I am going to pray for you. How long have you been married? Thirteen years? That devil is the man. Okay, this is the secondary one I mentioned. I mentioned a secondary fertility. How old is your child? Nine years? That devil is the man. Whether it was a miracle, a mistake or not, it is going to be resolved in this altar. Can you kneel down? And let me lay hands on you. Your husband is not here. Is your husband our member? Tell them to be here tomorrow. Okay, God gave me something for this church. There must be proof of this meeting. We are not going to do empty revival. There will be a show. When you go home, you call your neighbor and say this is what my God has done. How many of you are ready for this miracle? I join hands with you. Can you go down? Can you go down? Can you go down? I am not interested to know what the doctor said. I am interested to know what my God sent me to do. Father, Lord, behold this innocent husband and wife. Every man celebrates profit. Every man celebrates reward. Every man celebrates profit. Every man celebrates reward. But I am not interested where I stop them from having their own babies. As I lay my hands on you in this exalted altar, I command your womb to be opened now. Receive your miracle babies in this altar. Receive your miracle children in this altar. I lay my hands on you. I am not interested in what the doctor said. I know what my God sent. Receive your fruit of the womb now. Receive your fruit of the womb now. In the name of God the Father. And of the Son. And of the Holy Ghost. Father, Lord, nine years is a long time. This same womb that gave birth to that child. Whatsoever has stopped other children from coming is not from you. I command this womb to be opened right now. I command this womb to be opened right now. And Father, Lord, I bow this time next year while the church shall gather. They shall stand in this altar with their miracle children. Receive the fruit of the open womb. Receive the fruit of the open womb. Receive the fruit of the open womb. Every form of delay is over now. Every form of delay is over now. Receive your children on time. Receive your children right now. Receive your children right now. Receive your children right now. Receive your children right now. Receive your children right now. Receive your children right now. Receive your children right now. Receive your children right now. Father, Lord, as I drop this microphone. Including cases that I did not mention. Including those secret cases. Including those hidden prayer requests. For when you turn the captivity of the daughter of Zion, they will like men that dreamt. I prophesy, receive instant miracle now. In the name of God the Father. And of the Son. And of the Holy Ghost. If you want to shout, you may shout it with a guitar. Oh, you want to clap your hands? Clap your hands. Somebody shout Amen. Congratulation. Where is your husband?