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Do not let anyone despise your beginnings or your youth! we all have a calling from God

Do not let anyone despise your beginnings or your youth! we all have a calling from God




We all have gifts and talents that God has given us. These gifts and talents given to us by God have always been to bring honor and glory to His glorious name. With these gifts and talents must come trials and tribulations. Through them we become stronger and more fortified within our walk with God. As God builds spiritual stamina within us, we begin to grow and spiritually prosper in God's path. Don't ever despise your beginnings because every beginning has an end, every end has a beginning!

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In this message, Sister Melissa encourages listeners to recognize the specific roles, talents, and gifts that God has given them. She emphasizes the importance of seeking God's presence daily and meditating on His word in order to operate in these gifts. She urges listeners not to let anyone despise their youth or underestimate their beginnings, as God prepares each person for their calling in His perfect timing. The message concludes with a prayer for listeners to surrender to God and walk according to His will and purpose. Hello everyone. Good morning. Sister Melissa here. I hope everyone is having a great day in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is 10 a.m. August 5th, 2023. The sun is shining outside. God is still good. We are still breathing. And if you know that God has been good to you, right where you are, just give Him a shout of praise and say, Thank you Jesus for your goodness. This morning I am going to be bringing a message from the Lord Jesus Christ. This message, I pray, will encourage you to know that as God has deposited within each and every one of us a specific role, a specific talent, or talent, a specific gift, or gift, that God wants us to rise up and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is with us. He is the one who goes before us. And there is no enemy that can come against the will of God for our lives. So if you have your Bible with you, you have your cup of coffee with you, or whatever you have before you right now, I want you to open the Word of God and read with me from the book of 1 Timothy chapter 4 beginning with verse 12. And the Word of God says, Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of hands of the eldership. Meditate on these things. Give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all. Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you. My God, you are so powerful, wonderful. You are the great I am. And the reason why I can confess this and proclaim it with all liberty is because, yes, I am washed and cleansed in the blood of Jesus. I made that choice over 13 years ago to surrender my life into the hands of the one who gave his life for me to inherit eternal life. And not only am I saved, but I also now have access to the talents and the gifts that God has already deposited within me even before I was in my mother's womb. I remember when I first started in God's path, I was attending church first in Huntington and then I came to Brentwood. And I remember when I came to Brentwood and I started attending my local church there, that random women, elderly women, would come to me, place their hands upon me, and they would say, the Lord has ordained you to be a prophet. And I never understood that in that moment because when you're first starting out in God's path, you're not really fully aware of everything that is in the word of God until you begin reading scripture. And so when I began to really zoom in on the scriptures and start reading the scriptures, I started to believe that God is calling me to be a prophet. And even though in that moment I believed it, it did not mean that those gifts and talents were going to be manifested right then and there. Unfortunately, along with our gifts and talents comes trials, tribulation, process, difficulties, seasons where we feel lonely. But through all of these things, God is the one molding, reforming, reconstructing. He is the one that is building our spiritual character so that when the gifts and talents become manifest, we know how to deal with the situations that are at hand. Because we will have that communication with the Father through our trials, through our process, through our desert moments to know that when God prepares us, it's when the moment comes that God says, now is the time for those gifts and for those talents to be made manifest. We will know how to be responsible while we are operating in the gifts and talents that God has given us. And this prophecy for me came years before I was even able to step into that calling. And I want everyone who is hearing that God has ordained you to either become a pastor, apostle, an evangelist, a prophet, a teacher. But I want you to understand that God is the one who prepares us for those moments. Because it is God who gets the glory in all of this. It is God who receives the honor and the glory for everything that he does. And so as the word of God says, do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of hands of the eldership. If someone has come to you and they have laid hands on you and you have heard the confirmation over and over and over again, this is none other than God confirming what is inside of you, what will become manifest within you when you seek God's presence, when you seek him wholeheartedly. When you know that in order for me to operate in the gifts and talents that God has given me, I need to be in his presence every day. I need to meditate on his word and God will as we meditate and as we seek him, he will begin to reveal to us revelation from his word. And we will begin to operate in those gifts and those talents that God has given us. And do not let anyone despise the fact that you are young. Because even though you may be young, the greatest privilege as a youth is that God has called you into the ministry. God has called you to operate in the gifts and talents that he has given you and there is nothing the enemy can do. He can try, he can raise up other people to try and derail you. But as long as you know where your identity lies, it does not matter how long it takes for you to operate in the gifts. The matter is that as long as you are seeking God in God's perfect timing, those gifts will be made manifest and you will begin to operate in them. Whether you are a youth, whether you are a child, whether you are an adult or whether you are an elderly, God has prepared the moment that you and I will begin to operate in our gifts and talents. So I pray and I hope that everyone who hears this message begins to call out to God and say, God, here I am, here I am to serve you, here I am to worship you, here I am to follow you. Because I know that you've given me gifts and talents, but I also need you, Lord Father God, to show me the areas where I need you to operate in those talents and gifts through me so I can continue walking according to your will and your purpose. I pray that this message has blessed you. I want you to know, do not let anyone despise your youth. Do not let anyone despise your beginnings. Because it's in those moments where you, later on, will look back and say, thank you, God, for those beginnings. Thank you, God, for those youthful times that you've allowed me and given me the privilege to seek you and find you and fall deeply in love with you. I pray and hope this has blessed you. Until the next time, bye-bye.

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