Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Tonight's lesson in 1 Peter focuses on the reality of hope and how it brings great rejoicing even in the midst of suffering. Peter explains that trials of faith are more valuable than perishable gold, as they refine and purify believers. These trials are temporary compared to the eternal inheritance that awaits believers in heaven. By enduring and remaining faithful, believers will be exalted and receive eternal life. Tonight, we continue our lesson over in 1 Peter, and we begin with verse 6 tonight. Now, previously, we had talked about, in the opening of this epistle, about how this salvation has been made possible by the combined work of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And then we went on to talk about the key note to this epistle, which is lively hope. And we explained about this hope on last night. We talked about it. I explained that this hope is living. It is real. It is active. You know, and that this hope looks forward to a future inheritance that had been predicted in the past and in the present gives courage to persevere. And then we went on to understand about this eternal inheritance, all right, the object of hope that the eternal inheritance reserved in heaven. But this is the hope of the Christian, all right. And this eternal inheritance is incorruptible. It would not decay nor perish. It is undefiled. It is free from all stain of sin, and its fate is not a waste. It would not deteriorate, okay? It's not a present position. It is reserved in heaven. And we spoke about how that the Christian is kept by faith through obeying God, all right. When we obey God, God keeps this rest of this fortress around us as Christians. He protects us and assures us of our salvation in Him if we are just abiding in Him and in His Son and be led by His Holy Spirit. Then we will be led to the salvation of our souls. That is the goal of faith. It's the salvation of the soul. It's that eternal salvation, that eternal deliverance from death and sin. That is what we do it for so that we can achieve this eternal inheritance that's laid up in heaven. So with our first read of pickup at 1 Peter 1, and I want you to begin to read at verse 6. Okay. How far? Okay. Let's go to verse 6 I was going to say. And if you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials. All right. So we see here now we're going to talk about the reality of hope, how that it causes great rejoicing even when suffering. And so this is what Peter begins to talk to them about now. Could our next reader go ahead and read verses 7 through 9? Kathy. That the jingling of your faith in much more precious than gold that perished may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love, though now you do not see him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory. Receiving the end of your faith, the salvation of your souls. All right. So here we see in verse 6 that the prospect of salvation that is to be received fill their hearts with rejoicing. And this is what Peter's talking about here in verse 6. He say wherein ye greatly rejoice. Okay. And then he say, though now for a season, if need be, you are in heaviness through manifold temptation. So even though they were at the current time in heaviness and they were suffering persecution and all these things, their hearts were filled with rejoicing. Okay. And then as this letter unfolds, Peter writes of the manifold trials his reader was subjected to at that time. And where we stop and we think, well, Charles, what was the same thing that Christians are subjected to this day? Okay. Because they refused to be like the ungodly world, they were hated and slandered and misrepresented before authority, and they suffered many acts of cruel persecution. Well, here we see that Peter stated that yet they greatly rejoice through the manifold temptation. Let's read Matthew chapter 5, verses 11 and 12. Yes, Jesus. He said, God bless you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. Be happy about it, but be very glad for a great reward awaits you in heaven, and remember that the ancestors' prophets were persecuted in the same way. All right. So the beautiful things about the Beatitudes, and you can go and trace their Sermon on the Mount, their teaching in the Sermon on the Mount that Jesus gave, and especially those Beatitudes all the way throughout your Bible. And you can come right back to the Beatitudes. You can go to a lot of teachings, and they lead you all the way right back to the Beatitudes. That's the beauty of teaching. So even though these Christians were undergoing manifold temptations, they still were filled with rejoicing. Okay. So you say, well, Charles, how could they rejoice while at the same time suffer pain and sorrow? Well, first, they understood it would last only a little while. That's why Peter stated, for a season. But even if their suffering continued the remainder of their life on earth, it would be brief in comparison to the endless ages of eternity. Is this what they understood? This is one reason that they were able to rejoice. Let's read Romans 8, verse 18. Debut. Romans 8, 18. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Amen. All right. So this is what they understood. This is their mindset that they had as a Christian. And this is the same mindset we have to have. Okay? But not only did they understand that it was for a season that they would suffer, even if they had to suffer the remainder of their lives here on earth, they knew that it wouldn't be compared to the eternal glory that's laid up for them in heaven in eternity. All right. But second, they saw these trials as a test that proved their faith and therein they glorified God. Okay. And we can think of many scriptures that tell us this, such as Giants chapter 1, verses 2 through 4. Could somebody read them for us? Rather. Jeremiah 1. Giants chapter 1, verses 2 through 4. To whom the word of the Lord came in the days of Josiah, the son of Ammon, king of Judah, in the 13th. Robin. I'm on the wrong page. Yes, ma'am. Read Giants chapter 1, verses 2 through 4. Okay. Okay. James. You have one minute remaining. My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations, knowing this, that the triumph of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. Amen. So we see here this is the mindset that they had. All right. They understood that their suffering would last only for a season. But they also saw their trials as a test of their faith, and therein they glorified God on their behalf. Thank you for using global telling. Robin, would you continue reading? And James, can you read down to verse 18? Starting with verse 5. Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed at the last time. Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season. Oh, I'm in 1 Peter. Sorry. I turned my page back. Okay. Let's go back to James, starting in verse 5. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord. A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted. But the rich in that he is made low, because of the flower of the grass he shall pass away. For the sun is no singer risen with the burning heat, but it withereth the grass, and the flower thereof falleth. And the grace of the fasting of it perisheth. So also the rich man fade away in his ways. All right. Let's start right there. Okay. Let's start right there. Okay. So, here over in 1 Peter, as we came down to verse 6, we understand that the reality of hope causes great rejoicing even with suffering. And this is what I've been explaining. In verse 6, this is what Peter was letting them know, that though they was going through manifold temptations, they was rejoicing. Because they understood that it will only last for a season. All right. But also as we come down to verse 7, it's stated that the trial of your faith being much more precious than the gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. So, trials of faith can be compared to the test with fire made by an affair who takes gold ore and thereby determines the quality of the precious metal. And what he does is the smelting process removes the admixtures of other elements and refines the gold that is genuine. So, manifold trials constitute a crucible that determines the lasting quality and genuineness of faith. But gold, at last, it perishes, even though it can withstand the test of fire. But having been tested and purified, unwavering faith will bring praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. And this is the exaltation that will come to all who will be glorified with him when Jesus returns. And so, this is what Peter tells them that if they would endure and abide faithful in Christ, knowing that their suffering would be only temporarily compared to their eternal inheritance that's laid up in heaven, then they will be exalted for their faith when Christ returns. Let's read Romans chapter 2, verse 7. John? Okay. Romans 2, verse 7 in the ESV. To those who, by patience and well-doing, seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. Alright, so he will give eternal life to those who, by patience, continuance, and well-doing, seek for glory and honor and immortality. He will give them eternal life. Alright? Which means if you grow now weirder and well-doing, even in the midst of your suffering. Alright? And Mike is a great example, even though Jesus is the best example, but Mike just gave us a good example of seeking for good and well-doing in the midst of suffering with his wife, battling cancer, having to care for her, but still getting on studies and conducting these studies and sending out emails and going to the Bible call and, you know, going to church when he can. Amen. And continuing to do well-doing while suffering. Great example. And this is what Peter's encouraging his receptor to do, to continue in well-doing so that you can be glorified. Your faith is going to be tested by fire, by trials of this life. But if you overcome, then you're going to be exalted with Jesus when he returns. Alright? So as we come down to verse 8, in 1 Peter chapter 1 it says, So we see that three words describe their attitude. So what I'm saying is these same three words need to describe every Christian's attitude towards Christ. And that is love, believing, and rejoicing. Though they had never seen Jesus Christ in the flesh, they loved him. Why? Obviously, they were not drawn to him because of any physical attraction, but they believed that he had made the ultimate sacrifice of death for the sins of mankind. Let's read Romans chapter 5, verses 6-10. Mary? Okay. Romans 5, 6-10? Yes, ma'am. Okay. Amen. So we see that it is through the blood of Christ that we can be made not of God. It's not through some miraculous feeling that comes over us. It's not that, well, I received a gift of speaking tongues, so I'm in a right relationship with God. I know I'm assured of my salvation. No. It is by being washed in the blood of Christ that we are forgiven of sin and we are saved from the wrath of God. It's all based off the sacrifice that our Lord and Savior made that determines our standing with God. Yeah. It's the ultimate sacrifice of death for the sins of mankind that he made. And this is why they love Christ, okay? This is why they rejoice, and this is why they believe, all right? Now, the word love that's used here in 1 Peter chapter 1, verse 8, this implies action. So even as God demonstrated this meaning of love, since still believers would likewise respond with action. So true love involves much more than mere words is what I'm saying, people. One must obey his commandments. Amen. It's impossible for me to say I love God, but I don't obey him. Amen. John chapter 14, verse 15. Could somebody read that for us? Lisa. John what? John chapter 14, verse 15. Okay, it says, if you love me, you will keep my commandments. All right. Jesus said, if you love me, obey me. That's to make it plain. He said, if you love me, obey me. Show me and be obedient. Do what I tell you, and you will be all right. You're going to have eternal life. And then he's saying, John 15, 14, you are my friend if you do whatsoever I command you. So, but it not only spoke about the attitude of these receptives that Peter wrote to as believing and loving God, but, I mean, not as only rejoicing and loving God, but it stated that they was believing. It said, yet believing. They was constrained to follow him. Okay? Both love and faith are made complete by obedience. And we see that in a lot of places in the Bible. Let's read 1 John chapter 5, verse 3. Okay. Okay. 1 John chapter 5, verse 3. Okay. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome. All right. Then in Hebrews chapter 11, 27, it states, By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king, for he endured, and seeing him who is invisible. So, if we read that chapter, we understand that by faith, that all these individuals, they show actions by their faith. They had obedience to God. They did something. Their faith was not dead. It had obedience coupled along with it. They all showed action along with their faith. And it's the same way under the New Testament. If we love God, then we must obey him. If we want to be saved, we must obey God. But then also Peter stated about these individuals. He said, He rejoiced with joy unspeakable and full of glory. So they had never seen Jesus. Their hearts were filled with such deep emotion of gladness and praise that words could not describe the exhortation. Let's read John chapter 16, verse 22. Kathy. Therefore, you now have sorrow. But I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice. And your joy no one will take from you. Amen. So, let's also read Philippians chapter 4, verse 7. Philippians 4, verse 7. And the peace of God surpasses all comprehension. So guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. Right. So this is why they were able to rejoice. Because as a Christian, Jesus gives us the inner peace. All right. And it's the peace which surpasses all understanding. It's peace bestowed to the believer in the midst of chaos and trials that the world can't understand how you got such peace. You know, in a time like this. You know, but this is that peace which surpasses all understanding. And Paul and Silas is a great example of receiving God's peace which surpasses all understanding. And what it caused them to do? It caused them to rejoice. They had been beaten and thrown into the inner stocks. And they had done no wrong. But yet the other prisoners in the prison guard, they heard Paul and Silas singing hymns to God. Amen. They was rejoicing. They had this inner peace. And this is what Peter telling his readers. All right. And then as we go on to 1 Peter chapter 1, verse 9. Peter stated, receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. Now, as I stated this many times before is that salvation of the soul is the goal or outcome of faith. This is why we keep faith. This is why we endure to the end. All right. So the flesh is endured and the flesh seems light. But for a moment, this is why Peter stated this. You know, when you compare them to the glories of eternal life, people. And we got one last set of scriptures for tonight. And that's 2 Corinthians chapter 4, verses 17 and 18. Shevia. While present troubles are small and won't last very long, yet they produce for us a glory that lasts, outweighs them, and will last forever. So we don't look at the trouble we can see now. Rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone. But the things we cannot see will last forever. And what is these things that they're keeping their minds set on? It's that hope. What type of hope is this? Is this the hope of the world? I hope. Well, I hope this happens. Well, it's been over 24 hours and they still haven't found anyone. Seems as if they're losing all hope. All hope for them is gone. No, that is a worldly hope. No. We're talking about the hope of the Christian. Okay? It is that lively hope. It is that hope that does not deteriorate. It does not fade away. It is not defiled. It is spotless. It is sinless. It is an anchor for the soul. And what does this anchor reach down to, up to? It reaches all the way up in heaven, beyond the veil. Amen. This is that eternal hope. So there's great cause for rejoicing when one anticipates the realization of heaven. And this is what we keep our eyes gazed on and fixed on as Christians here in this broken and fallen world. We will have afflictions. We will go through persecution. We will lose loved ones. We will go through trials and tribulations. Bad things happen to good people. Bad things happen to Christians. Amen. But if we don't keep our mind set on the hope that Jesus gives us as Christians, and if we don't pray for that inner spirit of peace to be able to rejoice always, which is a command. That's a command in the Bible. It says rejoice always. That's a command. Okay? If we don't ask for that inner peace, which surpasses all understanding, then the devil might attack our minds and we might lose our faith. Yeah. But Jesus prayed for Peter that his faith fail not. So we got to stay on guard against the devil and keep our minds filled with the hope of eternal life. We got to say, look, Brother Charles, I know you're going through some things right now, but don't lose sight of the hope that's laid up for us in heaven now. You got to keep on fighting. Amen. That's why we got to tap each other on the shoulder and say. We got to pray at night and say, Lord, please watch over my brothers and sisters in Christ and even those on the call who are seeking you but have not yet understood the hope of the Christian. Help us all to remember and know this hope. Yes, amen. Let us not lose sight of the mighty and precious promises that you have stored up for us, even the salvation of our souls when we are totally delivered from decay, from death, from sickness, from tears, from sorrow, from pain, from guilt. But when we can walk the street of gold, help me to keep my mind fixed on things above and not on things on earth because these things on earth, they temporary and they teary. And if I step my heart on these things, Father, I'm going to lose sight of you. Amen. So help me to follow you above all else. Amen. We got to say, Lord, my soul hungers and thirsts after you. Amen. Like a deer in a dry land. We got to say, as a deer longs for the streams of water, so my soul longs for you, Father. Amen. And we got to keep our minds fixed on this eternal inheritance. And Paul stated that. He said, I have ran the race. I have kept the faith. He didn't say I kept one of the faiths. He didn't say I kept the faiths, plural. No, he said what I kept, the faith. And what faith is that? That's the faith that we stand on, that we believe in, in the death, the burial, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That pattern of teaching that was delivered unto us, how that you got to put off the old man of sin and bury that man with Christ. You have one minute remaining. And be raised to walk in newness of life and keep your mind set on the hope that is in heaven. No matter what your children are going through, your mother is going through, how your husband treats you, how your wife treats you, you got to keep your mind set on this eternal inheritance or your faith is going to fail. But we're going to pray at the end of this call that each of our faiths fail not and that we will greatly rejoice and keep our minds set on this eternal inheritance. Amen. Amen. Thank you for using Global Telling. Charles will be back on in a minute. We got any comments or questions? Love hearing him preach. Amen. Break the bread of life. We know that Christ is our only hope. I appreciate your lesson tonight. That was the main comments we had. Amen. Would you lead us in a closing prayer? Yes, sir. Father, we thank you, Father, for giving us opportunity, Father God. And, Father, we thank you for your love. We thank you for the love that you demonstrated towards us. Even when you first set man before your eyes and you decided to create a man, and you had foreknowledge to know, Father, that we would fail you, Father, that some of us wouldn't even love you or believe in you or in your son, Father. But yet you still loved us, Father, and decided to create us anyway, Father. That alone demonstrates your love, Father God. And we thank you that you give us a way to be in you and in your son. So we thank you for your plan that you elected for salvation. We thank you that your light has shined, Father God, in many dark places and allowed men and women, Father God, to believe and understand the gospel and obey it. So, Father God, I just pray that the more we get on this call that souls would hear your gospel and that they would be converted by that incorruptible seed of your word. Father God, we pray that you would have mercy on us and forgive us for our sins. Father, we also share the same mercy and love towards our enemies and those who sin against us and betray us and backbite us and gossip against us, Father God. Help us not to put those people down or be angry nor return insult for insult. But help us, Father God, to pray for them and love them, having a love like yours, Father God, being perfect as you are perfect, Father God, by having a love that embraces those who love us as well as those who do not. Father God, we pray that our faith fail not. Let not our faith fail in you because we know that the devil, he want to sift us like wheat, Father God, and he don't like the fact that the truth of your word is spread in this world. So, Father God, let not Satan nor his workers of iniquity distract our minds from seeking you. Please protect us. Put your hands around us, your fortress. Have your angels to watch over us this night and even our loved ones, whether they be in Christ or not. We pray that whatever place that we be in, that our light will shine and make people safe. What is the reason for the hope that you have? And help us to be able to tell them about Christ. And we just pray that you will continually answer our numbers on this Bible call and that each of us will invite others on, Father God, and that you will give us faith in doing so. In Jesus' name we pray and we thank you, Father. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you, Charlie. You're welcome. I love you. I love you, too. All right. All glory to God.