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France and Germany split over the EU Mercosur trade pact & EU Mercosur No agreement before European

France and Germany split over the EU Mercosur trade pact & EU Mercosur No agreement before European

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Europe has been holding off on a major trade deal it agreed to with several South American nations: ... https://www.biblenewsprophecy.net/prophecynewsreports/france-and-germany-split-over-the-eumercosur-trade-pact-eu-mercosur-no-agreement-before-european-elections-2

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France and Germany are divided over the EU Mercosur Trade Pact. French President Macron calls it a bad agreement and suggests a new one. He is concerned about cheap meat flooding the EU and affecting French farmers. German industry sees the deal as a great opportunity for business. The EU wants the deal to prevent China from gaining more influence. The agreement is on hold and will not be finalized before the EU elections. Macron's opposition to the deal gives hope to those against it. The EU wants South American nations to be part of its Global Gateway Project. Brazil is expected to align with Europe for trade. The EU signed a deal with Argentina over the Falkland Islands to encourage alignment. Trade disputes and alliances will continue to arise between the EU, the US, and Latin America. Europe aims to dominate world trade, but Babylon will ultimately reign. This is the Bible News Prophecy Program, bringing you news and analysis of world events in the light of Bible prophecy. The following program is brought to you by the Continuing Church of God. Greetings, friends and brethren around the world. This is James Marconnette for the Bible News Prophecy Program. France and Germany split over the EU Mercosur Trade Pact and EU Mercosur no agreement before European elections. COG Writer Europe has been holding off on a major trade deal it agreed to with several South American nations. France and Germany split over the EU Mercosur Trade Pact. 21 May 2024 By Oliver Piper The free trade deal between the European Union and the South American trade bloc, Mercosur, could become the world's largest agreement, involving a market of a total of 780 million people. But in late March, French President Emmanuel Macron did not only describe it as a very bad agreement, he even suggested it should be left behind and called for a new agreement. Weeks later, Macron's words still resonate. The agreement between the EU and Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Uruguay, which was originally finalized five years ago, is still on hold. Now, the French head of state is worried Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay may flood the European Union with cheap meat, and that French farmers will again take to the barricades. Meanwhile, German industry is pushing for the agreement to be concluded, if necessary by a qualified majority, even without France. Major chemical companies, such as BASF and Bayer, as well as the automotive industry, including Daimler and Volkswagen, see the deal as a great business opportunity. It has been suggested the European Union should invest in green injury, for which there is much potential in South America. But Marcella Cristini, a senior economist at Argentina's Latin American Research Economic Foundation, said the continued delay of the free trade deal will hurt those ambitions, with China keeping a very close eye on the stalled talks. Although Argentine President Xavier Mele railed against China during his recent election campaign, saying he didn't want to do business with communist countries, Cristini is convinced China would respond if Argentina came calling. In fact, 21 Latin American and Caribbean countries are keen to be part of China's Belt and Road Initiative, a global trade and infrastructure project also known as the New Silk Road. Their Mercosur countries are global traders, and China is one of the main buyers of agricultural and industrial products, said Cristini. That is not going to change. In the case of Mercosur, China is all of its members' number one or number two trade partner, from en.mercopress.com. The deal between the European Union and the Mercosur bloc is a big deal. Germany wants it as soon as possible. Furthermore, the EU does not want China to move in more. It wants the deal. Some have hinted that France and others in the EU will warm up more towards the South American trade deal after the EU elections. EU-Mercosur. No agreement for European elections. The biggest free trade zone in the world will not come into being before the EU elections in early June. 20 May 2024. French President Emmanuel Macron likely doesn't want to give right-wing populist parties like Marine Le Pen's National Rally any free ammunition for their campaign ahead of the EU elections in June. He wouldn't want to get French farmers any more annoyed. Their protests have already brought the country to a standstill for weeks. In Brussels, negotiators have remained notably calm despite the delay. The EU-Mercosur teams remain in contact on a technical level to resolve the outstanding issues, said Olaf Gill, a trade and agriculture spokesperson for the European Commission. The European Union continues to focus on ensuring that the agreement meets EU sustainability goals while also taking the EU's sensitivities in the agricultural sector into account. Francis Macron is the last hope for those who are fundamentally opposed to the free trade agreement. Environmental and human rights organizations in Europe and South America have been fighting the plans for years. A brief remark by the French President in which he suggested negotiating a new treaty that takes into account development, climate, and biodiversity made them sit up and take note. As reported here before, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen visited South America last year. She and the EU want nations there to be part of its Global Gateway Project, which is the EU's counter to the Chinese Silk Road Project. Plus, she wants South America to improve trade with the European Union. See, Ursula von der Leyen making trade deals in Latin America. The EU has wanted the Mercosur group of Latin American nations to make a large trade deal for some time. See EU looking to make world's largest trade deal with South America. In September of 2023, she mentioned that the EU wants to finalize related deals with the Mercosur bloc. See, Europe touts Global Gateway and bold plans for the future. Now, Brazil is in both Mercosur and BRICS. The B in BRICS stands for Brazil. And although that is an alliance with Russia and China, Brazil is expected to line up its trade with the Europeans as well, at least for a time. To help encourage Argentina to align with Europe, the EU signed a deal this past July where it called the UK-controlled Falkland Islands the Malvinas, which is the term Argentina uses as it claims those islands as its own. See, zero-hedge. The European Union signs a deal with Argentina calling Falklands Malvinas Islands. Related to that, we put out the following video. Falkland Islands and Prophecy? The EU attempting to expand trade was number 8 in Bob Thiel's list of. Here are some excerpts. 8. Trade. Not all warfare is militaristic. There is also economic warfare. This often involves trade. The major use of sanctions, mainly pushed by the USA, has been continuing. This is affecting trade and pushing trade away from the USA, but also encouraging the Anglo nations to try to increase trade with each other. Back in 2008, Bob Thiel posted the following. In the spirit of accommodation and personal interest, many of the standards of the European Union will be adopted by the USA, Canada, and Mexico, as well as by nearly all of the countries of the world. The Arab nations will most likely agree with many of the standards as they seem to be destined to form a brief, in time, alliance with the Europeans. The Arab world in the Bible, history, and prophecy. However, over time, it will become increasingly clear that the British will be in more agreement with the Canadians and Americans, and that the European Union in more agreement with the Mexicans than the EU will have with the English-speaking nations. Trade wars and or serious trade disputes will most likely arise. The Brits will ultimately decide that they are more supportive of the Americans and Canadians. They will be so much more supportive that they will end up in a trading agreement with them, with the Australians and New Zealanders, probably also becoming part of that agreement. The European Union will decide that Mexico and the rest of Latin America are more in agreement with it, and thus make some type of serious trading arrangement with most or all of Latin America. The Vatican will also have an influence here as Latin America is highly Roman Catholic. The Europeans and Americans, however, will continue to have military agreements, though many will be tense about them. From TLB, a combined European Union and North American trade bloc. Coming from COGRider.com, March 3rd, 2008. Since the above was posted, the Europeans and Americans continue to have military agreements. The UK essentially reduced its trade from the rest of Europe because of Brexit. Today we see a UK-New Zealand trade deal. The European Union has made trade deals with Mexico and Latin America. CEU's Juncker essentially verified accuracy of 2008 COGRider prediction on trade. The USA made a new trade deal with Canada. See Brexit, the end is nigh. And Donald Trump signs Canada-Mexico trade deal. The UK and EU continue to have trade friction. See DW, EU-UK trade war looming as Northern Ireland protocol tensions hit boiling point. And the EU has continued to push its standards, which is one of the reasons there is an issue related to Brexit at Northern Ireland. In 2021, the UK made deals with New Zealand. See CNN, New Zealand and United Kingdom reached free trade deal. In Australia, see UK and Australia make trade deals. So... And the USA made a special deal with the UK and Australia. See, AUKUS alliance, EU wants its own stronger military. Expect the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to try to increase trade with each other. In Europe, in 2018 Bob Teel wrote, The Europeans have been working with Latin America, China, Russia's Eurasian Union and other areas of the world to try to set up its dominance of world trade as well as standards for world trade. From 19 items to prophetically watch in 2019. Such deals have been happening. Europe will reach out to various ones in Asia and Africa as well as Latin America. In the next several years, deals and more trade will occur with Africa, Asia and Latin America. Europe will work on getting more of the world to accept its standards and trading matters. This will help Europe ultimately dominate trade. For a time, Babylon will dominate world trade. And he cried mightily with a loud voice saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen and has become a dwelling place of demons. A prison for every foul spirit and a cage for every unclean and hated bird. For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. The kings of the earth have committed fornication with her. And the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury. Revelation 18 verses 2-3 While Babylon will not fully reign in 2024, with the USA pulling out of trade deals and or wishing to change them, steps are occurring that are pushing Europe to dominate trade. Watch trade wars, are the COG warnings coming to pass? The final time of the Gentiles is approaching. We are seeing BRICS, the Global South, the EU and others working on ways to trade and not have to deal with the descendants of Ephraim, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and Manassas, the USA. The Europeans will work with many nations to secure stronger trade agreements. The European Union parliamentary elections are coming up. After that, we may see more efforts from the EU to secure more trade with Mercosur and others in Latin America, including those in Mercosur. We put out the following sermon videos. Latin America in Prophecy Which biblical figures did the Latin Americans descend from? What does the Bible teach will happen to their descendants in the future? What will happen to the non-Latin peoples in Central America, South America and the Caribbean? Is Europe in the process of making major trade deals with Latin America? What kind of religious, legal and cultural ties are there between Europe and Latin America? Is it possible that Mexico or others in Latin America could work militarily with the coming European peace power to attack the USA? What happens during the Day of the Lord? Will people in Latin America respond to God's calling before Jesus returns? What happens after Mystery Babylon Falls? Does God have any plans to offer salvation to Latin Americans who never had an opportunity? What is available at www.cdlid.es and www.ccog.org? What are some of the near-term and longer-term prophecies that will affect Latin America? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more. Asia, Islands, Latin America, Africa and Armageddon. The New Testament is clear that race and ancestry are not salvation issues as there will be people from all nations and tongues in the Kingdom of God. Dr. Thiel deals with these matters in this sermon. This is James Martinette. This Bible News Prophecy Program was sponsored by the Continuing Church of God. For more information, including access to our free literature, visit BibleNewsProphecy.net or www.ccog.org.

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