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What is your Scriptural Identity in Yahoshua the Messiah- 1

What is your Scriptural Identity in Yahoshua the Messiah- 1


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Let Us Reason Together is a ministry focused on returning to our roots and seeking the redemption and regathering of the two houses of Israel. The host, Boaz Newhoff, will be teaching about our scriptural identity in Yeshua the Messiah. He clarifies that Torah (teachings/lifestyle) does not save us, but Yeshua (Jesus) does. There will be false anointed ones and prophets who will deceive many at the end of this age. Boaz questions the popular belief in the rapture and emphasizes the importance of understanding our true biblical identity. He distinguishes between heathens, pagans, and Gentiles, and highlights the covenantal relationship between saints and Yahweh. Those who uphold the covenant will be part of the household of Elohim (God). The apostle Paul references the Israelites' journey through the sea and their covenant with Yahweh in Deuteronomy. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ Good evening and welcome. My name is Boaz Newhoff and Let Us Reason Together is a ministry to return us to our roots. We are looking for the redemption of Jacob and the regathering of the two houses of Israel at the end of this age. ♪♪ Welcome to the first program of Let Us Reason Together. My name is Boaz Newhoff and I will be with you for a number of weeks and I hope to teach from the Scriptures a teaching that I have done on a number of occasions called What is Your Scriptural Identity in Yeshua the Messiah? Now, before we go any further, I want to welcome all the listeners here in Taran and in New Zealand, all over the world via the Internet. I certainly hope that these teachings will be a blessing to you. Now, I am going to use a number of words or titles to be more correct, and names which perhaps you are not familiar with. So, I am going to give you a little word list here that for the name Lord, I am going to use Yahweh. For Jesus, I am going to use Yeshua. And for God, I am going to use Elohim. And for the Law, or the teachings, I am going to use the word Torah. So, we have Yahweh, Lord, Yeshua, Jesus, Elohim, God, and Torah for Law. Now, I am not doing that to impress you with Hebrew words, but why I am doing it will become apparent when we go through the teaching. I also like to make one point very clear at the outset. As soon as people hear the word Torah, or Law, they think, oh, now I have got to be careful because these people are trying to put me back under the Law and make me a legalist because they claim that the Law is going to save them. Well, that is certainly not the case as far as I am concerned. Because if we define the two words that we are dealing with, which is Yeshua, or Jesus, Yeshua actually means Yahweh who saves. Yahweh who saves, or Yahweh the Savior. And Torah actually means teaching, or lifestyle. Teachings equals Torah, and salvation equals Yeshua. So, the Torah at best can teach us, but it is Yeshua, or Jesus, who is going to save us. So, the Torah doesn't save us, but as we read in the book of Ephesians, the Torah will keep us clear, or the Law, or the teachings of Yahweh, or even better, the word of Yahweh, will keep us clean. You will be washed by the water of the word, the book of Ephesians says. OK, having made that very clear, that we are not teaching that the Law will save you, but that there is only salvation in Yeshua, the Messiah, let us take note of the book of Matthew, in chapter 24 and verse 24, where it is written, For there shall arise false Christs. So, if we take that Greek word Christ, or Christ comes from the Greek word Christos, and if we take the meaning of Christos, or Christ, it means anointed. So, what we should read here is, For there shall arise false anointed ones, and false prophets, and they shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. So, at the end of the age, and I personally believe that we are coming to the end of this age, the signs are certainly all there, and we are being warned that at the end of this age, there will be great deception. And if you look around yourself, in this world, the deception is indeed very great. So great that, if it were possible, that the elect of Yahweh, or the elect of God, would also be deceived. And I was speaking to somebody recently, as I heard a telepreacher talk about the rapture. The rapture, of course, is a teaching that Jesus will come, and he will rescue his church, will rapture her into heaven, and save her from the tribulation, and all the ugly things that lie ahead. Is that indeed true? Can we find a teaching in the scriptures that indeed clearly gives us this position? Do we read it in the Old Testament? Do we read there that there is a rapture? Do the prophets proclaim that there is? Does Yeshua, or Jesus himself, teach us that he will come for his church, and take her away before the tribulation, and take her to heaven, to later come back and rule over the world, and Israel, as it is claimed? Do we hear any of this particular position from people like Arrhenius, or Augustine, or John Calvin, the so-called church fathers? Do they have a position on this rapture? Or is indeed the fact correct that this was not in circulation until the late 1800s? And then, well, by a person called Margaret MacDonald in Scotland, who had a vision, whilst she was on her sickbed, that indeed Jesus would come back for his church, rapture her to heaven before the tribulation, and so on. And this teaching, to be sure, was taken over by John Darby, if you like, and it was popularized by Schofield. And then, of course, we have the Tim LaHaye's, etc., and in many denominational churches, this today is biblical fact. But what about if it wasn't a biblical fact? That indeed, Margaret MacDonald was wrong, and so was John Darby and Schofield. It is very important, therefore, to find out what your biblical position is, because that will determine what is going to happen to you. There will arise many false anointed ones, and they are going to do great signs and wonders, and if it is possible, they will even deceive the elect. So, what is your identity in the Messiah, in Yeshua? Well, you may say, come on, what's the big deal here? I am, for example, a dust reformed, or I am a Pentecostal, or I am a Baptist, or a Roman Catholic, or a Mormon. What's the problem? I have my identity. Yes, you may have adopted an identity, but do I find these identities that I just outlined in the Scriptures? Do I find specific references to dust reformed, Baptists, Pentecostals, etc.? No, I don't. I read, for example, in Leviticus 26, verse 33, and I will scatter you among the heathen. So, we know that as an identity from the Scriptures, that there are heathen. In 1 Corinthians, chapter 10, verse 20, I read, but I am saying that what the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons. So, here is another identity that is called Gentiles. So, in the Scripture we have heathen, and we have Gentiles. And in 1 Corinthians 12, verse 2, it says, you know that when you were Gentiles, or pagans, you were being led to mute idols, being carried away. So, here we have Gentiles that are called pagans. And these pagan Gentiles serve mute idols. And we know that our Elohim, or our God, does not want us to serve anyone else but Him and Him alone. I have heard people say, I am a Gentile Christian, or we are Christians from the Gentiles. Well, what does the Scriptures actually say? How does Yahweh see us? How many identities are there? Well, I have listed a few. Heathens, pagans, Gentiles, and there are those who say that they are Gentile Christians. Then we also have people who call themselves Messianics, or Nazarene Israelites, and so on. Many people, many identities. But in the Scriptures, by and large, there are only two, and it is these two identities that we want to establish. Because it depends by which identity, and which identity you identify, as to what your fate will be, so to speak. If we go to the book of Ephesians, in the New Testament, in Ephesians 2, verse 19, it says, Now, therefore, and where there is a therefore, you should really read what it says before verse 19. Perhaps you should start reading from verse 11. Now, therefore, you are no more strangers and foreigners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints. So, we are fellow citizens with the saints, so we got to find out who these saints are, and of the household of Elohim, or the household of God. So, we got to find out what this household of Elohim constitutes. Who belong to this household? Well, it says that saints belong. Who are these saints? Well, if you go to Psalm 50, verse 5, it says, Gather my saints together unto me, those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice. So, a saint is somebody who is in a covenantal relationship with Yahweh, with God. Again, a saint is somebody who has a covenantal relationship with Yahweh. Now, we know from the book of Hebrews that Yeshua is the messenger of the covenant. So, He is the one who, for example, would be able to teach us about this covenant. And let me remind you that the scripture is very clear, that in Isaiah 56, Yahweh says that He is going to take those who honor the covenant and uphold it to His holy hill. So, we established from the New Testament that saints are of the household of Elohim and these saints are in a covenantal relationship with Yahweh. And if this covenantal relationship is upheld, He is going to take those who uphold it to His holy hill. These are the household of Elohim. And I want to briefly bring you to a passage of scripture in the book of Corinthians. The book of Corinthians opens in 1 Corinthians 10 verse 1. It says Do not be ignorant. Do not be ignorant, the apostle Paul says, and what the apostle Paul is actually teaching here, most people are ignorant of. It says, Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the clouds, and they all passed through the sea, and they were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and they all ate of the spiritual meat, and that they all drank the same spiritual drink for they drank of the spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock was the Messiah. Now where does the apostle Paul get all this from? Well, the apostle Paul gets this from the book of Deuteronomy in chapter 29. In Deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 14 we read about this covenant. And it says, Neither with you only do I make this covenant and this oath. Verse 15 of Deuteronomy 29, that standeth here with us today before Yahweh your Elohim, and also with him that is not here with us today. That's why the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 1 can say that all our fathers went through the sea. All our fathers made this covenant, those who were there and those who were not there. In other words, when you gave your life to Yahweh and Yeshua and you started to walk in his ways you came into the bond of this covenant because Yeshua is the messenger thereof. I will explain this to you a little later. In Hebrews 12 verse 24 it says and to Yeshua the mediator of the renewed covenant. You see there is the covenant which we read all about in the Old Testament or in the Tanakh and then Yeshua renews that covenant with specifically two identities and it is these identities we want to establish. Are these identities for example the institutionalized church? Are these specific covenants which are talked about in the scriptures made with the institutionalized church? May this be of charismatic persuasion? May it be of Roman Catholic persuasion? May it be of Protestant persuasion? Doesn't really matter. Who are named as part of this covenant? You see Yeshua is the messenger. He is the one who brings us into the bond of this covenant. You can clearly read this in Ezekiel chapter 20. If you read this very important chapter you see that at the end of this age Yeshua is going to bring his people into the desert of the nations. And then it says that you are going to pass under his rod and he is going to bring you into the bonds of the covenant because otherwise you couldn't go back to the promised land. And in Judges 2 verse 1 Yahweh says I will never break my covenant with you. So as far as Yahweh is concerned he is absolutely 100% committed to this covenant. Now you've heard people say we are the covenant people. Are you sure? Are you sure that in your Dutch Reformed identity or your Pentecostal identity or your Roman Catholic or Protestant identity that you are indeed the covenantal people of Yahweh? Well, this is what we want to find out. Because the covenants are made with the fathers. So we've got to define who the fathers are. Are the fathers for example Martin Luther and John Calvin and John Wesley and Zwingli are they the fathers referred to in the Scriptures? Or are they the fathers that are mentioned in Exodus chapter 2 verse 24 An Elohim heard their groaning. That's the groaning of Israel in Egypt. An Elohim remembered his covenant. You see he made a covenant and it says he made that covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So, scripturally then, the fathers are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And it is with these fathers that Yahweh made his covenant. Or his agreement, if you like. This is confirmed further in the book of Hebrews. The book of Hebrews is in the New Testament and it says in Hebrews 8 verse 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel And after those days saith Yahweh I will put my laws into their minds and I will write them in their hearts and I will be their Elohim and they shall be to me a people. Ah, you say, OK but that's the house of Israel what has that got to do with me? I am not Israel, I am Here we go again, either Dutch Reformed Pentecostal, etc. Well, here specifically the scripture says not only in the book of Exodus but also here in Hebrews that the covenant is made with the house of Israel. So, let us then determine who are these covenant people. Well, the saints who are in covenant with Yahweh of the descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and you know that Jacob's name was changed to Israel we are going to go into that a little deeper as we go through the teachings We may well want to call this bunch those saints that are in a covenant relationship with Yahweh of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the redeemed house of Israel and there is a big difference between the house of Israel on the one hand and the redeemed house of Israel on the other hand Remember that in the book of Romans in Romans chapter 9 you read that Paul says it is not all Israel that is called Israel it is not all Israel that is called Israel and therefore all Israel at the moment is not part and parcel of the redeemed house of Israel. There is a big difference Yeshua or Jesus said it is important that we quote Him because He is our authority I am not your authority, Yeshua is your authority and everything that I say you should check against His word because ultimately we have to work out our own salvation in fear and trembling when we ultimately meet Yeshua in the desert of the nations and we go under His rod then we cannot say to Him this fellow Boaz in Tyre told me this and the minister told me that and the priest told me so and that is what I believe, so what can I do? Well, what we can do is work this out for ourselves by being Bereans who hear the word and who go home and take their Bibles and study this word for themselves so that they find out for themselves what I am saying or what anyone else is saying is in fact the truth in Luke 24 verse 44 it says and He said unto them these are the words which I spake unto you whilst I was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled the things which are written in the Torah or in the law and by law or Torah is normally meant the five books of Moses all that is written in the Torah or in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me well, here we are here is Yeshua saying in Luke 24 that everything that is written about Him about Yeshua in the Torah in the five books of Moses in the prophets and in the Psalms must indeed be fulfilled and one of these things that is written about Him in the prophets is very important and this should be a warning to us today as we see the age coming to an end and I want to read with you from Isaiah 49 Isaiah 49 verse 6 Isaiah 49 verse 6 says is it too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel that you have preserved I will also make you a light for the Gentiles that you may bring my salvation and if you analyze these verses you see that here is talked about this servant is indeed Yeshua so it is Yeshua's task according to the prophets of which Yeshua Himself in Luke 24 verse 44 says that these things must be fulfilled that are written about Him that He is charged here as the servant of Yahweh to restore the tribes of Jacob and to bring back from where? well, we know that the tribes of Jacob were scattered all over the world and they need to be brought back to the land that was promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and that this servant must bring salvation to the ends of the earth even that He will be a light amongst the nations or a light amongst the Gentiles so it is Yeshua's task to restore the house of Jacob no other individual's task there are individuals today who say well or who make it their task as though the servant is or was not able let us not be that presumptuous it is clearly the task of the Messiah and He says in Luke these things must come to pass so have you seen a restoration of the house of Jacob when it is being restored to the land that is the Messiah at work and that is why He says in Matthew 15 verse 24 and He answered and said I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel here is this servant whose task it is to restore the house of Jacob which lies in taverns and has been dispersed all over the world even to the ends of the earth which is right here in New Zealand and He says I have only come except for the lost sheep of the house of Israel Matthew 15 verse 24 so He doesn't say I have come for the Dutch Reformed or for the Pentecostals or the Baptists or the Catholics no He says I have only come except for the lost sheep of the house of Israel He says to His disciples in Matthew 10 verse 6 of the house of Israel and then in Matthew 10 verse 23 He makes a remarkable statement and unless you start finding out what your identity is this does not make any sense at all and I am not going to explain it to you at this stage but I will explain it to you at the end of the teaching He says I say to you you shall by no means have gone through the cities of Israel before the Son of Adam comes are you awaiting the Son of Adam or Yeshua yes I know many people around the world who are awaiting the coming of Yeshua everybody at the moment may they be Messianic circles may they be Ephraimite circles may they be church circles whatever circles it is talked about that the signs are there and the coming of the Messiah is close or near but He says to His disciples I am not going to come unless you have been through all the cities of Israel now I don't know if any of you have been to Israel but for those who have now let's say that we are in Eilat which is right down south and we got to go all the way to the Lebanese border if we got to do that on foot let's take it very easy because it is very hot and you got to go through these deserts what about, could we do it in 5 years what about 10 years I mean we could certainly do it in 15 years wouldn't we but it has been well over 2000 years since this has been said and still Moshiach is not here so what does he mean for truly I say to you my disciples you shall by no means have gone through the cities of Israel so the disciples His messengers must go through all the cities in Israel before He can return why is this taking so long 2000 years well let us have a look at the book of Acts the book of Acts is very important in Acts chapter 1 it says in verse 3 to whom He Yeshua also showed Himself alive after His passion by many proofs appearing unto them by the space of 40 days and speaking the things concerning the kingdom of Elohim or the kingdom of God because these apostles were charged you must go out and teach the kingdom and Yeshua instructed these disciples for 40 days all about this kingdom now if there was going to be a rapture at the end of this age do you not think that Yeshua while speaking about this kingdom that is coming would have told His disciples all about it instead we have a lady Margaret Macdonald in Scotland who was the first one to receive this vision in a dream while she was ill is there a possibility that she was hallucinating and that this rapture is not true well we are going to find out the disciples are charged to go out and teach the kingdom and then it says in Acts chapter 1 verse 6 they therefore the disciples when they were come together asked Him saying Master does thou at this time restore the kingdom what does it say here Master does thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israel not is or are the disciples asking any other person to restore the kingdom to Israel but specifically they are asking the Master now why would they be asking the Master well of course they knew from the Old Testament that He was the servant to restore the house of Jacob and to bring back its dispersed ones and they knew as we will find out as we go through this that all of Israel was dispersed amongst the nations and that it was indeed His task to regather them and bring them back home they knew about the prophet Amos that the fallen hut of David had to be restored they indeed therefore asked the right person will you at this time restore the kingdom of Israel and they have spoken about it for 40 days they were well briefed on what was to happen and the Master told them quite clearly that they were to go out into the world and that they had to teach all in the nations the gospel of the kingdom and this gospel of the kingdom should not be confused with the gospel of salvation the gospel of salvation in Yeshua the Messiah on the one hand and the gospel of the kingdom that comes from heaven or out of heaven here on this earth is a totally different issue and it says in the book of Matthew that the return of the Master will not be until this teaching of the gospel of the kingdom has gone out to all nations and that is what this is about this gospel of the kingdom must also go out to the nation of New Zealand because otherwise it would not be possible for the Master to return now what else? what else do we have in the book of Acts in relation to our identity? well, some say, in Acts chapter 2 the church was birthed it was indeed in the upper room where the birth of the church eventuated by the presence of the apostles this indeed is what is claimed but we don't read any of it in Acts chapter 2 in Acts chapter 2 what is actually happening is that all Israelites or Israelites from all over the world were present were present in the land because they were adhering to the commandment that three times a year Israel was to appear before Abba Yahweh and that was on the festivals of Passover unleavened bread the festival of Shavuot which is exactly what is happening here in Acts chapter 2 and at the festival of Tabernacles you see it says here in Acts chapter 2 verse 1 when the day of Pentecost had come they were all together in one place they were all together in one place and that was this upper room suddenly a sound like a blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house you see, this is an upper room in a house because in this house they were sitting they saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them you see, this is the filling of the ones sitting in the upper room with the Holy Spirit and all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them now they were staying in Jerusalem Elohim fearing Jews from every nation under heaven so if you have all these Elohim or God fearing Jews from all nations under heaven thousands upon thousands we are told later they don't fit in an upper room but they fit at the house of Yahweh on the Temple Mount where they were ordered to assemble to celebrate the festival of Pentecost see, they were at the house of Yahweh and at the house of Yahweh they were all gathered together and at the house of Yahweh the Ruach of Yahweh or the Spirit of Yahweh came upon them and the disciples began to speak in other tongues so that all who came out of the diaspora or out of the dispersion and it gives you a whole list of names where they came from Parthians, Medes, Elamites people from Mesopotamia Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia and all these places, Egypt and Libya Cyrene and Rome from all these places came these Israelites and these Jews and they spoke different languages they didn't speak or understand Hebrew because they were born in these other places but the miracle was that the apostles spoke in their native tongues because that's what it says everybody heard them speaking in their native tongues you can read that in verse 11 of Acts 2 the important thing to realize is what it says in the following verses and it tells you exactly what's happening here it is telling you in Acts 2, verse 16 what's going on here this is what has been spoken through the prophet Joel so Joel is supposed to have prophesied about this day in Acts 2 so if we go and search the book of Joel then we should find that Joel must prophesy about the creation of an institutionalized church on the festival of Shavuot and if we can't find it then we must not assume that that is what happened or we must make up our own story Acts 2, verse 16 this is that which has been spoken through the prophet Joel and it shall come to pass in the last days say of Elohim or God I will pour forth My Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams Acts 2, verse 18 and on My servants and on My handmaidens in those days will I pour out My Spirit excuse me that's the prophecy quoted in Acts 2, verse 16 to 18 so now we must analyze Joel so if you go to Joel, chapter 3 the prophet Joel and chapter 3, you will get this what is quoted in the book of Acts quoted verbetum by this prophet and we must analyze a number of words that are different in the Hebrew than they are translated in the English and Joel, chapter 3 we see no, sorry I have given you the wrong reference it is Joel, chapter 2 verse 28 Joel 2, verse 28 and afterwards I will pour out My Spirit on all people and your sons and daughters will prophesy and your old men will dream dreams and your young men will see visions and on My servants, both men and you know what, it also says women even on all My servants both men and women so both men and women are the servants of Yahweh isn't that interesting I will pour out My Spirit in those days so in the community and in the congregation of Yahweh we have male and female servants not just male servants and they both received the Spirit of Yahweh not only just men being anointed but also women being anointed very important point for today for us to understand now let us look at this word that we have here on all flesh I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh that is the Strong's word 1319 if you have not heard of James Strong James Strong was a man who got all the Hebrew words put them in a concordance, gave them all a number and then he gave the Hebrew word he gave it a English translation and in his concordance you have the number 1319 all flesh and that is the Hebrew word Bazar the Hebrew word Bazar to announce a messenger a messenger that bears or brings or carries or preaches good or good tidings so what Joel chapter 2 is saying is not what we have generally understood that all flesh were to receive the Spirit of Yahweh no I will put out My Spirit on all who bring the Bazar who bring the good news or preach the good tidings they received the Spirit of Yahweh they, may they be servants, men or women those who preached the Bazar or the Gospel received the Spirit of Yahweh all who bring the good news and their sons and their daughters whose sons and whose daughters? well the sons and daughters of Joel Joel was an Israeli wasn't he? so all these people there who were present were Israelis from all over the world who came to celebrate the festival of Shavuot or Pentecost and those amongst them who are preaching and teaching the Bazar, the good news the good news of the Kingdom in which Yeshua instructed them for 40 days they were filled with the Ruach or the Spirit of Yahweh to teach this message like an empowerment now let's have a look at the book of Acts chapter 15 Acts chapter 15 is often called the Apostles Convent or a meeting of the Apostles because they say this new church was formed in Acts chapter 2 and then the church had their first council or their first meeting you will see it headed up in many scriptures called the Council at Jerusalem where the leaders of the first church so to speak were gathered together and in Acts chapter 15 verse 14 it says and Simon had declared him at the first did visit those in the nations to take out of them out of the nations a people for his name Acts 15 verse 15 and to this agree the words of the prophets as it is written after this I will return and I will build again the tabernacle of David which is fallen and I will build it again and the ruins thereof and I will set it up so Acts chapter 15 is not just a meeting of a newly formed church but it is a fulfillment of prophecy where a prophet has to prophesy that the fallen hut or the fallen booth the fallen sack of David must be restored which prophet prophesies to this effect well we have the prophet Amos and in Amos chapter 9 and I will begin a reading from verse 8 Surely the eyes of the sovereign Yahweh are on the sinful kingdom and I will destroy it from the face of the earth yet I will not totally destroy the house of Jacob this is important although Israel sinned Yahweh in his grace and his mercy is not going to totally destroy the house of Jacob but that part of it will be destroyed is therefore for sure this declares Yahweh, it is not me who is saying it this is declared by Yahweh for I will give the command and I will shake the house of Israel amongst the nations there has to be a time when the house of Israel is amongst the nations so that Yahweh can shake it like in a sieve but not one pebble will reach the ground all sinners amongst my people do you belong to the God of Israel to the Lord or the God Yahweh then you are his people do you serve the God of Israel Yahweh of hosts is his name the Elohim and Father of Yeshua Yahweh is the Messiah, do you serve him then he says all the sinners among my people will die by the sword now if I heard that I would be sitting up really straight and listening and paying attention all those who say disaster will not overtake us nor will it meet with us because you see we are the people of the Lord yes, you may claim that are you serving him the way he wants to be served or are you serving him the way you want to serve him do you interpret his word the way you want to interpret it and the way it suits you best or do you live according to what your master says that you ought to do then in verse 11 he says in that day I will restore David's fallen tent and I will repair its broken places and restore its ruins and build it as it used to be here we have it that is the essence of act 15 the rebuilding of the fallen booth of David it has nothing to do with the forming of a new institute Christian church as has been claimed by many in the past it has everything to do with the question that the apostles ask of Yeshua are you at this point going to raise the kingdom or restore the kingdom to Israel because that is what promised in the prophets not only by Amos but by many others but here in act 15 Amos is cited specifically for lo I will command and I will sift the house of Israel amongst the nations is the house of Israel at the moment amongst the nations for sure they are living all over the world and there is a sifting going on we can see it right before our eyes in that day will I here again I is Yahweh I am going to raise the tabernacle of David I don't require any man's help and I will close the breaches thereof and I will raise up its ruins as it was in the days of old we must look at this word breaches it is the strong word 6555 6555 and it is parats to break out to spread aboard to disperse or to scatter you see I am going to reverse the scattering it is like bringing it all back I am going to heal the shattering of my house and I am going to restore it this is what we want to take under the loop very closely in our day and age and in the time that we live because we are not in my opinion standing for the great day of Yahweh as it is proclaimed in the book of Revelations as many teach no that is coming at a later stage what we are right in front of is the restoration of the house of Jacob or the 12th tribe of Israel who will be taken out of the nations and taken back to the promised land which was promised to their fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob we will continue our study in the next program I hope that this has caught your attention and will challenge you it will be old news for some of you but hopefully refreshing and for others it will be totally new who will be saying possibly where is this Boaz going to take us well I am going to take you on a very interesting road which might get bumpy from time to time so put your felt on keep an open mind and study the scriptures as I have asked you to do before check everything that I say and go to your scriptures and be good Bereans I hope to see or hear from you via email the email address will be given to you shortly if you have any questions which perhaps we can deal with in another program until then I wish you Shalom and hope that you will be back again I love you

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