Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker, Boaz Neuhoff, discusses the scriptural identity of believers in Jesus and challenges the idea that the institutionalized church started in Acts chapter 2. He argues that the church already existed in the wilderness during the time of Moses and that the apostles belonged to a sect called Nazarene Israel. He emphasizes that the apostles upheld the teachings of Yahweh as written in the Torah and that the Torah has not been done away with. He cites Matthew 5:17-21 where Jesus himself says that not a tittle or a yacht shall be done away from the law until all is fulfilled. He concludes by urging listeners to examine the scriptures for themselves. Good evening and welcome. My name is Boaz Neuhoff. Let Us Reason Together is a ministry to return us to our roots. We are looking for the redemption of Jacob and the regathering of the two houses of Israel at the end of this age. Shalom and welcome to our program Let Us Reason Together. Well this evening we continue our study into the scriptural identity. Who are we in Messiah? How does Elohim sees us? Does He see us as a denominational Christian or what identity does He say that we have in His Saviour? We looked at the remarkable statement that Yeshua made when He said I have only come for the worship of the house of Israel. We looked at well is in fact the institutionalized church instituted in Acts chapter 2 and was the first meeting of this institutionalized church leadership in Acts 15. And the challenge was do we see anywhere in Joel 2 or in the whole book of Joel that Joel prophesied regarding the formation of a new institutionalized church. Because that is what Acts chapter 2 says that was happening. What's happening here has been prophesied by the prophet Joel. Well I don't need to repeat a last week's program because I forgot to mention last time that I have some DVDs available of this complete teaching which I did some years ago for Mainland Broadcasting. So if any of you would like to have one of these please email me at boas boaz at bait b e i t dash l e l dot o r g. Ok so indeed what did we find in Acts chapter 2 and Joel 2 and what did we find in Acts 15 in relation to Amos chapter 9. That the events that are prophesied in and by these prophets is the restoration of the fallen booth of David or the restoration of the house of Jacob which is an event which is lying in front of us and I am sure that if you are listening to the broadcasts of Rob Moore he will no doubt go into that in more detail as the Torah portions progress and as we address into this teaching we will also touch on it and then in the follow up programs I want to deal with the book of Revelations in our day. So do we find in Joel and in Amos the restoration or the rebuilding or the building of a new institutionalized church? No it is nowhere to be found. So therefore you have to ask where does this come from? Where does this teaching come from that the church started in Acts chapter 2 whilst the scripture is very clear that the church was already in the wilderness? And to get the context we must go to Acts chapter 7 from verse 38 where it says this is he, Moses, that was in the wilderness. No it doesn't say that. This is he, Moses, that was in the church in the wilderness. So the church already existed in the wilderness and he was with the messenger who spoke to him at the Mount Sinai. So here we have that a church is already present at Mount Sinai. It didn't start in Acts chapter 2 it already existed in the time of Moses when the congregation of Yahweh assembled at Mount Sinai. And then it says he was with the messenger who spoke to him at Mount Sinai and with our fathers who received the lively oracles at Mount Sinai to do what? To give them unto us. Now this is in the 7th chapter of the book of Acts. Well after the death, burial and resurrection of Mosiah. And here the writer of the book of Acts says that the oracles that were passed to the congregation or to the church in the wilderness at Mount Sinai must be passed unto us. So therefore you need to question the dogmatics or the teachings of the institutionalized church that these oracles which are part of the Torah of Yahweh have been rendered inoperative with the coming of, as they say, Jesus. That's not what the book of Acts says and that's not what the apostle Paul says which we will see in a minute. It says that these oracles must be passed unto us. This is New Testament scripture. Ok, well, what did the apostles actually believe? It would be a surprise to many Christians and some may even be shocked to learn that the original faith of the apostles was not Christian. No, the original faith of the apostles was known as Nazarene Israel or the followers of the Nazarene. They were actually called in scripture members of a sect. As far as the religious leaders of the day were concerned the apostles belonged to a sect and in the scriptures this is made very clear. We also know from the church fathers and in particular from Epiphanes who lived around 375 A.D. that the Nazarenes were not regarded as being Christians. So Epiphanes, the church father of A.D. 375 made it very clear that these Nazarenes to which the apostle Paul and others belonged was not part of the Christian church. Now I'm not making this up, this is in Epiphanes writings. Epiphanes made lists on which he put and made very clear which groups belonged and which groups did not belong to Christianity and the Nazarenes were emphatically on the list of not belonging. They were therefore as far as the church were concerned heretics. That makes the followers of the Nazarene like Paul and James and John and so on according to Epiphanes heretics. Let's have a look at a few scriptures. In Matthew 2 verse 23 we read that Yeshua must be called a Nazarene according to the prophets and indeed he was. In Acts 4 verse 10 we read but I know unto you all and to all people of Israel that by the name of Yeshua the Messiah the Nazarene. Note what the apostle Paul is called in Acts chapter 24 verse 5. It states for we have found this man, the apostle Paul, a pestilent fellow and a mover of tradition among all the Jews throughout the world and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes. This is out of the mouth of the leadership of that day. Quoted in the book of Acts chapter 24 verse 5 that in fact the apostle Paul was a ringleader in the sect of the Nazarenes of which Epiphanes says no no no these chaps are not Christians they are on my list of heretics. Paul answers his leadership in Acts chapter 24 verse 13 and he says neither can they prove the things whereof they now accuse me. But this I confess unto thee that after the way so the people of the way which they the leadership call heresy including Epiphanes so worship I the Elohim of my fathers believing some things that are written in the Torah. No no no it says believing all things which are written in the Torah and in the prophets and it is very clear from scripture that the apostle Paul and the whole congregation that we see in the book of Acts which numbered in the thousands upheld the teachings of Yahweh as he wrote them down in his Torah. How do we know this? Well you look at Romans 3 verse 31. In Romans 3 verse 31 the apostle Paul states that we must uphold the law. Now this comes as a shock to many people who have learned from the poopers that the apostle Paul is the fervent messenger that the law has been done away with. This is because the church fathers and this is not difficult to prove has put many words in the apostle Paul's mouth to justify their doctrine and theology. For example in Romans 10 verse 4 it says that Christ is the end of the law for all those who believe. Isn't it? But that's not what it says in the original language. It says that Messiah is the goal of the Torah and righteousness to all those who believe. He is the point of it. You see that's a totally different interpretation but if you want to teach that the Torah is done away with and it's no longer inoperative then you have to change Romans 10 verse 4. But you should actually have changed Romans 3 verse 31 and Romans 7 verse 1. First Romans 3 verse 31. Do we then make void the law or the Torah through faith? Elohim forbid, not Boaz forbid or the church forbid or anyone else forbids, no. Elohim, Yahweh forbids that the Torah or the law should be done away with the faith that we now have in Yeshua. No he says you are to establish the law. We are to establish the Torah. So that we can be saved? No. Because salvation as we said at the beginning is only ever in Yeshua the Messiah. But we establish the Torah because the Apostle Paul says that if he did not have the law he would not know what sin was. How do you know what sin is? Well I'll give you a New Testament scripture that confirms this. 1 John chapter 3 verse 4 says that violating the law or violating the Torah is sin. Please look it up. 1 John chapter 3 verse 4. Sin is the violation of the law. Yes because the Apostle Paul says I don't know what sin is unless I have the law because in the law or in the Torah in the scriptures Yahweh has written down his lifestyle style for us to follow. Now the notion which is pure speculation on behalf of the institutionalized church that the Torah is done away with when Jesus came is absolutely false. How do I know that? From the scripture. You read Matthew 5 verse 17 to 21 and it says very clearly and I'm not saying it. Yeshua himself here is saying it and he is saying that not a tittle or a yacht and that's a teaching in itself what are tittles and what are yachts because they all point at the Messiah. Not a tittle or a yacht shall be done away from the law or from the Torah until all is fulfilled. You see we saw from Luke in our last program that Yeshua said that all things that is written in the Torah the prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled and we read in the book of Isaiah that Yeshua in Isaiah 49 is in actual fact the servant who is to restore this house of David. And friends the house of David has not been restored yet. There might be a few Jews or Israelites in Israel at the moment but we can count them and there are only a number of millions. But as we will see as we go through this teaching that the descendants of Abraham are uncountable. So therefore if Yeshua has not regathered yet the two houses of Israel and has established and re-established I should say the house of David then the Torah still stands because all must be fulfilled including for example the resurrection of the dead as promised. So you must put some thought into all this and go back to the scriptures check out what I say because in Romans 7 verse 1 the Apostle Paul says that men in general men and women are subject to the law or the Torah as long as they live. Are you still alive? Then according to the Apostle Paul you are subject to the rules and the laws of the Torah in spite of what you may have learned in any Christian denomination. Well I hope that all this doesn't come as too much of a shock to you because on the end of the day let us reason together from the scriptures not from any rabbinical Jewish dogmatics not from any Christian dogmatics or not from any Islamic dogmatics but from the scriptures of Yahweh as he gave them originally to his prophets and to his apostles. This is very important how he gave them originally because it is not too difficult to prove that throughout the ages they have been substantially changed. I don't make these claims lightly but you only have to go to the internet and look up professor Walter Vieth and he has programs which you can download which deal exclusively with the corruption, alteration and misrepresentation of scripture in the Christian church. Also there are a number of books written which are indeed very informative by a writer called Bart Ehrman. He writes books for example under the title Misquoting Jesus, The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture and Lost Christianities. Well if you have gone through these three books and through the teachings of Walter Vieth then you would be pretty much up to date as to what has happened over the past centuries. Now your teachers in the particular religious community you may associate with may not be aware of all these things so therefore it would be good to reason with them also together because on the end of the day we all say that we want to find out where the truth is or what the truth is. The apostle Paul says as long as you are alive you are subject to the Torah Romans 7 verse 1. Do we make void the Torah through our faith? Elohim forbid. We establish the law or the Torah. Romans 3 verse 31. What do we read in Acts 21 verse 20? And when they heard it they glorified Yahweh and said unto him thou seest brother how many thousands of Jews. You see I have heard it taught in Christian circles that the Jews rejected Yeshua. Not according to the book of Acts in Acts chapter 21. Many thousands not just a handful many thousands of Jews there are which believe that Yeshua is the Messiah and that he is our only hope both in life and in death. And what does it say? And they are all zealous for the Torah. They are all zealous for the law. So here we have thousands upon thousands believing Jews who have accepted Yeshua as their saviour and master who are zealous for the Torah. Now if this Torah was to be rendered inoperative as some very well known messianic teachers claim I am convinced that at the meeting of Acts chapter 1 where for 40 days Yeshua spoke to his disciples he would have told them guys now when you go out into the congregation the first thing you tell them is that the law of Moses or my Torah or my teachings are rendered inoperative they are no longer necessary and we are going to make some new rules and new feasts and festivals you may introduce bunnies and rabbits and Christmas trees. I am sorry maybe you need to fasten your seatbelt a little tighter but I am going to give you the truth as it stands because time is short and Yeshua is standing at the door and he is knocking. Are you going to open unto him? This generation will receive, will see, this generation will see the rebuilding of the house of Jacob. And the world will know that Yahweh is Elohim because he is going to reposition that people back to his Zion that he will create. Now some of you may not believe this but that is what the scripture teach and I understand that some of you believe something totally different because many people have been told by the institutionalized church that Yahweh has done away with his people Israel he has now made a new church in Acts chapter 2 and that church now is going to bring forth his salvation plan. The Jews are finished. And at the end of the age this church is going to be raptured to heaven whilst the Jews are going to stay behind here for another 7 years of tribulation and get the final beating. It's called replacement theology and my friends it is not true. If replacement theology which is that Yahweh replaced Israel with the institutionalized church if that is true then Yahweh is a liar. He has not upheld his covenant. And if he does not uphold his covenant with Israel why do you think that he would uphold any agreement that you think that he might be making with you? He would then be unreliable. What I am telling you by the authority of scripture that Yahweh does not change. You only have to read the prophet Malachi. Yahweh changes not and he is not a respecter of persons. Yahweh's covenant with his people Israel stands forever despite what messianic teachers or ministers or priests may say. We are going to find this out because this is very important. Because at the end of the day it has led people to believe that they are going to go to heaven. We have been told that we are going to the heavenly Israel. You see there is a heavenly Israel in the heavens and that is where spiritual Israel goes and there is a physical Israel here on earth and that is where the Jews are going. I can't find it anywhere in scripture unfortunately because that is not the covenant that Yahweh made with Abraham. Yahweh never told Abraham that he was going to go to heaven. Yahweh did promise Abraham a land and descendants and that is what we will see as we go through this teaching. Acts 1.20 Thousands upon thousands believe that Yeshua is the Messiah and they are zealous for the Torah because Yeshua their master had told them that not a tittle or a yod shall be done away with from this Torah until all is fulfilled and they are looking for the restoration of the house of David. Yeshua's apostles knew it. Master are you at this time? Is it going to happen now? What you told the prophets that the house of David is going to be restored we are longing for it. He says you go into the nations and you go and preach this gospel of the kingdom of which I have talked to you about for forty days. The apostle John puts it in this way and hereby we know that we know him if we keep his commandments. So you know Yahweh and Yeshua only if you keep his commandments says John. And he says he that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar. Well I am not saying it. I am not saying it. The apostle John is saying it in 1 John chapter 2 verse 3 to 6. If you say I know him and keep not his commandments for example six days you shall labour and do all your work and on the seventh day you must rest. If you keep not his commandments that person is a liar and the truth is not in them. But who shall keepeth his word in him verily is the love of Elohim perfected. You see we keep Yahweh's commandments out of love. Out of love what his son has done for us to die on the stake and pay for our violating his commandments. Violating his commandments which actually means that we are to die. Because the apostle Paul says the wages of sinning and as we saw from 1 John chapter 3 verse 4 sin is the violation of the commandments laws of Yahweh. The wages of sin is death. But Yeshua died in our stead and therefore we keep his commandments as an act of love. And hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his commandments. He that sayeth I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him. But who shall keepeth his word in him verily the love of Elohim is perfected. Hereby know we that we are in him. So if you want to know if you are in Yeshua you can know that by if you keep his commandments or not. So simply that. I wrote a very interesting book once by a Dutch theologian who said that we cannot really know if a person belongs to God or not because we can't see his or her heart. That is true to a certain extent. But the scripture says that by their fruits we will know them. So if I see people you know celebrating for example Christmas and Easter which are I am sorry to say pagan festivals because nowhere in the scriptures do I read that you got to boil eggs at Easter and think of bunnies. That is not in Yahweh's commandments. That must then come from another God called Isa. That shows me clearly who is who. Does it not say does the prophet Jeremiah not say that those who go into the forest and take out a tree and adorn it with silver and gold. He says that is what the Gentiles or the pagans do. It clearly identifies you when you put one of these things in your house. Now I am not saying that you are not allowed to do that. The scripture says if you want to follow Yahweh the Elohim of Israel or the God of the Bible to make sure that we are clear. Then he says don't go and put Christmas trees in your house. Or don't run around with Easter bunnies but observe my festivals which I have written down in my Torah in Leviticus chapter 23. Do away with pagan festivals and return to the biblical festivals. Then he says I know you. Because hereby know we that we are in him. He that saith he abided in him ought himself also to walk even as Yeshua or as he walked. So your walk has to be as the walk of Yeshua. He is your example. And if you can find in his word that he had Christmas trees together with the apostles with parcels underneath and ate eggs at Easter the festival of Easter by all means you do it. But if you cannot find it in the scripture then you must repent get away from it and go back to the scriptures and walk as he walked. And this is what we are going to see in relation to what our identity is. Yes hang on a minute you say. Hang on a minute in Acts 11.26 it says that the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch and you say that they did not belong to the Christian institute. Well I actually did not say it. Epiphanes says it in his writings. And yes it does say in Acts 11.26 that the disciples were called Christians. Well I am called all sorts of things which are also not true. But here we have for example Jews in Antioch who did not speak Hebrew anymore and said that these disciples were called Christians because they used the Greek terminology of Christos which of course in English means Christians. But did they mean the Christian of today? Or did they mean to say well these are followers after the Messiah because Messiah is the anointed one. You see these Jews from Antioch may have called them Christians but calling somebody something does not necessarily mean that he or she is. Because the scripture says that they were followers of the Nazarene and that the Apostle Paul was a leader of the sect of the Nazarenes. And as I said Epiphanes makes it absolutely and abundantly clear that they are not on the list. Not only Epiphanes. You see I want to close this section of our study on Acts 2 and Acts 15 with a portion of the book of Acts. Acts 15 where indeed the leaders of the Nazarenes James the brother of Yeshua the Apostle Paul and John and others actually urge all those who are coming out of the nations to return to the synagogue because he says in the synagogue Moses is taught. In the synagogue he says Moses is taught and you who live in the nations you need to know what Moses says. This is said in Acts chapter 15. Acts chapter 15 I read you from verse 19. It is my judgment therefore that we should not make it difficult for Gentiles or those out of the nations who are and in the English translation it says turning to Elohim or turning to God. But if you check it up in the Greek text it actually says that those who are returning out of the nations who are re-turning to Elohim. So if you are re-turning you must have turned away at some point. But he says if you are re-turning to Elohim he says instead we should write to them telling them to abstain from food polluted to idols sexual immorality well that is a big one for us today from meat that is strangled of strangled animals and from blood. So he says if you are re-turning out of the Gentiles because out of the Gentiles out of the nations I am going to take a people for myself and if you belong to that first of all he says you must abstain from food polluted with idols sexual immorality meat from strangled animals and from eating blood. Then he says for Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest time and is read in the synagogue every Sabbath. It is in Acts chapter 15. Now if Moses was not necessary to be read anymore because it was done away with why do the apostles say that you should go there because you need to be re-instructed in Moses or in the Torah or in the law because that is the lifestyle of Yahweh and he quotes forbatenly the commandments which are set in the middle of the book of Leviticus. This is important. If you are re-turning to Elohim right you need to be set apart and you need to be a light in the darkness. Now if I compare this scripture in Acts 15 with the writings of John Christostom. John Christostom is another church father of the institutionalized Roman Catholic Church who says of the synagogue at that time that it is a hole for robbers and unclean animals. Did you get this? The synagogue where the apostle says that you ought to go back to where Moses is taught on the Sabbath to the church father John Christostom was a hole of animals yes he says of unclean animals. So therefore these two groups can never have been one and the same. Epiphanes was right you are not on the list because you are followers of and you go to an unclean house where unclean animals gather. Yes and I can quote you much of this type of stuff. Hooks full of church fathers making these type of statements. But the scripture is clear. If you want to return back to Yahweh you need to be re-instructed by Moses. Moses is the one that has the answer in relation to our walking out of a pagan lifestyle into the lifestyle of Yahweh. It's like for example the lost son. You must come to your senses you find yourself by the pig trough and you have to say I am going to return to my father. How do you return to the father of the scriptures? You have to find him and the only way you will find him is by and through his word. So you need to study and restudy the scriptures. Let us reason together and let us find out what our identity is. Because in the end of days at the end of the age there will be much deception. Even so much that if it were possible even the elect would be misled. Dear friends this study is serious. This study is a call by Yahweh to return. He is standing with his hand on his forehead looking. Is he or she coming yet? Have they come to their senses yet? Have they got the courage to return and leave the pig food, the polluted teachings that they have experienced through the ages to leave that behind and to come back to the truth? He is watching and he is calling and he wants you to respond. Next week we are going to continue with the promises to the fathers. These promises were made about 2000 before the Christian era. Promises that Yahweh made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We are going to have a close look at those and we are going to make sure that we are fully aware what these promises are. Because the book of Galatians says in Galatians 3 verse 29. Please look it up. If you are in Messiah Yeshua then when? you are in Messiah Yeshua then you are Abraham's seed and you are heirs to the promises. So what are these promises to Abraham of which the scripture says that we who believe in Yeshua are Abraham's seed and that is not just spiritual seed as we will see. What are these promises made to these fathers which we are to inherit? This is important. This is like finding a will and testimony. I am sure that if you were sent through the mail a letter from a lawyer with the last will and testimony of one of your richest family members you would be dying to know what is in there. Well this is to do with your eternal security. These promises are to do with your eternal security and therefore are more important than the most important man made lawyer's letter that you will ever receive. Dear friends I am going to play a little music for you. It is a song called let us reason together. Listen to it very closely because it is Yahweh who is saying to us let us reason together because now there is a time for reasoning. We have got to reason what we have been taught and what the scripture says. What is the truth? Listen to let us reason together and I hope to meet you again. Until then I wish you Yahweh's Shalom. Let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean. Remove the evil of your deeds. Remove your evil far away from my eyes. Cease to do evil, learn to do well. Believe the orphan and the widow. If you do this, then I can tell that you, you love me. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. Seek Yahuwah, for He may be found. Call on His name while He is around. His love for His children, it will abound. So come unto Him. Come and return to Yahuwah on your heart. Yes, He will write His Torah. Yes, the mercy of Yahuwah, He will give really to you. To you, to you. So praise His name. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. Redemption is given through His Son. Grace is found in no other one. As a sacrifice, only He hunts for your sins. As a spotless lamb, He was slain. Without His blood, our sins will remain. But He has risen, His life be regained. So that we could live through Him. Through Him, praise His name. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow.