Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses the regathering of the ten tribes of Israel and the redemption of Jacob. They mention that Yeshua was sent specifically for the lost sheep of the house of Israel and that the two houses of Israel must be joined back together. They also discuss how the apostles wrote specifically to the twelve tribes in the dispersion and not to an institutionalized church. The speaker emphasizes that now is the time for the regathering of the two houses and the redemption of Jacob. Hello, New Zealand and the world. Welcome to the program, Let Us Reason Together, a weekly radio broadcast to prepare us for the coming of the King and the restoration of the whole house of Israel. Our host today, Boaz Nuon. Shalom and welcome to the program. Well, what a week it has been. This has been the week of the Japanese tsunami and disasters are befalling this earth all over the place. We therefore must continue with our study to find out our identity because the redemption of Jacob is at hand and will not be far away. In our last study we looked at the book of Hosea and we saw that Israel was to be scattered, that is the ten tribes. They would not receive mercy, they would not be Yahweh's people, but Israel would become like Gentiles. To Israel the Torah was to be a strange thing and in the Diaspora they served Baal-Ged or Baal-God. And Israel is to be regathered in the last days and we saw how Yeshua was a stone of stumbling to both the houses of Israel. The book of Hosea of course was addressed to the ten tribes specifically and it is to the ten tribes that also Yeshua says the following things. And His words are very important because after all we must take our cue from Him. And He says in the book of Matthew chapter 15 verse 24 it reads and He answered and said I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. In other words He was the messenger of the book of Jeremiah who was to come and regather the dispersed of Jacob and the preserved ones of Israel. And now He says that He is only coming for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. In other words He was only sent to regather the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This is very very important. And then of course He goes on to say in the Gospel of John He says that He has not only come for the one house or the house of Judah but He says in John 10.16 and other sheep of the sheep He is talking here in context to Judah or to the Jews and He says to them other sheep apart from you I have which are not of this fold. In other words they are not of the house of Judah they are of an other fold. You lot are of the house of Judah but this lot of sheep are in or of an other fold. I have to bring them also as well and they shall hear my voice and they shall be one flock and one shepherd. So what is He saying here? He is saying here exactly what the prophet Ezekiel says in Ezekiel 37 that the two sticks or the two trees must become one the house of Judah one pen and the house of Israel the other pen or Judah one fold Israel the other fold must be brought into one fold become one flock with one shepherd. The house of Israel the ten tribes are the other sheep that were not yet in that fold. And then we have a very important statement by a well known figure in the Jewish leadership at that particular time and we find that in John chapter 11 from verse 49 to 53 and it reads and one of them Caiaphas being high priest that year said to them you know nothing neither do you consider that it is better for us that one man die for the people than that the entire nation should perish. But he did not say this from himself but being high priest that year he prophesied that Yeshua was about to die for the nation. What nation? The Jewish nation and not for that nation not for that Jewish nation alone not for just the one house but together into one the children of Elohim who were scattered abroad. So the question is in context who were the children of Elohim who were scattered abroad? He says in Hosea chapter 1 that Judah would not be Lo-Ammi or not his people but that he would extend mercy to Judah and therefore they were never divorced that's the one nation. But Israel was scattered amongst the nations to become like Gentiles and now is the time for the regathering. Now is the time for the regathering. How do we know that they are two nations or two kingdoms? Well you look in Amos chapter 6 and you read from verse 2 go to Calmay and look at it go from there to Great Hamath and then go down to Gath and Philistia. Are they better off than your two kingdoms the kingdom of Judah and the kingdom of Israel? It's now time for these kingdoms or these two nations to be joined back together. But he Caiaphas did not say this of himself he was made to say this by the Ruach of Elohim because he was the high priest that year he prophesied this is fulfillment of prophecy that Yeshua is not just to die for the Jewish nation for Jewish Israel no he must also die for those that are scattered abroad but now must be gathered together into one flock. John 11 verse 49 to 53 you see now is the time of the regathering of the two houses and the redemption of Jacob the twelve tribes back to the land. The question is who were scattered abroad? Well we know from Hosea 8 verse 8 Israel the ten tribes has been swallowed up they have now become among the nations as a vessel in which there is no pleasure so it is clearly the ten tribes who were scattered abroad in fact to the east the west the north and the south they were dispersed amongst the nations it is confirmed in John chapter 7 verse 35 then the Jews you see these are from the tribe of Judah they said amongst themselves where will Yeshua go that we shall not find him? You see Yeshua said to them I am going to go to a place where you will not find him and they said amongst themselves now listen where will he go that we will not find him will he go on to the dispersed amongst the nations? You see is he going to go to the house of Israel which is dispersed amongst the nations they didn't say is he going to the nations no is he going to the dispersed amongst the nations who were dispersed amongst the nations the ten tribes of Israel Hosea 8 verse 8 they became like Gentiles the apostles wrote to them the apostles wrote to the twelve tribes in the dispersion they didn't write to some institutionalized church as is often claimed you go for example to James chapter 1 verse 1 what does it say Jacob or in English they called him James Jacob a servant of Elohim you see again Jacob is a bond servant very important he doesn't call himself rabbi no he is not a rabbi he is a bond servant of Elohim and of the master Yeshua the Messiah to the twelve tribes who are in the dispersion greetings so Jacob or James is not writing to any institutionalized church he is writing to the twelve tribes who are in the dispersion his gospel his letter is specifically for them same in 1 Peter 1 verse 1 Peter and the nursery of Yeshua the Messiah to the chosen strangers of the dispersion who were the chosen Israel were the chosen they were dispersed amongst the nations and became strangers they became low army people to whom the Torah was a strange thing and they went to Pontus and Galatia and Cappadocia and Asia and so on they were chosen according to the four knowledge of Elohim the Father how do we know Romans 9 verse 1 to 5 to them was the covenant they were chosen in accordance with the four knowledge of Elohim to be the chosen of Yahweh ok they made a mess of it and they were dispersed amongst the nations but now is the time for the regathering so Peter's epistles are written to the same people as James's who were chosen yes they were chosen Deuteronomy 7 verse 6 for you are a set apart people to Yahweh your Elohim Yahweh your Elohim has chosen you to be a people for himself a treasured possession above all the peoples on the face of the earth so let's just be clear who these chosen are they are the people of Israel as far back as Deuteronomy 7 verse 6 now what does Yeshua say to his apostles in Matthew chapter 10 verse 6 he says rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel so the message the message to the apostles is you must go out guys to the lost sheep of the house of Israel because it is my task to start waking these people up to start gathering them back together and bringing them back to the promised land that is the task as Messiah has been appointed by the father and he picked a number of apostles to go out into the nations to find the lost sheep of the house of Israel he doesn't say go to the Dutch people of the Dutch Reformed Church no he doesn't say that he says you must go to the house of Israel in the diaspora because they are the chosen ones to whom a covenant with whom a covenant was made which Yahweh will keep forever we have seen that many times in the book of Judges and now is the time to fulfill this promise Matthew 10 23 for truly I say to you you shall by no means have gone through the cities of Israel before the son of Adam comes now remember we talked about this at the beginning for truly I say to you you shall by no means have gone through the cities of Israel before the son of Adam comes so in other words you've got to go through all the cities of Israel and then the son of Adam or the Messiah can come now if you've been to Israel you do the whole thing by foot taking it easy because it's hot and deserts and so on in 10 15 years next let's say 50 years but Messiah after 2,000 years has still not come so what does this actually mean what are the cities of Israel because it says in Matthew 24 verse 14 that the gospel of the kingdom restored to Israel shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come so all nations have to hear the gospel of the kingdom restored to Israel the two tribes or the two houses coming together into one again restored the restored house of David as the prophet Amos in Amos 9 says and the apostles talked about the next 15 that fallen booth of David has to be restored all the cities of Israel have to know about this who are these cities well Tauranga is a city of Israel because in Tauranga live Israelites I know them in Wellington we have Israelites in Christchurch in Nelson in Sydney in New York in Boston in Chicago East West North South London Amsterdam Kuala Lumpur Basel Moscow Hungary China Mongolia you name it everywhere we have Israelites because if you are in Messiah then you are Abraham's seed and you are an heir to the promise and as we are going to see from the Brit Hadashah or the New Testament what the identity actually is as soon as you accept Yeshua as your Savior and Master so all the cities throughout the world must hear about the gospel of the kingdom restored to Israel otherwise Messiah cannot come so all Israelites in the cities must be alerted Yahweh is faithful he is faithful to his covenant and to his covenantal people and he has given clear signs and if you want to know who what they are go to our website and there Rob Moore has very very good teachings as to the signs of the end of this age and what is about to happen if you're really interested that's where you should be going all the cities of Israel in the East in the West in the North in the South through all these cities Israel was dispersed Israel lives in Basel they live in Antwerp they live in Amsterdam they live in Beijing they live in Hong Kong they live in China they live in Sydney they live in Taron and so on you must have gone through all the cities of Israel before the Ben Adam can come when you are in Messiah then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise Galatians 3 verse 29 yes and as we have read before that is those who are the children of the flesh those who are the children of the flesh these are not the children necessarily of Elohim but the children of the promise are reckoned as the seed Romans 9 verse 8 and these children of the promise are those who have accepted Yeshua as Messiah and Master which makes them seed of Abraham and therefore are heirs to the promises made with our Father however it is not as though the word of Elohim has failed you see for they are not all Israel who are of Israel now we've dealt with that in detail it is not necessarily the natural Israelis who are automatically part of the Israel of Messiah no okay so who belong to this redeemed house of Israel well the redeemed out of the tribe of Judah or the Jews and the redeemed out of the ten tribes of Israel and the redeemed out of the nations in other words what does that mean the redeemed those who have accepted Yeshua as their Savior and Master and therefore have Him as their Redeemer as their Korban if you like Korban is an offering you cannot come before Yahweh empty-handed you need to bring an offering and Yeshua is our offering our Korban He died for our Torah violations and therefore redeemed us from the law of sin and death so consciously Judah and Israel make a decision to accept Yeshua as their Savior and Master and then belong to the redeemed house of Israel and the same the people who say no no no we are Gentiles and we live in the nations when you accept Yeshua as your Savior and Master then you also belong to the redeemed house of Israel because there's only one one house it's not there is not going to be in the end five or six different houses or different denominations how do we know that the book of Revelations on the book of Revelations and the book of Ezekiel it is clear that the millennial Jerusalem and the eternal Jerusalem have only gates for the twelve sons of Jacob there is a gate for Reuben there is a gate for Joseph there is a gate for Benjamin but there is no gates for demon denominational Christianity therefore you must be part and parcel of the redeemed house of Israel all of the above the redeemed house of Judah the redeemed house of Israel and the redeemed out of the nations who have made Yeshua as their Savior and Master belong to the redeemed house of Israel so no one is replaced no one is excluded this biblical position is all inclusive often we are being accused of teaching a replacement theology because we are saying they are saying are but you replacing the Jews no we don't replace the Jews at all because I've just told you that those who have accepted Yeshua as their Savior and Master are part of the redeemed house of Jacob so we're not replacing the Jews and we're not replacing Israel either because those who have accepted Yeshua as their Savior and Master are also belonging to the redeemed house of Jacob and we're not excluding any Gentiles because when they accept Yeshua they also belong to the redeemed house of Jacob in other words they are all grafted into the olive tree of Yahweh but they are all grafted into that olive tree as equal citizens if you are a Messiah then your identity is that you are a biblical Israelite a biblical Israelite according to the Scriptures so let's ask the question then who represents the olive tree of Romans 11 now Romans 11 is not only Romans 11 Romans 9 10 and 11 have always been a problem in Christian theology seldom would you hear a minister preach on these three particular chapters they go from Romans 8 to Romans 12 and they conveniently skip 9 10 and 11 which deals exclusively with the restoration of the two houses of Israel and with the birth of Zion because you see they have a replacement theology they say and they are institutionalized Christianity they say I don't know Yahweh has gone away with Israel because it has rejected its Messiah and now in the place he has put the denominational church which now is going to bring forth his salvation plan well I can't find it anywhere in the Scriptures so it is a presupposition and an assumption on their part if anybody can show me this from the Scripture then I would look forward very much to hear from you Jeremiah 11 verse 16 and 17 that deals exclusively with who this olive tree originally was because the apostle Paul didn't make it up he sort of didn't invent this whole olive tree theology but he knew from the Nabaean or from the prophets exactly who they were because in Jeremiah 11 verse 16 and 17 it says Yahweh has named you and we'll see who you is in context in a minute a green olive tree so Yahweh named the tree a green olive tree fair of goodly fruit with the noise of a great sound he has set it on fire and its branches shall be broken off and Yahweh of hosts who planted you so it is an olive tree planted by Yahweh not planted by any institutionalized organization Yahweh plants this tree and Yahweh of hosts who planted you has spoken evil against you for the evil of the house of Israel and of the house of Judah this they have done against themselves to provoke me by burning incense again who have we got here the Lord Baal so who were that green olive tree the house of Israel and the house of Judah and branches of that olive tree have been broken off and are lying on the ground in ruin and that's where the apostle Paul picks it up and he says now don't boast against those branches because if Yahweh has broken them off he's also able to graft them back in again because that's the promise he made to them that in the end of the age he would regather them and graft them back into their own olive tree the apostle Paul says it says not into a church who calls itself now the olive tree I asked a Dutch reformed professor of Old Testament living in Australia I asked him once who is this olive tree of Romans 11 he said that's the church I can't find that it is the institutionalized church at all because Paul says and we'll come to that in a minute quite clearly that it is Israel's tree that would then mean that Israel belongs to the church or to the institutionalized church no it doesn't the institutionalized church is one entity but the Israel of Yahweh is another entity and they have two totally different theologies one is biblically based and the other is based on man-made dogmatics and man-made theology for example institutionalized Christianity has changed the biblical Sabbath they've changed the biblical festivals they have done away with the biblical guidelines as set forth in the Torah whilst the biblical congregation of Yahweh observes the Sabbath, observes the biblical festivals and follows the rules of Yahweh as laid out in the Torah two totally different entities as we laid out in the beginning of the teaching so without dispute the members of the olive tree are Judah and Israel and I refer to them as olives so Judah and Israel are olives some of them are wild the apostle Paul says some of you are wild olives but as wild olives we can still graft you back into a cultured olive tree but we graft you as olives we cannot graft tomatoes on an olive tree it's impossible what am I saying here? that the olive tree is only for olives, olives of the house of Judah and olives of the house of Israel right? now what happens if you are a gentile? if you are a gentile tomato and you accept Yahshua as your saviour and master then you instantly change into an olive so that you can be grafted onto his tree when you believe in Yahshua the Messiah your name changes from Abram to Abraham your name changes from Jacob to Israel and you become for example as Ephraim the firstborn of Abba Yahweh you see he can do all that but he is not going to graft foreign gentile plums on a regenerated olive tree which Yahweh has planted it can only be olives because the Torah says that you cannot mix seed you cannot mix for example olive seed with tomato seed that according to the Torah is strictly forbidden therefore it would be against the principle of Yahweh to allow gentile tomatoes to be grafted on a Yahweh planted cultured olive tree we become all olives through the blood of Yahshua and we are going to see this without any shadow of a doubt you see the apostle Paul says in Romans 11 that there is going to be an entity that is going to make Judah jealous you read Romans 11 for yourself you will see that and the church has always said institutionalized Christianity has always said that they are going to make Jews jealous well there is not one Jew that I know that is jealous of what is going on in the church the opposite is true they are distancing themselves from institutionalized Christianity for the simple reason of what is going on in their assemblies and that is not all kosher either they reject Yahshua as being Elohim they reject the Sabbath they reject the biblical festivals and so on that is not making any Jew jealous but I saw some years ago on the CNN program Jerry Larry King Live that there was you know some Southern Baptists and there were some other denominational Christians and there was a rabbi there and there was Jews for Jesus representative and in the end the rabbi got pretty upset because he says well he said things like you know now listen these people who are coming out of Christianity who are starting to see their identity and who are like the lost son coming to their senses he says people are starting to run around with our symbols they are starting to blow the shofar and they are walking around with menorahs our symbols he said and he got pretty upset about that and I thought this is really interesting because he wasn't reacting to any of the carry on of these other denominational Christian leaders but when it came to people starting to according to the Jews for Jesus men embracing their Hebraic yeah he said hang on a minute these guys are all starting to run with our symbols what do you mean your symbols I thought they were Yahweh symbols symbols for the Israel of Yahweh they are not exclusively for orthodox Judaism they are Yahweh symbols and the people who are starting to go back to a Torah based lifestyle and embrace the biblical significance of the shofar and the tallit and the menorah and so on and when you then go to the synagogue in Grace Road up in Auckland and you go by matzot and to celebrate Passover and they look at you and they think what's this guy you know Yahweh we are celebrating Passover too you see Deuteronomy 32 verse 21 they made me Yahweh jealous by what is not Elohim in other words Israel started to serve other Elohims and they made Yahweh jealous they provoked me with their worthless methods they were worthless but I make them jealous by those who are not or no people who were no people I provoked them with a foolish nation who was a foolish nation what did we read in the book of Hosea about no people and foolish people who said well you know Yahweh's Torah is just foolishness to us who was not my people let's just have a break listen to some music and then we come and answer this question He will arise and have mercy on Zion when the time has come when the time has come that men may tell of His praises in Zion when the time has come when the time has come And the Son of righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings righteous Jerusalem and shine for your light has come So rejoice all you daughters of Zion He has carried you back in His arms He has gathered the outcasts of Israel And your sons have returned from afar And the King will appear in His glory When the time has come when the time has come And the Son of righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings Righteous Jerusalem and shine for your light has come So rejoice all you daughters of Zion He has carried you back in His arms He has gathered the outcasts of Israel And your sons have returned from afar And the King will appear in His glory When the time has come when the time has come And the Son of righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings Righteous Jerusalem and shine for your light has come He will arise and have mercy on Zion when the time has come when the time has come when the time has come when the time has come On the other hand I am going to make Judah jealous by a crowd that at one time was no people not my people at all Who are a foolish people? Hosea 8 verse 12 I have written to them who is them or him in context the ten tribes the ten northern tribes of Israel I have written to him the great kings of my Torah But they were counted as a strange thing Hosea 8 verse 12 Israel in context of today all those who are in Messiah who are going back to the Torah who are serving Yahweh the way He wants to be served May that be you or me became fools as we did not understand the Torah or the teachings from Yahweh it was strange to us as soon as they came this Torah in the church where we were was like a red flag to a bull Don't go and impose all this Jewish stuff on them that's for the Jews that's not for us we live on the grace is that what Paul says in Romans 6 well after we finish this program after this we have one more session on the identity Then indeed I am going to deal with what the apostle Paul really says we will call that teaching Shaul or Paul and the Torah because either Paul is a schizophrenic because one minute he says this and the next minute he says that or he is a faithful bond servant of Yeshua But he has to be one or the other and we are going to see that real real clearly we became fools because we did not understand Yahweh's Torah it was absolute foolishness to us Did Yahweh reject Judah and Israel Romans 11 verse 2 Elohim has not rejected His people then why is there institutionalized Christianity and I can quote them to you theologians who say that Israel has been done away with and now it is replaced by the church That's why no Christian theologian ever deals with Romans chapter 11 because then he has to read to you from the puppet Elohim has not rejected His people whom He foreknew that's what the scripture says very clearly so if Elohim has not rejected His people then replacement theology which says that He has must be total error and has to be rejected Did Yahweh reject Judah and Israel what does the apostle Paul say in Romans 9 verse 1-8 for I myself could have wished to be banished from Messiah for the sake of my brothers my relatives according to the flesh who are Israelites no dispute whose is the adoption? Israelites right? Israelites is the adoption Paul's relatives according to the flesh and the esteem and the covenants yes the covenants were made as we see Abraham Isaac and Jacob then with the 12 tribes then with the two houses of Israel in the last days Hebrews 8 verse 8 and the giving of the Torah the giving of the Torah was to Israel at Mount Sinai and the worship of Yahweh what does the Yeshua say? only what did He say to the woman at the well salvation He says is of Judah they know where and how to worship those are the promises absolutely promises were made to Abraham Isaac and Jacob Jacob became Israel same promises went out to Israel and therefore only to Israel are the promises and to Israel are the fathers Abraham Isaac and Jacob and from whom is the Messiah absolutely salvation comes from Judah Judah brought forth the Messiah and Ephraim brought forth the fullness of the Gentiles or the fullness in Greek is the pleroma the full number that Yahweh is going to take out of the nations who are descendant from Ephraim because He scattered them into the nations in the first place who is overall the Messiah is overall not the Bishop or the Pope but the Messiah Yeshua He is overall He is Elohim says Paul even though many denominational Christian denominations deny that Yeshua is Elohim or is God no no no He is only a man and He is only a prophet because then He is also acceptable in Islam you see where all this is heading you see because the Psalms quite clearly say I was in Holland a couple of years ago and I went into a building which used to be a Dutch reformed church now it was a small museum and I asked the lady who was working there what had happened oh well you know they had now amalgamated with the state reformed church and there were not too many problems anyway so there was no problem they could do away with this place and they had now made it into a little museum and I said to this lady but do you really know what you are saying if you have merged now with the state reformed church and the state reformed church does not accept that Yeshua is Elohim or God to them He is only just a man and she looked at me and I said well what are you going to do with the Psalm that says that no man can die for the sin of another of memory it is Psalm 49 but I could be wrong but I will dig it out and I will let you know no man can die for the sins of another so if Yeshua is only a man then he is not able to die for your sins so therefore there will be no forgiveness or redemption and you call it we did not have too many differences that is the biggest difference this lady got a fright of her life shock because they don't know they have just been told oh well we are all nice and we save money and we all go to this one little church and one happy family but they don't talk about the truth and they don't talk about what they believe and it is all a bit eclectic and we are all nicely together and now the whole thing has collapsed again and now they call it Protestant the Netherlands which is made up about the Lutherans, the Dutch Reforms, State Reforms all together in one little clique and you know the Roman Catholic priest comes and has his sermon say once a month and it is not a problem all at the cost of the truth because as we said right in the beginning of this teaching at the end of this age there will be great deception great deception and will there be any true faith left where do you find the true faith you can only find that in the scriptures you will not find it in the dogmatics and the teachings of any denominational religious institute you can only find it from the scriptures and then you go on your knees and you ask Yahweh to show you the truth doesn't he say that his Ruach his spirit leads you into all truth not the minister not the priest only the Ruach the spirit of Yahweh leads you into all truth and if you want to know the sin the unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit we read it in the book of Hebrews chapter 10 if you have come to the truth and then you reject it then for you there is no salvation left because it is the sin against the Ruach or the spirit who led you there in the first place you understand this is very important so you cannot be led to the truth other than by the spirit or by the Ruach of Yahweh and then the apostle John says you must test these Ruachim or these spirits if they are indeed of Yahweh and then you got to go through the scriptures and you got to find out what is the difference between a servant of Yahweh and a servant in denominational Christianity how do I know who is right and who is wrong it is very simple it is in the book of Deuteronomy and when we come to the teaching of the apostle Paul about Paul and the Torah we will come there and we will go through it for I myself could have wished to have been banished from the Messiah for the sake of my brothers my relatives according to the flesh who are the Israelites whose is the adoption the esteem the covenants and the giving of the Torah the worship and the promises the fathers and from them come the Messiah whose is the adoption now this is very important you now have to go to Ephesians chapter 1 and it is very important that you try to grasp what I am now going to tell you Ephesians 1 verse 5 says having previously ordained us to adoption as sons through Yeshua the Messiah to himself so in Messiah Yeshua you are an adopted son of Yahweh that is what this says in accordance with his good pleasure then it says in Ephesians 1 verse 4 even as he chose us in him that is the Messiah before the foundation of the world that we should be set apart and blame us before him in love so hang on a minute now listen very carefully even as he that is Yahweh chose us in him that is the Messiah before the foundation of the world so before the foundations of the world were laid before this world was created there was a time when Yahweh chose you in Messiah to become an adopted son of Elohim to whom is the adoption? Romans 9 to Israel right? so if the adoption is only to Israel then in Messiah you are Israel because Yahweh adopted you as an adopted son before the foundation of the world was laid so Yahweh had a conscience period in which he thought of you individually personally who are in Messiah and as he is outside time he knows the beginning from the end and he chose you as an adopted son and he put you or you Ruachim into his being your spirit was consciously created in the mind spirit of Yahweh and when you were conceived by your mother he put that Ruachim which was created before the foundations of the world were laid into this embryo do you get this? but the adoption is only to the Israel of Yahweh in him in the Messiah if you are in Messiah then you are seed and adopted as sons before the world began sons are Israel they are Ami they are my people Israelites in the Messiah do you believe in Messiah Yahshua is he your Redeemer and Master then you are Israel the chosen ones because he chose you before the foundation of the world was laid to be an adopted son we are all adopted sons it doesn't matter if you are Jew, Israelite or Gentile in Messiah we are all adopted and we are all adopted before the foundation of the world was laid who is an Israelite? someone who states I will not let you Messiah go until you bless me so that I will prevail to the end and rule with Messiah as a prince Genesis 32 verse 26 are you struggling with Messiah? I am I have for years try to find out exactly who he is because after Paul and the Torah we are going to do a study on who the Messiah really is this will be very revealing it's wonderful who is he? who is he? is he indeed Elohim or is he just an ordinary man or is he just only a prophet who is he? what does the scripture says that he is we are going to deal with it we are going to deal with it but I have always said in all my struggles with him I am not going to let you go until you bless me because I need to prevail to the end because I want to be with him I need to be with him because I want him to perfect me for whatever purpose that he sees fit if any at all someone who states I will not let you Messiah go until you bless me is an Israelite but the Israelites were divorced by Yahweh Jeremiah 3 verse 8 and I saw that for all the causes for which Dachshund Israel had committed adultery had put her away and given her a certificate of divorce yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear no she committed her abomination too Judah does not have to say anything at all they are as bad or even worse than Israel now what does that mean according to the Torah if you divorce your first wife then you can never remarry her so what was the problem now well now we have a problem if he divorced us and his own commandments say if you divorce your first wife which was Israel at Mount Sinai and you divorce her and give her a certificate of divorce you cannot remarry her you are divorced the Torah states Deuteronomy 24 verse 4 her former husband who sent her away may not take her again to be his wife after that she is defiled for that is an abomination before Yahweh her former husband who sent her away Yahweh sent Israel away and said no sorry here is a certificate of divorce you are low on me not my people and it says may not take her again to be his wife so he is not allowed to remarry because he is defiled and that is an abomination to Yahweh so now we got a big problem trustworthy is the word 2 Titus 2.11 trustworthy is the word of Yahweh for if we die with him we shall also live with him what is the Torah of marriage that you are married as long as your wife is alive or as long as your husband is alive but if your husband dies you are free to remarry that is why Yeshua died on the stake so that he could rise from the dead and remarry his bride Israel trustworthy is the word for if we die with him we shall also live with him Romans 6 verse 4 we were therefore buried with him through immersion into death that as Messiah was raised from the dead by the esteem of the father so also we should walk in newness of life yes so he rose from the dead he died so he was released from the commitment of marriage because he died therefore the contract is finished but then he rose to a new life and he was allowed to remarry to marry his bride and we also we were dead to sin Apostle Paul says in Romans that the wages of sin is death so we were dead as well and we died with him but as heroes we rise but we must rise to a new life of observing the Torah rules of Yahweh isn't that fantastic but we must rise to newness of life not stay in the old life committing Torah violations and doing things which we are not supposed to and as Israel we are to rejoice in the teachings of Yahweh because we have to say now this is no longer a strange thing this is your life says Yahweh in the book of Deuteronomy and surely it is and they shall hello my sabbaths now if you know Ezekiel 44 that's in the period of the millennial kingdom so Yahweh says that he is going to again introduce judgment according to his judgments which are in accordance to the Torah his statutes his decrees and they shall be observed in his assembly including the sabbath you see it has not been a done way with because it has been like that from day one and Yahweh changes not so therefore get yourself prepared and ready because Messiah is at the door now who is making all this honorable Isaiah 42 verse 21 Yahweh is well pleased for his righteousness sake he will magnify the Torah and make it honorable he is doing it not us he is showing us he is opening the eyes of his people and I tell you some people's eyes are opened and they just get it and others you can talk till you are blue in the face and they will absolutely reject it and Yahweh in these people is making his Torah honorable and where is it most significant or where is it also significant go to Isaiah 42 verse 4 he shall not fail nor be discouraged till he have set judgment in the earth and the isles shall wait for his Torah they are waiting for his Torah absolutely and we are waiting and are eager for his teachings because we know that his teachings are going to show us his total plan of salvation that's important because in no other way are you going to find out what Yahweh's salvation plan is I hear nobody in Christian circles talking about this well yes they think something might be on the cards but how it works and how it all going to work itself out they have no idea but the judgment of Yahweh by which he is going to judge his people is Moses John 5 verse 45 Messiah says I am not saying it Messiah says do not think that I Messiah will accuse you to the father there is one that will accuse you even Moses in other words Yahweh has only got one judgment measure he does not have a judgment he is not going to judge German people one way and Dutch people another way and Jews a different way no no no no only one criteria and that criteria is the Torah as given to Moses be aware of this it is in your New Testament it is in your Brit Gadashah John 5 verse 45 because the Torah is going to be the heart of the one new man Hebrews 8 verse 10 for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days said Yahweh I will put my Torah my law into their mind in other words he is going to write it in your mind so that your mind is going to be Torah based and that you will think act in relation to Yahweh puts in his Torah and he says I want to write it on their hearts it will not be externally on stones as he gave them to Moses no he is going to write them internally on your hearts so if you want to know if the Torah has become honorable in the isles who are waiting for them then only look around you and you will see those who observe the Torah and those who do not how do you see that by their actions are they keeping the Sabbath are they keeping the biblical festivals when they go out do they eat pork sandwiches no have they got ham and eggs in the morning no they don't bacon and eggs also don't have because it is forbidden according to the Torah is that going to save them no remember at the beginning we said that only Yeshua is going to save us the Torah will keep us clean didn't he say before that you have to be clean because the wife was defiled and Yahweh and Yeshua is not going to marry a defiled bride the bride has made herself ready what does that mean she must cleanse herself do away with all the false gods and the false religions and the false everything else and bury it at the big oak tree in Shechem before you are led into the land before you will go to the two mountains it is a whole other story we won't go into that tonight we are going to bring this teaching to a close you see because Yeshua states in Matthew 5 verse 17 please try to understand this the church has denied that Yeshua says here for years and Yeshua says in Matthew 5 verse 17 think not that I Yeshua am coming to destroy the Torah and the prophets I am not come to destroy it but to bring it to its fullness I am coming here to fulfill it remember he was saying everything that has been written in the Torah the prophets and the writings must be fulfilled I have to fulfill this I am not I have not come to destroy it or to bring it down or to take away from it no I have got to bring I have got to do it I am the servant who must do all these things and one of it is to bring back the dispersed of Israel for verily I say unto you he is saying it to you verily I Yeshua the Messiah Yeshua is saying to you till heaven and earth pass away is heaven and earth still here yes heaven and earth are still here now he says until heaven and earth pass away not a yod nor a tittle shall in no wise pass from the Torah till all be fulfilled in other words the Torah stands that is what your master is saying now if according to institutionalized Christianity the apostle Paul says the opposite you are no longer on the law but you are now on the grace and you don't have to keep the Torah anymore that is for the Jews do away with it remember Ignatius right if you keep that then you are no longer under the grace of God right then there has to be something wrong somewhere somebody has altered something and I am going to show it to you that the scriptures have been altered Matthew 5 verse 19 whosoever therefore shall break one of the least of these commandments and teach men to do so in other words if I go on the pulpit and I say you don't have to keep the commandment of the Sabbath you don't have to keep the commandment of the biblical festivals you don't have to keep any of the food laws you can do what you like right what is it saying whosoever therefore shall break one of the least of these commandments and teach men to do so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven now you have to understand this, this is called Kau via Gomer which is a Hebrew idiom it is not saying that if you are going to teach anti-Torah that you are going to get a smaller flat in the kingdom that is not what this means although it seems to in English indicate this but it is Kau via Gomer which means either or no way if you teach men so no way you are going to be the least but whosoever shall do and teach them that one is going to be great and Yahweh will judge us accordingly and he says in the book of Matthew in the last days he says they will come to me and they will say master master lord lord we have done all these wonderful miracles and all these things in your name and he says sorry guys I don't know you, you teachers of Anomia or no law that there is no law in the English it says you are teachers of unrighteousness but if you go to the Greek it is you are teachers of Anomia who teach there is no law I don't know teachers who teach that there is no law that is what the scripture says Paul states in Romans 7 verse 1 though you know you are not brothers for I speak to them that know the Torah and he is now in the book of Romans we have given you some of the book of Acts he is now in Romans he is still talking to people who know the Torah how the Torah has dominion over a man as long as he lives you see there he is consistent with exactly what Yeshua says then he says in Romans 3 verse 31 do we then make void the Torah or the law through the faith that we now have in Yeshua Elohim forbid he says we establish the Torah and so we can go on but we will do this in the teachings of Paul and the Torah in the next week in our last program we are going to sum all this up and then you will see who you are biblically may Yahweh bless you and keep you and until then till we meet again next week I bid you Shalom please do contact Boaz by email at the following email address Boaz that's B-O-A-Z at B-E-I-T hyphen E-L dot org also if you would like to make a donation to cover the costs of this broadcast please do so on our website at that's B-E-I-T hyphen E-L dot org also you can download this program and the programs hosted by Rob Moore entitled In That Day at from all of us here at Let Us Reason Together Shalom