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cover of 2023-12-06-#7


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The person had an in-office week and enjoyed connecting with coworkers. They discussed their wellness wheel scores and made improvements in physical and mental categories. They talked about values and admired financial and job security. They want to work on goal-setting, particularly in being more physically active. They decided to walk or bike three times a week for 30 minutes to an hour and will track progress with the help of their wellness coach. They also expressed a desire to hire a house cleaner regularly to improve their environment. Hi, Mike, how are you? Good, good, pretty good, actually, just finishing up work. Okay. What is new and good with you? Most recently, you know, we had kind of like our in-office kind of like week where we got to like hang out with our coworkers and people flew in, so it was a pretty good time getting to see everyone and connecting with my coworkers. It's always nice to connect in person with coworkers when you have a hybrid schedule. Yeah, they'll never get me to the execs, but it is rather nice. So for our third session, I just want to remind you again that this will be confidential, and I do follow HIPAA. Why don't we check in with our wellness wheel. The first meeting that we had, you know, we went through all the categories and we did some scores. You had scored your physical category at a 5. Environmental, social, financial, and emotional, you had it at a 6. For intellectual, you scored it at a 7. And environment, you scored it at an 8. So I just wanted to check in with you and see if there were any changes to any of these categories, either improvements or otherwise. I think I'm definitely improving a little bit. I mean, I definitely am probably highly critical when it comes, I guess, to physical, but, I mean, I am, like, you know, starting to go back to the gym and walk more, so I can definitely bump that up a point. Okay, great. Physical activity is very positive. Yeah. And then, again, I mean, it's like I'm also kind of like, you know, since I'm, I guess, redecorating and rearranging things at home to make it, I guess, feel a bit newish or better, more homely. So it doesn't quite feel the same as before. And, you know, I think, like, also I got, like, a new water filter and, like, an air fryer, which has been, like, helping me, like, you know, eat more at home and, like, drink more water. So definitely feeling better in, like, you know, physical and mental categories because it's all a good tool and things like that, yeah. That's great. Then I will bump up those categories. And you've already made some positive changes, it looks like. So our first session was kind of to see where you were at. And then our second session where we talked about our values. And with those, you know, you gave me some values that you recognized in others. But what I – sorry, I lost my train of thought. Not only that, but you also told me about the things, the values that you admired in yourself. And those included your financial security and your job security. So that financial stability and job security, that is a result of your hard work, of your discipline, and your dedication. You know, you have the tools that you need. So what would you like to talk about and start to work on? Is there something that you would like to explore? Yeah, I mean, definitely I'd like to work on, like, just, you know, doing some more goal setting. Okay. In terms of goals, we discussed a few of the categories that you wanted to improve on. What outcomes would you like? We can start with a few small goals and check in. But ultimately, what outcomes would you like? I think, I mean, I think in general I just kind of want to be, like, more well-rounded, better, again, I mean, again, like, while I have improved a little bit physically, I mean, that's still, like, a goal of mine to kind of, like, get in a place where I feel more comfortable. But also just, like, you know, increase my, like, extracurricular, I guess, like, activities, some, like, physical, like, sports, and then others kind of, like, more skill-based, like, probably, like, cooking, because I watch a lot of cooking videos online. I love cooking videos. They are, I mean, they are so helpful, and they're so popular for a reason. I mean, nowadays you can learn how to make anything just on YouTube. It's amazing. Oh, seriously. I love it. So why don't we start with setting your first goal here then. And you mentioned that you wanted to get more physically active and eat better. So we can start there, or we can do whatever you would like to work on. It doesn't necessarily have to be in those categories. So where would you like to start? I mean, like, yeah, I think, like, being, I guess, like, more physically active is probably, like, I think that's kind of, like, one of the bigger ones for me. So I guess we've got to, like, start there. Okay. So we want to set these goals so that we put you in a position to succeed. So it doesn't need to go from, you know, being on your couch to running an entire marathon. We can start small. What works for you in terms of your day-to-day? Would it be to, you know, take some time out of your workday to get up and, you know, just start taking short walks? Would it be more beneficial for you to get in the gym? What is your get-healthy style? I think, yeah, like, walks and, like, bike rides are probably, like, my style currently. Both are kind of, like, easiest to me because, like, I can't really run due to, like, I guess an injury, but I guess we walk and, like, ride a bike. So I think, like, that is kind of, like, a good one for me for the time being. Yeah, those are going to be great for things like your cardiovascular health, and it will definitely help your flexibility. So why don't we start there? For this to be a goal that ultimately serves you, though, we need to be a little bit more specific. So how many days a week would you like to dedicate to this goal of walking or biking? Let's try three days a week. Okay. Three days a week. And then what kind of frequent – I'm sorry, that isn't frequency. What amount of time works best for your schedule and your physical limitations since you're working with an injury? I mean, honestly, it's probably just has to be, like, probably before or after work, just because once I sit down to work, I feel like it's hard for me to kind of, like, take a break. Yes, some people with their working style get completely distracted and can't come back and concentrate. So we'll go three times a week, before and after work, and what duration did you want to go for? How long? Like 30 minutes to an hour, I think. I mean, 30 minutes, like, minimum, but, like, if I can, like, do an hour, I think that probably would be great. Okay. So walking or biking three times a week for 30 minutes to an hour. Now, how are we going to measure this and keep track? How do you plan on keeping yourself accountable? That's a good question. Now, I can be someone you check in with, or you can keep a journal to keep yourself accountable just of your, you know, your three times a week. But, yeah. Yeah, I think probably what works best for me would probably be some, like, slight peer pressure, so maybe checking in with you would probably be best for at least a start. Do you think you're likely to start making this change? Do you see yourself being able to get up before and after work for 30 minutes and get that activity in? I definitely – I think it's definitely one of those things where as soon as I start doing it and kind of making, like, get a regular thing, it should be easier on a regular basis. What kind of obstacles do you think may come up? Like, what do you see putting yourself off here, and what could kind of be getting in your way of being able to get up and get out? I mean, probably just, like, I'm kind of, like, an overthinker. I overthink the situation instead of just, like, doing it. So that's – if I can overcome that, I guess, that mental challenge, then hopefully I should be good. Okay. The best part of physical activity is you don't need your brain at all. So just tell yourself, just tell yourself, I do not need my brain for this, and move your body. That's the best thing you can do is just get up and move. Okay. Definitely. As far as this goal, do you feel confident about it? I think you can definitely do it. I feel like I definitely can do it. Okay. So you're going to stay accountable with me, and that can either be an email or just a weekly check-in that we do. How long do you want to set this goal for? Do you want to set it for one or two months and then check back and see if you'd like to increase it, or what – how long would you like to set it for? Yeah, I think I'd probably, like, you know, in two months kind of, like, check in and see what kind of progress I've made or what kind of habitualness I've had here, too, I guess. Okay. So your first goal is you are going to walk or bike three times a week for either 30 minutes or up to an hour, and you're going to track this and stay accountable with me for the next two months, and we can move on to the next one. And this is – I know you mentioned on your first session with me that you didn't have much of an exercise routine. This is a great first step for you for, you know, a more balanced and active lifestyle. What is the next goal that you would like to set? The next goal I would like to set is probably, I mean, probably just, like, get a – get, like, a house cleaner or apartment cleaner. Okay. Just, like, regularly, just because sometimes I, like, struggle with, like, keeping things, like, tidy, and I feel like sometimes I just need, like, a little bit of help to just, like, do those kind of things. Okay. So to get a house cleaner regularly, you're going to be improving your environment? Is that the goal there? Okay. Yeah, because sometimes I just feel like I have – I mean, that's why I also will probably just, like, boggle me sometimes. It's like I have to do, like, laundry, do the dishes, clean the bathroom, and just do all that stuff, like, by myself. And sometimes it just gets, like, a bit overwhelming. So I think I get the analysis paralysis where I can't make a decision on what to do first. So, like, sometimes none of it gets done or only one thing gets done, and it's, like, kind of, like, super perpetual. Yeah, it's difficult. So when did you want to start with the house cleaning schedule? Is this something you would want to have someone come in next week or next month? I think probably once a month, and I could maybe try and schedule someone for next week. Okay. Once a month, starting next week. And do you have resources to help you with this goal? Are you comfortable finding a house cleaner, and do you think that there are any obstacles to this that you see? Again, I think it's funny because it also probably comes down to analysis paralysis, which one is, like, good or which one can I, like, afford or how much does it cost kind of a thing. But I could probably ask my friends and try and, like, get some recommendations. That's positive. So you have a good support system there for recommendations. So we're going to hire a housekeeper next week for a monthly session. And the way that we can measure this, how are some ways you think we can measure this product? I'm sorry, this. I don't know why I said product. To measure this progress, you can do things like checklists, for example, of the things you need cleaned or I guess assessing the cleanliness of your house after each session. Yeah, I think the main thing would be, like, do I, like, maintain it? Are things, like, regularly, like, tidy? Am I having to do, like, deep cleans regularly or do I have, like, a bunch of, like, stuff everywhere? So. Okay, so the first cleaning session is two weeks from today. Your further sessions will be monthly, and then you're going to be, I guess, assessing after each cleaning. Now for the next one, is two goals right now enough for you to work with? How do you feel about that? I think that's a good foundation because, again, I think, like, probably everything because I think, like, everything's kind of, like, all tied together. I think, like, if I start exercising and getting my habits, I mean, like, and being able to do less of, like, the housework myself, that should, like, improve my eating habits and mental health and the ability to, like, do other stuff with my script on. Yes, it will definitely free up time for your priorities. Okay, so we have these goals now. Sorry. What would you say was the most valuable thing to you that we discussed during this session? Or what was the biggest takeaway that you took from this? I think just kind of, like, setting goals and kind of, like, verbalizing it. I mean, like, it's definitely stuff that, I mean, I think that I've probably, like, thought about, but until I've, I guess, had to talk to someone about it, it's kind of, like, now, like, putting a bit of, like, a battery on my back. Like, all right, I'm talking to someone about it. We're setting the goals. I've got to do it because I've got to maintain. I promised that I would do it. I said I would do it, so now I've got to do it. I'm supposed to just, if I just thought about it myself, I will make a promise to myself, and then I'll just, like, forget about it or, like, just not do it. Well, I'm glad that this is helping you stay accountable to yourself because that's the most important here is we want to put you in the best position to succeed, and it's positive that you have the support from one of your friends for these goals, and you also have myself to check in with. We are off to a really great start, and I just want to thank you again for all the work you've been doing. This is great. So next time we will check in and see how your progress with your goals are going. Awesome. Sounds like a plan. Okay. Thank you, Mike. I'll talk to you soon. All right. Bye-bye. Bye.

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