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Christ Church Daily Devotion Oct 7 2023

Christ Church Daily Devotion Oct 7 2023

Gregory MerrillGregory Merrill



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The Daily Devotion for October 7th, 2023 focuses on the creation story in Genesis. It emphasizes that God saw everything He created as good and very good at the end of the sixth day. The speaker highlights that our relationship with God was initially very good but was broken by sin. Our mission as followers of Christ is to restore that relationship by seeing every person as a creation of God. We are called to initiate relationships and share the love and grace of Jesus Christ. The suggested personal worship option is to pray and ask God to help us see others the way He sees them. Welcome to Christ Church's Daily Devotion for October 7th, 2023. Today we will be reading from Genesis chapter 1, verses 1 and 31. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning, the sixth day. It is interesting to note the wording in this first creation story. As each day is completed, what has been accomplished is stated as good. However, at the end of the sixth day, after God has completed this creating process, the statement then says, it was very good. So, in our beginning relationship with God, it was very good. And after we, not just Adam and Eve, broke that relationship, God has been working ever since to restore it. One way to understand our mission as the people of Christ is to begin by seeing every person we meet as one who God created. We are on a journey with them to restore that very good relationship with God that we had at the beginning. We live in a broken world, and we have all contributed to that brokenness. We have sinned and been sinned against. So, with that understanding, we go out seeking to initiate, create, relationships with people that we hope will develop into us both learning and growing in what it means to know and represent this God who created us. In the midst of that relationship, we will look for opportunities to share the love and grace of Jesus Christ, the one we believe is the ultimate revelation of this God. Today's personal worship option, join me in prayer. Creating God, help me see each person as someone you created and love as your own. Guide me to see them through your eyes, through Christ. Amen.

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