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#6 Podcast – WHO Pandemic Treaty

#6 Podcast – WHO Pandemic Treaty

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The WHO is pushing to pass a pandemic treaty. This is cause for concern. blog: www.italisvital.info

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The transcription discusses the World Health Organization's Pandemic Treaty and the concerns surrounding its power and influence. It highlights that the treaty is being drafted without the consent of the people and questions the organization's commitment to improving global health. The transcription also mentions the opposition to the treaty by the World Council for Health and urges individuals to inform themselves and their local public officials about the agreement. It emphasizes the need to stand up against decisions made without the consent of the citizens. Hi everyone, this is Julie, thank you for stopping by to share with me today. I hope you're having a fantabulous day today and I hope all is going well for you thus far. Thank you for stopping by to listen to yet again another podcast and in this one I want to talk about the WHO, that's the World Health Organization's Pandemic Treaty. And this is important because what the World Health Organization is seeking to do is to monopolize on the position that it already has. Look what has happened in the world due to this so-called COVID-19 pandemic that was declared by this institution, by this organization, that we, the citizens of the world, did not agree to. Various heads of government, you know, they are the ones who are involved with this. They don't seek the feedback of the people. They're in this organization and they do what they're told in very undemocratic ways that don't support this whole concept of worldwide improvement in health, whether it be mental, physical, psychological health, in no way. And what has happened with the so-called COVID pandemic should open people's eyes to this and also open the eyes to people as to the power of the World Health Organization and its influence in countries across the world. And so, you know, so what happened is that, and I'm taking some information from some different sources because like I say, you know, this is something that we need to be aware of. So on the 1st of December, you know, looking at some information from the European Parliament, on 1st December 2021, the 194 members of the World Health Organization reached a consensus to begin the process of drafting and negotiating a convention agreement or other international instruments under the constitution of the World Health Organization to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. And this, I'm getting this information at this point from the European Parliament website. And, you know, they're doing this without the people's consent. This is what is happening. An intergovernmental negotiating body will now be constituted and hold its first meeting by 1st March 2022 to agree on ways of working and timelines. And it's second by 1st August 2022 to discuss the progress on a working draft. It will then deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023 with the aim of adopting the instrument by 2024. Many who favor the treaty believe that it offers the best way to increase political commitment from states to reform global health governance. However, the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates that this proposition has no basis in fact. Recent responses to COVID-19 have purportedly violated or manipulated many treaties including human rights agreement. To what extent will the commission, that's this reference to the European Commission because as I noted, I'm getting this information, some of this from their website. So to what extent will the commission ensure that the citizen who has no direct vote in the body such as the WHO is not bypassed in the decision-making process and that a shift of competence further and further away from the voter does not lead to increasing democratization of our society? Well, ladies and gentlemen, that's precisely what the intent is, to lead to democratization more and more where individuals such as, you know, me, you and, you know, people around don't have a final say in their health, their wellness and we see what happened with the whole COVID-19 so-called pandemic and it should wake the hell up out of some people because if they were able to do that, just the World Health Organization was able to declare a pandemic and all these governments fell in line, you understand, with trampling on the rights of their citizens, trampling on the rights of men and women of the soil. We by the large part did not give consent, that power was totally, you know, taken over by a government, they were the ones who made these decisions, oh, you got to be in lockdown, you can't go here, you can't go there, you must take a vaccine, you can't work, you this, you that and so, you know, we have to be very, very careful, you know, we have to understand that the World Health Organization is not about the health of the world, the World Health Organization is controlled by a large part by various individuals, you know, major contributors, for example, Bill Gates, for example, the Gavi Alliance, you know, and certain countries, the big players in the COVID-19, China, a major contributor also in the World Health Organization from which we see all of this fakery stemmed from because it was China who came out and said, oh, we have this new virus and so, we have to see that these things, you know, these major players that we see in the game and we think it's by accident, no, it's by design and so, it's good to see that the World Council for Health, you know, which is a coalition of scientists, doctors, lawyers and civil society advocacy organizations, that they are opposing this and that they are trying to get the attention of the world to what is really happening because these things are not talked about on mainstream media, they will distract you with all kinds of things, all kinds of things they will distract you with, which is all by design. They spend all this time talking about, you know, Will Smith slapping Chris Rock, but your attention really ought to be on things like this, that what the World Health Organization is trying to push forth and what your government and the government in the country where I am at this point, their signatories to these things and their intention is to follow suit or to follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization, but we are us, the men and women of the soil did not give consent to this, we did not agree to this and we have to stand up and say, no, you will not do this on behalf of us, we do not consent, we do not consent. You understand? Because this proposal by the World Health Organization is to tighten their reign of power and to trample on the sovereignty and the rights of every citizen. I don't even want to use the word citizen, we are men and women of the soil, these are labels that they give to us, citizens of their corporation, we are men and women of the soil. They have hijacked the world, they have hijacked the workings of the world and imposed systems, tell us we are citizens of this or citizens of that, no, that is in their fake reality that they have created for us to live in, but we are simply men and women of the soil. It is our natural right to be here, we were created here and so we have to be aware of what is happening and whenever they put out any ridiculous news out there that gets your attention, war in Russia and Ukraine and all of these things, all of these things, we have to begin to ask ourselves, what is going on? What is going on? What is the other story? Because while they do this, we are being blindsided. The World Health Organization cannot be trusted. The World Health Organization has not proven itself to be an authority on health. They have not. How can they be an authority on health when they recommend to the world, we see very recently, that people should wear masks. People should wear masks to protect themselves. The same mask that, you know, if you are any kind of health care professional, and this is what I know health care professionals feel, it's just like, you can't even trust these people who call themselves health care professionals. You cannot. Because look what they have consented to, many of them without any type of fight, the wearing of masks. Did you know that that could cause bacterial pneumonia? Anything that affects your ability to breathe properly, anything that affects your ability to take in oxygen to the natural capacity is an injurance to your health. And this is what the World Health Organization endorsed in the name of health. The World Health Organization, we saw in this COVID-19 situation, endorsed the constant washing of hands, using hand sanitizers as a way of protecting against health. How ridiculous! In the name of health. And this is an institution that has been appointed by not us, the people, but a small group of individuals that runs and controls it, and say and give and declare them authority on health, on world health. You know, to make decisions for us, for us, the men and women of the soil. The World Health Organization is the same organization that approved the H1N1 so-called vaccine. The H1N1, which is also what they call the swine flu. This is the same organization, the World Health Organization. This is them. That vaccine was injurious to people. And the COVID-19 vaccine, so-called vaccine, is proven to be even many times injurious. How can we not stand up at this time and say no? What will it be the next time? What will it be the next time? And so, you know, it's important that we look at works of those who are standing up to the World Health Organization and inform ourselves and also inform those around us. And look at, you know, where our local public officials stand, find out if they know about this pandemic agreement. Find out where they stand, you see, because they are going to make decisions on your behalf, whether you agree to it or not. And it's time where we stop these people from agreeing to things that we don't agree to and then turn around and say, they're making decisions for the best interest of the people. When we have various, you know, individuals who are, you know, professionals in the field also who are saying that, okay, the World Health Organization stands what they have done, what they have done over the years, what they have been proven to do recently is not in the interest of the people. So why is it that one voice is being listened to, but the voice that is saying, okay, no, stop. What you're doing is harming the public. Those voices are being smothered. And so, you know, in this, I just wanted to point that out, that the World Health Organization, what they're trying to do, it is not in the interest of the men and women of the soil. It's not in the interest of the people. It's not in the interest of us. They're working through government to have more control over our lives, more control over our health, and more control over every aspect of our existence. And we have a responsibility, we are duty-bound to control ourselves in this time. But the children, which, you know, who will also have to face this, who today, as they try to pass this, don't have a voice. It is our responsibility to stand up and say no. This must be squashed. This must be, you know, it must be known that we do not accept this. And they will not implement this, because we do not agree. We do not consent. And it's time that we really do stand up and say, I don't agree. I do not consent. And we need to, when we see these kinds of things, you know, people need to stop playing politics, because I see this a lot. You know, I see this in Africa, I'm an African. I see this, I see this in the Caribbean. People get caught up in politics. Oh, I am this political side, I am that political side. Wake up out of that BS. Wake up out of that BS. We are taking sides about politics. This is beyond politics. We are talking about your sovereignty and that of your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren, your great-great-grandchildren. And it's, you know, it's already, we're already in a serious situation in the world, because had we not already been in a serious situation, this whole COVID drama would not have played out in the way that it had. It was able to play out in that way, because of the degree to which we are controlled and the degree to which our governments are controlled. And the degree to which they have signed us, signed us up for things we did not consent to in the beginning. So, you know, just be aware of this. But it's not enough to just be aware. You know, there is a trend, hashtag stop the treaty, that, stop the treaty, that's the hashtag that is being used. This treaty, they are hoping to implement this by 2024. But it's imperative that we start now. We start now to ensure that this treaty does not you know, is not legitimized. We have to put a stop to this. This is ridiculous now. The World Health Organization should be dismantled. It has no place in the world, absolutely no place, but to cause disorder, to cause chaos and confusion and fear. Anyway, guys, like I say, get involved, find out more about the treaty, get involved, spread the information. And as you know, you educate others, you share. Okay. All right, I hope you found this useful. And don't forget, to be the change you'd like to see in this world. Have a fantabulous day. Ta-ta. Welcome to Isolated Vital, your natural health and wellness song.

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