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The Fountain Within ENCODED

The Fountain Within ENCODED

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The speaker shares that he had a change in plans for his sermon series due to the Holy Spirit leading him in a different direction. He discusses a passage in Matthew where Jesus explains that it's not what goes into a person's mouth that defiles them, but what comes out of their mouth. He connects this to a passage in Ephesians that encourages believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit and speak to one another in Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. He then reads a passage from John where Jesus talks about coming to him to drink and how out of a believer's heart will flow rivers of living water, referring to the Holy Spirit. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit and allowing the living water to flow out of one's life. Ephesians 5 and then John chapter 7 and before we read either of those, I want to tell you how this came about. I had, through prayer, I had some series mapped out that we were going to talk about for the next several months and there was an interruption. How many of you know the Holy Spirit calls audibles? You know what an audible is in football? I played football all four years in high school and in football you might get into the huddle and the quarterback might call a particular play, blue 42, but then after you get out you know you say break and you clap and you get out to the line and then after he looks at the defense he might see that well this is a different defense than we were expecting. So he might call what's called an audible and he'll just start yelling something else out. Red 48! Red 48! That means you better change the play. We're going to do something different and everybody better know what that audible is. Isn't that right? How many of you know God calls audibles? And it's not that he didn't know in advance that he was going to call the audible, but he doesn't always tip us off in advance. And so here I was, I was at my house reading, minding my own business, reading my Bible. I wasn't bothering anybody, just minding my business and I got to Matthew chapter 15 and Jesus was teaching and so I'm reading through this. I've heard him teach this message many times before but I got to this passage in Matthew 15, let me share, and what happened was the disciples were walking through a grain field and they were picking some of the grain and eating it. And the Pharisees, the religious rulers, got on their case about actually ask Jesus, why do your disciples eat with unwashed hands and violate the traditions of the elders? And Jesus said, well, I got a question for you. Why do you elevate your traditions above the word of God and you violate the commandment of God? And so anyway, Jesus goes on and the disciples actually, Peter actually asked him, said, uh, what, what was that about? You were talking about the traditions and what were you saying to the Pharisees? And here's what Jesus told them. And he explained it a couple of times here, but listen to it in verse 17. He said, do you not yet understand whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated. But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart and they defile a man. Now I've read this many times before, and we know words are powerful. Isn't that right? And Jesus goes on to explain that in the heart are adulteries and murders and those kinds of things. But something caught my attention here. It was like the Holy spirit said, look at that right there. Look at that. And, and I, I saw something here that provoked me to look at another scripture. Jesus said, it's not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man. Now, you know, in the old Testament law, he told the Jewish people, he said, don't eat pork. Don't eat any animal that doesn't have both cloven hooves and that choose the cut. Isn't that right? Don't eat fish unless it has fins and scales. Is that right? Anything else in the ocean you can't eat. So he told them not to eat and not to eat certain things. Otherwise they'd be defiled. But here the Pharisees now are adding traditions to it. And Jesus says, let me tell you the truth about it. It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you, but it's what comes out of your mouth. Okay. Now this is what provoked my attention and I've thought about it many times, but I hadn't thought about it exactly this way. And, uh, what caught my attention is this Ephesians passage, how it says in Ephesians five, I asked you to turn there. Let's look at it. And we're going to read John seven, but let's look at Ephesians five, 18 Paul said, and do not be drunk with wine in which is dissipation or debauchery, but be filled with the spirit. Do not be drunk with wine. Now, if you're going to get drunk with wine, does the wine go into your mouth or does it come out of your mouth? Well, it goes in. Isn't that right? So here Paul says, do not be drunk with wine in which is dissipation, but be filled with the spirit. Now I want you to notice this. I want you to notice the word that comes next, but be filled with the spirit and what's the next word speaking. Now, those of you that didn't bring your Bible and you're not looking at your Bible, looking at screens, you didn't know what the next word is because we didn't put the next scripture up yet. That's one reason to bring your Bible so you can be ahead of everybody else. Isn't that right? It says, do not be drunk with wine by taking something in. He said, but be filled with the spirit speaking to one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. Now this is what caught my attention when I was reading Matthew 15. That seemed to have nothing to do with being filled with the Holy spirit, but what caught my attention was Jesus was saying, listen, it's not what goes into your mouth that makes the real difference in your life. It's what comes out of your mouth. And I thought about this scripture, do not be drunk with wine, but be filled with the spirit speaking to one another with Psalms, hymns, spiritual songs. Now we're going to get back to Ephesians chapter five in this study, no doubt, because it's a central part of this study, but I want to go readily over to John chapter seven now and show you how the Holy spirit began to take me on a little trail here to open something up to me. And I want to open it up to you. And I believe you're going to love it as much as I did. Let's listen to Jesus teaching again in John chapter seven. In fact, let's do this. Let's read together out loud, John chapter seven. And I want to read verses 37 to 39, John seven and versus 37 to 39. We'll read from the new King James version. If you don't have that, that's all right. Follow along on the screens so we can all read the same words, everybody together, John seven, 37 to 39, loudly and together. Let's read on the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out saying, if anyone thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. But this, he spoke concerning the spirit whom those believing in him would receive for the spirit. Holy spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified. Now notice again here in the 37th verse on the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out saying, if anyone thirst, let him come to me and drink. Now that makes perfect sense. Doesn't it? If anybody thirst, let him come to me and drink. If you get dehydrated, what do you need to do? You need to drink something and something needs to go into your mouth. Namely water. Is that right? Because you're thirsty because you're dehydrated. If anyone's thirsty, let him come to me and drink makes perfect sense, but he doesn't stop there. Listen to this. Let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. Wait a minute. I thought you were thirsty. If you're thirsty, water needs to come in, but notice Jesus said, come to me and drink. But he who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. So now we don't have water coming in. Now we have water coming out. How many of you can see the correlation? It's not what goes into a mouth, the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out? Well, guess what? We're also learning here. It's not just things that defile you that come out of your mouth, but it's also things that will fill you. Things that will cleanse you. Things that will strengthen you. See, and this is the correlation that the Holy spirit was showing me. So listen again to what Jesus said. He said, if anyone thirst, let him come to me and drink. So initially we need to come to Jesus to get this drink, but I want to show you what happens here. It said, he who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. Now you remember Jesus also taught every, every man is like a tree and a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good and an evil man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth evil for out of the abundance of the heart, what the mouth speaks. Okay. So how did these things get out of your heart? Your mouth speaks. And of course your behavior and actions can show your heart as well. And so Jesus said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. What does that mean? Something in your heart called living water is now coming out of your mouth. So it's interesting that Jesus said, if you're thirsty, come to me and drink. But if you believe in me, as the scripture has said, out of your heart will be flowing rivers of living water. By the way, that's the title of this series came out of the mouth of Jesus straight from his lips, rivers of living water, say that rivers of living water. Now watch this out of his heart will flow rivers of living water, but this what's this rivers of living water, but this, he spoke concerning the Holy spirit, the spirit whom those believing in him would receive for the spirit. The Holy spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified. So he's saying, you all can't be filled with the spirit yet because I still need to die on the cross. I still need to be raised from the dead. And then after that happens and I'm glorified, then you can be born again. You can get a new wine skin inside of a new spirit. Is that right? And then you can be filled with the Holy spirit. This living water can come inside of you. And he said, and if you believe, as the scripture has said, that living water won't stay inside that living water will be coming out of you. Is that right? Okay. And he's talking about the Holy spirit, isn't he? All right. Now let's go back over. Does anybody, does anybody have any thought that's provoked when Jesus talks about living water? Have you ever heard him talk about that before? How about the fourth chapter of John? Remember that woman at the well, let's go look at that John chapter four, and you're going to like this. Ready? Let's pick it up in verse five. So he came to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar near the plot of ground that Jacob gave to his son, Joseph. Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus, therefore being wearied from his journey sat thus by the well. It was about the sixth hour. That's noon. A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, give me a drink for his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food. Then the woman of Samaria said to him, how is it that you being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman for Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus answered and said to her, and by the way, I liked the way Jesus talks about himself in the third person. He said to her, he said, if you knew the gift of God and who it is, who says to you, give me a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you what living water. Now watch this. The woman, she does not understand. This is Jesus talking about something spiritual. So she's still talking about this natural water in the well. So the woman said to him, sir, you have nothing to draw with. You don't even have a bucket and the well is deep. Where then do you get that living water? Are you greater than our father, Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as well as his sons and his livestock. Verse 13, now listen closely. Jesus answered and said to her, whoever drinks this water, talking about the water in that well, whoever drinks this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water, everybody say the water, but the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. But the water that I shall give him will become that water will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. Now in John chapter seven, Jesus said, he who believes in me as the scripture said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. But this, he spoke concerning the spirit. Is that right? Concerning the spirit. So notice here in John chapter four, he said, but the water that I shall give him will become, will become in him. The water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain. Now this word fountain is the Greek word PE, PE, not PE like in school, but PE. Okay. And it means a water source. It means really a source, a source. For example, with the woman, with the issue of blood, you remember the woman that had the flow of blood 12 years and she came and got ahold of Jesus garment and the Bible says she felt in her body that she was healed. And it says the fountain of her blood was dried up. That's the same word PE fountain. So it's not a spiritual word. It just means the source, the source of the flow, the source. Also in this same chapter, we just read it in verse six, where it says, Jesus went to Sychar in Samaria and there was a well, that word well is PE. And he uses that the word wells translated well, twice in verse six, it's talking about the water source, but now Jesus uses that same word. You could translate it well, but the reason why the translator didn't translate it well here, even though it's the exact same word is because Jesus said, it'll become a fountain of water springing up. In other words, this is not just a well with water down in the well, just sitting still. No, but this, this well is going to be springing up. That's why they translated it fountain, but it's the same word. So see when you're reading this in the Greek, in the original text, you wouldn't see any difference in the word. He's sitting by a well. And then later he says, the water that I give will become a well inside, but not a well that just sits still, but a well that's springing up. See springing up. Now this is very interesting, isn't it? This is very interesting because he's talking about the Holy spirit, that the living water that he's talking about is when you become a believer, if you believe in him, as the scripture has said, then the water of the Holy spirit will become in you a fountain that springs up into everlasting life. And in chapter seven, he said that fountain will be the water source of rivers of living water. I want you to notice rivers is plural. The fountain is singular. There's one fountain, but then there are many rivers, one fountain and many rivers. See, let me tell you what we're talking about. See this, this thing in Ephesians five, do not be drunk with wine, but be filled with the spirit speaking, be filled with the spirit speaking. See when, when you first need to get filled with the spirit, you got to come to Jesus. Jesus is the baptizer with the Holy spirit. Did you know that we come to Jesus? He's the one, he baptizes us with the Holy spirit. But what happens is he says, but when I give you this living water, if you'll believe in me, as the scripture has said, that water will become in you a fountain springing up in everlasting life. What does that mean? Now you don't need to come back to the Lord and say, Lord, give me another drink. Lord, give me another drink of that water. Give me another drink of that water. Well, why would you do that? He already gave you a fountain. Is that right? He gave you a fountain. Now see, your mouth is not the fountain. Your mouth is not the water source. Your mouth is like a faucet. You know at your house, you just go to the sink about every day. Isn't that right? And, and whether you have one of those handles that goes left to right, or whether you have a knob on either side, you can get hot water out of that faucet or you can get what cold water out of that faucet. Isn't that right? See the faucet is the same or you can just shut it off. Is that right? See that faucet controls the flow. See inside of you is a soul, but also if you're born again, there's a spirit. And when you get filled with the spirit, that living water in there that got you born again becomes a fountain inside springing up. But did you know you have to turn on the faucet of your mouth to allow that living water to come out? That's why Paul said, do not be drunk with wine, but be filled with the spirit speaking to one another with Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. You know what that means? That this is what Jesus opened up to me is every spirit filled believer has an installed piece of equipment called a fountain of living water. But if you don't open the faucet, if you don't let that living water come out of you, then guess what? You won't stay full of the spirit. You know what we keep doing? We keep coming to the Lord and saying, Lord, fill me in fresh. Lord, fill me again. Fill me again. I've prayed it many times myself, prayed it many times myself, but I'm trying to think where's that scripture in the new Testament that says after you've been filled with the spirit, if you're starting to feel spiritually dehydrated and dry, just come back to the Lord and ask him to fill you again. Where is that? Let's look at, let's look in the, look in the concordance in the back. Where is that scripture? Fill me a fresh Lord with the spirit. Lord, fill me. Where should we pray that? Where does it say to pray to fill us again, Lord? It doesn't. I said it doesn't. Then why do we pray that tradition? I prayed it myself and you probably have too, but I want you to notice the Bible doesn't say be filled with the spirit, asking God to fill you again with the spirit. That's worthy of at least two amens. Come on. Did I get two of you to say amen? Well, that's more than two. All right, I'll take that. All right. So notice be filled with the spirit speaking, speaking to one another with Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. What does that mean? That means that now that I've been spirit filled, now if I'll open my mouth and if I'll begin to pray in the spirit, I'll begin to build myself up and let's just take it a step farther. I'll begin to meditate on the word and quote scriptures and get that rhema word coming out of my mouth. I can be filled up with the spirit because I've got a fountain inside with water. You know, if you go down here to in and out burger and you order a meal and a drink, what they'll do is they'll, they'll ring you up and then they'll plop out an empty cup and hand it to you. And if you say, uh, excuse me, the cup's empty. They'll say, Oh yes. Uh, the soda fountains right over here. You can get anything you like. And you look in there and say, well, okay, but can't you just fill it up? And they say, Oh, well, um, you know, it's right over here. You, you can choose anything you like to drink. Well, yeah. Yeah. But can't you just fill it up? Well, I bet they'd be so nice. They'd fill it up. How many of you know, when we come to the Lord and asked to be filled with the Holy spirit, Jesus said, the father will do it. Isn't that right? He'll fill us up. But did you know, there's nowhere in the Bible that says, come back and ask to be filled up again. Jesus said, no, let me tell you what we're going to do. We're not only going to give you an initial drink, like fill you up. We're going to install in you a piece of equipment called the Holy spirit as a fountain. And he's going to be springing up with this living water all the time. And how many of you have learned that when you got full, full of the Holy spirit and you began to speak in spiritual language, that you can turn that faucet on and off anytime, raise your hand if you knew that already. All right. But notice, instead of turning the faucet on and just letting that living water flow, what do we do? We come back, we get our cup and we put it back on the counter and says empty again, empty again. Can you fill up? Well, we got this fountain right there. I mean, there's the fountain, right? I know. I know. But can you just fill it up? That's what we do to the Lord. I said, that's what we do to the Lord. Isn't that right? The Lord said, nah, I've installed like the fountain in you. This is the one and only Holy spirit inside of you springing up. And we come to the Lord and say, yeah, I know, but can you just do it? Can you just pour out on me? He say, well, where do you want me to get the water to fill you up? The fountain is in you. Is that right? We sometimes think God has something we don't have, you know, unbelief. One, one form of unbelief is asking God to do something that he's already done. Isn't that right? Asking God to do something he's already done it, but we keep asking him because we just somehow don't believe it. No, Jesus said this. In fact, in Mark 6, 17, 16, 17, he said, these signs will follow those who believe in my name. They'll cast out demons. They'll speak with new tongues. See Jesus talk like everybody ought to do this. Jesus talked like everybody else. Do you know why? Because everybody ought to do this. He who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. We should stop waiting on God to come and fill our cup again. When he's already installed a state of the art piece of equipment in us called the Holy spirit, the baptism of the Holy spirit. Isn't that right? And we need to open up the faucet of our mouths and let that living water flow. Let that living water flow. Isn't that right? Think about this. Now think about a glass. I didn't bring a prop up here, but if I had a, uh, just imagine a clear glass and I took a picture and I poured some water in that glass. Well, that's good. You know, and then I drink it or, you know, after over time, just with evaporation, well, that water level will go down just like the water of the Holy spirit will go down inside of us and we'll become spiritually dehydrated. But instead of God saying, Hey, when you get low, ask me and I'll bring the picture back over. It's like, God just took a hose and just connected it to the bottom of that glass and said, just, just flip that lever right there and it'll start springing up from the bottom. It'll just do that. Let me tell you what happens if you let that spring up and overflow that gap glass. Let me take other people to start getting healed. Other people will start getting blessed hearing the word of the Lord. Is that right? But see, we've got it. We've got the lever right there. It's our mouth opening up and allowing the rivers of living water to flow. But instead of doing that, we just ask God, Lord, can you bring that picture? Lord, fill me a fresh Lord. Come Lord, come, come Lord, come fill me. We sing songs like that too. Don't we waiting on God, waiting on God, waiting on God. But I want you to notice the Bible doesn't say that. Jesus said, no, we're going to install in a person like that, a fountain springing up into everlasting life. Amen. How many of you can see? I mean, I was minding my own business and Jesus said, not what goes into the mouth, but what comes out of the mouth, not what goes into the mouth, but what comes out and then this whole thing opens up and start listening to Jesus teach. And I think I like that. I like that. We're onto something here. And he said, out of your mouth will flow rivers of living water. This water source is so abundant. It is an endless supply of living water. And there's more than one river. Spiritual language is one river, but it's not the only river. I said it's one river, but it's not the only river. So then I had this question. Well, if, if being filled with the spirit means you have in the water, the living water of the Holy spirit becomes in you a fountain, is that really evidenced in the Bible? I mean, is that, is that corroborated by various events of being filled in the spirit? Well, I could already think of some, but I thought I'm just going to go back and look. So let me share some of these. Are you interested in this? Let me share some of this with you. Now I just want to see the correlation between people being filled with the spirit and this fountain coming out of their mouth. Let's just see if, if this is in the Bible, listen to Luke chapter one. Now, Mary had just had an encounter with the angel Gabriel, who told her you're going to have a baby. And she said, how's that going to happen? I'm not even married yet. I haven't been intimate with anybody. He said that which is conceived in you is of the Holy spirit. So it says here in Luke one 39, now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste to a city of Judah and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth. Now these are relatives of hers. Now watch this. And it happened when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb. Now who's the babe that's John the Baptist inside of Elizabeth. The babe leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy spirit. Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, blessed are you among women. So notice immediately she's filled with the Holy spirit and her mouth opens up and she speaks out with a loud voice. How many of you can see this? Something's coming out of her mouth, not in something's coming out of her mouth when she's filled with the Holy spirit. And let's just see what comes out of her mouth. It's very interesting. She raised her voice, a loud voice. And she said, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb. But why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? What? Hold on just a minute. The angel just came to Mary and told her a virgin young girl, you're going to have a baby and your baby is going to be God. Is that right? And she said, how? And he said, it's going to be by the Holy spirit. And she said, let it be to me according to your word. Then she took off and she went to her relatives house and she walks in and she greets them. And when she greets them, John the Baptist, a baby in Elizabeth's womb leaps in her womb. Elizabeth is filled with the Holy spirit and begins to say, blessed are you among women? How is it that the mother of my Lord is coming? How does Elizabeth know that she doesn't know it? In fact, I would, I would venture to say that Elizabeth is listening to this come out of her mouth and is trying to figure out what, what am I saying? I'm saying that this young girl that's not yet married is going to have a baby and that God has chosen her to have the Messiah as her child. And this is the mother of my Lord. Mary just found that out. There's no email that she didn't Instagram a picture of the angel in that, right? I mean, there's no way Elizabeth can know this, but see, she's filled with the spirit and this fountain inside all of a sudden starts speaking out prophecy. How many of you can see there's one of the rivers, prophecy, prophecy. See how many of you can see the fountain coming out? All right, let's look at another one. In fact, in that same chapter, her husband Zacharias, now he, he went mute for a while because of his unbelief. But after John, the baby was born, then his mouth was opened up and in verse 67, it says now John's father, his father, Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit and what, isn't that interesting that it links being filled with the Holy Spirit and something coming out of his mouth. I mean, if you can see this and he was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied saying, blessed is the Lord God of Israel for he has visited and redeemed his people and has raised up a horn of salvation. And he's of course, prophesying about Jesus as well. So we can see there, Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit and out of his mouth started coming prophecy. Well, you remember in Acts chapter two, Jesus had told him you'll be filled with power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And then Acts two in the day of Pentecost, they were all with one accord. And it says in verse four, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to what speak. How many of you can see this? Is this in the Bible? Is there a correlation in the Bible between being filled with the spirit and something coming out of your mouth? Yes, there absolutely is. Why? Because there is a fountain placed in there, that living water inside of those apostles who already believed in God became a fountain springing up. How do you know? Because something started coming out of their mouth. Something started coming out of their mouth. It says they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance. All right. And then in chapter four, it says, here's Peter. Now it says, then Peter verse eight filled with the Holy Spirit said, I'm not making this up. This is just in the Bible. Now that's not when he was filled the first time he's already filled in Acts chapter two, but this says, then Peter filled with the Holy Spirit said to them, rulers of the people and so on. What does that mean? That means that this fountain inside is now speaking out of Peter's mouth and Peter speaking the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. There's a river. Well, in that same chapter, Peter and John were let go after being arrested. And it says in verse 23 and being let go, they went down, they went to their own companions and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them. So when those, that group of believers heard that, listen to this, they, now these, this is spirit filled bunch. They raised their voice to God with one accord and said, Lord, your God, what are they doing? They're praying. They're praying. They're all speaking words of prayer. Now come down to the 31st verse that says, and when they had prayed the place where they were assembled together was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the word of God with boldness. So listen to this, the way that they got filled or let's say refilled was the Bible says they all lifted up their voices to God and they're praying. And while they're praying together, the place is shaken and they all got filled again with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness. How many of you can see the correlation between being filled and speaking something? Why? Because there's a fountain inside of believers when they get spirit filled and that fountain wants to come out of the mouth. That's how the living water flows. If you won't turn the fountain on, if you won't turn the faucet on, then that living water just stays there, but does not flow. It's not a river. Rivers must flow. And that means that our mouths need to open up and let the river flow. Somebody say, amen. Let me tell you something about the devil. If I was the devil, I would want that fountain to stay off. I would want your faucet, the faucet of your mouth, not to speak anything from your born again, spirit filled spirit. I'd want your, your faucet, your mouth only to speak from your mind, only to speak from your emotions, but not from your spirit. Why? Because in your spirit is a fountain of living water. How many of you can see this? So whenever it came to prayer, whenever it came to praising God and thanking God was just, just, you know, just stay quiet. Just don't, don't say too much. I'd want that faucet to be clamped down if I was the devil, but Jesus wants that faucet to be opened up. Isn't that right? He who believes in me as a scripture is that out of his heart, the faucets open. We just leave it open. We'll flow rivers of living water. All right. Now listen to this. Acts chapter 10, Peter went to the Gentiles, Cornelius's house. And it says, while Peter was speaking these words to them, the Holy spirit fell on all those who heard the word and those of the circumcision believed and were astonished as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also for, for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. It said they were astonished that the Jewish believers were astonished. They didn't even realize at that time, the Gentiles could be saved. And yet they're not only saved, but they're filled with the spirit is speaking in other tongues and magnifying God. Is that right? Okay. Now watch this. It says here that in verse 45, the end of verse 45, because the gift of the Holy spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also for they heard them. What they heard them clap their hands. They heard them tap their feet. They heard them crack their back. How did they know that the Holy spirit had been poured out on them? They heard them speak. Why does that matter? Because a fountain was installed inside of them and that fountain started flowing out of the mouth. How many of you can see what I'm talking about here? Jesus said, not what goes in, but what comes out, not what goes in, but what comes out? Yes. Eating is important. Eating is important, but let me tell you what's so much, much, much, much, much more important is what comes out of your mouth. And if you can allow the living water of the Holy spirit fountain inside of you to come out of your mouth, let me tell you, you'll never be thirsty again. You'll never be spiritually dehydrated again. You'll never be dry and weak again. You'll be full of power. Amen. You'll be full of signs and wonders. Amen. How many of you can see this? How many of you can see this? See, that's why we don't need to keep coming to God and asking him to do something. Lord, bring the picture back over. He said, no, I installed a fountain. You don't need me to bring a picture back over. You have the fountain that has rivers of living water coming out of that water source. Praise God. All right. Acts 19. Let me hit one more. Acts 19. It says in verse one, and it happened while Apollos was at Corinth that Paul, having passed through the upper regions, came to Ephesus. Now watch this and finding some disciples. This is very interesting. Finding some disciples. He said to them, did you receive the spirit, the Holy spirit when you believe now, listen to that question. He found some disciples and he said to them, did you receive the Holy spirit when you believed? Now, let me just let you know, Paul is no novice. Paul is not a new teacher. In fact, I would argue that of all of the new Testament writers, Paul is the foremost expert on the ministry, the baptism, the fullness of the Holy spirit. He is the foremost expert of the new Testament writers. How do we know that? Because when you read through the new Testament, yeah, of course Jesus, uh, you know, was an expert, but I said of the new Testament writers, Jesus didn't write any of those books himself. Okay. The Holy spirit, of course, wrote them all, but through men I'm talking about of the human beings that wrote Matthew, Mark, Luke, John acts as Luke Romans. And most of the epistles is Paul along with James and Jude and so on. Okay. So of all the new Testament writers, Paul's the foremost expert. He's the one that is saying in Ephesians five, be filled with the spirit speaking, be filled with the spirit, speaking to one another, Psalms and hymns, spiritual songs. He's the one in first Corinthians 12 gives us the manifestations of the spirit. Is that right? He's the one gives us the fruit of the spirit in Galatians chapter five. He's the one that in first Corinthians 14 tells us how to function with the gifts of the spirit in church. Paul's the one that explains all these things by revelation of the Holy spirit. This is not a novice. This is a Pharisee that knows the old Testament, which is all the scripture that they had in written form at the time. He knows the old Testament and he knows the revelation of how it applies to the new Testament. And he's the one God is using primarily to write the scripture of the new Testament to explain it to the church. Is this true? Okay. So my point is this, when Paul comes to these disciples and he asked this question, did you receive the Holy spirit? When you believe Paul is not confused. Paul is obviously saying it is possible to be saved and to not yet have been filled with the Holy spirit to not yet have had that fountain installed. So I want to show you several things. Number one, Paul makes it clear just by the question that these are distinct events that happen though. They can happen simultaneously. They are still distinct events. Most of the body of Christ today in this country is born again, but not spirit filled. And Paul, if he met them, he'd ask them now, did you receive the Holy spirit when you believe why? Because you, you should have, there's no reason not to see he's asking them for, for that purpose. And so I also want you to see that this is the first question he asked them. Why do you need the fountain? Let me tell you, we live in a perverse world. We live in a world of compromise. We live in a world of deception. We live in a world that is against God that ignores God that does not walk in his ways. And Paul said, listen, you need some living water coming up inside of you. Is that right? You, you, you can't afford to be dry. So this is the first question he asked them. So this is important. Okay. But let's see what happens. This there's like a twist that happens here. He said, did you receive the Holy spirit when you believe? So they said to him, we have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy spirit. Well, that kind of surprised him. And he said, he said into what then were you baptized? I mean, how could you be baptized in Jesus and not hear about the Holy spirit? He said into what then were you baptized? So they said into John's baptism. I could just see Paul saying, Oh, okay. Well, John, the Baptist was not talking about the Holy spirit so much. He was talking here. His job was to point to Jesus. But when Jesus came and he was ready to leave, he was saying, I'm going to send you another helper. That's like me. And he, and he'll abide with you forever. The Holy spirit. Is that right? So see John, the Baptist pointed to Jesus, but Jesus then pointed to the Holy spirit. And so that's why Paul saying, you didn't even hear about the Holy spirit into what were you baptizing the John's baptism. So listen to what Paul said. Paul said, John, indeed baptized with a baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe on him who would come after him that is on Christ Jesus. When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Now notice the words when they heard this, when they heard this, that phrase designates a time when they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Well, years before they hadn't been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. But when they heard this now having heard that they decided that they wanted Paul to baptize them in the name of the Lord Jesus. Is that right? What does that mean? They're deciding to make Jesus Lord. That's what this is all about. So Paul takes them down in the water and he baptizes them. They confess the Lord Jesus. Now they're not just confessing their sins like in John's baptism. Now they're confessing Jesus as Lord. Well, what did Paul teach us? If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, believe in your heart, God raised him from the dead, you will be what saved. Okay. So when they got baptized here in the name of the Lord Jesus by Paul, that's when they got saved. But look at the next verse and, and what does and mean? That means there's something else. Is that right? And watch this. And when Paul had laid hands on them, see, this is something separate. Now it happened back to back, but this is something separate. See, when they heard about Jesus, they were baptized in the name of Jesus. But then it goes on to say, and when Paul had laid hands on them, there's another designation of time. When Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them. Now watch this. And they spoke. How many of you can see that? Can you see this? I mean, this is all over the place. When he laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke. Why? Because there was a fountain installed inside. How many of you can see that? This is what he was asking them about in the first place, thinking they were saved, thinking they'd already been baptized in Jesus' name, received Jesus, but they hadn't. So he said, did you receive the installation? Come on now. Did you receive, did the living water inside of you become a fountain yet? Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believe? See, because Paul knows there are people he needs that heard about Jesus, but they haven't yet had that fountain installed. Let me tell you, everybody needs the fountain of the Holy Spirit installed. Everybody needs the fountain of the Holy Spirit installed. Thank God. So it says, when Paul had laid hands on them, they were baptized So it says, when he laid hands on them, see this is how initially somebody ministers to you and the Lord fills you initially and makes the installation. But after that, you got it installed now. Just open up the faucet. Just open up the faucet. Anybody see this? All right. So notice two things from that verse or that passage. Number one, that being filled with the Spirit is a distinct event that can happen simultaneously, like in Acts chapter 10 with Cornelius's house happens simultaneously, but nonetheless, it's a distinct event and you need to be willing to receive this, to receive this installation. And once the installation happens and the living water becomes in you a fountain, see, you get born again, the living water comes in. You get filled with the Spirit, that living water becomes a fountain. How many of you can see this so clear? I mean, just crystal clear. Jesus is so wise, isn't he? See, sometimes we read over these things and I have, and you have, we read over and we think, praise God, that's good, but we kind of still don't understand it, right? But then all of a sudden, I mean, the Holy Spirit sits with us and says, now look at this here about defiling. It's like the Holy Spirit, that has nothing to do with this over here. See, but in the Spirit realm, these truths have connections. These truths have connections. And that's why when you sit down to read the Bible, don't just read by yourself. Don't ever read by yourself. Always read with the Holy Spirit. Don't ever read by yourself. Always sit down and say, Holy Spirit, open my eyes. You wrote this book. You wrote this book. And I tell you what, not only will he open your eyes to the truths, the principles of the book, but he'll also say, now see that right there? When I inspired that, I knew we'd be sitting here and I wanted to tell you this. So when I read that, when I inspired that to be written, here's what I was saying to you today about that. Somebody says, does the Bible really have embedded messages for us? You better believe it does. Peter said, knowing this first that no prophecy of scriptures of any private origin for prophecy never came by the will of man, the authors, but holy men of God wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was saying, no, I need you to write it like this because Bob over here in about 1900 years, he's going to be dealing with something. And I want to say it this way, because not only will it get my point across to the original recipients, but it's going to get my point across to Bob. And I want him to know I love him and I'm with him. Amen. Only God could do that. That's why there's no book like this book. This is an inspired book, the living word of God, the word of God is living. All right now. So we've covered that. So let me look, let's, let's look quickly in closing here at first Corinthians 14. Okay. Many teachers teaching about these things, being filled with the spirit, speaking with tongues and those kinds of things. Well, they, and let me say, we, not just they, we all understand it to the level that God has revealed it to us. Isn't that right? And all of us are subject to having other people tell us what it means. And we'll look at a passage and we really don't understand it. And so some teacher will tell us, well, it means this or means that, well, unfortunately there are many people in the body of Christ. Some that are considered scholars, but on this subject, they're way over here in what I'd call a ditch on one side of the road. And in this ditch, they would say, well, this whole speaking in tongues thing, this is all passed away. And that was for the early church. But the Bible says that tongues will cease prophecies. We'll see. Well, that's true. It does say that. And they say, well, it already ceased because see the Bible says when that, which is perfect has come, then that, which is in part will be done away with. And we've now got the perfect, it's the word of God. So now that we have the whole new Testament along with the old Testament, now we have that, which is perfect. So now we don't need tongues and all those things that happen with the gifts of spirit in the early church. That's all passed away now. All right. Well, first of all, I have some problems with that theory. One is that, which is perfect is coming is talking about the coming of the Lord coming back and then we'll all be like him and we'll be changed. Okay. But also it's interesting that now that which is perfect has come, meaning the new Testament has now been written and assembled. And now we have a full Bible. We don't need that old anymore. They would say, well, what's interesting is this new Testament that has now been assembled so that we don't need that is the very new Testament that explains how we use those things. So if this now replaces those, then why do we spend all this time in the new Testament explaining how we use those? God must have made a mistake and forgot. Oh, that's right. We're not going to be using those anymore, huh? So we don't need to talk about this in the new Testament, how to use those because that's all passed away. See, it doesn't make any sense. Does it? You know why? Cause not true. That's why, that's why it's the ditch over in this side of the road. Well, on the other side of the road, there's another ditch and the other side of the road, there's a ditch where people were getting together in church and they're just speaking in tongues, speaking in tongues, speaking in tongues, speaking in tongues so much that nobody's getting anything out of it except each person getting something for themselves. And that's what Paul was addressing in first Corinthians. See, Paul was talking to a church, the Corinthian church, all these people are speaking in tongues. And when they're coming together for church, instead of having some great looking pastor with a clean cut haircut, get up and share and minister something that's understandable or instead of prophesying to one another something in the language that everybody understands, they're just really excited about speaking in tongues. And so Paul, the apostle, is bringing some correction and instruction to them to get them out of that ditch and up on the road. That's why when people who don't believe that this is for today or that they just don't believe it should ever happen in church, when they read that, they're not the right recipients. Paul is addressing people that are on the extreme of tongues, tongues, tongues. That's what he's addressing. And these people over here on this other ditch or near this other ditch are the people that are trying to say, yeah, see right there, see that's it right there, that's it right there. That's why we don't do it. Not realizing, no, no, he's not talking to people that don't do it. He's talking to people that overdo it. How many of you can see what I'm talking about? See, we have to, we have to know the context. So some folks have said that I wouldn't call them in the ditch. I'd call them on the, on the, oh, maybe the emergency lane. I mean, they're close over here. It's not where you're supposed to drive, right? But they'd say this, they'd say, well, no, it's God does it today. And people do speak with tongues today, but it shouldn't happen in church. You shouldn't have any speaking in tongues in church. Well, let's just see first Corinthians chapter 14. I just want to point this out. You know, so much could be solved just by reading the Bible. Isn't that right? Let's just, let's just read the Bible and see what it says. Now notice in first Corinthians 14 here, it says pursue love and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy for he who speaks in a tongue at the spiritual language does not speak to men, but to who, but to God for no one understands him. However, in the spirit, he speaks mysteries. So he's saying when somebody speaks in a spiritual language, they're not speaking to men, they're speaking to God and nobody understands him. However, in the spirit, he speaks mysteries. What does that mean? That means that when somebody is praying in the spirit, speaking in tongues, they are not speaking something unintelligent. They are speaking mysteries. Why is that? Because the Holy spirit in them, the fountain knows everything about everything. And so when they're releasing that living water in a spiritual language, the Holy spirit is articulating those words and speaking the very mysteries of God. In other words, we can say like this, when you speak in tongues, you are speaking more eloquently, more knowledgeably, more articulately, and more precisely than you can ever speak in the language that you understand. Why? Because you're allowing the Holy spirit to speak. That makes sense. But Paul says, but still as eloquent as you are, as knowledgeable as you are, nobody understands what you're saying. Is that right? Nobody understands what you're saying. So you're not helping anybody else because nobody understands. See, so he's not downing it. He's just saying, when we come together, we just have to understand why we're together. So notice again, for he who speaks in the tongue does not speak to men, but to God, for no one understands him. However, in the spirit, he speaks mysteries, but he who prophesies on the contrary speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men. See, people can understand when you prophesy verse four, he who speaks in a tongue edifies who himself, but he who prophesies edifies who the church. See, this is what Paul's talking about. This is the context of first Corinthians 14. He's saying, when you all come together, if you're speaking in tongues, you're edifying yourself. But if you prophesy in a language that other people understand, now they're actually receiving edification. Now, let me just give you a hint. We're going to talk about these things in more detail, but let me just give you a hint. Paul just identified two of the rivers, prophecy and speaking with tongues. And one of those rivers edifies yourself. Which one is that? Which one is that? Speaking in tongues. And the other river edifies other people. Which one is that? Prophecy. But both of them come from the same fountain of the Holy Spirit. Notice multiple rivers, multiple rivers that refresh different people, but all come from the same fountain of the Holy Spirit. Can you see this? All right, rivers of living water. So he said, he who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church. See, that's why he's emphasizing, when you come together, if you're just speaking in tongues, then you came together just to help yourself. But you didn't come together to bless and to serve other people. And so he's advocating for that. Now, let me just stop right there and bring up another scripture, and we'll come back to this passage. Do you remember what Jude said in Jude, verse 20? You don't have to say chapter one, because there's only one chapter. Jude, verse 20, he said, but you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith. How? Praying in the Holy Spirit. Now, I looked this up in the NIV and ESV and NLT and others, and most of these other ones translate it like this, building yourself up on your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit and praying in the Holy Spirit. But the word and is not in the Greek text. It was added to separate those things, but it's not in the Greek text. But you know, let me just say, and they probably say this about me on other subjects as well, maybe this subject, but I'll just say this about them. Bless their darling hearts. Bless their darling hearts. If you don't pray in the Spirit and you don't understand these things, you're trying to figure out what these texts mean and how they should be translated. And you don't see the correlation between praying in the Spirit and being built up because you don't pray in the Spirit. You understand? And so just throw an and in there because we're doing both, but the word and is not in there. Listen, but you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, notice praying. Something's coming out of your mouth and what's happening. You're being built up. So we're not here asking God, build me up, build me up, build me up. No. He said, I put a fountain inside of you. Open that faucet, let that living water flow and it'll build you up. See, we can be refilled by what comes out of our mouths, not what goes into our mouth. Amen. We don't need another drink to be filled. We need to open our mouths and speak this living water out to be filled. But you, beloved, building yourselves up, building yourselves, building yourselves, building yourselves. Lord, fill me. Lord, fill yourself. Fill yourself. The fountain's right there. Actually, right in here. Isn't that right? Fill yourself up. Fill yourself up. See, and the devil puts pressure on us. Just stay silent. How many of you have known, raise your hand if this is true for you, because it's true for me. You hit times where you know, man, I need to pray. I need to be filled up. I don't have what it takes right now spiritually. I need God to move right now. I need a breakthrough right now. And you know you need to pray. You know, you need to call on the Lord. You know, you need strength and edification inside of you. And yet when you think about praying and you think about opening up your mouth to do those things, there's something of a resistance that pushes you not to do it. How many of you raise your hand if that's true? Yeah. This is called spiritual warfare. And the devil wants that faucet to stay off. He cannot deal with the living water. I mean, it just burns his buns. Let me just tell you right now, he cannot deal with living water. When you, when you let that living water flow and you get built up, his goose is cooked and he knows it. So that's why he wants you to just keep it clamped. Just keep it clamped. But the Bible says, no, don't you keep it clamped. You build yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy spirit, build, build, build, build, build. And I tell you something too, have you ever been dehydrated? There are certain signs that, you know, be dehydrated, you know, cramps and other signs and things like that. I won't get into all of them, but there are signs, right? Okay. Well, uh, if you say, yeah, I can feel myself dehydrated and you drink a glass of water. Do you instantly feel hydration? I'm hydrated. Just feel it all over. I feel hydrated. Do you feel it like that? No. But does that mean that you're not doing a good job hydrating? No, it doesn't mean that, but it takes some time for that to play out before you can tell that you're now being better hydrated. How many of you know that's true? The same thing in the spirit. Sometimes you feel things, sometimes you don't, but we have to just trust God and say, Hey, listen, when I began to pray out in the spirit and build myself up, whether I feel it or whether I don't, the water level, the spiritual living water level inside of me is rising. It's rising. So what do you do? Just keep speaking. Just keep speaking. Somebody said, well, man, I already prayed an hour. Well, then pray too. Well, I already prayed too. Well then pray three. Somebody said, I'm not going to say anything anymore because you're just going to, you're going to keep adding hours. But let me tell you something. I can tell in myself when I get full of the Holy spirit, I can tell. Sometimes I'll be in a group of people. We'll be talking and praying and things. And sometimes I'll be by myself, but I can tell because joy starts to come up. Joy, you know, stress just drains away. Joy and stress do not coexist. Joy demolishes stress. Did you know that joy demolishes stress? And all of a sudden, I mean, the same circumstances are there and all of a sudden, but I just start to giggle and chuckle and just, well, praise God. Everything's good. Everything's good. Yeah. We still have these challenges, but we have God, we have strength. We have power. Is that right? See, so I can tell when I get full and overflown with the spirit, because joy just starts bubbling out. Joy just starts bubbling out. And this is what we need. This is what we need. This is what we need. So praise God. We need to build up ourselves, build up ourselves, build up ourselves on our most holy faith. Well, let me just point out, I was going to read some more of this passage, but let me just point a couple of things. Paul's point here, you can read it later. Paul's point is when we come together, yes, you can speak in tongues, but you can do that at home all you want. When you come together, why would we all come together? It's like, oh, everybody comes for a potluck, right? And everybody brings their dish, but everybody only eats what they made. Well, Paul's saying, well, why are you bringing it to a potluck? If all you do is eat your own dish, everybody eats their own dish. Well, you could have done that at home. Isn't that right? No, bring something for somebody else. You don't bring an individual meal to a potluck and then eat it. You bring something more to share. Isn't that right? And you let everybody share. And then you get to share some things too. That's what church is supposed to be. These rivers, not just one river, are supposed to come out. And Paul said, I'll tell you the truth. He said, I'd rather see these other rivers like prophecy coming out when you're all together, because then other people are getting ministered to. Other people are getting ministered in a language they understand. Okay, so let me just point out a few things and come down here to verse nine. So likewise, unless you utter by the tongue words easy to understand, how will it be known what is spoken? For you will be speaking into the air. There are, it may be, so many kinds of languages in the world, none of them without significance. Therefore, if I do not know the meaning of the language, I shall be a foreigner to him who speaks, and he who speaks shall be a foreigner to me. Even so, since you are zealous for spiritual gifts, let it be for the edification of the church. In other words, not just for yourself, because speaking in tongues edifies yourself. He said, but if you're zealous for spiritual gifts, let it be that other people are receiving benefit from your fountain, and not just you receiving benefit from your fountain by the river of speaking with tongues. Everybody with me? Okay, now look at this. Verse 14, for if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays. See, he's not talking about giving a message in tongues. He's talking about praying. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. What is the conclusion then? How many of you want to know the conclusion? I know somebody's saying, yeah, I'm getting hungry. I want to know the conclusion. I'm talking about Paul's conclusion. All right. He said, what is the conclusion then? Listen, in church, he's talking about, I will pray with the spirit, and I will also, everybody say also, I'll also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit. I'll also sing with the understanding. Otherwise, if you bless with the spirit only, how will he who occupies the place of the uninformed say, amen, that you're giving thanks, since he does not understand what you say? For indeed, you give thanks well, but the other is not edified. How many of you can see so clear, so clear what he's saying? So he said, what's the conclusion? He said, do both. Don't just speak in tongues, but speak something that other people can understand, so they can receive from the river inside. That river, that fountain inside, is not just for speaking in tongues. That fountain inside has other rivers that'll come out of it, like prophecy, and words of wisdom, and words of knowledge, and anointed teaching, and such. Amen? And that's what fills other people up. Paul's saying, that's what I'm advocating for when you do this. Now, come down here, verse 18. I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than you all. So he's definitely not discouraging the speaking with tongues. Verse 19, yet in the church, see this is what the point is. Yet in the church, I'd rather speak five words with my understanding, that I may teach others also, than ten thousand words in a tongue. Let's skip down to verse 39, and close it out with these two verses. Here's how he closes the chapter. He said, therefore brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak with tongues. Let all things be done decently and in order. Let's look at that. He said, therefore brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy. Why? Because that blesses other people. That's a river that blesses others. Right? Desire earnestly to prophesy. Listen. And do not forbid to speak with tongues. Do not forbid to speak with tongues. Now, what does forbid mean? Doesn't that mean disallow, to stop? He said, do not do that. Well, I can tell you that there, church is in violation of this. And I think most of them with good hearts, believing they're doing the right thing. I'm not being critical, but I'm pointing out to you for clarification what the Bible says. Paul is addressing this issue of what's the most beneficial to other people when we come together. That's why we don't just come and always speak in tongues. But I want you to also see that Paul is not saying tongues should not happen in church. He said, what's the conclusion? I'll pray with the spirit, but I'll also pray with an understood language. I'll sing with the spirit, but I'll also sing with an understood language. And then he comes to the end. He says, therefore desire earnestly to prophesy and do not forbid to speak with tongues. Don't you forbid that? Don't you forbid it? Is that right? Is that what he said? So then we should not forbid it. And then he goes on to say, do not forbid to speak with tongues. Let all things be done decently in order. There are some people that ride that decently and in order horse, but they forgot this part over here. Let all things be done. Let all things be, what all things, all the things he's talking about, including prophecy, speaking with tongues, let all things be done, but let it be decently done in an order. Is that right? How many of you can see this? See, this is, this is the balance. Let all things be done decently in an order. Some people, some, some churches are over here and decently in order, but they don't let all things be done. And some church let all things be done, but there's no order about it. Isn't that right? And Paul said, no, no, no. This requires good leadership. That's willing to even address people that are out of line. And we didn't take the time to read through some of those passages where he said, no, no, no. He said, some people speaking out of turn, out of line, they had their chance and they're still talking and everything. They need to pray to themselves and just clamp it down. Isn't that right? Yeah. This is the, this is the Holy spirit speaking through Paul saying, just because you feel the urge doesn't mean you should speak out because sometimes it's not in order. See, and so Paul said, got to address that too, but he concludes, he said, but let all things be done, but let it be done decently in order. Why? So we can all be edified and blessed. So let me just tell you right now, this week, everybody said this week, I mean, the Holy spirit just kicked this. In fact, Jesus is the one teaching this out of John seven and four. And Jesus is saying, listen, in you, the living water becomes a fountain springing up. Let the fountain flow first to fill you up edify you. But then those other rivers start flowing all. Let me tell you, it's hard to let those other rivers flow when you're so dehydrated spiritually, we need to get filled up ourselves. Don't we? So this week, here's an assignment. All of you, in fact, raise your hand, if you've already been filled with the spirit and you can turn the faucet on anytime you want to, to speak with other tongues, raise your hand up high. Let me just see. Yeah. Okay. That, that I'd say that's most of us in here. And that, that just shows right there that it's not just for a few. No, it's for most of us, but let me just tell you, we're going to follow through with this. I got some other things to share, but I've let my time slip away, but let me tell you this week, we're going to start letting this river, especially of praying in the spirit flow. Amen. Every day. I want you to do it. Say every day. Now, when you come back, I expect you to come back at a higher water level. Then you came in this time. I mean, I was practically dragging you along this time. I mean, the spiritual dehydration is thick in here, but I, I, I hosed you down pretty good today. Amen. But you know, I'm joking with you, but let, let's, let's let that water flow this week. And those of you that have not been filled ask the Lord and keep coming before the Lord. But just watch. Jesus has just begun to start teaching us about living water, rivers of living water. We just laid the foundation here, but we're going to swim in. I mean, we're going to swim in these rivers where these rivers are going to start flowing out of it. This is the way we want to live. Not just during the series. This is the way we want to live for the rest of our lives. Amen. Come on. Let's thank God for his word today. Praise God.

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