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how to get clients

how to get clients




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The speaker addresses the struggles of real estate agents in the current market conditions and shares their number one tip for generating more business and building long-term relationships with clients. They mention five tips for generating real estate business, including looking for expired listings, hosting open houses, creating content, and connecting with one's sphere of influence. They emphasize the importance of adapting to the changing market and focus on providing a great client experience through effective communication, thoughtful closing gifts, authenticity, remembering birthdays, and maintaining contact after closing to generate referrals. Should I start with like a high, or just – are you struggling? Okay. Okay. Are you struggling in the current market conditions as a real estate agent right now? Our market is changing, and you need all the support and education you can possibly get. Today I'm going to share my number one tip on how to help you generate more business and create long-term connections and relationships with your current clients. No? Okay. Today I'm going to share my number one tip on how to get more clients. And then you can transition into – like, make it very similar to what you talked about in your video. Like, are you struggling with current market conditions? The market's changing. High home prices. High interest rates. And as agents, we're having to adapt. Like, you want me to – So you don't want me to go through this. You want me to go through – What do you have here? Like, this is the ones – like, this is going to be my five tips on how to generate real estate business quickly. So we're just going to share my number one tip, which is developing a relationship with your clients. And then over the next couple weeks as a coach – so tell me your five tips. Okay. My five tips are looking for expired listings. That is an easy, no-cost way to generate business. Open houses. You should be doing open houses two to four times a week. You should be creating content, whether that content is blogs, newsletters, social media, and connecting with your sphere of influence. Those are the people in your environment. Eric Robinson. Thanks. We do number one tip, and then my next week's video will be that. Okay. So it's going to be my lead generation strategy. Okay. And then you go through – because, like, this is my target. The best thing on how to get more clients is to create your clients that you already have better. And, like, that sounds good, but this is the number one thing. And then next week what we'll do is my lead generation strategy, and that's where you go. Because that's, like, finer details, and that's what the people are going to watch too. So we could do that, but I'd much rather make it two videos and not be here filming for, like, 45 minutes. Okay. Yep. So what you'll transition into now is just talking about what you talked about and then about how the current market conditions are really difficult. And just stay in the mirror because you know what you're experiencing. High home prices are making it difficult for people to buy. High interest rates are making it difficult for people to buy. As agents, we're having to adapt and it's not an easy environment right now. And you can, like, add in – and with all those struggles, it's important that you have the right strategies and the right approach to getting new clients. And then we'll transition into you talking about basically just building groups. As our market has continued to change and evolve over these past couple of years post-COVID, I think many of us are struggling on how to continue to change and evolve with this market. We are seeing higher home prices and higher interest rates, which is causing variability in all the different markets. We went from being very much a seller's market to all of a sudden now we're battling more of an equalized market. And in some areas we're even starting to see it become a buyer's market. Buyers are able to ask for concessions. Buyers are able to ask for repairs that just three years ago we never even would have thought of considering. It's imperative that everybody understands that the biggest place for you to generate more business is in your current sphere and in your current area of business. So let's start with where we are now. Say, it's imperative that you have the right strategy and the right approach to handling this new market. So say that, and then you'll say, here is how I have transitioned. So you'll say, it's imperative that you have the right strategy and the right approach. Say, here is how I have transitioned my business and what I found works in the current market conditions and how I focus on getting new clients. And then we'll transition into building relationships. Give me the kickoff. Right strategy. It's imperative you have the right strategy and the right marketing in approaching this changing market. I have found personally that I have had to change how I do my own business and how I market to people. It's been very important for me to take my current sphere and my current group in my sphere of influence. And those are relationships that I have built and I have developed over the past couple of years. And I make sure to do not only a very good job but an exceptional job for my clients. Those are the clients that are going to continue to refer you business and continue to bring you more business. Yes. I jump. I know. It's hard, but I don't have notes. So what I have found with the changing market conditions, what I have found with the changing market conditions, I've had to go back to the basics and focus on the fundamentals of my business. Okay, don't give me too much. Okay. With this changing market, I have had to go back to the very basics that I learned at the very beginning of my business. It is imperative that I have the right strategy and the right marketing in place to be able to reach my sphere of influence. Good. Here is my number one piece of advice. Here is my number one tip for getting new clients. Focus on overall client experience. Let's break this down because I don't want to do too many. So I'm going to just list that. Okay. I just need a pen because I've got paper to write. Okay. Here is my number one tip to get new clients. Focus on overall client experience. Okay. Any other tips before I start writing my things? Instead of focusing on constantly getting leads, focus on making the people you're already working with, making their experience as incredible as possible. So like before you say that, so after you transition for focus on overall client experience, say, and here is what I mean. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. This is done through, and then I was going to explain like excellent communication, you know, updating them constantly, like kind of going through. You know what I'm saying? Just kind of like five little points because it's easy to kind of ramble. So communication. Communication. Closing gift. Gifts. It could even just be like be unique. I would say little things like that, like be unique as an agent. Give them gifts. Give them – remember their birthdays. And then definitely want to mention continue the relationship after the sale because that's a huge part of your business. Okay. I've got five tips. And then say this is all done with the goal of building referrals, or this is done with – like all this work you're going to do is going to bring you referrals, which is going to make your growth ten times bigger. I frequently say it, but basically I'm saying you want to build your business off of referrals, and that's done through giving people the best experience possible. Okay. My number one tip is to focus on your overall client experience. This is done through five simple, easy ways. The first is communication. Are you communicating with your clients? Are you texting them, calling them? Are you emailing them and updating them? I was told in the very beginning part of my business if my clients reach out to me to ask me how the contract is going, I've already failed. It is imperative that we over-communicate to our clients. It is a very anxiety-driven – it is a very anxiety-provoking situation for many of our clients to be in the process of buying or selling a home. And it's imperative for us to do our jobs as agents by communicating with them and putting them at ease that we have everything under control. The second way this is done is through closing gifts. I have found being thoughtful and making sure that the gift that I am giving my client actually meets their personality and who they are is remembered. I have done everything from signs with their names. I most recently did a closing gift that the parents purchased a home, and I bought their son a little Fisher Price home, and he absolutely loves it. And they posted a picture of that and shared how much they absolutely loved it. It was a great experience for everybody, and I know that I will have forever clients through that experience. One of the other biggest tips that I tell people is to be authentic. If something doesn't fit your personality and you're trying to be somebody else or you see somebody else's social media post and you try to take that and kind of morph yourself into it, if it doesn't fit who you are, people are going to be able to see right through that. It is really important that we are authentic and we are who we are because then people will naturally be drawn to us, and we want to work with people who naturally like us. The fourth way that I like to continue to grow my relationships with my clients is they'll get text messages or phone calls or birthday voice memos wishing them a happy birthday. I have, on occasion, unfortunately, wished people a happy birthday on not their birthday, and it's kind of entertaining and fun, but I know that my clients appreciate it. Just having somebody reach out and wish them a happy birthday takes you 10 seconds, and it means a lot to your clients that you thought of them. The final way that I coach my clients on developing those relationships is making sure you stay in contact after closing. This is very easy as an agent to kind of overlook and forget about, but it's probably the biggest item that is the most imperative to your business. We want referrals. We want our clients to refer us to other people and to their friends and family, and if we take them through a very long process, we're with people four to six weeks, sometimes longer if they're working on new builds, sometimes longer if they have multiple homes to sell, and we go through this process, and then all of a sudden at the end of it, they never hear from us. They never see anything in the mail. Don't get birthday cards. Don't get anniversary. I send house anniversary cards out to my clients. If they never hear from us again, they're kind of let down, and it is very important for us to stay in communication to be able to seek furthering that relationship, and I look at many of my clients as my friends. They become my friends through this process, and I love being able to follow their lives and communicate with them and stay in touch. So now should I just say if you like and subscribe, that thing? Thank you. It's like once I can kind of write things down in my brain, it helps me to be able to think through it, so. And it's hard to talk about stuff. I guess that's all stuff you do, so it's easier to talk about it. Yeah. What I'd say is, again, focus on overall client experience. This is going to help get you referrals, and it's going to drastically change your business. Okay. So that's my number one tip on how to help grow your business and develop your business into something absolutely phenomenal. That wasn't really what I meant to say, but okay. I'll go with it. So that's my number one tip. That's my number one tip. Focus on overall client experience. This is going to help get you referrals and drastically change your business. Okay. That's my number one tip on how to drastically change your business and continue to get referrals from your clients that have been very satisfied with your services. I like the way you say it better, but it just comes out wrong out of me. It's fine. So that's my number one tip. Again, focus on overall client experience. This is going to help get you referrals, and it's going to change your business drastically. Wrong answer. So that's my number one tip on how to help your business grow. Continue to focus on your clients. Mm-mm. That is my number one tip on how to help your business grow. Continue to focus on your clients and get referrals. This will help with my number one. So do I summarize and say this is my number one tip? Focus on client experience. Again, focus. Okay. That's my number one tip for you guys. Again, focus on client experience. That will definitely change how many referrals you get, and your overall business will change drastically. I'm going with that. Okay. What do I have to write down? I need more paper. Here we go. Make this genuine. Write down a few notes for yourself, but basically say something along the lines of, if you watched this far and you still have more questions on how to get more clients or how to change your real estate business, schedule a free poll with me. I'd be happy to explore how I can help change your business or get you more clients or maybe just answer a few questions for you. If you're interested, please click the link in the description. I look forward to hearing from you. This agent is pissing me off. Can we talk about that? How not to kill other agents. If you've watched this far, you may have some questions. You may wonder how I can help you grow your business. You can schedule a free call with me. We'll spend 15, 20, 30 minutes going over your business and how I can help you achieve all the goals that you have in your business. We'll take a quick second. We'll take a couple minutes and we'll review your business from a bird's-eye view, and from there we'll be able to pinpoint a couple of different areas on how I can help you grow your business and achieve more. I don't know. I was on a good path. I don't know how I can help change that. Okay. To achieve some of your goals. Again, it's a free call. It's kind of giving you a look at how I can help you. I look forward to hearing from you. It's a free call. Let's try that again. Give me a launch word. Let's explore how I can help you achieve some of your goals. I look forward to hearing from you. I'm trying to think of anything else I need to say. Yeah. That's what he says. We're on. Hey, guys. Thanks for watching. If you liked what you saw, please click and subscribe. Thanks. Okay. Hey, guys. Thanks for watching. If you liked what you saw, please like and subscribe and even share. It'd be great to have some more followers. Do you want me to even run through these other things that I wrote notes on? Because I've got five different ones. Send me just a summary.

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