Talk on the culture and things topical to the Philadelphia area.
Talk on the culture and things topical to the Philadelphia area.
The conversation touches on various topics, including the beauty of life, the perspective gained from suffering, the concept of "Beans" representing everything in the world, the issue of obesity and its potential causes, the potential dangers of certain food and drink products, and the historical use of beer as a safer alternative to water. Hey everyone, L.J. and Beans here. Sonar, stop it. Oh, what a beautiful day to be alive. Yeah, we still got to watch the sunsets and we out here in the parking lot. This is the flower that comes from the turd of the shit weather that we had a couple of days ago, including some tornadoes in Bucks County and that wind and, yeah, all the mayhem, you know? Sometimes you need a little flu or a little food poisoning to truly feel good. That suffering, you know, you'll never get better perspective than food poisoning. If you're laying in bed in that cold sweat and you're like, oh, how can my life get any worse? But, hey, sometimes you need to see that rock bottom in order to feel really good. That's what Barracks Brothers is all about. Check out Barracks Brothers on Amazon, in Audible, or in print. Beans, what's on your mind, man? What's on my mind? Well, I'm thinking about Beans, yeah, because a lot of times I catch myself thinking about Beans, and that's something that goes way back. It's a long story, but either way, it's got me to this point, you know, that saying about Beans. Now, when you say Beans, do you mean money or do you mean Beans Beans? Beans. Beans. Beans, okay, so it's an all-in-one. It could be, yeah, all general term, right, Beans. Think about it. Think about it. Everything is made of Beans. Everything. Touche. Everything, yeah. Beans are what? A fiber. The atoms that you learn about in science class, they make it up. The ribosomes. When I think of Beans, I think of ribosome in the cell. Mitochondria kind of looks like a Bean in the powerhouse of the cell. That's what I mean. It's all Beans underneath. You zoom in, it's Beans. You zoom in even more, it's more Beans. You zoom in even closer, it's strains, okay, but they look like Beans. Beans. I mean, that should be a name, Bean. Maybe just Bean, keep it singular. Beans, I guess you want more Beans. You don't just want one Bean. Nobody eats one Bean. You need Beans. You need Beans. So cute. That's rude. Maybe some of these people that you see out here could eat more Beans. You see these fatties walking around? I don't mean to judge, but there are some really heavy people. You know what you need to do? Look at a photo of people on the beach from, like, 1970, and you see how skinny everybody was. Everybody was just spelt. And the only people that were fat were, you know, shut-ins, you know, people that just didn't do anything but eat. Yeah, like in WALL-E, the movie. Now it's like three out of five people have, you know, a really ugly-looking stomach at the very least. You know, it's nice to see a flat stomach. I'm not trying to sound weird or anything, but, you know, nice-looking people make everything nicer. I'll tell you what, though, there's nothing more motivating than seeing a fat ass on a treadmill. You see somebody working hard to try to lose that weight, and you're like, hey, you know, good for them. You want to go over there and, like, give them some encouragement. Come on, come on, big guy. Come on. Come on, fat tits. So you get a sad one. What's that? So you get a sad one, maybe. Tell you I'm the wrong person. I hope not. You get a sad one like Kung Fu Panda. You know, I did go to high school with this girl, and she was really big, but I saw her running on a treadmill, and she was running like a wide receiver. I couldn't believe it. Sometimes there are those anomalies of some big people that just, maybe because of some health problem, they can't lose the weight. But I think nine out of ten people really need to, you know, they really need to dumb down the terms. It is an epidemic, they say. Yeah, I know. Do you think people, you know, over the last couple of years would still be alive if they weren't morbidly obese? That's a good question. That's a very good question. That's a good question. You know? You know, maybe it's the food industry. Maybe they're trying to kill us so that we can sell overpopulation, and they're trying to, you know, knock us out by putting bullshit, get our food. I was just talking about this the other day, too, that I remember a few months back, I think, I bought this boba tea drink at the store, and it was in a can. And I looked down at the bottom, and I kid you not, I don't remember the name of it, but maybe you'll find it. It's like they got the purple cans, the green cans. And I look on the back, and it said, warning, this product may cause cancer. You're kidding. No, no, straight up. Straight up. Where do they market this drink? I've never heard of it. Where can you get it? Can you get it at the Giant here? I don't know. I've seen it out when I was in New York. Was it one of those, like, just small shops? Yeah. Yeah, but it's still, like, it was a can that was sealed. It's one thing if it's in, like, a, you know, if they're making it, like, in a cup or something. But, actually, that's not really different, because if they serve you that to eat, to drink, then there's no reason why it should cause cancer. At least they're saying something, right? Wow. But why would you, like, have to, most people don't even read that shit. I see that shit stand out sometimes. At least they may cause cancer. I'm like, ooh, yeah, I want to see that. Not everybody do, but it's like, yo, why would you, or maybe some don't care. But I care what I put in my body, because that shit is what keeps me going. That's some ghoulish shit. Yeah, why would I put something like that? You know, that's, you ever heard of, you know what culling means? When you're culling something, you're basically, like, skimming off the top. You're getting rid of the excess. Right. And that's what you're talking about, with killing people off. They're trying to get rid of the excess. They think we have too many people. Their intentions are well-known. They're trying to kill us. Yeah, they put radiation in that shit. I don't know what. Maybe not all of it, but... Yeah. Something in the plastic, something in the water, you know. Maybe. It was. They do that, yeah. You know, you throw a bunch of poison into a, you know, into a group of mice. Most of the mice are probably going to eat it. Maybe there's one or two mice that won't eat it, because they have developed the wherewithal that, that humans have been fucking with mice for a long time. You know? And that's kind of how we're looked at, by the elite that feed us. We're looked at as kind of parasites, rodents, unwanted. So, yeah. But you know what? If you want to eat slop and die of a heart attack when you're, when you're 50, then... Sometimes it's sad, it's sad. But, like, that's the only, that's the only option. Or, like, that's, like, I've had to live off that shit for months, because I couldn't afford nothing better. And... That's a good point. A lot of people can't afford otherwise. It's sad, you know. But then sometimes you get lucky, you get blessed. Or sometimes there's a story that you can eat, you can eat pretty well for the low, and sometimes you're lucky enough to find one like that. Hey, let me ask you a question. In a city, which I think you're there more than I am, have you ever seen food signs for that drink called Rip It? Rip It is some energy drink? Yes. Yeah. Or is it, I think... When I was overseas at war, they served that at the mess halls. And what I was loaded with my pockets with, was just the diet stuff. I wasn't really into, like, watching my sugar intake back then. So I'd get the Diet Rip It. I need to look at what's on the ingredients in that shit, because... That's what I'm saying. I don't drink energy drinks too much. There is one... Oh, really? Okay, so it's not an energy drink, but I started out by trying the energy drink. I'm not paid to say this or nothing, but I was drinking it. I seen it at the store. And it's a... Yeah, it tasted good, the energy drink. And so I got the pre-workout mix. And... Yeah, it do me good. Like, it give me energy, and I read the back, and that shit also has something warning on it. But it's good. It's a good workout mix, but at the same time, know that it has some warning on it that I'm not quite sure. It's something about California. Jeez. Yeah. Dude, I saw those Rip It's marketed down in, like, kind of a ready part of Philly, and I immediately thought, they must be trying to pander this stuff to, you know, the poorest among us. I don't know. It cost a decent buck for the container. But to me at the time, I was trying to stay awake. I was trying to stay up and have some caffeine. So, yeah, it is kind of like an energy drink. And so, yeah, I was trying to, you know, get through the day and everything. That's what I did, but not every day. I wouldn't drink it every single day. So that's... I don't know. That would make your heart skip a beat. I don't know. Like, if you drink enough of it, they say you're not supposed to drink more than two cups or two scoops a day. I drink a few more than that. But I'm through my shit, so. You know, coffee is really only about a 100-year-old phenomenon. Coffee used to be drank, you know, in reasonable amounts a long time ago. But did you ever read about, like, what the drink of choice was for people working 200 years ago? Beer. Beer. I was about to tell you. I always said this to him because, like, when there was something in the water, I'm like, yo, I don't want to touch the whatever could be in there. And I heard way back when, yeah, there would be infections in the water. Ale kind of naturally, you know, if you're moving around working, sweating, it has carbohydrates. It kind of keeps you loose. It also probably sterilizes any of the nasty shit in your body that maybe gets in you over the course of the day, maybe through some uncooked meat or some milk that went bad. You know, ale's going to kind of be the... Mylanta. I don't know if they still make that stuff. That was for, like, heartburn or any of that stomach shit. But I remember the commercials always looked like the stuff worked. They made the commercials look really, really good, and I fell for it. Shit was probably a scam anyway. Anyway, beer. Yeah, we need to bring that back. Start growing our own food and drinking beer, baby. Barbecuing, growing your own food, drinking beer, growing horseshoes. Take care of the problem because, I mean, those who don't do it behind the wheel, you get pulled and you get fucked up. Hey, if you're driving an ATV on your own property, on your own 10 acres, and you've had a little bit of gas, watch out. That's on you. You're on your own property. Do what you want. It's on you. Just don't go on the... Yeah. That's what I had written down, actually, as a matter of fact. I had written down two words. I was on the bus. I was thinking to myself sometimes, and I don't really... I don't usually write nothing down, but I was looking at the landscape. I'm thinking, yo, I write down, buy land. I wrote that down because land has so much opportunities, and there's so much you can do with land that if you had even just a small patch of land, you could turn that into something much more grand. Imagine this scenario. You've seen Star Wars, right? Yeah. The original Star Wars? Yeah. I love Star Wars. I was going to get a Yoda tattoo with a blue purse. Wow. I still might. I'm thinking about it. I'm between ideas. You mentioned that boba drink. Yeah. Boba Fett. Immediately what I thought of from Star Wars, but anyway, in the beginning of Star Wars, it's in the desert. What if... I want to wear right now in this country where you could buy the most land at the cheapest rate. I wonder if any of that Nevada land out in the middle of the desert, I wonder how much an acre is, like five bucks? Five bucks an acre? There's so much land up there, or Alaska, or one of these remote states with extremely remote areas. Where could you start a new society and buy the most land at the cheapest price? Let's say you could get some honest people together, a group of friends with some money, and you were able to somehow get, let's just say $100 million. $100 million. Where could I get the most land and buy it and start my own new society? Maybe you could start a new land somewhere right in the middle of Wyoming or Nevada or up in the glaciers. I don't see... Start an ice society. Why not? Why not, right? But that would be a threat. That would be a threat to the system. And you know what would happen? If you try and make your own country, then maybe, but I'm not talking about that. I'm not really saying that. But eventually they're going to find something to get you on. They could. Because everybody gets fucked with eventually. Nobody gets left alone. If anybody is too free or too off the grid in our society, I think they tend to go after them. Especially if they posit an opinion. You know, if some guy wants to go hide in a cabin, he can probably get away for the rest of his life doing that. But I think that it's impossible to try to change things. And if you know your Philly history, you read about the... I always forget the acronym. It happened in 1985. The fire bombings of the compound on Osage Street. I think it was the MOVE. They called it the MOVE bombings. You ever read about that? Oh, man. Read about that. It was a group of concerned Philadelphians. They were all, I think, some sect of Muslim. They were all, I think, black. And they tried to go kind of like their own society. Kind of like Nation of Islam, but maybe more hardcore or different in a sense. And they got fucked with by the police and by the feds. And they fire bombed them. Everybody talks about Waco. And they called them the turds. Exactly. Everybody talks about Waco. Wow. And Waco was almost 30 years ago. I know you weren't around then, but that was on the news. But in the city of Philly, this really didn't make the national news like it could and should have. But anyway, that's why people need land, man. That doesn't happen as much to people that live and sustain themselves. Yeah, and it's supposed to be the land of the free, so we should have freedom. Land of the free. Freedom with land, too, I feel like. Because some of us don't have no room to move around at all. You know, we're not the land of the free. We're the land of the free range. Kind of like chickens. Right? We think we have freedom, but do we really? Yeah, a group does sometimes. If you really analyze it, freedom is, you know, freedom or false advertising. You tell me. Different people have different perspectives on that. And, again, that's another thing Barricks Brothers I get into in the book. Butch and Andre have this very palpable divide in their perspectives of this country. One looks at America as the greatest thing to ever happen to the planet Earth, and the other one looks at America as the biggest sin ever to be committed against the planet Earth. So you have diametric opposite, but they're talking, and they kind of get the best and worst of each other, but it's healthy, because you need the best and worst of each other in order to attain alchemy. There's that beautiful magic word again. There's an artist I really like named Mark Knopfler, has an album called Alchemy. Isn't that a great name for an album? It's a beautiful name, alchemy. I haven't heard of this in two weeks. Hey, he's kind of, he's one of these British kind of, he has a terrible voice, but he has a great guitar playing ability. Check it out. One of those great contrasts. Bad voice, but great guitar. Like a fat ass on a treadmill, baby. Hey, doing the alchemy. You know, a spaceship next to a massive planet. That's beautiful. I don't know, the two most obvious people on Earth shaking hands, that'll motivate you. Seeing an Asian guy sing Irish songs in an Irish outfit, saying they're always after me like he charms, you know, that's motivating. That contrast. There's only other unspeakable things in a mental hospital that motivates you to go back there and keep your cool before reacting. Yeah, maybe. Certain things like that. Certain things like that. Mental hospital? Yeah. You trying to tell me something? Oh, nah, nah. I was thinking from experience. Okay, well. I wish you'd admit it. I was in a loony bin for a little while, yeah. Were you? Yeah. You don't like to talk about it. Yeah, I don't really, I don't feel like talking about it, but, you know, there was a fat Asian kid running around, doing unspeakable things, and I played chess with him. And he crushed me. I'm not going to lie with you. He really, he whipped my ass in chess. It was embarrassing. He somehow knew every single move I was going to make. Oh, man, we can go into all those stereotypes about Asians. It was crazy. It was not even, yeah, I'm not making this up. And not to, you know, stereotype anybody, but really, yeah. I don't know how we did this. Interesting. You know what? Everybody has reached rock bottom. Yeah, and everybody got their own talents and skills to help them get through rock bottom or out of rock bottom. For me, it wasn't chess. It was, you know, like, I mean, really talking to myself and talking to myself made me sound crazy, but that helped me figure my shit out. So you were just working your way out of a problem. Yeah, maybe drawing, too. Yeah, I was drawing. I was drawing some different things. Let me tell you this. You know, I think everybody learns that you have to fight fire with water, but there's very explicit times that you should fight fire with fire. Very explicit. But you've got to fight fire with water, and it sounds like that's what you did in order to liberate yourself from whatever state you were in. In a way, but then I got out of it and went back to the same shit. But, you know, that's how that goes. Life teaches you, eventually. You know, I got the lessons, you know. Life teaches you. You're still young. You're still young, and you're going to be fine. Yeah. So don't live in the past. Right. You know, I always think about the past. We can't help but think about the past, especially when you're older. Right. You start having regret. You start thinking about coulda, woulda, shoulda, and it hurts. Certain things just become very difficult to grasp, and I think that's what leads to mental decay. And that's why you need to be positive and not give in to your carnal stupidity. And think for yourself, too. Think for yourself, but also realize that maybe certain things, while imperfect, that have been around a long time, they're around because they have tended to work. So we all like to say forget the past, but there are certain elements of the past we should remember. That's why it's important to at least acknowledge certain history. You were talking about history being important. Even if it's not something that may be a skill, knowing it will make you very learned in many ways. Right. It's like, you know, knowing, I don't know, just something, anything. Guitar playing, playing any instrument. Or learning more about your roots. I'm trying to learn more about my… Yeah, learning about your roots. And everything. Maybe learning about black history if you've never even thought about that. Even if it's just taking a class at a college or… Right now, it's 728, the sunset. Went all day. When the sun goes down? 728? Yes, sir. You want a sun kiss? Sure. I don't really drink soda. Damn, look at all the soda. Look at all the sugar in there. It's kind of freezing. It is, but… Hey, you know what? Hey, a little grease and a little sugar is good for you, right? Cheers. Cheers. When I was a kid, I remember I learned how to open soda cans, and I was at a family event, and I just went around and opened like 50 sodas and just didn't drink them. I just like the sound of an A. You ever have one of those memories where you just go, like, what the fuck was I doing? But you laugh your ass off? Right. I ran the day. I deserve this. Mm-hmm. I need to hop back out there, like, for real. Sometimes I've been making excuses, and sometimes real situations come up that I really can't have the time to do all that right now. Yeah, definitely, I got to get back more in shape, but also, yeah, there's a lot of things I'm trying to get to that as soon as I get these repairs done, I'll be off the set. I hope nobody try and attack me no more when I'm just driving and somebody step out on the road and try and bang the side of my wheels and get me to react or step out and start some shit. Like, I hope nobody do that, because that shit, that's petty. Like, for what? Why are you doing? I didn't do nothing. You were going to cut in front of me and stomp on the brakes. Like, I'm doing something. I got to admit something. I'm lazy working. I got to admit something a little off-topic. I haven't had a soda with sugar in probably 20 years. For real? For real. But I'm going to have it when you give it to me. Okay, yeah. So, hey. Say a prayer. Bottom's up. I just don't want my heart to… That's what I say when I apologize for the strain that you're in. Imagine giving a kid who eats, like, nothing but, like, spinach and chicken and, like, asparagus and the sweetest thing he's ever had was pudding. Imagine giving him a pixie snack or a bottle of pop or Mountain Dew. The little kid might start seeing Jesus. We're getting a little violent. Maybe this is our problem. Too much sugar. Yeah, sugar we were talking about earlier. Sugar shit like this should be a one day a week thing. Yeah, to me it's refreshing. Like a root beer float. To me it's refreshing now and then, but I don't be living off of these, like, I don't be drinking these all the time. No, absolutely not. To me it's refreshing. Yeah, you know what? Clear to mind, too. Just like a beer on a hot day when you're out swinging the axe or the hoe or the till on the soil. Dude, I'll tell you what. If you are an alcoholic, this is what you should do. You should get land and take up gardening and just drink all day. Have one beer an hour and just garden outside all day. You could work out your tan. You could get in shape. You can have those loose fun thoughts of beer. If you're sweating, you won't need to piss all the time. You go back inside, I'll bet you'll look chiseled as shit if you're not eating anything. You got all the carbs you need from that beer. I bet you'll look good. Your wife will see you working out there and she'll be like, baby, I am a little frisky right now. So that's what we need to do. People need to grow their own food so they can avoid all this treachery from the powers that be, however you want to diagnose it. I don't really care. But just get back to brewing your own beer. Everybody knows their limits. Everybody knows how much alcohol they need. You brew your own beer, you feel good. And you know what? Maybe you could headline an event in your neighborhood. Have a beer tasting event in your backyard. There you go. Yeah, have like a buy-in. Have like a $100 buy-in. Weave out all the cheapskates and the underagers. That's what I would do. If I had a football team, I would have a leather night. And I'm not trying to act perverted or anything, but everybody wears leather. Just no genitalia show, obviously. But you have a $1,000 ticket buy-in just so you weed out all the perverts. Because you know there's going to be some weird fucking people that would come to that stuff. Keep it classy. And you know what? Cheap people, no offense if you're cheap or poor, but you're probably more perverted. There are rich perverts, don't get me wrong, but they have reputations to uphold. So if somebody has a camera and they see a rich guy doing something, that'll be all over social media. Remember that guy in the back of the Uber that beat the shit out of his Uber driver? I'm pretty sure. He was a Taco Bell CEO. There's a lot of shit going on with Uber. They don't talk about it so much. Somebody tried to take her somewhere or some shit. I don't know. It's shady. Y'all gotta be careful. You know what? Women have to take precautions. It's just the way it is. Speaking of, Uber got back to me today. Uber fired me about two years ago for refusal to wear a mask. I just wouldn't do it. That was my line in the sand, my hill to die on. You gotta breathe. But they texted me back today after me multiple times asking them to be reinstated. They're finally reinstating me. It's almost like they don't want to do this, but it's like they're forced to. It's really weird. These companies act in such dishonesty once they start making all this money. A lot of people, 99 out of 100 people are going to take the money and not stick with principle. You might get that one person out of 100 to do the right thing. What do you call that? I call that a Christ moment. Jesus, he didn't snitch on his friends. He took his punishment like a man, even though he prayed to have this burden taken away from him. And you know what? We're in the spirit of Easter right now, so this is very apropos. He took his punishment and he saved humanity, if you believe that. That is the ultimate sacrifice in life to give yourself. I think taking a bullet, jumping out of a grenade, something like that. Maybe doing something that 99 out of 100 people wouldn't do. That's a Christ move. I also feel like, what do you call it when you have on the calendar, right? If you look at the calendar this year, it's kind of crazy. Because you have Ramadan, Easter, and Passover all in the span of like, I mean Ramadan is longer. But it's all in the span of like a week or so. Maybe two, but you know, it's real close together. So what do you call that? I don't know, because every time is always a different time. And there's certain times that line up just like that. I think that's cool. I don't know what else to call it. That is weird, but all the three major religions, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, all stem from Abraham, and they're all in the same time frame. That's interesting. I wonder if you should do some research. I went to church this weekend. I usually don't go to church, but I did go on Palm Sunday, and it was nice to go. It took me back to my younger days. Catholicism is interesting, you know. Even if you don't believe in it or find it to be a little brutal in some ways, there's a reason that it's around, because it's lasted a very, very long time. And the older I get, the more curious I am about it. So anyway, and that's something that Barracks Brothers entails. All three of my characters aren't quite flawed. They all have moments of wonderful human redemption. Imagine seeing Jesus as some schmuck, you know, before he became the Savior, you know. Imagine that. That's what the scenario is in Barracks Brothers. I got three early 20s schmucks who see the light in profound ways because of each other. All three of these guys end up looking at each other as sort of a Christ-like Savior figure in their life. So I implore anybody out there listening to please check out Barracks Brothers, because hopefully it'll not change your life, but get you to look at things in a slightly different and more positive way, which is all we can ask. You know, perspectives are—I think perspectives are wonderful, even if it's a hostile perspective. I'd love to hear it. I want to know where you came from. You know, people say, I don't really care about other people. Eh, well, yes and no. You should care enough to be empathetic, but not enough to be patronizing or to use their scenario to make yourself feel better about yourself. That's really all you can do. And maybe another Christ—I think the best Christ move is to forgive someone, even maybe when they don't deserve it. Talk about fighting fire with water. Oh, yeah, Sasquatch. A callback from last time. We was talking about when me and this—I don't want to—maybe you could say Nazi person who I met in life, and we agreed on Sasquatch. And that to me was a crazy time when we locked eyes and agreed on one thing, because for my life, like, they've been—that group has been kind of, you know, like, once in my family, my people, my brothers and sisters, and, you know, we agreed on Sasquatch. And so when you talk about football teams, earlier I'm thinking, yo, what about a football team where everybody's Sasquatches? Like, you've got the—like, maybe it's a combination of football and hockey, where you want ice, and so it's cold, you put on the furs. Or maybe it's just football, and everybody running around is Sasquatches, and then you've got to all tackle and get the ball, and it's free-for-all Sasquatch. That's a good name for a team. Yeah, free-for-all Sasquatch. The Sasquatchers? Sasquatchers. I've got to look up the origin of Sasquatch. You know, I was doing some thinking the other day. I was thinking about pro sports, now that baseball started, and I was thinking about the team names. They've got the Cleveland Guardians. You know what I think of when I think of a Guardian? A permission slip. They have the Washington Commanders, you know. What is this, the War of 1812? Come on. How about something both male and female, like everybody's into these days with all this trans—with all this trans stuff. Maybe something both penile and vaginal, like the Bushwhackers or the Bulldikes. Who knows? You don't like that? Maybe the Carpetbaggers. That's a long word. I don't get me started on that. Anyway. I feel like the Sasquatches is gender neutral. Maybe you have leaves, Sasquatch men, Sasquatch women, or maybe it's just the Sasquatches. There are some Sasquatch women. That's probably a category on the Fordo website. Come on. A bunch of female Chewbaccas. They call it Rule 34 or something. They call it what? Everything that you can think of. Like any possible thing probably exists somewhere as a porn. Oh, God, yeah. It's nasty. It's like an internet— I don't know. It should probably exist. I don't want to think about it. Oh, yeah. You take old classic movie names. They have some porno names for them. There's an old Disney movie called Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. You ever heard of it? Oh, yeah. There's a porno called Chitty Chitty Gang Bang. Oh, my word. Yeah, you can get rather creative. That was a joke back in seventh grade. Hey, we're almost out of time, but I just want to reiterate that Barracks Brothers is out on Amazon. Please check it out and support us here at Prospectus. Beans, you got anything to add in the few seconds we got left? As long as someone agrees on Sasquatch t-shirts, we'll be giving them out for free pretty soon. Yeah. Everything's in the works, so we're going to work on that. Until next time, everybody peace out. That's all, folks. And make sure you tip your waitress or your service provider.